1 /*  extract.c  */
3 #include "../InpMtx.h"
5 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6 /*
7    ----------------------------------------------------------
8    purpose -- to extract a submatrix, B = A(BrowsIV, BcolsIV)
10    return values ---
11       1 -- normal return
12      -1 -- B is NULL
13      -2 -- BcolsIV is NULL
14      -3 -- BrowsIV is NULL
15      -4 -- B is NULL
16      -5 -- invalid input mode for A
17      -6 -- invalid coordinate type for A
18      -7 -- invalid symmetryflag
19      -8 -- hermitian flag but not complex
20      -9 -- msglvl > 0 and msgFile = NULL
22    created -- 98oct15, cca
23    ----------------------------------------------------------
24 */
25 int
InpMtx_initFromSubmatrix(InpMtx * B,InpMtx * A,IV * BrowsIV,IV * BcolsIV,int symmetryflag,int msglvl,FILE * msgFile)26 InpMtx_initFromSubmatrix (
27    InpMtx   *B,
28    InpMtx   *A,
29    IV       *BrowsIV,
30    IV       *BcolsIV,
31    int      symmetryflag,
32    int      msglvl,
33    FILE     *msgFile
34 ) {
35 double   *dbuf, *entA ;
36 int      colA, colB, ii, jj, jjfirst, jjlast, kk, maxcolA, maxn,
37          maxrowA, nbuf, ncolB, nent, nrowB, nvector, rowA, rowB,
38          oldCoordType, oldStorageMode, rowsAndColumnsAreIdentical ;
39 int      *colmap, *colsA, *colsB, *ibuf1, *ibuf2, *offsets, *rowmap,
40          *rowsB, *sizes, *vecids ;
41 /*
42    ---------------
43    check the input
44    ---------------
45 */
46 if ( B == NULL ) {
47    fprintf(stderr, "\n error in InpMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
48            "\n B is NULL\n") ;
49    return(-1) ;
50 }
51 if ( BrowsIV == NULL ) {
52    fprintf(stderr, "\n error in InpMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
53            "\n BrowsIV is NULL\n") ;
54    return(-2) ;
55 }
56 if ( BcolsIV == NULL ) {
57    fprintf(stderr, "\n error in InpMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
58            "\n BcolsIV is NULL\n") ;
59    return(-3) ;
60 }
61 if ( A == NULL ) {
62    fprintf(stderr, "\n error in InpMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
63            "\n A is NULL\n") ;
64    return(-4) ;
65 }
66 switch ( A->inputMode ) {
67 case SPOOLES_REAL :
70    break ;
71 default :
72    fprintf(stderr, "\n error in InpMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
73            "\n invalid inputMode %d for A\n", A->inputMode) ;
74    return(-5) ;
75    break ;
76 }
77 switch ( A->coordType ) {
78 case INPMTX_BY_ROWS     :
81    break ;
82 default :
83    fprintf(stderr, "\n error in InpMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
84            "\n invalid coordType %d for A\n", A->coordType) ;
85    return(-6) ;
86    break ;
87 }
88 switch ( symmetryflag ) {
92    break ;
93 default :
94    fprintf(stderr, "\n error in InpMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
95            "\n invalid symmetryflag %d \n", symmetryflag) ;
96    return(-7) ;
97    break ;
98 }
99 if (  A->inputMode != SPOOLES_COMPLEX
100    && symmetryflag == SPOOLES_HERMITIAN ) {
101    fprintf(stderr, "\n error in InpMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
102            "\n Hermitian symmetry flag but A is not complex\n") ;
103    return(-8) ;
104 }
105 if ( msglvl > 0 && msgFile == NULL ) {
106    fprintf(stderr, "\n error in InpMtx_initFromSubmatrix()"
107            "\n msglvl = %d, msgFile = NULL\n", msglvl) ;
108    return(-9) ;
109 }
110 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
111 /*
112    ------------
113    initialize B
114    ------------
115 */
116 InpMtx_init(B, INPMTX_BY_ROWS, A->inputMode, 0, 0) ;
117 /*
118    -----------------------------
119    get the range of entries in A
120    -----------------------------
121 */
122 InpMtx_range(A, NULL, &maxcolA, NULL, &maxrowA) ;
123 maxn = (maxcolA >= maxrowA) ? maxcolA : maxrowA ;
124 /*
125    --------------------------------------------------
126    get the # and indices of the rows and columns of B
127    --------------------------------------------------
128 */
129 IV_sizeAndEntries(BrowsIV, &nrowB, &rowsB) ;
130 IV_sizeAndEntries(BcolsIV, &ncolB, &colsB) ;
131 if ( nrowB != ncolB ) {
132    rowsAndColumnsAreIdentical = 0 ;
133 } else {
134    rowsAndColumnsAreIdentical = 1 ;
135    for ( ii = 0 ; ii < nrowB ; ii++ ) {
136       if ( rowsB[ii] != colsB[ii] ) {
137          rowsAndColumnsAreIdentical = 0 ;
138          break ;
139       }
140    }
141 }
142 /*
143    ---------------------------
144    set up the local column map
145    ---------------------------
146 */
147 colmap = IVinit(1+maxn, -1) ;
148 for ( ii = 0 ; ii < ncolB ; ii++ ) {
149    colmap[colsB[ii]] = ii ;
150 }
151 if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
152    fprintf(msgFile, "\n colmap") ;
153    IVfprintf(msgFile, 1+maxn, colmap) ;
154    fflush(msgFile) ;
155 }
156 /*
157    ---------------------------------------
158    change the coordinate type of A to rows
159    and storage mode to vectors
160    ---------------------------------------
161 */
162 if ( (oldCoordType = A->coordType) != INPMTX_BY_ROWS ) {
163    InpMtx_changeCoordType(A, INPMTX_BY_ROWS) ;
164 }
165 if ( (oldStorageMode = A->storageMode) != INPMTX_BY_VECTORS ) {
166    InpMtx_changeStorageMode(A, INPMTX_BY_VECTORS) ;
167 }
168 if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
169    fprintf(msgFile, "\n A") ;
170    InpMtx_writeForHumanEye(A, msgFile) ;
171    fflush(msgFile) ;
172 }
173 /*
174    -----------------------------------------------------------
175    switch over the input mode. search the rows of A that will
176    belong to B, load into the buffer all entries that belong
177    in columns of B.  when the buffer is full, add to B matrix.
178    -----------------------------------------------------------
179 */
180 nbuf  = 100 ;
181 ibuf1 = IVinit(nbuf, -1)  ;
182 ibuf2 = IVinit(nbuf, -1)  ;
183 kk    = 0 ;
185    dbuf = DVinit(nbuf, 0.0) ;
186    for ( rowB = 0 ; rowB < nrowB ; rowB++ ) {
187       rowA = rowsB[rowB] ;
188       InpMtx_realVector(A, rowA, &nent, &colsA, &entA) ;
189       for ( jj = 0 ; jj < nent ; jj++ ) {
190          if ( (colB = colmap[colsA[jj]]) != -1 ) {
191             ibuf1[kk] = rowB ; ibuf2[kk] = colB ;
192             dbuf[kk] = entA[jj] ;
193             if ( ++kk == nbuf ) {
194                InpMtx_inputRealTriples(B, kk, ibuf1, ibuf2, dbuf) ;
195                kk = 0 ;
196             }
197          }
198       }
199    }
200 } else if ( INPMTX_IS_COMPLEX_ENTRIES(A) ) {
201    dbuf = DVinit(2*nbuf, 0.0) ;
202    for ( rowB = 0 ; rowB < nrowB ; rowB++ ) {
203       rowA = rowsB[rowB] ;
204       InpMtx_complexVector(A, rowA, &nent, &colsA, &entA) ;
205       for ( jj = 0 ; jj < nent ; jj++ ) {
206          if ( (colB = colmap[colsA[jj]]) != -1 ) {
207             ibuf1[kk] = rowB ; ibuf2[kk] = colB ;
208             dbuf[2*kk] = entA[2*jj] ; dbuf[2*kk+1] = entA[2*jj+1] ;
209             if ( ++kk == nbuf ) {
210                InpMtx_inputComplexTriples(B, kk, ibuf1, ibuf2, dbuf) ;
211                kk = 0 ;
212             }
213          }
214       }
215    }
216 } else if ( INPMTX_IS_INDICES_ONLY(A) ) {
217    dbuf = NULL ;
218    for ( rowB = 0 ; rowB < nrowB ; rowB++ ) {
219       rowA = rowsB[rowB] ;
220       InpMtx_vector(A, rowA, &nent, &colsA) ;
221       for ( jj = 0 ; jj < nent ; jj++ ) {
222          if ( (colB = colmap[colsA[jj]]) != -1 ) {
223             ibuf1[kk] = rowB ; ibuf2[kk] = colB ;
224             if ( ++kk == nbuf ) {
225                InpMtx_inputTriples(B, kk, ibuf1, ibuf2) ;
226                kk = 0 ;
227             }
228          }
229       }
230    }
231 }
232 if (  (   symmetryflag == SPOOLES_SYMMETRIC
233        || symmetryflag == SPOOLES_HERMITIAN)
234    && !rowsAndColumnsAreIdentical ) {
235 /*
236    ----------------------------------------------
237    matrix is symmetric or hermitian, search lower
238    triangle of A for entries that belong to B.
239    ----------------------------------------------
240 */
241    rowmap = IVinit(1+maxn, -1) ;
242    for ( ii = 0 ; ii < nrowB ; ii++ ) {
243       rowmap[rowsB[ii]] = ii ;
244    }
245    if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
246       fprintf(msgFile, "\n rowmap") ;
247       IVfprintf(msgFile, 1+maxn, rowmap) ;
248       fflush(msgFile) ;
249    }
250    if ( INPMTX_IS_REAL_ENTRIES(A) ) {
251       for ( colB = 0 ; colB < ncolB ; colB++ ) {
252          colA = colsB[colB] ;
253          InpMtx_realVector(A, colA, &nent, &colsA, &entA) ;
254          for ( jj = 0 ; jj < nent ; jj++ ) {
255             if ( (rowB = rowmap[colsA[jj]]) != -1 ) {
256                ibuf1[kk] = rowB ; ibuf2[kk] = colB ;
257                dbuf[kk] = entA[jj] ;
258                if ( ++kk == nbuf ) {
259                   InpMtx_inputRealTriples(B, kk, ibuf1, ibuf2, dbuf) ;
260                   kk = 0 ;
261                }
262             }
263          }
264       }
265    } else if ( INPMTX_IS_COMPLEX_ENTRIES(A) ) {
266       for ( colB = 0 ; colB < ncolB ; colB++ ) {
267          colA = colsB[colB] ;
268          InpMtx_complexVector(A, colA, &nent, &colsA, &entA) ;
269          for ( jj = 0 ; jj < nent ; jj++ ) {
270             if ( (rowB = rowmap[colsA[jj]]) != -1 ) {
271                ibuf1[kk] = rowB ; ibuf2[kk] = colB ;
272                dbuf[2*kk] = entA[2*jj] ; dbuf[2*kk+1] = -entA[2*jj+1] ;
273                if ( ++kk == nbuf ) {
274                   InpMtx_inputComplexTriples(B, kk, ibuf1, ibuf2, dbuf);
275                   kk = 0 ;
276                }
277             }
278          }
279       }
280    } else if ( INPMTX_IS_INDICES_ONLY(A) ) {
281       for ( colB = 0 ; colB < ncolB ; colB++ ) {
282          colA = colsB[colB] ;
283          InpMtx_vector(A, colA, &nent, &colsA) ;
284          for ( jj = 0 ; jj < nent ; jj++ ) {
285             if ( (rowB = rowmap[colsA[jj]]) != -1 ) {
286                ibuf1[kk] = rowB ; ibuf2[kk] = colB ;
287                if ( ++kk == nbuf ) {
288                   InpMtx_inputTriples(B, kk, ibuf1, ibuf2) ;
289                   kk = 0 ;
290                }
291             }
292          }
293       }
294    }
295    IVfree(rowmap) ;
296 }
297 if ( kk > 0 ) {
298 /*
299    -------------------------------------------
300    load remaining entries in the buffer into B
301    -------------------------------------------
302 */
303    if ( INPMTX_IS_REAL_ENTRIES(A) ) {
304       InpMtx_inputRealTriples(B, kk, ibuf1, ibuf2, dbuf) ;
305    } else if ( INPMTX_IS_COMPLEX_ENTRIES(A) ) {
306       InpMtx_inputComplexTriples(B, kk, ibuf1, ibuf2, dbuf) ;
307    } else {
308       InpMtx_inputTriples(B, kk, ibuf1, ibuf2) ;
309    }
310 }
311 if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
312    fprintf(msgFile, "\n B") ;
313    InpMtx_writeForHumanEye(B, msgFile) ;
314    fflush(msgFile) ;
315 }
316 /*
317    -----------------------------------
318    set B's coordinate type and storage
319    mode to be the same as A's on input
320    -----------------------------------
321 */
322 InpMtx_changeCoordType(B, oldCoordType) ;
323 InpMtx_changeStorageMode(B, oldStorageMode) ;
324 /*
325    -------------------------------------------
326    change back to the old coordinate type of A
327    -------------------------------------------
328 */
329 if ( (oldCoordType = A->coordType) != INPMTX_BY_ROWS ) {
330    InpMtx_changeCoordType(A, oldCoordType) ;
331 }
332 if ( oldStorageMode != A->storageMode ) {
333    InpMtx_changeStorageMode(A, oldStorageMode) ;
334 }
335 /*
336    ------------------------
337    free the working storage
338    ------------------------
339 */
340 IVfree(colmap) ;
341 IVfree(ibuf1) ;
342 IVfree(ibuf2) ;
343 if ( dbuf != NULL ) {
344    DVfree(dbuf) ;
345 }
346 return(1) ; }
348 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/