1 #ifndef CF_MOD_GCD_H
2 #define CF_MOD_GCD_H
3 // -*- c++ -*-
4 //*****************************************************************************
5 /** @file cfModGcd.h
6  *
7  * modular and sparse modular GCD algorithms over finite fields and Z.
8  *
9  * @author Martin Lee
10  * @date   22.10.2009
11  *
12  * @par Copyright:
13  *   (c) by The SINGULAR Team, see LICENSE file
14  *
15 **/
16 //*****************************************************************************
18 // #include "config.h"
19 #include "cf_assert.h"
21 #include "cf_factory.h"
23 CanonicalForm modGCDFq (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G,
24                         Variable & alpha, CFList& l, bool& top_level);
26 /// GCD of A and B over \f$ F_{p}(\alpha ) \f$
27 static inline
modGCDFq(const CanonicalForm & A,const CanonicalForm & B,Variable & alpha)28 CanonicalForm modGCDFq (const CanonicalForm& A, ///<[in] poly over F_q
29                         const CanonicalForm& B, ///<[in] poly over F_q
30                         Variable & alpha        ///<[in] algebraic variable
31                        )
32 {
33   CFList list;
34   bool top_level= true;
35   return modGCDFq (A, B, alpha, list, top_level);
36 }
39 CanonicalForm
40 modGCDFp (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, bool& top_level,
41           CFList& l);
43 CanonicalForm
44 modGCDFp (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G,
45           CanonicalForm& coF, CanonicalForm& coG,
46           bool& topLevel, CFList& l);
48 ///GCD of A and B over \f$ F_{p} \f$
49 static inline
modGCDFp(const CanonicalForm & A,const CanonicalForm & B)50 CanonicalForm modGCDFp (const CanonicalForm& A, ///<[in] poly over F_p
51                         const CanonicalForm& B  ///<[in] poly over F_p
52                        )
53 {
54   CFList list;
55   bool top_level= true;
56   return modGCDFp (A, B, top_level, list);
57 }
59 static inline
modGCDFp(const CanonicalForm & A,const CanonicalForm & B,CanonicalForm & coA,CanonicalForm & coB)60 CanonicalForm modGCDFp (const CanonicalForm& A, const CanonicalForm& B,
61                         CanonicalForm& coA, CanonicalForm& coB)
62 {
63   CFList list;
64   bool top_level= true;
65   return modGCDFp (A, B, coA, coB, top_level, list);
66 }
68 CanonicalForm
69 modGCDGF (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G, CFList& l,
70           bool& top_level);
72 /// GCD of A and B over GF
73 static inline
modGCDGF(const CanonicalForm & A,const CanonicalForm & B)74 CanonicalForm modGCDGF (const CanonicalForm& A, ///<[in] poly over GF
75                         const CanonicalForm& B  ///<[in] poly over GF
76                        )
77 {
78   ASSERT (CFFactory::gettype() == GaloisFieldDomain,
79           "GF as base field expected");
80   CFList list;
81   bool top_level= true;
82   return modGCDGF (A, B, list, top_level);
83 }
85 CanonicalForm sparseGCDFp (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G,
86                            bool& topLevel, CFList& l);
88 /// Zippel's sparse GCD over Fp
89 static inline
sparseGCDFp(const CanonicalForm & A,const CanonicalForm & B)90 CanonicalForm sparseGCDFp (const CanonicalForm& A, ///<[in] poly over F_p
91                            const CanonicalForm& B  ///<[in] poly over F_p
92                           )
93 {
94   ASSERT (CFFactory::gettype() == FiniteFieldDomain,
95           "Fp as base field expected");
96   CFList list;
97   bool topLevel= true;
98   return sparseGCDFp (A, B, topLevel, list);
99 }
102 CanonicalForm
103 sparseGCDFq (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G,
104              const Variable& alpha, CFList& l, bool& topLevel);
106 /// Zippel's sparse GCD over Fq
107 static inline
sparseGCDFq(const CanonicalForm & A,const CanonicalForm & B,const Variable & alpha)108 CanonicalForm sparseGCDFq (const CanonicalForm& A, ///<[in] poly over F_q
109                            const CanonicalForm& B, ///<[in] poly over F_q
110                            const Variable& alpha   ///<[in] algebraic variable
111                           )
112 {
113   CFList list;
114   bool topLevel= true;
115   return sparseGCDFq (A, B, alpha, list, topLevel);
116 }
118 /// extract monomials of F, parts in algebraic variable are considered
119 /// coefficients
120 CFArray
121 getMonoms (const CanonicalForm& F ///<[in] some poly
122           );
124 bool
125 terminationTest (const CanonicalForm& F, const CanonicalForm& G,
126                  const CanonicalForm& coF, const CanonicalForm& coG,
127                  const CanonicalForm& cand);
129 /// modular GCD over Z
130 CanonicalForm modGCDZ (const CanonicalForm & FF, ///<[in] poly over Z
131                        const CanonicalForm & GG  ///<[in] poly over Z
132                       );
133 #endif