2     $                    X, IX, JX, DESCX, Y, IY, JY, DESCY, WORK )
4*  -- ScaLAPACK auxiliary routine (version 1.7) --
5*     University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
6*     and University of California, Berkeley.
7*     May 1, 1997
9*     .. Scalar Arguments ..
10      INTEGER             IA, IX, IY, JA, JX, JY, M, N, NB
11*     ..
12*     .. Array Arguments ..
13      INTEGER             DESCA( * ), DESCX( * ), DESCY( * )
14      REAL                A( * ), D( * ), E( * ), TAUP( * ),
15     $                    TAUQ( * ), X( * ), Y( * ), WORK( * )
16*     ..
18*  Purpose
19*  =======
21*  PSLABRD reduces the first NB rows and columns of a real general
22*  M-by-N distributed matrix sub( A ) = A(IA:IA+M-1,JA:JA+N-1) to upper
23*  or lower bidiagonal form by an orthogonal transformation Q' * A * P,
24*  and returns the matrices X and Y which are needed to apply the
25*  transformation to the unreduced part of sub( A ).
27*  If M >= N, sub( A ) is reduced to upper bidiagonal form; if M < N, to
28*  lower bidiagonal form.
30*  This is an auxiliary routine called by PSGEBRD.
32*  Notes
33*  =====
35*  Each global data object is described by an associated description
36*  vector.  This vector stores the information required to establish
37*  the mapping between an object element and its corresponding process
38*  and memory location.
40*  Let A be a generic term for any 2D block cyclicly distributed array.
41*  Such a global array has an associated description vector DESCA.
42*  In the following comments, the character _ should be read as
43*  "of the global array".
46*  --------------- -------------- --------------------------------------
47*  DTYPE_A(global) DESCA( DTYPE_ )The descriptor type.  In this case,
48*                                 DTYPE_A = 1.
49*  CTXT_A (global) DESCA( CTXT_ ) The BLACS context handle, indicating
50*                                 the BLACS process grid A is distribu-
51*                                 ted over. The context itself is glo-
52*                                 bal, but the handle (the integer
53*                                 value) may vary.
54*  M_A    (global) DESCA( M_ )    The number of rows in the global
55*                                 array A.
56*  N_A    (global) DESCA( N_ )    The number of columns in the global
57*                                 array A.
58*  MB_A   (global) DESCA( MB_ )   The blocking factor used to distribute
59*                                 the rows of the array.
60*  NB_A   (global) DESCA( NB_ )   The blocking factor used to distribute
61*                                 the columns of the array.
62*  RSRC_A (global) DESCA( RSRC_ ) The process row over which the first
63*                                 row of the array A is distributed.
64*  CSRC_A (global) DESCA( CSRC_ ) The process column over which the
65*                                 first column of the array A is
66*                                 distributed.
67*  LLD_A  (local)  DESCA( LLD_ )  The leading dimension of the local
68*                                 array.  LLD_A >= MAX(1,LOCr(M_A)).
70*  Let K be the number of rows or columns of a distributed matrix,
71*  and assume that its process grid has dimension p x q.
72*  LOCr( K ) denotes the number of elements of K that a process
73*  would receive if K were distributed over the p processes of its
74*  process column.
75*  Similarly, LOCc( K ) denotes the number of elements of K that a
76*  process would receive if K were distributed over the q processes of
77*  its process row.
78*  The values of LOCr() and LOCc() may be determined via a call to the
79*  ScaLAPACK tool function, NUMROC:
80*          LOCr( M ) = NUMROC( M, MB_A, MYROW, RSRC_A, NPROW ),
81*          LOCc( N ) = NUMROC( N, NB_A, MYCOL, CSRC_A, NPCOL ).
82*  An upper bound for these quantities may be computed by:
83*          LOCr( M ) <= ceil( ceil(M/MB_A)/NPROW )*MB_A
84*          LOCc( N ) <= ceil( ceil(N/NB_A)/NPCOL )*NB_A
86*  Arguments
87*  =========
89*  M       (global input) INTEGER
90*          The number of rows to be operated on, i.e. the number of rows
91*          of the distributed submatrix sub( A ). M >= 0.
93*  N       (global input) INTEGER
94*          The number of columns to be operated on, i.e. the number of
95*          columns of the distributed submatrix sub( A ). N >= 0.
97*  NB      (global input) INTEGER
98*          The number of leading rows and columns of sub( A ) to be
99*          reduced.
101*  A       (local input/local output) REAL pointer into the
102*          local memory to an array of dimension (LLD_A,LOCc(JA+N-1)).
103*          On entry, this array contains the local pieces of the
104*          general distributed matrix sub( A ) to be reduced. On exit,
105*          the first NB rows and columns of the matrix are overwritten;
106*          the rest of the distributed matrix sub( A ) is unchanged.
107*          If m >= n, elements on and below the diagonal in the first NB
108*            columns, with the array TAUQ, represent the orthogonal
109*            matrix Q as a product of elementary reflectors; and
110*            elements above the diagonal in the first NB rows, with the
111*            array TAUP, represent the orthogonal matrix P as a product
112*            of elementary reflectors.
113*          If m < n, elements below the diagonal in the first NB
114*            columns, with the array TAUQ, represent the orthogonal
115*            matrix Q as a product of elementary reflectors, and
116*            elements on and above the diagonal in the first NB rows,
117*            with the array TAUP, represent the orthogonal matrix P as
118*            a product of elementary reflectors.
119*          See Further Details.
121*  IA      (global input) INTEGER
122*          The row index in the global array A indicating the first
123*          row of sub( A ).
125*  JA      (global input) INTEGER
126*          The column index in the global array A indicating the
127*          first column of sub( A ).
129*  DESCA   (global and local input) INTEGER array of dimension DLEN_.
130*          The array descriptor for the distributed matrix A.
132*  D       (local output) REAL array, dimension
133*          LOCr(IA+MIN(M,N)-1) if M >= N; LOCc(JA+MIN(M,N)-1) otherwise.
134*          The distributed diagonal elements of the bidiagonal matrix
135*          B: D(i) = A(ia+i-1,ja+i-1). D is tied to the distributed
136*          matrix A.
138*  E       (local output) REAL array, dimension
139*          LOCr(IA+MIN(M,N)-1) if M >= N; LOCc(JA+MIN(M,N)-2) otherwise.
140*          The distributed off-diagonal elements of the bidiagonal
141*          distributed matrix B:
142*          if m >= n, E(i) = A(ia+i-1,ja+i) for i = 1,2,...,n-1;
143*          if m < n, E(i) = A(ia+i,ja+i-1) for i = 1,2,...,m-1.
144*          E is tied to the distributed matrix A.
146*  TAUQ    (local output) REAL array dimension
147*          LOCc(JA+MIN(M,N)-1). The scalar factors of the elementary
148*          reflectors which represent the orthogonal matrix Q. TAUQ
149*          is tied to the distributed matrix A. See Further Details.
151*  TAUP    (local output) REAL array, dimension
152*          LOCr(IA+MIN(M,N)-1). The scalar factors of the elementary
153*          reflectors which represent the orthogonal matrix P. TAUP
154*          is tied to the distributed matrix A. See Further Details.
156*  X       (local output) REAL pointer into the local memory
157*          to an array of dimension (LLD_X,NB). On exit, the local
158*          pieces of the distributed M-by-NB matrix
159*          X(IX:IX+M-1,JX:JX+NB-1) required to update the unreduced
160*          part of sub( A ).
162*  IX      (global input) INTEGER
163*          The row index in the global array X indicating the first
164*          row of sub( X ).
166*  JX      (global input) INTEGER
167*          The column index in the global array X indicating the
168*          first column of sub( X ).
170*  DESCX   (global and local input) INTEGER array of dimension DLEN_.
171*          The array descriptor for the distributed matrix X.
173*  Y       (local output) REAL pointer into the local memory
174*          to an array of dimension (LLD_Y,NB).  On exit, the local
175*          pieces of the distributed N-by-NB matrix
176*          Y(IY:IY+N-1,JY:JY+NB-1) required to update the unreduced
177*          part of sub( A ).
179*  IY      (global input) INTEGER
180*          The row index in the global array Y indicating the first
181*          row of sub( Y ).
183*  JY      (global input) INTEGER
184*          The column index in the global array Y indicating the
185*          first column of sub( Y ).
187*  DESCY   (global and local input) INTEGER array of dimension DLEN_.
188*          The array descriptor for the distributed matrix Y.
190*  WORK    (local workspace) REAL array, dimension (LWORK)
191*          LWORK >= NB_A + NQ, with
193*          NQ = NUMROC( N+MOD( IA-1, NB_Y ), NB_Y, MYCOL, IACOL, NPCOL )
194*          IACOL = INDXG2P( JA, NB_A, MYCOL, CSRC_A, NPCOL )
196*          INDXG2P and NUMROC are ScaLAPACK tool functions;
197*          MYROW, MYCOL, NPROW and NPCOL can be determined by calling
198*          the subroutine BLACS_GRIDINFO.
200*  Further Details
201*  ===============
203*  The matrices Q and P are represented as products of elementary
204*  reflectors:
206*     Q = H(1) H(2) . . . H(nb)  and  P = G(1) G(2) . . . G(nb)
208*  Each H(i) and G(i) has the form:
210*     H(i) = I - tauq * v * v'  and G(i) = I - taup * u * u'
212*  where tauq and taup are real scalars, and v and u are real vectors.
214*  If m >= n, v(1:i-1) = 0, v(i) = 1, and v(i:m) is stored on exit in
215*  A(ia+i-1:ia+m-1,ja+i-1); u(1:i) = 0, u(i+1) = 1, and u(i+1:n) is
216*  stored on exit in A(ia+i-1,ja+i:ja+n-1); tauq is stored in
217*  TAUQ(ja+i-1) and taup in TAUP(ia+i-1).
219*  If m < n, v(1:i) = 0, v(i+1) = 1, and v(i+1:m) is stored on exit in
220*  A(ia+i+1:ia+m-1,ja+i-1); u(1:i-1) = 0, u(i) = 1, and u(i:n) is
221*  stored on exit in A(ia+i-1,ja+i:ja+n-1); tauq is stored in
222*  TAUQ(ja+i-1) and taup in TAUP(ia+i-1).
224*  The elements of the vectors v and u together form the m-by-nb matrix
225*  V and the nb-by-n matrix U' which are needed, with X and Y, to apply
226*  the transformation to the unreduced part of the matrix, using a block
227*  update of the form:  sub( A ) := sub( A ) - V*Y' - X*U'.
229*  The contents of sub( A ) on exit are illustrated by the following
230*  examples with nb = 2:
232*  m = 6 and n = 5 (m > n):          m = 5 and n = 6 (m < n):
234*    (  1   1   u1  u1  u1 )           (  1   u1  u1  u1  u1  u1 )
235*    (  v1  1   1   u2  u2 )           (  1   1   u2  u2  u2  u2 )
236*    (  v1  v2  a   a   a  )           (  v1  1   a   a   a   a  )
237*    (  v1  v2  a   a   a  )           (  v1  v2  a   a   a   a  )
238*    (  v1  v2  a   a   a  )           (  v1  v2  a   a   a   a  )
239*    (  v1  v2  a   a   a  )
241*  where a denotes an element of the original matrix which is unchanged,
242*  vi denotes an element of the vector defining H(i), and ui an element
243*  of the vector defining G(i).
245*  =====================================================================
247*     .. Parameters ..
248      INTEGER            BLOCK_CYCLIC_2D, CSRC_, CTXT_, DLEN_, DTYPE_,
249     $                   LLD_, MB_, M_, NB_, N_, RSRC_
250      PARAMETER          ( BLOCK_CYCLIC_2D = 1, DLEN_ = 9, DTYPE_ = 1,
251     $                     CTXT_ = 2, M_ = 3, N_ = 4, MB_ = 5, NB_ = 6,
252     $                     RSRC_ = 7, CSRC_ = 8, LLD_ = 9 )
253      REAL               ONE, ZERO
254      PARAMETER          ( ONE = 1.0E+0, ZERO = 0.0E+0 )
255*     ..
256*     .. Local Scalars ..
257      INTEGER            I, IACOL, IAROW, ICTXT, II, IPY, IW, J, JJ,
258     $                   JWY, K, MYCOL, MYROW, NPCOL, NPROW
259      REAL               ALPHA, TAU
260      INTEGER            DESCD( DLEN_ ), DESCE( DLEN_ ),
261     $                   DESCTP( DLEN_ ), DESCTQ( DLEN_ ),
262     $                   DESCW( DLEN_ ), DESCWY( DLEN_ )
263*     ..
264*     .. External Subroutines ..
266     $                   PSELGET, PSELSET, PSGEMV, PSLARFG,
267     $                   PSSCAL
268*     ..
269*     .. Intrinsic Functions ..
270      INTRINSIC          MIN, MOD
271*     ..
272*     .. Executable Statements ..
274*     Quick return if possible
276      IF( M.LE.0 .OR. N.LE.0 )
277     $   RETURN
279      ICTXT = DESCA( CTXT_ )
282     $              IAROW, IACOL )
283      IPY = DESCA( MB_ ) + 1
284      IW = MOD( IA-1, DESCA( NB_ ) ) + 1
285      ALPHA = ZERO
287      CALL DESCSET( DESCWY, 1, N+MOD( IA-1, DESCY( NB_ ) ), 1,
288     $              DESCA( NB_ ), IAROW, IACOL, ICTXT, 1 )
289      CALL DESCSET( DESCW, DESCA( MB_ ), 1, DESCA( MB_ ), 1, IAROW,
290     $              IACOL, ICTXT, DESCA( MB_ ) )
291      CALL DESCSET( DESCTQ, 1, JA+MIN(M,N)-1, 1, DESCA( NB_ ), IAROW,
292     $              DESCA( CSRC_ ), DESCA( CTXT_ ), 1 )
293      CALL DESCSET( DESCTP, IA+MIN(M,N)-1, 1, DESCA( MB_ ), 1,
294     $              DESCA( RSRC_ ), IACOL, DESCA( CTXT_ ),
295     $              DESCA( LLD_ ) )
297      IF( M.GE.N ) THEN
299*        Reduce to upper bidiagonal form
301         CALL DESCSET( DESCD, 1, JA+MIN(M,N)-1, 1, DESCA( NB_ ), MYROW,
302     $                 DESCA( CSRC_ ), DESCA( CTXT_ ), 1 )
303         CALL DESCSET( DESCE, IA+MIN(M,N)-1, 1, DESCA( MB_ ), 1,
304     $                 DESCA( RSRC_ ), MYCOL, DESCA( CTXT_ ),
305     $                 DESCA( LLD_ ) )
306         DO 10 K = 1, NB
307            I = IA + K - 1
308            J = JA + K - 1
309            JWY = IW + K
311*           Update A(i:ia+m-1,j)
313            IF( K.GT.1 ) THEN
314               CALL PSGEMV( 'No transpose', M-K+1, K-1, -ONE, A, I, JA,
315     $                      DESCA, Y, IY, JY+K-1, DESCY, 1, ONE, A, I,
316     $                      J, DESCA, 1 )
317               CALL PSGEMV( 'No transpose', M-K+1, K-1, -ONE, X, IX+K-1,
318     $                      JX, DESCX, A, IA, J, DESCA, 1, ONE, A, I, J,
319     $                      DESCA, 1 )
320               CALL PSELSET( A, I-1, J, DESCA, ALPHA )
321            END IF
323*           Generate reflection Q(i) to annihilate A(i+1:ia+m-1,j)
325            CALL PSLARFG( M-K+1, ALPHA, I, J, A, I+1, J, DESCA, 1,
326     $                    TAUQ )
327            CALL PSELSET( D, 1, J, DESCD, ALPHA )
328            CALL PSELSET( A, I, J, DESCA, ONE )
330*           Compute Y(IA+I:IA+N-1,J)
332            CALL PSGEMV( 'Transpose', M-K+1, N-K, ONE, A, I, J+1, DESCA,
333     $                   A, I, J, DESCA, 1, ZERO, WORK( IPY ), 1, JWY,
334     $                   DESCWY, DESCWY( M_ ) )
335            CALL PSGEMV( 'Transpose', M-K+1, K-1, ONE, A, I, JA, DESCA,
336     $                   A, I, J, DESCA, 1, ZERO, WORK, IW, 1, DESCW,
337     $                   1 )
338            CALL PSGEMV( 'Transpose', K-1, N-K, -ONE, Y, IY, JY+K,
339     $                   DESCY, WORK, IW, 1, DESCW, 1, ONE, WORK( IPY ),
340     $                   1, JWY, DESCWY, DESCWY( M_ ) )
341            CALL PSGEMV( 'Transpose', M-K+1, K-1, ONE, X, IX+K-1, JX,
342     $                   DESCX, A, I, J, DESCA, 1, ZERO, WORK, IW, 1,
343     $                   DESCW, 1 )
344            CALL PSGEMV( 'Transpose', K-1, N-K, -ONE, A, IA, J+1, DESCA,
345     $                   WORK, IW, 1, DESCW, 1, ONE, WORK( IPY ), 1,
346     $                   JWY, DESCWY, DESCWY( M_ ) )
348            CALL PSELGET( 'Rowwise', ' ', TAU, TAUQ, 1, J, DESCTQ )
349            CALL PSSCAL( N-K, TAU, WORK( IPY ), 1, JWY, DESCWY,
350     $                   DESCWY( M_ ) )
351            CALL PSCOPY( N-K, WORK( IPY ), 1, JWY, DESCWY, DESCWY( M_ ),
352     $                   Y, IY+K-1, JY+K, DESCY, DESCY( M_ ) )
354*           Update A(i,j+1:ja+n-1)
356            CALL PSGEMV( 'Transpose', K, N-K, -ONE, Y, IY, JY+K, DESCY,
357     $                   A, I, JA, DESCA, DESCA( M_ ), ONE, A, I, J+1,
358     $                   DESCA, DESCA( M_ ) )
359            CALL PSGEMV( 'Transpose', K-1, N-K, -ONE, A, IA, J+1, DESCA,
360     $                   X, IX+K-1, JX, DESCX, DESCX( M_ ), ONE, A, I,
361     $                   J+1, DESCA, DESCA( M_ ) )
362            CALL PSELSET( A, I, J, DESCA, ALPHA )
364*           Generate reflection P(i) to annihilate A(i,j+2:ja+n-1)
366            CALL PSLARFG( N-K, ALPHA, I, J+1, A, I,
367     $                    MIN( J+2, N+JA-1 ), DESCA, DESCA( M_ ), TAUP )
368            CALL PSELSET( E, I, 1, DESCE, ALPHA )
369            CALL PSELSET( A, I, J+1, DESCA, ONE )
371*           Compute X(I+1:IA+M-1,J)
373            CALL PSGEMV( 'No transpose', M-K, N-K, ONE, A, I+1, J+1,
374     $                   DESCA, A, I, J+1, DESCA, DESCA( M_ ), ZERO, X,
375     $                   IX+K, JX+K-1, DESCX, 1 )
376            CALL PSGEMV( 'No transpose', K, N-K, ONE, Y, IY, JY+K,
377     $                   DESCY, A, I, J+1, DESCA, DESCA( M_ ), ZERO,
378     $                   WORK, IW, 1, DESCW, 1 )
379            CALL PSGEMV( 'No transpose', M-K, K, -ONE, A, I+1, JA,
380     $                   DESCA, WORK, IW, 1, DESCW, 1, ONE, X, IX+K,
381     $                   JX+K-1, DESCX, 1 )
382            CALL PSGEMV( 'No transpose', K-1, N-K, ONE, A, IA, J+1,
383     $                   DESCA, A, I, J+1, DESCA, DESCA( M_ ), ZERO,
384     $                   WORK, IW, 1, DESCW, 1 )
385            CALL PSGEMV( 'No transpose', M-K, K-1, -ONE, X, IX+K, JX,
386     $                   DESCX, WORK, IW, 1, DESCW, 1, ONE, X, IX+K,
387     $                   JX+K-1, DESCX, 1 )
389            CALL PSELGET( 'Columnwise', ' ', TAU, TAUP, I, 1, DESCTP )
390            CALL PSSCAL( M-K, TAU, X, IX+K, JX+K-1, DESCX, 1 )
391   10    CONTINUE
393      ELSE
395*        Reduce to lower bidiagonal form
397         CALL DESCSET( DESCD, IA+MIN(M,N)-1, 1, DESCA( MB_ ), 1,
398     $                 DESCA( RSRC_ ), MYCOL, DESCA( CTXT_ ),
399     $                 DESCA( LLD_ ) )
400         CALL DESCSET( DESCE, 1, JA+MIN(M,N)-1, 1, DESCA( NB_ ), MYROW,
401     $                 DESCA( CSRC_ ), DESCA( CTXT_ ), 1 )
402         DO 20 K = 1, NB
403            I = IA + K - 1
404            J = JA + K - 1
405            JWY = IW + K
407*           Update A(i,j:ja+n-1)
409            IF( K.GT.1 ) THEN
410               CALL PSGEMV( 'Transpose', K-1, N-K+1, -ONE, Y, IY,
411     $                      JY+K-1, DESCY, A, I, JA, DESCA, DESCA( M_ ),
412     $                      ONE, A, I, J, DESCA, DESCA( M_ ) )
413               CALL PSGEMV( 'Transpose', K-1, N-K+1, -ONE, A, IA, J,
414     $                      DESCA, X, IX+K-1, JX, DESCX, DESCX( M_ ),
415     $                      ONE, A, I, J, DESCA, DESCA( M_ ) )
416               CALL PSELSET( A, I, J-1, DESCA, ALPHA )
417            END IF
419*           Generate reflection P(i) to annihilate A(i,j+1:ja+n-1)
421            CALL PSLARFG( N-K+1, ALPHA, I, J, A, I, J+1, DESCA,
422     $                    DESCA( M_ ), TAUP )
423            CALL PSELSET( D, I, 1, DESCD, ALPHA )
424            CALL PSELSET( A, I, J, DESCA, ONE )
426*           Compute X(i+1:ia+m-1,j)
428            CALL PSGEMV( 'No transpose', M-K, N-K+1, ONE, A, I+1, J,
429     $                   DESCA, A, I, J, DESCA, DESCA( M_ ), ZERO, X,
430     $                   IX+K, JX+K-1, DESCX, 1 )
431            CALL PSGEMV( 'No transpose', K-1, N-K+1, ONE, Y, IY, JY+K-1,
432     $                   DESCY, A, I, J, DESCA, DESCA( M_ ), ZERO,
433     $                   WORK, IW, 1, DESCW, 1 )
434            CALL PSGEMV( 'No transpose', M-K, K-1, -ONE, A, I+1, JA,
435     $                   DESCA, WORK, IW, 1, DESCW, 1, ONE, X, IX+K,
436     $                   JX+K-1, DESCX, 1 )
437            CALL PSGEMV( 'No transpose', K-1, N-K+1, ONE, A, IA, J,
438     $                   DESCA, A, I, J, DESCA, DESCA( M_ ), ZERO,
439     $                   WORK, IW, 1, DESCW, 1 )
440            CALL PSGEMV( 'No transpose', M-K, K-1, -ONE, X, IX+K, JX,
441     $                   DESCX, WORK, IW, 1, DESCW, 1, ONE, X, IX+K,
442     $                   JX+K-1, DESCX, 1 )
444            CALL PSELGET( 'Columnwise', ' ', TAU, TAUP, I, 1, DESCTP )
445            CALL PSSCAL( M-K, TAU, X, IX+K, JX+K-1, DESCX, 1 )
447*           Update A(i+1:ia+m-1,j)
449            CALL PSGEMV( 'No transpose', M-K, K-1, -ONE, A, I+1, JA,
450     $                   DESCA, Y, IY, JY+K-1, DESCY, 1, ONE, A, I+1, J,
451     $                   DESCA, 1 )
452            CALL PSGEMV( 'No transpose', M-K, K, -ONE, X, IX+K, JX,
453     $                   DESCX, A, IA, J, DESCA, 1, ONE, A, I+1, J,
454     $                   DESCA, 1 )
455            CALL PSELSET( A, I, J, DESCA, ALPHA )
457*           Generate reflection Q(i) to annihilate A(i+2:ia+m-1,j)
459            CALL PSLARFG( M-K, ALPHA, I+1, J, A, MIN( I+2, M+IA-1 ),
460     $                    J, DESCA, 1, TAUQ )
461            CALL PSELSET( E, 1, J, DESCE, ALPHA )
462            CALL PSELSET( A, I+1, J, DESCA, ONE )
464*           Compute Y(ia+i:ia+n-1,j)
466            CALL PSGEMV( 'Transpose', M-K, N-K, ONE, A, I+1, J+1, DESCA,
467     $                   A, I+1, J, DESCA, 1, ZERO, WORK( IPY ), 1,
468     $                   JWY, DESCWY, DESCWY( M_ ) )
469            CALL PSGEMV( 'Transpose', M-K, K-1, ONE, A, I+1, JA, DESCA,
470     $                   A, I+1, J, DESCA, 1, ZERO, WORK, IW, 1, DESCW,
471     $                   1 )
472            CALL PSGEMV( 'Transpose', K-1, N-K, -ONE, Y, IY, JY+K,
473     $                   DESCY, WORK, IW, 1, DESCW, 1, ONE, WORK( IPY ),
474     $                   1, JWY, DESCWY, DESCWY( M_ ) )
475            CALL PSGEMV( 'Transpose', M-K, K, ONE, X, IX+K, JX, DESCX,
476     $                   A, I+1, J, DESCA, 1, ZERO, WORK, IW, 1, DESCW,
477     $                   1 )
478            CALL PSGEMV( 'Transpose', K, N-K, -ONE, A, IA, J+1, DESCA,
479     $                   WORK, IW, 1, DESCW, 1, ONE, WORK( IPY ), 1,
480     $                   JWY, DESCWY, DESCWY( M_ ) )
482            CALL PSELGET( 'Rowwise', ' ', TAU, TAUQ, 1, J, DESCTQ )
483            CALL PSSCAL( N-K, TAU, WORK( IPY ), 1, JWY, DESCWY,
484     $                   DESCWY( M_ ) )
485            CALL PSCOPY( N-K, WORK( IPY ), 1, JWY, DESCWY, DESCWY( M_ ),
486     $                   Y, IY+K-1, JY+K, DESCY, DESCY( M_ ) )
487   20    CONTINUE
488      END IF
490      RETURN
492*     End of PSLABRD
494      END