1 /*  init.c  */
3 #include "../I2Ohash.h"
5 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6 /*
7    ------------------------------------------
8    initializer,
9    (1) set hashtable maximum size to nlist
10        and allocate the heads[] vector
11    (2) initialize nobj I2OP objects
12    (2) set item growth factor to grow
14    created -- 98jan29, cca
15    ------------------------------------------
16 */
17 void
I2Ohash_init(I2Ohash * hashtable,int nlist,int nobj,int grow)18 I2Ohash_init (
19    I2Ohash   *hashtable,
20    int       nlist,
21    int       nobj,
22    int       grow
23 ) {
24 int   ii ;
25 if ( hashtable == NULL || nlist <= 0 ) {
26    fprintf(stderr, "\n\n error in I2Ohash_init(%p,%d,%d,%d)"
27            "\n hashtable is NULL or nlist = %d is nonpositive\n",
28            hashtable, nlist, nobj, grow, nlist) ;
29    exit(-1) ;
30 }
31 if ( nobj <= 0 && grow <= 0 ) {
32    fprintf(stderr, "\n\n error in I2Ohash_init(%p,%d,%d,%d)"
33            "\n nobj = %d, grow = %d\n",
34            hashtable, nlist, nobj, grow, nobj, grow) ;
35    exit(-1) ;
36 }
37 I2Ohash_clearData(hashtable) ;
38 hashtable->nlist = nlist ;
39 hashtable->grow  = grow ;
40 if ( nobj > 0 ) {
41    hashtable->baseI2OP = I2OP_init(nobj+1, I2OP_FORWARD) ;
42    hashtable->freeI2OP = hashtable->baseI2OP + 1 ;
43    hashtable->baseI2OP->next = NULL ;
44 }
45 ALLOCATE(hashtable->heads, struct _I2OP *, nlist) ;
46 for ( ii = 0 ; ii < nlist ; ii++ ) {
47    hashtable->heads[ii] = NULL ;
48 }
50 return ; }
52 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/