1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1994 by Lieven Vandenberghe and Stephen Boyd.
3  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for
4  * any purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire
5  * notice is included in all copies of any software which is or includes
6  * a copy or modification of this software and in all copies of the
7  * supporting documentation for such software.
8  * This software is being provided "as is", without any express or
9  * implied warranty.  In particular, the authors do not make any
10  * representation or warranty of any kind concerning the merchantability
11  * of this software or its fitness for any particular purpose.
12  */
13 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
14 #include <stdio.h>
15 #include <math.h>
16 #include <string.h>
17 #include "spd.h"
18 #include "sciprint.h"
19 #include "localization.h"
20 #include "configvariable_interface.h"
21 #include "numericconstants_interface.h"
22 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
23 /* BLAS 1 */
24 extern double F2C(dnrm2)( );
25 extern double F2C(ddot)( );
26 extern void F2C(dcopy)( );
27 extern void F2C(daxpy)( );
28 extern void F2C(dscal)( );
30 /* BLAS 2 */
31 extern void F2C(dgemv)( );
32 extern void F2C(dspmv)( );
34 /* BLAS 3 */
35 extern void F2C(dgemm)( );
37 /* LAPACK */
38 extern void F2C(dgels)( );
39 extern void F2C(dspgst)( );
40 extern void F2C(dspev)( );
41 extern void F2C(dspgv)( );
42 extern void F2C(dtrcon)( );
43 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
44 /*
45  * if itype = 1, computes C = B*A*B', otherwise, computes C = B'*A*B
46  * A and B are nxn with A symmetric.
47  *
48  * Arguments:
49  * @param itype  = 1: compute C = B*A*B'
50  *          = any other integer: computes C = B'*A*B
51  * @param n      dimension of A and B
52  * @param AP     (input) double array of size n*(n+1)2;
53  *          the lower triangle of A in packed storage
54  * @param B      (input) double array of size n*n;
55  * @param CP     (output) double array of size n*(n+1)/2;
56  *          the lower triangle of C in packed storage
57  * @param temp:  n-array, workspace
58  */
59 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
cngrncb(int itype,int n,double * AP,double * B,double * CP,double * temp)60 static void cngrncb(int itype, int n, double *AP, double *B, double *CP, double *temp)
61 {
63     int j, pos, lngth = n * (n + 1) / 2;
64     int int1 = 1;
65     double dbl0 = 0.0, dbl1 = 1.0;
67     /* C := 0 */
68     F2C(dscal)(&lngth, &dbl0, CP, &int1);
70     if (itype == 1)
71     {
73         for (j = 0, pos = 0;  j < n;  pos += n - j, j++)
74         {
76             /* temp = A*B(j,:)' */
77             F2C(dspmv)("L", &n, &dbl1, AP, B + j, &n, &dbl0, temp, &int1);
79             /* C(j:n,j) = B(j:n,:)*temp */
80             lngth = n - j;
81             F2C(dgemv)("N", &lngth, &n, &dbl1, B + j, &n, temp, &int1, &dbl0,
82                        CP + pos, &int1);
84         }
86     }
87     else
88     {
90         for (j = 0, pos = 0;  j < n;  pos += n - j, j++)
91         {
93             /* temp = A*B(:,j) */
94             F2C(dspmv)("L", &n, &dbl1, AP, B + j * n, &int1, &dbl0, temp, &int1);
96             /* C(j:n,j) = B(:,j:n)'*temp */
97             lngth = n - j;
98             F2C(dgemv)("T", &n, &lngth, &dbl1, B + j * n, &n, temp, &int1, &dbl0,
99                        CP + pos, &int1);
101         }
102     }
104 }
105 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
inprd(double * X,double * Z,int L,int * blck_szs)106 static double inprd(double *X, double *Z, int L, int *blck_szs)
107 /*
108  * Computes Tr X*Z
109  *
110  * Arguments:
111  * X,Z:       block diagonal matrices with L blocks X^0, ..., X^{L-1},
112  *            and Z^0, ..., Z^{L-1}.  X^j and Z^j have size
113  *            blck_szs[j] times blck_szs[j].  Every block is stored
114  *            using packed storage of the lower triangle.
115  * L:         number of blocks
116  * blck_szs:  int vector of length L
117  *            blck_szs[i], i=0,...,L-1 is the size of block i
118  *
119  */
121 {
122     double result;
123     int i, j, k, lngth, pos, sz, int1 = 1;
125     /* sz = length of Z and X */
126     for (i = 0, sz = 0;  i < L;  i++)
127     {
128         sz += (blck_szs[i] * (blck_szs[i] + 1)) / 2;
129     }
131     /* result = Tr X Z + contributions of diagonal elements */
132     result = 2.0 * F2C(ddot)(&sz, X, &int1, Z, &int1);
134     /* correct for diagonal elements
135      * loop over blocks, j=0,...,L-1  */
136     for (j = 0, pos = 0;  j < L;  j++)
138         /* loop over columns, k=0,...,blck_szs[j]-1
139          * pos is position of (k,k) element of block j
140          * lngth is length of column k */
141         for (k = 0, lngth = blck_szs[j];  k < blck_szs[j];  pos += lngth,
142                 lngth -= 1, k++)
144             /* subtract Z^j_{kk}*X^j_{kk} from result */
145         {
146             result -= Z[pos] * X[pos];
147         }
149     return result;
150 }
151 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
C2F(spf)152 int C2F(spf)(
153     int *m,                /* no of variables */
154     int *L,                /* no of blocks in F */
155     double *F,            /* F_i's in packed storage */
156     int *blck_szs,        /* L-vector, dimensions of diagonal blocks */
157     double *c,            /* m-vector */
158     double *x,            /* m-vector */
159     double *Z,            /* block diagonal matrix in packed storage */
160     double *ul,           /* ul[0] = pr. obj, ul[1] = du. obj */
161     double *nu,            /* >= 1.0 */
162     double *abstol,        /* absolute accuracy */
163     double *reltol,        /* relative accuracy */
164     double *tv,            /* target value */
165     int *iters,           /* on entry: the maximum number of iterations,
166 				    * on exit: the number of iterations taken */
167     double *work,         /* work array */
168     int *lwork,            /* size of work */
169     int *iwork,           /* work array of m integers */
170     int *info            /* status on termination */
171 )
172 {
173     return (sp(*m, *L, F, blck_szs, c, x, Z, ul, *nu, *abstol, *reltol, *tv, iters, work,
174                *lwork, iwork, info));
175 }
176 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
sp(int m,int L,double * F,int * blck_szs,double * c,double * x,double * Z,double * ul,double nu,double abstol,double reltol,double tv,int * iters,double * work,int lwork,int * iwork,int * info)177 int sp(
178     int m,                /* no of variables */
179     int L,                /* no of blocks in F */
180     double *F,            /* F_i's in packed storage */
181     int *blck_szs,        /* L-vector, dimensions of diagonal blocks */
182     double *c,            /* m-vector */
183     double *x,            /* m-vector */
184     double *Z,            /* block diagonal matrix in packed storage */
185     double *ul,           /* ul[0] = pr. obj, ul[1] = du. obj */
186     double nu,            /* >= 1.0 */
187     double abstol,        /* absolute accuracy */
188     double reltol,        /* relative accuracy */
189     double tv,            /* target value */
190     int *iters,           /* on entry: the maximum number of iterations,
191 			      * on exit: the number of iterations taken */
192     double *work,         /* work array */
193     int lwork,            /* size of work */
194     int *iwork,           /* work array of m integers */
195     int *info             /* status on termination */
196 )
197 /*
198  * Solves semidefinite program
199  *
200  *  minimize    c'*x
201  *  subject to  F_0 + x_1*F_1 + ... + x_m*F_m  >= 0
202  *
203  * and its dual
204  *
205  *  maximize    -Tr F_0*Z
206  *  subject to  Z >= 0
207  *              Tr F_i*Z = c_i, i=1,...,m
208  *
209  *
210  * Convergence criteria:
211  * (1) maxiters is exceeded
212  * (2) duality gap is less than abstol
213  * (3) primal and dual objective are both positive and
214  *     duality gap is less than reltol * dual objective
215  *     or primal and dual objective are both negative and
216  *     duality gap is less than reltol * minus the primal objective
217  * (4) reltol is negative and primal objective is less than tv
218  * (5) reltol is negative and dual objective is greater than tv
219  *
220  * Arguments:
221  * - m:        number of variables x_i. m >= 1.
222  * - L:        number of diagonal blocks in F_i. L >= 1.
223  * - F:        the block diagonal matrices F_i, i=0,...,m.
224  *             it is assumed that the matrices F_i are linearly
225  *             independent.
226  *             let F_i^j, i=0,..,m, j=0,...,L-1 denote the jth
227  *             diagonal block of F_i,
228  *             the array F contains F_0^0, ..., F_0^{L-1}, F_1^0, ...,
229  *             F_1^{L-1}, ..., F_m^0, ..., F_m^{L-1}, in this order,
230  *             using packed storage for the lower triangular part of
231  *             F_i^j.
232  * - blck_szs: an int L-vector. blck_szs[j], j=0,....L-1 gives the
233  *             size of block j, ie, F_i^j has size blck_szs[j]
234  *             times blck_szs[j].
235  * - c:        m-vector, primal objective.
236  * - x:        m-vector.  On entry, a strictly primal feasible point.
237  *             On exit, the last iterate for x.
238  * - Z:        block diagonal matrix with L blocks Z^0, ..., Z^{L-1}.
239  *             Z^j has size blck_szs[j] times blck_szs[j].
240  *             Every block is stored using packed storage of the lower
241  *             triangular part.
242  *             On entry, a strictly dual feasible point.  On exit, the
243  *             last dual iterate.
244  * - ul:       two-vector.  On exit, ul[0] is the primal objective value
245  *             c'*x;  ul[1] is the dual objective value -Tr F_0*Z.
246  * - nu:       >= 1.0. Controls the rate of convergence.
247  * - abstol:   absolute tolerance, >= MINABSTOL.
248  * - reltol:   relative tolerance.  Has a special meaning when negative.
249  * - tv:       target value, only referenced if reltol < 0.
250  * - iters:    on entry: maximum number of iterations >= 0,
251  *             on exit: the number of iterations taken.
252  * - work:     work array of size lwork.
253  * - lwork:    size of work, must be at least:
254  *             (m+2)*sz + up_sz + 2*n + ltemp, with
255  *             ltemp = max( m+sz*nb, 3max_n + max_n*(max_n+1), 3*m )
256  *             (sz: space needed to store one matrix F_i in packed
257  *             storage, ie,
258  *                sum_{j=0}^{L-1} blck_szs[j]*(blck_szs[j]+1)/2;
259  *             up_sz: space needed to store one matrix F_i in
260  *             unpacked storage, ie,
261  *                sum_{j=0}^{L-1} blck_szs[j]*blck_szs[j];
262  *             max_n: max block size;
263  *             n: sum of the block sizes.
264  *             nb >= 1, for best performance, nb should be at least
265  *             equal to the optimal block size for dgels.
266  * - iwork:    work array of m integers
267  * - info:     returns 1 if maxiters exceeded,  2 if absolute accuracy
268  *             is reached, 3 if relative accuracy is reached,
269  *             4 if target value is reached, 5 if target value is
270  *             not achievable;
271  *             negative values indicate errors: -i means argument i
272  *             has an illegal value, -18 stands for all other errors.
273  *
274  *
275  * Returns 0 for normal exit, 1 if an error occurred.
276  *
277  */
280 {
281     int i, j, k, n, sz, up_sz, max_n, lngth, pos, pos2, pos3, pos4, ltemp,
282         maxiters, info2, minlwork;
283     double q, *rhs, *Fsc, *R, *X, rho, *dx, *sigx, *sigz, *dZ, *temp, scal,
284            scal2, XdZ, ZdX, alphax, alphaz, lambda_ls, gradx, hessx,
285            gradz, hessz, dalphax, dalphaz, gap, newgap = 0.0, newu = 0.0,
286                                                 newl = 0.0, maxpossigx, minnegsigx, maxpossigz, minnegsigz, nrmc,
287                                                 nrmx, nrmz, nrmmax, rcond;
288     int int2 = 2, int1 = 1;
289     double dbl1 = 1.0, dbl0 = 0.0, sqrt2 = sqrt(2.0);
290     double dbl_epsilon;
292     if (m < 1)
293     {
294         if ( getWarningMode() )
295         {
296             sciprint(_("m must be at least one.\n"));
297         }
298         *info = -1;
299         return 1;
300     }
301     if (L < 1)
302     {
303         if ( getWarningMode() )
304         {
305             sciprint(_("L must be at least one.\n"));
306         }
307         *info = -2;
308         return 1;
309     }
310     for (i = 0; i < L; i++) if (blck_szs[i] < 1)
311         {
312             if ( getWarningMode() )
313             {
314                 sciprint(_("blck_szs[%d] must be at least one.\n"), i);
315             }
316             *info = -4;
317             return 1;
318         }
319     if (nu < 1.0)
320     {
321         if ( getWarningMode() )
322         {
323             sciprint(_("nu must be at least 1.0.\n"));
324         }
325         *info = -9;
326         return 1;
327     }
330     /*
331      * calculate dimensions:
332      * n:      total size of semidefinite program
333      * sz:     length of one block-diagonal matrix in packed storage
334      * up_sz:  length of one block-diagonal matrix in unpacked storage
335      * max_n:  size of biggest block
336      */
338     for (i = 0, n = 0, sz = 0, up_sz = 0, max_n = 0;  i < L;  i++)
339     {
340         n     += blck_szs[i];
341         sz    += blck_szs[i] * (blck_szs[i] + 1) / 2;
342         up_sz += blck_szs[i] * blck_szs[i];
343         max_n  = Max(max_n, blck_szs[i]);
344     }
345     if (m > sz)
346     {
347         sciprint(_("Matrices Fi, i=1,...,m are linearly dependent.\n"));
348         *info = -3;
349         return 1;
350     }
352     q = (double)n + nu * sqrt((double)n);
355     /*
356      * check if Tr Fi*Z = c_i, i=1,...,m
357      */
359     nrmc = F2C(dnrm2)(&m, c, &int1);
360     for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
361         if (fabs(inprd(F + (i + 1)*sz, Z, L, blck_szs) - c[i]) > nrmc * TOLC)
362         {
363             if ( getWarningMode() )
364             {
365                 sciprint(_("Z0 does not satisfy equality conditions for dual feasibility.\n"));
366             }
368             *info = -7;
369             return 1;
370         }
373     /*
374      * organize workspace
375      *
376      * work:  (m+2)*sz + up_sz + 2*n + ltemp
377      * minimum ltemp: the maximum of
378      *         m+sz*nb, 3*max_n + max_n*(max_n+1), and 3*m
379      *         (nb is at least one)
380      *
381      * for dgels:        m + sz*nb, nb at least 1
382      * for dspev("N"):   3*max_n + max_n*(max_n+1)
383      * for dspgv("N"):   3*max_n + max_n*(max_n+1)
384      * for dspgv("V"):   3*max_n + max_n*(max_n+1)/2
385      * for cngrncb:      max_n
386      * for dtrcon:       3*m
387      *
388      * rhs  (sz):        work[0 ... sz-1]
389      * Fsc  (m*sz):      work[sz ... (m+1)*sz-1]
390      * R    (up_sz):     work[(m+1)*sz ... (m+1)*sz+up_sz-1]
391      * X    (sz):        work[(m+1)*sz+up_sz ... (m+2)*sz+up_sz-1]
392      * sigx (n):         work[(m+2)*sz+up_sz ... (m+2)*sz+up_sz+n-1]
393      * sigz (n):         work[(m+2)*sz+up_sz+n ... (m+2)*sz+up_sz+2*n-1]
394      * temp (remainder): work[(m+2)*sz+up_sz+2*n ... lwork-1]
395      */
397     /* check lwork */
398     minlwork = (m + 2) * sz + up_sz + 2 * n +
399                Max( Max( m + sz, 3 * max_n + max_n * (max_n + 1) ), 3 * m );
400     if (lwork < minlwork)
401     {
402         if ( getWarningMode() )
403         {
404             sciprint(_("Work space is too small.  Need at least %d*sizeof(double).\n"), minlwork);
405         }
406         *info = -15;
407         return 1;
408     }
410     rhs   = work;        /* rhs for ls problem */
411     dx    = work;        /* solution of ls system; overlaps with rhs  */
412     Fsc   = rhs + sz;    /* scaled matrices */
413     dZ    = rhs + sz;    /* overlaps with first column of Fsc */
414     R     = Fsc + m * sz; /* eigenvectors of Z*F */
415     X     = R + up_sz;   /* F(x) */
416     sigx  = X + sz;      /* generalized eigenvalues of (dX,X) */
417     sigz  = sigx + n;    /* generalized eigenvalues of (dZ,Z) */
418     temp  = sigz + n;
419     ltemp = lwork - (m + 2) * sz - up_sz - 2 * n;
422     maxiters = (*iters >= 0) ? *iters : MAXITERS;
423     for (*iters = 0; *iters <= maxiters; (*iters)++)
424     {
427         /* compute F(x) = F_0 + x_1*F_1 + ... + x_m*F_m, store in X */
428         F2C(dcopy)(&sz, F, &int1, X, &int1);
429         F2C(dgemv)("N", &sz, &m, &dbl1, F + sz, &sz, x, &int1, &dbl1, X, &int1);
432         /*
433          * compute generalized eigendecomp  Z*F*x = lambda*x
434          * loop over blocks, i=0,...,L-1
435          * pos:  position of (0,0) element of block i in packed storage
436          * pos2: position of (0,0) element of block i in unpacked
437          *       storage
438          * pos3: position of first eigenvalue of block i in sigx
439          */
441         for (i = 0, pos = 0, pos2 = 0, pos3 = 0, gap = 0.0;  i < L;
442                 pos += blck_szs[i] * (blck_szs[i] + 1) / 2,
443                 pos2 += blck_szs[i] * blck_szs[i],
444                 pos3 += blck_szs[i], i++)
445         {
447             lngth = blck_szs[i] * (blck_szs[i] + 1) / 2;
449             /* copy block i of Z in temp (need max_n*(max_n+1)/2) */
450             F2C(dcopy)(&lngth, Z + pos, &int1, temp, &int1);
452             /* generalized eigenvalue decomposition Z*F*x = lambda*x
453              * - eigenvectors V are normalized s.t. V^T*F*V = I
454              * - store block i of V in R+pos2
455              * - store eigenvalues of block i in sigx+pos3
456              * - dspgv replaces X+pos by cholesky factor L of ith
457              *   block of F (F = L*L^T)
458              * use temp+lngth as workspace (need at least 3*max_n) */
459             F2C(dspgv)(&int2, "V", "L", blck_szs + i, temp, X + pos, sigx + pos3,
460                        R + pos2, blck_szs + i, temp + lngth, &info2);
461             if (info2)
462             {
463                 if ( getWarningMode() )
464                 {
465                     sciprint(_("Error in dspgv, info = %d.\n"), info2);
466                 }
467                 if (*iters == 0 && info2 > blck_szs[i])
468                 {
469                     if ( getWarningMode() )
470                     {
471                         sciprint( _("x0 is not strictly primal feasible.\n"));
472                     }
473                     *info = -6;
474                 }
475                 else
476                 {
477                     *info = -18;
478                 }
479                 return 1;
480             }
482             /* - replace sigx+pos3 by lambda^(1/2)
483              * - normalize block i of V (stored in R+pos2) s.t.
484              *   V^T*F*V = Lambda^(1/2) */
485             for (k = 0; k < blck_szs[i]; k++)
486             {
487                 scal = sigx[pos3 + k];
488                 if (scal < 0.0)
489                 {
490                     if (*iters == 0)
491                     {
492                         if ( getWarningMode() )
493                         {
494                             sciprint(_("Z0 is not positive definite.\n"));
495                         }
496                         *info = 7;
497                     }
498                     else
499                     {
500                         if ( getWarningMode() )
501                         {
502                             sciprint(_("F(x)*Z has a negative eigenvalue.\n"));
503                         }
504                         *info = -18;
505                     }
506                     return 1;
507                 }
508                 gap += scal;    /* duality gap is sum of eigenvalues of ZF */
509                 scal2 = sqrt(scal);
510                 scal = sqrt(scal2);
511                 sigx[pos3 + k] = scal2;
512                 F2C(dscal)(blck_szs + i, &scal, R + pos2 + k * blck_szs[i], &int1);
513             }
515         }
518         /*
519          * check convergence
520          */
522         ul[1] = -inprd(F, Z, L, blck_szs);      /* -Tr F_0 Z */
523         ul[0] = F2C(ddot)(&m, c, &int1, x, &int1);  /* c^T x */
524         if (*iters == 0)
525         {
526             if ( getWarningMode() )
527             {
528                 sciprint(_("\n    primal obj.  dual obj.  dual. gap \n"));
529             }
531         }
532         if ( getWarningMode() )
533         {
534             sciprint("% 13.2e % 12.2e %10.2e\n", ul[0], ul[1], gap);
535         }
536         if (gap <= Max(abstol, MINABSTOL))
537         {
538             *info = 2;
539         }
540         else if ( (ul[1] > 0.0 && gap <= reltol * ul[1]) ||
541                   (ul[0] < 0.0 && gap <= reltol * (-ul[0])) )
542         {
543             *info = 3;
544         }
545         else if ( reltol < 0.0 && ul[0] <= tv )
546         {
547             *info = 4;
548         }
549         else if ( reltol < 0.0 && ul[1] >= tv )
550         {
551             *info = 5;
552         }
553         else if ( *iters == maxiters )
554         {
555             *info = 1;
556         }
557         else
558         {
559             *info = 0;
560         }
561         if (*info)
562         {
563             return 0;
564         }
568         /*
569          * compute scaled matrices F
570          */
572         for (j = 0, pos = 0;  j < m;  j++) for (i = 0, pos2 = 0;  i < L;
573                                                     pos += blck_szs[i] * (blck_szs[i] + 1) / 2,
574                                                     pos2 += blck_szs[i] * blck_szs[i], i++)
575             {
577                 /* compute R' * Fj(i) * R, store in Fsc+pos */
578                 cngrncb(2, blck_szs[i], F + sz + pos, R + pos2, Fsc + pos, temp);
580                 /* correct diagonal elements */
581                 for (k = 0, pos4 = pos;  k < blck_szs[i];  pos4 += blck_szs[i] - k, k++)
582                 {
583                     Fsc[pos4] /= sqrt2;
584                 }
586             }
589         /*
590          * form rhs = Lambda^(-1/2) - (q/gap) * Lambda^(1/2)
591          */
593         F2C(dscal)(&sz, &dbl0, rhs, &int1);    /* rhs := 0 */
594         rho = -q / gap;
595         for (i = 0, pos = 0, pos3 = 0;  i < L;
596                 pos += blck_szs[i] * (blck_szs[i] + 1) / 2,
597                 pos3 += blck_szs[i], i++)
598             for (k = 0, pos4 = pos;  k < blck_szs[i];  pos4 += blck_szs[i] - k, k++)
599             {
600                 scal = sigx[pos3 + k];
601                 rhs[pos4] = (1.0 / scal + rho * scal) / sqrt2;
602             }
605         /*
606          * solve least-squares problem; need workspace of size m + nb*sz
607          * - rhs is overwritten by dx
608          * - in first iteration, estimate condition number of Fsc
609          */
611         F2C(dgels)("N", &sz, &m, &int1, Fsc, &sz, rhs, &sz, temp, &ltemp,
612                    &info2);
613         if (info2)
614         {
615             if ( getWarningMode() )
616             {
617                 sciprint(_("Error in dgels, info = %d.\n"), info2);
618             }
619             *info = -18;
620             return 1;
621         }
623         if (*iters == 0)
624         {
626             /* estimate the condition number in 1-norm of the R-factor of
627              * the qr-decomposition of Fsc (is stored in Fsc)
628              * need work space of size 3*m */
629             F2C(dtrcon)("1", "U", "N", &m, Fsc, &sz, &rcond, temp, iwork,
630                         &info2);
631             if (info2 < 0)
632             {
633                 if ( getWarningMode() )
634                 {
635                     sciprint(_("Error in dtrcon, info = %d.\n"), info2);
636                 }
637                 *info = -18;
638                 return 1;
639             }
640             if (rcond < MINRCOND)
641             {
642                 if ( getWarningMode() )
643                 {
644                     sciprint(_("The matrices F_i, i=1,...,m are linearly dependent (or the initial points are very badly conditioned).\n"));
645                 }
646                 *info = -3;
647                 return 1;
648             }
650         }
654         /*
655          * - compute dZ =
656          *   R*((q/gap)*Lambda^(1/2) - Lambda^(-1/2) + R^T*dF*R )*R^T
657          * - compute generalized eigenvalues of (dF, F), store in sigx
658          * - compute generalized eigenvalues of (dZ, Z), store in sigz
659          *
660          * loop over blocks i=0,...,L-1
661          * pos:  position of (0,0) element of block i in packed storage
662          * pos2: position of (0,0) element of block i in unpacked storage
663          * pos3: position of first eigenvalue of in sigx and sigz
664          */
666         for (i = 0, pos = 0, pos2 = 0, pos3 = 0;  i < L;
667                 pos  += blck_szs[i] * (blck_szs[i] + 1) / 2,
668                 pos2 += blck_szs[i] * blck_szs[i],
669                 pos3 += blck_szs[i], i++)
670         {
672             lngth = blck_szs[i] * (blck_szs[i] + 1) / 2;
674             /* compute ith block of dF = \sum \delta x_i F_i,
675              * store in temp */
676             F2C(dgemv)("N", &lngth, &m, &dbl1, F + sz + pos, &sz, dx, &int1,
677                        &dbl0, temp, &int1);
679             /* scale dF as R'*dF*R, store in temp + lngth */
680             cngrncb(2, blck_szs[i], temp, R + pos2, temp + lngth, temp + 2 * lngth);
682             /* add (q/gap)*Lambda^(1/2) - Lambda^(-1/2) */
683             for (k = 0, pos4 = lngth;  k < blck_szs[i];  pos4 += blck_szs[i] - k, k++)
684             {
685                 temp[pos4] -= rho * sigx[pos3 + k] + 1.0 / sigx[pos3 + k];
686             }
688             /* replace dF in temp by L^{-1}*dF*L^{-T},
689              * (L: cholesky factor of F, stored in X)
690              * and compute eigenvalues of L^{-1}*dF*L^{-T}  */
691             F2C(dspgst)(&int1, "L", blck_szs + i, temp, X + pos, &info2);
692             if (info2)
693             {
694                 if ( getWarningMode() )
695                 {
696                     sciprint(_("Error in dspst, info = %d.\n"), info2);
697                 }
699                 *info = -18;
700                 return 1;
701             }
702             /* temp has to be of size max_n*(max_n+1)+3*max_n */
703             F2C(dspev)("N", "L", blck_szs + i, temp, sigx + pos3, NULL, &int1,
704                        temp + 2 * lngth, &info2);
705             if (info2)
706             {
707                 if ( getWarningMode() )
708                 {
709                     sciprint(_("Error in dspev, info = %d.\n"), info2);
710                 }
711                 *info = -18;
712                 return 1;
713             }
715             /* dZ := R*((q/gap)*Lambda^(1/2) - Lambda^(-1/2) + R'*dF*R)*R' */
716             cngrncb(1, blck_szs[i], temp + lngth, R + pos2, dZ + pos,
717                     temp + 2 * lngth);
719             /* copy ith block of dZ to temp */
720             F2C(dcopy)(&lngth, dZ + pos, &int1, temp, &int1);
722             /* copy ith block of Z to temp + lngth */
723             F2C(dcopy)(&lngth, Z + pos, &int1, temp + lngth, &int1);
725             /* sigz: generalized eigenvalues of (dZ,Z)
726              * required size of temp: 3*max_n + max_n*(max_n+1) */
727             F2C(dspgv)(&int1, "N", "L", blck_szs + i, temp, temp + lngth, sigz + pos3,
728                        NULL, &int1, temp + 2 * lngth, &info2);
729             if (info2)
730             {
731                 if ( getWarningMode() )
732                 {
733                     sciprint(_("Error in dspgv, info = %d.\n"), info2);
734                 }
735                 *info = -18;
736                 return 1;
737             }
739         }
742         /*
743          * compute feasible rectangle for plane search
744          */
746         maxpossigx = 0.0;
747         minnegsigx = 0.0;
748         maxpossigz = 0.0;
749         minnegsigz = 0.0;
750         for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
751         {
752             if ( sigx[i] > maxpossigx )
753             {
754                 maxpossigx = sigx[i];    /* max pos eigenvalue in sigx */
755             }
756             else if ( sigx[i] < minnegsigx )
757             {
758                 minnegsigx = sigx[i];    /* min neg eigenvalue in sigx */
759             }
760             if ( sigz[i] > maxpossigz )
761             {
762                 maxpossigz = sigz[i];    /* max pos eigenvalue in sigz */
763             }
764             else if ( sigz[i] < minnegsigz )
765             {
766                 minnegsigz = sigz[i];    /* min neg eigenvalue in sigz */
767             }
768         }
769         nrmx = F2C(dnrm2)(&n, sigx, &int1);        /* norm of scaled dx */
770         nrmz = F2C(dnrm2)(&n, sigz, &int1);        /* norm of scaled dZ */
771         nrmmax = Max( nrmx, nrmz);
773         XdZ = inprd(F, dZ, L, blck_szs);       /* Tr F0*dZ */
774         ZdX = F2C(ddot)(&m, c, &int1, dx, &int1);  /* c^T*dx */
777         /*
778          * check corners of feasible rectangle
779          */
781         dbl_epsilon = nc_eps();
782         if (nrmx > SIGTOL * nrmmax)
783             if (ZdX < 0.0)
784             {
785                 alphax = (minnegsigx < -dbl_epsilon) ? -1.0 / minnegsigx : 0.0;
786             }
787             else
788             {
789                 alphax = (maxpossigx >  dbl_epsilon) ? -1.0 / maxpossigx : 0.0;
790             }
791         else
792         {
793             alphax = 0.0;
794         }
796         if (nrmz > SIGTOL * nrmmax)
797             if (XdZ < 0.0)
798             {
799                 alphaz = (minnegsigz < -dbl_epsilon) ? -1.0 / minnegsigz : 0.0;
800             }
801             else
802             {
803                 alphaz = (maxpossigz >  dbl_epsilon) ? -1.0 / maxpossigz : 0.0;
804             }
805         else
806         {
807             alphaz = 0.0;
808         }
810         newgap = gap + alphax * ZdX + alphaz * XdZ;
811         newu = ul[0] + alphax * ZdX;
812         newl = ul[1] - alphaz * XdZ;
814         if (newgap <= Max(abstol, MINABSTOL))
815         {
816             *info = 2;
817         }
818         else if ( (newl > 0.0 && newgap <= reltol * newl) ||
819                   (newu < 0.0 && newgap <= -reltol * newu) )
820         {
821             *info = 3;
822         }
823         else if ( reltol < 0.0 && newu <= tv )
824         {
825             *info = 4;
826         }
827         else if ( reltol < 0.0 && newl >= tv )
828         {
829             *info = 5;
830         }
831         else if ( *iters == maxiters )
832         {
833             *info = 1;
834         }
835         else
836         {
837             *info = 0;
838         }
840         if (*info)
841         {
842             F2C(daxpy)(&m, &alphax, dx, &int1, x, &int1);
843             F2C(daxpy)(&sz, &alphaz, dZ, &int1, Z, &int1);
844             gap = newgap;
845             ul[0] = newu;
846             ul[1] = newl;
847             if ( getWarningMode() )
848             {
849                 sciprint("% 13.2e % 12.2e %10.2e\n", ul[0], ul[1], gap);
850             }
851             (*iters)++;
852             return 0;
853         }
856         /*
857          * plane search
858          *  minimize   phi(alphax,alphaz) =
859          *    q*log(dual_gap + alphax*c^T*dx + alphaz* Tr F_0 dZ)
860          *  - sum log (1+alphax*sigx_i) - sum log (1+alphaz*sigz)
861          */
863         alphax = 0.0;
864         alphaz = 0.0;
865         lambda_ls = 1.0;
867         if (nrmx > SIGTOL * nrmmax)
868             if (nrmz > SIGTOL * nrmmax)  /* compute primal and dual steps */
869                 while ( lambda_ls > 1e-4 )
870                 {
872                     /* compute 1st and 2nd derivatives of phi */
873                     rho = q / (gap + alphax * ZdX + alphaz * XdZ);
874                     gradx = rho * ZdX;
875                     hessx = 0.0;
876                     gradz = rho * XdZ;
877                     hessz = 0.0;
878                     for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
879                     {
880                         gradx -= sigx[i] / (1.0 + alphax * sigx[i]);
881                         hessx += SQR( sigx[i] / (1.0 + alphax * sigx[i]) );
882                         gradz -= sigz[i] / (1.0 + alphaz * sigz[i]);
883                         hessz += SQR( sigz[i] / (1.0 + alphaz * sigz[i]) );
884                     }
886                     /* newton step */
887                     dalphax = -gradx / hessx;
888                     dalphaz = -gradz / hessz;
889                     lambda_ls = sqrt( SQR(gradx) / hessx + SQR(gradz) / hessz );
890                     alphax += (lambda_ls > 0.25) ?
891                               dalphax / (1.0 + lambda_ls) : dalphax;
892                     alphaz += (lambda_ls > 0.25) ?
893                               dalphaz / (1.0 + lambda_ls) : dalphaz;
895                 }
897             else while ( lambda_ls > 1e-4 )    /* primal step only */
898                 {
900                     /* compute 1st and 2nd derivatives of phi */
901                     rho = q / (gap + alphax * ZdX);
902                     gradx = rho * ZdX;
903                     hessx = 0.0;
904                     for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
905                     {
906                         gradx -= sigx[i] / (1.0 + alphax * sigx[i]);
907                         hessx += SQR( sigx[i] / (1.0 + alphax * sigx[i]) );
908                     }
910                     /* newton step */
911                     dalphax = -gradx / hessx;
912                     lambda_ls = fabs(gradx) / sqrt(hessx);
913                     alphax += (lambda_ls > 0.25) ?
914                               dalphax / (1.0 + lambda_ls) : dalphax;
916                 }
918         else if (nrmz > SIGTOL * nrmmax)      /* dual step only */
919             while ( lambda_ls > 1e-4 )
920             {
922                 /* compute 1st and 2nd derivatives of phi */
923                 rho = q / (gap + alphaz * XdZ);
924                 gradz = rho * XdZ;
925                 hessz = 0.0;
926                 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
927                 {
928                     gradz -= sigz[i] / (1.0 + alphaz * sigz[i]);
929                     hessz += SQR( sigz[i] / (1.0 + alphaz * sigz[i]) );
930                 }
932                 /* newton step */
933                 dalphaz = -gradz / hessz;
934                 lambda_ls = fabs(gradz) / sqrt(hessz);
935                 alphaz += (lambda_ls > 0.25) ?
936                           dalphaz / (1.0 + lambda_ls) : dalphaz;
937             }
941         /* update x and Z */
942         F2C(daxpy)(&m, &alphax, dx, &int1, x, &int1);
943         F2C(daxpy)(&sz, &alphaz, dZ, &int1, Z, &int1);
945     }
947     return -1;   /* should never happen */
948 }