1 /*****************************************************************************
2   FILE           : $Source: /projects/higgs1/SNNS/CVS/SNNS/tools/sources/snns2clib.c,v $
3   SHORTNAME      : snns2clib.c
4   SNNS VERSION   : 4.2
6   PURPOSE        : a Set Type with all needed applications
8   AUTHOR         : Berward Kett
9   DATE           : 30.01.95
11   CHANGED BY     : Michael Vogt
12   RCS VERSION    : $Revision: 1.10 $
13   LAST CHANGE    : $Date: 1998/03/04 10:22:46 $
15     Copyright (c) 1990-1995  SNNS Group, IPVR, Univ. Stuttgart, FRG
16     Copyright (c) 1996-1998  SNNS Group, WSI, Univ. Tuebingen, FRG
18 ******************************************************************************/
19 #include <config.h>
21 #include <stdlib.h>
22 #include <string.h>
23 #include "glob_typ.h"
25 #ifndef NULL
26 #define NULL (void *)0
27 #endif
29 #define LIST_BLOCK_SIZE 10
31 /* Status (Error) Codes : OK = 0 (NO Error), ERR = 1, ...  */
32 typedef enum { OK, ERR, CANT_ADD, CANT_LOAD, MEM_ERR,
34 		   ILLEGAL_CYCLES, NO_CPN} Status;
36 /* Recordtype for Lists (Sets) */
37 typedef struct {
38   int place;			/* No of Elements wich can be hold in the list */
39   int no;			/* No of actual Elements in the list           */
40   int *values;			/* Pointer to the Elements                     */
41 } tList, *pList;
43 #define NoOf(list) list->no
44 #define element(list, no) list->values[no]
46 /******************************************************************************
47   pList newList(void)
48   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
49   makes a new, empty List
50   <- Pointer to the new list or NULL if an error occurs
51   ******************************************************************************/
newList(void)52 pList newList(void)
53 {
54   pList list;
56   list = (pList)malloc(sizeof(tList) );
57   if (NULL == list) {
58     return (NULL);
59   }
60   list->values = (int *)malloc(LIST_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(int) );
61   if (list->values == NULL) {
62     free(list);
63     return(NULL);
64   }
65   list->place = LIST_BLOCK_SIZE;
66   list->no    = 0;
67   return(list);
68 }
71 /*****************************************************************************
72   void killList(pList list)
73   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
74   kills a list and releases memory
76   -> pointer to the list
77   *****************************************************************************/
killList(pList list)78 void killList(pList list)
79 {
80   free(list->values);
81   free(list);
82 }
85 /*****************************************************************************
86   int copyList(pList dest, pList source)
87   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
88   copies the sources list in the dest list
89   ->  source : original List;
90   <-> dest   : destination List;
91   <- (func) MEM_ERR : error occurs, dest leaves unchanged
92   OK      : no problems
93   *****************************************************************************/
copyList(pList dest,pList source)94 int copyList(pList dest, pList source)
95 {
96   int *newValues;
98   newValues = (int *)malloc(source->place * sizeof(int) );
99   if (!newValues) return(MEM_ERR);
100   memcpy(newValues, source->values, NoOf(source) * sizeof(int) );
102   free(dest->values);
104   dest->no     = source->no;
105   dest->place  = source->place;
106   dest->values = newValues;
107   return(OK);
108 }
111 /******************************************************************************
112   int searchList(pList list, int member)
113   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
114   searches an item in a list and returns the closest position.
115   e.g. if it is in the list it returns the position of the item,
116   otherwise the position where it should be inserted
117   if you only want to check if the item is member of the list use
118   isMember()
120   -> list   : pointer to the list
121   member : item, wich is searched in the list
122   <- (func) position of the item if it exist
123   ******************************************************************************/
searchList(pList list,int member)124 int searchList(pList list, int member)
125 {
126   int low, high, pos = 0;
127   low = 0;
128   high = list->no -1;
130   if (list->no == 0) {		/* empty list                  */
131     list->values[0] = ++member;	/* must not be equal to member */
132     return(0);
133   }
135   while (high > low) {
136     pos = (high + low) / 2;	/* binary search because the values are sorted */
137     if (member > list->values[pos]) {
138       low = pos + 1;		/* in this order, you get the place were    */
139     } /* member should be inserted if not present */
140     else if (member < list->values[pos]) {
141       high = pos;
142     }
143     else {
144       return(pos);
145     }
146   }
147   return(high);
148 }
151 /*****************************************************************************
152   int isMember(pList list, int member)
153   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
154   checks, if member is part of a list
156   -> list   : pointer to the list
157   member : member wich is to be removed
158   <- TRUE if it is member and FALSE otherwise
159   *****************************************************************************/
isMember(pList list,int member)160 bool isMember(pList list, int member)
161 {
162   int pos;
163   pos = searchList(list, member);
164   return(list->values[pos] == member);
165 }
168 /*****************************************************************************
169   int addList(pList list, int member)
170   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
171   inserts a new member in a list and reserves new memory if needed
173   -> list   : pointer to the list
174   member : new member, wich must be added
175   <- (func)   (OK)       no problems
176   (CANT_ADD) not enough memory for another element
177   *****************************************************************************/
addList(pList list,int member)178 int addList(pList list, int member)
179 {
180   int *oldptr, pos, j;
181   pos = searchList(list, member);
182   if (element(list, pos) == member) return(OK); /* no double entries         */
184   if (list->no == list->place) { /* e.g. more space is needed */
185     oldptr = list->values;
186     list->place += LIST_BLOCK_SIZE;
187     list->values = (int *)realloc( list->values, list->place * sizeof (int) );
188     if (list->values == NULL) {	/* no more space available   */
189       list->place -= LIST_BLOCK_SIZE; /* restore old state         */
190       list->values = oldptr;
191       return(CANT_ADD);
192     }
193   }
195   if (list->values[list->no - 1] < member) {
196     pos = list->no;		/* so append at the end */
197   }
198   for (j = list->no; j > pos; j--) { /* making place for new entry */
199     list->values[j] = list->values[j-1];
200   }
201   list->values[pos] = member;
202   (list->no)++;
204   return (OK);			/* everything all right       */
205 }
208 /*****************************************************************************
209   void remList(pList list, int member)
210   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
211   removes an item from a list if the item exists in it. Otherwise nothing
212   happens. Releases also unneeded memory.
214   -> list   : pointer to the list
215   member : member wich is to be removed
216   *****************************************************************************/
remList(pList list,int member)217 void remList(pList list, int member)
218 {
219   int i, pos;
220   pos = searchList(list, member); /* search for (possible) position */
221   if (member == list->values[pos]) { /* really a member ?              */
222     for (i = pos; i < list->no - 1; i++) { /* shift all following members    */
223       list->values[i] = list->values[i+1];
224     }
225     (list->no)--;		/* loosed one member */
226   }
228   if (list->no < list->place - LIST_BLOCK_SIZE) { /* release unneeded memory */
229     list->place -= LIST_BLOCK_SIZE;
230     list->values = (int *)realloc(list->values, list->place *sizeof(int) );
231   }
232 }
235 /*****************************************************************************
236   void intersectList(pList dest, pList source)
237   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
238   puts the intersection of dest and sources into dest
239   ->  sources : unchanged list
240   <-> dest    : list wich contains the intersection after intersect list
241   *****************************************************************************/
intersectList(pList dest,pList source)242 void intersectList(pList dest, pList source)
243 {
244   int i = 0, j;
245   while (i < NoOf(dest) ) {
246     if (!isMember(source, element(dest, i) ) ) {
247       ( NoOf(dest) )--;
248       for (j = i; j < NoOf(dest); j++) { /* kill element by overwrite */
249         element(dest, j) = element(dest, j + 1);
250       }	/* so the same place must be checked */
251     }
252     else {
253       i++;			/* element found, so check next one */
254     }
255   }
256 }
259 /*****************************************************************************
260   int haveIntersection(pList list1, pList list2)
261   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
262   checks if list1 and list2 have an identical member
263   -> list1, list2 : Lists wich will be checked
264   <- (func)  TRUE  : they have
265   FALSE : they haven't
266 *****************************************************************************/
haveIntersection(pList list1,pList list2)267 bool haveIntersection(pList list1, pList list2)
268 {
269   int i;
270   for(i = 0; i < NoOf(list1); i++) {
271     if (isMember(list2, element(list1, i) ) ) return (TRUE);
272   }
273   return (FALSE);
274 }
277 /*****************************************************************************
278   int mergeList(pList destList, pList sourcesList)
279   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
280   puts all members of sourceList in destList
281   -> source     : unchanged List
282   <-> destList  : List wich contains all Elements after 'mergeList'
283   <-  (func)  (OK)       no problems
284   (MEM_ERR)  not enough memory for another element
285   *****************************************************************************/
mergeList(pList dest,pList source)286 int mergeList(pList dest, pList source)
287 {
288   int   sc = 0, dc = 0, bc = 0; /* counters for source, dest, big */
289   pList big;                    /* list for all Elements          */
290   int   *old, place;            /* helppointer and needed memory  */
292   big = newList();              /* create new List */
293   if (!big) return(MEM_ERR);
295   /** allocate (maximum)Memory for the new List **/
296   place = NoOf(source) + NoOf(dest);
297   /* align to LIST_BLOCK_SIZE */
298   place = ( (place / LIST_BLOCK_SIZE) + 1) * LIST_BLOCK_SIZE;
299   old = big->values;
300   big->place  = place;
301   big->values = (int *)realloc(big->values, place * sizeof (int) );
302   if (big->values == NULL) {
303     big->values = old;		/* for killing the whole list */
304     killList(big);
305     return(MEM_ERR);
306   }
308   while ( (sc < NoOf(source) ) && (dc < NoOf(dest) ) )
309       {
310 	if ( element(source, sc) < element(dest, dc) ) {
311 	  element(big, bc++) = element(source, sc++);
312 	}
313 	else {
314 	  element(big, bc++) = element(dest, dc++);
315 	  /* if elements of dource and dest were equal */
316 	  if (element(source, sc) == element(big, bc -1) ) sc++;
317 	}
319       }
321   /* now only one list may have elements */
322   while (sc < NoOf(source) ) {
323     element(big, bc++) = element(source, sc++);
324   }
325   while (dc < NoOf(dest) ) {
326     element(big, bc++) = element(dest, dc++);
327   }
329   big->no = bc;
331   while (NoOf(big) + LIST_BLOCK_SIZE < big->place) {
332     big->place -= LIST_BLOCK_SIZE;
333     big->values = (int *)realloc(big->values, big->place * sizeof(int) );
334   }
336   /* move contens of big in dest */
337   free(dest->values);
338   dest->values = big->values;
339   dest->no     = big->no;
340   dest->place  = big->place;
341   free(big);
343   return(OK);
344 }
346 /****************************************************************************
347   int CompareSources( pList dest, pList source)
348  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
349   compares two sources sets 1 = equal
350 *****************************************************************************/
CompareSources(pList dest,pList source)352 int CompareSources( pList dest, pList source)
353 {
354   int i = 0;
355   while (i < NoOf(dest) ){
356     if (!isMember(source, element(dest, i) ) )
357       return 0;
358     i++;
359   }
361   i = 0;
362   while (i < NoOf(source) ){
363     if (!isMember(dest, element(source, i) ) )
364       return 0;
365     i++;
366   }
368   return 1;
369 }