1 /*++
2 Copyright (c) 2011 Microsoft Corporation
4 Module Name:
6     context_params.cpp
8 Abstract:
10     Goodies for managing context parameters in the cmd_context and
11     api_context
13 Author:
15     Leonardo (leonardo) 2012-12-01
17 Notes:
19 --*/
20 #include "util/gparams.h"
21 #include "util/params.h"
22 #include "ast/ast.h"
23 #include "params/context_params.h"
context_params()25 context_params::context_params() {
26     updt_params();
27 }
set_bool(bool & opt,char const * param,char const * value)29 void context_params::set_bool(bool & opt, char const * param, char const * value) {
30     if (strcmp(value, "true") == 0) {
31         opt = true;
32     }
33     else if (strcmp(value, "false") == 0) {
34         opt = false;
35     }
36     else {
37         std::stringstream strm;
38         strm << "invalid value '" << value << "' for Boolean parameter '" << param << "'";
39         throw default_exception(strm.str());
40     }
41 }
set_uint(unsigned & opt,char const * param,char const * value)43 void context_params::set_uint(unsigned & opt, char const * param, char const * value) {
44     bool is_uint = true;
45     size_t sz = strlen(value);
46     for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
47         if (!(value[i] >= '0' && value[i] <= '9'))
48             is_uint = false;
49     }
51     if (is_uint) {
52         long val = strtol(value, nullptr, 10);
53         opt = static_cast<unsigned>(val);
54     }
55     else {
56         std::stringstream strm;
57         strm << "invalid value '" << value << "' for unsigned int parameter '" << param << "'";
58         throw default_exception(strm.str());
59     }
60 }
set(char const * param,char const * value)62 void context_params::set(char const * param, char const * value) {
63     std::string p = param;
64     unsigned n = static_cast<unsigned>(p.size());
65     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
66         if (p[i] >= 'A' && p[i] <= 'Z')
67             p[i] = p[i] - 'A' + 'a';
68         else if (p[i] == '-')
69             p[i] = '_';
70     }
71     if (p == "timeout") {
72         set_uint(m_timeout, param, value);
73     }
74     else if (p == "rlimit") {
75         set_uint(m_rlimit, param, value);
76     }
77     else if (p == "type_check" || p == "well_sorted_check") {
78         set_bool(m_well_sorted_check, param, value);
79     }
80     else if (p == "auto_config") {
81         set_bool(m_auto_config, param, value);
82     }
83     else if (p == "proof") {
84         set_bool(m_proof, param, value);
85     }
86     else if (p == "model") {
87         set_bool(m_model, param, value);
88     }
89     else if (p == "model_validate") {
90         set_bool(m_model_validate, param, value);
91     }
92     else if (p == "dump_models") {
93         set_bool(m_dump_models, param, value);
94     }
95     else if (p == "stats") {
96         set_bool(m_statistics, param, value);
97     }
98     else if (p == "trace") {
99         set_bool(m_trace, param, value);
100     }
101     else if (p == "trace_file_name") {
102         m_trace_file_name = value;
103     }
104     else if (p == "dot_proof_file") {
105         m_dot_proof_file = value;
106     }
107     else if (p == "unsat_core") {
108         if (!m_unsat_core)
109             set_bool(m_unsat_core, param, value);
110     }
111     else if (p == "debug_ref_count") {
112         set_bool(m_debug_ref_count, param, value);
113     }
114     else if (p == "smtlib2_compliant") {
115         set_bool(m_smtlib2_compliant, param, value);
116     }
117     else {
118         param_descrs d;
119         collect_param_descrs(d);
120         std::stringstream strm;
121         strm << "unknown parameter '" << p << "'\n";
122         strm << "Legal parameters are:\n";
123         d.display(strm, 2, false, false);
124         throw default_exception(strm.str());
125     }
126 }
updt_params()128 void context_params::updt_params() {
129     updt_params(gparams::get_ref());
130 }
updt_params(params_ref const & p)132 void context_params::updt_params(params_ref const & p) {
133     m_timeout           = p.get_uint("timeout", m_timeout);
134     m_rlimit            = p.get_uint("rlimit", m_rlimit);
135     m_well_sorted_check = p.get_bool("type_check", p.get_bool("well_sorted_check", m_well_sorted_check));
136     m_auto_config       = p.get_bool("auto_config", m_auto_config);
137     m_proof             = p.get_bool("proof", m_proof);
138     m_model             = p.get_bool("model", m_model);
139     m_model_validate    = p.get_bool("model_validate", m_model_validate);
140     m_dump_models       = p.get_bool("dump_models", m_dump_models);
141     m_trace             = p.get_bool("trace", m_trace);
142     m_trace_file_name   = p.get_str("trace_file_name", "z3.log");
143     m_dot_proof_file    = p.get_str("dot_proof_file", "proof.dot");
144     m_unsat_core        |= p.get_bool("unsat_core", m_unsat_core);
145     m_debug_ref_count   = p.get_bool("debug_ref_count", m_debug_ref_count);
146     m_smtlib2_compliant = p.get_bool("smtlib2_compliant", m_smtlib2_compliant);
147     m_statistics        = p.get_bool("stats", m_statistics);
148 }
collect_param_descrs(param_descrs & d)150 void context_params::collect_param_descrs(param_descrs & d) {
151     insert_rlimit(d);
152     insert_timeout(d);
153     d.insert("well_sorted_check", CPK_BOOL, "type checker", "false");
154     d.insert("type_check", CPK_BOOL, "type checker (alias for well_sorted_check)", "true");
155     d.insert("auto_config", CPK_BOOL, "use heuristics to automatically select solver and configure it", "true");
156     d.insert("model_validate", CPK_BOOL, "validate models produced by solvers", "false");
157     d.insert("dump_models", CPK_BOOL, "dump models whenever check-sat returns sat", "false");
158     d.insert("trace", CPK_BOOL, "trace generation for VCC", "false");
159     d.insert("trace_file_name", CPK_STRING, "trace out file name (see option 'trace')", "z3.log");
160     d.insert("dot_proof_file", CPK_STRING, "file in which to output graphical proofs", "proof.dot");
161     d.insert("debug_ref_count", CPK_BOOL, "debug support for AST reference counting", "false");
162     d.insert("smtlib2_compliant", CPK_BOOL, "enable/disable SMT-LIB 2.0 compliance", "false");
163     d.insert("stats", CPK_BOOL, "enable/disable statistics", "false");
164     // statistics are hidden as they are controlled by the /st option.
165     collect_solver_param_descrs(d);
166 }
collect_solver_param_descrs(param_descrs & d)168 void context_params::collect_solver_param_descrs(param_descrs & d) {
169     d.insert("proof", CPK_BOOL, "proof generation, it must be enabled when the Z3 context is created", "false");
170     d.insert("model", CPK_BOOL, "model generation for solvers, this parameter can be overwritten when creating a solver", "true");
171     d.insert("unsat_core", CPK_BOOL, "unsat-core generation for solvers, this parameter can be overwritten when creating a solver, not every solver in Z3 supports unsat core generation", "false");
172 }
merge_default_params(params_ref const & p)174 params_ref context_params::merge_default_params(params_ref const & p) {
175     if (!m_auto_config && !p.contains("auto_config")) {
176         params_ref new_p = p;
177         new_p.set_bool("auto_config", false);
178         return new_p;
179     }
180     else {
181         return p;
182     }
183 }
get_solver_params(ast_manager const & m,params_ref & p,bool & proofs_enabled,bool & models_enabled,bool & unsat_core_enabled)185 void context_params::get_solver_params(ast_manager const & m, params_ref & p, bool & proofs_enabled, bool & models_enabled, bool & unsat_core_enabled) {
186     proofs_enabled     = m.proofs_enabled() && p.get_bool("proof", m_proof);
187     models_enabled     = p.get_bool("model", m_model);
188     unsat_core_enabled = m_unsat_core || p.get_bool("unsat_core", false);
189     p = merge_default_params(p);
190 }
mk_ast_manager()192 ast_manager * context_params::mk_ast_manager() {
193     if (m_manager)
194         return m_manager;
195     ast_manager * r = alloc(ast_manager,
196                             m_proof ? PGM_ENABLED : PGM_DISABLED,
197                             m_trace ? m_trace_file_name.c_str() : nullptr);
198     if (m_smtlib2_compliant)
199         r->enable_int_real_coercions(false);
200     if (m_debug_ref_count)
201         r->debug_ref_count();
202     return r;
203 }