1 /*  compress.c  */
3 #include "../Tree.h"
5 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6 /*
7    --------------------------------------------
8    create and return an IV object that contains
9    the map from vertices to fundamental chains.
11    return value -- # of fundamental chains
13    created -- 96jun23, cca
14    -------------------------------------------
15 */
16 IV *
Tree_fundChainMap(Tree * tree)17 Tree_fundChainMap (
18    Tree   *tree
19 ) {
20 int   nfc, u, v ;
21 int   *map ;
22 IV    *mapIV ;
23 /*
24    ---------------
25    check the input
26    ---------------
27 */
28 if ( tree == NULL || tree->n <= 0 ) {
29    fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Tree_fundChainMap(%p)"
30            "\n bad input\n", tree) ;
31    exit(-1) ;
32 }
33 mapIV = IV_new() ;
34 IV_init(mapIV, tree->n, NULL) ;
35 map = IV_entries(mapIV) ;
36 for ( v = Tree_postOTfirst(tree), nfc = 0 ;
37       v != -1 ;
38       v = Tree_postOTnext(tree, v) ) {
39    if ( (u = tree->fch[v]) == -1 || tree->sib[u] != -1 ) {
40 /*
41       --------------------
42       v starts a new chain
43       --------------------
44 */
45       map[v] = nfc++ ;
46    } else {
47 /*
48       -----------------------------------------------
49       v belongs in the same chain as its only child u
50       -----------------------------------------------
51 */
52       map[v] = map[u] ;
53    }
54 }
55 return(mapIV) ; }
57 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
58 /*
59    -----------------------------------------------------------------
60    compress a tree based on a map from old vertices to new vertices.
61    the restriction on the map is that the set {u | map[u] = U} must
62    be connected for all U.
64    created  -- 95nov15, cca
65    modified -- 96jan04, cca
66       bug fixed, N computed incorrectly
67    modified -- 96jun23, cca
68       in calling sequence, int map[] converted to IV *mapIV
69    -----------------------------------------------------------------
70 */
71 Tree *
Tree_compress(Tree * tree,IV * mapIV)72 Tree_compress (
73    Tree   *tree,
74    IV     *mapIV
75 ) {
76 int    n, N, u, U, v, V ;
77 int    *head, *link, *map ;
78 Tree   *tree2 ;
79 /*
80    ---------------
81    check the input
82    ---------------
83 */
84 if (  tree == NULL
85    || (n = tree->n) <= 0
86    || mapIV == NULL
87    || n != IV_size(mapIV)
88    || (map = IV_entries(mapIV)) == NULL ) {
89    fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Tree_compress(%p,%p)"
90            "\n bad input\n", tree, mapIV) ;
91    exit(-1) ;
92 }
93 /*
94    -----------------------
95    initialize the new tree
96    -----------------------
97 */
98 N = 1 + IV_max(mapIV) ;
99 tree2 = Tree_new() ;
100 Tree_init1(tree2, N) ;
101 /*
102    -----------------------------------------------------------
103    get the head/link construct to map old nodes into new nodes
104    -----------------------------------------------------------
105 */
106 head = IVinit(N, -1) ;
107 link = IVinit(n, -1) ;
108 for ( v = 0 ; v < n ; v++ ) {
109    if ( (V = map[v]) < 0 || V >= N ) {
110       fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Tree_compress(%p,%p)"
111               "\n map[%d] = %d, N = %d\n", tree, map, v, V, N) ;
112       exit(-1) ;
113    }
114    link[v] = head[V] ;
115    head[V] =    v    ;
116 }
117 /*
118    ---------------------
119    fill the tree vectors
120    ---------------------
121 */
122 for ( U = 0 ; U < N ; U++ ) {
123    for ( u = head[U] ; u != -1 ; u = link[u] ) {
124       if ( (v = tree->par[u]) == -1 ) {
125          tree2->par[U] = -1 ;
126          break ;
127       } else if ( (V = map[v]) != U ) {
128          tree2->par[U] = V ;
129          break ;
130       }
131    }
132 }
133 Tree_setFchSibRoot(tree2) ;
134 /*
135    ------------------------
136    free the working storage
137    ------------------------
138 */
139 IVfree(head) ;
140 IVfree(link) ;
142 return(tree2) ; }
144 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/