1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // GB_AxB_saxpy3_coarseHash_phase1: symbolic coarse Hash, optional dense mask
3 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 // SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2021, All Rights Reserved.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
8 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 {
12     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
13     // phase1: coarse hash task, C=A*B, or C<#M>=A*B if M is dense
14     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
16     // Initially, Hf [...] < mark for all of Hf.
17     // Let f = Hf [hash] and h = Hi [hash]
19     // f < mark          : unoccupied.
20     // h == i, f == mark : occupied with C(i,j)
22     // The mask M can be optionally checked, if it is packed (full, bitmap, or
23     // sparse/hyper with all entries present and not jumbled) and checked in
24     // place.  This method is not used if M is present and sparse.
26     for (int64_t kk = kfirst ; kk <= klast ; kk++)
27     {
28         GB_GET_B_j ;            // get B(:,j)
29         Cp [kk] = 0 ;
31         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
32         // special case when B(:,j) is empty
33         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
35         #if ( GB_B_IS_SPARSE || GB_B_IS_HYPER )
36         if (bjnz == 0) continue ;
37         #endif
39         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
40         // get M(:,j), or handle the case when B(:,j) has one entry
41         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
43         #ifdef GB_CHECK_MASK_ij
45             // The mask M is packed (full, bitmap, or sparse/hyper and not
46             // jumbled, with all entries present in the entire matrix).  Get
47             // pointers Mjb and Mjx into the M(:,j) vector.
48             GB_GET_M_j
49             const M_TYPE *restrict Mjx = Mask_struct ? NULL :
50                 ((M_TYPE *) Mx) + (M_SIZE * pM_start) ;
51             const int8_t *restrict Mjb = M_is_bitmap ? (Mb+pM_start) : NULL ;
53         #else
55             // M is not present
56             #if ( GB_A_IS_SPARSE || GB_A_IS_HYPER )
57             if (bjnz == 1)
58             {
59                 GB_GET_B_kj_INDEX ;     // get index k of B(k,j)
60                 GB_GET_A_k ;            // get A(:,k)
61                 Cp [kk] = aknz ;
62                 continue ;
63             }
64             #endif
66         #endif
68         mark++ ;
70         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
71         // count nnz in C(:,j)
72         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
74         int64_t cjnz = 0 ;
75         for ( ; pB < pB_end ; pB++)     // scan B(:,j)
76         {
77             GB_GET_B_kj_INDEX ;         // get index k of B(k,j)
78             GB_GET_A_k ;                // get A(:,k)
79             // scan A(:,k)
80             for (int64_t pA = pA_start ; pA < pA_end ; pA++)
81             {
82                 GB_GET_A_ik_INDEX ;     // get index i of A(i,k)
83                 #ifdef GB_CHECK_MASK_ij
84                 // check mask condition and skip if C(i,j) is protected by
85                 // the mask
86                 GB_CHECK_MASK_ij ;
87                 #endif
88                 int64_t hash ;
89                 bool marked = false ;
90                 bool done = false ;
91                 for (hash = GB_HASHF (i) ; ; GB_REHASH (hash, i))
92                 {
93                     // if the hash entry is marked then it is occuppied with
94                     // some row index in the current C(:,j).
95                     marked = (Hf [hash] == mark) ;
96                     // if found, then the hash entry holds the row index i.
97                     bool found = marked && (Hi [hash] == i) ;
98                     // if the hash entry is unmarked, then it is empty, and i
99                     // is not in the hash table.  In this case, C(i,j) is a new
100                     // entry.  The search terminates if either i is found, or
101                     // if an empty (unmarked) slot is found.
102                     if (found || !marked) break ;
103                 }
104                 if (!marked)
105                 {
106                     // empty slot found, insert C(i,j)
107                     Hf [hash] = mark ;
108                     Hi [hash] = i ;
109                     cjnz++ ;            // C(i,j) is a new entry
110                 }
111             }
112         }
113         Cp [kk] = cjnz ;                // count the entries in C(:,j)
114     }
115 }