1function test3 (nmat)
2%TEST3 test for BTF
3% Requires UFget
4% Example:
5%   test3
6% See also btf, maxtrans, strongcomp, dmperm, UFget,
7%   test1, test2, test3, test4, test5.
9% Copyright 2007, Timothy A. Davis, http://www.suitesparse.com
11doplot = 1 ;
12dopause = 0 ;
13dostrong = 1 ;
15index = UFget ;
16f = find (index.nrows == index.ncols) ;
17[ignore i] = sort (index.nnz (f)) ;
18f = f (i) ;
19clear i
21% short test set: seg faults, lots of blocks, lots of work, and so on:
22nasty = [
23        % --- various test matrices (no seg fault, quick run time)
24    -(1:8)'  % generated matrices
25    904 % vanHeukelum/cage3 (5-by-5)
26    819 % Simon/raefsky6 (permuted triangular matrix)
27        %
28        % --- older seg faults:
29    264 % HB/west0156, causes older strongcomp_recursive to fail
30    824 % TOKAMAK/utm300 (300-by-300), causes older code to fail
31    868 % Pothen/bodyy4
32        %
33        % --- seg faults in old MATLAB dmperm
34    290 % Averous/epb3
35    983 % Sanghavi/ecl32
36    885 % Pothen/tandem_dual
37    879 % Pothen/onera_dual
38    955 % Schenk_IBMSDS/2D_54019_highK
39    957 % Schenk_IBMSDS/3D_51448_3D
40    958 % Schenk_IBMSDS/ibm_matrix_2
41    912 % vanHeukelum/cage11
42    924 % Andrews/Andrews
43    960 % Schenk_IBMSDS/matrix-new_3
44    862 % Kim/kim1
45    544 % Hamm/scircuit
46    897 % Norris/torso2
47    801 % Ronis/xenon1
48     53 % HB/bcsstk31
49    958 % Schenk_IBMSDS/matrix_9
50    844 % Cunningham/qa8fk
51    845 % Cunningham/qa8fk
52    821 % Simon/venkat25
53    822 % Simon/venkat50
54    820 % Simon/venkat01
55    812 % Simon/bbmat
56    804 % Rothberg/cfd1
57     54 % HB/bcsstk32
58    913 % vanHeukelum/cage12
59    846 % Boeing/bcsstk39
60    972 % Schenk_IBMSDS/para-10
61    974 % Schenk_IBMSDS/para-5
62    975 % Schenk_IBMSDS/para-6
63    976 % Schenk_IBMSDS/para-7
64    977 % Schenk_IBMSDS/para-8
65    978 % Schenk_IBMSDS/para-9
66    961 % Schenk_ISEI/barrier2-10
67    962 % Schenk_ISEI/barrier2-11
68    963 % Schenk_ISEI/barrier2-12
69    964 % Schenk_ISEI/barrier2-1
70    965 % Schenk_ISEI/barrier2-2
71    966 % Schenk_ISEI/barrier2-3
72    967 % Schenk_ISEI/barrier2-4
73    968 % Schenk_ISEI/barrier2-9
74    851 % Chen/pkustk05
75    979 % Kamvar/Stanford
76    374 % Bova/rma10
77        %
78        % --- lots of time:
79    395 % DRIVCAV/cavity16
80    396 % DRIVCAV/cavity17
81    397 % DRIVCAV/cavity18
82    398 % DRIVCAV/cavity19
83    399 % DRIVCAV/cavity20
84    400 % DRIVCAV/cavity21
85    401 % DRIVCAV/cavity22
86    402 % DRIVCAV/cavity23
87    403 % DRIVCAV/cavity24
88    404 % DRIVCAV/cavity25
89    405 % DRIVCAV/cavity26
90    1109 % Sandia/mult_dcop_01
91    1110 % Sandia/mult_dcop_02
92    1111 % Sandia/mult_dcop_03
93    376 % Brethour/coater2
94    284 % ATandT/onetone2
95    588 % Hollinger/mark3jac100
96    589 % Hollinger/mark3jac100sc
97    452 % Grund/bayer01
98    920 % Hohn/sinc12
99    590 % Hollinger/mark3jac120
100    591 % Hollinger/mark3jac120sc
101    809 % Shyy/shyy161
102    448 % Graham/graham1
103    283 % ATandT/onetone1
104    445 % Garon/garon2
105    541 % Hamm/bcircuit
106    592 % Hollinger/mark3jac140
107    593 % Hollinger/mark3jac140sc
108    435 % FIDAP/ex40
109    912 % Hohn/sinc15
110    894 % Norris/lung2
111    542 % Hamm/hcircuit
112    752 % Mulvey/finan512
113    753 % Mulvey/pfinan512
114    564 % Hollinger/g7jac180
115    565 % Hollinger/g7jac180sc
116    566 % Hollinger/g7jac200
117    567 % Hollinger/g7jac200sc
118    748 % Mallya/lhr34
119    749 % Mallya/lhr34c
120    922 % Hohn/sinc18
121    447 % Goodwin/rim
122    807 % Rothberg/struct3
123    286 % ATandT/twotone
124    982 % Tromble/language
125    953 % Schenk_IBMNA/c-73
126    890 % Norris/heart1
127    750 % Mallya/lhr71
128    751 % Mallya/lhr71c
129    925 % FEMLAB/ns3Da
130    827 % Vavasis/av41092
131    931 % FEMLAB/sme3Db
132   1297 % GHS_index/boyd2
133   1301 % GHS_indef/cont-300
134        %
135        % --- lots of time, and seg faults:
136    285 % ATandT/pre2
137        % --- huge matrix, turn off plotting
138    940 % Shenk/af_shell1, memory leak in plot, after call to btf, once.
139        % ----
140]' ;
142% maxtrans_recursive causes a seg fault on these matrices, because of
143% stack overflow (this is expected)
144skip_list_maxtrans_recursive = 285 ;
146% p = dmperm (A) in MATLAB 7.4 causes a seg fault on these matrices:
147skip_list_dmperm = [285 1301 1231 1251 1232 1241] ;
149% [p,q,r] = dmperm (A) in MATLAB 7.4 causes a seg fault on these matrices:
150skip_list_dmperm_btf = ...
151[    285 879 885 290 955 957 958     924 960         897        959 844 845 ...
152 821 822 820     804    913 846 972 974:978 961:968  979 940 ...
153 1422 1513 1412 1510 1301 1231 1251 1434 1213 1232 1241 1357 1579 1431 1281] ;
154% length(skip_list_dmperm_btf)
156% time intensive
157skip_costly = [1514 1297 1876 1301] ;
159% strongcomp (recursive) causes a seg fault on these matrices because of
160% stack overflow (this is expected).
161skip_list_strongcomp_recursive     = ...
162[983 285 879 885 290 955 957 958 912 924 960 862 544 897 801 53 959 844 845 ...
163 821 822 820 812 804 54 913 846 972 974:978 961:968 851     374 940] ;
164skip_list_strongcomp_recursive     = ...
165[ skip_list_strongcomp_recursive 592 593 752 753 807 286 982 855 566 567 ] ;
167% matrices with the largest # of nonzeros in the set (untested)
168toobig = [
169928   853   852   356   761   368   973   895   805   849   932 ...
170803   854   936   802   850   537   856   898   857   859   971   937 ...
171914   858   980   896   806   538   863   369   938   860   941   942 ...
172943   944   945   946   947   948   915   939   916 ] ;
174f = [ -(1:8) f ] ;
175% f = nasty ;
177h = waitbar (0, 'BTF test 3 of 6') ;
179if (nargin < 1)
180    nmat = 1000 ;
182nmat = min (nmat, length (f)) ;
183f = f (1:nmat) ;
187    for matnum = 1:nmat
189        waitbar (matnum/nmat, h) ;
191        j = f (matnum) ;
193        if (any (j == toobig) | any (j == skip_costly))                     %#ok
194            fprintf ('\n%4d: %3d %s/%s too big\n', ...
195                matnum, j, index.Group{j}, index.Name{j}) ;
196            continue ;
197        end
199        rand ('state', 0) ;
201        % clear all unused variables.
202        % nothing here is left that is proportional to the matrix size
203        clear A p1 p2 p3 q3 r3 match1 match2 match4 pa ra sa qa B C pb rb pc rc
204        clear jumble B11 B12 B13 B21 B22 B23 B31 B32 B33 pjumble qjumble ans
205        clear c kbad kgood
206        % whos
207        % pause
209        if (j > 0)
210            Problem = UFget (j, index) ;
211            name = Problem.name ;
212            A = Problem.A ;
213            clear Problem
214        else
215            % construct the jth test matrix
216            j = -j ;
217            if (j == 1 | j == 2)                                            %#ok
218                B11 = UFget ('Grund/b1_ss') ;       % 7-by-7 diagonal block
219                B11 = B11.A ;
220                B12 = sparse (zeros (7,2)) ;
221                B12 (3,2) = 1 ;
222                B13 = sparse (ones  (7,5)) ;
223                B21 = sparse (zeros (2,7)) ;
224                B22 = sparse (ones  (2,2)) ;        % 2-by-2 diagonal block
225                B23 = sparse (ones  (2,5)) ;
226                B31 = sparse (zeros (5,7)) ;
227                B32 = sparse (zeros (5,2)) ;
228                B33 = UFget ('vanHeukelum/cage3') ;    % 5-by-5 diagonal block
229                B33 = B33.A ;
230                A = [ B11 B12 B13 ; B21 B22 B23 ; B31 B32 B33 ] ;
231                name = '(j=1 test matrix)' ;
232            end
233            if (j == 2)
234                pjumble = [ 10 7 11 1 13 12 8 2 5 14 9 6 4 3 ] ;
235                qjumble = [ 3 14 2 11 1 8 5 7 10 12 4 13 9 6 ] ;
236                A = A (pjumble, qjumble) ;
237                name = '(j=2 test matrix)' ;
238            elseif (j == 3)
239                A = sparse (1) ;
240            elseif (j == 4)
241                A = sparse (0) ;
242            elseif (j == 5)
243                A = sparse (ones (2)) ;
244            elseif (j == 6)
245                A = sparse (2,2) ;
246            elseif (j == 7)
247                A = speye (2) ;
248            elseif (j == 8)
249                A = sparse (2,2) ;
250                A (2,1) = 1 ;
251            end
252            if (j > 2)
253                full (A)
254            end
255        end
257        [m n] = size (A) ;
258        if (m ~= n)
259            continue ;
260        end
261        fprintf ('\n%4d: ', matnum) ;
262        fprintf (' =========================== Matrix: %3d %s\n', j, name) ;
263        fprintf ('n: %d nz: %d\n', n, nnz (A)) ;
265        if (nnz (A) > 6e6)
266            doplot = 0 ;
267        end
269        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
270        % now try maxtrans
271        tic
272        match1 = maxtrans (A) ;
273        t = toc ;
274        s1 = sum (match1 > 0) ;
275        fprintf ('n-sprank: %d\n', n-s1) ;
276        fprintf ('maxtrans:                %8.2f seconds\n', t) ;
277        singular = s1 < n ;
279        if (doplot)
280            clf
281            subplot (2,4,1)
282            spy (A)
283            title (name) ;
284        end
286        p1 = match1 ;
287        if (any (p1 <= 0))
288            % complete the permutation
289            badrow = find (p1 <= 0) ;
291            badcol = ones (1,n) ;
292            badcol (p1 (p1 > 0)) = 0 ;
293            badcol = find (badcol) ;
295            p1 (badrow) = badcol ;
297            % construct the older form of match1
298            match1 (badrow) = -p1 (badrow) ;
299        end
300        if (any (sort (p1) ~= 1:n))
301            error ('!!') ;
302        end
304        B = A (:,p1) ;
306        if (doplot)
307            subplot (2,4,2)
308            hold off
309            spy (B)
310            hold on
311            badcol = find (match1 < 0) ;
312            Junk = sparse (badcol, badcol, ones (length (badcol), 1), n, n) ;
313            % if (~isempty (A))
314                % spy (Junk, 'ro') ;
315            % end
316            title ('maxtrans') ;
317        end
319        d = nnz (diag (B)) ;
320        if (d ~= s1)
321            error ('bad sprank') ;
322        end
323        clear B
325        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
326        % try p = dmperm(A)
327        skip_dmperm = any (j == skip_list_dmperm) ;
329        if (~skip_dmperm)
330            tic
331            match4 = dmperm (A) ;
332            t = toc ;
333            fprintf ('p=dmperm(A):             %8.2f seconds\n', t) ;
334            s4 = sum (match4 > 0) ;
335            singular4 = (s4 < n) ;
337            if (doplot)
338                if (~singular4)
339                    subplot (2,4,3)
340                    spy (A (match4,:))
341                    title ('dmperm') ;
342                end
343            end
344            if (singular ~= singular4)
345                error ('s4?') ;
346            end
347            if (s1 ~= s4)
348                error ('bad sprank') ;
349            end
350        else
351            fprintf ('p=dmperm(A): skip\n') ;
352        end
354        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
355        nblocks = -1 ;
356        skip_dmperm_btf = any (j == skip_list_dmperm_btf) ;
357        if (~skip_dmperm_btf)
358            % get btf form
359            tic
360            [pa,qa,ra,sa] = dmperm (A) ;
361            t = toc ;
362            fprintf ('[p,q,r,s]=dmperm(A):     %8.2f seconds\n', t) ;
363            nblocks = length (ra) - 1 ;
364            fprintf ('nblocks: %d\n', nblocks) ;
365            if (~singular4)
366                checkbtf (A, pa, qa, ra) ;
367                if (doplot)
368                    subplot (2,4,4)
369                    drawbtf (A, pa, qa, ra)
370                    title ('dmperm blocks')
371                end
372            end
373        else
374            fprintf ('[p,q,r,s]=dmperm(A): skip\n') ;
375        end
377        jumble = randperm (n) ;
379        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
380        % try strongcomp, non-recursive version
382            %-------------------------------------------------------------------
383            % try strongcomp on original matrix
384            B = A (:,p1) ;
385            tic ;
386            [pb,rb] = strongcomp (B) ;
387            t = toc ;
388            fprintf ('strongcomp               %8.2f seconds\n', t) ;
389            if (~singular & ~skip_dmperm_btf & (length (rb) ~= nblocks+1))  %#ok
390                error ('BTF:invalid (rb)') ;
391            end
392            checkbtf (B, pb, pb, rb) ;
393            if (doplot)
394                subplot (2,4,5)
395                drawbtf (B, pb, pb, rb) ;
396                title ('strongcomp') ;
397            end
399            %-------------------------------------------------------------------
400            % try btf on original matrix
401            tic ;
402            [pw,qw,rw] = btf (A) ;
403            t = toc ;
404            fprintf ('btf                      %8.2f seconds nblocks %d\n', ...
405                t, length (rw)-1) ;
407            if (any (pw ~= pb))
408                error ('pw') ;
409            end
410            if (any (rw ~= rb))
411                error ('rw') ;
412            end
413            if (any (abs (qw) ~= p1 (pw)))
414                error ('qw') ;
415            end
416            c = diag (A (pw,abs (qw))) ;
417            if (~singular & ~skip_dmperm_btf & (length (rw) ~= nblocks+1))  %#ok
418                error ('BTF:invalid (rw)') ;
419            end
420            checkbtf (A, pw, abs (qw), rw) ;
422            kbad  = find (qw < 0) ;
423            kgood = find (qw > 0) ;
424            if (any (c (kbad) ~= 0))
425                error ('kbad') ;
426            end
427            if (any (c (kgood) == 0))       %#ok
428                error ('kgood') ;
429            end
431            if (doplot)
432                subplot (2,4,6)
433                drawbtf (A, pw, abs (qw), rw) ;
434                if (n < 500)
435                    for k = kbad
436                        plot ([k (k+1) (k+1) k k]-.5, ...
437                            [k k (k+1) (k+1) k]-.5, 'r') ;
438                    end
439                end
440                title ('btf') ;
441            end
443            %-------------------------------------------------------------------
444            % try [p,q,r] = strongcomp (A, qin) form
445            tic
446            [pz,qz,rz] = strongcomp (A, match1) ;
447            t = toc ;
448            fprintf ('[p,q,r]=strongcomp(A,qin)%8.2f seconds\n', t) ;
449            if (any (pz ~= pb))
450                error ('pz') ;
451            end
452            if (any (rz ~= rb))
453                error ('rz') ;
454            end
455            if (any (abs (qz) ~= p1 (pz)))
456                error ('qz') ;
457            end
458            c = diag (A (pz,abs (qz))) ;
459            if (~singular & ~skip_dmperm_btf & (length (rz) ~= nblocks+1))  %#ok
460                error ('BTF:invalid (rz)') ;
461            end
462            checkbtf (A, pz, abs (qz), rz) ;
464            kbad  = find (qz < 0) ;
465            kgood = find (qz > 0) ;
466            if (any (c (kbad) ~= 0))
467                error ('kbad') ;
468            end
469            if (any (c (kgood) == 0))                                       %#ok
470                error ('kgood') ;
471            end
473            if (doplot)
474                subplot (2,4,7)
475                drawbtf (A, pz, abs (qz), rz) ;
476                if (n < 500)
477                    for k = kbad
478                        plot ([k (k+1) (k+1) k k]-.5, ...
479                            [k k (k+1) (k+1) k]-.5, 'r') ;
480                    end
481                end
482                title ('strongcomp(A,qin)') ;
483            end
485            %-------------------------------------------------------------------
486            % try strongcomp again, on a randomly jumbled matrix
487            C = sparse (B (jumble, jumble)) ;
488            tic ;
489            [pc,rc] = strongcomp (C) ;
490            t = toc ;
491            fprintf ('strongcomp       (rand)  %8.2f seconds\n', t) ;
492            if (~singular & ~skip_dmperm_btf & (length (rc) ~= nblocks+1))  %#ok
493                error ('BTF:invalid (rc)') ;
494            end
495            checkbtf (C, pc, pc, rc) ;
496            if (doplot)
497                subplot (2,4,8)
498                drawbtf (C, pc, pc, rc) ;
499                title ('strongcomp(rand)') ;
500            end
502            if (length (rc) ~= length (rb))
503                error ('strongcomp random mismatch') ;
504            end
506        %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
507        if (doplot)
508            drawnow
509        end
511        if (matnum ~= nmat & dopause)                                       %#ok
512            input ('Hit enter: ') ;
513        end
515    end
518    % out-of-memory is OK, other errors are not
519    disp (lasterr) ;
520    if (isempty (strfind (lasterr, 'Out of memory')))
521        error (lasterr) ;                                                   %#ok
522    else
523        fprintf ('test terminated early, but otherwise OK\n') ;
524    end
527close (h) ;