1 /* ========================================================================= */
2 /* === CAMD_postorder ====================================================== */
3 /* ========================================================================= */
5 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
6 /* CAMD, Copyright (c) Timothy A. Davis, Yanqing Chen,			     */
7 /* Patrick R. Amestoy, and Iain S. Duff.  See ../README.txt for License.     */
8 /* email: DrTimothyAldenDavis@gmail.com                                      */
9 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
11 /* Perform a postordering (via depth-first search) of an assembly tree. */
13 #include "camd_internal.h"
CAMD_postorder(Int j,Int k,Int n,Int head[],Int next[],Int post[],Int stack[])15 GLOBAL Int CAMD_postorder
16 (
17     Int j,	    /* start at node j, a root of the assembly tree */
18     Int k,	    /* on input, next node is the kth node */
19     Int n,	    /* normal nodes 0 to n-1, place-holder node n */
20     Int head [],    /* head of link list of children of each node */
21     Int next [],    /* next[i] is the next child after i in link list */
22     Int post [],    /* postordering, post [k] = p if p is the kth node */
23     Int stack []    /* recursion stack */
24 )
25 {
26     int i, p, top = 0 ;
27     stack [0] = j ;	  /* place j on the stack, maybe place-holder node n */
28     while (top >= 0)	  /* while (stack is not empty) */
29     {
30 	p = stack [top] ;	/* p = top of stack */
31 	i = head [p] ;		/* i = youngest child of p */
32 	if (i == -1)
33 	{
34 	    top-- ;		/* p has no unordered children left */
35 	    if (p != n)
36 	    {
37 		/* node p is the kth postordered node.  Do not postorder the
38 		 * place-holder node n, which is the root of a subtree
39 		 * containing all dense and empty nodes. */
40 		post [k++] = p ;
41 	    }
42 	}
43 	else
44 	{
45 	    head [p] = next [i] ;   /* remove i from children of p */
46 	    stack [++top] = i ;	    /* start dfs on child node i */
47 	}
48     }
49     return (k) ;
50 }