1 /* ========================================================================== */
2 /* === UMF_usolve =========================================================== */
3 /* ========================================================================== */
5 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
6 /* Copyright (c) 2005-2012 by Timothy A. Davis, http://www.suitesparse.com.   */
7 /* All Rights Reserved.  See ../Doc/License.txt for License.                  */
8 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
10 /*  solves Ux = b, where U is the upper triangular factor of a matrix. */
11 /*  B is overwritten with the solution X. */
12 /*  Returns the floating point operation count */
14 #include "umf_internal.h"
15 #include "umf_usolve.h"
UMF_usolve(NumericType * Numeric,Entry X[],Int Pattern[])17 GLOBAL double UMF_usolve
18 (
19     NumericType *Numeric,
20     Entry X [ ],		/* b on input, solution x on output */
21     Int Pattern [ ]		/* a work array of size n */
22 )
23 {
24     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
25     /* local variables */
26     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
28     Entry xk ;
29     Entry *xp, *D, *Uval ;
30     Int k, deg, j, *ip, col, *Upos, *Uilen, pos,
31 	*Uip, n, ulen, up, newUchain, npiv, n1, *Ui ;
33     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
34     /* get parameters */
35     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
37     if (Numeric->n_row != Numeric->n_col) return (0.) ;
38     n = Numeric->n_row ;
39     npiv = Numeric->npiv ;
40     Upos = Numeric->Upos ;
41     Uilen = Numeric->Uilen ;
42     Uip = Numeric->Uip ;
43     D = Numeric->D ;
44     n1 = Numeric->n1 ;
46 #ifndef NDEBUG
47     DEBUG4 (("Usolve start:  npiv = "ID" n = "ID"\n", npiv, n)) ;
48     for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
49     {
50 	DEBUG4 (("Usolve start "ID": ", j)) ;
51 	EDEBUG4 (X [j]) ;
52 	DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
53     }
54 #endif
56     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
57     /* singular case */
58     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
60 #ifndef NO_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO
61     /* handle the singular part of D, up to just before the last pivot */
62     for (k = n-1 ; k >= npiv ; k--)
63     {
64 	/* This is an *** intentional *** divide-by-zero, to get Inf or Nan,
65 	 * as appropriate.  It is not a bug. */
66 	ASSERT (IS_ZERO (D [k])) ;
67 	xk = X [k] ;
68 	/* X [k] = xk / D [k] ; */
69 	DIV (X [k], xk, D [k]) ;
70     }
71 #else
72     /* Do not divide by zero */
73 #endif
75     deg = Numeric->ulen ;
76     if (deg > 0)
77     {
78 	/* :: make last pivot row of U (singular matrices only) :: */
79 	for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++)
80 	{
81 	    DEBUG1 (("Last row of U: j="ID"\n", j)) ;
82 	    DEBUG1 (("Last row of U: Upattern[j]="ID"\n",
83 		Numeric->Upattern [j]) );
84 	    Pattern [j] = Numeric->Upattern [j] ;
85 	}
86     }
88     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
89     /* nonsingletons */
90     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
92     for (k = npiv-1 ; k >= n1 ; k--)
93     {
95 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
96 	/* use row k of U */
97 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
99 	up = Uip [k] ;
100 	ulen = Uilen [k] ;
101 	newUchain = (up < 0) ;
102 	if (newUchain)
103 	{
104 	    up = -up ;
105 	    xp = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + up + UNITS (Int, ulen)) ;
106 	}
107 	else
108 	{
109 	    xp = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + up) ;
110 	}
112 	xk = X [k] ;
113 	for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++)
114 	{
115 	    DEBUG4 (("  k "ID" col "ID" value", k, Pattern [j])) ;
116 	    EDEBUG4 (*xp) ;
117 	    DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
118 	    /* xk -= X [Pattern [j]] * (*xp) ; */
119 	    MULT_SUB (xk, X [Pattern [j]], *xp) ;
120 	    xp++ ;
121 	}
123 #ifndef NO_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO
124 	/* Go ahead and divide by zero if D [k] is zero */
125 	/* X [k] = xk / D [k] ; */
126 	DIV (X [k], xk, D [k]) ;
127 #else
128 	/* Do not divide by zero */
129 	if (IS_NONZERO (D [k]))
130 	{
131 	    /* X [k] = xk / D [k] ; */
132 	    DIV (X [k], xk, D [k]) ;
133 	}
134 #endif
136 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
137 	/* make row k-1 of U in Pattern [0..deg-1] */
138 	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
140 	if (k == n1) break ;
142 	if (newUchain)
143 	{
144 	    /* next row is a new Uchain */
145 	    deg = ulen ;
146 	    ASSERT (IMPLIES (k == 0, deg == 0)) ;
147 	    DEBUG4 (("end of chain for row of U "ID" deg "ID"\n", k-1, deg)) ;
148 	    ip = (Int *) (Numeric->Memory + up) ;
149 	    for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++)
150 	    {
151 		col = *ip++ ;
152 		DEBUG4 (("  k "ID" col "ID"\n", k-1, col)) ;
153 		ASSERT (k <= col) ;
154 		Pattern [j] = col ;
155 	    }
156 	}
157 	else
158 	{
159 	    deg -= ulen ;
160 	    DEBUG4 (("middle of chain for row of U "ID" deg "ID"\n", k, deg)) ;
161 	    ASSERT (deg >= 0) ;
162 	    pos = Upos [k] ;
163 	    if (pos != EMPTY)
164 	    {
165 		/* add the pivot column */
166 		DEBUG4 (("k "ID" add pivot entry at pos "ID"\n", k, pos)) ;
167 		ASSERT (pos >= 0 && pos <= deg) ;
168 		Pattern [deg++] = Pattern [pos] ;
169 		Pattern [pos] = k ;
170 	    }
171 	}
172     }
174     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
175     /* singletons */
176     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
178     for (k = n1 - 1 ; k >= 0 ; k--)
179     {
180 	deg = Uilen [k] ;
181 	xk = X [k] ;
182 	DEBUG4 (("Singleton k "ID"\n", k)) ;
183 	if (deg > 0)
184 	{
185 	    up = Uip [k] ;
186 	    Ui = (Int *) (Numeric->Memory + up) ;
187 	    up += UNITS (Int, deg) ;
188 	    Uval = (Entry *) (Numeric->Memory + up) ;
189 	    for (j = 0 ; j < deg ; j++)
190 	    {
191 		DEBUG4 (("  k "ID" col "ID" value", k, Ui [j])) ;
192 		EDEBUG4 (Uval [j]) ;
193 		DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
194 		/* xk -= X [Ui [j]] * Uval [j] ; */
195 		ASSERT (Ui [j] >= 0 && Ui [j] < n) ;
196 		MULT_SUB (xk, X [Ui [j]], Uval [j]) ;
197 	    }
198 	}
200 #ifndef NO_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO
201 	/* Go ahead and divide by zero if D [k] is zero */
202 	/* X [k] = xk / D [k] ; */
203 	DIV (X [k], xk, D [k]) ;
204 #else
205 	/* Do not divide by zero */
206 	if (IS_NONZERO (D [k]))
207 	{
208 	    /* X [k] = xk / D [k] ; */
209 	    DIV (X [k], xk, D [k]) ;
210 	}
211 #endif
213     }
215 #ifndef NDEBUG
216     for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
217     {
218 	DEBUG4 (("Usolve done "ID": ", j)) ;
219 	EDEBUG4 (X [j]) ;
220 	DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
221     }
222     DEBUG4 (("Usolve done.\n")) ;
223 #endif
225     return (DIV_FLOPS * ((double) n) + MULTSUB_FLOPS * ((double) Numeric->unz));
226 }