1function SJplot(matrix,tol,option)
2%   SJplot(matrix,tol,option) creates a plot of the calculated singular
3%   value spectrum or partial singular value spectrum for a matrix from
4%   the SJsingular database.
6%   Input:
7%       matrix -- either:
8%          a problem structure downloaded from the SJsingular database
9%          a number: 1 to the # of matrices in the collection
10%          a string: the name of a matrix in the collection
11%          In the last two cases SJget must be installed first from
12%          http://www.math.sjsu.edu/singular/matrices/SJget.html
13%       tol (optional) -- draw a horizontal line at tol
14%          (the default value is  max(size(A))*eps(norm of A))
15%       option (optional) -- if option = 1 create high resolution image,
16%           if option = 2 create a low resolution image, suitable for
17%           thumbnail picture.  The default is option = 1.
18%   Note: if blue error bars appear in the plot then a singular
19%        value of A is guaranteed to be in the interval pictured by the
20%        blue bars around each of the calculated singular values.
21%   Examples:
22%         %if matrix information has already been downloaded
23%         SJplot(Problem), shg
24%         % or    (assuming that SJget is installed)
25%         SJplot('Meszaros/model6'), shg
26%         % or
27%         tol = 1.e-5;
28%         SJplot(403, tol), shg
30%   See also SJrank.
32% Written by Nikolay Botev and Leslie Foster, 9/5/2008, Version 1.0
33% Copyright 2008, Leslie Foster
36   % check that the input is ok
37   if isstruct(matrix)
38       if isfield(matrix,'svals')
39          svals = matrix.svals;
40          if isfield(matrix,'svals_err')
41             svals_err = matrix.svals_err;
42          end
43       else
44           error(['Invalid matrix. The structure ', ...
45               inputname(1),' is missing a svals field.'])
46       end
47   else
48       if isempty(which('SJget'))
49           error(['SJget is not installed. It is available at ',...
50               'http://www.math.sjsu.edu/singular/matrices/SJget.html .'])
51       end
52       matrix = SJget(matrix);
53       svals = matrix.svals;
54       if isfield(matrix,'svals_err')
55          svals_err = matrix.svals_err;
56       end
57   end
58   [m,n] = size(matrix.A);
59   default_tol = 0;
60   if nargin < 2 || isempty(tol)
61      tol = max(m,n)*eps(svals(1));
62      default_tol = 1;
63   end
64   if nargin >= 2 && tol < 0
65      error('tolerance is negative')
66   end
67   if nargin <= 2 || isempty(option)
68       option = 1;
69   end
70   if option ~= 1 && option ~= 2
71       error('option is not 1 or 2')
72   end
74   fullname = matrix.name;
75   if ~isempty(find(svals < 0, 1))
76       full_svd = 0;
77   else
78       full_svd = 1;
79   end
81   %------------------------------------------------------------
82    % Nikolay and LF: generate svd plots (thumbnail or full size)
83    %------------------------------------------------------------
85    clf;        % LF -- to reset graph settings to default
86    if full_svd % full svd plots
88        % Create plots for full singular value spectrum
89        % Using:
90        %   svals: a (column) vector with partial information about
91        %          singular values where any entry with a -1 indicates a
92        %          sing. value that has not been calculated
93        %   svals_err: a (column) vector with partial information about the
94        %         accuracy of the calculated singular values where any
95        %         entry with a -1 indicates a sing. value that has not been
96        %         calculated. Currently svals_err is not used but code to
97        %         use svals_err is included but not accessed
98        %  result: plots of singular value spectrum
100        warning('off','MATLAB:Axes:NegativeDataInLogAxis')
101        if option == 2
102            % create svd image as thumbnail
103            semilogy(svals,'--rs','LineWidth',10,'MarkerEdgeColor','g', ...
104                'MarkerFaceColor','g','MarkerSize',15);
105            line([0 length(svals)], [1 1]*tol, 'Color', [0 0 .5]);
106                                     % marker for tolerance
107            set(gca,'XTick',[],'YTick',[]);
108            xlim([0 length(svals)]);
109        else
110            % prepare full-res svd image
111            %semilogy(svals,'--rs','LineWidth',3,'MarkerEdgeColor','g', ...
112            %    'MarkerFaceColor','b','MarkerSize',5);
113            semilogy(1:length(svals),svals,'--rs','LineWidth',3, ...
114                'MarkerEdgeColor','g', ...
115                'MarkerFaceColor','g','MarkerSize',5)
116            xlim([0 length(svals)]);
117            colorm = [0 .5 0];
118            line(xlim, [1 1]*tol, 'Color', colorm,'Linewidth',1);
119                               % marker for rank with MATLAB tolerance
121            if ( 1 == 1)
122               % to make the resolution sharper create dots at each svd
123               % location
124               hold on
125               semilogy(1:length(svals),svals,'.','MarkerSize',1);
126               hold off
127            end
129            % fix missing marker in Okunbor/aft01 plot
130            axisv1 = axis;
131            axisv1(4) = max( max(svals), axisv1(4) );
132            axis(axisv1);
134            set(gca, 'FontSize', 17);
136            % Note in some cases (eg Pajek/SmaGri)the xlabel results
137            %   are written to the pdf file or the matlab plot (unless the
138            %   plot is full screen).  This may occur when the y scale goes
139            %   to the underflow limit.  Is this a Matlab bug?
140            nsvals_zero = sum( svals == 0 ) ;
141            if ( nsvals_zero == 1 )
142               xlabel(['                       singular value number ',...
143                      '\newline', ...
144                     ' Note: one calculated singular value is 0 and ',...
145                     'is not shown'],'FontSize', 14);
146            elseif (nsvals_zero > 1 )
147               xlabel(['                          singular value ',...
148                       'number \newline ',...
149                       ' Note: ', int2str(nsvals_zero), ...
150                       ' calculated singular values are 0 ', ...
151                       'and are not shown'],'FontSize', 14);
152            else
153                    xlabel('singular value number', 'FontSize', 14);
154            end
156            % finish full-res svd image
157            grid on
158            line(xlim, [1 1]*tol, 'Color', colorm,'Linewidth',1);
159                               % marker for rank with MATLAB tolerance
160            if default_tol
161               text(1, tol, ' max(size(A)) * eps(max(svals))', 'Color',...
162                    colorm,'FontSize', 14, 'VerticalAlignment', 'bottom');
163            else
164               text(1, tol,['tol = ',num2str(tol,'%0.5g')], 'Color',...
165                    colorm,'FontSize', 14, 'VerticalAlignment', 'bottom');
166            end
167            title(['Singular Value Spectrum for ' fullname],...
168                  'FontSize',14, 'FontWeight', 'b', 'Interpreter', 'none');
169            axisv = axis;
171            if ( exist('svals_err','var') && 1 == 0)
172               % skip this -  the error bounds make the graph very
173               %    cluttered near smaller singular values and the errors
174               %    are small relative to the default tol
175               % include errbounds in plot
176               isvp=find(svals >= 0 );
177               isvp = isvp(:)';
178               bound_lw = 1;   % width of line in error bounds
179               for it = isvp
180                   if ( svals_err(it) > 0 )
181                     lowbound = max( axisv(3),svals(it)-svals_err(it));
182                     upbound = min(axisv(4),svals(it)+svals_err(it));
183                     line([it,it],[lowbound,upbound],'Color','b',...
184                         'Linewidth',bound_lw);
185                     boundlength = .15;
186                     if ( lowbound ~= axisv(3) )
187                        line([it - boundlength,it + boundlength],...
188                             [lowbound,lowbound],...
189                             'Color','b','Linewidth',bound_lw);
190                     end
191                     if (upbound ~= axisv(4) )
192                        line([it - boundlength, it+boundlength],...
193                            [upbound, upbound],...
194                            'Color','b','Linewidth',bound_lw);
195                     end
196                   end
197               end
198            end
199            ylabel('calculated singular value', 'FontSize', 14);
200        end
201        warning('on','MATLAB:Axes:NegativeDataInLogAxis')
203    else % partial svd plots
205        % Create: plot of partial singular value spectrum (lvf + nb)
206        % Using:
207        %   svals: a (column) vector with partial information about
208        %          singular values where any entry with a -1 indicates
209        %          a sing. value that has not been calculated
210        %   svals_err: a (column) vector with partial information about the
211        %         accuracy of the calculated singular values where any
212        %         entry with a -1 indicates a sing. value that has not been
213        %         calculated
214        %   k_m1: the number of -1's to place in each string of
215        %         uncalculated sing. values (set to 3 below)
216        % Produce:
217        %   svalp: a vector with each string of -1's in svals replaced by
218        %         a string of k_m1 -1's
219        %   svalp_err: a vector with each string of -1's in svals_err
220        %         replaced by a string of k_m1 -1's
221        %   isvalp: a vector whose length is the number of strings of
222        %         consecutive calculated singular values in svalp
223        %         (and svals).  isvalp(i) contains the starting index in
224        %         svalp of the ith string of calculated singular values in
225        %         svalp
226        %   nsvalp: a vector whose length is the number of strings of
227        %         consecutive calculated singular values in svalp
228        %         (and svals). nsvalp(i) contains the number of calculated
229        %         singular values in the ith string of consecutive
230        %         calculated singular values
231        %   isvals: a vector whose length is the number of strings of
232        %         consecutive calculated singular values in svals
233        %         (and svalp).  isvals(i) contains the starting index in
234        %         svals of the ith string of consecutive calculated
235        %         singular values.  Therefore the calculated singular
236        %         values in svals (i.e. those not set equal to -1) have
237        %         indices isvals(i): isvals(i) + nsvals(i) - 1
238        %         for i = 1: length(isvals)
239        %   AND plot of partial singular value spectrum
241       % have A, svals and svals_err from earlier code
242        %[m,n]=size(A);
243        isv = find( svals >= 0 );
244        disv = diff(isv);
245        il1 = find( disv > 1) ;
246        k_m1=3;
248        %create svalp and svalp_err
249        clear isvals isvalp nsvalp
250        svalp = [];
251        svalp_err = [];
252        for i = 1:length(il1)
253           if ( i == 1 )
254              isvalsv = isv(1):isv(il1(i));
255              isvals(i) = isvalsv(1);
256              if ( isv(1) == 1 )
257                 svalp = svals(isvalsv);
258                 svalp_err = svals_err(isvalsv);
259                 isvalp(1)=1;
260                 nsvalp(1) = isv(il1(i));
261              else
262                 svalp = [ - ones(k_m1,1) ;svals(isvalsv) ];
263                 svalp_err = [ - ones(k_m1,1) ;svals_err(isvalsv) ];
264                 isvalp(1) = k_m1+1;
265                 nsvalp(1) = length(isvalsv);
266              end
267           else
268              isvalp(i) = length(svalp)+1;
269              isvalsv = isv(il1(i-1) + 1): isv(il1(i));
270              isvals(i) = isvalsv(1);
271              nsvalp(i) = length( svals( isv(il1(i-1) + 1): isv(il1(i))) );
272              svalp = [ svalp; svals( isv(il1(i-1) + 1): isv(il1(i)))];
273              svalp_err = [ svalp_err; svals_err( isv(il1(i-1) + 1): ...
274                            isv(il1(i)))];
275           end
276           svalp = [svalp; - ones(k_m1,1) ];
277           svalp_err = [svalp_err; - ones(k_m1,1) ];
278        end
279        % create isvalp, nsvalp, isvals and finish svalp
280        if ( length( il1 ) == 0 )
281           ib =1;
282        else
283           ib = isv( il1( length( il1 )) + 1 );
284        end
285        isvalp(length(il1)+1) = length(svalp) + 1;
286        nsvalp(length(il1)+1) = length(ib:isv(end));
287        isvalsv = ib :isv(end) ;
288        isvals(length(il1)+1) = isvalsv(1);
289        svalp = [ svalp ; svals( ib :isv(end)) ];
290        svalp_err = [ svalp_err ; svals_err( ib :isv(end)) ];
291        if(svals(end) < 0 )
292           svalp = [svalp; - ones(k_m1,1)];
293           svalp_err = [svalp_err; - ones(k_m1,1)];
294        end
296        if ( 1 == 0 )
297           % display results (for debugging)
298           disp('svals'''), disp(svals'),  disp('isv''')
299           disp(isv'), disp('il1'''),  disp(il1')
300           disp('svalp'''),  disp(svalp'), disp('svalp_err''')
301           disp(svalp_err'), disp('isvalp'), disp(isvalp)
302           disp('nsvalp'), disp(nsvalp), disp('isvals')
303           disp(isvals)
304        end
306        %draw plots
307        %warning('off','MATLAB:Axes:NegativeDataInLogAxis')
308        if ( option == 2)
309            % create svd image as thumbnail
310            warning('off','MATLAB:Axes:NegativeDataInLogAxis')
312            semilogy(svalp,'--rs','LineWidth',10,'MarkerEdgeColor','g', ...
313                'MarkerFaceColor','g','MarkerSize',20);
314            xlim([0 length(svalp)]);
315            line([0 length(svalp)], [1 1]*tol, 'Color', [0 0 .5]);
316                                          % marker for tolerance
317            set(gca,'XTick',[],'YTick',[]);
319            axisv1 = axis;   % in Matlab 7.6 these 2 commands suppress
320            axis(axisv1);    % the printing of an (undesired) warning
321                             % reason is unclear  -- hmmm
323            warning('on','MATLAB:Axes:NegativeDataInLogAxis');
325         else
326            % prepare full-res svd image
327            warning('off','MATLAB:Axes:NegativeDataInLogAxis')
329            semilogy(svalp,'--rs','LineWidth',5,'MarkerEdgeColor','g', ...
330                'MarkerFaceColor','g','MarkerSize',8);
333            xlim([0 length(svalp)]);
334            % finish full-res svd image
335            colorm = [0 .5 0];
336            line(xlim, [1 1]*tol, 'Color', colorm,'Linewidth',1);
337                               % marker for rank with MATLAB tolerance
339            % fixes missing marker in Okunbor/aft01 plot
340            axisv1 = axis;
341            axisv1(4) = max( max(svalp), axisv1(4) );
342            axis(axisv1);
344            set(gca, 'FontSize', 17);
345            %define locations to place tick marks
346            xtick_v=[];
347            for ixl = 1: length(isvalp)
348               xtick_v = [ xtick_v, isvalp(ixl): ...
349                           (isvalp(ixl)+nsvalp(ixl)-1) ];
350            end
351            if ( xtick_v(end) ~= length(svalp) )
352               xtick_v =[ xtick_v length(svalp)];
353            end
354            set(gca, 'XTick', xtick_v);
356            %create labels for x axis
357            xticklabelv = [];
358            ixt = 0;
359            for ixl = 1:length(isvals)
360               for ixl2 = 1:nsvalp(ixl)
361                 ixt = ixt+1;
362                 if ( (ixl == 1 && nsvalp(ixl) < 10) | ixl2 == 1 | ...
363                       ixl2 == nsvalp(ixl) )
364                    xticklabelv{ixt}=int2str(isvals(ixl)+ixl2-1);
365                 else
366                    xticklabelv{ixt} ='';
367                 end
368               end
369            end
370            ixt = ixt+1;
371            xticklabelv{ixt} = int2str(min(m,n));
372            set(gca, 'XTickLabel', xticklabelv);
374            % finish full-res svd image
375            grid on
376            if default_tol
377               text(1, tol, ' max(size(A)) * eps(max(svals))', 'Color',...
378                    colorm,'FontSize', 14, 'VerticalAlignment', 'bottom');
379            else
380               text(1, tol,['tol = ',num2str(tol,'%0.5g')], 'Color',...
381                   colorm,'FontSize', 14, 'VerticalAlignment', 'bottom');
382            end
383            title(['Partial Singular Value Spectrum for ' fullname],...
384                 'FontSize',14, 'FontWeight', 'b', 'Interpreter', 'none') ;
385            axisv = axis;
387            % include errbounds in plot
388            isvp=find(svalp >= 0 );
389            isvp = isvp(:)';
390            bound_lw = 1;   % width of line in error bounds
391            for it = isvp
392                if ( svalp_err(it) > 0 )
393                  lowbound = max( axisv(3),svalp(it)-svalp_err(it));
394                  upbound = min(axisv(4),svalp(it)+svalp_err(it));
395                  line([it,it],[lowbound,upbound],'Color','b',...
396                       'Linewidth',bound_lw);
397                  boundlength = .15;
398                  if ( lowbound ~= axisv(3) )
399                     line([it - boundlength,it + boundlength],...
400                          [lowbound,lowbound],...
401                          'Color','b','Linewidth',bound_lw);
402                  end
403                  if (upbound ~= axisv(4) )
404                     line([it - boundlength, it+boundlength],...
405                         [upbound, upbound],...
406                         'Color','b','Linewidth',bound_lw);
407                  end
408                end
409            end
411            nsvals_zero = sum( svals == 0 ) ;
412            if ( nsvals_zero == 1 )
413               xlabel(['                       singular value ',...
414                      'number \newline', ...
415                      ' Note: one calculated singular value is 0 ',...
416                      'and is not shown'],'FontSize', 14);
417            elseif (nsvals_zero > 1 )
418               xlabel(['                          singular value ',...
419                       'number \newline ',...
420                       ' Note: ', int2str(nsvals_zero), ...
421                       ' calculated singular values are 0 ', ...
422                       'and are not shown'],'FontSize', 14);
423            else
424                    xlabel('singular value number', 'FontSize', 14);
425            end
426            ylabel('calculated singular value', 'FontSize', 14);
427            warning('on','MATLAB:Axes:NegativeDataInLogAxis')
428        end
429    end