1 /*****************************************************************************\
2  * Computer Algebra System SINGULAR
3 \*****************************************************************************/
4 /** @file facAlgFunc.cc
5  *
6  * This file provides functions to factorize polynomials over alg. function
7  * fields
8  *
9  * @note some of the code is code from libfac or derived from code from libfac.
10  * Libfac is written by M. Messollen. See also COPYING for license information
11  * and README for general information on characteristic sets.
12  *
13  * ABSTRACT: Descriptions can be found in B. Trager "Algebraic Factoring and
14  * Rational Function Integration" and A. Steel "Conquering Inseparability:
15  * Primary decomposition and multivariate factorization over algebraic function
16  * fields of positive characteristic"
17  *
18  * @author Martin Lee
19  *
20  **/
21 /*****************************************************************************/
23 #include "config.h"
25 #include "cf_assert.h"
26 #include "debug.h"
28 #include "cf_generator.h"
29 #include "cf_iter.h"
30 #include "cf_util.h"
31 #include "cf_algorithm.h"
32 #include "templates/ftmpl_functions.h"
33 #include "cf_map.h"
34 #include "cfModResultant.h"
35 #include "cfCharSets.h"
36 #include "facAlgFunc.h"
37 #include "facAlgFuncUtil.h"
39 void out_cf(const char *s1,const CanonicalForm &f,const char *s2);
41 CanonicalForm
alg_content(const CanonicalForm & f,const CFList & as)42 alg_content (const CanonicalForm& f, const CFList& as)
43 {
44   if (!f.inCoeffDomain())
45   {
46     CFIterator i= f;
47     CanonicalForm result= abs (i.coeff());
48     i++;
49     while (i.hasTerms() && !result.isOne())
50     {
51       result= alg_gcd (i.coeff(), result, as);
52       i++;
53     }
54     return result;
55   }
57   return abs (f);
58 }
60 CanonicalForm
alg_gcd(const CanonicalForm & fff,const CanonicalForm & ggg,const CFList & as)61 alg_gcd (const CanonicalForm & fff, const CanonicalForm &ggg, const CFList &as)
62 {
63   if (fff.inCoeffDomain() || ggg.inCoeffDomain())
64     return 1;
65   CanonicalForm f=fff;
66   CanonicalForm g=ggg;
67   f=Prem(f,as);
68   g=Prem(g,as);
69   if ( f.isZero() )
70   {
71     if ( g.lc().sign() < 0 ) return -g;
72     else                     return g;
73   }
74   else  if ( g.isZero() )
75   {
76     if ( f.lc().sign() < 0 ) return -f;
77     else                     return f;
78   }
80   int v= as.getLast().level();
81   if (f.level() <= v || g.level() <= v)
82     return 1;
84   CanonicalForm res;
86   // does as appear in f and g ?
87   bool has_alg_var=false;
88   for ( CFListIterator j=as;j.hasItem(); j++ )
89   {
90     Variable v=j.getItem().mvar();
91     if (hasVar (f, v))
92       has_alg_var=true;
93     if (hasVar (g, v))
94       has_alg_var=true;
95   }
96   if (!has_alg_var)
97   {
98     /*if ((hasAlgVar(f))
99     || (hasAlgVar(g)))
100     {
101       Varlist ord;
102       for ( CFListIterator j=as;j.hasItem(); j++ )
103         ord.append(j.getItem().mvar());
104       res=algcd(f,g,as,ord);
105     }
106     else*/
107     if (!hasAlgVar (f) && !hasAlgVar (g))
108       return res=gcd(f,g);
109   }
111   int mvf=f.level();
112   int mvg=g.level();
113   if (mvg > mvf)
114   {
115     CanonicalForm tmp=f; f=g; g=tmp;
116     int tmp2=mvf; mvf=mvg; mvg=tmp2;
117   }
118   if (g.inBaseDomain() || f.inBaseDomain())
119     return CanonicalForm(1);
121   CanonicalForm c_f= alg_content (f, as);
123   if (mvf != mvg)
124   {
125     res= alg_gcd (g, c_f, as);
126     return res;
127   }
128   Variable x= f.mvar();
130   // now: mvf==mvg, f.level()==g.level()
131   CanonicalForm c_g= alg_content (g, as);
133   int delta= degree (f) - degree (g);
135   f= divide (f, c_f, as);
136   g= divide (g, c_g, as);
138   // gcd of contents
139   CanonicalForm c_gcd= alg_gcd (c_f, c_g, as);
140   CanonicalForm tmp;
142   if (delta < 0)
143   {
144     tmp= f;
145     f= g;
146     g= tmp;
147     delta= -delta;
148   }
150   CanonicalForm r= 1;
152   while (degree (g, x) > 0)
153   {
154     r= Prem (f, g);
155     r= Prem (r, as);
156     if (!r.isZero())
157     {
158       r= divide (r, alg_content (r,as), as);
159       r /= vcontent (r,Variable (v+1));
160     }
161     f= g;
162     g= r;
163   }
165   if (degree (g, x) == 0)
166     return c_gcd;
168   c_f= alg_content (f, as);
170   f= divide (f, c_f, as);
172   f *= c_gcd;
173   f /= vcontent (f, Variable (v+1));
175   return f;
176 }
178 static CanonicalForm
resultante(const CanonicalForm & f,const CanonicalForm & g,const Variable & v)179 resultante (const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm& g, const Variable & v)
180 {
181   bool on_rational = isOn(SW_RATIONAL);
182   if (!on_rational && getCharacteristic() == 0)
183     On(SW_RATIONAL);
184   CanonicalForm cd = bCommonDen( f );
185   CanonicalForm fz = f * cd;
186   cd = bCommonDen( g );
187   CanonicalForm gz = g * cd;
188   if (!on_rational && getCharacteristic() == 0)
189     Off(SW_RATIONAL);
190   CanonicalForm result;
191 #ifdef HAVE_NTL
192   if (getCharacteristic() == 0)
193     result= resultantZ (fz, gz,v);
194   else
195 #endif
196     result= resultant (fz,gz,v);
198   return result;
199 }
201 /// compute the norm R of f over PPalpha, g= f (x-s*alpha)
202 /// if proof==true, R is squarefree and if in addition getCharacteristic() > 0
203 /// the squarefree factors of R are returned.
204 /// Based on Trager's sqrf_norm algorithm.
205 static CFFList
norm(const CanonicalForm & f,const CanonicalForm & PPalpha,CFGenerator & myrandom,CanonicalForm & s,CanonicalForm & g,CanonicalForm & R,bool proof)206 norm (const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & PPalpha,
207       CFGenerator & myrandom, CanonicalForm & s, CanonicalForm & g,
208       CanonicalForm & R, bool proof)
209 {
210   Variable y= PPalpha.mvar(), vf= f.mvar();
211   CanonicalForm temp, Palpha= PPalpha, t;
212   int sqfreetest= 0;
213   CFFList testlist;
214   CFFListIterator i;
216   if (proof)
217   {
218     myrandom.reset();
219     s= myrandom.item();
220     g= f;
221     R= CanonicalForm(0);
222   }
223   else
224   {
225     if (getCharacteristic() == 0)
226       t= CanonicalForm (mapinto (myrandom.item()));
227     else
228       t= CanonicalForm (myrandom.item());
229     s= t;
230     g= f (vf - t*Palpha.mvar(), vf);
231   }
233   // Norm, resultante taken with respect to y
234   while (!sqfreetest)
235   {
236     R= resultante (Palpha, g, y);
237     R= R* bCommonDen(R);
238     R /= content (R);
239     if (proof)
240     {
241       // sqfree check ; R is a polynomial in K[x]
242       if (getCharacteristic() == 0)
243       {
244         temp= gcd (R, R.deriv (vf));
245         if (degree(temp,vf) != 0 || temp == temp.genZero())
246           sqfreetest= 0;
247         else
248           sqfreetest= 1;
249       }
250       else
251       {
252         Variable X;
253         testlist= sqrFree (R);
255         if (testlist.getFirst().factor().inCoeffDomain())
256           testlist.removeFirst();
257         sqfreetest= 1;
258         for (i= testlist; i.hasItem(); i++)
259         {
260           if (i.getItem().exp() > 1 && degree (i.getItem().factor(),R.mvar()) > 0)
261           {
262             sqfreetest= 0;
263             break;
264           }
265         }
266       }
267       if (!sqfreetest)
268       {
269         myrandom.next();
270         if (getCharacteristic() == 0)
271           t= CanonicalForm (mapinto (myrandom.item()));
272         else
273           t= CanonicalForm (myrandom.item());
274         s= t;
275         g= f (vf - t*Palpha.mvar(), vf);
276       }
277     }
278     else
279       break;
280   }
281   return testlist;
282 }
284 /// see @a norm, R is guaranteed to be squarefree
285 /// Based on Trager's sqrf_norm algorithm.
286 static CFFList
sqrfNorm(const CanonicalForm & f,const CanonicalForm & PPalpha,const Variable & Extension,CanonicalForm & s,CanonicalForm & g,CanonicalForm & R)287 sqrfNorm (const CanonicalForm & f, const CanonicalForm & PPalpha,
288           const Variable & Extension, CanonicalForm & s,  CanonicalForm & g,
289           CanonicalForm & R)
290 {
291   CFFList result;
292   if (getCharacteristic() == 0)
293   {
294     IntGenerator myrandom;
295     result= norm (f, PPalpha, myrandom, s, g, R, true);
296   }
297   else if (degree (Extension) > 0)
298   {
299     AlgExtGenerator myrandom (Extension);
300     result= norm (f, PPalpha, myrandom, s, g, R, true);
301   }
302   else
303   {
304     FFGenerator myrandom;
305     result= norm (f, PPalpha, myrandom, s, g, R, true);
306   }
307   return result;
308 }
310 // calculate a "primitive element"
311 // K must have more than S elements (-> getDegOfExt)
312 static CFList
simpleExtension(CFList & backSubst,const CFList & Astar,const Variable & Extension,bool & isFunctionField,CanonicalForm & R)313 simpleExtension (CFList& backSubst, const CFList & Astar,
314                  const Variable & Extension, bool& isFunctionField,
315                  CanonicalForm & R)
316 {
317   CFList Returnlist, Bstar= Astar;
318   CanonicalForm s, g, ra, rb, oldR, h, denra, denrb= 1;
319   Variable alpha;
320   CFList tmp;
322   bool isRat= isOn (SW_RATIONAL);
324   CFListIterator j;
325   if (Astar.length() == 1)
326   {
327     R= Astar.getFirst();
328     rb= R.mvar();
329     Returnlist.append (rb);
330     if (isFunctionField)
331       Returnlist.append (denrb);
332   }
333   else
334   {
335     R=Bstar.getFirst();
336     Bstar.removeFirst();
337     for (CFListIterator i= Bstar; i.hasItem(); i++)
338     {
339       j= i;
340       j++;
341       if (getCharacteristic() == 0)
342         Off (SW_RATIONAL);
343       R /= icontent (R);
344       if (getCharacteristic() == 0)
345         On (SW_RATIONAL);
346       oldR= R;
347       //TODO normalize i.getItem over K(R)?
348       (void) sqrfNorm (i.getItem(), R, Extension, s, g, R);
350       backSubst.insert (s);
352       if (getCharacteristic() == 0)
353         Off (SW_RATIONAL);
354       R /= icontent (R);
356       if (getCharacteristic() == 0)
357         On (SW_RATIONAL);
359       if (!isFunctionField)
360       {
361         alpha= rootOf (R);
362         h= replacevar (g, g.mvar(), alpha);
363         if (getCharacteristic() == 0)
364           On (SW_RATIONAL); //needed for GCD
365         h= gcd (h, oldR);
366         h /= Lc (h);
367         ra= -h[0];
368         ra= replacevar(ra, alpha, g.mvar());
369         rb= R.mvar()-s*ra;
370         for (; j.hasItem(); j++)
371         {
372           j.getItem()= j.getItem() (rb, i.getItem().mvar());
373           j.getItem()= j.getItem() (ra, oldR.mvar());
374         }
375         prune (alpha);
376       }
377       else
378       {
379         if (getCharacteristic() == 0)
380           On (SW_RATIONAL);
381         Variable v= Variable (tmax (g.level(), oldR.level()) + 1);
382         h= swapvar (g, oldR.mvar(), v);
383         tmp= CFList (R);
384         h= alg_gcd (h, swapvar (oldR, oldR.mvar(), v), tmp);
386         CanonicalForm numinv, deninv;
387         numinv= QuasiInverse (tmp.getFirst(), LC (h), tmp.getFirst().mvar());
388         h *= numinv;
389         h= Prem (h, tmp);
390         deninv= LC(h);
392         ra= -h[0];
393         denra= gcd (ra, deninv);
394         ra /= denra;
395         denra= deninv/denra;
396         rb= R.mvar()*denra-s*ra;
397         denrb= denra;
398         for (; j.hasItem(); j++)
399         {
400           CanonicalForm powdenra= power (denra, degree (j.getItem(),
401                                          i.getItem().mvar()));
402           j.getItem()= evaluate (j.getItem(), rb, denrb, powdenra,
403                                  i.getItem().mvar());
404           powdenra= power (denra, degree (j.getItem(), oldR.mvar()));
405           j.getItem()= evaluate (j.getItem(),ra, denra, powdenra, oldR.mvar());
407         }
408       }
410       Returnlist.append (ra);
411       if (isFunctionField)
412         Returnlist.append (denra);
413       Returnlist.append (rb);
414       if (isFunctionField)
415         Returnlist.append (denrb);
416     }
417   }
419   if (isRat && getCharacteristic() == 0)
420     On (SW_RATIONAL);
421   else if (!isRat && getCharacteristic() == 0)
422     Off (SW_RATIONAL);
424   return Returnlist;
425 }
427 /// Trager's algorithm, i.e. convert to one field extension and
428 /// factorize over this field extension
429 static CFFList
Trager(const CanonicalForm & F,const CFList & Astar,const Variable & vminpoly,const CFList & as,bool isFunctionField)430 Trager (const CanonicalForm & F, const CFList & Astar,
431         const Variable & vminpoly, const CFList & as, bool isFunctionField)
432 {
433   bool isRat= isOn (SW_RATIONAL);
434   CFFList L, normFactors, tmp;
435   CFFListIterator iter, iter2;
436   CanonicalForm R, Rstar, s, g, h, f= F;
437   CFList substlist, backSubsts;
439   substlist= simpleExtension (backSubsts, Astar, vminpoly, isFunctionField,
440                               Rstar);
442   f= subst (f, Astar, substlist, Rstar, isFunctionField);
444   Variable alpha;
445   if (!isFunctionField)
446   {
447     alpha= rootOf (Rstar);
448     g= replacevar (f, Rstar.mvar(), alpha);
450     if (!isRat && getCharacteristic() == 0)
451       On (SW_RATIONAL);
452     tmp= factorize (g, alpha); // factorization over number field
454     for (iter= tmp; iter.hasItem(); iter++)
455     {
456       h= iter.getItem().factor();
457       if (!h.inCoeffDomain())
458       {
459         h= replacevar (h, alpha, Rstar.mvar());
460         h *= bCommonDen(h);
461         h= backSubst (h, backSubsts, Astar);
462         h= Prem (h, as);
463         L.append (CFFactor (h, iter.getItem().exp()));
464       }
465     }
466     if (!isRat && getCharacteristic() == 0)
467       Off (SW_RATIONAL);
468     prune (alpha);
469     return L;
470   }
471   // after here we are over an extension of a function field
473   // make quasi monic
474   CFList Rstarlist= CFList (Rstar);
475   int algExtLevel= Astar.getLast().level(); //highest level of algebraic variables
476   CanonicalForm numinv;
477   if (!isRat && getCharacteristic() == 0)
478     On (SW_RATIONAL);
479   numinv= QuasiInverse (Rstar, alg_LC (f, algExtLevel), Rstar.mvar());
481   f *= numinv;
482   f= Prem (f, Rstarlist);
483   f /= vcontent (f, Rstar.mvar());
484   // end quasi monic
486   if (degree (f) == 1)
487   {
488     f= backSubst (f, backSubsts, Astar);
489     f *= bCommonDen (f);
490     f= Prem (f, as);
491     f /= vcontent (f, as.getFirst().mvar());
493     return CFFList (CFFactor (f, 1));
494   }
496   CFGenerator * Gen;
497   if (getCharacteristic() == 0)
498     Gen= CFGenFactory::generate();
499   else if (degree (vminpoly) > 0)
500     Gen= AlgExtGenerator (vminpoly).clone();
501   else
502     Gen= CFGenFactory::generate();
504   CFFList LL= CFFList (CFFactor (f, 1));
506   Variable X;
507   do
508   {
509     tmp= CFFList();
510     for (iter= LL; iter.hasItem(); iter++)
511     {
512       f= iter.getItem().factor();
513       (void) norm (f, Rstar, *Gen, s, g, R, false);
515       if (hasFirstAlgVar (R, X))
516         normFactors= factorize (R, X);
517       else
518         normFactors= factorize (R);
520       if (normFactors.getFirst().factor().inCoeffDomain())
521         normFactors.removeFirst();
522       if (normFactors.length() < 1 || (normFactors.length() == 1 && normFactors.getLast().exp() == 1))
523       {
524         f= backSubst (f, backSubsts, Astar);
525         f *= bCommonDen (f);
526         f= Prem (f, as);
527         f /= vcontent (f, as.getFirst().mvar());
529         L.append (CFFactor (f, 1));
530       }
531       else
532       {
533         g= f;
534         int count= 0;
535         for (iter2= normFactors; iter2.hasItem(); iter2++)
536         {
537           CanonicalForm fnew= iter2.getItem().factor();
538           if (fnew.level() <= Rstar.level()) //factor is a constant from the function field
539             continue;
540           else
541           {
542             fnew= fnew (g.mvar() + s*Rstar.mvar(), g.mvar());
543             fnew= Prem (fnew, CFList (Rstar));
544           }
546           h= alg_gcd (g, fnew, Rstarlist);
547           numinv= QuasiInverse (Rstar, alg_LC (h, algExtLevel), Rstar.mvar());
548           h *= numinv;
549           h= Prem (h, Rstarlist);
550           h /= vcontent (h, Rstar.mvar());
552           if (h.level() > Rstar.level())
553           {
554             g= divide (g, h, Rstarlist);
555             if (degree (h) == 1 || iter2.getItem().exp() == 1)
556             {
557               h= backSubst (h, backSubsts, Astar);
558               h= Prem (h, as);
559               h *= bCommonDen (h);
560               h /= vcontent (h, as.getFirst().mvar());
561               L.append (CFFactor (h, 1));
562             }
563             else
564               tmp.append (CFFactor (h, iter2.getItem().exp()));
565           }
566           count++;
567           if (g.level() <= Rstar.level())
568             break;
569           if (count == normFactors.length() - 1)
570           {
571             if (normFactors.getLast().exp() == 1 && g.level() > Rstar.level())
572             {
573               g= backSubst (g, backSubsts, Astar);
574               g= Prem (g, as);
575               g *= bCommonDen (g);
576               g /= vcontent (g, as.getFirst().mvar());
577               L.append (CFFactor (g, 1));
578             }
579             else if (normFactors.getLast().exp() > 1 &&
580                      g.level() > Rstar.level())
581             {
582               g /= vcontent (g, Rstar.mvar());
583               tmp.append (CFFactor (g, normFactors.getLast().exp()));
584             }
585             break;
586           }
587         }
588       }
589     }
590     LL= tmp;
591     (*Gen).next();
592   }
593   while (!LL.isEmpty());
595   if (!isRat && getCharacteristic() == 0)
596     Off (SW_RATIONAL);
598   delete Gen;
600   return L;
601 }
604 /// map elements in @a AS into a PIE \f$ L \f$ and record where the variables
605 /// are mapped to in @a varsMapLevel, i.e @a varsMapLevel contains a list of
606 /// pairs of variables \f$ v_i \f$ and integers \f$ e_i \f$ such that
607 /// \f$ L=K(\sqrt[p^{e_1}]{v_1}, \ldots, \sqrt[p^{e_n}]{v_n}) \f$
608 CFList
mapIntoPIE(CFFList & varsMapLevel,CanonicalForm & lcmVars,const CFList & AS)609 mapIntoPIE (CFFList& varsMapLevel, CanonicalForm& lcmVars, const CFList & AS)
610 {
611   CanonicalForm varsG;
612   int j, exp= 0, tmpExp;
613   bool recurse= false;
614   CFList asnew, as= AS;
615   CFListIterator i= as, ii;
616   CFFList varsGMapLevel, tmp;
617   CFFListIterator iter;
618   CFFList * varsGMap= new CFFList [as.length()];
619   for (j= 0; j < as.length(); j++)
620     varsGMap[j]= CFFList();
621   j= 0;
622   while (i.hasItem())
623   {
624     if (i.getItem().deriv() == 0)
625     {
626       deflateDegree (i.getItem(), exp, i.getItem().level());
627       i.getItem()= deflatePoly (i.getItem(), exp, i.getItem().level());
629       varsG= getVars (i.getItem());
630       varsG /= i.getItem().mvar();
632       lcmVars= lcm (varsG, lcmVars);
634       while (!varsG.isOne())
635       {
636         if (i.getItem().deriv (varsG.level()).isZero())
637         {
638           deflateDegree (i.getItem(), tmpExp, varsG.level());
639           if (exp >= tmpExp)
640           {
641             if (exp == tmpExp)
642               i.getItem()= deflatePoly (i.getItem(), exp, varsG.level());
643             else
644             {
645               if (j != 0)
646                 recurse= true;
647               i.getItem()= deflatePoly (i.getItem(), tmpExp, varsG.level());
648             }
649             varsGMapLevel.insert (CFFactor (varsG.mvar(), exp - tmpExp));
650           }
651           else
652           {
653             i.getItem()= deflatePoly (i.getItem(), exp, varsG.level());
654             varsGMapLevel.insert (CFFactor (varsG.mvar(), 0));
655           }
656         }
657         else
658         {
659           if (j != 0)
660             recurse= true;
661           varsGMapLevel.insert (CFFactor (varsG.mvar(),exp));
662         }
663         varsG /= varsG.mvar();
664       }
666       if (recurse)
667       {
668         ii= as;
669         for (; ii.hasItem(); ii++)
670         {
671           if (ii.getItem() == i.getItem())
672             continue;
673           for (iter= varsGMapLevel; iter.hasItem(); iter++)
674             ii.getItem()= inflatePoly (ii.getItem(), iter.getItem().exp(),
675                                        iter.getItem().factor().level());
676         }
677       }
678       else
679       {
680         ii= i;
681         ii++;
682         for (; ii.hasItem(); ii++)
683         {
684           for (iter= varsGMapLevel; iter.hasItem(); iter++)
685           {
686             ii.getItem()= inflatePoly (ii.getItem(), iter.getItem().exp(),
687                                        iter.getItem().factor().level());
688           }
689         }
690       }
691       if (varsGMap[j].isEmpty())
692         varsGMap[j]= varsGMapLevel;
693       else
694       {
695         if (!varsGMapLevel.isEmpty())
696         {
697           tmp= varsGMap[j];
698           CFFListIterator iter2= varsGMapLevel;
699           ASSERT (tmp.length() == varsGMapLevel.length(),
700                   "wrong length of lists");
701           for (iter=tmp; iter.hasItem(); iter++, iter2++)
702             iter.getItem()= CFFactor (iter.getItem().factor(),
703                                   iter.getItem().exp() + iter2.getItem().exp());
704           varsGMap[j]= tmp;
705         }
706       }
707       varsGMapLevel= CFFList();
708     }
709     asnew.append (i.getItem());
710     if (!recurse)
711     {
712       i++;
713       j++;
714     }
715     else
716     {
717       i= as;
718       j= 0;
719       recurse= false;
720       asnew= CFList();
721     }
722   }
724   while (!lcmVars.isOne())
725   {
726     varsMapLevel.insert (CFFactor (lcmVars.mvar(), 0));
727     lcmVars /= lcmVars.mvar();
728   }
730   for (j= 0; j < as.length(); j++)
731   {
732     if (varsGMap[j].isEmpty())
733       continue;
735     for (CFFListIterator iter2= varsGMap[j]; iter2.hasItem(); iter2++)
736     {
737       for (iter= varsMapLevel; iter.hasItem(); iter++)
738       {
739         if (iter.getItem().factor() == iter2.getItem().factor())
740         {
741           iter.getItem()= CFFactor (iter.getItem().factor(),
742                                   iter.getItem().exp() + iter2.getItem().exp());
743         }
744       }
745     }
746   }
748   delete [] varsGMap;
750   return asnew;
751 }
753 /// algorithm of A. Steel described in "Conquering Inseparability: Primary
754 /// decomposition and multivariate factorization over algebraic function fields
755 /// of positive characteristic" with the following modifications: we use
756 /// characteristic sets in IdealOverSubfield and Trager's primitive element
757 /// algorithm instead of FGLM
758 CFFList
SteelTrager(const CanonicalForm & f,const CFList & AS)759 SteelTrager (const CanonicalForm & f, const CFList & AS)
760 {
761   CanonicalForm F= f, lcmVars= 1;
762   CFList asnew, as= AS;
763   CFListIterator i, ii;
765   bool derivZeroF= false;
766   int j, expF= 0, tmpExp;
767   CFFList varsMapLevel, tmp;
768   CFFListIterator iter;
770   // check if F is separable
771   if (F.deriv().isZero())
772   {
773     derivZeroF= true;
774     deflateDegree (F, expF, F.level());
775   }
777   CanonicalForm varsF= getVars (F);
778   varsF /= F.mvar();
780   lcmVars= lcm (varsF, lcmVars);
782   if (derivZeroF)
783     as.append (F);
785   asnew= mapIntoPIE (varsMapLevel, lcmVars, as);
787   if (derivZeroF)
788   {
789     asnew.removeLast();
790     F= deflatePoly (F, expF, F.level());
791   }
793   // map variables in F
794   for (iter= varsMapLevel; iter.hasItem(); iter++)
795   {
796     if (expF > 0)
797       tmpExp= iter.getItem().exp() - expF;
798     else
799       tmpExp= iter.getItem().exp();
801     if (tmpExp > 0)
802       F= inflatePoly (F, tmpExp, iter.getItem().factor().level());
803     else if (tmpExp < 0)
804       F= deflatePoly (F, -tmpExp, iter.getItem().factor().level());
805   }
807   // factor F with minimal polys given in asnew
808   asnew.append (F);
809   asnew= charSetViaModCharSet (asnew, false);
811   F= asnew.getLast();
812   F /= content (F);
814   asnew.removeLast();
815   for (i= asnew; i.hasItem(); i++)
816     i.getItem() /= content (i.getItem());
818   tmp= facAlgFunc (F, asnew);
820   // transform back
821   j= 0;
822   int p= getCharacteristic();
823   CFList transBack;
824   CFMap M;
825   CanonicalForm g;
827   for (iter= varsMapLevel; iter.hasItem(); iter++)
828   {
829     if (iter.getItem().exp() > 0)
830     {
831       j++;
832       g= power (Variable (f.level() + j), ipower (p, iter.getItem().exp())) -
833          iter.getItem().factor().mvar();
834       transBack.append (g);
835       M.newpair (iter.getItem().factor().mvar(), Variable (f.level() + j));
836     }
837   }
839   for (i= asnew; i.hasItem(); i++)
840     transBack.insert (M (i.getItem()));
842   if (expF > 0)
843     tmpExp= ipower (p, expF);
845   CFFList result;
846   CFList transform;
848   bool found;
849   for (iter= tmp; iter.hasItem(); iter++)
850   {
851     found= false;
852     transform= transBack;
853     CanonicalForm factor= iter.getItem().factor();
854     factor= M (factor);
855     transform.append (factor);
856     transform= modCharSet (transform, false);
858 retry:
859     if (transform.isEmpty())
860     {
861       transform= transBack;
862       transform.append (factor);
863       transform= charSetViaCharSetN (transform);
864     }
865     for (i= transform; i.hasItem(); i++)
866     {
867       if (degree (i.getItem(), f.mvar()) > 0)
868       {
869         if (i.getItem().level() > f.level())
870           break;
871         found= true;
872         factor= i.getItem();
873         break;
874       }
875     }
877     if (!found)
878     {
879       found= false;
880       transform= CFList();
881       goto retry;
882     }
884     factor /= content (factor);
886     if (expF > 0)
887     {
888       int mult= tmpExp/(degree (factor)/degree (iter.getItem().factor()));
889       result.append (CFFactor (factor, iter.getItem().exp()*mult));
890     }
891     else
892       result.append (CFFactor (factor, iter.getItem().exp()));
893   }
895   return result;
896 }
898 /// factorize a polynomial that is irreducible over the ground field modulo an
899 /// extension given by an irreducible characteristic set
901 // 1) prepares data
902 // 2) for char=p we distinguish 3 cases:
903 //           no transcendentals, separable and inseparable extensions
904 CFFList
facAlgFunc2(const CanonicalForm & f,const CFList & as)905 facAlgFunc2 (const CanonicalForm & f, const CFList & as)
906 {
907   bool isRat= isOn (SW_RATIONAL);
908   if (!isRat && getCharacteristic() == 0)
909     On (SW_RATIONAL);
910   Variable vf=f.mvar();
911   CFListIterator i;
912   CFFListIterator jj;
913   CFList reduceresult;
914   CFFList result;
916 // F1: [Test trivial cases]
917 // 1) first trivial cases:
918   if (vf.level() <= as.getLast().level())
919   {
920     if (!isRat && getCharacteristic() == 0)
921       Off (SW_RATIONAL);
922     return CFFList(CFFactor(f,1));
923   }
925 // 2) Setup list of those polys in AS having degree > 1
926   CFList Astar;
927   Variable x;
928   CanonicalForm elem;
929   Varlist ord, uord;
930   for (int ii= 1; ii < level (vf); ii++)
931     uord.append (Variable (ii));
933   for (i= as; i.hasItem(); i++)
934   {
935     elem= i.getItem();
936     x= elem.mvar();
937     if (degree (elem, x) > 1)  // otherwise it's not an extension
938     {
939       Astar.append (elem);
940       ord.append (x);
941     }
942   }
943   uord= Difference (uord, ord);
945 // 3) second trivial cases: we already proved irr. of f over no extensions
946   if (Astar.length() == 0)
947   {
948     if (!isRat && getCharacteristic() == 0)
949       Off (SW_RATIONAL);
950     return CFFList (CFFactor (f, 1));
951   }
953 // 4) Look if elements in uord actually occur in any of the minimal
954 //    polynomials. If no element of uord occures in any of the minimal
955 //    polynomials the field is an alg. number field not an alg. function field
956   Varlist newuord= varsInAs (uord, Astar);
958   CFFList Factorlist;
959   Varlist gcdord= Union (ord, newuord);
960   gcdord.append (f.mvar());
961   bool isFunctionField= (newuord.length() > 0);
963   // TODO alg_sqrfree?
964   CanonicalForm Fgcd= 0;
965   if (isFunctionField)
966     Fgcd= alg_gcd (f, f.deriv(), Astar);
968   bool derivZero= f.deriv().isZero();
969   if (isFunctionField && (degree (Fgcd, f.mvar()) > 0) && !derivZero)
970   {
971     CanonicalForm Ggcd= divide(f, Fgcd,Astar);
972     if (getCharacteristic() == 0)
973     {
974       CFFList result= facAlgFunc2 (Ggcd, as); //Ggcd is the squarefree part of f
975       multiplicity (result, f, Astar);
976       if (!isRat && getCharacteristic() == 0)
977         Off (SW_RATIONAL);
978       return result;
979     }
981     Fgcd= pp (Fgcd);
982     Ggcd= pp (Ggcd);
983     if (!isRat && getCharacteristic() == 0)
984       Off (SW_RATIONAL);
985     return merge (facAlgFunc2 (Fgcd, as), facAlgFunc2 (Ggcd, as));
986   }
988   if (getCharacteristic() > 0)
989   {
990     IntList degreelist;
991     Variable vminpoly;
992     for (i= Astar; i.hasItem(); i++)
993       degreelist.append (degree (i.getItem()));
995     int extdeg= getDegOfExt (degreelist, degree (f));
997     if (newuord.length() == 0) // no parameters
998     {
999       if (extdeg > 1)
1000       {
1001         CanonicalForm MIPO= generateMipo (extdeg);
1002         vminpoly= rootOf(MIPO);
1003       }
1004       Factorlist= Trager(f, Astar, vminpoly, as, isFunctionField);
1005       if (extdeg > 1)
1006         prune (vminpoly);
1007       return Factorlist;
1008     }
1009     else if (isInseparable(Astar) || derivZero) // inseparable case
1010     {
1011       Factorlist= SteelTrager (f, Astar);
1012       return Factorlist;
1013     }
1014     else // separable case
1015     {
1016       if (extdeg > 1)
1017       {
1018         CanonicalForm MIPO=generateMipo (extdeg);
1019         vminpoly= rootOf (MIPO);
1020       }
1021       Factorlist= Trager (f, Astar, vminpoly, as, isFunctionField);
1022       if (extdeg > 1)
1023         prune (vminpoly);
1024       return Factorlist;
1025     }
1026   }
1027   else // char 0
1028   {
1029     Variable vminpoly;
1030     Factorlist= Trager (f, Astar, vminpoly, as, isFunctionField);
1031     if (!isRat && getCharacteristic() == 0)
1032       Off (SW_RATIONAL);
1033     return Factorlist;
1034   }
1036   return CFFList (CFFactor(f,1));
1037 }
1040 /// factorize a polynomial modulo an extension given by an irreducible
1041 /// characteristic set
1042 CFFList
facAlgFunc(const CanonicalForm & f,const CFList & as)1043 facAlgFunc (const CanonicalForm & f, const CFList & as)
1044 {
1045   bool isRat= isOn (SW_RATIONAL);
1046   if (!isRat && getCharacteristic() == 0)
1047     On (SW_RATIONAL);
1048   CFFList Output, output, Factors= factorize(f);
1049   if (Factors.getFirst().factor().inCoeffDomain())
1050     Factors.removeFirst();
1052   if (as.length() == 0)
1053   {
1054     if (!isRat && getCharacteristic() == 0)
1055       Off (SW_RATIONAL);
1056     return Factors;
1057   }
1058   if (f.level() <= as.getLast().level())
1059   {
1060     if (!isRat && getCharacteristic() == 0)
1061       Off (SW_RATIONAL);
1062     return Factors;
1063   }
1065   for (CFFListIterator i=Factors; i.hasItem(); i++)
1066   {
1067     if (i.getItem().factor().level() > as.getLast().level())
1068     {
1069       output= facAlgFunc2 (i.getItem().factor(), as);
1070       for (CFFListIterator j= output; j.hasItem(); j++)
1071         Output= append (Output, CFFactor (j.getItem().factor(),
1072                                           j.getItem().exp()*i.getItem().exp()));
1073     }
1074   }
1076   if (!isRat && getCharacteristic() == 0)
1077     Off (SW_RATIONAL);
1078   return Output;
1079 }