1import glob
2import os
4import numpy as np
5from unyt import dimensions, unyt_array
6from unyt.unit_registry import UnitRegistry
8from yt.data_objects.time_series import DatasetSeries, SimulationTimeSeries
9from yt.funcs import only_on_root
10from yt.loaders import load
11from yt.utilities.cosmology import Cosmology
12from yt.utilities.exceptions import (
13    InvalidSimulationTimeSeries,
14    MissingParameter,
15    NoStoppingCondition,
16    YTUnidentifiedDataType,
18from yt.utilities.logger import ytLogger as mylog
19from yt.utilities.parallel_tools.parallel_analysis_interface import parallel_objects
22class EnzoSimulation(SimulationTimeSeries):
23    r"""
24    Initialize an Enzo Simulation object.
26    Upon creation, the parameter file is parsed and the time and redshift
27    are calculated and stored in all_outputs.  A time units dictionary is
28    instantiated to allow for time outputs to be requested with physical
29    time units.  The get_time_series can be used to generate a
30    DatasetSeries object.
32    parameter_filename : str
33        The simulation parameter file.
34    find_outputs : bool
35        If True, subdirectories within the GlobalDir directory are
36        searched one by one for datasets.  Time and redshift
37        information are gathered by temporarily instantiating each
38        dataset.  This can be used when simulation data was created
39        in a non-standard way, making it difficult to guess the
40        corresponding time and redshift information.
41        Default: False.
43    Examples
44    --------
45    >>> import yt
46    >>> es = yt.load_simulation("enzo_tiny_cosmology/32Mpc_32.enzo", "Enzo")
47    >>> es.get_time_series()
48    >>> for ds in es:
49    ...     print(ds.current_time)
51    """
53    def __init__(self, parameter_filename, find_outputs=False):
54        self.simulation_type = "grid"
55        self.key_parameters = ["stop_cycle"]
56        SimulationTimeSeries.__init__(
57            self, parameter_filename, find_outputs=find_outputs
58        )
60    def _set_units(self):
61        self.unit_registry = UnitRegistry()
62        self.unit_registry.add("code_time", 1.0, dimensions.time)
63        self.unit_registry.add("code_length", 1.0, dimensions.length)
64        if self.cosmological_simulation:
65            # Instantiate EnzoCosmology object for units and time conversions.
66            self.cosmology = EnzoCosmology(
67                self.parameters["CosmologyHubbleConstantNow"],
68                self.parameters["CosmologyOmegaMatterNow"],
69                self.parameters["CosmologyOmegaLambdaNow"],
70                self.parameters.get("CosmologyOmegaRadiationNow", 0.0),
71                0.0,
72                self.parameters["CosmologyInitialRedshift"],
73                unit_registry=self.unit_registry,
74            )
76            self.time_unit = self.cosmology.time_unit.in_units("s")
77            if "h" in self.unit_registry:
78                self.unit_registry.modify("h", self.hubble_constant)
79            else:
80                self.unit_registry.add(
81                    "h", self.hubble_constant, dimensions.dimensionless
82                )
83            # Comoving lengths
84            for my_unit in ["m", "pc", "AU"]:
85                new_unit = f"{my_unit}cm"
86                # technically not true, but should be ok
87                self.unit_registry.add(
88                    new_unit,
89                    self.unit_registry.lut[my_unit][0],
90                    dimensions.length,
91                    "\\rm{%s}/(1+z)" % my_unit,
92                    prefixable=True,
93                )
94            self.length_unit = self.quan(
95                self.box_size, "Mpccm / h", registry=self.unit_registry
96            )
97        else:
98            self.time_unit = self.quan(self.parameters["TimeUnits"], "s")
99            self.length_unit = self.quan(self.parameters["LengthUnits"], "cm")
100        self.box_size = self.length_unit
101        self.domain_left_edge = self.domain_left_edge * self.length_unit
102        self.domain_right_edge = self.domain_right_edge * self.length_unit
103        self.unit_registry.modify("code_time", self.time_unit)
104        self.unit_registry.modify("code_length", self.length_unit)
105        self.unit_registry.add(
106            "unitary", float(self.box_size.in_base()), self.length_unit.units.dimensions
107        )
109    def get_time_series(
110        self,
111        time_data=True,
112        redshift_data=True,
113        initial_time=None,
114        final_time=None,
115        initial_redshift=None,
116        final_redshift=None,
117        initial_cycle=None,
118        final_cycle=None,
119        times=None,
120        redshifts=None,
121        tolerance=None,
122        parallel=True,
123        setup_function=None,
124    ):
126        """
127        Instantiate a DatasetSeries object for a set of outputs.
129        If no additional keywords given, a DatasetSeries object will be
130        created with all potential datasets created by the simulation.
132        Outputs can be gather by specifying a time or redshift range
133        (or combination of time and redshift), with a specific list of
134        times or redshifts, a range of cycle numbers (for cycle based
135        output), or by simply searching all subdirectories within the
136        simulation directory.
138        time_data : bool
139            Whether or not to include time outputs when gathering
140            datasets for time series.
141            Default: True.
142        redshift_data : bool
143            Whether or not to include redshift outputs when gathering
144            datasets for time series.
145            Default: True.
146        initial_time : tuple of type (float, str)
147            The earliest time for outputs to be included.  This should be
148            given as the value and the string representation of the units.
149            For example, (5.0, "Gyr").  If None, the initial time of the
150            simulation is used.  This can be used in combination with
151            either final_time or final_redshift.
152            Default: None.
153        final_time : tuple of type (float, str)
154            The latest time for outputs to be included.  This should be
155            given as the value and the string representation of the units.
156            For example, (13.7, "Gyr"). If None, the final time of the
157            simulation is used.  This can be used in combination with either
158            initial_time or initial_redshift.
159            Default: None.
160        times : tuple of type (float array, str)
161            A list of times for which outputs will be found and the units
162            of those values.  For example, ([0, 1, 2, 3], "s").
163            Default: None.
164        initial_redshift : float
165            The earliest redshift for outputs to be included.  If None,
166            the initial redshift of the simulation is used.  This can be
167            used in combination with either final_time or
168            final_redshift.
169            Default: None.
170        final_redshift : float
171            The latest redshift for outputs to be included.  If None,
172            the final redshift of the simulation is used.  This can be
173            used in combination with either initial_time or
174            initial_redshift.
175            Default: None.
176        redshifts : array_like
177            A list of redshifts for which outputs will be found.
178            Default: None.
179        initial_cycle : float
180            The earliest cycle for outputs to be included.  If None,
181            the initial cycle of the simulation is used.  This can
182            only be used with final_cycle.
183            Default: None.
184        final_cycle : float
185            The latest cycle for outputs to be included.  If None,
186            the final cycle of the simulation is used.  This can
187            only be used in combination with initial_cycle.
188            Default: None.
189        tolerance : float
190            Used in combination with "times" or "redshifts" keywords,
191            this is the tolerance within which outputs are accepted
192            given the requested times or redshifts.  If None, the
193            nearest output is always taken.
194            Default: None.
195        parallel : bool/int
196            If True, the generated DatasetSeries will divide the work
197            such that a single processor works on each dataset.  If an
198            integer is supplied, the work will be divided into that
199            number of jobs.
200            Default: True.
201        setup_function : callable, accepts a ds
202            This function will be called whenever a dataset is loaded.
204        Examples
205        --------
207        >>> import yt
208        >>> es = yt.load_simulation("enzo_tiny_cosmology/32Mpc_32.enzo", "Enzo")
209        >>> es.get_time_series(
210        ...     initial_redshift=10, final_time=(13.7, "Gyr"), redshift_data=False
211        ... )
212        >>> for ds in es:
213        ...     print(ds.current_time)
214        >>> es.get_time_series(redshifts=[3, 2, 1, 0])
215        >>> for ds in es:
216        ...     print(ds.current_time)
218        """
220        if (
221            initial_redshift is not None or final_redshift is not None
222        ) and not self.cosmological_simulation:
223            raise InvalidSimulationTimeSeries(
224                "An initial or final redshift has been given for a "
225                + "noncosmological simulation."
226            )
228        if time_data and redshift_data:
229            my_all_outputs = self.all_outputs
230        elif time_data:
231            my_all_outputs = self.all_time_outputs
232        elif redshift_data:
233            my_all_outputs = self.all_redshift_outputs
234        else:
235            raise InvalidSimulationTimeSeries(
236                "Both time_data and redshift_data are False."
237            )
239        if not my_all_outputs:
240            DatasetSeries.__init__(self, outputs=[], parallel=parallel)
241            mylog.info("0 outputs loaded into time series.")
242            return
244        # Apply selection criteria to the set.
245        if times is not None:
246            my_outputs = self._get_outputs_by_key(
247                "time", times, tolerance=tolerance, outputs=my_all_outputs
248            )
250        elif redshifts is not None:
251            my_outputs = self._get_outputs_by_key(
252                "redshift", redshifts, tolerance=tolerance, outputs=my_all_outputs
253            )
255        elif initial_cycle is not None or final_cycle is not None:
256            if initial_cycle is None:
257                initial_cycle = 0
258            else:
259                initial_cycle = max(initial_cycle, 0)
260            if final_cycle is None:
261                final_cycle = self.parameters["StopCycle"]
262            else:
263                final_cycle = min(final_cycle, self.parameters["StopCycle"])
265            my_outputs = my_all_outputs[
266                int(
267                    np.ceil(float(initial_cycle) / self.parameters["CycleSkipDataDump"])
268                ) : (final_cycle / self.parameters["CycleSkipDataDump"])
269                + 1
270            ]
272        else:
273            if initial_time is not None:
274                if isinstance(initial_time, float):
275                    my_initial_time = self.quan(initial_time, "code_time")
276                elif isinstance(initial_time, tuple) and len(initial_time) == 2:
277                    my_initial_time = self.quan(*initial_time)
278                elif not isinstance(initial_time, unyt_array):
279                    raise RuntimeError(
280                        "Error: initial_time must be given as a float or "
281                        + "tuple of (value, units)."
282                    )
283            elif initial_redshift is not None:
284                my_initial_time = self.cosmology.t_from_z(initial_redshift)
285            else:
286                my_initial_time = self.initial_time
288            if final_time is not None:
289                if isinstance(final_time, float):
290                    my_final_time = self.quan(final_time, "code_time")
291                elif isinstance(final_time, tuple) and len(final_time) == 2:
292                    my_final_time = self.quan(*final_time)
293                elif not isinstance(final_time, unyt_array):
294                    raise RuntimeError(
295                        "Error: final_time must be given as a float or "
296                        + "tuple of (value, units)."
297                    )
298            elif final_redshift is not None:
299                my_final_time = self.cosmology.t_from_z(final_redshift)
300            else:
301                my_final_time = self.final_time
303            my_initial_time.convert_to_units("s")
304            my_final_time.convert_to_units("s")
305            my_times = np.array([a["time"] for a in my_all_outputs])
306            my_indices = np.digitize([my_initial_time, my_final_time], my_times)
307            if my_initial_time == my_times[my_indices[0] - 1]:
308                my_indices[0] -= 1
309            my_outputs = my_all_outputs[my_indices[0] : my_indices[1]]
311        init_outputs = []
312        for output in my_outputs:
313            if os.path.exists(output["filename"]):
314                init_outputs.append(output["filename"])
316        DatasetSeries.__init__(
317            self, outputs=init_outputs, parallel=parallel, setup_function=setup_function
318        )
319        mylog.info("%d outputs loaded into time series.", len(init_outputs))
321    def _parse_parameter_file(self):
322        """
323        Parses the parameter file and establishes the various
324        dictionaries.
325        """
327        self.conversion_factors = {}
328        redshift_outputs = []
330        # Let's read the file
331        lines = open(self.parameter_filename).readlines()
332        for line in (l.strip() for l in lines):
333            if "#" in line:
334                line = line[0 : line.find("#")]
335            if "//" in line:
336                line = line[0 : line.find("//")]
337            if len(line) < 2:
338                continue
339            param, vals = (i.strip() for i in line.split("=", 1))
340            # First we try to decipher what type of value it is.
341            vals = vals.split()
342            # Special case approaching.
343            if "(do" in vals:
344                vals = vals[:1]
345            if len(vals) == 0:
346                pcast = str  # Assume NULL output
347            else:
348                v = vals[0]
349                # Figure out if it's castable to floating point:
350                try:
351                    float(v)
352                except ValueError:
353                    pcast = str
354                else:
355                    if any("." in v or "e" in v for v in vals):
356                        pcast = float
357                    elif v == "inf":
358                        pcast = str
359                    else:
360                        pcast = int
361            # Now we figure out what to do with it.
362            if param.endswith("Units") and not param.startswith("Temperature"):
363                dataType = param[:-5]
364                # This one better be a float.
365                self.conversion_factors[dataType] = float(vals[0])
366            if param.startswith("CosmologyOutputRedshift["):
367                index = param[param.find("[") + 1 : param.find("]")]
368                redshift_outputs.append(
369                    {"index": int(index), "redshift": float(vals[0])}
370                )
371            elif len(vals) == 0:
372                vals = ""
373            elif len(vals) == 1:
374                vals = pcast(vals[0])
375            else:
376                vals = np.array([pcast(i) for i in vals if i != "-99999"])
377            self.parameters[param] = vals
378        self.refine_by = self.parameters["RefineBy"]
379        self.dimensionality = self.parameters["TopGridRank"]
380        if self.dimensionality > 1:
381            self.domain_dimensions = self.parameters["TopGridDimensions"]
382            if len(self.domain_dimensions) < 3:
383                tmp = self.domain_dimensions.tolist()
384                tmp.append(1)
385                self.domain_dimensions = np.array(tmp)
386            self.domain_left_edge = np.array(
387                self.parameters["DomainLeftEdge"], "float64"
388            ).copy()
389            self.domain_right_edge = np.array(
390                self.parameters["DomainRightEdge"], "float64"
391            ).copy()
392        else:
393            self.domain_left_edge = np.array(
394                self.parameters["DomainLeftEdge"], "float64"
395            )
396            self.domain_right_edge = np.array(
397                self.parameters["DomainRightEdge"], "float64"
398            )
399            self.domain_dimensions = np.array(
400                [self.parameters["TopGridDimensions"], 1, 1]
401            )
403        if self.parameters["ComovingCoordinates"]:
404            cosmo_attr = {
405                "box_size": "CosmologyComovingBoxSize",
406                "omega_lambda": "CosmologyOmegaLambdaNow",
407                "omega_matter": "CosmologyOmegaMatterNow",
408                "omega_radiation": "CosmologyOmegaRadiationNow",
409                "hubble_constant": "CosmologyHubbleConstantNow",
410                "initial_redshift": "CosmologyInitialRedshift",
411                "final_redshift": "CosmologyFinalRedshift",
412            }
413            self.cosmological_simulation = 1
414            for a, v in cosmo_attr.items():
415                if v not in self.parameters:
416                    raise MissingParameter(self.parameter_filename, v)
417                setattr(self, a, self.parameters[v])
418        else:
419            self.cosmological_simulation = 0
420            self.omega_lambda = self.omega_matter = self.hubble_constant = 0.0
422        # make list of redshift outputs
423        self.all_redshift_outputs = []
424        if not self.cosmological_simulation:
425            return
426        for output in redshift_outputs:
427            output["filename"] = os.path.join(
428                self.parameters["GlobalDir"],
429                "%s%04d" % (self.parameters["RedshiftDumpDir"], output["index"]),
430                "%s%04d" % (self.parameters["RedshiftDumpName"], output["index"]),
431            )
432            del output["index"]
433        self.all_redshift_outputs = redshift_outputs
435    def _calculate_time_outputs(self):
436        """
437        Calculate time outputs and their redshifts if cosmological.
438        """
440        self.all_time_outputs = []
441        if (
442            self.final_time is None
443            or "dtDataDump" not in self.parameters
444            or self.parameters["dtDataDump"] <= 0.0
445        ):
446            return []
448        index = 0
449        current_time = self.initial_time.copy()
450        dt_datadump = self.quan(self.parameters["dtDataDump"], "code_time")
451        while current_time <= self.final_time + dt_datadump:
452            filename = os.path.join(
453                self.parameters["GlobalDir"],
454                "%s%04d" % (self.parameters["DataDumpDir"], index),
455                "%s%04d" % (self.parameters["DataDumpName"], index),
456            )
458            output = {"index": index, "filename": filename, "time": current_time.copy()}
459            output["time"] = min(output["time"], self.final_time)
460            if self.cosmological_simulation:
461                output["redshift"] = self.cosmology.z_from_t(current_time)
463            self.all_time_outputs.append(output)
464            if np.abs(self.final_time - current_time) / self.final_time < 1e-4:
465                break
466            current_time += dt_datadump
467            index += 1
469    def _calculate_cycle_outputs(self):
470        """
471        Calculate cycle outputs.
472        """
474        mylog.warning("Calculating cycle outputs.  Dataset times will be unavailable.")
476        if (
477            self.stop_cycle is None
478            or "CycleSkipDataDump" not in self.parameters
479            or self.parameters["CycleSkipDataDump"] <= 0.0
480        ):
481            return []
483        self.all_time_outputs = []
484        index = 0
485        for cycle in range(
486            0, self.stop_cycle + 1, self.parameters["CycleSkipDataDump"]
487        ):
488            filename = os.path.join(
489                self.parameters["GlobalDir"],
490                "%s%04d" % (self.parameters["DataDumpDir"], index),
491                "%s%04d" % (self.parameters["DataDumpName"], index),
492            )
494            output = {"index": index, "filename": filename, "cycle": cycle}
495            self.all_time_outputs.append(output)
496            index += 1
498    def _get_all_outputs(self, find_outputs=False):
499        """
500        Get all potential datasets and combine into a time-sorted list.
501        """
503        # Create the set of outputs from which further selection will be done.
504        if find_outputs:
505            self._find_outputs()
507        elif (
508            self.parameters["dtDataDump"] > 0
509            and self.parameters["CycleSkipDataDump"] > 0
510        ):
511            mylog.info(
512                "Simulation %s has both dtDataDump and CycleSkipDataDump set.",
513                self.parameter_filename,
514            )
515            mylog.info(
516                "    Unable to calculate datasets.  "
517                "Attempting to search in the current directory"
518            )
519            self._find_outputs()
521        else:
522            # Get all time or cycle outputs.
523            if self.parameters["CycleSkipDataDump"] > 0:
524                self._calculate_cycle_outputs()
525            else:
526                self._calculate_time_outputs()
528            # Calculate times for redshift outputs.
529            if self.cosmological_simulation:
530                for output in self.all_redshift_outputs:
531                    output["time"] = self.cosmology.t_from_z(output["redshift"])
532                self.all_redshift_outputs.sort(key=lambda obj: obj["time"])
534            self.all_outputs = self.all_time_outputs + self.all_redshift_outputs
535            if self.parameters["CycleSkipDataDump"] <= 0:
536                self.all_outputs.sort(key=lambda obj: obj["time"].to_ndarray())
538    def _calculate_simulation_bounds(self):
539        """
540        Figure out the starting and stopping time and redshift for the simulation.
541        """
543        if "StopCycle" in self.parameters:
544            self.stop_cycle = self.parameters["StopCycle"]
546        # Convert initial/final redshifts to times.
547        if self.cosmological_simulation:
548            self.initial_time = self.cosmology.t_from_z(self.initial_redshift)
549            self.initial_time.units.registry = self.unit_registry
550            self.final_time = self.cosmology.t_from_z(self.final_redshift)
551            self.final_time.units.registry = self.unit_registry
553        # If not a cosmology simulation, figure out the stopping criteria.
554        else:
555            if "InitialTime" in self.parameters:
556                self.initial_time = self.quan(
557                    self.parameters["InitialTime"], "code_time"
558                )
559            else:
560                self.initial_time = self.quan(0.0, "code_time")
562            if "StopTime" in self.parameters:
563                self.final_time = self.quan(self.parameters["StopTime"], "code_time")
564            else:
565                self.final_time = None
566            if not ("StopTime" in self.parameters or "StopCycle" in self.parameters):
567                raise NoStoppingCondition(self.parameter_filename)
568            if self.final_time is None:
569                mylog.warning(
570                    "Simulation %s has no stop time set, stopping condition "
571                    "will be based only on cycles.",
572                    self.parameter_filename,
573                )
575    def _set_parameter_defaults(self):
576        """
577        Set some default parameters to avoid problems
578        if they are not in the parameter file.
579        """
581        self.parameters["GlobalDir"] = self.directory
582        self.parameters["DataDumpName"] = "data"
583        self.parameters["DataDumpDir"] = "DD"
584        self.parameters["RedshiftDumpName"] = "RedshiftOutput"
585        self.parameters["RedshiftDumpDir"] = "RD"
586        self.parameters["ComovingCoordinates"] = 0
587        self.parameters["TopGridRank"] = 3
588        self.parameters["DomainLeftEdge"] = np.zeros(self.parameters["TopGridRank"])
589        self.parameters["DomainRightEdge"] = np.ones(self.parameters["TopGridRank"])
590        self.parameters["RefineBy"] = 2  # technically not the enzo default
591        self.parameters["StopCycle"] = 100000
592        self.parameters["dtDataDump"] = 0.0
593        self.parameters["CycleSkipDataDump"] = 0.0
594        self.parameters["LengthUnits"] = 1.0
595        self.parameters["TimeUnits"] = 1.0
596        self.parameters["CosmologyOmegaRadiationNow"] = 0.0
598    def _find_outputs(self):
599        """
600        Search for directories matching the data dump keywords.
601        If found, get dataset times py opening the ds.
602        """
604        # look for time outputs.
605        potential_time_outputs = glob.glob(
606            os.path.join(
607                self.parameters["GlobalDir"], f"{self.parameters['DataDumpDir']}*"
608            )
609        )
610        self.all_time_outputs = self._check_for_outputs(potential_time_outputs)
611        self.all_time_outputs.sort(key=lambda obj: obj["time"])
613        # look for redshift outputs.
614        potential_redshift_outputs = glob.glob(
615            os.path.join(
616                self.parameters["GlobalDir"], f"{self.parameters['RedshiftDumpDir']}*"
617            )
618        )
619        self.all_redshift_outputs = self._check_for_outputs(potential_redshift_outputs)
620        self.all_redshift_outputs.sort(key=lambda obj: obj["time"])
622        self.all_outputs = self.all_time_outputs + self.all_redshift_outputs
623        self.all_outputs.sort(key=lambda obj: obj["time"])
624        only_on_root(mylog.info, "Located %d total outputs.", len(self.all_outputs))
626        # manually set final time and redshift with last output
627        if self.all_outputs:
628            self.final_time = self.all_outputs[-1]["time"]
629            if self.cosmological_simulation:
630                self.final_redshift = self.all_outputs[-1]["redshift"]
632    def _check_for_outputs(self, potential_outputs):
633        """
634        Check a list of files to see if they are valid datasets.
635        """
637        only_on_root(
638            mylog.info, "Checking %d potential outputs.", len(potential_outputs)
639        )
641        my_outputs = {}
642        llevel = mylog.level
643        # suppress logging as we load every dataset, unless set to debug
644        if llevel > 10 and llevel < 40:
645            mylog.setLevel(40)
646        for my_storage, output in parallel_objects(
647            potential_outputs, storage=my_outputs
648        ):
649            if self.parameters["DataDumpDir"] in output:
650                dir_key = self.parameters["DataDumpDir"]
651                output_key = self.parameters["DataDumpName"]
652            else:
653                dir_key = self.parameters["RedshiftDumpDir"]
654                output_key = self.parameters["RedshiftDumpName"]
655            index = output[output.find(dir_key) + len(dir_key) :]
656            filename = os.path.join(
657                self.parameters["GlobalDir"],
658                f"{dir_key}{index}",
659                f"{output_key}{index}",
660            )
661            try:
662                ds = load(filename)
663            except (FileNotFoundError, YTUnidentifiedDataType):
664                mylog.error("Failed to load %s", filename)
665                continue
666            my_storage.result = {
667                "filename": filename,
668                "time": ds.current_time.in_units("s"),
669            }
670            if ds.cosmological_simulation:
671                my_storage.result["redshift"] = ds.current_redshift
672        mylog.setLevel(llevel)
673        my_outputs = [
674            my_output for my_output in my_outputs.values() if my_output is not None
675        ]
677        return my_outputs
679    def _write_cosmology_outputs(self, filename, outputs, start_index, decimals=3):
680        """
681        Write cosmology output parameters for a cosmology splice.
682        """
684        mylog.info("Writing redshift output list to %s.", filename)
685        f = open(filename, "w")
686        for q, output in enumerate(outputs):
687            f.write(
688                (f"CosmologyOutputRedshift[%d] = %.{decimals}f\n")
689                % ((q + start_index), output["redshift"])
690            )
691        f.close()
694class EnzoCosmology(Cosmology):
695    def __init__(
696        self,
697        hubble_constant,
698        omega_matter,
699        omega_lambda,
700        omega_radiation,
701        omega_curvature,
702        initial_redshift,
703        unit_registry=None,
704    ):
705        Cosmology.__init__(
706            self,
707            hubble_constant=hubble_constant,
708            omega_matter=omega_matter,
709            omega_lambda=omega_lambda,
710            omega_radiation=omega_radiation,
711            omega_curvature=omega_curvature,
712            unit_registry=unit_registry,
713        )
714        self.initial_redshift = initial_redshift
715        self.initial_time = self.t_from_z(self.initial_redshift)
716        # time units = 1 / sqrt(4 * pi * G rho_0 * (1 + z_i)**3),
717        # rho_0 = (3 * Omega_m * h**2) / (8 * pi * G)
718        self.time_unit = (
719            (
720                1.5
721                * self.omega_matter
722                * self.hubble_constant ** 2
723                * (1 + self.initial_redshift) ** 3
724            )
725            ** -0.5
726        ).in_units("s")
727        self.time_unit.units.registry = self.unit_registry