1 /* ========================================================================== */
2 /* === umfpack_col_to_triplet =============================================== */
3 /* ========================================================================== */
5 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
6 /* Copyright (c) 2005-2012 by Timothy A. Davis, http://www.suitesparse.com.   */
7 /* All Rights Reserved.  See ../Doc/License.txt for License.                  */
8 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
10 int umfpack_di_col_to_triplet
11 (
12     int n_col,
13     const int Ap [ ],
14     int Tj [ ]
15 ) ;
17 SuiteSparse_long umfpack_dl_col_to_triplet
18 (
19     SuiteSparse_long n_col,
20     const SuiteSparse_long Ap [ ],
21     SuiteSparse_long Tj [ ]
22 ) ;
24 int umfpack_zi_col_to_triplet
25 (
26     int n_col,
27     const int Ap [ ],
28     int Tj [ ]
29 ) ;
31 SuiteSparse_long umfpack_zl_col_to_triplet
32 (
33     SuiteSparse_long n_col,
34     const SuiteSparse_long Ap [ ],
35     SuiteSparse_long Tj [ ]
36 ) ;
38 /*
39 double int Syntax:
41     #include "umfpack.h"
42     int n_col, *Tj, *Ap, status ;
43     status = umfpack_di_col_to_triplet (n_col, Ap, Tj) ;
45 double SuiteSparse_long Syntax:
47     #include "umfpack.h"
48     SuiteSparse_long n_col, *Tj, *Ap, status ;
49     status = umfpack_dl_col_to_triplet (n_col, Ap, Tj) ;
51 complex int Syntax:
53     #include "umfpack.h"
54     int n_col, *Tj, *Ap, status ;
55     status = umfpack_zi_col_to_triplet (n_col, Ap, Tj) ;
57 complex SuiteSparse_long Syntax:
59     #include "umfpack.h"
60     SuiteSparse_long n_col, *Tj, *Ap, status ;
61     status = umfpack_zl_col_to_triplet (n_col, Ap, Tj) ;
63 Purpose:
65     Converts a column-oriented matrix to a triplet form.  Only the column
66     pointers, Ap, are required, and only the column indices of the triplet form
67     are constructed.   This routine is the opposite of umfpack_*_triplet_to_col.
68     The matrix may be singular and/or rectangular.  Analogous to [i, Tj, x] =
69     find (A) in MATLAB, except that zero entries present in the column-form of
70     A are present in the output, and i and x are not created (those are just Ai
71     and Ax+Az*1i, respectively, for a column-form matrix A).
73 Returns:
75     UMFPACK_OK if successful
76     UMFPACK_ERROR_argument_missing if Ap or Tj is missing
77     UMFPACK_ERROR_n_nonpositive if n_col <= 0
78     UMFPACK_ERROR_invalid_matrix if Ap [n_col] < 0, Ap [0] != 0, or
79 	Ap [j] > Ap [j+1] for any j in the range 0 to n-1.
80     Unsorted columns and duplicate entries do not cause an error (these would
81     only be evident by examining Ai).  Empty rows and columns are OK.
83 Arguments:
85     Int n_col ;		Input argument, not modified.
87 	A is an n_row-by-n_col matrix.  Restriction: n_col > 0.
88 	(n_row is not required)
90     Int Ap [n_col+1] ;	Input argument, not modified.
92 	The column pointers of the column-oriented form of the matrix.  See
93 	umfpack_*_*symbolic for a description.  The number of entries in
94 	the matrix is nz = Ap [n_col].  Restrictions on Ap are the same as those
95 	for umfpack_*_transpose.  Ap [0] must be zero, nz must be >= 0, and
96 	Ap [j] <= Ap [j+1] and Ap [j] <= Ap [n_col] must be true for all j in
97 	the range 0 to n_col-1.  Empty columns are OK (that is, Ap [j] may equal
98 	Ap [j+1] for any j in the range 0 to n_col-1).
100     Int Tj [nz] ;	Output argument.
102 	Tj is an integer array of size nz on input, where nz = Ap [n_col].
103 	Suppose the column-form of the matrix is held in Ap, Ai, Ax, and Az
104 	(see umfpack_*_*symbolic for a description).  Then on output, the
105 	triplet form of the same matrix is held in Ai (row indices), Tj (column
106 	indices), and Ax (numerical values).  Note, however, that this routine
107 	does not require Ai and Ax (or Az for the complex version) in order to
108 	do the conversion.
109 */