1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 1998, 2000-2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 SINTEF ICT,
3  * Applied Mathematics, Norway.
4  *
5  * Contact information: E-mail: tor.dokken@sintef.no
6  * SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics,
7  * P.O. Box 124 Blindern,
8  * 0314 Oslo, Norway.
9  *
10  * This file is part of SISL.
11  *
12  * SISL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
13  * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
14  * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
15  * License, or (at your option) any later version.
16  *
17  * SISL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20  * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
21  *
22  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
23  * License along with SISL. If not, see
24  * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25  *
26  * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
27  * License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every data
28  * file that is created or manipulated using SISL.
29  *
30  * Other Usage
31  * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
32  * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
33  * develop commercial activities involving the SISL library without
34  * disclosing the source code of your own applications.
35  *
36  * This file may be used in accordance with the terms contained in a
37  * written agreement between you and SINTEF ICT.
38  */
40 #include "sisl-copyright.h"
42 #define S1537
44 #include "sislP.h"
s1537(double points[],int im1,int im2,int idim,double par1[],double par2[],int con1,int con2,int con3,int con4,int order1,int order2,int iopen1,int iopen2,SISLSurf ** rsurf,int * jstat)47 void s1537(double points[],int im1,int im2,int idim,double par1[],
48 	   double par2[],int con1,int con2,int con3,int con4,
49 	   int order1, int order2,int iopen1,int iopen2,
50 	   SISLSurf **rsurf,int *jstat)
51 #else
52 void s1537(points,im1,im2,idim,par1, par2,con1,con2,con3,
53 	   con4,order1, order2,iopen1,iopen2,rsurf,jstat)
54      double points[];
55      int im1;
56      int im2;
57      int idim;
58      double par1[];
59      double par2[];
60      int con1;
61      int con2;
62      int con3;
63      int con4;
64      int order1;
65      int order2;
66      int iopen1;
67      int iopen2;
68      SISLSurf **rsurf;
69      int *jstat;
70 #endif
71 /*
72 ************************************************************************
73 *
74 * PURPOSE: To compute a B-spline tensor surface interpolating a set
75 *          of points.
76 *
77 * INPUT:
78 *          points - Array of dimension idim*im1*im2 containing
79 *                   the positions of the nodes (using the same ordering
80 *                   as ecoef in the SISLSurf structure).
81 *
82 *          im1    - The number of interpolation points in the
83 *                   first parameter direction.
84 *
85 *          im2    - The number of interpolation points in the
86 *                   second parameter direction.
87 *
88 *          idim   - Dimension of the space we are working in.
89 *
90 *          par1   - Parametrization in first parameter direction.
91 *                   For closed curves, one additional parameter value
92 *                   must be spesified. The last entry contains
93 *                   the parametrization of the repeted start point.
94 *                   (if the endpoint is equal to the startpoint of
95 *                   the interpolation the lenght of the array could
96 *                   be equal to im1 also in the closed case).
97 *
98 *          par2   - Parametrization in second parameter direction.
99 *                   For closed curves, one additional parameter value
100 *                   must be spesified. The last entry contains
101 *                   the parametrization of the repeted start point.
102 *                   (if the endpoint is equal to the startpoint of
103 *                   the interpolation the lenght of the array could
104 *                   be equal to im2 also in the closed case).
105 *
106 *
107 *                          ^ Second par. direction
108 *                          |
109 *                          |    (2.)
110 *                          |-----------|
111 *                          |           |
112 *                     (3.) |           | (4.)
113 *                          |           |
114 *                          |           |
115 *                          |-----------|-> First par. direction
116 *                               (1.)
117 *
118 *          con1      - Additional condition along edge 1:
119 *                           = 0: No additional condition.
120 *                           = 1: Zero curvature.
121 *
122 *          con2      - Additional condition along edge 2:
123 *                           = 0: No additional condition.
124 *                           = 1: Zero curvature.
125 *
126 *          con3      - Additional condition along edge 3:
127 *                           = 0: No additional condition.
128 *                           = 1: Zero curvature.
129 *
130 *          con4      - Additional condition along edge 4:
131 *                           = 0: No additional condition.
132 *                           = 1: Zero curvature.
133 *
134 *          order1    - Order of surface in first parameter direction.
135 *
136 *          order2    - Order of surface in second parameter direction.
137 *
138 *          iopen1    - Open/close parameter in first parameter direction.
139 *                      =  1 : open surface.
140 *                      =  0 : closed, non-periodic surface.
141 *                      = -1 : periodic surface.
142 *
143 *          iopen2    - Open/close parameter in second parameter direction.
144 *                      =  1 : open surface.
145 *                      =  0 : closed, non-periodic surface.
146 *                      = -1 : periodic surface.
147 *
148 *
149 * Output:
150 *          rsurf - Pointer to the surf produced
151 *          jstat  - Status variable
152 *                    < 0 - Error.
153 *
154 * Method:
155 *     The interpolation is accomplished by using a one dimensional
156 *     routine for spline interpolation called several times.
157 *     First, the datapoints
158 *     are considered to be idim*im1 dimentional and so on...
159 *
160 *
162 *
163 * CALLS      : s1357
164 *
165 * WRITTEN BY : Christophe Rene Birkeland, SINTEF, May 1993.
166 * REWISED BY : Vibeke Skytt, SINTEF, 0394. Introduced iopen1, iopen2.
167 *
168 *********************************************************************
169 */
170 {
171   int i;              /* Loop control parameter                      */
172   int maxim;          /* Max (im1, im2)                              */
173   int kstat=0;        /* Status variable                             */
174   int kpos=0;         /* Position of error                           */
175   int newin1, newin2; /* Number of vertices along par. dir. 1 & 2    */
176   int numpt;              /* Needed in call to s1357                 */
177   double start=0;         /* Needed in call to s1357                 */
178   double end;
179   int *typept=SISL_NULL;       /* Array needed for call to s1357          */
180   double *pointpar=SISL_NULL;  /* Array needed for call to s1357          */
181   double *newcoeff=SISL_NULL;  /* Array needed for call to s1357          */
182   SISLCurve *curve1=SISL_NULL, *curve2=SISL_NULL;
184   /* Allocate necessary array for call to s1357 */
186   maxim = MAX( im1, im2 );
187   if((typept = newarray(maxim, INT))==SISL_NULL) goto err101;
188   for(i=0; i<maxim; i++)
189     typept[i] = 1;
191   /* Interpolation in second direction */
193   s1357(points, im2, idim*im1, typept, par2, con1, con2, iopen2, order2,
194 	start, &end, &curve1, &pointpar, &numpt, &kstat);
195   if(kstat < 0) goto error;
196   if(pointpar != SISL_NULL)
197     {
198       freearray(pointpar);
199       pointpar = SISL_NULL;
200     }
202   newin2 = curve1->in;
204   /* Transpose result, store new coefficients in
205    * array newcoeff */
207   if( (newcoeff = newarray(idim * im1 * newin2, DOUBLE)) == SISL_NULL )
208     goto err101;
209   s6chpar(curve1->ecoef, im1, newin2, idim, newcoeff);
211   /* Interpolation in first parameter direction */
213   s1357(newcoeff, im1, idim*newin2, typept, par1, con3, con4, iopen1, order1,
214 	start, &end, &curve2, &pointpar, &numpt, &kstat);
215   if(kstat < 0) goto error;
216   if(pointpar != SISL_NULL)
217     {
218       freearray(pointpar);
219       pointpar = SISL_NULL;
220     }
222   newin1 = curve2->in;
224   /* Transpose back coefficients */
226   if( (newcoeff=increasearray(newcoeff, idim*newin1*newin2, DOUBLE))
227      == SISL_NULL )  goto err101;
228   s6chpar(curve2->ecoef, newin2, newin1, idim, newcoeff);
230   /* Create instance of surface */
232   if (((*rsurf) = newSurf(newin1, newin2, order1, order2, curve2->et,
233 		     curve1->et, newcoeff, 1, idim, 1)) == SISL_NULL)
234      goto err101;
236   /* Set periodicity flag.  */
238   (*rsurf)->cuopen_1 = curve2->cuopen;
239   (*rsurf)->cuopen_2 = curve1->cuopen;
241   /* Success */
243   *jstat = 0;
244   goto out;
246   /* Allocation error. */
248   err101:
249     *jstat = -101;
250     s6err("s1537",*jstat,kpos);
251     goto out;
253   /* Error in lower level routine. */
255   error:  *jstat =kstat;
256     s6err("s1537",*jstat,kpos);
257     goto out;
259   out:
260     /* Free arrays */
262     if (newcoeff != SISL_NULL) freearray(newcoeff);
263     if (typept != SISL_NULL) freearray(typept);
265     /* Free local SISL-curve objects */
267     if (curve1 != SISL_NULL) freeCurve(curve1);
268     if (curve2 != SISL_NULL) freeCurve(curve2);
270     return;
271 }