1 /* ========================================================================== */
2 /* === Include/cholmod_modify.h ============================================= */
3 /* ========================================================================== */
5 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6  * CHOLMOD/Include/cholmod_modify.h.
7  * Copyright (C) 2005-2006, Timothy A. Davis and William W. Hager
8  * http://www.suitesparse.com
9  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
11 /* CHOLMOD Modify module.
12  *
13  * Sparse Cholesky modification routines: update / downdate / rowadd / rowdel.
14  * Can also modify a corresponding solution to Lx=b when L is modified.  This
15  * module is most useful when applied on a Cholesky factorization computed by
16  * the Cholesky module, but it does not actually require the Cholesky module.
17  * The Core module can create an identity Cholesky factorization (LDL' where
18  * L=D=I) that can then by modified by these routines.
19  *
20  * Primary routines:
21  * -----------------
22  *
23  * cholmod_updown	    multiple rank update/downdate
24  * cholmod_rowadd	    add a row to an LDL' factorization
25  * cholmod_rowdel	    delete a row from an LDL' factorization
26  *
27  * Secondary routines:
28  * -------------------
29  *
30  * cholmod_updown_solve	    update/downdate, and modify solution to Lx=b
31  * cholmod_updown_mark	    update/downdate, and modify solution to partial Lx=b
32  * cholmod_updown_mask	    update/downdate for LPDASA
33  * cholmod_updown_mask2     update/downdate for LPDASA
34  * cholmod_rowadd_solve	    add a row, and update solution to Lx=b
35  * cholmod_rowadd_mark	    add a row, and update solution to partial Lx=b
36  * cholmod_rowdel_solve	    delete a row, and downdate Lx=b
37  * cholmod_rowdel_mark	    delete a row, and downdate solution to partial Lx=b
38  *
39  * Requires the Core module.  Not required by any other CHOLMOD module.
40  */
45 #include "cholmod_core.h"
47 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
48 /* cholmod_updown:  multiple rank update/downdate */
49 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
51 /* Compute the new LDL' factorization of LDL'+CC' (an update) or LDL'-CC'
52  * (a downdate).  The factor object L need not be an LDL' factorization; it
53  * is converted to one if it isn't. */
55 int cholmod_updown
56 (
57     /* ---- input ---- */
58     int update,		/* TRUE for update, FALSE for downdate */
59     cholmod_sparse *C,	/* the incoming sparse update */
60     /* ---- in/out --- */
61     cholmod_factor *L,	/* factor to modify */
62     /* --------------- */
63     cholmod_common *Common
64 ) ;
66 int cholmod_l_updown (int, cholmod_sparse *, cholmod_factor *,
67     cholmod_common *) ;
69 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
70 /* cholmod_updown_solve:  update/downdate, and modify solution to Lx=b */
71 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
73 /* Does the same as cholmod_updown, except that it also updates/downdates the
74  * solution to Lx=b+DeltaB.  x and b must be n-by-1 dense matrices.  b is not
75  * need as input to this routine, but a sparse change to b is (DeltaB).  Only
76  * entries in DeltaB corresponding to columns modified in L are accessed; the
77  * rest must be zero. */
79 int cholmod_updown_solve
80 (
81     /* ---- input ---- */
82     int update,		/* TRUE for update, FALSE for downdate */
83     cholmod_sparse *C,	/* the incoming sparse update */
84     /* ---- in/out --- */
85     cholmod_factor *L,	/* factor to modify */
86     cholmod_dense *X,	/* solution to Lx=b (size n-by-1) */
87     cholmod_dense *DeltaB,  /* change in b, zero on output */
88     /* --------------- */
89     cholmod_common *Common
90 ) ;
92 int cholmod_l_updown_solve (int, cholmod_sparse *, cholmod_factor *,
93     cholmod_dense *, cholmod_dense *, cholmod_common *) ;
95 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
96 /* cholmod_updown_mark:  update/downdate, and modify solution to partial Lx=b */
97 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
99 /* Does the same as cholmod_updown_solve, except only part of L is used in
100  * the update/downdate of the solution to Lx=b.  This routine is an "expert"
101  * routine.  It is meant for use in LPDASA only.  See cholmod_updown.c for
102  * a description of colmark. */
104 int cholmod_updown_mark
105 (
106     /* ---- input ---- */
107     int update,		/* TRUE for update, FALSE for downdate */
108     cholmod_sparse *C,	/* the incoming sparse update */
109     int *colmark,	/* int array of size n.  See cholmod_updown.c */
110     /* ---- in/out --- */
111     cholmod_factor *L,	/* factor to modify */
112     cholmod_dense *X,	/* solution to Lx=b (size n-by-1) */
113     cholmod_dense *DeltaB,  /* change in b, zero on output */
114     /* --------------- */
115     cholmod_common *Common
116 ) ;
118 int cholmod_l_updown_mark (int, cholmod_sparse *, SuiteSparse_long *,
119     cholmod_factor *, cholmod_dense *, cholmod_dense *, cholmod_common *) ;
121 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
122 /* cholmod_updown_mask:  update/downdate, for LPDASA */
123 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
125 /* Does the same as cholmod_updown_mark, except has an additional "mask"
126  * argument.  This routine is an "expert" routine.  It is meant for use in
127  * LPDASA only.  See cholmod_updown.c for a description of mask. */
129 int cholmod_updown_mask
130 (
131     /* ---- input ---- */
132     int update,		/* TRUE for update, FALSE for downdate */
133     cholmod_sparse *C,	/* the incoming sparse update */
134     int *colmark,	/* int array of size n.  See cholmod_updown.c */
135     int *mask,		/* size n */
136     /* ---- in/out --- */
137     cholmod_factor *L,	/* factor to modify */
138     cholmod_dense *X,	/* solution to Lx=b (size n-by-1) */
139     cholmod_dense *DeltaB,  /* change in b, zero on output */
140     /* --------------- */
141     cholmod_common *Common
142 ) ;
144 int cholmod_l_updown_mask (int, cholmod_sparse *, SuiteSparse_long *,
145     SuiteSparse_long *, cholmod_factor *, cholmod_dense *, cholmod_dense *,
146     cholmod_common *) ;
148 int cholmod_updown_mask2
149 (
150     /* ---- input ---- */
151     int update,		/* TRUE for update, FALSE for downdate */
152     cholmod_sparse *C,	/* the incoming sparse update */
153     int *colmark,	/* int array of size n.  See cholmod_updown.c */
154     int *mask,		/* size n */
155     int maskmark,
156     /* ---- in/out --- */
157     cholmod_factor *L,	/* factor to modify */
158     cholmod_dense *X,	/* solution to Lx=b (size n-by-1) */
159     cholmod_dense *DeltaB,  /* change in b, zero on output */
160     /* --------------- */
161     cholmod_common *Common
162 ) ;
164 int cholmod_l_updown_mask2 (int, cholmod_sparse *, SuiteSparse_long *,
165     SuiteSparse_long *, SuiteSparse_long, cholmod_factor *, cholmod_dense *,
166     cholmod_dense *, cholmod_common *) ;
168 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
169 /* cholmod_rowadd:  add a row to an LDL' factorization (a rank-2 update) */
170 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
172 /* cholmod_rowadd adds a row to the LDL' factorization.  It computes the kth
173  * row and kth column of L, and then updates the submatrix L (k+1:n,k+1:n)
174  * accordingly.  The kth row and column of L must originally be equal to the
175  * kth row and column of the identity matrix.  The kth row/column of L is
176  * computed as the factorization of the kth row/column of the matrix to
177  * factorize, which is provided as a single n-by-1 sparse matrix R. */
179 int cholmod_rowadd
180 (
181     /* ---- input ---- */
182     size_t k,		/* row/column index to add */
183     cholmod_sparse *R,	/* row/column of matrix to factorize (n-by-1) */
184     /* ---- in/out --- */
185     cholmod_factor *L,	/* factor to modify */
186     /* --------------- */
187     cholmod_common *Common
188 ) ;
190 int cholmod_l_rowadd (size_t, cholmod_sparse *, cholmod_factor *,
191     cholmod_common *) ;
193 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
194 /* cholmod_rowadd_solve:  add a row, and update solution to Lx=b */
195 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
197 /* Does the same as cholmod_rowadd, and also updates the solution to Lx=b
198  * See cholmod_updown for a description of how Lx=b is updated.  There is on
199  * additional parameter:  bk specifies the new kth entry of b. */
201 int cholmod_rowadd_solve
202 (
203     /* ---- input ---- */
204     size_t k,		/* row/column index to add */
205     cholmod_sparse *R,	/* row/column of matrix to factorize (n-by-1) */
206     double bk [2],	/* kth entry of the right-hand-side b */
207     /* ---- in/out --- */
208     cholmod_factor *L,	/* factor to modify */
209     cholmod_dense *X,	/* solution to Lx=b (size n-by-1) */
210     cholmod_dense *DeltaB,  /* change in b, zero on output */
211     /* --------------- */
212     cholmod_common *Common
213 ) ;
215 int cholmod_l_rowadd_solve (size_t, cholmod_sparse *, double *,
216     cholmod_factor *, cholmod_dense *, cholmod_dense *, cholmod_common *) ;
218 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
219 /* cholmod_rowadd_mark:  add a row, and update solution to partial Lx=b */
220 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
222 /* Does the same as cholmod_rowadd_solve, except only part of L is used in
223  * the update/downdate of the solution to Lx=b.  This routine is an "expert"
224  * routine.  It is meant for use in LPDASA only.  */
226 int cholmod_rowadd_mark
227 (
228     /* ---- input ---- */
229     size_t k,		/* row/column index to add */
230     cholmod_sparse *R,	/* row/column of matrix to factorize (n-by-1) */
231     double bk [2],	/* kth entry of the right hand side, b */
232     int *colmark,	/* int array of size n.  See cholmod_updown.c */
233     /* ---- in/out --- */
234     cholmod_factor *L,	/* factor to modify */
235     cholmod_dense *X,	/* solution to Lx=b (size n-by-1) */
236     cholmod_dense *DeltaB,  /* change in b, zero on output */
237     /* --------------- */
238     cholmod_common *Common
239 ) ;
241 int cholmod_l_rowadd_mark (size_t, cholmod_sparse *, double *,
242     SuiteSparse_long *, cholmod_factor *, cholmod_dense *, cholmod_dense *,
243     cholmod_common *) ;
245 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
246 /* cholmod_rowdel:  delete a row from an LDL' factorization (a rank-2 update) */
247 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
249 /* Sets the kth row and column of L to be the kth row and column of the identity
250  * matrix, and updates L(k+1:n,k+1:n) accordingly.   To reduce the running time,
251  * the caller can optionally provide the nonzero pattern (or an upper bound) of
252  * kth row of L, as the sparse n-by-1 vector R.  Provide R as NULL if you want
253  * CHOLMOD to determine this itself, which is easier for the caller, but takes
254  * a little more time.
255  */
257 int cholmod_rowdel
258 (
259     /* ---- input ---- */
260     size_t k,		/* row/column index to delete */
261     cholmod_sparse *R,	/* NULL, or the nonzero pattern of kth row of L */
262     /* ---- in/out --- */
263     cholmod_factor *L,	/* factor to modify */
264     /* --------------- */
265     cholmod_common *Common
266 ) ;
268 int cholmod_l_rowdel (size_t, cholmod_sparse *, cholmod_factor *,
269     cholmod_common *) ;
271 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
272 /* cholmod_rowdel_solve:  delete a row, and downdate Lx=b */
273 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
275 /* Does the same as cholmod_rowdel, but also downdates the solution to Lx=b.
276  * When row/column k of A is "deleted" from the system A*y=b, this can induce
277  * a change to x, in addition to changes arising when L and b are modified.
278  * If this is the case, the kth entry of y is required as input (yk) */
280 int cholmod_rowdel_solve
281 (
282     /* ---- input ---- */
283     size_t k,		/* row/column index to delete */
284     cholmod_sparse *R,	/* NULL, or the nonzero pattern of kth row of L */
285     double yk [2],	/* kth entry in the solution to A*y=b */
286     /* ---- in/out --- */
287     cholmod_factor *L,	/* factor to modify */
288     cholmod_dense *X,	/* solution to Lx=b (size n-by-1) */
289     cholmod_dense *DeltaB,  /* change in b, zero on output */
290     /* --------------- */
291     cholmod_common *Common
292 ) ;
294 int cholmod_l_rowdel_solve (size_t, cholmod_sparse *, double *,
295     cholmod_factor *, cholmod_dense *, cholmod_dense *, cholmod_common *) ;
297 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
298 /* cholmod_rowdel_mark:  delete a row, and downdate solution to partial Lx=b */
299 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
301 /* Does the same as cholmod_rowdel_solve, except only part of L is used in
302  * the update/downdate of the solution to Lx=b.  This routine is an "expert"
303  * routine.  It is meant for use in LPDASA only.  */
305 int cholmod_rowdel_mark
306 (
307     /* ---- input ---- */
308     size_t k,		/* row/column index to delete */
309     cholmod_sparse *R,	/* NULL, or the nonzero pattern of kth row of L */
310     double yk [2],	/* kth entry in the solution to A*y=b */
311     int *colmark,	/* int array of size n.  See cholmod_updown.c */
312     /* ---- in/out --- */
313     cholmod_factor *L,	/* factor to modify */
314     cholmod_dense *X,	/* solution to Lx=b (size n-by-1) */
315     cholmod_dense *DeltaB,  /* change in b, zero on output */
316     /* --------------- */
317     cholmod_common *Common
318 ) ;
320 int cholmod_l_rowdel_mark (size_t, cholmod_sparse *, double *,
321     SuiteSparse_long *, cholmod_factor *, cholmod_dense *, cholmod_dense *,
322     cholmod_common *) ;
324 #endif