1// Scilab ( http://www.scilab.org/ ) - This file is part of Scilab
2// Copyright (C) INRIA
3// Copyright (C) 2012 - 2016 - Scilab Enterprises
4// Copyright (C) 2018 - Samuel GOUGEON
6// This file is hereby licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0,
7// pursuant to article 5.3.4 of the CeCILL v.2.1.
8// This file was originally licensed under the terms of the CeCILL v2.1,
9// and continues to be available under such terms.
10// For more information, see the COPYING file which you should have received
11// along with this program.
13function xload(fil,num)
15    if and(argn(2)<>[1 2]) then
16        msg = _("%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d or %d expected.\n");
17        error(msprintf(msg, "xload", 1, 2));
18    end
20    if ~isfile(fil) then
21        error(msprintf(gettext("%s: file %s does not exist.\n"), "xload", fil));
22    end
24    targetFigAlreadyExists = %f
25    wins = winsid();
26    cnum = [];          // id of the current figure
27    if  wins~=[]
28        cnum = gcf().figure_id
29    end
30    if  argn(2)==2 then
31        if or(num==wins)
32            targetFigAlreadyExists = %t
33        end
34    else
35        if cnum~=[]
36            num = cnum
37            targetFigAlreadyExists = %t
38        else
39            num = 0
40        end
41    end
42    if ~targetFigAlreadyExists then
43        h = scf(num)
44        uid = h.uid
45        xloadFigure(fil)
46        if gcf().uid~=uid   // load() has opened a new figure
47            close(h)
48            gcf().figure_id = num
49        end
50        return
51    end
53    // The target figure already exists
54    // ================================
55    // The target figure may be empty (only a default axes). In this case,
56    //  - the loaded figure must impose its properties to the existing target.
57    //  - the default axes will have to be deleted
58    %__f__= scf(num);  // target figure
59    // Is the target figure blank?
60    targetFigWasBlank = length(%__f__.children)==1 && %__f__.children.type=="Axes" && ..
61                        length(%__f__.children.children)==0
62    // Loading the source figure
63    xloadFigure(fil)
64    loadedFig = gcf();
66    // Copying main source figure properties to the target when required:
67    if targetFigWasBlank
68        props = "auto_resize,viewport,figure_name,info_message,color_map,"+..
69                "pixel_drawing_mode,anti_aliasing,background,rotation_style,"+..
70                "event_handler_enable,event_handler,user_data,resizefcn,"+..
71                "closerequestfcn,resize,toolbar_visible,menubar_visible,"+..
72                "infobar_visible,layout,layout_options,icon,tag";
73        // uncopied, imposed by the target:
74        // figure_position, figure_size, axes_size, figure_id, immediate_drawing,
75        // visible, toolbar, menubar, dockable, default_axes
76        props = tokens(props,",")';
77        for p = props
78            %__f__(p) = loadedFig(p);
79        end
80    end
82    // Copying contents:
83    if loadedFig ~= %__f__ then
84        for kC = size(loadedFig.children, "*"):-1:1
85            copy(loadedFig.children(kC), %__f__); // Copy axes & uicontrols
86        end
87        delete(loadedFig); // Delete it, returned figure will be the one set as current by xload
88    end
89    if targetFigWasBlank then
90        delete(%__f__.children($));
91    end
92    %__f__.visible="on"
93    %__f__.immediate_drawing="on";
94    scf(%__f__);
97function xloadFigure(fil)
98    try
99        load(fil)
100    catch
101        error(_("xload: Given file is not a graphic one.")) ;
102    end