1 // =============================================================================
2 // === spqr_hpinv ==============================================================
3 // =============================================================================
5 // Finalizes the row permutation that is implicit in the pattern of H.  This
6 // must be done sequentially, after all threads have finished factorizing the
7 // matrix and finding all the dead columns.  Also determines QRnum->maxfm.
9 #include "spqr.hpp"
spqr_hpinv(spqr_symbolic * QRsym,spqr_numeric<Entry> * QRnum,Long * W)11 template <typename Entry> void spqr_hpinv
12 (
13     // input
14     spqr_symbolic *QRsym,
15     // input/output
16     spqr_numeric <Entry> *QRnum,
17     // workspace
18     Long *W              // size QRnum->m
19 )
20 {
21     Long *Hi, *Hii, *Hip, *HPinv, *Hr, *Super, *Rp, *Hm, *Sleft, *PLinv ;
22     Long nf, m, n, f, rm, i, row1, row2, fm, fn, fp, cm, cn, maxfm ;
24     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
25     // get the contents of the QRsym and QRnum objects
26     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
28     // this function must not be called if Householder vectors weren't kept
29     ASSERT (QRnum->keepH) ;
31     nf = QRsym->nf ;
32     m = QRsym->m ;
33     n = QRsym->n ;
34     Hr = QRnum->Hr ;
35     Hm = QRnum->Hm ;
36     Hii = QRnum->Hii ;
37     Hip = QRsym->Hip ;
38     HPinv = QRnum->HPinv ;
39     Super = QRsym->Super ;
40     Rp = QRsym->Rp ;
41     Sleft = QRsym->Sleft ;
42     PLinv = QRsym->PLinv ;
43     maxfm = 0 ;
45 #ifndef NDEBUG
46     for (f = 0 ; f < nf ; f++)
47     {
48         Long j ;
49         rm = 0 ;
50         for (j = Super [f] ; j < Super [f+1] ; j++)
51         {
52             if (!(QRnum->Rdead [j]))
53             {
54                 rm++ ;                      // column j is not dead
55             }
56         }
57         ASSERT (Hr [f] == rm) ;             // # rows in R block
58     }
59     for (i = 0 ; i < m ; i++)
60     {
61         W [i] = EMPTY ;
62         PR (("For S, PLinv row perm (%ld) = %ld\n", i, PLinv [i])) ;
63     }
64 #endif
66     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
67     // extract the inverse permutation for R1
68     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
70     row1 = 0 ;                              // number of squeezed rows of R
71     row2 = m ;                              // for ordering empty rows of R
73     // order the empty rows of S
74     ASSERT (Sleft [n+1] == m) ;
75     PR (("Sleft [%ld] = %ld, m = %ld\n", n, Sleft [n], m)) ;
76     for (i = Sleft [n] ; i < m ; i++)
77     {
78         // row i of S is empty, and so it does not appear as a row in the Hi
79         // pattern of any front
80         PR (("empty row %ld\n", i)) ;
81         W [i] = (--row2) ;
82     }
84     // order the non-empty rows of S that appear in frontal matrices
85     for (f = 0 ; f < nf ; f++)              // traverse in natural order
86     {
87         Hi = &Hii [Hip [f]] ;               // list of row indices of H
89         // order the pivotal rows of F
90         rm = Hr [f] ;                       // number of rows in R block
91         for (i = 0 ; i < rm ; i++)
92         {
93             // row1 is a row of R; it is row Hi [i] of H and S
94             ASSERT (Hi [i] >= 0 && Hi [i] < m) ;
95             ASSERT (W [Hi [i]] == EMPTY) ;
96             W [Hi [i]] = row1++ ;
97         }
99         // order the non-pivotal rows of F which are not in the C block
100         fp = Super [f+1] - Super [f] ;
101         fn = Rp [f+1] - Rp [f] ;
102         fm = Hm [f] ;
103         maxfm = MAX (maxfm, fm) ;
104         cn = fn - fp ;
105         cm = MIN (fm - rm, cn) ;
106         for (i = fm-1 ; i >= rm + cm ; i--)
107         {
108             // row2 is an empty row of R (does not appear in the rank-size R);
109             // it is row Hi [i] of H and S
110             ASSERT (Hi [i] >= 0 && Hi [i] < m) ;
111             ASSERT (W [Hi [i]] == EMPTY) ;
112             W [Hi [i]] = (--row2) ;
113         }
114     }
115     ASSERT (row1 == QRnum->rank) ;
116     ASSERT (row1 == row2) ;
118     QRnum->maxfm = maxfm ;
120 #ifndef NDEBUG
121     for (i = 0 ; i < m ; i++)
122     {
123         PR (("H row perm W (%ld) = %ld\n", i, W [i])) ;
124         ASSERT (W [i] >= 0 && W [i] < m) ;
125     }
126 #endif
128     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
129     // combine the permutations
130     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
132     // At this point, W [i] = k if row i of S is row k of R, and
133     // PLinv [i] = k if row i of A is row k of S.  Combine the two permutations
134     // into a single one, HPinv [row i of A] = row k of R
136     for (i = 0 ; i < m ; i++)
137     {
138         HPinv [i] = W [PLinv [i]] ;
139         PR (("Combined H row perm HPinv (%ld) = %ld\n", i, HPinv [i])) ;
140     }
142     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
143     // revise the pattern of the frontal matrices
144     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
146     for (f = 0 ; f < nf ; f++)
147     {
148         Hi = &Hii [Hip [f]] ;                   // list of row indices of H
149         fm = Hm [f] ;
150         for (i = 0 ; i < fm ; i++)
151         {
152             ASSERT (Hi [i] >= 0 && Hi [i] < m) ;
153             Hi [i] = W [Hi [i]] ;
154         }
155         // Now Hi [0..fm-1] contains a list of row indices for front F which
156         // correspond to rows of R.  The row indices are also sorted.
157 #ifndef NDEBUG
158         for (i = 1 ; i < fm ; i++)
159         {
160             ASSERT (Hi [i] > Hi [i-1]) ;
161         }
162 #endif
163     }
164 }
167 // =============================================================================
169 template void spqr_hpinv <double>
170 (
171     // input
172     spqr_symbolic *QRsym,
173     // input/output
174     spqr_numeric <double> *QRnum,
175     // workspace
176     Long *W              // size QRnum->m
177 ) ;
179 // =============================================================================
181 template void spqr_hpinv <Complex>
182 (
183     // input
184     spqr_symbolic *QRsym,
185     // input/output
186     spqr_numeric <Complex> *QRnum,
187     // workspace
188     Long *W              // size QRnum->m
189 ) ;