1      subroutine roots2(ng, hmin, jflag, x0, x1, g0, g1, gx, x, jroot)
2clll. optimize
3      integer ng, jflag, jroot
4      double precision hmin, x0, x1, g0, g1, gx, x
5      dimension g0(ng), g1(ng), gx(ng), jroot(ng)
6      integer iownd3, imax, last, idum3
7      double precision alpha, x2, rdum3
9      common /lsr001/ alpha, x2, rdum3(3),
10     1   iownd3(3), imax, last, idum3(4)
12c this subroutine finds the leftmost root of a set of arbitrary
13c functions gi(x) (i = 1,...,ng) in an interval (x0,x1).  only roots
14c of odd multiplicity (i.e. changes of sign of the gi) are found.
15c here the sign of x1 - x0 is arbitrary, but is constant for a given
16c problem, and -leftmost- means nearest to x0.
17c the values of the vector-valued function g(x) = (gi, i=1...ng)
18c are communicated through the call sequence of roots.
19c the method used is the illinois algorithm.
22c kathie l. hiebert and lawrence f. shampine, implicitly defined
23c output points for solutions of ode-s, sandia report sand80-0180,
24c february, 1980.
28c ng     = number of functions gi, or the number of components of
29c          the vector valued function g(x).  input only.
31c hmin   = resolution parameter in x.  input only.  when a root is
32c          found, it is located only to within an error of hmin in x.
33c          typically, hmin should be set to something on the order of
34c               100 * uround * max(abs(x0),abs(x1)),
35c          where uround is the unit roundoff of the machine.
37c jflag  = integer flag for input and output communication.
39c          on input, set jflag = 0 on the first call for the problem,
40c          and leave it unchanged until the problem is completed.
41c          (the problem is completed when jflag .ge. 2 on return.)
43c          on output, jflag has the following values and meanings..
44c          jflag = 1 means roots needs a value of g(x).  set gx = g(x)
45c                    and call roots again.
46c          jflag = 2 means a root has been found.  the root is
47c                    at x, and gx contains g(x).  (actually, x is the
48c                    rightmost approximation to the root on an interval
49c                    (x0,x1) of size hmin or less.)
50c          jflag = 3 means x = x1 is a root, with one or more of the gi
51c                    being zero at x1 and no sign changes in (x0,x1).
52c                    gx contains g(x) on output.
53c          jflag = 4 means no roots (of odd multiplicity) were
54c                    found in (x0,x1) (no sign changes).
56c x0,x1  = endpoints of the interval where roots are sought.
57c          x1 and x0 are input when jflag = 0 (first call), and
58c          must be left unchanged between calls until the problem is
59c          completed.  x0 and x1 must be distinct, but x1 - x0 may be
60c          of either sign.  however, the notion of -left- and -right-
61c          will be used to mean nearer to x0 or x1, respectively.
62c          when jflag .ge. 2 on return, x0 and x1 are output, and
63c          are the endpoints of the relevant interval.
65c g0,g1  = arrays of length ng containing the vectors g(x0) and g(x1),
66c          respectively.  when jflag = 0, g0 and g1 are input and
67c          none of the g0(i) should be be zero.
68c          when jflag .ge. 2 on return, g0 and g1 are output.
70c gx     = array of length ng containing g(x).  gx is input
71c          when jflag = 1, and output when jflag .ge. 2.
73c x      = independent variable value.  output only.
74c          when jflag = 1 on output, x is the point at which g(x)
75c          is to be evaluated and loaded into gx.
76c          when jflag = 2 or 3, x is the root.
77c          when jflag = 4, x is the right endpoint of the interval, x1.
79c JROOT  = integer array of length NRT.  Output only.
80C         When JFLAG = 2 or 3, JROOT indicates which components
81C         of R(x) have a root at X, and the direction of the sign
82C         change across the root in the direction of integration.
83C         JROOT(i) =  1 if Ri has a root and changes from - to +.
84C         JROOT(i) = -1 if Ri has a root and changes from + to -.
85C          Otherwise JROOT(i) = 0.
86c     !
87c note.. this routine uses the common block /lsr001/ to save
88c the values of certain variables between calls (own variables).
90      integer i, imxold, nxlast,istuck,iunstuck
91      double precision t2, tmax, zero
92      logical zroot, sgnchg, xroot
93      DATA ZERO/0.0D0/, TENTH/0.1D0/, HALF/0.5D0/, FIVE/5.0D0/
96      if (jflag .eq. 1) go to 200
97c jflag .ne. 1.  check for change in sign of g or zero at x1. ----------
98      imax = 0
99      ISTUCK=0
100      IUNSTUCK=0
101      tmax = zero
102      zroot = .false.
103      do 120 i = 1,ng
104         if ((jroot(i) .eq. 1).AND.((abs(g1(i)) .gt. zero))) iunstuck=i
105         if (abs(g1(i)) .gt. zero) go to 110
106         if (jroot(i) .eq. 1) goto 120
107         istuck=i
108         go to 120
109c at this point, g0(i) has been checked and cannot be zero. ------------
110 110    if (dsign(1.0d0,g0(i)) .eq. dsign(1.0d0,g1(i))) go to 120
111          t2 = dabs(g1(i)/(g1(i)-g0(i)))
112          if (t2 .le. tmax) go to 120
113            tmax = t2
114            imax = i
115 120    continue
116      if (imax .gt. 0) go to 130
117      imax=istuck
118      if (imax .gt. 0) go to 130
119      imax=iunstuck
120      if (imax .gt. 0) go to 130
121      sgnchg = .false.
122      go to 140
123 130  sgnchg = .true.
124 140  if (.not. sgnchg) go to 420
125c there is a sign change.  find the first root in the interval. --------
126      xroot = .false.
127      nxlast = 0
128      last = 1
130c repeat until the first root in the interval is found.  loop point. ---
131 150  continue
132      if (xroot) go to 300
133      if (nxlast .eq. last) go to 160
134      alpha = 1.0d0
135      go to 180
136 160  if (last .eq. 0) go to 170
137      alpha = 0.5d0*alpha
138      go to 180
139 170  alpha = 2.0d0*alpha
140 180  if((abs(g0(imax)).eq.zero).or.(abs(g1(imax)).eq.zero)) then
141         x2=(x0+alpha*x1)/(1+alpha)
142      else
143         x2 = x1 - (x1-x0)*g1(imax)/(g1(imax) - alpha*g0(imax))
144      endif
145      IF (ABS(X2 - X0) .LT. HALF*HMIN) THEN
146        FRACINT = ABS(X1 - X0)/HMIN
147        IF (FRACINT .GT. FIVE) THEN
148          FRACSUB = TENTH
149        ELSE
151        ENDIF
152        X2 = X0 + FRACSUB*(X1 - X0)
153      ENDIF
155      IF (ABS(X1 - X2) .LT. HALF*HMIN) THEN
156        FRACINT = ABS(X1 - X0)/HMIN
157        IF (FRACINT .GT. FIVE) THEN
158          FRACSUB = TENTH
159        ELSE
161        ENDIF
162        X2 = X1 - FRACSUB*(X1 - X0)
163      ENDIF
164c     ----------------------- Hindmarsh ----------------
165      JFLAG = 1
166      X = X2
167c     return to the calling routine to get a value of gx = g(x). -----------
168      RETURN
170c check to see in which interval g changes sign. -----------------------
171 200  imxold = imax
172      imax = 0
173      istuck=0
174      iunstuck=0
175      tmax = zero
176      zroot = .false.
177      do 220 i = 1,ng
178         if ((jroot(i) .eq. 1).and.((abs(gx(i)) .gt. zero))) iunstuck=i
179         if (abs(gx(i)) .gt. zero) go to 210
180         if (jroot(i) .eq. 1) go to 220
181         istuck=i
182         go to 220
183c neither g0(i) nor gx(i) can be zero at this point. -------------------
184 210    if (dsign(1.0d0,g0(i)) .eq. dsign(1.0d0,gx(i))) go to 220
185          t2 = dabs(gx(i)/(gx(i) - g0(i)))
186          if (t2 .le. tmax) go to 220
187            tmax = t2
188            imax = i
189 220    continue
190      if (imax .gt. 0) go to 230
191      imax=istuck
192      if (imax .gt. 0) go to 230
193      imax=iunstuck
194      if (imax .gt. 0) go to 230
195      sgnchg = .false.
196      imax = imxold
197      go to 240
198 230  sgnchg = .true.
199 240  nxlast = last
200      if (.not. sgnchg) go to 260
201c sign change between x0 and x2, so replace x1 with x2. ----------------
202      x1 = x2
203      call dcopy (ng, gx, 1, g1, 1)
204      last = 1
205      xroot = .false.
206      go to 270
207c no sign change between x0 and x2.  replace x0 with x2. ---------------
208 260  continue
209      call dcopy (ng, gx, 1, g0, 1)
210      x0 = x2
211      last = 0
212      xroot = .false.
213 270  if (dabs(x1-x0) .le. hmin) xroot = .true.
214      go to 150
216c return with x1 as the root.  set jroot.  set x = x1 and gx = g1. -----
217 300  JFLAG = 2
218c     exit with root findings
219      X = X1
220      CALL DCOPY (Ng, g1, 1, gX, 1)
221      RETURN
222c no sign changes in this interval.  set x = x1, return jflag = 4. -----
223 420  call dcopy (ng, g1, 1, gx, 1)
224      x = x1
225      jflag = 4
226      return
227c----------------------- end of subroutine roots -----------------------
228      end