1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 1998, 2000-2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 SINTEF ICT,
3  * Applied Mathematics, Norway.
4  *
5  * Contact information: E-mail: tor.dokken@sintef.no
6  * SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics,
7  * P.O. Box 124 Blindern,
8  * 0314 Oslo, Norway.
9  *
10  * This file is part of SISL.
11  *
12  * SISL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
13  * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
14  * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
15  * License, or (at your option) any later version.
16  *
17  * SISL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20  * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
21  *
22  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
23  * License along with SISL. If not, see
24  * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25  *
26  * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
27  * License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every data
28  * file that is created or manipulated using SISL.
29  *
30  * Other Usage
31  * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
32  * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
33  * develop commercial activities involving the SISL library without
34  * disclosing the source code of your own applications.
35  *
36  * This file may be used in accordance with the terms contained in a
37  * written agreement between you and SINTEF ICT.
38  */
40 #include "sisl-copyright.h"
42 /*
43  *
44  * $Id: s1711.c,v 1.4 2001-03-19 15:58:52 afr Exp $
45  *
46  */
49 #define S1711
51 #include "sislP.h"
54 void
s1711(SISLSurf * ps,int ipar,double apar,SISLSurf ** rsnew1,SISLSurf ** rsnew2,int * jstat)55 s1711(SISLSurf *ps,int ipar,double apar,SISLSurf **rsnew1,SISLSurf **rsnew2,int *jstat)
56 #else
57 void s1711(ps,ipar,apar,rsnew1,rsnew2,jstat)
58      SISLSurf   *ps;
59      int    ipar;
60      double apar;
61      SISLSurf   **rsnew1;
62      SISLSurf   **rsnew2;
63      int    *jstat;
64 #endif
65 /*
66 ********************************************************************
67 *
68 *********************************************************************
69 *
70 * PURPOSE    : Subdivide a B-spline surface at a given parameter-value
71 *	       and a given direction.
72 *
73 *
74 *
75 * INPUT      : ps	- Surface to subdivide.
76 *	       ipar	- 1 means first direction, 2 means second direction.
77 *   	       apar	- Parameter-value at which to subdivide.
78 *
79 *
80 *
81 * OUTPUT     : rsnew1	- First part of the subdivided surface.
82 *              rsnew2	- Second part of the subdivided surface.
83 *              jstat	- status messages
84 *                                         > 0      : warning
85 *                                         = 0      : ok
86 *                                         < 0      : error
87 *
88 *
89 * METHOD     : Inserting knots at the subdividing-point until
90 *	       we have a ktuple-knot. Then we may separate the
91 *	       surface into two parts.
92 *	       The problem is to treat a three dimensional array that
93 *	       is locatet in a one dimensional array (coeffisients).
94 *	       To solve this problem we use constants to marsch in different
95 *	       direction in the array, and to mark end of lines or columns.
96 *
97 *
99 *
100 *-
101 * CALLS      : newSurf  - Allocate space for a new curve-object.
102 *	       freeSurf - Free space occupied by given curve-object.
103 *	       S1700.C  - Making the knot-inserten-transformation matrix.
104 *
105 * WRITTEN BY : Arne Laksaa, SI, 88-06.
106 * MODIFIED BY : Mike Floater, SI, 90-12. Subdivide rational surfaces.
107 * MODIFIED BY : Arne Laksaa, SI, 92-09. Move apar to closest knot
108 *		if it is close to a knot. Using D(N)EQUAL().
109 * MODIFIED BY : Paal Fugelli, SINTEF, Oslo 15/07-1994. Changed from icopy==0
110 *               to icopy==2 in creation of output surface - memory leak.
111 *
112 **********************************************************************/
113 {
114   int kstat;		/* Local status variable.		*/
115   int kpos=0;		/* Position of error.			*/
116   int kmy;		/* An index to the knot-vector.		*/
117   int kv,kv1;		/* Number of knots we have to insert.	*/
118   int kpl,kfi,kla;	/* To posisjon elements in trans.-matrix.*/
119   int kk,kksec;		/* Order of the input surface.		*/
120   int kn,knsec;		/* Number of the vertices in input curves.*/
121   int kdim=ps->idim;	/* Dimensjon of the space in whice surface
122 			   lies.				*/
123   int kind=ps->ikind;	/* Type of surface ps is.               */
124   int kn1,kn2;		/* Number of vertices in the new surfaces.*/
125   int knum;		/* Number of knots less and equal than
126 			   the intersection point.		*/
127   int ki,ki1,ki2;	/* Control variable in loop.		*/
128   int kj,kj1,kj2;	/* Control variable in loop.		*/
129   int k1m,k2m,k3m,k4m;	/* Variables to mark directons in array.*/
130   int newkind=1;	/* Type of surface subsurfaces are.     */
131   double *s1,*s2,*s3,*s4;/* Pointers used in loop.		*/
132   double *st,*stsec;	/* The old knot-vectors.		*/
133   double *st1=SISL_NULL;	/* The first first new knot-vector.	*/
134   double *st1sec=SISL_NULL;	/* The first second new knot-vector.	*/
135   double *st2=SISL_NULL;	/* The second first new knot-vector.	*/
136   double *st2sec=SISL_NULL;	/* The second second new knot-vector.	*/
137   double *salfa=SISL_NULL;	/* A line of the trans.-matrix.		*/
138   double *scoef;	/* Pointer to vertices.   		*/
139   double *scoef1=SISL_NULL;	/* The first new vertice.		*/
140   double *scoef2=SISL_NULL;	/* The second new vertice.		*/
141   SISLSurf *q1=SISL_NULL;	/* Pointer to new surface-object.	*/
142   SISLSurf *q2=SISL_NULL;	/* Pointer to new surface-object.	*/
143   double salfa_local[5];/* Local help array.			*/
145  /* if ps is rational, do subdivision in homogeneous coordinates */
146  /* just need to set up correct dim and kind for the new surfaces at end of routine */
147   if(kind == 2 || kind == 4)
148   {
149        scoef = ps->rcoef;
150        kdim++;
151        newkind++;
152   }
153   else
154   {
155        scoef = ps->ecoef;
156   }
158   /* Check that we have a surface to subdivide. */
160   if (!ps) goto err150;
162   /* Making constants and ponters to mark direction.  */
164   if (ipar==1)
165     {
166       /* If ipar is 1 we have to split the "three" dimentional
167 	 coeffisient matrix along a column. In this case k4m is
168 	 the distance beetween each element in the clumn.
169 	 For each element in the column we have to treat a part
170 	 of a line, to march along the line we use k1m.*/
172       st = ps->et1;
173       stsec = ps->et2;
174       kn = ps->in1;
175       knsec = ps->in2;
176       kk = ps->ik1;
177       kksec = ps->ik2;
178       k1m = kdim;
179       k4m = kdim*kn;
180     }
181   else
182     {
183       /* If ipar is 2 we have to split the "three" dimentional
184 	 coeffisient matrix along a line. In this case k4m is
185 	 the distance beetween each element in the line.
186 	 For each element in the line we have to treat a part
187 	 of a column, to march along the column we use k1m.*/
189       st = ps->et2;
190       stsec = ps->et1;
191       kn = ps->in2;
192       knsec = ps->in1;
193       kk = ps->ik2;
194       kksec = ps->ik1;
195       k1m = kdim*knsec;
196       k4m = kdim;
197     }
199   /* Check that the intersection point is an interior point. */
201   if ((apar < *st  && DNEQUAL(apar, *st)) ||
202       (apar > st[kn+kk-1] && DNEQUAL(apar, st[kn+kk-1])))
203 	  						goto err158;
205   /* Allocate space for the kk elements which may not be zero in eache
206      line of the basic transformation matrix.*/
208   if (kk > 5)
209   {
210      if ((salfa = newarray (kk, double)) == SISL_NULL)	goto err101;
211   }
212   else salfa = salfa_local;
214   /* Find the number of the knots which is smaller or like
215      the intersection point, and how many knots we have to insert.*/
217   s1 = st;
218   kv = kk;	/* The maximum number of knots we have to insert. */
220   if ((apar > s1[0] && DNEQUAL(apar, s1[0])) &&
221       (apar < s1[kn+kk-1] && DNEQUAL(apar, s1[kn+kk-1])))
222   {
223      /* Using binear search*/
224      kj1=0;
225      kj2=kk+kn-1;
226      knum = (kj1+kj2)/2;
227      while (knum != kj1)
228      {
229 	if ((s1[knum] < apar ) && DNEQUAL(s1[knum], apar))
230 	   kj1=knum; else kj2=knum;
231 	knum = (kj1+kj2)/2;
232      }
233      knum++;           /* The smaller knots.*/
235      while (DEQUAL(s1[knum], apar))
236      {
237 	apar = s1[knum];
238 	knum++;
239 	kv--;
240      }
241      /* The knots thats like the */
242      /*     intersection point.  */
243   }
244   else if (DEQUAL(apar,s1[0]))
245   {
246      apar = s1[0];
247      knum = 0;
248      while (s1[knum] == apar)
249 	/* The knots thats like the intersection point. */
250 	knum++;
251   }
252   else if (DEQUAL(apar,s1[kn+kk-1]))
253   {
254      apar = s1[kn+kk-1];
255      knum = kn+kk-1;
256      while (s1[knum-1] == apar)
257 	/* The knots thats like the intersection point. */
258 	knum--;
259   }
260   /* Find the number of vertices in the two new curves. */
262   kn1 = knum + kv - kk;
263   kn2 = kn + kk - knum;
265   /* Allocating the new arrays to the two new curves. */
267   if ((st1=newarray(kn1+kk,double))==SISL_NULL) goto err101;
268   if ((st1sec=newarray(knsec+kksec,double))==SISL_NULL) goto err101;
269   if ((st2=newarray(kn2+kk,double))==SISL_NULL) goto err101;
270   if ((st2sec=newarray(knsec+kksec,double))==SISL_NULL) goto err101;
271   if ((scoef1=newarray(kn1*kdim*knsec,double))==SISL_NULL) goto err101;
272   if ((scoef2=newarray(kn2*kdim*knsec,double))==SISL_NULL) goto err101;
274   /* Copying the knotvectors from the old curve to the new curves */
276   memcopy(st1,st,kn1,double);
277   memcopy(st2+kk,st+knum,kn2,double);
278   memcopy(st1sec,stsec,knsec+kksec,double);
279   memcopy(st2sec,stsec,knsec+kksec,double);
281   /* Updating the knotvectors by inserting the new k-touple knot */
283   for(s2=st1+kn1,s3=st2,s4=s3+kk;s3<s4;s2++,s3++) *s2 = *s3 = apar;
285   /* Copying the coefisientvectors to the new curves.*/
287   if (ipar == 1)
288     for (ki=0; ki<knsec; ki++)
289       {
290 	memcopy(scoef1+ki*kdim*kn1,scoef+ki*kdim*kn,
291 		kdim*kn1,double);
292 	memcopy(scoef2+ki*kdim*kn2,scoef+kdim*(ki*kn+knum-kk),
293 		kdim*kn2,double);
294       }
295   else
296     {
297       memcopy(scoef1,scoef,kdim*kn1*knsec,double);
298       memcopy(scoef2,scoef+kdim*(knum-kk)*knsec,
299 	      kdim*kn2*knsec,double);
300     }
302   /* Updating the coefisientvectors to the new surfaces.*/
304   /* Updating the first surface. */
306   /* If we imagine that the matrix is turned in such a way that we are
307      splitting it along a column, then for each element in the column
308      we have to treat a par of a line, to march along the line
309      in the first new matrix we use k1m, And we use k3m as a mark
310      at the end of the column in this new matrix.*/
312   if(ipar==1)
313     {
314       k2m=kdim*kn1;
315       k3m=kdim*kn1*knsec;
316     }
317   else
318     {
319       k2m=kdim;
320       k3m=kdim*knsec;
321     }
322   knum -= kk - 1;
323   for (ki=max(0,knum),kv1=max(0,-knum),s1=scoef1+ki*k1m;ki<kn1;ki++,s1+=k1m)
324     {
325       /* Initialising:
326 	 knum = knum-kk+1, Index of the first vertice to change.
327 	 ki = knum, 	  Index of the vertices we are going to
328 	 change. Starting with knum, but if
329 	 knum is negativ we start at zero.
330 	 kv1 = 0,	  Number if new knots between index ki
331 	 and ki+kk. We are starting one below
332 	 becase we are counting up before using
333 	 it. If knum is negativ we are not
334 	 starting at zero but at -knum.
335 	 s1=scoef1+ki*k1m  Pointer at the first vertice to
336 	 change. */
338       /* Using the Oslo-algorithm to make a transformation-vector
339 	 from the old vertices to one new vertice. */
341       kmy=ki;
342       s1700(kmy,kk,kn,++kv1,&kpl,&kfi,&kla,st,apar,salfa,&kstat);
343       if (kstat) goto err153;
345       /* Compute the knsec*kdim vertices with the "same index". */
347       for (s2=s1,s3=s2+k3m,ki2=0; s2<s3; s2+=k2m,ki2+=k4m)
348 	for (kj=0,s4=s2; kj<kdim; kj++,s4++)
349 	  for (*s4=0,kj1=kfi,kj2=kfi+kpl; kj1<=kla;kj1++,kj2++)
350 	    *s4 += salfa[kj2] * scoef[k1m*kj1+ki2+kj];
351     }
353   /* And the second surface. */
355   /* If we imagine that the matrix is turned in such a way that we are
356      splitting it along a column, then for each element in the column
357      we have to treat a par of a line, to march along the line
358      in the second new matrix we use k1m, And we use k3m as a mark
359      at the end of the column in this new matrix.*/
361   if(ipar==1)
362     {
363       k2m=kdim*kn2;
364       k3m=kdim*kn2*knsec;
365     }
366   else
367     {
368       k2m=kdim;
369       k3m=kdim*knsec;
370     }
372   for (ki1=min(kn1+kv-1,kn+kv),s1=scoef2; ki<ki1; ki++,s1+=k1m)
373     {
374       /* Initialising:
375 	 ki1 = kn1+kv-1,	  the index of the vertice next to the
376 	 last vertice we have to change.
377 	 If we do not have so many vertices,
378 	 we have to use the index next to the
379 	 last vertice we have, kn+kv.
380 	 s1=scoef2	  Pointer at the first vertice to
381 	 change. */
384       /* Using the Oslo-algorithm to make a transformation-vector
385 	 from the old vertices to one new vertice. */
387       s1700(kmy,kk,kn,kv1--,&kpl,&kfi,&kla,st,apar,salfa,&kstat);
388       if (kstat) goto err153;
391       /* Compute the knsec*kdim vertices with the "same index". */
393       for (s2=s1,s3=s2+k3m,ki2=0; s2<s3; s2+=k2m,ki2+=k4m)
394 	for (kj=0,s4=s2; kj<kdim; kj++,s4++)
395 	  for (*s4=0,kj1=kfi,kj2=kfi+kpl; kj1<=kla;kj1++,kj2++)
396 	    *s4 += salfa[kj2] * scoef[k1m*kj1+ki2+kj];
397     }
400   /* Allocating new surface-objects.*/
401  /* use ps->idim rather than kdim in case ps is rational  */
404   if (ipar==1)
405   {
406     if ((q1=newSurf(kn1,knsec,kk,kksec,st1,st1sec,     /* PFU 15/07-94 */
407                     scoef1,newkind,ps->idim,2)) == SISL_NULL) goto err101;
408     if ((q2=newSurf(kn2,knsec,kk,kksec,st2,st2sec,     /* PFU 15/07-94 */
409                     scoef2,newkind,ps->idim,2)) == SISL_NULL) goto err101;
410   }
411   else
412   {
413     if ((q1=newSurf(knsec,kn1,kksec,kk,st1sec,st1,     /* PFU 15/07-94 */
414                     scoef1,newkind,ps->idim,2)) == SISL_NULL) goto err101;
415     if ((q2=newSurf(knsec,kn2,kksec,kk,st2sec,st2,     /* PFU 15/07-94 */
416                     scoef2,newkind,ps->idim,2)) == SISL_NULL) goto err101;
417   }
420   /* Updating output. */
422   *rsnew1 = q1;
423   *rsnew2 = q2;
424   *jstat = 0;
425   goto out;
428   /* Error. Error in lower level function. */
430  err153: *jstat = kstat;
431   goto outfree;
434   /* Error. No surface to subdevice.  */
436  err150: *jstat = -150;
437   s6err("s1711",*jstat,kpos);
438   goto out;
441   /* Error. The intersection-point is outside the surface.  */
443  err158: *jstat = -158;
444   s6err("s1711",*jstat,kpos);
445   goto out;
448   /* Error. Allocation error, not enough memory.  */
450  err101: *jstat = -101;
451   s6err("s1711",*jstat,kpos);
452   goto outfree;
455 outfree:
456    if(q1) freeSurf(q1);
457    q1 = SISL_NULL;
458    if(q2) freeSurf(q2);
459    q2 = SISL_NULL;
461    /* Free local used memory. */
463 out:
464    /* if(!q1) */
465    /*   { */
466    /*    if (st1) freearray(st1); */
467    /*    if (st1sec) freearray(st1sec); */
468    /*    if (scoef1) freearray(scoef1); */
469    /*   } */
471    /* if(!q2) */
472    /*   { */
473    /*    if (st2) freearray(st2); */
474    /*    if (st2sec) freearray(st2sec); */
475    /*    if (scoef2) freearray(scoef2); */
476    /*   } */
478    if (kk > 5 && salfa)
479       freearray (salfa);
480    return;
481 }