1import os
2from collections import defaultdict
4import numpy as np
6from yt.frontends.chombo.io import parse_orion_sinks
7from yt.funcs import mylog
8from yt.geometry.selection_routines import GridSelector
9from yt.utilities.io_handler import BaseIOHandler
12def _remove_raw(all_fields, raw_fields):
13    centered_fields = set(all_fields)
14    for raw in raw_fields:
15        centered_fields.discard(raw)
16    return list(centered_fields)
19class IOHandlerBoxlib(BaseIOHandler):
21    _dataset_type = "boxlib_native"
23    def __init__(self, ds, *args, **kwargs):
24        super().__init__(ds)
26    def _read_fluid_selection(self, chunks, selector, fields, size):
27        chunks = list(chunks)
28        if any((not (ftype == "boxlib" or ftype == "raw") for ftype, fname in fields)):
29            raise NotImplementedError
30        rv = {}
31        raw_fields = []
32        for field in fields:
33            if field[0] == "raw":
34                nodal_flag = self.ds.nodal_flags[field[1]]
35                num_nodes = 2 ** sum(nodal_flag)
36                rv[field] = np.empty((size, num_nodes), dtype="float64")
37                raw_fields.append(field)
38            else:
39                rv[field] = np.empty(size, dtype="float64")
40        centered_fields = _remove_raw(fields, raw_fields)
41        ng = sum(len(c.objs) for c in chunks)
42        mylog.debug(
43            "Reading %s cells of %s fields in %s grids",
44            size,
45            [f2 for f1, f2 in fields],
46            ng,
47        )
48        ind = 0
49        for chunk in chunks:
50            data = self._read_chunk_data(chunk, centered_fields)
51            for g in chunk.objs:
52                for field in fields:
53                    if field in centered_fields:
54                        ds = data[g.id].pop(field)
55                    else:
56                        ds = self._read_raw_field(g, field)
57                    nd = g.select(selector, ds, rv[field], ind)
58                ind += nd
59                data.pop(g.id)
60        return rv
62    def _read_raw_field(self, grid, field):
63        field_name = field[1]
64        base_dir = self.ds.index.raw_file
66        nghost = self.ds.index.raw_field_nghost[field_name]
67        box_list = self.ds.index.raw_field_map[field_name][0]
68        fn_list = self.ds.index.raw_field_map[field_name][1]
69        offset_list = self.ds.index.raw_field_map[field_name][2]
71        lev = grid.Level
72        filename = base_dir + "Level_%d/" % lev + fn_list[grid.id]
73        offset = offset_list[grid.id]
74        box = box_list[grid.id]
76        lo = box[0] - nghost
77        hi = box[1] + nghost
78        shape = hi - lo + 1
79        with open(filename, "rb") as f:
80            f.seek(offset)
81            f.readline()  # always skip the first line
82            arr = np.fromfile(f, "float64", np.product(shape))
83            arr = arr.reshape(shape, order="F")
84        return arr[
85            tuple(
86                slice(None) if (nghost[dim] == 0) else slice(nghost[dim], -nghost[dim])
87                for dim in range(self.ds.dimensionality)
88            )
89        ]
91    def _read_chunk_data(self, chunk, fields):
92        data = {}
93        grids_by_file = defaultdict(list)
94        if len(chunk.objs) == 0:
95            return data
96        for g in chunk.objs:
97            if g.filename is None:
98                continue
99            grids_by_file[g.filename].append(g)
100        dtype = self.ds.index._dtype
101        bpr = dtype.itemsize
102        for filename in grids_by_file:
103            grids = grids_by_file[filename]
104            grids.sort(key=lambda a: a._offset)
105            f = open(filename, "rb")
106            for grid in grids:
107                data[grid.id] = {}
108                local_offset = grid._get_offset(f) - f.tell()
109                count = grid.ActiveDimensions.prod()
110                size = count * bpr
111                for field in self.ds.index.field_order:
112                    if field in fields:
113                        # We read it ...
114                        f.seek(local_offset, os.SEEK_CUR)
115                        v = np.fromfile(f, dtype=dtype, count=count)
116                        v = v.reshape(grid.ActiveDimensions, order="F")
117                        data[grid.id][field] = v
118                        local_offset = 0
119                    else:
120                        local_offset += size
121        return data
123    def _read_particle_coords(self, chunks, ptf):
124        yield from self._read_particle_fields(chunks, ptf, None)
126    def _read_particle_fields(self, chunks, ptf, selector):
127        for chunk in chunks:  # These should be organized by grid filename
128            for g in chunk.objs:
129                for ptype, field_list in sorted(ptf.items()):
130                    npart = g._pdata[ptype]["NumberOfParticles"]
131                    if npart == 0:
132                        continue
134                    fn = g._pdata[ptype]["particle_filename"]
135                    offset = g._pdata[ptype]["offset"]
136                    pheader = self.ds.index.particle_headers[ptype]
138                    with open(fn, "rb") as f:
139                        # read in the position fields for selection
140                        f.seek(offset + pheader.particle_int_dtype.itemsize * npart)
141                        rdata = np.fromfile(
142                            f, pheader.real_type, pheader.num_real * npart
143                        )
144                        x = np.asarray(rdata[0 :: pheader.num_real], dtype=np.float64)
145                        y = np.asarray(rdata[1 :: pheader.num_real], dtype=np.float64)
146                        if g.ds.dimensionality == 2:
147                            z = np.ones_like(y)
148                            z *= 0.5 * (g.LeftEdge[2] + g.RightEdge[2])
149                        else:
150                            z = np.asarray(
151                                rdata[2 :: pheader.num_real], dtype=np.float64
152                            )
154                        if selector is None:
155                            # This only ever happens if the call is made from
156                            # _read_particle_coords.
157                            yield ptype, (x, y, z)
158                            continue
159                        mask = selector.select_points(x, y, z, 0.0)
160                        if mask is None:
161                            continue
162                        for field in field_list:
163                            # handle the case that this is an integer field
164                            int_fnames = [
165                                fname for _, fname in pheader.known_int_fields
166                            ]
167                            if field in int_fnames:
168                                ind = int_fnames.index(field)
169                                f.seek(offset)
170                                idata = np.fromfile(
171                                    f, pheader.int_type, pheader.num_int * npart
172                                )
173                                data = np.asarray(
174                                    idata[ind :: pheader.num_int], dtype=np.float64
175                                )
176                                yield (ptype, field), data[mask].flatten()
178                            # handle case that this is a real field
179                            real_fnames = [
180                                fname for _, fname in pheader.known_real_fields
181                            ]
182                            if field in real_fnames:
183                                ind = real_fnames.index(field)
184                                data = np.asarray(
185                                    rdata[ind :: pheader.num_real], dtype=np.float64
186                                )
187                                yield (ptype, field), data[mask].flatten()
190class IOHandlerOrion(IOHandlerBoxlib):
191    _dataset_type = "orion_native"
193    _particle_filename = None
195    @property
196    def particle_filename(self):
197        fn = self.ds.output_dir + "/StarParticles"
198        if not os.path.exists(fn):
199            fn = self.ds.output_dir + "/SinkParticles"
200        self._particle_filename = fn
201        return self._particle_filename
203    _particle_field_index = None
205    @property
206    def particle_field_index(self):
208        index = parse_orion_sinks(self.particle_filename)
210        self._particle_field_index = index
211        return self._particle_field_index
213    def _read_particle_selection(self, chunks, selector, fields):
214        rv = {}
215        chunks = list(chunks)
217        if isinstance(selector, GridSelector):
219            if not (len(chunks) == len(chunks[0].objs) == 1):
220                raise RuntimeError
222            grid = chunks[0].objs[0]
224            for ftype, fname in fields:
225                rv[ftype, fname] = self._read_particles(grid, fname)
227            return rv
229        rv = {f: np.array([]) for f in fields}
230        for chunk in chunks:
231            for grid in chunk.objs:
232                for ftype, fname in fields:
233                    data = self._read_particles(grid, fname)
234                    rv[ftype, fname] = np.concatenate((data, rv[ftype, fname]))
235        return rv
237    def _read_particles(self, grid, field):
238        """
239        parses the Orion Star Particle text files
241        """
243        particles = []
245        if grid.NumberOfParticles == 0:
246            return np.array(particles)
248        def read(line, field):
249            entry = line.strip().split(" ")[self.particle_field_index[field]]
250            return float(entry)
252        try:
253            lines = self._cached_lines
254            for num in grid._particle_line_numbers:
255                line = lines[num]
256                particles.append(read(line, field))
257            return np.array(particles)
258        except AttributeError:
259            fn = self.particle_filename
260            with open(fn) as f:
261                lines = f.readlines()
262                self._cached_lines = lines
263                for num in grid._particle_line_numbers:
264                    line = lines[num]
265                    particles.append(read(line, field))
266            return np.array(particles)