1 // =============================================================================
2 // === SuiteSparseQR.hpp =======================================================
3 // =============================================================================
5 // User include file for C++ programs.
10 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 // include files
12 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 #ifdef GPU_BLAS
15 #include <cublas_v2.h>
16 #endif
18 extern "C"
19 {
20 #include "SuiteSparseQR_definitions.h"
21 #include "cholmod.h"
22 }
25 // =============================================================================
26 // === spqr_gpu ================================================================
27 // =============================================================================
29 struct spqr_gpu
30 {
31     SuiteSparse_long *RimapOffsets;      // Stores front offsets into Rimap
32     SuiteSparse_long RimapSize;          // Allocated space for in Rimap
34     SuiteSparse_long *RjmapOffsets;      // Stores front offsets into Rjmap
35     SuiteSparse_long RjmapSize;          // Allocated space for Rjmap
37     SuiteSparse_long numStages;          // # of Stages required to factorize
38     SuiteSparse_long *Stagingp;          // Pointers into Post for boundaries
39     SuiteSparse_long *StageMap;          // Mapping of front to stage #
40     size_t *FSize;                       // Total size of fronts in a stage
41     size_t *RSize;                       // Total size of R+C for a stage
42     size_t *SSize;                       // Total size of S for a stage
43     SuiteSparse_long *FOffsets;          // F Offsets relative to a base
44     SuiteSparse_long *ROffsets;          // R Offsets relative to a base
45     SuiteSparse_long *SOffsets;          // S Offsets relative to a base
46 };
48 // =============================================================================
49 // === spqr_symbolic ===========================================================
50 // =============================================================================
52 // The contents of this object do not change during numeric factorization.  The
53 // Symbolic object depends only on the pattern of the input matrix, and not its
54 // values.  These contents also do not change with column pivoting for rank
55 // detection.  This makes parallelism easier to manage, since all threads can
56 // have access to this object without synchronization.
57 //
58 // The total size of the Symbolic object is (10 + 2*m + anz + 2*n + 5*nf + rnz)
59 // Long's, where the user's input A matrix is m-by-n with anz nonzeros, nf <=
60 // MIN(m,n) is the number of frontal matrices, and rnz <= nnz(R) is the number
61 // of column indices used to represent the supernodal form of R (one Long per
62 // non-pivotal column index in the leading row of each block of R).
64 struct spqr_symbolic
65 {
67     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
68     // row-form of the input matrix and its permutations
69     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
71     // During symbolic analysis, the nonzero pattern of S = A(P,Q) is
72     // constructed, where A is the user's input matrix.  Its numerical values
73     // are also constructed, but they do not become part of the Symbolic
74     // object.  The matrix S is stored in row-oriented form.  The rows of S are
75     // sorted according to their leftmost column index (via PLinv).  Column
76     // indices in each row of S are in strictly ascending order, even though
77     // the input matrix A need not be sorted.
79     SuiteSparse_long m, n, anz ; // S is m-by-n with anz entries
81     SuiteSparse_long *Sp ;       // size m+1, row pointers of S
83     SuiteSparse_long *Sj ;       // size anz = Sp [n], column indices of S
85     SuiteSparse_long *Qfill ;    // size n, fill-reducing column permutation.
86                         // Qfill [k] = j if column k of A is column j of S.
88     SuiteSparse_long *PLinv ;    // size m, inverse row permutation that places
89                         // S=A(P,Q) in increasing order of leftmost column
90                         // index.  PLinv [i] = k if row i of A is row k of S.
92     SuiteSparse_long *Sleft ;    // size n+2.  The list of rows of S whose
93             // leftmost column index is j is given by
94             // Sleft [j] ... Sleft [j+1]-1.  This can be empty (that is, Sleft
95             // [j] can equal Sleft [j+1]).  Sleft [n] is the number of
96             // non-empty rows of S, and Sleft [n+1] == m.  That is, Sleft [n]
97             // ... Sleft [n+1]-1 gives the empty rows of S, if any.
99     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
100     // frontal matrices: pattern and tree
101     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
103     // Each frontal matrix is fm-by-fn, with fnpiv pivot columns.  The fn
104     // column indices are given by a set of size fnpiv pivot columns, defined
105     // by Super, followed by the pattern Rj [ Rp[f] ...  Rp[f+1]-1 ].
107     // The row indices of the front are not kept.  If the Householder vectors
108     // are not kept, the row indices are not needed.  If the Householder
109     // vectors are kept, the row indices are computed dynamically during
110     // numerical factorization.
112     SuiteSparse_long nf ;        // number of frontal matrices; nf <= MIN (m,n)
113     SuiteSparse_long maxfn ;     // max # of columns in any front
115     // parent, child, and childp define the row merge tree or etree (A'A)
116     SuiteSparse_long *Parent ;   // size nf+1
117     SuiteSparse_long *Child ;    // size nf+1
118     SuiteSparse_long *Childp ;   // size nf+2
120     // The parent of a front f is Parent [f], or EMPTY if f=nf.
121     // A list of children of f can be obtained in the list
122     // Child [Childp [f] ... Childp [f+1]-1].
124     // Node nf in the tree is a placeholder; it does not represent a frontal
125     // matrix.  All roots of the frontal "tree" (may be a forest) have the
126     // placeholder node nf as their parent.  Thus, the tree of nodes 0:nf is
127     // truly a tree, with just one parent (node nf).
129     SuiteSparse_long *Super ;    // size nf+1.  Super [f] gives the first
130         // pivot column in the front F.  This refers to a column of S.  The
131         // number of expected pivot columns in F is thus
132         // Super [f+1] - Super [f].
134     SuiteSparse_long *Rp ;       // size nf+1
135     SuiteSparse_long *Rj ;       // size rjsize; compressed supernodal form of R
137     SuiteSparse_long *Post ;     // size nf+1, post ordering of frontal tree.
138                         // f=Post[k] gives the kth node in the postordered tree
140     SuiteSparse_long rjsize ;    // size of Rj
142     SuiteSparse_long do_rank_detection ; // TRUE: allow for tol >= 0.
143                                          // FALSE: ignore tol
145     // the rest depends on whether or not rank-detection is allowed:
146     SuiteSparse_long maxstack  ; // max stack size (sequential case)
147     SuiteSparse_long hisize ;    // size of Hii
149     SuiteSparse_long keepH ;     // TRUE if H is present
151     SuiteSparse_long *Hip ;      // size nf+1.  If H is kept, the row indices
152         // of frontal matrix f are in Hii [Hip [f] ... Hip [f] + Hm [f]],
153         // where Hii and Hm are stored in the numeric object.
155         // There is one block row of R per frontal matrix.
156         // The fn column indices of R are given by Rj [Rp [f] ... Rp [f+1]-1],
157         // where the first fp column indices are Super [f] ... Super [f+1]-1.
158         // The remaining column indices in Rj [...] are non-pivotal, and are
159         // in the range Super [f+1] to n.  The number of rows of R is at
160         // most fp, but can be less if dead columns appear in the matrix.
161         // The number of columns in the contribution block C is always
162         // cn = fn - fp, where fn = Rp [f+1] - Rp [f].
164     SuiteSparse_long ntasks ;    // number of tasks in task graph
165     SuiteSparse_long ns ;        // number of stacks
167     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
168     // the rest of the QR symbolic object is present only if ntasks > 1
169     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
171     // Task tree (nodes 0:ntasks), including placeholder node
172     SuiteSparse_long *TaskChildp ;       // size ntasks+2
173     SuiteSparse_long *TaskChild ;        // size ntasks+1
175     SuiteSparse_long *TaskStack ;        // size ntasks+1
177     // list of fronts for each task
178     SuiteSparse_long *TaskFront ;        // size nf+1
179     SuiteSparse_long *TaskFrontp  ;      // size ntasks+2
181     SuiteSparse_long *On_stack  ;        // size nf+1, front f is on
182                                          // stack On_stack [f]
184     // size of each stack
185     SuiteSparse_long *Stack_maxstack ;   // size ns+2
187     // number of rows for each front
188     SuiteSparse_long *Fm ;               // size nf+1
190     // number of rows in the contribution block of each front
191     SuiteSparse_long *Cm ;               // size nf+1
193     // from CHOLMOD's supernodal analysis, needed for GPU factorization
194     size_t maxcsize ;
195     size_t maxesize ;
196     SuiteSparse_long *ColCount ;
197     // SuiteSparse_long *px ;
199     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
200     // GPU structure
201     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
203     // This is NULL if the GPU is not in use.  The GPU must be enabled at
204     // compile time (-DGPU_BLAS enables the GPU).  If the Householder vectors
205     // are requested, if TBB is used (Common->SPQR_grain > 1), or if rank
206     // detection is requested, then the GPU is disabled.
208     spqr_gpu *QRgpu ;
210 } ;
213 // =============================================================================
214 // === spqr_numeric ============================================================
215 // =============================================================================
217 // The Numeric object contains the numerical values of the triangular/
218 // trapezoidal factor R, and optionally the Householder vectors H if they
219 // are kept.
221 template <typename Entry> struct spqr_numeric
222 {
224     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
225     // Numeric R factor
226     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
228     Entry **Rblock ;    // size nf.  R [f] is an (Entry *) pointer to the
229                         // R block for front F.  It is an upper trapezoidal
230                         // of size Rm(f)-by-Rn(f), but only the upper
231                         // triangular part is stored in column-packed format.
233     Entry **Stacks ;    // size ns; an array of stacks holding the R and H
234                         // factors and the current frontal matrix F at the head.
235                         // This is followed by empty space, then the C blocks of
236                         // prior frontal matrices at the bottom.  When the
237                         // factorization is complete, only the R and H part at
238                         // the head of each stack is left.
240     SuiteSparse_long *Stack_size ;   // size ns; Stack_size [s] is the size
241                                      // of Stacks [s]
243     SuiteSparse_long hisize ;        // size of Hii
245     SuiteSparse_long n ;             // A is m-by-n
246     SuiteSparse_long m ;
247     SuiteSparse_long nf ;            // number of frontal matrices
248     SuiteSparse_long ntasks ;        // # of tasks in task graph actually used
249     SuiteSparse_long ns ;            // number of stacks actually used
250     SuiteSparse_long maxstack ;      // size of sequential stack, if used
252     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
253     // for rank detection and m < n case
254     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
256     char *Rdead ;       // size n, Rdead [k] = 1 if k is a dead pivot column,
257                         // Rdead [k] = 0 otherwise.  If no columns are dead,
258                         // this is NULL.  If m < n, then at least m-n columns
259                         // will be dead.
261     SuiteSparse_long rank ;      // number of live pivot columns
262     SuiteSparse_long rank1 ;     // number of live pivot columns in first ntol
263                                  // columns of A
265     SuiteSparse_long maxfrank ;  // max number of rows in any R block
267     double norm_E_fro ; // 2-norm of w, the vector of dead column 2-norms
269     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
270     // for keeping Householder vectors
271     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
273     // The factorization is R = (H_s * ... * H_2 * H_1) * P_H
274     // where P_H is the permutation HPinv, and H_1, ... H_s are the Householder
275     // vectors (s = rjsize).
277     SuiteSparse_long keepH ;     // TRUE if H is present
279     SuiteSparse_long rjsize ;    // size of Hstair and HTau
281     SuiteSparse_long *HStair ;   // size rjsize.  The list Hstair [Rp [f] ...
282                         // Rp [f+1]-1] gives the staircase for front F
284     Entry *HTau ;       // size rjsize.  The list HTau [Rp [f] ... Rp [f+1]-1]
285                         // gives the Householder coefficients for front F
287     SuiteSparse_long *Hii ;      // size hisize, row indices of H.
289     SuiteSparse_long *HPinv ;    // size m.  HPinv [i] = k if row i of A and H
290                         // is row k of R.  This permutation includes
291                         // QRsym->PLinv, and the permutation constructed via
292                         // pivotal row ordering during factorization.
294     SuiteSparse_long *Hm ;       // size nf, Hm [f] = # of rows in front F
295     SuiteSparse_long *Hr ;       // size nf, Hr [f] = # of rows in R block of
296                                  // front F
297     SuiteSparse_long maxfm ;     // max (Hm [0:nf-1]), computed only if H kept
299 } ;
302 // =============================================================================
303 // === SuiteSparseQR_factorization =============================================
304 // =============================================================================
306 // A combined symbolic+numeric QR factorization of A or [A B],
307 // with singletons
309 template <typename Entry> struct SuiteSparseQR_factorization
310 {
312     // QR factorization of A or [A Binput] after singletons have been removed
313     double tol ;        // tol used
314     spqr_symbolic *QRsym ;
315     spqr_numeric <Entry> *QRnum ;
317     // singletons, in compressed-row form; R is n1rows-by-n
318     SuiteSparse_long *R1p ;      // size n1rows+1
319     SuiteSparse_long *R1j ;
320     Entry *R1x ;
321     SuiteSparse_long r1nz ;      // nnz (R1)
323     // combined singleton and fill-reducing permutation
324     SuiteSparse_long *Q1fill ;
325     SuiteSparse_long *P1inv ;
326     SuiteSparse_long *HP1inv ;   // NULL if n1cols == 0, in which case
327                         // QRnum->HPinv serves in its place.
329     // Rmap and RmapInv are NULL if QR->rank == A->ncol
330     SuiteSparse_long *Rmap ;     // size n.  Rmap [j] = k if column j of R is
331                         // the kth live column and where k < QR->rank;
332                         // otherwise, if j is a dead column, then
333                         // k >= QR->rank.
335     SuiteSparse_long *RmapInv ;
337     SuiteSparse_long n1rows ;    // number of singleton rows of [A B]
338     SuiteSparse_long n1cols ;    // number of singleton columns of [A B]
340     SuiteSparse_long narows ;    // number of rows of A
341     SuiteSparse_long nacols ;    // number of columns of A
342     SuiteSparse_long bncols ;    // number of columns of B
343     SuiteSparse_long rank ;      // rank estimate of A (n1rows + QRnum->rank1),
344                                  // ranges from 0 to min(m,n)
346     int allow_tol ;     // if TRUE, do rank detection
347 } ;
350 // =============================================================================
351 // === Simple user-callable SuiteSparseQR functions ============================
352 // =============================================================================
354 //  SuiteSparseQR           Sparse QR factorization and solve
355 //  SuiteSparseQR_qmult     Q'*X, Q*X, X*Q', or X*Q for X full or sparse
357 // returns rank(A) estimate, or EMPTY on failure
358 template <typename Entry> SuiteSparse_long SuiteSparseQR
359 (
360     // inputs, not modified
361     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
362     double tol,             // only accept singletons above tol
364     SuiteSparse_long econ,  // number of rows of C and R to return; a value
365                             // less than the rank r of A is treated as r, and
366                             // a value greater than m is treated as m.
368     int getCTX,             // if 0: return Z = C of size econ-by-bncols
369                             // if 1: return Z = C' of size bncols-by-econ
370                             // if 2: return Z = X of size econ-by-bncols
372     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
374     // B is either sparse or dense.  If Bsparse is non-NULL, B is sparse and
375     // Bdense is ignored.  If Bsparse is NULL and Bdense is non-NULL, then B is
376     // dense.  B is not present if both are NULL.
377     cholmod_sparse *Bsparse,
378     cholmod_dense *Bdense,
380     // output arrays, neither allocated nor defined on input.
382     // Z is the matrix C, C', or X
383     cholmod_sparse **Zsparse,
384     cholmod_dense  **Zdense,
385     cholmod_sparse **R,     // the R factor
386     SuiteSparse_long **E,   // size n; fill-reducing ordering of A.
387     cholmod_sparse **H,     // the Householder vectors (m-by-nh)
388     SuiteSparse_long **HPinv,// size m; row permutation for H
389     cholmod_dense **HTau,   // size nh, Householder coefficients
391     // workspace and parameters
392     cholmod_common *cc
393 ) ;
395 // X = A\dense(B)
396 template <typename Entry> cholmod_dense *SuiteSparseQR
397 (
398     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
399     double tol,
400     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
401     cholmod_dense  *B,      // m-by-nrhs
402     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
403 ) ;
405 // X = A\dense(B) using default ordering and tolerance
406 template <typename Entry> cholmod_dense *SuiteSparseQR
407 (
408     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
409     cholmod_dense  *B,      // m-by-nrhs
410     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
411 ) ;
413 // X = A\sparse(B)
414 template <typename Entry> cholmod_sparse *SuiteSparseQR
415 (
416     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
417     double tol,
418     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
419     cholmod_sparse *B,      // m-by-nrhs
420     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
421 ) ;
423 // [Q,R,E] = qr(A), returning Q as a sparse matrix
424 template <typename Entry> SuiteSparse_long SuiteSparseQR
425     // returns rank(A) estimate
426 (
427     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
428     double tol,
429     SuiteSparse_long econ,
430     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
431     // outputs
432     cholmod_sparse **Q,     // m-by-e sparse matrix where e=max(econ,rank(A))
433     cholmod_sparse **R,     // e-by-n sparse matrix
434     SuiteSparse_long **E,   // permutation of 0:n-1, NULL if identity
435     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
436 ) ;
438 // [Q,R,E] = qr(A), discarding Q
439 template <typename Entry> SuiteSparse_long SuiteSparseQR
440     // returns rank(A) estimate
441 (
442     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
443     double tol,
444     SuiteSparse_long econ,
445     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
446     // outputs
447     cholmod_sparse **R,     // e-by-n sparse matrix
448     SuiteSparse_long **E,   // permutation of 0:n-1, NULL if identity
449     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
450 ) ;
452 // [C,R,E] = qr(A,B), where C and B are dense
453 template <typename Entry> SuiteSparse_long SuiteSparseQR
454 (
455     // inputs, not modified
456     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
457     double tol,             // only accept singletons above tol
458     SuiteSparse_long econ,  // number of rows of C and R to return
459     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
460     cholmod_dense  *B,      // m-by-nrhs dense matrix
461     // outputs
462     cholmod_dense  **C,     // C = Q'*B, an e-by-nrhs dense matrix
463     cholmod_sparse **R,     // e-by-n sparse matrix where e=max(econ,rank(A))
464     SuiteSparse_long **E,   // permutation of 0:n-1, NULL if identity
465     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
466 ) ;
468 // [C,R,E] = qr(A,B), where C and B are sparse
469 template <typename Entry> SuiteSparse_long SuiteSparseQR
470 (
471     // inputs, not modified
472     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
473     double tol,             // only accept singletons above tol
474     SuiteSparse_long econ,  // number of rows of C and R to return
475     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
476     cholmod_sparse *B,      // m-by-nrhs sparse matrix
477     // outputs
478     cholmod_sparse **C,     // C = Q'*B, an e-by-nrhs sparse matrix
479     cholmod_sparse **R,     // e-by-n sparse matrix where e=max(econ,rank(A))
480     SuiteSparse_long **E,   // permutation of 0:n-1, NULL if identity
481     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
482 ) ;
484 // [Q,R,E] = qr(A) where Q is returned in Householder form
485 template <typename Entry> SuiteSparse_long SuiteSparseQR
486 (
487     // inputs, not modified
488     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
489     double tol,             // only accept singletons above tol
490     SuiteSparse_long econ,  // number of rows of C and R to return
491     cholmod_sparse *A,      // m-by-n sparse matrix
492     // outputs
493     cholmod_sparse **R,     // the R factor
494     SuiteSparse_long **E,   // permutation of 0:n-1, NULL if identity
495     cholmod_sparse **H,     // the Householder vectors (m-by-nh)
496     SuiteSparse_long **HPinv,// size m; row permutation for H
497     cholmod_dense **HTau,   // size nh, Householder coefficients
498     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
499 ) ;
501 // =============================================================================
502 // === SuiteSparseQR_qmult =====================================================
503 // =============================================================================
505 // This function takes as input the matrix Q in Householder form, as returned
506 // by SuiteSparseQR (... H, HPinv, HTau, cc) above.
508 // returns Y of size m-by-n (NULL on failure)
509 template <typename Entry> cholmod_dense *SuiteSparseQR_qmult
510 (
511     // inputs, no modified
512     int method,         // 0,1,2,3
513     cholmod_sparse *H,      // either m-by-nh or n-by-nh
514     cholmod_dense *HTau,    // size 1-by-nh
515     SuiteSparse_long *HPinv,// size mh
516     cholmod_dense *Xdense,  // size m-by-n
518     // workspace and parameters
519     cholmod_common *cc
520 ) ;
522 template <typename Entry> cholmod_sparse *SuiteSparseQR_qmult
523 (
524     // inputs, no modified
525     int method,             // 0,1,2,3
526     cholmod_sparse *H,      // either m-by-nh or n-by-nh
527     cholmod_dense *HTau,    // size 1-by-nh
528     SuiteSparse_long *HPinv,// size mh
529     cholmod_sparse *X,
531     // workspace and parameters
532     cholmod_common *cc
533 ) ;
535 // =============================================================================
536 // === Expert user-callable SuiteSparseQR functions ============================
537 // =============================================================================
539 #ifndef NEXPERT
541 // These functions are "expert" routines, allowing reuse of the QR
542 // factorization for different right-hand-sides.  They also allow the user to
543 // find the minimum 2-norm solution to an undertermined system of equations.
545 template <typename Entry>
546 SuiteSparseQR_factorization <Entry> *SuiteSparseQR_factorize
547 (
548     // inputs, not modified:
549     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
550     double tol,             // treat columns with 2-norm <= tol as zero
551     cholmod_sparse *A,      // sparse matrix to factorize
552     // workspace and parameters
553     cholmod_common *cc
554 ) ;
556 template <typename Entry> cholmod_dense *SuiteSparseQR_solve    // returns X
557 (
558     // inputs, not modified:
559     int system,                 // which system to solve
560     SuiteSparseQR_factorization <Entry> *QR, // of an m-by-n sparse matrix A
561     cholmod_dense *B,           // right-hand-side, m-by-nrhs or n-by-nrhs
562     // workspace and parameters
563     cholmod_common *cc
564 ) ;
566 template <typename Entry> cholmod_sparse *SuiteSparseQR_solve    // returns X
567 (
568     // inputs, not modified:
569     int system,                 // which system to solve (0,1,2,3)
570     SuiteSparseQR_factorization <Entry> *QR, // of an m-by-n sparse matrix A
571     cholmod_sparse *Bsparse,    // right-hand-side, m-by-nrhs or n-by-nrhs
572     // workspace and parameters
573     cholmod_common *cc
574 ) ;
576 // returns Y of size m-by-n, or NULL on failure
577 template <typename Entry> cholmod_dense *SuiteSparseQR_qmult
578 (
579     // inputs, not modified
580     int method,                 // 0,1,2,3 (same as SuiteSparseQR_qmult)
581     SuiteSparseQR_factorization <Entry> *QR, // of an m-by-n sparse matrix A
582     cholmod_dense *Xdense,      // size m-by-n with leading dimension ldx
583     // workspace and parameters
584     cholmod_common *cc
585 ) ;
587 // returns Y of size m-by-n, or NULL on failure
588 template <typename Entry> cholmod_sparse *SuiteSparseQR_qmult
589 (
590     // inputs, not modified
591     int method,                 // 0,1,2,3
592     SuiteSparseQR_factorization <Entry> *QR, // of an m-by-n sparse matrix A
593     cholmod_sparse *Xsparse,    // size m-by-n
594     // workspace and parameters
595     cholmod_common *cc
596 ) ;
598 // free the QR object
599 template <typename Entry> int SuiteSparseQR_free
600 (
601     SuiteSparseQR_factorization <Entry> **QR, // of an m-by-n sparse matrix A
602     cholmod_common *cc
603 ) ;
605 // find the min 2-norm solution to a sparse linear system
606 template <typename Entry> cholmod_dense *SuiteSparseQR_min2norm
607 (
608     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
609     double tol,
610     cholmod_sparse *A,
611     cholmod_dense *B,
612     cholmod_common *cc
613 ) ;
615 template <typename Entry> cholmod_sparse *SuiteSparseQR_min2norm
616 (
617     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
618     double tol,
619     cholmod_sparse *A,
620     cholmod_sparse *B,
621     cholmod_common *cc
622 ) ;
624 // symbolic QR factorization; no singletons exploited
625 template <typename Entry>
626 SuiteSparseQR_factorization <Entry> *SuiteSparseQR_symbolic
627 (
628     // inputs:
629     int ordering,           // all, except 3:given treated as 0:fixed
630     int allow_tol,          // if FALSE, tol is ignored by the numeric
631                             // factorization, and no rank detection is performed
632     cholmod_sparse *A,      // sparse matrix to factorize (A->x ignored)
633     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
634 ) ;
636 // numeric QR factorization;
637 template <typename Entry> int SuiteSparseQR_numeric
638 (
639     // inputs:
640     double tol,             // treat columns with 2-norm <= tol as zero
641     cholmod_sparse *A,      // sparse matrix to factorize
642     // input/output
643     SuiteSparseQR_factorization <Entry> *QR,
644     cholmod_common *cc      // workspace and parameters
645 ) ;
647 #endif
649 #endif