1 #include "kernel/mod2.h"
3 #include "misc/mylimits.h"
4 #include "misc/options.h"
5 #include "kernel/ideals.h"
6 #include "kernel/polys.h"
7 #include "polys/monomials/ring.h"
8 #include "kernel/GBEngine/kutil.h"
9 #include "kernel/GBEngine/kverify.h"
10 #include "Singular/feOpt.h"
11 #include <stdlib.h>
12 #include <string.h>
14 #ifdef HAVE_VSPACE
15 #include "kernel/oswrapper/vspace.h"
16 #include <sys/types.h>
17 #include <sys/wait.h>
18 #endif
kVerify1(ideal F,ideal Q)20 BOOLEAN kVerify1(ideal F, ideal Q)
21 {
22   assume (!rIsNCRing(currRing));
23   kStrategy strat=new skStrategy;
24   strat->ak = id_RankFreeModule(F,currRing);
25   strat->kModW=kModW=NULL;
26   strat->kHomW=kHomW=NULL;
27   initBuchMoraCrit(strat); /*set Gebauer, honey, sugarCrit*/
28   initBuchMoraPos(strat);
29   initBba(strat);
30   initBuchMora(F, Q,strat);
31   /*initBuchMora:*/
32     strat->tail = pInit();
33     /*- set s -*/
34     strat->sl = -1;
35     /*- set L -*/
36     strat->Lmax = ((IDELEMS(F)+setmaxLinc-1)/setmaxLinc)*setmaxLinc;
37     strat->Ll = -1;
38     strat->L = initL(strat->Lmax);
39     /*- set B -*/
40     strat->Bmax = setmaxL;
41     strat->Bl = -1;
42     strat->B = initL();
43     /*- set T -*/
44     strat->tl = -1;
45     strat->tmax = setmaxT;
46     strat->T = initT();
47     strat->R = initR();
48     strat->sevT = initsevT();
49     /*- init local data struct.---------------------------------------- -*/
50     strat->P.ecart=0;
51     strat->P.length=0;
52     strat->P.pLength=0;
53     initS(F, Q,strat); /*sets also S, ecartS, fromQ */
54     strat->fromT = FALSE;
55     strat->noTailReduction = FALSE;
56   /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
57   /* build pairs */
58   if (strat->fromQ!=NULL)
59   {
60     for(int i=1; i<=strat->sl;i++)
61     {
62       initenterpairs(strat->S[i],i-1,0,strat->fromQ[i],strat);
63     }
64   }
65   else
66   {
67     for(int i=1; i<=strat->sl;i++)
68     {
69       initenterpairs(strat->S[i],i-1,0,FALSE,strat);
70     }
71   }
72   if (TEST_OPT_PROT) printf("%d pairs created\n",strat->Ll+1);
73   if (TEST_OPT_DEBUG) messageSets(strat);
74   /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
75   BOOLEAN all_okay=TRUE;
76   for(int i=strat->Ll;i>=0; i--)
77   {
78   /* spolys */
79     int red_result=1;
80     /* picks the last element from the lazyset L */
81     strat->P = strat->L[i];
82     if (pNext(strat->P.p) == strat->tail)
83     {
84       // deletes the short spoly
85       pLmFree(strat->P.p);
86       strat->P.p = NULL;
87       poly m1 = NULL, m2 = NULL;
88       kCheckSpolyCreation(&(strat->P), strat, m1, m2);
89       ksCreateSpoly(&(strat->P), NULL, strat->use_buckets,
90                     strat->tailRing, m1, m2, strat->R);
91     }
92     if ((strat->P.p == NULL) && (strat->P.t_p == NULL))
93     {
94       red_result = 0;
95     }
96     else
97     {
98       int sl=strat->sl;
99       strat->P.GetP();
100       poly p=redNF(strat->P.p,sl,TRUE,strat);
101       if (p==NULL) red_result=0;
102       #ifdef KDEBUG
103       else
104       {
105         if (TEST_OPT_DEBUG)
106         {
107           printf("p: ");p_wrp(p,currRing, currRing); printf("\n");
108         }
109       }
110       #endif
111     }
112     if (red_result!=0)
113     {
114       if (TEST_OPT_PROT) printf("fail: %d, result: %d\n",i,red_result);
115       all_okay=FALSE;
116     }
117   }
118   return all_okay;
119 }
kVerify2(ideal F,ideal Q)121 BOOLEAN kVerify2(ideal F, ideal Q)
122 {
123 #ifdef HAVE_VSPACE
124   assume (!rIsNCRing(currRing));
125   kStrategy strat=new skStrategy;
126   strat->ak = id_RankFreeModule(F,currRing);
127   strat->kModW=kModW=NULL;
128   strat->kHomW=kHomW=NULL;
129   initBuchMoraCrit(strat); /*set Gebauer, honey, sugarCrit*/
130   initBuchMoraPos(strat);
131   initBba(strat);
132   initBuchMora(F, Q,strat);
133   /*initBuchMora:*/
134     strat->tail = pInit();
135     /*- set s -*/
136     strat->sl = -1;
137     /*- set L -*/
138     strat->Lmax = ((IDELEMS(F)+setmaxLinc-1)/setmaxLinc)*setmaxLinc;
139     strat->Ll = -1;
140     strat->L = initL(strat->Lmax);
141     /*- set B -*/
142     strat->Bmax = setmaxL;
143     strat->Bl = -1;
144     strat->B = initL();
145     /*- set T -*/
146     strat->tl = -1;
147     strat->tmax = setmaxT;
148     strat->T = initT();
149     strat->R = initR();
150     strat->sevT = initsevT();
151     /*- init local data struct.---------------------------------------- -*/
152     strat->P.ecart=0;
153     strat->P.length=0;
154     strat->P.pLength=0;
155     initS(F, Q,strat); /*sets also S, ecartS, fromQ */
156     strat->fromT = FALSE;
157     strat->noTailReduction = FALSE;
158   /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
159   /* build pairs */
160   if (strat->fromQ!=NULL)
161   {
162     for(int i=1; i<=strat->sl;i++)
163     {
164       initenterpairs(strat->S[i],i-1,0,strat->fromQ[i],strat);
165     }
166   }
167   else
168   {
169     for(int i=1; i<=strat->sl;i++)
170     {
171       initenterpairs(strat->S[i],i-1,0,FALSE,strat);
172     }
173   }
174   if (TEST_OPT_PROT) printf("%d pairs created\n",strat->Ll+1);
175   if (TEST_OPT_DEBUG) messageSets(strat);
176   /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
177   BOOLEAN all_okay=TRUE;
178   int cpus=(int)(long)feOptValue(FE_OPT_CPUS);
179   int parent_pid=getpid();
180   using namespace vspace;
181   vmem_init();
182   // Create a queue of int
183   VRef<Queue<int> > queue = vnew<Queue<int> >();
184   VRef<Queue<int> > rqueue = vnew<Queue<int> >();
185   for(int i=strat->Ll;i>=0; i--)
186   {
187    queue->enqueue(i); // the tasks: process pair L[i]
188   }
189   for(int i=cpus;i>=0;i--)
190   {
191     queue->enqueue(-1); // stop sign, one for each child
192   }
193   int pid;
194   for (int i=0;i<cpus;i++)
195   {
196     pid = fork_process();
197     if (pid==0) break; //child
198   }
199   if (parent_pid!=getpid()) // child ------------------------------------------
200   {
201     loop
202     {
203       int ind=queue->dequeue();
204       if (ind== -1)
205       {
206         if (TEST_OPT_PROT) printf("child: end of queue\n");
207         rqueue->enqueue(0);
208         exit(0);
209       }
210       int red_result=1;
211       /* picks the element from the lazyset L */
212       LObject P;
213       P = strat->L[ind];
214       if (TEST_OPT_PROT) { printf("."); mflush();}
215       if (pNext(P.p) == strat->tail)
216       {
217         // deletes the short spoly
218         pLmFree(P.p);
219         P.p = NULL;
220         poly m1 = NULL, m2 = NULL;
221         /* spoly */
222         kCheckSpolyCreation(&P, strat, m1, m2);
223         ksCreateSpoly(&P, NULL, strat->use_buckets,
224                     strat->tailRing, m1, m2, strat->R);
225       }
226       if ((P.p == NULL) && (P.t_p == NULL))
227       {
228         red_result = 0;
229       }
230       else
231       {
232         /* reduction */
233         int sl=strat->sl;
234         P.GetP();
235         poly p=redNF(P.p,sl,TRUE,strat);
236         if (p==NULL) red_result=0;
237         #ifdef KDEBUG
238         else
239         {
240           if (TEST_OPT_DEBUG)
241           {
242             printf("p: ");p_wrp(p,currRing, currRing); printf("\n");
243           }
244         }
245         #endif
246       }
247       if (red_result!=0)
248       {
249         if (TEST_OPT_PROT) printf("fail: result: %d\n",red_result);
250         rqueue->enqueue(1);
251         exit(0); // found fail, no neeed to test further
252       }
253     }
254     exit(0); // all done, quit child
255   }
256   else // parent ---------------------------------------------------
257   {
258     if (TEST_OPT_PROT) printf("childs created\n");
259     // wait for all process to stop:
260     // each process sends an 0 at end or a 1 for failure
261     int res;
262     int remaining_childs=cpus;
263     while(remaining_childs>0)
264     {
265       res=rqueue->dequeue();
266       if (res==0) // a child finished
267       {
268         if (TEST_OPT_PROT) printf("a child finished\n");
269         //waitpid(-1,NULL,0); // ? see sig_chld_hdl
270         remaining_childs--;
271       }
272       else if (res==1) // not a GB - clean up and return 0
273       {
274         if (TEST_OPT_PROT) printf("a child finished res=1\n");
275         remaining_childs--;
276         all_okay=FALSE;
277         // clean queue:
278         int dummy;
279         do
280         {
281           dummy=queue->dequeue();
282         } while (dummy==0);
283       }
284     }
285     // removes queues
286     queue.free();
287     rqueue.free();
288     vmem_deinit();
289     return all_okay;
290   }
291 #else
292   return kVerify1(F,Q);
293 #endif
294 }