1 /* ========================================================================== */
2 /* === CCOLAMD/CSYMAMD - a constrained column ordering algorithm ============ */
3 /* ========================================================================== */
5 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6  * CCOLAMD, Copyright (C) Univ. of Florida.  Authors: Timothy A. Davis,
7  * Sivasankaran Rajamanickam, and Stefan Larimore
8  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
10 /*
11  *  ccolamd:  a constrained approximate minimum degree column ordering
12  *	algorithm, LU factorization of symmetric or unsymmetric matrices,
13  *	QR factorization, least squares, interior point methods for
14  *	linear programming problems, and other related problems.
15  *
16  *  csymamd:  a constrained approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm for
17  *	Cholesky factorization of symmetric matrices.
18  *
19  *  Purpose:
20  *
21  *	CCOLAMD computes a permutation Q such that the Cholesky factorization of
22  *	(AQ)'(AQ) has less fill-in and requires fewer floating point operations
23  *	than A'A.  This also provides a good ordering for sparse partial
24  *	pivoting methods, P(AQ) = LU, where Q is computed prior to numerical
25  *	factorization, and P is computed during numerical factorization via
26  *	conventional partial pivoting with row interchanges.  CCOLAMD is an
27  *	extension of COLAMD, available as built-in function in MATLAB Version 6,
28  *	available from MathWorks, Inc. (http://www.mathworks.com).  This
29  *	routine can be used in place of COLAMD in MATLAB.
30  *
31  *	CSYMAMD computes a permutation P of a symmetric matrix A such that the
32  *	Cholesky factorization of PAP' has less fill-in and requires fewer
33  *	floating point operations than A.  CSYMAMD constructs a matrix M such
34  *	that M'M has the same nonzero pattern of A, and then orders the columns
35  *	of M using colmmd.  The column ordering of M is then returned as the
36  *	row and column ordering P of A.  CSYMAMD is an extension of SYMAMD.
37  *
38  *  Authors:
39  *
40  *	Timothy A. Davis and S. Rajamanickam wrote CCOLAMD, based directly on
41  *	COLAMD by Stefan I. Larimore and Timothy A. Davis, University of
42  *	Florida.  The algorithm was developed in collaboration with John
43  *	Gilbert, (UCSB, then at Xerox PARC), and Esmond Ng, (Lawrence Berkeley
44  *	National Lab, then at Oak Ridge National Laboratory).
45  *
46  *  Acknowledgements:
47  *
48  *	This work was supported by the National Science Foundation, under
49  *	grants DMS-9504974 and DMS-9803599, CCR-0203270, and a grant from the
50  *	Sandia National Laboratory (Dept. of Energy).
51  *
52  *  Copyright and License:
53  *
54  *	Copyright (c) 1998-2005 by the University of Florida.
55  *	All Rights Reserved.
56  *	COLAMD is also available under alternate licenses, contact T. Davis
57  *	for details.
58  *
59  *	See CCOLAMD/Doc/License.txt for the license.
60  *
61  *  Availability:
62  *
63  *	The CCOLAMD/CSYMAMD library is available at
64  *
65  *	    http://www.suitesparse.com
66  *
67  *   See the ChangeLog file for changes since Version 1.0.
68  */
70 /* ========================================================================== */
71 /* === Description of user-callable routines ================================ */
72 /* ========================================================================== */
74 /* CCOLAMD includes both int and SuiteSparse_long versions of all its routines.
75  * The description below is for the int version.   For SuiteSparse_long, all
76  * int arguments become SuiteSparse_long integers.  SuiteSparse_long is
77  * normally defined as long, except for WIN64 */
79 /*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
80  *  ccolamd_recommended:
81  *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
82  *
83  *	C syntax:
84  *
85  *	    #include "ccolamd.h"
86  *	    size_t ccolamd_recommended (int nnz, int n_row, int n_col) ;
87  *	    size_t ccolamd_l_recommended (SuiteSparse_long nnz,
88  *              SuiteSparse_long n_row, SuiteSparse_long n_col) ;
89  *
90  *	Purpose:
91  *
92  *	    Returns recommended value of Alen for use by ccolamd.  Returns 0
93  *	    if any input argument is negative.  The use of this routine
94  *	    is optional.  Not needed for csymamd, which dynamically allocates
95  *	    its own memory.
96  *
97  *	Arguments (all input arguments):
98  *
99  *	    int nnz ;		Number of nonzeros in the matrix A.  This must
100  *				be the same value as p [n_col] in the call to
101  *				ccolamd - otherwise you will get a wrong value
102  *				of the recommended memory to use.
103  *
104  *	    int n_row ;		Number of rows in the matrix A.
105  *
106  *	    int n_col ;		Number of columns in the matrix A.
107  *
108  *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
109  *  ccolamd_set_defaults:
110  *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
111  *
112  *	C syntax:
113  *
114  *	    #include "ccolamd.h"
115  *	    ccolamd_set_defaults (double knobs [CCOLAMD_KNOBS]) ;
116  *	    ccolamd_l_set_defaults (double knobs [CCOLAMD_KNOBS]) ;
117  *
118  *	Purpose:
119  *
120  *	    Sets the default parameters.  The use of this routine is optional.
121  *	    Passing a (double *) NULL pointer for the knobs results in the
122  *	    default parameter settings.
123  *
124  *	Arguments:
125  *
126  *	    double knobs [CCOLAMD_KNOBS] ;	Output only.
127  *
128  *	    knobs [0] and knobs [1] behave differently than they did in COLAMD.
129  *	    The other knobs are new to CCOLAMD.
130  *
131  *	    knobs [0]: dense row control
132  *
133  *		For CCOLAMD, rows with more than
134  *		max (16, knobs [CCOLAMD_DENSE_ROW] * sqrt (n_col))
135  *		entries are removed prior to ordering.
136  *
137  *		For CSYMAMD, rows and columns with more than
138  *		max (16, knobs [CCOLAMD_DENSE_ROW] * sqrt (n))
139  *		entries are removed prior to ordering, and placed last in the
140  *		output ordering (subject to the constraints).
141  *
142  *		If negative, only completely dense rows are removed.  If you
143  *		intend to use CCOLAMD for a Cholesky factorization of A*A', set
144  *		knobs [CCOLAMD_DENSE_ROW] to -1, which is more appropriate for
145  *		that case.
146  *
147  *		Default: 10.
148  *
149  *	    knobs [1]: dense column control
150  *
151  *		For CCOLAMD, columns with more than
152  *		max (16, knobs [CCOLAMD_DENSE_COL] * sqrt (MIN (n_row,n_col)))
153  *		entries are removed prior to ordering, and placed last in the
154  *		output column ordering (subject to the constraints).
155  *		Not used by CSYMAMD.  If negative, only completely dense
156  *		columns are removed.  Default: 10.
157  *
158  *	    knobs [2]: aggressive absorption
159  *
160  *	        knobs [CCOLAMD_AGGRESSIVE] controls whether or not to do
161  *	        aggressive absorption during the ordering.  Default is TRUE
162  *	        (nonzero).  If zero, no aggressive absorption is performed.
163  *
164  *	    knobs [3]: optimize ordering for LU or Cholesky
165  *
166  *		knobs [CCOLAMD_LU] controls an option that optimizes the
167  *		ordering for the LU of A or the Cholesky factorization of A'A.
168  *		If TRUE (nonzero), an ordering optimized for LU is performed.
169  *		If FALSE (zero), an ordering for Cholesky is performed.
170  *		Default is FALSE.  CSYMAMD ignores this parameter; it always
171  *		orders for Cholesky.
172  *
173  *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
174  *  ccolamd:
175  *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
176  *
177  *	C syntax:
178  *
179  *	    #include "ccolamd.h"
180  *	    int ccolamd (int n_row, int n_col, int Alen, int *A, int *p,
181  *	    	double knobs [CCOLAMD_KNOBS], int stats [CCOLAMD_STATS],
182  *		int *cmember) ;
183  *
184  *	    SuiteSparse_long ccolamd_l (SuiteSparse_long n_row,
185  *	        SuiteSparse_long n_col, SuiteSparse_long Alen,
186  *              SuiteSparse_long *A, SuiteSparse_long *p,
187  *              double knobs [CCOLAMD_KNOBS],
188  *              SuiteSparse_long stats [CCOLAMD_STATS],
189  *              SuiteSparse_long *cmember) ;
190  *
191  *	Purpose:
192  *
193  *	    Computes a column ordering (Q) of A such that P(AQ)=LU or
194  *	    (AQ)'AQ=LL' have less fill-in and require fewer floating point
195  *	    operations than factorizing the unpermuted matrix A or A'A,
196  *	    respectively.
197  *
198  *	Returns:
199  *
200  *	    TRUE (1) if successful, FALSE (0) otherwise.
201  *
202  *	Arguments (for int version):
203  *
204  *	    int n_row ;		Input argument.
205  *
206  *		Number of rows in the matrix A.
207  *		Restriction:  n_row >= 0.
208  *		ccolamd returns FALSE if n_row is negative.
209  *
210  *	    int n_col ;		Input argument.
211  *
212  *		Number of columns in the matrix A.
213  *		Restriction:  n_col >= 0.
214  *		ccolamd returns FALSE if n_col is negative.
215  *
216  *	    int Alen ;		Input argument.
217  *
218  *		Restriction (see note):
219  *		Alen >= MAX (2*nnz, 4*n_col) + 17*n_col + 7*n_row + 7, where
220  *		nnz = p [n_col].  ccolamd returns FALSE if this condition is
221  *		not met. We recommend about nnz/5 more space for better
222  *		efficiency.  This restriction makes an modest assumption
223  *		regarding the size of two typedef'd structures in ccolamd.h.
224  *		We do, however, guarantee that
225  *
226  *		    Alen >= ccolamd_recommended (nnz, n_row, n_col)
227  *
228  *		will work efficiently.
229  *
230  *	    int A [Alen] ;	Input argument, undefined on output.
231  *
232  *		A is an integer array of size Alen.  Alen must be at least as
233  *		large as the bare minimum value given above, but this is very
234  *		low, and can result in excessive run time.  For best
235  *		performance, we recommend that Alen be greater than or equal to
236  *		ccolamd_recommended (nnz, n_row, n_col), which adds
237  *		nnz/5 to the bare minimum value given above.
238  *
239  *		On input, the row indices of the entries in column c of the
240  *		matrix are held in A [(p [c]) ... (p [c+1]-1)].  The row indices
241  *		in a given column c need not be in ascending order, and
242  *		duplicate row indices may be be present.  However, ccolamd will
243  *		work a little faster if both of these conditions are met
244  *		(ccolamd puts the matrix into this format, if it finds that the
245  *		the conditions are not met).
246  *
247  *		The matrix is 0-based.  That is, rows are in the range 0 to
248  *		n_row-1, and columns are in the range 0 to n_col-1.  ccolamd
249  *		returns FALSE if any row index is out of range.
250  *
251  *		The contents of A are modified during ordering, and are
252  *		undefined on output.
253  *
254  *	    int p [n_col+1] ;	Both input and output argument.
255  *
256  *		p is an integer array of size n_col+1.  On input, it holds the
257  *		"pointers" for the column form of the matrix A.  Column c of
258  *		the matrix A is held in A [(p [c]) ... (p [c+1]-1)].  The first
259  *		entry, p [0], must be zero, and p [c] <= p [c+1] must hold
260  *		for all c in the range 0 to n_col-1.  The value nnz = p [n_col]
261  *		is thus the total number of entries in the pattern of the
262  *		matrix A.  ccolamd returns FALSE if these conditions are not
263  *		met.
264  *
265  *		On output, if ccolamd returns TRUE, the array p holds the column
266  *		permutation (Q, for P(AQ)=LU or (AQ)'(AQ)=LL'), where p [0] is
267  *		the first column index in the new ordering, and p [n_col-1] is
268  *		the last.  That is, p [k] = j means that column j of A is the
269  *		kth pivot column, in AQ, where k is in the range 0 to n_col-1
270  *		(p [0] = j means that column j of A is the first column in AQ).
271  *
272  *		If ccolamd returns FALSE, then no permutation is returned, and
273  *		p is undefined on output.
274  *
275  *	    double knobs [CCOLAMD_KNOBS] ;	Input argument.
276  *
277  *		See ccolamd_set_defaults for a description.
278  *
279  *	    int stats [CCOLAMD_STATS] ;		Output argument.
280  *
281  *		Statistics on the ordering, and error status.
282  *		See ccolamd.h for related definitions.
283  *		ccolamd returns FALSE if stats is not present.
284  *
285  *		stats [0]:  number of dense or empty rows ignored.
286  *
287  *		stats [1]:  number of dense or empty columns ignored (and
288  *		    ordered last in the output permutation p, subject to the
289  *		    constraints).  Note that a row can become "empty" if it
290  *		    contains only "dense" and/or "empty" columns, and similarly
291  *		    a column can become "empty" if it only contains "dense"
292  *		    and/or "empty" rows.
293  *
294  *		stats [2]:  number of garbage collections performed.  This can
295  *		    be excessively high if Alen is close to the minimum
296  *		    required value.
297  *
298  *		stats [3]:  status code.  < 0 is an error code.
299  *			    > 1 is a warning or notice.
300  *
301  *		    0	OK.  Each column of the input matrix contained row
302  *			indices in increasing order, with no duplicates.
303  *
304  *		    1	OK, but columns of input matrix were jumbled (unsorted
305  *			columns or duplicate entries).  CCOLAMD had to do some
306  *			extra work to sort the matrix first and remove
307  *			duplicate entries, but it still was able to return a
308  *			valid permutation (return value of ccolamd was TRUE).
309  *
310  *			stats [4]: highest column index of jumbled columns
311  *			stats [5]: last seen duplicate or unsorted row index
312  *			stats [6]: number of duplicate or unsorted row indices
313  *
314  *		    -1	A is a null pointer
315  *
316  *		    -2	p is a null pointer
317  *
318  *		    -3 	n_row is negative.  stats [4]: n_row
319  *
320  *		    -4	n_col is negative.  stats [4]: n_col
321  *
322  *		    -5	number of nonzeros in matrix is negative
323  *
324  *			stats [4]: number of nonzeros, p [n_col]
325  *
326  *		    -6	p [0] is nonzero
327  *
328  *			stats [4]: p [0]
329  *
330  *		    -7	A is too small
331  *
332  *			stats [4]: required size
333  *			stats [5]: actual size (Alen)
334  *
335  *		    -8	a column has a negative number of entries
336  *
337  *			stats [4]: column with < 0 entries
338  *			stats [5]: number of entries in col
339  *
340  *		    -9	a row index is out of bounds
341  *
342  *			stats [4]: column with bad row index
343  *			stats [5]: bad row index
344  *			stats [6]: n_row, # of rows of matrx
345  *
346  *		    -10	(unused; see csymamd)
347  *
348  *	    int cmember [n_col] ;		Input argument.
349  *
350  *		cmember is new to CCOLAMD.  It did not appear in COLAMD.
351  *		It places contraints on the output ordering.  s = cmember [j]
352  *		gives the constraint set s that contains the column j
353  *		(Restriction: 0 <= s < n_col).  In the output column
354  *		permutation, all columns in set 0 appear first, followed by
355  *		all columns in set 1, and so on.  If NULL, all columns are
356  *		treated as if they were in a single constraint set, and you
357  *		will obtain the same ordering as COLAMD (with one exception:
358  *		the dense row/column threshold and other default knobs in
359  *		CCOLAMD and COLAMD are different).
360  *
361  *	Example:
362  *
363  *	    See ccolamd_example.c for a complete example.
364  *
365  *	    To order the columns of a 5-by-4 matrix with 11 nonzero entries in
366  *	    the following nonzero pattern
367  *
368  *	    	x 0 x 0
369  *		x 0 x x
370  *		0 x x 0
371  *		0 0 x x
372  *		x x 0 0
373  *
374  *	    with default knobs, no output statistics, and no ordering
375  *	    constraints, do the following:
376  *
377  *		#include "ccolamd.h"
378  *		#define ALEN 144
379  *		int A [ALEN] = {0, 1, 4, 2, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3} ;
380  *		int p [ ] = {0, 3, 5, 9, 11} ;
381  *		int stats [CCOLAMD_STATS] ;
382  *		ccolamd (5, 4, ALEN, A, p, (double *) NULL, stats, NULL) ;
383  *
384  *	    The permutation is returned in the array p, and A is destroyed.
385  *
386  *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
387  *  csymamd:
388  *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
389  *
390  *	C syntax:
391  *
392  *	    #include "ccolamd.h"
393  *
394  *	    int csymamd (int n, int *A, int *p, int *perm,
395  *	    	double knobs [CCOLAMD_KNOBS], int stats [CCOLAMD_STATS],
396  *		void (*allocate) (size_t, size_t), void (*release) (void *),
397  *		int *cmember, int stype) ;
398  *
399  *	    SuiteSparse_long csymamd_l (SuiteSparse_long n,
400  *              SuiteSparse_long *A, SuiteSparse_long *p,
401  *              SuiteSparse_long *perm, double knobs [CCOLAMD_KNOBS],
402  *              SuiteSparse_long stats [CCOLAMD_STATS], void (*allocate)
403  *              (size_t, size_t), void (*release) (void *),
404  *              SuiteSparse_long *cmember, SuiteSparse_long stype) ;
405  *
406  *	Purpose:
407  *
408  *  	    The csymamd routine computes an ordering P of a symmetric sparse
409  *	    matrix A such that the Cholesky factorization PAP' = LL' remains
410  *	    sparse.  It is based on a column ordering of a matrix M constructed
411  *	    so that the nonzero pattern of M'M is the same as A.  Either the
412  *	    lower or upper triangular part of A can be used, or the pattern
413  *	    A+A' can be used.  You must pass your selected memory allocator
414  *	    (usually calloc/free or mxCalloc/mxFree) to csymamd, for it to
415  *	    allocate memory for the temporary matrix M.
416  *
417  *	Returns:
418  *
419  *	    TRUE (1) if successful, FALSE (0) otherwise.
420  *
421  *	Arguments:
422  *
423  *	    int n ;		Input argument.
424  *
425  *	    	Number of rows and columns in the symmetrix matrix A.
426  *		Restriction:  n >= 0.
427  *		csymamd returns FALSE if n is negative.
428  *
429  *	    int A [nnz] ;	Input argument.
430  *
431  *	    	A is an integer array of size nnz, where nnz = p [n].
432  *
433  *		The row indices of the entries in column c of the matrix are
434  *		held in A [(p [c]) ... (p [c+1]-1)].  The row indices in a
435  *		given column c need not be in ascending order, and duplicate
436  *		row indices may be present.  However, csymamd will run faster
437  *		if the columns are in sorted order with no duplicate entries.
438  *
439  *		The matrix is 0-based.  That is, rows are in the range 0 to
440  *		n-1, and columns are in the range 0 to n-1.  csymamd
441  *		returns FALSE if any row index is out of range.
442  *
443  *		The contents of A are not modified.
444  *
445  *	    int p [n+1] ;   	Input argument.
446  *
447  *		p is an integer array of size n+1.  On input, it holds the
448  *		"pointers" for the column form of the matrix A.  Column c of
449  *		the matrix A is held in A [(p [c]) ... (p [c+1]-1)].  The first
450  *		entry, p [0], must be zero, and p [c] <= p [c+1] must hold
451  *		for all c in the range 0 to n-1.  The value p [n] is
452  *		thus the total number of entries in the pattern of the matrix A.
453  *		csymamd returns FALSE if these conditions are not met.
454  *
455  *		The contents of p are not modified.
456  *
457  *	    int perm [n+1] ;   	Output argument.
458  *
459  *		On output, if csymamd returns TRUE, the array perm holds the
460  *		permutation P, where perm [0] is the first index in the new
461  *		ordering, and perm [n-1] is the last.  That is, perm [k] = j
462  *		means that row and column j of A is the kth column in PAP',
463  *		where k is in the range 0 to n-1 (perm [0] = j means
464  *		that row and column j of A are the first row and column in
465  *		PAP').  The array is used as a workspace during the ordering,
466  *		which is why it must be of length n+1, not just n.
467  *
468  *	    double knobs [CCOLAMD_KNOBS] ;	Input argument.
469  *
470  *		See colamd_set_defaults for a description.
471  *
472  *	    int stats [CCOLAMD_STATS] ;		Output argument.
473  *
474  *		Statistics on the ordering, and error status.
475  *		See ccolamd.h for related definitions.
476  *		csymand returns FALSE if stats is not present.
477  *
478  *		stats [0]:  number of dense or empty row and columns ignored
479  *		    (and ordered last in the output permutation perm, subject
480  *		    to the constraints).  Note that a row/column can become
481  *		    "empty" if it contains only "dense" and/or "empty"
482  *		    columns/rows.
483  *
484  *		stats [1]:  (same as stats [0])
485  *
486  *		stats [2]:  number of garbage collections performed.
487  *
488  *		stats [3]:  status code.  < 0 is an error code.
489  *			    > 1 is a warning or notice.
490  *
491  *		    0 to -9: same as ccolamd, with n replacing n_col and n_row,
492  *			and -3 and -7 are unused.
493  *
494  *		    -10	out of memory (unable to allocate temporary workspace
495  *			    for M or count arrays using the "allocate" routine
496  *			    passed into csymamd).
497  *
498  *	    void * (*allocate) (size_t, size_t)
499  *
500  *	    	A pointer to a function providing memory allocation.  The
501  *		allocated memory must be returned initialized to zero.  For a
502  *		C application, this argument should normally be a pointer to
503  *		calloc.  For a MATLAB mexFunction, the routine mxCalloc is
504  *		passed instead.
505  *
506  *	    void (*release) (size_t, size_t)
507  *
508  *	    	A pointer to a function that frees memory allocated by the
509  *		memory allocation routine above.  For a C application, this
510  *		argument should normally be a pointer to free.  For a MATLAB
511  *		mexFunction, the routine mxFree is passed instead.
512  *
513  *	    int cmember [n] ;		Input argument.
514  *
515  *		Same as ccolamd, except that cmember is of size n, and it places
516  *		contraints symmetrically, on both the row and column ordering.
517  *		Entries in cmember must be in the range 0 to n-1.
518  *
519  *	    int stype ;			Input argument.
520  *
521  *		If stype < 0, then only the strictly lower triangular part of
522  *		A is accessed.  The upper triangular part is assumed to be the
523  *		transpose of the lower triangular part.  This is the same as
524  *		SYMAMD, which did not have an stype parameter.
525  *
526  *		If stype > 0, only the strictly upper triangular part of A is
527  *		accessed.  The lower triangular part is assumed to be the
528  *		transpose of the upper triangular part.
529  *
530  *		If stype == 0, then the nonzero pattern of A+A' is ordered.
531  *
532  *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
533  *  ccolamd_report:
534  *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
535  *
536  *	C syntax:
537  *
538  *	    #include "ccolamd.h"
539  *	    ccolamd_report (int stats [CCOLAMD_STATS]) ;
540  *	    ccolamd_l_report (SuiteSparse_long stats [CCOLAMD_STATS]) ;
541  *
542  *	Purpose:
543  *
544  *	    Prints the error status and statistics recorded in the stats
545  *	    array on the standard error output (for a standard C routine)
546  *	    or on the MATLAB output (for a mexFunction).
547  *
548  *	Arguments:
549  *
550  *	    int stats [CCOLAMD_STATS] ;	Input only.  Statistics from ccolamd.
551  *
552  *
553  *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
554  *  csymamd_report:
555  *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
556  *
557  *	C syntax:
558  *
559  *	    #include "ccolamd.h"
560  *	    csymamd_report (int stats [CCOLAMD_STATS]) ;
561  *	    csymamd_l_report (SuiteSparse_long stats [CCOLAMD_STATS]) ;
562  *
563  *	Purpose:
564  *
565  *	    Prints the error status and statistics recorded in the stats
566  *	    array on the standard error output (for a standard C routine)
567  *	    or on the MATLAB output (for a mexFunction).
568  *
569  *	Arguments:
570  *
571  *	    int stats [CCOLAMD_STATS] ;	Input only.  Statistics from csymamd.
572  *
573  */
576 /* ========================================================================== */
577 /* === Scaffolding code definitions  ======================================== */
578 /* ========================================================================== */
580 /* Ensure that debugging is turned off: */
581 #ifndef NDEBUG
582 #define NDEBUG
583 #endif
585 /* turn on debugging by uncommenting the following line
586  #undef NDEBUG
587  */
589 /* ========================================================================== */
590 /* === Include files ======================================================== */
591 /* ========================================================================== */
593 #include "ccolamd.h"
595 #include <stdlib.h>
596 #include <math.h>
597 #include <limits.h>
599 #ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE
600 #include "mex.h"
601 #include "matrix.h"
602 #endif
604 #if !defined (NPRINT) || !defined (NDEBUG)
605 #include <stdio.h>
606 #endif
608 #ifndef NULL
609 #define NULL ((void *) 0)
610 #endif
612 /* ========================================================================== */
613 /* === int or SuiteSparse_long ============================================== */
614 /* ========================================================================== */
616 #ifdef DLONG
618 #define Int SuiteSparse_long
619 #define ID  SuiteSparse_long_id
620 #define Int_MAX SuiteSparse_long_max
622 #define CCOLAMD_recommended ccolamd_l_recommended
623 #define CCOLAMD_set_defaults ccolamd_l_set_defaults
624 #define CCOLAMD_2 ccolamd2_l
625 #define CCOLAMD_MAIN ccolamd_l
626 #define CCOLAMD_apply_order ccolamd_l_apply_order
627 #define CCOLAMD_postorder ccolamd_l_postorder
628 #define CCOLAMD_post_tree ccolamd_l_post_tree
629 #define CCOLAMD_fsize ccolamd_l_fsize
630 #define CSYMAMD_MAIN csymamd_l
631 #define CCOLAMD_report ccolamd_l_report
632 #define CSYMAMD_report csymamd_l_report
634 #else
636 #define Int int
637 #define ID "%d"
638 #define Int_MAX INT_MAX
640 #define CCOLAMD_recommended ccolamd_recommended
641 #define CCOLAMD_set_defaults ccolamd_set_defaults
642 #define CCOLAMD_2 ccolamd2
643 #define CCOLAMD_MAIN ccolamd
644 #define CCOLAMD_apply_order ccolamd_apply_order
645 #define CCOLAMD_postorder ccolamd_postorder
646 #define CCOLAMD_post_tree ccolamd_post_tree
647 #define CCOLAMD_fsize ccolamd_fsize
648 #define CSYMAMD_MAIN csymamd
649 #define CCOLAMD_report ccolamd_report
650 #define CSYMAMD_report csymamd_report
652 #endif
654 /* ========================================================================== */
655 /* === Row and Column structures ============================================ */
656 /* ========================================================================== */
658 typedef struct CColamd_Col_struct
659 {
660     /* size of this struct is 8 integers if no padding occurs */
662     Int start ;		/* index for A of first row in this column, or DEAD */
663 			/* if column is dead */
664     Int length ;	/* number of rows in this column */
665     union
666     {
667 	Int thickness ;	/* number of original columns represented by this */
668 			/* col, if the column is alive */
669 	Int parent ;	/* parent in parent tree super-column structure, if */
670 			/* the column is dead */
671     } shared1 ;
672     union
673     {
674 	Int score ;
675 	Int order ;
676     } shared2 ;
677     union
678     {
679 	Int headhash ;	/* head of a hash bucket, if col is at the head of */
680 			/* a degree list */
681 	Int hash ;	/* hash value, if col is not in a degree list */
682 	Int prev ;	/* previous column in degree list, if col is in a */
683 			/* degree list (but not at the head of a degree list) */
684     } shared3 ;
685     union
686     {
687 	Int degree_next ;	/* next column, if col is in a degree list */
688 	Int hash_next ;		/* next column, if col is in a hash list */
689     } shared4 ;
691     Int nextcol ;       /* next column in this supercolumn */
692     Int lastcol ;       /* last column in this supercolumn */
694 } CColamd_Col ;
697 typedef struct CColamd_Row_struct
698 {
699     /* size of this struct is 6 integers if no padding occurs */
701     Int start ;		/* index for A of first col in this row */
702     Int length ;	/* number of principal columns in this row */
703     union
704     {
705 	Int degree ;	/* number of principal & non-principal columns in row */
706 	Int p ;		/* used as a row pointer in init_rows_cols () */
707     } shared1 ;
708     union
709     {
710 	Int mark ;	/* for computing set differences and marking dead rows*/
711 	Int first_column ;/* first column in row (used in garbage collection) */
712     } shared2 ;
714     Int thickness ;     /* number of original rows represented by this row */
715                         /* that are not yet pivotal */
716     Int front ;         /* -1 if an original row */
717     			/* k if this row represents the kth frontal matrix */
718                         /* where k goes from 0 to at most n_col-1 */
720 } CColamd_Row ;
722 /* ========================================================================== */
723 /* === basic definitions ==================================================== */
724 /* ========================================================================== */
726 #define EMPTY (-1)
727 #define MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
728 #define MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
730 /* Routines are either PUBLIC (user-callable) or PRIVATE (not user-callable) */
731 #define GLOBAL
732 #define PUBLIC
733 #define PRIVATE static
735 #define DENSE_DEGREE(alpha,n) \
736     ((Int) MAX (16.0, (alpha) * sqrt ((double) (n))))
738 #define CMEMBER(c) ((cmember == (Int *) NULL) ? (0) : (cmember [c]))
740 /* True if x is NaN */
741 #define SCALAR_IS_NAN(x)        ((x) != (x))
743 /* true if an integer (stored in double x) would overflow (or if x is NaN) */
744 #define INT_OVERFLOW(x) ((!((x) * (1.0+1e-8) <= (double) Int_MAX)) \
745                         || SCALAR_IS_NAN (x))
747 #define ONES_COMPLEMENT(r) (-(r)-1)
748 #undef TRUE
749 #undef FALSE
750 #define TRUE (1)
751 #define FALSE (0)
753 /* Row and column status */
754 #define ALIVE	(0)
755 #define DEAD	(-1)
757 /* Column status */
758 #define DEAD_PRINCIPAL		(-1)
759 #define DEAD_NON_PRINCIPAL	(-2)
761 /* Macros for row and column status update and checking. */
762 #define ROW_IS_DEAD(r)			ROW_IS_MARKED_DEAD (Row[r].shared2.mark)
763 #define ROW_IS_MARKED_DEAD(row_mark)	(row_mark < ALIVE)
764 #define ROW_IS_ALIVE(r)			(Row [r].shared2.mark >= ALIVE)
765 #define COL_IS_DEAD(c)			(Col [c].start < ALIVE)
766 #define COL_IS_ALIVE(c)			(Col [c].start >= ALIVE)
767 #define COL_IS_DEAD_PRINCIPAL(c)	(Col [c].start == DEAD_PRINCIPAL)
768 #define KILL_ROW(r)			{ Row [r].shared2.mark = DEAD ; }
769 #define KILL_PRINCIPAL_COL(c)		{ Col [c].start = DEAD_PRINCIPAL ; }
770 #define KILL_NON_PRINCIPAL_COL(c)	{ Col [c].start = DEAD_NON_PRINCIPAL ; }
773 /* ========================================================================== */
774 /* === ccolamd reporting mechanism ========================================== */
775 /* ========================================================================== */
777 #if defined (MATLAB_MEX_FILE) || defined (MATHWORKS)
778 /* In MATLAB, matrices are 1-based to the user, but 0-based internally */
779 #define INDEX(i) ((i)+1)
780 #else
781 /* In C, matrices are 0-based and indices are reported as such in *_report */
782 #define INDEX(i) (i)
783 #endif
786 /* ========================================================================== */
787 /* === Debugging prototypes and definitions ================================= */
788 /* ========================================================================== */
790 #ifndef NDEBUG
792 #include <assert.h>
794 /* debug print level, present only when debugging */
795 PRIVATE Int ccolamd_debug ;
797 /* debug print statements */
798 #define DEBUG0(params) { SUITESPARSE_PRINTF (params) ; }
799 #define DEBUG1(params) { if (ccolamd_debug >= 1) SUITESPARSE_PRINTF (params) ; }
800 #define DEBUG2(params) { if (ccolamd_debug >= 2) SUITESPARSE_PRINTF (params) ; }
801 #define DEBUG3(params) { if (ccolamd_debug >= 3) SUITESPARSE_PRINTF (params) ; }
802 #define DEBUG4(params) { if (ccolamd_debug >= 4) SUITESPARSE_PRINTF (params) ; }
804 #ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE
805 #define ASSERT(expression) (mxAssert ((expression), ""))
806 #else
807 #define ASSERT(expression) (assert (expression))
808 #endif
810 PRIVATE void ccolamd_get_debug
811 (
812     char *method
813 ) ;
815 PRIVATE void debug_mark
816 (
817     Int n_row,
818     CColamd_Row Row [],
819     Int tag_mark,
820     Int max_mark
821 ) ;
823 PRIVATE void debug_matrix
824 (
825     Int n_row,
826     Int n_col,
827     CColamd_Row Row [],
828     CColamd_Col Col [],
829     Int A []
830 ) ;
832 PRIVATE void debug_structures
833 (
834     Int n_row,
835     Int n_col,
836     CColamd_Row Row [],
837     CColamd_Col Col [],
838     Int A [],
839     Int in_cset [],
840     Int cset_start []
841 ) ;
843 PRIVATE void dump_super
844 (
845     Int super_c,
846     CColamd_Col Col [],
847     Int n_col
848 ) ;
850 PRIVATE void debug_deg_lists
851 (
852     Int n_row,
853     Int n_col,
854     CColamd_Row Row [ ],
855     CColamd_Col Col [ ],
856     Int head [ ],
857     Int min_score,
858     Int should,
859     Int max_deg
860 ) ;
862 #else
864 /* === No debugging ========================================================= */
866 #define DEBUG0(params) ;
867 #define DEBUG1(params) ;
868 #define DEBUG2(params) ;
869 #define DEBUG3(params) ;
870 #define DEBUG4(params) ;
872 #define ASSERT(expression)
874 #endif
876 /* ========================================================================== */
877 /* === Prototypes of PRIVATE routines ======================================= */
878 /* ========================================================================== */
880 PRIVATE Int init_rows_cols
881 (
882     Int n_row,
883     Int n_col,
884     CColamd_Row Row [ ],
885     CColamd_Col Col [ ],
886     Int A [ ],
887     Int p [ ],
888     Int stats [CCOLAMD_STATS]
889 ) ;
891 PRIVATE void init_scoring
892 (
893     Int n_row,
894     Int n_col,
895     CColamd_Row Row [ ],
896     CColamd_Col Col [ ],
897     Int A [ ],
898     Int head [ ],
899     double knobs [CCOLAMD_KNOBS],
900     Int *p_n_row2,
901     Int *p_n_col2,
902     Int *p_max_deg,
903     Int cmember [ ],
904     Int n_cset,
905     Int cset_start [ ],
906     Int dead_cols [ ],
907     Int *p_ndense_row,		/* number of dense rows */
908     Int *p_nempty_row,		/* number of original empty rows */
909     Int *p_nnewlyempty_row,	/* number of newly empty rows */
910     Int *p_ndense_col,		/* number of dense cols (excl "empty" cols) */
911     Int *p_nempty_col,		/* number of original empty cols */
912     Int *p_nnewlyempty_col	/* number of newly empty cols */
913 ) ;
915 PRIVATE Int find_ordering
916 (
917     Int n_row,
918     Int n_col,
919     Int Alen,
920     CColamd_Row Row [ ],
921     CColamd_Col Col [ ],
922     Int A [ ],
923     Int head [ ],
924 #ifndef NDEBUG
925     Int n_col2,
926 #endif
927     Int max_deg,
928     Int pfree,
929     Int cset [ ],
930     Int cset_start [ ],
931 #ifndef NDEBUG
932     Int n_cset,
933 #endif
934     Int cmember [ ],
935     Int Front_npivcol [ ],
936     Int Front_nrows [ ],
937     Int Front_ncols [ ],
938     Int Front_parent [ ],
939     Int Front_cols [ ],
940     Int *p_nfr,
941     Int aggressive,
942     Int InFront [ ],
943     Int order_for_lu
944 ) ;
946 PRIVATE void detect_super_cols
947 (
948 #ifndef NDEBUG
949     Int n_col,
950     CColamd_Row Row [ ],
951 #endif
952     CColamd_Col Col [ ],
953     Int A [ ],
954     Int head [ ],
955     Int row_start,
956     Int row_length,
957     Int in_set [ ]
958 ) ;
960 PRIVATE Int garbage_collection
961 (
962     Int n_row,
963     Int n_col,
964     CColamd_Row Row [ ],
965     CColamd_Col Col [ ],
966     Int A [ ],
967     Int *pfree
968 ) ;
970 PRIVATE Int clear_mark
971 (
972     Int tag_mark,
973     Int max_mark,
974     Int n_row,
975     CColamd_Row Row [ ]
976 ) ;
978 PRIVATE void print_report
979 (
980     char *method,
981     Int stats [CCOLAMD_STATS]
982 ) ;
985 /* ========================================================================== */
986 /* === USER-CALLABLE ROUTINES: ============================================== */
987 /* ========================================================================== */
990 /* ========================================================================== */
991 /* === ccolamd_recommended ================================================== */
992 /* ========================================================================== */
994 /*
995  *  The ccolamd_recommended routine returns the suggested size for Alen.  This
996  *  value has been determined to provide good balance between the number of
997  *  garbage collections and the memory requirements for ccolamd.  If any
998  *  argument is negative, or if integer overflow occurs, a 0 is returned as
999  *  an error condition.
1000  *
1001  *  2*nnz space is required for the row and column indices of the matrix
1002  *  (or 4*n_col, which ever is larger).
1003  *
1004  *  CCOLAMD_C (n_col) + CCOLAMD_R (n_row) space is required for the Col and Row
1005  *  arrays, respectively, which are internal to ccolamd.  This is equal to
1006  *  8*n_col + 6*n_row if the structures are not padded.
1007  *
1008  *  An additional n_col space is the minimal amount of "elbow room",
1009  *  and nnz/5 more space is recommended for run time efficiency.
1010  *
1011  *  The remaining (((3 * n_col) + 1) + 5 * (n_col + 1) + n_row) space is
1012  *  for other workspace used in ccolamd which did not appear in colamd.
1013  */
1015 /* add two values of type size_t, and check for integer overflow */
t_add(size_t a,size_t b,int * ok)1016 static size_t t_add (size_t a, size_t b, int *ok)
1017 {
1018     (*ok) = (*ok) && ((a + b) >= MAX (a,b)) ;
1019     return ((*ok) ? (a + b) : 0) ;
1020 }
1022 /* compute a*k where k is a small integer, and check for integer overflow */
t_mult(size_t a,size_t k,int * ok)1023 static size_t t_mult (size_t a, size_t k, int *ok)
1024 {
1025     size_t i, s = 0 ;
1026     for (i = 0 ; i < k ; i++)
1027     {
1028 	s = t_add (s, a, ok) ;
1029     }
1030     return (s) ;
1031 }
1033 /* size of the Col and Row structures */
1034 #define CCOLAMD_C(n_col,ok) \
1035     ((t_mult (t_add (n_col, 1, ok), sizeof (CColamd_Col), ok) / sizeof (Int)))
1037 #define CCOLAMD_R(n_row,ok) \
1038     ((t_mult (t_add (n_row, 1, ok), sizeof (CColamd_Row), ok) / sizeof (Int)))
1040 /*
1041 #define CCOLAMD_RECOMMENDED(nnz, n_row, n_col) \
1042 	    MAX (2 * nnz, 4 * n_col) + \
1043 	    CCOLAMD_C (n_col) + CCOLAMD_R (n_row) + n_col + (nnz / 5) \
1044 	    + ((3 * n_col) + 1) + 5 * (n_col + 1) + n_row
1045  */
ccolamd_need(Int nnz,Int n_row,Int n_col,int * ok)1047 static size_t ccolamd_need (Int nnz, Int n_row, Int n_col, int *ok)
1048 {
1050     /* ccolamd_need, compute the following, and check for integer overflow:
1051 	need = MAX (2*nnz, 4*n_col) + n_col +
1052 		Col_size + Row_size +
1053 		(3*n_col+1) + (5*(n_col+1)) + n_row ;
1054     */
1055     size_t s, c, r, t ;
1057     /* MAX (2*nnz, 4*n_col) */
1058     s = t_mult (nnz, 2, ok) ;	    /* 2*nnz */
1059     t = t_mult (n_col, 4, ok) ;	    /* 4*n_col */
1060     s = MAX (s,t) ;
1062     s = t_add (s, n_col, ok) ;	    /* bare minimum elbow room */
1064     /* Col and Row arrays */
1065     c = CCOLAMD_C (n_col, ok) ;	    /* size of column structures */
1066     r = CCOLAMD_R (n_row, ok) ;	    /* size of row structures */
1067     s = t_add (s, c, ok) ;
1068     s = t_add (s, r, ok) ;
1070     c = t_mult (n_col, 3, ok) ;	    /* 3*n_col + 1 */
1071     c = t_add (c, 1, ok) ;
1072     s = t_add (s, c, ok) ;
1074     c = t_add (n_col, 1, ok) ;	    /* 5 * (n_col + 1) */
1075     c = t_mult (c, 5, ok) ;
1076     s = t_add (s, c, ok) ;
1078     s = t_add (s, n_row, ok) ;	    /* n_row */
1080     return (ok ? s : 0) ;
1081 }
CCOLAMD_recommended(Int nnz,Int n_row,Int n_col)1083 PUBLIC size_t CCOLAMD_recommended	/* returns recommended value of Alen. */
1084 (
1085     /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
1087     Int nnz,			/* number of nonzeros in A */
1088     Int n_row,			/* number of rows in A */
1089     Int n_col			/* number of columns in A */
1090 )
1091 {
1092     size_t s ;
1093     int ok = TRUE ;
1094     if (nnz < 0 || n_row < 0 || n_col < 0)
1095     {
1096 	return (0) ;
1097     }
1098     s = ccolamd_need (nnz, n_row, n_col, &ok) ;	/* bare minimum needed */
1099     s = t_add (s, nnz/5, &ok) ;			/* extra elbow room */
1100     ok = ok && (s < Int_MAX) ;
1101     return (ok ? s : 0) ;
1102 }
1105 /* ========================================================================== */
1106 /* === ccolamd_set_defaults ================================================= */
1107 /* ========================================================================== */
1109 /*
1110  *  The ccolamd_set_defaults routine sets the default values of the user-
1111  *  controllable parameters for ccolamd.
1112  */
CCOLAMD_set_defaults(double knobs[CCOLAMD_KNOBS])1114 PUBLIC void CCOLAMD_set_defaults
1115 (
1116     /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
1118     double knobs [CCOLAMD_KNOBS]		/* knob array */
1119 )
1120 {
1121     /* === Local variables ================================================== */
1123     Int i ;
1125     if (!knobs)
1126     {
1127 	return ;			/* no knobs to initialize */
1128     }
1129     for (i = 0 ; i < CCOLAMD_KNOBS ; i++)
1130     {
1131 	knobs [i] = 0 ;
1132     }
1133     knobs [CCOLAMD_DENSE_ROW] = 10 ;
1134     knobs [CCOLAMD_DENSE_COL] = 10 ;
1135     knobs [CCOLAMD_AGGRESSIVE] = TRUE ;	/* default: do aggressive absorption*/
1136     knobs [CCOLAMD_LU] = FALSE ;	/* default: order for Cholesky */
1137 }
1140 /* ========================================================================== */
1141 /* === symamd =============================================================== */
1142 /* ========================================================================== */
CSYMAMD_MAIN(Int n,Int A[],Int p[],Int perm[],double knobs[CCOLAMD_KNOBS],Int stats[CCOLAMD_STATS],void * (* allocate)(size_t,size_t),void (* release)(void *),Int cmember[],Int stype)1144 PUBLIC Int CSYMAMD_MAIN		/* return TRUE if OK, FALSE otherwise */
1145 (
1146     /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
1148     Int n,				/* number of rows and columns of A */
1149     Int A [ ],				/* row indices of A */
1150     Int p [ ],				/* column pointers of A */
1151     Int perm [ ],			/* output permutation, size n+1 */
1152     double knobs [CCOLAMD_KNOBS],	/* parameters (uses defaults if NULL) */
1153     Int stats [CCOLAMD_STATS],		/* output statistics and error codes */
1154     void * (*allocate) (size_t, size_t),/* pointer to calloc (ANSI C) or */
1155 					/* mxCalloc (for MATLAB mexFunction) */
1156     void (*release) (void *),		/* pointer to free (ANSI C) or */
1157     					/* mxFree (for MATLAB mexFunction) */
1158     Int cmember [ ],			/* constraint set */
1159     Int stype			        /* stype of A */
1160 )
1161 {
1162     /* === Local variables ================================================== */
1164     double cknobs [CCOLAMD_KNOBS] ;
1165     double default_knobs [CCOLAMD_KNOBS] ;
1167     Int *count ;		/* length of each column of M, and col pointer*/
1168     Int *mark ;			/* mark array for finding duplicate entries */
1169     Int *M ;			/* row indices of matrix M */
1170     size_t Mlen ;		/* length of M */
1171     Int n_row ;			/* number of rows in M */
1172     Int nnz ;			/* number of entries in A */
1173     Int i ;			/* row index of A */
1174     Int j ;			/* column index of A */
1175     Int k ;			/* row index of M */
1176     Int mnz ;			/* number of nonzeros in M */
1177     Int pp ;			/* index into a column of A */
1178     Int last_row ;		/* last row seen in the current column */
1179     Int length ;		/* number of nonzeros in a column */
1180     Int both ;			/* TRUE if ordering A+A' */
1181     Int upper ;			/* TRUE if ordering triu(A)+triu(A)' */
1182     Int lower ;			/* TRUE if ordering tril(A)+tril(A)' */
1184 #ifndef NDEBUG
1185     ccolamd_get_debug ("csymamd") ;
1186 #endif
1188     both = (stype == 0) ;
1189     upper = (stype > 0) ;
1190     lower = (stype < 0) ;
1192     /* === Check the input arguments ======================================== */
1194     if (!stats)
1195     {
1196 	DEBUG1 (("csymamd: stats not present\n")) ;
1197 	return (FALSE) ;
1198     }
1199     for (i = 0 ; i < CCOLAMD_STATS ; i++)
1200     {
1201 	stats [i] = 0 ;
1202     }
1203     stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] = CCOLAMD_OK ;
1204     stats [CCOLAMD_INFO1] = -1 ;
1205     stats [CCOLAMD_INFO2] = -1 ;
1207     if (!A)
1208     {
1209     	stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] = CCOLAMD_ERROR_A_not_present ;
1210 	DEBUG1 (("csymamd: A not present\n")) ;
1211 	return (FALSE) ;
1212     }
1214     if (!p)		/* p is not present */
1215     {
1216 	stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] = CCOLAMD_ERROR_p_not_present ;
1217 	DEBUG1 (("csymamd: p not present\n")) ;
1218     	return (FALSE) ;
1219     }
1221     if (n < 0)		/* n must be >= 0 */
1222     {
1223 	stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] = CCOLAMD_ERROR_ncol_negative ;
1224 	stats [CCOLAMD_INFO1] = n ;
1225 	DEBUG1 (("csymamd: n negative "ID" \n", n)) ;
1226     	return (FALSE) ;
1227     }
1229     nnz = p [n] ;
1230     if (nnz < 0)	/* nnz must be >= 0 */
1231     {
1232 	stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] = CCOLAMD_ERROR_nnz_negative ;
1233 	stats [CCOLAMD_INFO1] = nnz ;
1234 	DEBUG1 (("csymamd: number of entries negative "ID" \n", nnz)) ;
1235 	return (FALSE) ;
1236     }
1238     if (p [0] != 0)
1239     {
1240 	stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] = CCOLAMD_ERROR_p0_nonzero ;
1241 	stats [CCOLAMD_INFO1] = p [0] ;
1242 	DEBUG1 (("csymamd: p[0] not zero "ID"\n", p [0])) ;
1243 	return (FALSE) ;
1244     }
1246     /* === If no knobs, set default knobs =================================== */
1248     if (!knobs)
1249     {
1250 	CCOLAMD_set_defaults (default_knobs) ;
1251 	knobs = default_knobs ;
1252     }
1254     /* === Allocate count and mark ========================================== */
1256     count = (Int *) ((*allocate) (n+1, sizeof (Int))) ;
1257     if (!count)
1258     {
1259 	stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] = CCOLAMD_ERROR_out_of_memory ;
1260 	DEBUG1 (("csymamd: allocate count (size "ID") failed\n", n+1)) ;
1261 	return (FALSE) ;
1262     }
1264     mark = (Int *) ((*allocate) (n+1, sizeof (Int))) ;
1265     if (!mark)
1266     {
1267 	stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] = CCOLAMD_ERROR_out_of_memory ;
1268 	(*release) ((void *) count) ;
1269 	DEBUG1 (("csymamd: allocate mark (size "ID") failed\n", n+1)) ;
1270 	return (FALSE) ;
1271     }
1273     /* === Compute column counts of M, check if A is valid ================== */
1275     stats [CCOLAMD_INFO3] = 0 ; /* number of duplicate or unsorted row indices*/
1277     for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
1278     {
1279     	mark [i] = -1 ;
1280     }
1282     for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
1283     {
1284 	last_row = -1 ;
1286 	length = p [j+1] - p [j] ;
1287 	if (length < 0)
1288 	{
1289 	    /* column pointers must be non-decreasing */
1290 	    stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] = CCOLAMD_ERROR_col_length_negative ;
1291 	    stats [CCOLAMD_INFO1] = j ;
1292 	    stats [CCOLAMD_INFO2] = length ;
1293 	    (*release) ((void *) count) ;
1294 	    (*release) ((void *) mark) ;
1295 	    DEBUG1 (("csymamd: col "ID" negative length "ID"\n", j, length)) ;
1296 	    return (FALSE) ;
1297 	}
1299 	for (pp = p [j] ; pp < p [j+1] ; pp++)
1300 	{
1301 	    i = A [pp] ;
1302 	    if (i < 0 || i >= n)
1303 	    {
1304 		/* row index i, in column j, is out of bounds */
1305 		stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] = CCOLAMD_ERROR_row_index_out_of_bounds ;
1306 		stats [CCOLAMD_INFO1] = j ;
1307 		stats [CCOLAMD_INFO2] = i ;
1308 		stats [CCOLAMD_INFO3] = n ;
1309 		(*release) ((void *) count) ;
1310 		(*release) ((void *) mark) ;
1311 		DEBUG1 (("csymamd: row "ID" col "ID" out of bounds\n", i, j)) ;
1312 		return (FALSE) ;
1313 	    }
1315 	    if (i <= last_row || mark [i] == j)
1316 	    {
1317 		/* row index is unsorted or repeated (or both), thus col */
1318 		/* is jumbled.  This is a notice, not an error condition. */
1320 		stats [CCOLAMD_INFO1] = j ;
1321 		stats [CCOLAMD_INFO2] = i ;
1322 		(stats [CCOLAMD_INFO3]) ++ ;
1323 		DEBUG1 (("csymamd: row "ID" col "ID" unsorted/dupl.\n", i, j)) ;
1324 	    }
1326 	    if (mark [i] != j)
1327 	    {
1328 		if ((both && i != j) || (lower && i > j) || (upper && i < j))
1329 		{
1330 		    /* row k of M will contain column indices i and j */
1331 		    count [i]++ ;
1332 		    count [j]++ ;
1333 		}
1334 	    }
1336 	    /* mark the row as having been seen in this column */
1337 	    mark [i] = j ;
1339 	    last_row = i ;
1340 	}
1341     }
1343     /* === Compute column pointers of M ===================================== */
1345     /* use output permutation, perm, for column pointers of M */
1346     perm [0] = 0 ;
1347     for (j = 1 ; j <= n ; j++)
1348     {
1349 	perm [j] = perm [j-1] + count [j-1] ;
1350     }
1351     for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
1352     {
1353 	count [j] = perm [j] ;
1354     }
1356     /* === Construct M ====================================================== */
1358     mnz = perm [n] ;
1359     n_row = mnz / 2 ;
1360     Mlen = CCOLAMD_recommended (mnz, n_row, n) ;
1361     M = (Int *) ((*allocate) (Mlen, sizeof (Int))) ;
1362     DEBUG1 (("csymamd: M is "ID"-by-"ID" with "ID" entries, Mlen = %g\n",
1363     	n_row, n, mnz, (double) Mlen)) ;
1365     if (!M)
1366     {
1367 	stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] = CCOLAMD_ERROR_out_of_memory ;
1368 	(*release) ((void *) count) ;
1369 	(*release) ((void *) mark) ;
1370 	DEBUG1 (("csymamd: allocate M (size %g) failed\n", (double) Mlen)) ;
1371 	return (FALSE) ;
1372     }
1374     k = 0 ;
1376     if (stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] == CCOLAMD_OK)
1377     {
1378 	/* Matrix is OK */
1379 	for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
1380 	{
1381 	    ASSERT (p [j+1] - p [j] >= 0) ;
1382 	    for (pp = p [j] ; pp < p [j+1] ; pp++)
1383 	    {
1384 		i = A [pp] ;
1385 		ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n) ;
1386 		if ((both && i != j) || (lower && i > j) || (upper && i < j))
1387 		{
1388 		    /* row k of M contains column indices i and j */
1389 		    M [count [i]++] = k ;
1390 		    M [count [j]++] = k ;
1391 		    k++ ;
1392 		}
1393 	    }
1394 	}
1395     }
1396     else
1397     {
1398 	/* Matrix is jumbled.  Do not add duplicates to M.  Unsorted cols OK. */
1399 	DEBUG1 (("csymamd: Duplicates in A.\n")) ;
1400 	for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
1401 	{
1402 	    mark [i] = -1 ;
1403 	}
1404 	for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++)
1405 	{
1406 	    ASSERT (p [j+1] - p [j] >= 0) ;
1407 	    for (pp = p [j] ; pp < p [j+1] ; pp++)
1408 	    {
1409 		i = A [pp] ;
1410 		ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n) ;
1411 		if (mark [i] != j)
1412 		{
1413 		    if ((both && i != j) || (lower && i > j) || (upper && i<j))
1414 		    {
1415 			/* row k of M contains column indices i and j */
1416 			M [count [i]++] = k ;
1417 			M [count [j]++] = k ;
1418 			k++ ;
1419 			mark [i] = j ;
1420 		    }
1421 		}
1422 	    }
1423 	}
1424     }
1426     /* count and mark no longer needed */
1427     (*release) ((void *) mark) ;
1428     (*release) ((void *) count) ;
1429     ASSERT (k == n_row) ;
1431     /* === Adjust the knobs for M =========================================== */
1433     for (i = 0 ; i < CCOLAMD_KNOBS ; i++)
1434     {
1435 	cknobs [i] = knobs [i] ;
1436     }
1438     /* there are no dense rows in M */
1439     cknobs [CCOLAMD_DENSE_ROW] = -1 ;
1440     cknobs [CCOLAMD_DENSE_COL] = knobs [CCOLAMD_DENSE_ROW] ;
1442     /* ensure CCSYMAMD orders for Cholesky, not LU */
1443     cknobs [CCOLAMD_LU] = FALSE ;
1445     /* === Order the columns of M =========================================== */
1447     (void) CCOLAMD_2 (n_row, n, (Int) Mlen, M, perm, cknobs, stats,
1448              (Int *) NULL, (Int *) NULL, (Int *) NULL, (Int *) NULL,
1449              (Int *) NULL, (Int *) NULL, (Int *) NULL, cmember) ;
1451     /* === adjust statistics ================================================ */
1453     /* a dense column in ccolamd means a dense row and col in csymamd */
1454     stats [CCOLAMD_DENSE_ROW] = stats [CCOLAMD_DENSE_COL] ;
1456     /* === Free M =========================================================== */
1458     (*release) ((void *) M) ;
1459     DEBUG1 (("csymamd: done.\n")) ;
1460     return (TRUE) ;
1461 }
1464 /* ========================================================================== */
1465 /* === ccolamd ============================================================== */
1466 /* ========================================================================== */
1468 /*
1469  *  The colamd routine computes a column ordering Q of a sparse matrix
1470  *  A such that the LU factorization P(AQ) = LU remains sparse, where P is
1471  *  selected via partial pivoting.   The routine can also be viewed as
1472  *  providing a permutation Q such that the Cholesky factorization
1473  *  (AQ)'(AQ) = LL' remains sparse.
1474  */
CCOLAMD_MAIN(Int n_row,Int n_col,Int Alen,Int A[],Int p[],double knobs[CCOLAMD_KNOBS],Int stats[CCOLAMD_STATS],Int cmember[])1476 PUBLIC Int CCOLAMD_MAIN
1477 (
1478     /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
1480     Int n_row,			/* number of rows in A */
1481     Int n_col,			/* number of columns in A */
1482     Int Alen,			/* length of A */
1483     Int A [ ],			/* row indices of A */
1484     Int p [ ],			/* pointers to columns in A */
1485     double knobs [CCOLAMD_KNOBS],/* parameters (uses defaults if NULL) */
1486     Int stats [CCOLAMD_STATS],	/* output statistics and error codes */
1487     Int cmember [ ]		/* constraint set of A */
1488 )
1489 {
1490      return (CCOLAMD_2 (n_row, n_col, Alen, A, p, knobs, stats,
1491              (Int *) NULL, (Int *) NULL, (Int *) NULL, (Int *) NULL,
1492              (Int *) NULL, (Int *) NULL, (Int *) NULL, cmember)) ;
1493 }
1496 /* ========================================================================== */
1497 /* === ccolamd2 ============================================================= */
1498 /* ========================================================================== */
1500 /* Identical to ccolamd, except that additional information about each frontal
1501  * matrix is returned to the caller.  Not intended to be directly called by
1502  * the user.
1503  */
CCOLAMD_2(Int n_row,Int n_col,Int Alen,Int A[],Int p[],double knobs[CCOLAMD_KNOBS],Int stats[CCOLAMD_STATS],Int Front_npivcol[],Int Front_nrows[],Int Front_ncols[],Int Front_parent[],Int Front_cols[],Int * p_nfr,Int InFront[],Int cmember[])1505 PUBLIC Int CCOLAMD_2	    /* returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise */
1506 (
1507     /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
1509     Int n_row,			/* number of rows in A */
1510     Int n_col,			/* number of columns in A */
1511     Int Alen,			/* length of A */
1512     Int A [ ],			/* row indices of A */
1513     Int p [ ],			/* pointers to columns in A */
1514     double knobs [CCOLAMD_KNOBS],/* parameters (uses defaults if NULL) */
1515     Int stats [CCOLAMD_STATS],	/* output statistics and error codes */
1517     /* each Front array is of size n_col+1. */
1518     Int Front_npivcol [ ],	/* # pivot cols in each front */
1519     Int Front_nrows [ ],	/* # of rows in each front (incl. pivot rows) */
1520     Int Front_ncols [ ],	/* # of cols in each front (incl. pivot cols) */
1521     Int Front_parent [ ],	/* parent of each front */
1522     Int Front_cols [ ],		/* link list of pivot columns for each front */
1523     Int *p_nfr,			/* total number of frontal matrices */
1524     Int InFront [ ],		/* InFront [row] = f if the original row was
1525 				 * absorbed into front f.  EMPTY if the row was
1526 				 * empty, dense, or not absorbed.  This array
1527 				 * has size n_row+1 */
1528     Int cmember [ ]		/* constraint set of A */
1529 )
1530 {
1531     /* === Local variables ================================================== */
1533     Int i ;			/* loop index */
1534     Int nnz ;			/* nonzeros in A */
1535     size_t Row_size ;		/* size of Row [ ], in integers */
1536     size_t Col_size ;		/* size of Col [ ], in integers */
1537     size_t need ;		/* minimum required length of A */
1538     CColamd_Row *Row ;		/* pointer into A of Row [0..n_row] array */
1539     CColamd_Col *Col ;		/* pointer into A of Col [0..n_col] array */
1540     Int n_col2 ;		/* number of non-dense, non-empty columns */
1541     Int n_row2 ;		/* number of non-dense, non-empty rows */
1542     Int ngarbage ;		/* number of garbage collections performed */
1543     Int max_deg ;		/* maximum row degree */
1544     double default_knobs [CCOLAMD_KNOBS] ;	/* default knobs array */
1546     Int n_cset ;		/* number of constraint sets */
1547     Int *cset ;			/* cset of A */
1548     Int *cset_start ;		/* pointer into cset */
1549     Int *temp_cstart ;		/* temp pointer to start of cset */
1550     Int *csize ;		/* temp pointer to cset size */
1551     Int ap ;			/* column index */
1552     Int order_for_lu ;		/* TRUE: order for LU, FALSE: for Cholesky */
1554     Int ndense_row, nempty_row, parent, ndense_col,
1555     	nempty_col, k, col, nfr, *Front_child, *Front_sibling, *Front_stack,
1556     	*Front_order, *Front_size ;
1557     Int nnewlyempty_col, nnewlyempty_row ;
1558     Int aggressive ;
1559     Int row ;
1560     Int *dead_cols ;
1561     Int set1 ;
1562     Int set2 ;
1563     Int cs ;
1565     int ok ;
1567 #ifndef NDEBUG
1568     ccolamd_get_debug ("ccolamd") ;
1569 #endif
1571     /* === Check the input arguments ======================================== */
1573     if (!stats)
1574     {
1575 	DEBUG1 (("ccolamd: stats not present\n")) ;
1576 	return (FALSE) ;
1577     }
1578     for (i = 0 ; i < CCOLAMD_STATS ; i++)
1579     {
1580 	stats [i] = 0 ;
1581     }
1582     stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] = CCOLAMD_OK ;
1583     stats [CCOLAMD_INFO1] = -1 ;
1584     stats [CCOLAMD_INFO2] = -1 ;
1586     if (!A)		/* A is not present */
1587     {
1588 	stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] = CCOLAMD_ERROR_A_not_present ;
1589 	DEBUG1 (("ccolamd: A not present\n")) ;
1590 	return (FALSE) ;
1591     }
1593     if (!p)		/* p is not present */
1594     {
1595 	stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] = CCOLAMD_ERROR_p_not_present ;
1596 	DEBUG1 (("ccolamd: p not present\n")) ;
1597     	return (FALSE) ;
1598     }
1600     if (n_row < 0)	/* n_row must be >= 0 */
1601     {
1602 	stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] = CCOLAMD_ERROR_nrow_negative ;
1603 	stats [CCOLAMD_INFO1] = n_row ;
1604 	DEBUG1 (("ccolamd: nrow negative "ID"\n", n_row)) ;
1605     	return (FALSE) ;
1606     }
1608     if (n_col < 0)	/* n_col must be >= 0 */
1609     {
1610 	stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] = CCOLAMD_ERROR_ncol_negative ;
1611 	stats [CCOLAMD_INFO1] = n_col ;
1612 	DEBUG1 (("ccolamd: ncol negative "ID"\n", n_col)) ;
1613     	return (FALSE) ;
1614     }
1616     nnz = p [n_col] ;
1617     if (nnz < 0)	/* nnz must be >= 0 */
1618     {
1619 	stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] = CCOLAMD_ERROR_nnz_negative ;
1620 	stats [CCOLAMD_INFO1] = nnz ;
1621 	DEBUG1 (("ccolamd: number of entries negative "ID"\n", nnz)) ;
1622 	return (FALSE) ;
1623     }
1625     if (p [0] != 0)
1626     {
1627 	stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] = CCOLAMD_ERROR_p0_nonzero ;
1628 	stats [CCOLAMD_INFO1] = p [0] ;
1629 	DEBUG1 (("ccolamd: p[0] not zero "ID"\n", p [0])) ;
1630 	return (FALSE) ;
1631     }
1633     /* === If no knobs, set default knobs =================================== */
1635     if (!knobs)
1636     {
1637 	CCOLAMD_set_defaults (default_knobs) ;
1638 	knobs = default_knobs ;
1639     }
1641     aggressive = (knobs [CCOLAMD_AGGRESSIVE] != FALSE) ;
1642     order_for_lu = (knobs [CCOLAMD_LU] != FALSE) ;
1644     /* === Allocate workspace from array A ================================== */
1646     ok = TRUE ;
1647     Col_size = CCOLAMD_C (n_col, &ok) ;
1648     Row_size = CCOLAMD_R (n_row, &ok) ;
1650     /* min size of A is 2nnz+ncol.  cset and cset_start are of size 2ncol+1 */
1651     /* Each of the 5 fronts is of size n_col + 1. InFront is of size nrow.  */
1653     /*
1654     need = MAX (2*nnz, 4*n_col) + n_col +
1655     		Col_size + Row_size +
1656 		(3*n_col+1) + (5*(n_col+1)) + n_row ;
1657     */
1658     need = ccolamd_need (nnz, n_row, n_col, &ok) ;
1660     if (!ok || need > (size_t) Alen || need > Int_MAX)
1661     {
1662 	/* not enough space in array A to perform the ordering */
1663 	stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] = CCOLAMD_ERROR_A_too_small ;
1664 	stats [CCOLAMD_INFO1] = need ;
1665 	stats [CCOLAMD_INFO2] = Alen ;
1666 	DEBUG1 (("ccolamd: Need Alen >= "ID", given "ID"\n", need, Alen)) ;
1667 	return (FALSE) ;
1668     }
1670     /* since integer overflow has been check, the following cannot overflow: */
1671     Alen -= Col_size + Row_size + (3*n_col + 1) + 5*(n_col+1) + n_row ;
1673     /* Size of A is now Alen >= MAX (2*nnz, 4*n_col) + n_col.  The ordering
1674      * requires Alen >= 2*nnz + n_col, and the postorder requires
1675      * Alen >= 5*n_col. */
1677     ap = Alen ;
1679     /* Front array workspace: 5*(n_col+1) + n_row */
1680     if (!Front_npivcol || !Front_nrows || !Front_ncols || !Front_parent ||
1681         !Front_cols || !Front_cols || !InFront)
1682     {
1683 	Front_npivcol = &A [ap] ; ap += (n_col + 1) ;
1684 	Front_nrows = &A [ap] ;   ap += (n_col + 1) ;
1685 	Front_ncols = &A [ap] ;   ap += (n_col + 1) ;
1686 	Front_parent = &A [ap] ;  ap += (n_col + 1) ;
1687 	Front_cols = &A [ap] ;	  ap += (n_col + 1) ;
1688 	InFront = &A [ap] ;	  ap += (n_row) ;
1689     }
1690     else
1691     {
1692 	/* Fronts are present. Leave the additional space as elbow room. */
1693     	ap += 5*(n_col+1) + n_row ;
1694 	ap = Alen ;
1695     }
1697     /* Workspace for cset management: 3*n_col+1 */
1698     /* cset_start is of size n_col + 1 */
1699     cset_start = &A [ap] ;
1700     ap += n_col + 1 ;
1702     /* dead_col is of size n_col */
1703     dead_cols = &A [ap] ;
1704     ap += n_col ;
1706     /* cset is of size n_col */
1707     cset = &A [ap] ;
1708     ap += n_col ;
1710     /* Col is of size Col_size.  The space is shared by temp_cstart and csize */
1711     Col = (CColamd_Col *) &A [ap] ;
1712     temp_cstart = (Int *) Col ;		/* [ temp_cstart is of size n_col+1 */
1713     csize = temp_cstart + (n_col+1) ;	/* csize is of size n_col+1 */
1714     ap += Col_size ;
1715     ASSERT (Col_size >= 2*n_col+1) ;
1717     /* Row is of size Row_size */
1718     Row = (CColamd_Row *) &A [ap] ;
1719     ap += Row_size ;
1721     /* Initialize csize & dead_cols to zero */
1722     for (i = 0 ; i < n_col ; i++)
1723     {
1724     	csize [i] = 0 ;
1725 	dead_cols [i] = 0 ;
1726     }
1728     /* === Construct the constraint set ===================================== */
1730     if (n_col == 0)
1731     {
1732 	n_cset = 0 ;
1733     }
1734     else if (cmember == (Int *) NULL)
1735     {
1736 	/* no constraint set; all columns belong to set zero */
1737 	n_cset = 1 ;
1738 	csize [0] = n_col ;
1739 	DEBUG1 (("no cmember present\n")) ;
1740     }
1741     else
1742     {
1743 	n_cset = 0 ;
1744 	for (i = 0 ; i < n_col ; i++)
1745 	{
1746 	    if (cmember [i] < 0 || cmember [i] > n_col)
1747 	    {
1748 		stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] = CCOLAMD_ERROR_invalid_cmember ;
1749 		DEBUG1 (("ccolamd: malformed cmember \n")) ;
1750 		return (FALSE) ;
1751 	    }
1752 	    n_cset = MAX (n_cset, cmember [i]) ;
1753 	    csize [cmember [i]]++ ;
1754 	}
1755 	/* cset is zero based */
1756 	n_cset++ ;
1757     }
1759     ASSERT ((n_cset >= 0) && (n_cset <= n_col)) ;
1761     cset_start [0] = temp_cstart [0] = 0 ;
1762     for (i = 1 ; i <= n_cset ; i++)
1763     {
1764 	cset_start [i] = cset_start [i-1] + csize [i-1] ;
1765 	DEBUG4 ((" cset_start ["ID"] = "ID" \n", i , cset_start [i])) ;
1766 	temp_cstart [i] = cset_start [i] ;
1767     }
1769     /* do in reverse order to encourage natural tie-breaking */
1770     if (cmember == (Int *) NULL)
1771     {
1772 	for (i = n_col-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
1773 	{
1774 	    cset [temp_cstart [0]++] = i ;
1775 	}
1776     }
1777     else
1778     {
1779 	for (i = n_col-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
1780 	{
1781 	    cset [temp_cstart [cmember [i]]++] = i ;
1782 	}
1783     }
1785     /* ] temp_cstart and csize are no longer used */
1787     /* === Construct the row and column data structures ===================== */
1789     if (!init_rows_cols (n_row, n_col, Row, Col, A, p, stats))
1790     {
1791 	/* input matrix is invalid */
1792 	DEBUG1 (("ccolamd: Matrix invalid\n")) ;
1793 	return (FALSE) ;
1794     }
1796     /* === Initialize front info ============================================ */
1798     for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
1799     {
1800     	Front_npivcol [col] = 0 ;
1801     	Front_nrows [col] = 0 ;
1802     	Front_ncols [col] = 0 ;
1803     	Front_parent [col] = EMPTY ;
1804     	Front_cols [col] = EMPTY ;
1805     }
1807     /* === Initialize scores, kill dense rows/columns ======================= */
1809     init_scoring (n_row, n_col, Row, Col, A, p, knobs,
1810 	&n_row2, &n_col2, &max_deg, cmember, n_cset, cset_start, dead_cols,
1811 	&ndense_row, &nempty_row, &nnewlyempty_row,
1812 	&ndense_col, &nempty_col, &nnewlyempty_col) ;
1814     ASSERT (n_row2 == n_row - nempty_row - nnewlyempty_row - ndense_row) ;
1815     ASSERT (n_col2 == n_col - nempty_col - nnewlyempty_col - ndense_col) ;
1816     DEBUG1 (("# dense rows "ID" cols "ID"\n", ndense_row, ndense_col)) ;
1818     /* === Order the supercolumns =========================================== */
1820     ngarbage = find_ordering (n_row, n_col, Alen, Row, Col, A, p,
1821 #ifndef NDEBUG
1822 	n_col2,
1823 #endif
1824 	max_deg, 2*nnz, cset, cset_start,
1825 #ifndef NDEBUG
1826 	n_cset,
1827 #endif
1828 	cmember, Front_npivcol, Front_nrows, Front_ncols, Front_parent,
1829 	Front_cols, &nfr, aggressive, InFront, order_for_lu) ;
1831     ASSERT (Alen >= 5*n_col) ;
1833     /* === Postorder ======================================================== */
1835     /* A is no longer needed, so use A [0..5*nfr-1] as workspace [ [ */
1836     /* This step requires Alen >= 5*n_col */
1837     Front_child   = A ;
1838     Front_sibling = Front_child + nfr ;
1839     Front_stack   = Front_sibling + nfr ;
1840     Front_order   = Front_stack + nfr ;
1841     Front_size    = Front_order + nfr ;
1843     CCOLAMD_fsize (nfr, Front_size, Front_nrows, Front_ncols,
1844             Front_parent, Front_npivcol) ;
1846     CCOLAMD_postorder (nfr, Front_parent, Front_npivcol, Front_size,
1847         Front_order, Front_child, Front_sibling, Front_stack, Front_cols,
1848 	cmember) ;
1850     /* Front_size, Front_stack, Front_child, Front_sibling no longer needed ] */
1852     /* use A [0..nfr-1] as workspace */
1853     CCOLAMD_apply_order (Front_npivcol, Front_order, A, nfr, nfr) ;
1854     CCOLAMD_apply_order (Front_nrows,   Front_order, A, nfr, nfr) ;
1855     CCOLAMD_apply_order (Front_ncols,   Front_order, A, nfr, nfr) ;
1856     CCOLAMD_apply_order (Front_parent,  Front_order, A, nfr, nfr) ;
1857     CCOLAMD_apply_order (Front_cols,    Front_order, A, nfr, nfr) ;
1859     /* fix the parent to refer to the new numbering */
1860     for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
1861     {
1862         parent = Front_parent [i] ;
1863         if (parent != EMPTY)
1864         {
1865             Front_parent [i] = Front_order [parent] ;
1866         }
1867     }
1869     /* fix InFront to refer to the new numbering */
1870     for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
1871     {
1872         i = InFront [row] ;
1873         ASSERT (i >= EMPTY && i < nfr) ;
1874         if (i != EMPTY)
1875         {
1876             InFront [row] = Front_order [i] ;
1877         }
1878     }
1880     /* Front_order longer needed ] */
1882     /* === Order the columns in the fronts ================================== */
1884     /* use A [0..n_col-1] as inverse permutation */
1885     for (i = 0 ; i < n_col ; i++)
1886     {
1887         A [i] = EMPTY ;
1888     }
1890     k = 0 ;
1891     set1 = 0 ;
1892     for (i = 0 ; i < nfr ; i++)
1893     {
1894         ASSERT (Front_npivcol [i] > 0) ;
1896 	set2 = CMEMBER (Front_cols [i]) ;
1897         while (set1 < set2)
1898         {
1899             k += dead_cols [set1] ;
1900             DEBUG3 (("Skip null/dense columns of set "ID"\n",set1)) ;
1901             set1++ ;
1902         }
1903         set1 = set2 ;
1905         for (col = Front_cols [i] ; col != EMPTY ; col = Col [col].nextcol)
1906         {
1907             ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
1908             DEBUG1 (("ccolamd output ordering: k "ID" col "ID"\n", k, col)) ;
1909             p [k] = col ;
1910             ASSERT (A [col] == EMPTY) ;
1912 	    cs = CMEMBER (col) ;
1913             ASSERT (k >= cset_start [cs] && k < cset_start [cs+1]) ;
1915             A [col] = k ;
1916             k++ ;
1917         }
1918     }
1920     /* === Order the "dense" and null columns =============================== */
1922     if (n_col2 < n_col)
1923     {
1924         for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
1925         {
1926             if (A [col] == EMPTY)
1927             {
1928                 k = Col [col].shared2.order ;
1929 		cs = CMEMBER (col) ;
1930 #ifndef NDEBUG
1931                 dead_cols [cs]-- ;
1932 #endif
1933                 ASSERT (k >= cset_start [cs] && k < cset_start [cs+1]) ;
1934                 DEBUG1 (("ccolamd output ordering: k "ID" col "ID
1935                     " (dense or null col)\n", k, col)) ;
1936                 p [k] = col ;
1937                 A [col] = k ;
1938             }
1939         }
1940     }
1942 #ifndef NDEBUG
1943     for (i = 0 ; i < n_cset ; i++)
1944     {
1945     	ASSERT (dead_cols [i] == 0) ;
1946     }
1947 #endif
1949     /* === Return statistics in stats ======================================= */
1951     stats [CCOLAMD_DENSE_ROW] = ndense_row ;
1952     stats [CCOLAMD_EMPTY_ROW] = nempty_row ;        /* fixed in 2.7.3 */
1953     stats [CCOLAMD_NEWLY_EMPTY_ROW] = nnewlyempty_row ;
1954     stats [CCOLAMD_DENSE_COL] = ndense_col ;
1955     stats [CCOLAMD_EMPTY_COL] = nempty_col ;
1956     stats [CCOLAMD_NEWLY_EMPTY_COL] = nnewlyempty_col ;
1957     ASSERT (ndense_col + nempty_col + nnewlyempty_col == n_col - n_col2) ;
1958     if (p_nfr)
1959     {
1960     	*p_nfr = nfr ;
1961     }
1962     stats [CCOLAMD_DEFRAG_COUNT] = ngarbage ;
1963     DEBUG1 (("ccolamd: done.\n")) ;
1964     return (TRUE) ;
1965 }
1968 /* ========================================================================== */
1969 /* === colamd_report ======================================================== */
1970 /* ========================================================================== */
CCOLAMD_report(Int stats[CCOLAMD_STATS])1972 PUBLIC void CCOLAMD_report
1973 (
1974     Int stats [CCOLAMD_STATS]
1975 )
1976 {
1977     print_report ("ccolamd", stats) ;
1978 }
1981 /* ========================================================================== */
1982 /* === symamd_report ======================================================== */
1983 /* ========================================================================== */
CSYMAMD_report(Int stats[CCOLAMD_STATS])1985 PUBLIC void CSYMAMD_report
1986 (
1987     Int stats [CCOLAMD_STATS]
1988 )
1989 {
1990     print_report ("csymamd", stats) ;
1991 }
1994 /* ========================================================================== */
1995 /* === NON-USER-CALLABLE ROUTINES: ========================================== */
1996 /* ========================================================================== */
1998 /* There are no user-callable routines beyond this point in the file */
2001 /* ========================================================================== */
2002 /* === init_rows_cols ======================================================= */
2003 /* ========================================================================== */
2005 /*
2006     Takes the column form of the matrix in A and creates the row form of the
2007     matrix.  Also, row and column attributes are stored in the Col and Row
2008     structs.  If the columns are un-sorted or contain duplicate row indices,
2009     this routine will also sort and remove duplicate row indices from the
2010     column form of the matrix.  Returns FALSE if the matrix is invalid,
2011     TRUE otherwise.  Not user-callable.
2012 */
init_rows_cols(Int n_row,Int n_col,CColamd_Row Row[],CColamd_Col Col[],Int A[],Int p[],Int stats[CCOLAMD_STATS])2014 PRIVATE Int init_rows_cols	/* returns TRUE if OK, or FALSE otherwise */
2015 (
2016     /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
2018     Int n_row,			/* number of rows of A */
2019     Int n_col,			/* number of columns of A */
2020     CColamd_Row Row [ ],		/* of size n_row+1 */
2021     CColamd_Col Col [ ],		/* of size n_col+1 */
2022     Int A [ ],			/* row indices of A, of size Alen */
2023     Int p [ ],			/* pointers to columns in A, of size n_col+1 */
2024     Int stats [CCOLAMD_STATS]	/* colamd statistics */
2025 )
2026 {
2027     /* === Local variables ================================================== */
2029     Int col ;			/* a column index */
2030     Int row ;			/* a row index */
2031     Int *cp ;			/* a column pointer */
2032     Int *cp_end ;		/* a pointer to the end of a column */
2033     Int *rp ;			/* a row pointer */
2034     Int *rp_end ;		/* a pointer to the end of a row */
2035     Int last_row ;		/* previous row */
2037     /* === Initialize columns, and check column pointers ==================== */
2039     for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
2040     {
2041 	Col [col].start = p [col] ;
2042 	Col [col].length = p [col+1] - p [col] ;
2044 	if (Col [col].length < 0)
2045 	{
2046 	    /* column pointers must be non-decreasing */
2047 	    stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] = CCOLAMD_ERROR_col_length_negative ;
2048 	    stats [CCOLAMD_INFO1] = col ;
2049 	    stats [CCOLAMD_INFO2] = Col [col].length ;
2050 	    DEBUG1 (("ccolamd: col "ID" length "ID" < 0\n",
2051 			col, Col [col].length)) ;
2052 	    return (FALSE) ;
2053 	}
2055 	Col [col].shared1.thickness = 1 ;
2056 	Col [col].shared2.score = 0 ;
2057 	Col [col].shared3.prev = EMPTY ;
2058 	Col [col].shared4.degree_next = EMPTY ;
2059         Col [col].nextcol = EMPTY ;
2060         Col [col].lastcol = col ;
2061     }
2063     /* p [0..n_col] no longer needed, used as "head" in subsequent routines */
2065     /* === Scan columns, compute row degrees, and check row indices ========= */
2067     stats [CCOLAMD_INFO3] = 0 ;	/* number of duplicate or unsorted row indices*/
2069     for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
2070     {
2071 	Row [row].length = 0 ;
2072 	Row [row].shared2.mark = -1 ;
2073         Row [row].thickness = 1 ;
2074         Row [row].front = EMPTY ;
2075     }
2077     for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
2078     {
2079 	DEBUG1 (("\nCcolamd input column "ID":\n", col)) ;
2080 	last_row = -1 ;
2082 	cp = &A [p [col]] ;
2083 	cp_end = &A [p [col+1]] ;
2085 	while (cp < cp_end)
2086 	{
2087 	    row = *cp++ ;
2088 	    DEBUG1 (("row: "ID"\n", row)) ;
2090 	    /* make sure row indices within range */
2091 	    if (row < 0 || row >= n_row)
2092 	    {
2093 		stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] = CCOLAMD_ERROR_row_index_out_of_bounds ;
2094 		stats [CCOLAMD_INFO1] = col ;
2095 		stats [CCOLAMD_INFO2] = row ;
2096 		stats [CCOLAMD_INFO3] = n_row ;
2097 		DEBUG1 (("row "ID" col "ID" out of bounds\n", row, col)) ;
2098 		return (FALSE) ;
2099 	    }
2101 	    if (row <= last_row || Row [row].shared2.mark == col)
2102 	    {
2103 		/* row index are unsorted or repeated (or both), thus col */
2104 		/* is jumbled.  This is a notice, not an error condition. */
2106 		stats [CCOLAMD_INFO1] = col ;
2107 		stats [CCOLAMD_INFO2] = row ;
2108 		(stats [CCOLAMD_INFO3]) ++ ;
2109 		DEBUG1 (("row "ID" col "ID" unsorted/duplicate\n", row, col)) ;
2110 	    }
2112 	    if (Row [row].shared2.mark != col)
2113 	    {
2114 		Row [row].length++ ;
2115 	    }
2116 	    else
2117 	    {
2118 		/* this is a repeated entry in the column, */
2119 		/* it will be removed */
2120 		Col [col].length-- ;
2121 	    }
2123 	    /* mark the row as having been seen in this column */
2124 	    Row [row].shared2.mark = col ;
2126 	    last_row = row ;
2127 	}
2128     }
2130     /* === Compute row pointers ============================================= */
2132     /* row form of the matrix starts directly after the column */
2133     /* form of matrix in A */
2134     Row [0].start = p [n_col] ;
2135     Row [0].shared1.p = Row [0].start ;
2136     Row [0].shared2.mark = -1 ;
2137     for (row = 1 ; row < n_row ; row++)
2138     {
2139 	Row [row].start = Row [row-1].start + Row [row-1].length ;
2140 	Row [row].shared1.p = Row [row].start ;
2141 	Row [row].shared2.mark = -1 ;
2142     }
2144     /* === Create row form ================================================== */
2147     {
2148 	/* if cols jumbled, watch for repeated row indices */
2149  	for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
2150 	{
2151 	    cp = &A [p [col]] ;
2152 	    cp_end = &A [p [col+1]] ;
2153 	    while (cp < cp_end)
2154 	    {
2155 		row = *cp++ ;
2156 		if (Row [row].shared2.mark != col)
2157 		{
2158 		    A [(Row [row].shared1.p)++] = col ;
2159 		    Row [row].shared2.mark = col ;
2160 		}
2161 	    }
2162 	}
2163     }
2164     else
2165     {
2166 	/* if cols not jumbled, we don't need the mark (this is faster) */
2167 	for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
2168 	{
2169 	    cp = &A [p [col]] ;
2170 	    cp_end = &A [p [col+1]] ;
2171 	    while (cp < cp_end)
2172 	    {
2173 		A [(Row [*cp++].shared1.p)++] = col ;
2174 	    }
2175 	}
2176     }
2178     /* === Clear the row marks and set row degrees ========================== */
2180     for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
2181     {
2182 	Row [row].shared2.mark = 0 ;
2183 	Row [row].shared1.degree = Row [row].length ;
2184     }
2186     /* === See if we need to re-create columns ============================== */
2189     {
2190     	DEBUG1 (("ccolamd: reconstructing column form, matrix jumbled\n")) ;
2192 #ifndef NDEBUG
2193 	/* make sure column lengths are correct */
2194  	for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
2195 	{
2196 	    p [col] = Col [col].length ;
2197 	}
2198 	for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
2199 	{
2200 	    rp = &A [Row [row].start] ;
2201 	    rp_end = rp + Row [row].length ;
2202 	    while (rp < rp_end)
2203 	    {
2204 		p [*rp++]-- ;
2205 	    }
2206 	}
2207 	for (col = 0 ; col < n_col ; col++)
2208 	{
2209 	    ASSERT (p [col] == 0) ;
2210 	}
2211 	/* now p is all zero (different than when debugging is turned off) */
2212 #endif
2214 	/* === Compute col pointers ========================================= */
2216 	/* col form of the matrix starts at A [0]. */
2217 	/* Note, we may have a gap between the col form and the row */
2218 	/* form if there were duplicate entries, if so, it will be */
2219 	/* removed upon the first garbage collection */
2220 	Col [0].start = 0 ;
2221 	p [0] = Col [0].start ;
2222 	for (col = 1 ; col < n_col ; col++)
2223 	{
2224 	    /* note that the lengths here are for pruned columns, i.e. */
2225 	    /* no duplicate row indices will exist for these columns */
2226 	    Col [col].start = Col [col-1].start + Col [col-1].length ;
2227 	    p [col] = Col [col].start ;
2228 	}
2230 	/* === Re-create col form =========================================== */
2232 	for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
2233 	{
2234 	    rp = &A [Row [row].start] ;
2235 	    rp_end = rp + Row [row].length ;
2236 	    while (rp < rp_end)
2237 	    {
2238 		A [(p [*rp++])++] = row ;
2239 	    }
2240 	}
2241     }
2243     /* === Done.  Matrix is not (or no longer) jumbled ====================== */
2246     return (TRUE) ;
2247 }
2250 /* ========================================================================== */
2251 /* === init_scoring ========================================================= */
2252 /* ========================================================================== */
2254 /*
2255     Kills dense or empty columns and rows, calculates an initial score for
2256     each column, and places all columns in the degree lists.  Not user-callable.
2257 */
init_scoring(Int n_row,Int n_col,CColamd_Row Row[],CColamd_Col Col[],Int A[],Int head[],double knobs[CCOLAMD_KNOBS],Int * p_n_row2,Int * p_n_col2,Int * p_max_deg,Int cmember[],Int n_cset,Int cset_start[],Int dead_cols[],Int * p_ndense_row,Int * p_nempty_row,Int * p_nnewlyempty_row,Int * p_ndense_col,Int * p_nempty_col,Int * p_nnewlyempty_col)2259 PRIVATE void init_scoring
2260 (
2261     /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
2263     Int n_row,			/* number of rows of A */
2264     Int n_col,			/* number of columns of A */
2265     CColamd_Row Row [ ],	/* of size n_row+1 */
2266     CColamd_Col Col [ ],	/* of size n_col+1 */
2267     Int A [ ],			/* column form and row form of A */
2268     Int head [ ],		/* of size n_col+1 */
2269     double knobs [CCOLAMD_KNOBS],/* parameters */
2270     Int *p_n_row2,		/* number of non-dense, non-empty rows */
2271     Int *p_n_col2,		/* number of non-dense, non-empty columns */
2272     Int *p_max_deg,		/* maximum row degree */
2273     Int cmember [ ],
2274     Int n_cset,
2275     Int cset_start [ ],
2276     Int dead_cols [ ],
2277     Int *p_ndense_row,		/* number of dense rows */
2278     Int *p_nempty_row,		/* number of original empty rows */
2279     Int *p_nnewlyempty_row,	/* number of newly empty rows */
2280     Int *p_ndense_col,		/* number of dense cols (excl "empty" cols) */
2281     Int *p_nempty_col,		/* number of original empty cols */
2282     Int *p_nnewlyempty_col	/* number of newly empty cols */
2283 )
2284 {
2285 /* === Local variables ================================================== */
2287     Int c ;			/* a column index */
2288     Int r, row ;		/* a row index */
2289     Int *cp ;			/* a column pointer */
2290     Int deg ;			/* degree of a row or column */
2291     Int *cp_end ;		/* a pointer to the end of a column */
2292     Int *new_cp ;		/* new column pointer */
2293     Int col_length ;		/* length of pruned column */
2294     Int score ;			/* current column score */
2295     Int n_col2 ;		/* number of non-dense, non-empty columns */
2296     Int n_row2 ;		/* number of non-dense, non-empty rows */
2297     Int dense_row_count ;	/* remove rows with more entries than this */
2298     Int dense_col_count ;	/* remove cols with more entries than this */
2299     Int max_deg ;		/* maximum row degree */
2300     Int s ;			/* a cset index */
2301     Int ndense_row ;		/* number of dense rows */
2302     Int nempty_row ;		/* number of empty rows */
2303     Int nnewlyempty_row ;	/* number of newly empty rows */
2304     Int ndense_col ;		/* number of dense cols (excl "empty" cols) */
2305     Int nempty_col ;		/* number of original empty cols */
2306     Int nnewlyempty_col ;	/* number of newly empty cols */
2307     Int ne ;
2309 #ifndef NDEBUG
2310     Int debug_count ;		/* debug only. */
2311 #endif
2313     /* === Extract knobs ==================================================== */
2315     /* Note: if knobs contains a NaN, this is undefined: */
2316     if (knobs [CCOLAMD_DENSE_ROW] < 0)
2317     {
2318 	/* only remove completely dense rows */
2319 	dense_row_count = n_col-1 ;
2320     }
2321     else
2322     {
2323 	dense_row_count = DENSE_DEGREE (knobs [CCOLAMD_DENSE_ROW], n_col) ;
2324     }
2325     if (knobs [CCOLAMD_DENSE_COL] < 0)
2326     {
2327 	/* only remove completely dense columns */
2328 	dense_col_count = n_row-1 ;
2329     }
2330     else
2331     {
2332 	dense_col_count =
2333 	    DENSE_DEGREE (knobs [CCOLAMD_DENSE_COL], MIN (n_row, n_col)) ;
2334     }
2336     DEBUG1 (("densecount: "ID" "ID"\n", dense_row_count, dense_col_count)) ;
2337     max_deg = 0 ;
2339     n_col2 = n_col ;
2340     n_row2 = n_row ;
2342     /* Set the head array for bookkeeping of dense and empty columns. */
2343     /* This will be used as hash buckets later. */
2344     for (s = 0 ; s < n_cset ; s++)
2345     {
2346 	head [s] = cset_start [s+1] ;
2347     }
2349     ndense_col = 0 ;
2350     nempty_col = 0 ;
2351     nnewlyempty_col = 0 ;
2352     ndense_row = 0 ;
2353     nempty_row = 0 ;
2354     nnewlyempty_row = 0 ;
2356     /* === Kill empty columns =============================================== */
2358     /* Put the empty columns at the end in their natural order, so that LU */
2359     /* factorization can proceed as far as possible. */
2360     for (c = n_col-1 ; c >= 0 ; c--)
2361     {
2362 	deg = Col [c].length ;
2363 	if (deg == 0)
2364 	{
2365 	    /* this is a empty column, kill and order it last of its cset */
2366 	    Col [c].shared2.order = --head [CMEMBER (c)] ;
2367 	    --n_col2 ;
2368 	    dead_cols [CMEMBER (c)] ++ ;
2369 	    nempty_col++ ;
2370 	    KILL_PRINCIPAL_COL (c) ;
2371 	}
2372     }
2373     DEBUG1 (("ccolamd: null columns killed: "ID"\n", n_col - n_col2)) ;
2375     /* === Kill dense columns =============================================== */
2377     /* Put the dense columns at the end, in their natural order */
2378     for (c = n_col-1 ; c >= 0 ; c--)
2379     {
2380 	/* skip any dead columns */
2381 	if (COL_IS_DEAD (c))
2382 	{
2383 	    continue ;
2384 	}
2385 	deg = Col [c].length ;
2386 	if (deg > dense_col_count)
2387 	{
2388 	    /* this is a dense column, kill and order it last of its cset */
2389 	    Col [c].shared2.order = --head [CMEMBER (c)] ;
2390 	    --n_col2 ;
2391 	    dead_cols [CMEMBER (c)] ++ ;
2392 	    ndense_col++ ;
2393 	    /* decrement the row degrees */
2394 	    cp = &A [Col [c].start] ;
2395 	    cp_end = cp + Col [c].length ;
2396 	    while (cp < cp_end)
2397 	    {
2398 		Row [*cp++].shared1.degree-- ;
2399 	    }
2400 	    KILL_PRINCIPAL_COL (c) ;
2401 	}
2402     }
2403     DEBUG1 (("Dense and null columns killed: "ID"\n", n_col - n_col2)) ;
2405     /* === Kill dense and empty rows ======================================== */
2407     /* Note that there can now be empty rows, since dense columns have
2408      * been deleted.  These are "newly" empty rows. */
2410     ne = 0 ;
2411     for (r = 0 ; r < n_row ; r++)
2412     {
2413 	deg = Row [r].shared1.degree ;
2414 	ASSERT (deg >= 0 && deg <= n_col) ;
2415         if (deg > dense_row_count)
2416         {
2417             /* There is at least one dense row.  Continue ordering, but */
2418             /* symbolic factorization will be redone after ccolamd is done.*/
2419             ndense_row++ ;
2420         }
2421         if (deg == 0)
2422         {
2423             /* this is a newly empty row, or original empty row */
2424             ne++ ;
2425         }
2426 	if (deg > dense_row_count || deg == 0)
2427 	{
2428 	    /* kill a dense or empty row */
2429 	    KILL_ROW (r) ;
2430 	    Row [r].thickness = 0 ;
2431 	    --n_row2 ;
2432 	}
2433 	else
2434 	{
2435 	    /* keep track of max degree of remaining rows */
2436 	    max_deg = MAX (max_deg, deg) ;
2437 	}
2438     }
2439     nnewlyempty_row = ne - nempty_row ;
2440     DEBUG1 (("ccolamd: Dense and null rows killed: "ID"\n", n_row - n_row2)) ;
2442     /* === Compute initial column scores ==================================== */
2444     /* At this point the row degrees are accurate.  They reflect the number */
2445     /* of "live" (non-dense) columns in each row.  No empty rows exist. */
2446     /* Some "live" columns may contain only dead rows, however.  These are */
2447     /* pruned in the code below. */
2449     /* now find the initial COLMMD score for each column */
2450     for (c = n_col-1 ; c >= 0 ; c--)
2451     {
2452 	/* skip dead column */
2453 	if (COL_IS_DEAD (c))
2454 	{
2455 	    continue ;
2456 	}
2457 	score = 0 ;
2458 	cp = &A [Col [c].start] ;
2459 	new_cp = cp ;
2460 	cp_end = cp + Col [c].length ;
2461 	while (cp < cp_end)
2462 	{
2463 	    /* get a row */
2464 	    row = *cp++ ;
2465 	    /* skip if dead */
2466 	    if (ROW_IS_DEAD (row))
2467 	    {
2468 		continue ;
2469 	    }
2470 	    /* compact the column */
2471 	    *new_cp++ = row ;
2472 	    /* add row's external degree */
2473 	    score += Row [row].shared1.degree - 1 ;
2474 	    /* guard against integer overflow */
2475 	    score = MIN (score, n_col) ;
2476 	}
2477 	/* determine pruned column length */
2478 	col_length = (Int) (new_cp - &A [Col [c].start]) ;
2479 	if (col_length == 0)
2480 	{
2481 	    /* a newly-made null column (all rows in this col are "dense" */
2482 	    /* and have already been killed) */
2483 	    DEBUG1 (("Newly null killed: "ID"\n", c)) ;
2484 	    Col [c].shared2.order = -- head [CMEMBER (c)] ;
2485 	    --n_col2 ;
2486 	    dead_cols [CMEMBER (c)] ++ ;
2487             nnewlyempty_col++ ;
2488 	    KILL_PRINCIPAL_COL (c) ;
2489 	}
2490 	else
2491 	{
2492 	    /* set column length and set score */
2493 	    ASSERT (score >= 0) ;
2494 	    ASSERT (score <= n_col) ;
2495 	    Col [c].length = col_length ;
2496 	    Col [c].shared2.score = score ;
2497 	}
2498     }
2499     DEBUG1 (("ccolamd: Dense, null, and newly-null columns killed: "ID"\n",
2500     	n_col-n_col2)) ;
2502     /* At this point, all empty rows and columns are dead.  All live columns */
2503     /* are "clean" (containing no dead rows) and simplicial (no supercolumns */
2504     /* yet).  Rows may contain dead columns, but all live rows contain at */
2505     /* least one live column. */
2507 #ifndef NDEBUG
2508     debug_count = 0 ;
2509 #endif
2511     /* clear the hash buckets */
2512     for (c = 0 ; c <= n_col ; c++)
2513     {
2514 	head [c] = EMPTY ;
2515     }
2517 #ifndef NDEBUG
2518     debug_structures (n_row, n_col, Row, Col, A, cmember, cset_start) ;
2519 #endif
2521     /* === Return number of remaining columns, and max row degree =========== */
2523     *p_n_col2 = n_col2 ;
2524     *p_n_row2 = n_row2 ;
2525     *p_max_deg = max_deg ;
2526     *p_ndense_row = ndense_row ;
2527     *p_nempty_row = nempty_row ;        /* original empty rows */
2528     *p_nnewlyempty_row = nnewlyempty_row ;
2529     *p_ndense_col = ndense_col ;
2530     *p_nempty_col = nempty_col ;        /* original empty cols */
2531     *p_nnewlyempty_col = nnewlyempty_col ;
2532 }
2535 /* ========================================================================== */
2536 /* === find_ordering ======================================================== */
2537 /* ========================================================================== */
2539 /*
2540  *   Order the principal columns of the supercolumn form of the matrix
2541  *  (no supercolumns on input).  Uses a minimum approximate column minimum
2542  *  degree ordering method.  Not user-callable.
2543  */
find_ordering(Int n_row,Int n_col,Int Alen,CColamd_Row Row[],CColamd_Col Col[],Int A[],Int head[],Int n_col2,Int max_deg,Int pfree,Int cset[],Int cset_start[],Int n_cset,Int cmember[],Int Front_npivcol[],Int Front_nrows[],Int Front_ncols[],Int Front_parent[],Int Front_cols[],Int * p_nfr,Int aggressive,Int InFront[],Int order_for_lu)2545 PRIVATE Int find_ordering	/* return the number of garbage collections */
2546 (
2547     /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
2549     Int n_row,			/* number of rows of A */
2550     Int n_col,			/* number of columns of A */
2551     Int Alen,			/* size of A, 2*nnz + n_col or larger */
2552     CColamd_Row Row [ ],	/* of size n_row+1 */
2553     CColamd_Col Col [ ],	/* of size n_col+1 */
2554     Int A [ ],			/* column form and row form of A */
2555     Int head [ ],		/* of size n_col+1 */
2556 #ifndef NDEBUG
2557     Int n_col2,			/* Remaining columns to order */
2558 #endif
2559     Int max_deg,		/* Maximum row degree */
2560     Int pfree,			/* index of first free slot (2*nnz on entry) */
2561     Int cset [ ],		/* constraint set of A */
2562     Int cset_start [ ],		/* pointer to the start of every cset */
2563 #ifndef NDEBUG
2564     Int n_cset,			/* number of csets */
2565 #endif
2566     Int cmember [ ],		/* col -> cset mapping */
2567     Int Front_npivcol [ ],
2568     Int Front_nrows [ ],
2569     Int Front_ncols [ ],
2570     Int Front_parent [ ],
2571     Int Front_cols [ ],
2572     Int *p_nfr,                /* number of fronts */
2573     Int aggressive,
2574     Int InFront [ ],
2575     Int order_for_lu
2576 )
2577 {
2578     /* === Local variables ================================================== */
2580     Int k ;			/* current pivot ordering step */
2581     Int pivot_col ;		/* current pivot column */
2582     Int *cp ;			/* a column pointer */
2583     Int *rp ;			/* a row pointer */
2584     Int pivot_row ;		/* current pivot row */
2585     Int *new_cp ;		/* modified column pointer */
2586     Int *new_rp ;		/* modified row pointer */
2587     Int pivot_row_start ;	/* pointer to start of pivot row */
2588     Int pivot_row_degree ;	/* number of columns in pivot row */
2589     Int pivot_row_length ;	/* number of supercolumns in pivot row */
2590     Int pivot_col_score ;	/* score of pivot column */
2591     Int needed_memory ;		/* free space needed for pivot row */
2592     Int *cp_end ;		/* pointer to the end of a column */
2593     Int *rp_end ;		/* pointer to the end of a row */
2594     Int row ;			/* a row index */
2595     Int col ;			/* a column index */
2596     Int max_score ;		/* maximum possible score */
2597     Int cur_score ;		/* score of current column */
2598     unsigned Int hash ;		/* hash value for supernode detection */
2599     Int head_column ;		/* head of hash bucket */
2600     Int first_col ;		/* first column in hash bucket */
2601     Int tag_mark ;		/* marker value for mark array */
2602     Int row_mark ;		/* Row [row].shared2.mark */
2603     Int set_difference ;	/* set difference size of row with pivot row */
2604     Int min_score ;		/* smallest column score */
2605     Int col_thickness ;		/* "thickness" (no. of columns in a supercol) */
2606     Int max_mark ;		/* maximum value of tag_mark */
2607     Int pivot_col_thickness ;	/* number of columns represented by pivot col */
2608     Int prev_col ;		/* Used by Dlist operations. */
2609     Int next_col ;		/* Used by Dlist operations. */
2610     Int ngarbage ;		/* number of garbage collections performed */
2611     Int current_set ;		/* consraint set that is being ordered */
2612     Int score ;			/* score of a column */
2613     Int colstart ;		/* pointer to first column in current cset */
2614     Int colend ;		/* pointer to last column in current cset */
2615     Int deadcol ;		/* number of dense & null columns in a cset */
2617 #ifndef NDEBUG
2618     Int debug_d ;		/* debug loop counter */
2619     Int debug_step = 0 ;	/* debug loop counter */
2620     Int cols_thickness = 0 ;	/* the thickness of the columns in current */
2621     				/* cset degreelist and in pivot row pattern. */
2622 #endif
2624     Int pivot_row_thickness ;   /* number of rows represented by pivot row */
2625     Int nfr = 0 ;               /* number of fronts */
2626     Int child ;
2628     /* === Initialization and clear mark ==================================== */
2630     max_mark = Int_MAX - n_col ;	/* Int_MAX defined in <limits.h> */
2631     tag_mark = clear_mark (0, max_mark, n_row, Row) ;
2632     min_score = 0 ;
2633     ngarbage = 0 ;
2634     current_set = -1 ;
2635     deadcol = 0 ;
2636     DEBUG1 (("ccolamd: Ordering, n_col2="ID"\n", n_col2)) ;
2638     for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
2639     {
2640         InFront [row] = EMPTY ;
2641     }
2643     /* === Order the columns ================================================ */
2645     for (k = 0 ; k < n_col ; /* 'k' is incremented below */)
2646     {
2648 	/* make sure degree list isn't empty */
2649 	ASSERT (min_score >= 0) ;
2650 	ASSERT (min_score <= n_col) ;
2651 	ASSERT (head [min_score] >= EMPTY) ;
2653 #ifndef NDEBUG
2654 	for (debug_d = 0 ; debug_d < min_score ; debug_d++)
2655 	{
2656 	    ASSERT (head [debug_d] == EMPTY) ;
2657 	}
2658 #endif
2660 	/* Initialize the degree list with columns from next non-empty cset */
2662 	while ((k+deadcol) == cset_start [current_set+1])
2663 	{
2664 	    current_set++ ;
2665 	    DEBUG1 (("\n\n\n============ CSET: "ID"\n", current_set)) ;
2666 	    k += deadcol ;	/* jump to start of next cset */
2667   	    deadcol = 0 ;	/* reset dead column count */
2669 	    ASSERT ((current_set == n_cset) == (k == n_col)) ;
2671 	    /* return if all columns are ordered. */
2672 	    if (k == n_col)
2673 	    {
2674 		*p_nfr = nfr ;
2675 	    	return (ngarbage) ;
2676 	    }
2678 #ifndef NDEBUG
2679 	    for (col = 0 ; col <= n_col ; col++)
2680 	    {
2681 	        ASSERT (head [col] == EMPTY) ;
2682 	    }
2683 #endif
2685 	    min_score = n_col ;
2686 	    colstart = cset_start [current_set] ;
2687 	    colend = cset_start [current_set+1] ;
2689 	    while (colstart < colend)
2690 	    {
2691 		col = cset [colstart++] ;
2693 		if (COL_IS_DEAD(col))
2694 		{
2695 		    DEBUG1 (("Column "ID" is dead\n", col)) ;
2696 		    /* count dense and null columns */
2697 		    if (Col [col].shared2.order != EMPTY)
2698 		    {
2699 			deadcol++ ;
2700 		    }
2701 		    continue ;
2702 		}
2704 		/* only add principal columns in current set to degree lists */
2705 		ASSERT (CMEMBER (col) == current_set) ;
2707 		score = Col [col].shared2.score ;
2708 		DEBUG1 (("Column "ID" is alive, score "ID"\n", col, score)) ;
2710 		ASSERT (min_score >= 0) ;
2711 		ASSERT (min_score <= n_col) ;
2712 		ASSERT (score >= 0) ;
2713 		ASSERT (score <= n_col) ;
2714 		ASSERT (head [score] >= EMPTY) ;
2716 		/* now add this column to dList at proper score location */
2717 		next_col = head [score] ;
2718 		Col [col].shared3.prev = EMPTY ;
2719 		Col [col].shared4.degree_next = next_col ;
2721 		/* if there already was a column with the same score, set its */
2722 		/* previous pointer to this new column */
2723 		if (next_col != EMPTY)
2724 		{
2725 		    Col [next_col].shared3.prev = col ;
2726 		}
2727 		head [score] = col ;
2729 		/* see if this score is less than current min */
2730 		min_score = MIN (min_score, score) ;
2731 	    }
2733 #ifndef NDEBUG
2734 	    DEBUG1 (("degree lists initialized \n")) ;
2735 	    debug_deg_lists (n_row, n_col, Row, Col, head, min_score,
2736 		((cset_start [current_set+1]-cset_start [current_set])-deadcol),
2737 		max_deg) ;
2738 #endif
2739 	}
2741 #ifndef NDEBUG
2742 	if (debug_step % 100 == 0)
2743 	{
2744 	    DEBUG2 (("\n...   Step k: "ID" out of n_col2: "ID"\n", k, n_col2)) ;
2745 	}
2746 	else
2747 	{
2748 	    DEBUG3 (("\n------Step k: "ID" out of n_col2: "ID"\n", k, n_col2)) ;
2749 	}
2750 	debug_step++ ;
2751 	DEBUG1 (("start of step k="ID": ", k)) ;
2752 	debug_deg_lists (n_row, n_col, Row, Col, head,
2753 	     min_score, cset_start [current_set+1]-(k+deadcol), max_deg) ;
2754 	debug_matrix (n_row, n_col, Row, Col, A) ;
2755 #endif
2757 	/* === Select pivot column, and order it ============================ */
2759 	while (head [min_score] == EMPTY && min_score < n_col)
2760 	{
2761 	    min_score++ ;
2762 	}
2764 	pivot_col = head [min_score] ;
2766 	ASSERT (pivot_col >= 0 && pivot_col <= n_col) ;
2767 	next_col = Col [pivot_col].shared4.degree_next ;
2768 	head [min_score] = next_col ;
2769 	if (next_col != EMPTY)
2770 	{
2771 	    Col [next_col].shared3.prev = EMPTY ;
2772 	}
2774 	ASSERT (COL_IS_ALIVE (pivot_col)) ;
2776 	/* remember score for defrag check */
2777 	pivot_col_score = Col [pivot_col].shared2.score ;
2779 	/* the pivot column is the kth column in the pivot order */
2780 	Col [pivot_col].shared2.order = k ;
2782 	/* increment order count by column thickness */
2783 	pivot_col_thickness = Col [pivot_col].shared1.thickness ;
2784 	k += pivot_col_thickness ;
2785 	ASSERT (pivot_col_thickness > 0) ;
2786 	DEBUG3 (("Pivot col: "ID" thick "ID"\n", pivot_col,
2787 		    pivot_col_thickness)) ;
2789 	/* === Garbage_collection, if necessary ============================= */
2791 	needed_memory = MIN (pivot_col_score, n_col - k) ;
2792 	if (pfree + needed_memory >= Alen)
2793 	{
2794 	    pfree = garbage_collection (n_row, n_col, Row, Col, A, &A [pfree]) ;
2795 	    ngarbage++ ;
2796 	    /* after garbage collection we will have enough */
2797 	    ASSERT (pfree + needed_memory < Alen) ;
2798 	    /* garbage collection has wiped out Row [ ].shared2.mark array */
2799 	    tag_mark = clear_mark (0, max_mark, n_row, Row) ;
2801 #ifndef NDEBUG
2802 	    debug_matrix (n_row, n_col, Row, Col, A) ;
2803 #endif
2804 	}
2806 	/* === Compute pivot row pattern ==================================== */
2808 	/* get starting location for this new merged row */
2809 	pivot_row_start = pfree ;
2811 	/* initialize new row counts to zero */
2812 	pivot_row_degree = 0 ;
2813         pivot_row_thickness = 0 ;
2815 	/* tag pivot column as having been visited so it isn't included */
2816 	/* in merged pivot row */
2817 	Col [pivot_col].shared1.thickness = -pivot_col_thickness ;
2819 	/* pivot row is the union of all rows in the pivot column pattern */
2820 	cp = &A [Col [pivot_col].start] ;
2821 	cp_end = cp + Col [pivot_col].length ;
2822 	while (cp < cp_end)
2823 	{
2824 	    /* get a row */
2825 	    row = *cp++ ;
2826 	    ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
2827 	    DEBUG4 (("Pivcol pattern "ID" "ID"\n", ROW_IS_ALIVE (row), row)) ;
2828 	    /* skip if row is dead */
2829 	    if (ROW_IS_ALIVE (row))
2830 	    {
2831 		/* sum the thicknesses of all the rows */
2832 		pivot_row_thickness += Row [row].thickness ;
2834 		rp = &A [Row [row].start] ;
2835 		rp_end = rp + Row [row].length ;
2836 		while (rp < rp_end)
2837 		{
2838 		    /* get a column */
2839 		    col = *rp++ ;
2840 		    /* add the column, if alive and untagged */
2841 		    col_thickness = Col [col].shared1.thickness ;
2842 		    if (col_thickness > 0 && COL_IS_ALIVE (col))
2843 		    {
2844 			/* tag column in pivot row */
2845 			Col [col].shared1.thickness = -col_thickness ;
2846 			ASSERT (pfree < Alen) ;
2847 			/* place column in pivot row */
2848 			A [pfree++] = col ;
2849 			pivot_row_degree += col_thickness ;
2850 			DEBUG4 (("\t\t\tNew live col in pivrow: "ID"\n",col)) ;
2851 		    }
2852 #ifndef NDEBUG
2853 		    if (col_thickness < 0 && COL_IS_ALIVE (col))
2854 		    {
2855 			DEBUG4 (("\t\t\tOld live col in pivrow: "ID"\n",col)) ;
2856 		    }
2857 #endif
2858 		}
2859 	    }
2860 	}
2862         /* pivot_row_thickness is the number of rows in frontal matrix */
2863         /* including both pivotal rows and nonpivotal rows */
2865 	/* clear tag on pivot column */
2866 	Col [pivot_col].shared1.thickness = pivot_col_thickness ;
2867 	max_deg = MAX (max_deg, pivot_row_degree) ;
2869 #ifndef NDEBUG
2870 	DEBUG3 (("check2\n")) ;
2871 	debug_mark (n_row, Row, tag_mark, max_mark) ;
2872 #endif
2874 	/* === Kill all rows used to construct pivot row ==================== */
2876 	/* also kill pivot row, temporarily */
2877 	cp = &A [Col [pivot_col].start] ;
2878 	cp_end = cp + Col [pivot_col].length ;
2879 	while (cp < cp_end)
2880 	{
2881 	    /* may be killing an already dead row */
2882 	    row = *cp++ ;
2883 	    DEBUG3 (("Kill row in pivot col: "ID"\n", row)) ;
2884 	    ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
2885             if (ROW_IS_ALIVE (row))
2886             {
2887                 if (Row [row].front != EMPTY)
2888                 {
2889                     /* This row represents a frontal matrix. */
2890                     /* Row [row].front is a child of current front */
2891                     child = Row [row].front ;
2892                     Front_parent [child] = nfr ;
2893                     DEBUG1 (("Front "ID" => front "ID", normal\n", child, nfr));
2894                 }
2895                 else
2896                 {
2897                     /* This is an original row.  Keep track of which front
2898                      * is its parent in the row-merge tree. */
2899                     InFront [row] = nfr ;
2900                     DEBUG1 (("Row "ID" => front "ID", normal\n", row, nfr)) ;
2901                 }
2902             }
2904             KILL_ROW (row) ;
2905             Row [row].thickness = 0 ;
2906 	}
2908 	/* === Select a row index to use as the new pivot row =============== */
2910 	pivot_row_length = pfree - pivot_row_start ;
2911 	if (pivot_row_length > 0)
2912 	{
2913 	    /* pick the "pivot" row arbitrarily (first row in col) */
2914 	    pivot_row = A [Col [pivot_col].start] ;
2915 	    DEBUG3 (("Pivotal row is "ID"\n", pivot_row)) ;
2916 	}
2917 	else
2918 	{
2919 	    /* there is no pivot row, since it is of zero length */
2920 	    pivot_row = EMPTY ;
2921 	    ASSERT (pivot_row_length == 0) ;
2922 	}
2923 	ASSERT (Col [pivot_col].length > 0 || pivot_row_length == 0) ;
2925 	/* === Approximate degree computation =============================== */
2927 	/* Here begins the computation of the approximate degree.  The column */
2928 	/* score is the sum of the pivot row "length", plus the size of the */
2929 	/* set differences of each row in the column minus the pattern of the */
2930 	/* pivot row itself.  The column ("thickness") itself is also */
2931 	/* excluded from the column score (we thus use an approximate */
2932 	/* external degree). */
2934 	/* The time taken by the following code (compute set differences, and */
2935 	/* add them up) is proportional to the size of the data structure */
2936 	/* being scanned - that is, the sum of the sizes of each column in */
2937 	/* the pivot row.  Thus, the amortized time to compute a column score */
2938 	/* is proportional to the size of that column (where size, in this */
2939 	/* context, is the column "length", or the number of row indices */
2940 	/* in that column).  The number of row indices in a column is */
2941 	/* monotonically non-decreasing, from the length of the original */
2942 	/* column on input to colamd. */
2944 	/* === Compute set differences ====================================== */
2946 	DEBUG3 (("** Computing set differences phase. **\n")) ;
2948 	/* pivot row is currently dead - it will be revived later. */
2950 	DEBUG3 (("Pivot row: ")) ;
2951 	/* for each column in pivot row */
2952 	rp = &A [pivot_row_start] ;
2953 	rp_end = rp + pivot_row_length ;
2954 	while (rp < rp_end)
2955 	{
2956 	    col = *rp++ ;
2957 	    ASSERT (COL_IS_ALIVE (col) && col != pivot_col) ;
2958 	    DEBUG3 (("Col: "ID"\n", col)) ;
2960 	    /* clear tags used to construct pivot row pattern */
2961 	    col_thickness = -Col [col].shared1.thickness ;
2962 	    ASSERT (col_thickness > 0) ;
2963 	    Col [col].shared1.thickness = col_thickness ;
2965 	    /* === Remove column from degree list =========================== */
2967 	    /* only columns in current_set will be in degree list */
2968 	    if (CMEMBER (col) == current_set)
2969 	    {
2970 #ifndef NDEBUG
2971 		cols_thickness += col_thickness ;
2972 #endif
2973 		cur_score = Col [col].shared2.score ;
2974 		prev_col = Col [col].shared3.prev ;
2975 		next_col = Col [col].shared4.degree_next ;
2976 		DEBUG3 (("        cur_score "ID" prev_col "ID" next_col "ID"\n",
2977 			cur_score, prev_col, next_col)) ;
2978 		ASSERT (cur_score >= 0) ;
2979 		ASSERT (cur_score <= n_col) ;
2980 		ASSERT (cur_score >= EMPTY) ;
2981 		if (prev_col == EMPTY)
2982 		{
2983 		    head [cur_score] = next_col ;
2984 		}
2985 		else
2986 		{
2987 		    Col [prev_col].shared4.degree_next = next_col ;
2988 		}
2989 		if (next_col != EMPTY)
2990 		{
2991 		    Col [next_col].shared3.prev = prev_col ;
2992 		}
2993 	    }
2995 	    /* === Scan the column ========================================== */
2997 	    cp = &A [Col [col].start] ;
2998 	    cp_end = cp + Col [col].length ;
2999 	    while (cp < cp_end)
3000 	    {
3001 		/* get a row */
3002 		row = *cp++ ;
3003 		row_mark = Row [row].shared2.mark ;
3004 		/* skip if dead */
3005 		if (ROW_IS_MARKED_DEAD (row_mark))
3006 		{
3007 		    continue ;
3008 		}
3009 		ASSERT (row != pivot_row) ;
3010 		set_difference = row_mark - tag_mark ;
3011 		/* check if the row has been seen yet */
3012 		if (set_difference < 0)
3013 		{
3014 		    ASSERT (Row [row].shared1.degree <= max_deg) ;
3015 		    set_difference = Row [row].shared1.degree ;
3016 		}
3017 		/* subtract column thickness from this row's set difference */
3018 		set_difference -= col_thickness ;
3019 		ASSERT (set_difference >= 0) ;
3020 		/* absorb this row if the set difference becomes zero */
3021 		if (set_difference == 0 && aggressive)
3022 		{
3023 		    DEBUG3 (("aggressive absorption. Row: "ID"\n", row)) ;
3025                     if (Row [row].front != EMPTY)
3026                     {
3027                         /* Row [row].front is a child of current front. */
3028                         child = Row [row].front ;
3029                         Front_parent [child] = nfr ;
3030                         DEBUG1 (("Front "ID" => front "ID", aggressive\n",
3031                                     child, nfr)) ;
3032                     }
3033                     else
3034                     {
3035                         /* this is an original row.  Keep track of which front
3036                          * assembles it, for the row-merge tree */
3037                         InFront [row] = nfr ;
3038                         DEBUG1 (("Row "ID" => front "ID", aggressive\n",
3039                                     row, nfr)) ;
3040                     }
3042                     KILL_ROW (row) ;
3044                     /* sum the thicknesses of all the rows */
3045                     pivot_row_thickness += Row [row].thickness ;
3046                     Row [row].thickness = 0 ;
3047 		}
3048 		else
3049 		{
3050 		    /* save the new mark */
3051 		    Row [row].shared2.mark = set_difference + tag_mark ;
3052 		}
3053 	    }
3054 	}
3056 #ifndef NDEBUG
3057 	debug_deg_lists (n_row, n_col, Row, Col, head, min_score,
3058 	cset_start [current_set+1]-(k+deadcol)-(cols_thickness),
3059 		max_deg) ;
3060 	cols_thickness = 0 ;
3061 #endif
3063 	/* === Add up set differences for each column ======================= */
3065 	DEBUG3 (("** Adding set differences phase. **\n")) ;
3067 	/* for each column in pivot row */
3068 	rp = &A [pivot_row_start] ;
3069 	rp_end = rp + pivot_row_length ;
3070 	while (rp < rp_end)
3071 	{
3072 	    /* get a column */
3073 	    col = *rp++ ;
3074 	    ASSERT (COL_IS_ALIVE (col) && col != pivot_col) ;
3075 	    hash = 0 ;
3076 	    cur_score = 0 ;
3077 	    cp = &A [Col [col].start] ;
3078 	    /* compact the column */
3079 	    new_cp = cp ;
3080 	    cp_end = cp + Col [col].length ;
3082 	    DEBUG4 (("Adding set diffs for Col: "ID".\n", col)) ;
3084 	    while (cp < cp_end)
3085 	    {
3086 		/* get a row */
3087 		row = *cp++ ;
3088 		ASSERT (row >= 0 && row < n_row) ;
3089 		row_mark = Row [row].shared2.mark ;
3090 		/* skip if dead */
3091 		if (ROW_IS_MARKED_DEAD (row_mark))
3092 		{
3093 		    DEBUG4 ((" Row "ID", dead\n", row)) ;
3094 		    continue ;
3095 		}
3096 		DEBUG4 ((" Row "ID", set diff "ID"\n", row, row_mark-tag_mark));
3097                 ASSERT (row_mark >= tag_mark) ;
3098 		/* compact the column */
3099 		*new_cp++ = row ;
3100 		/* compute hash function */
3101 		hash += row ;
3102 		/* add set difference */
3103 		cur_score += row_mark - tag_mark ;
3104 		/* integer overflow... */
3105 		cur_score = MIN (cur_score, n_col) ;
3106 	    }
3108 	    /* recompute the column's length */
3109 	    Col [col].length = (Int) (new_cp - &A [Col [col].start]) ;
3111 	    /* === Further mass elimination ================================= */
3113 	    if (Col [col].length == 0 && CMEMBER (col) == current_set)
3114 	    {
3115 		DEBUG4 (("further mass elimination. Col: "ID"\n", col)) ;
3116 		/* nothing left but the pivot row in this column */
3117 		KILL_PRINCIPAL_COL (col) ;
3118 		pivot_row_degree -= Col [col].shared1.thickness ;
3119 		ASSERT (pivot_row_degree >= 0) ;
3120 		/* order it */
3121 		Col [col].shared2.order = k ;
3122 		/* increment order count by column thickness */
3123 		k += Col [col].shared1.thickness ;
3124                 pivot_col_thickness += Col [col].shared1.thickness ;
3125                 /* add to column list of front */
3126 #ifndef NDEBUG
3127                 DEBUG1 (("Mass")) ;
3128                 dump_super (col, Col, n_col) ;
3129 #endif
3130                 Col [Col [col].lastcol].nextcol = Front_cols [nfr] ;
3131                 Front_cols [nfr] = col ;
3132 	    }
3133 	    else
3134 	    {
3135 		/* === Prepare for supercolumn detection ==================== */
3137 		DEBUG4 (("Preparing supercol detection for Col: "ID".\n", col));
3139 		/* save score so far */
3140 		Col [col].shared2.score = cur_score ;
3142 		/* add column to hash table, for supercolumn detection */
3143 		hash %= n_col + 1 ;
3145 		DEBUG4 ((" Hash = "ID", n_col = "ID".\n", hash, n_col)) ;
3146 		ASSERT (((Int) hash) <= n_col) ;
3148 		head_column = head [hash] ;
3149 		if (head_column > EMPTY)
3150 		{
3151 		    /* degree list "hash" is non-empty, use prev (shared3) of */
3152 		    /* first column in degree list as head of hash bucket */
3153 		    first_col = Col [head_column].shared3.headhash ;
3154 		    Col [head_column].shared3.headhash = col ;
3155 		}
3156 		else
3157 		{
3158 		    /* degree list "hash" is empty, use head as hash bucket */
3159 		    first_col = - (head_column + 2) ;
3160 		    head [hash] = - (col + 2) ;
3161 		}
3162 		Col [col].shared4.hash_next = first_col ;
3164 		/* save hash function in Col [col].shared3.hash */
3165 		Col [col].shared3.hash = (Int) hash ;
3166 		ASSERT (COL_IS_ALIVE (col)) ;
3167 	    }
3168 	}
3170 	/* The approximate external column degree is now computed.  */
3172 	/* === Supercolumn detection ======================================== */
3174 	DEBUG3 (("** Supercolumn detection phase. **\n")) ;
3176 	detect_super_cols (
3177 #ifndef NDEBUG
3178 		n_col, Row,
3179 #endif
3180 		Col, A, head, pivot_row_start, pivot_row_length, cmember) ;
3182 	/* === Kill the pivotal column ====================================== */
3184 	DEBUG1 ((" KILLING column detect supercols "ID" \n", pivot_col)) ;
3185 	KILL_PRINCIPAL_COL (pivot_col) ;
3187 	/* add columns to column list of front */
3188 #ifndef NDEBUG
3189 	DEBUG1 (("Pivot")) ;
3190 	dump_super (pivot_col, Col, n_col) ;
3191 #endif
3192 	Col [Col [pivot_col].lastcol].nextcol = Front_cols [nfr] ;
3193 	Front_cols [nfr] = pivot_col ;
3195 	/* === Clear mark =================================================== */
3197 	tag_mark = clear_mark (tag_mark+max_deg+1, max_mark, n_row, Row) ;
3199 #ifndef NDEBUG
3200 	DEBUG3 (("check3\n")) ;
3201 	debug_mark (n_row, Row, tag_mark, max_mark) ;
3202 #endif
3204 	/* === Finalize the new pivot row, and column scores ================ */
3206 	DEBUG3 (("** Finalize scores phase. **\n")) ;
3208 	/* for each column in pivot row */
3209 	rp = &A [pivot_row_start] ;
3210 	/* compact the pivot row */
3211 	new_rp = rp ;
3212 	rp_end = rp + pivot_row_length ;
3213 	while (rp < rp_end)
3214 	{
3215 	    col = *rp++ ;
3216 	    /* skip dead columns */
3217 	    if (COL_IS_DEAD (col))
3218 	    {
3219 		continue ;
3220 	    }
3221 	    *new_rp++ = col ;
3222 	    /* add new pivot row to column */
3223 	    A [Col [col].start + (Col [col].length++)] = pivot_row ;
3225 	    /* retrieve score so far and add on pivot row's degree. */
3226 	    /* (we wait until here for this in case the pivot */
3227 	    /* row's degree was reduced due to mass elimination). */
3228 	    cur_score = Col [col].shared2.score + pivot_row_degree ;
3230 	    /* calculate the max possible score as the number of */
3231 	    /* external columns minus the 'k' value minus the */
3232 	    /* columns thickness */
3233 	    max_score = n_col - k - Col [col].shared1.thickness ;
3235 	    /* make the score the external degree of the union-of-rows */
3236 	    cur_score -= Col [col].shared1.thickness ;
3238 	    /* make sure score is less or equal than the max score */
3239 	    cur_score = MIN (cur_score, max_score) ;
3240 	    ASSERT (cur_score >= 0) ;
3242 	    /* store updated score */
3243 	    Col [col].shared2.score = cur_score ;
3245 	    /* === Place column back in degree list ========================= */
3247 	    if (CMEMBER (col) == current_set)
3248 	    {
3249 		ASSERT (min_score >= 0) ;
3250 		ASSERT (min_score <= n_col) ;
3251 		ASSERT (cur_score >= 0) ;
3252 		ASSERT (cur_score <= n_col) ;
3253 		ASSERT (head [cur_score] >= EMPTY) ;
3254 		next_col = head [cur_score] ;
3255 		Col [col].shared4.degree_next = next_col ;
3256 		Col [col].shared3.prev = EMPTY ;
3257 		if (next_col != EMPTY)
3258 		{
3259 		    Col [next_col].shared3.prev = col ;
3260 		}
3261 		head [cur_score] = col ;
3262 		/* see if this score is less than current min */
3263 		min_score = MIN (min_score, cur_score) ;
3264 	    }
3265 	    else
3266 	    {
3267 		Col [col].shared4.degree_next = EMPTY ;
3268 		Col [col].shared3.prev = EMPTY ;
3269 	    }
3270 	}
3272 #ifndef NDEBUG
3273 	debug_deg_lists (n_row, n_col, Row, Col, head,
3274 		min_score, cset_start [current_set+1]-(k+deadcol), max_deg) ;
3275 #endif
3277 	/* frontal matrix can have more pivot cols than pivot rows for */
3278 	/* singular matrices. */
3280 	/* number of candidate pivot columns */
3281 	Front_npivcol [nfr] = pivot_col_thickness ;
3283 	/* all rows (not just size of contrib. block) */
3284 	Front_nrows [nfr] = pivot_row_thickness ;
3286 	/* all cols */
3287 	Front_ncols [nfr] = pivot_col_thickness + pivot_row_degree ;
3289 	Front_parent [nfr] = EMPTY ;
3291 	pivot_row_thickness -= pivot_col_thickness ;
3292 	DEBUG1 (("Front "ID" Pivot_row_thickness after pivot cols elim: "ID"\n",
3293 	     nfr, pivot_row_thickness)) ;
3294 	pivot_row_thickness = MAX (0, pivot_row_thickness) ;
3296 	/* === Resurrect the new pivot row ================================== */
3298 	if ((pivot_row_degree > 0 && pivot_row_thickness > 0 && (order_for_lu))
3299 	   || (pivot_row_degree > 0 && (!order_for_lu)))
3300 	{
3301 	    /* update pivot row length to reflect any cols that were killed */
3302 	    /* during super-col detection and mass elimination */
3303 	    Row [pivot_row].start  = pivot_row_start ;
3304 	    Row [pivot_row].length = (Int) (new_rp - &A[pivot_row_start]) ;
3305 	    Row [pivot_row].shared1.degree = pivot_row_degree ;
3306 	    Row [pivot_row].shared2.mark = 0 ;
3307 	    Row [pivot_row].thickness = pivot_row_thickness ;
3308 	    Row [pivot_row].front = nfr ;
3309 	    /* pivot row is no longer dead */
3310 	    DEBUG1 (("Resurrect Pivot_row "ID" deg: "ID"\n",
3311 			pivot_row, pivot_row_degree)) ;
3312 	}
3314 #ifndef NDEBUG
3315 	DEBUG1 (("Front "ID" : "ID" "ID" "ID" ", nfr,
3316 		 Front_npivcol [nfr], Front_nrows [nfr], Front_ncols [nfr])) ;
3317 	DEBUG1 ((" cols:[ ")) ;
3318 	debug_d = 0 ;
3319 	for (col = Front_cols [nfr] ; col != EMPTY ; col = Col [col].nextcol)
3320 	{
3321 		DEBUG1 ((" "ID, col)) ;
3322 		ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
3323 		ASSERT (COL_IS_DEAD (col)) ;
3324 		debug_d++ ;
3325 		ASSERT (debug_d <= pivot_col_thickness) ;
3326 	}
3327 	ASSERT (debug_d == pivot_col_thickness) ;
3328 	DEBUG1 ((" ]\n ")) ;
3329 #endif
3330 	 nfr++ ; /* one more front */
3331     }
3333     /* === All principal columns have now been ordered ====================== */
3335     *p_nfr = nfr ;
3336     return (ngarbage) ;
3337 }
3340 /* ========================================================================== */
3341 /* === detect_super_cols ==================================================== */
3342 /* ========================================================================== */
3344 /*
3345  *  Detects supercolumns by finding matches between columns in the hash buckets.
3346  *  Check amongst columns in the set A [row_start ... row_start + row_length-1].
3347  *  The columns under consideration are currently *not* in the degree lists,
3348  *  and have already been placed in the hash buckets.
3349  *
3350  *  The hash bucket for columns whose hash function is equal to h is stored
3351  *  as follows:
3352  *
3353  *	if head [h] is >= 0, then head [h] contains a degree list, so:
3354  *
3355  *		head [h] is the first column in degree bucket h.
3356  *		Col [head [h]].headhash gives the first column in hash bucket h.
3357  *
3358  *	otherwise, the degree list is empty, and:
3359  *
3360  *		-(head [h] + 2) is the first column in hash bucket h.
3361  *
3362  *  For a column c in a hash bucket, Col [c].shared3.prev is NOT a "previous
3363  *  column" pointer.  Col [c].shared3.hash is used instead as the hash number
3364  *  for that column.  The value of Col [c].shared4.hash_next is the next column
3365  *  in the same hash bucket.
3366  *
3367  *  Assuming no, or "few" hash collisions, the time taken by this routine is
3368  *  linear in the sum of the sizes (lengths) of each column whose score has
3369  *  just been computed in the approximate degree computation.
3370  *  Not user-callable.
3371  */
detect_super_cols(Int n_col,CColamd_Row Row[],CColamd_Col Col[],Int A[],Int head[],Int row_start,Int row_length,Int cmember[])3373 PRIVATE void detect_super_cols
3374 (
3375     /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
3377 #ifndef NDEBUG
3378     /* these two parameters are only needed when debugging is enabled: */
3379     Int n_col,			/* number of columns of A */
3380     CColamd_Row Row [ ],	/* of size n_row+1 */
3381 #endif
3383     CColamd_Col Col [ ],	/* of size n_col+1 */
3384     Int A [ ],			/* row indices of A */
3385     Int head [ ],		/* head of degree lists and hash buckets */
3386     Int row_start,		/* pointer to set of columns to check */
3387     Int row_length,		/* number of columns to check */
3388     Int cmember [ ]		/* col -> cset mapping */
3389 )
3390 {
3391     /* === Local variables ================================================== */
3393     Int hash ;			/* hash value for a column */
3394     Int *rp ;			/* pointer to a row */
3395     Int c ;			/* a column index */
3396     Int super_c ;		/* column index of the column to absorb into */
3397     Int *cp1 ;			/* column pointer for column super_c */
3398     Int *cp2 ;			/* column pointer for column c */
3399     Int length ;		/* length of column super_c */
3400     Int prev_c ;		/* column preceding c in hash bucket */
3401     Int i ;			/* loop counter */
3402     Int *rp_end ;		/* pointer to the end of the row */
3403     Int col ;			/* a column index in the row to check */
3404     Int head_column ;		/* first column in hash bucket or degree list */
3405     Int first_col ;		/* first column in hash bucket */
3407     /* === Consider each column in the row ================================== */
3409     rp = &A [row_start] ;
3410     rp_end = rp + row_length ;
3411     while (rp < rp_end)
3412     {
3413 	col = *rp++ ;
3414 	if (COL_IS_DEAD (col))
3415 	{
3416 	    continue ;
3417 	}
3419 	/* get hash number for this column */
3420 	hash = Col [col].shared3.hash ;
3421 	ASSERT (hash <= n_col) ;
3423 	/* === Get the first column in this hash bucket ===================== */
3425 	head_column = head [hash] ;
3426 	if (head_column > EMPTY)
3427 	{
3428 	    first_col = Col [head_column].shared3.headhash ;
3429 	}
3430 	else
3431 	{
3432 	    first_col = - (head_column + 2) ;
3433 	}
3435 	/* === Consider each column in the hash bucket ====================== */
3437 	for (super_c = first_col ; super_c != EMPTY ;
3438 	    super_c = Col [super_c].shared4.hash_next)
3439 	{
3440 	    ASSERT (COL_IS_ALIVE (super_c)) ;
3441 	    ASSERT (Col [super_c].shared3.hash == hash) ;
3442 	    length = Col [super_c].length ;
3444 	    /* prev_c is the column preceding column c in the hash bucket */
3445 	    prev_c = super_c ;
3447 	    /* === Compare super_c with all columns after it ================ */
3449 	    for (c = Col [super_c].shared4.hash_next ;
3450 		 c != EMPTY ; c = Col [c].shared4.hash_next)
3451 	    {
3452 		ASSERT (c != super_c) ;
3453 		ASSERT (COL_IS_ALIVE (c)) ;
3454 		ASSERT (Col [c].shared3.hash == hash) ;
3456 		/* not identical if lengths or scores are different, */
3457 		/* or if in different constraint sets */
3458 		if (Col [c].length != length ||
3459 		    Col [c].shared2.score != Col [super_c].shared2.score
3460 		    || CMEMBER (c) != CMEMBER (super_c))
3461 		{
3462 		    prev_c = c ;
3463 		    continue ;
3464 		}
3466 		/* compare the two columns */
3467 		cp1 = &A [Col [super_c].start] ;
3468 		cp2 = &A [Col [c].start] ;
3470 		for (i = 0 ; i < length ; i++)
3471 		{
3472 		    /* the columns are "clean" (no dead rows) */
3473 		    ASSERT (ROW_IS_ALIVE (*cp1)) ;
3474 		    ASSERT (ROW_IS_ALIVE (*cp2)) ;
3475 		    /* row indices will same order for both supercols, */
3476 		    /* no gather scatter nessasary */
3477 		    if (*cp1++ != *cp2++)
3478 		    {
3479 			break ;
3480 		    }
3481 		}
3483 		/* the two columns are different if the for-loop "broke" */
3484 	        /* super columns should belong to the same constraint set */
3485 		if (i != length)
3486 		{
3487 		    prev_c = c ;
3488 		    continue ;
3489 		}
3491 		/* === Got it!  two columns are identical =================== */
3493 		ASSERT (Col [c].shared2.score == Col [super_c].shared2.score) ;
3495 		Col [super_c].shared1.thickness += Col [c].shared1.thickness ;
3496 		Col [c].shared1.parent = super_c ;
3498 		/* order c later, in order_children() */
3499 		Col [c].shared2.order = EMPTY ;
3500 		/* remove c from hash bucket */
3501 		Col [prev_c].shared4.hash_next = Col [c].shared4.hash_next ;
3503 		/* add c to end of list of super_c */
3504 		ASSERT (Col [super_c].lastcol >= 0) ;
3505 		ASSERT (Col [super_c].lastcol < n_col) ;
3506 		Col [Col [super_c].lastcol].nextcol = c ;
3507 		Col [super_c].lastcol = Col [c].lastcol ;
3508 #ifndef NDEBUG
3509 		/* dump the supercolumn */
3510 		DEBUG1 (("Super")) ;
3511 		dump_super (super_c, Col, n_col) ;
3512 #endif
3513 	    }
3514 	}
3516 	/* === Empty this hash bucket ======================================= */
3518 	if (head_column > EMPTY)
3519 	{
3520 	    /* corresponding degree list "hash" is not empty */
3521 	    Col [head_column].shared3.headhash = EMPTY ;
3522 	}
3523 	else
3524 	{
3525 	    /* corresponding degree list "hash" is empty */
3526 	    head [hash] = EMPTY ;
3527 	}
3528     }
3529 }
3532 /* ========================================================================== */
3533 /* === garbage_collection =================================================== */
3534 /* ========================================================================== */
3536 /*
3537  *  Defragments and compacts columns and rows in the workspace A.  Used when
3538  *  all avaliable memory has been used while performing row merging.  Returns
3539  *  the index of the first free position in A, after garbage collection.  The
3540  *  time taken by this routine is linear is the size of the array A, which is
3541  *  itself linear in the number of nonzeros in the input matrix.
3542  *  Not user-callable.
3543  */
garbage_collection(Int n_row,Int n_col,CColamd_Row Row[],CColamd_Col Col[],Int A[],Int * pfree)3545 PRIVATE Int garbage_collection  /* returns the new value of pfree */
3546 (
3547     /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
3549     Int n_row,			/* number of rows */
3550     Int n_col,			/* number of columns */
3551     CColamd_Row Row [ ],	/* row info */
3552     CColamd_Col Col [ ],	/* column info */
3553     Int A [ ],			/* A [0 ... Alen-1] holds the matrix */
3554     Int *pfree			/* &A [0] ... pfree is in use */
3555 )
3556 {
3557     /* === Local variables ================================================== */
3559     Int *psrc ;			/* source pointer */
3560     Int *pdest ;		/* destination pointer */
3561     Int j ;			/* counter */
3562     Int r ;			/* a row index */
3563     Int c ;			/* a column index */
3564     Int length ;		/* length of a row or column */
3566 #ifndef NDEBUG
3567     Int debug_rows ;
3568     DEBUG2 (("Defrag..\n")) ;
3569     for (psrc = &A[0] ; psrc < pfree ; psrc++) ASSERT (*psrc >= 0) ;
3570     debug_rows = 0 ;
3571 #endif
3573     /* === Defragment the columns =========================================== */
3575     pdest = &A[0] ;
3576     for (c = 0 ; c < n_col ; c++)
3577     {
3578 	if (COL_IS_ALIVE (c))
3579 	{
3580 	    psrc = &A [Col [c].start] ;
3582 	    /* move and compact the column */
3583 	    ASSERT (pdest <= psrc) ;
3584 	    Col [c].start = (Int) (pdest - &A [0]) ;
3585 	    length = Col [c].length ;
3586 	    for (j = 0 ; j < length ; j++)
3587 	    {
3588 		r = *psrc++ ;
3589 		if (ROW_IS_ALIVE (r))
3590 		{
3591 		    *pdest++ = r ;
3592 		}
3593 	    }
3594 	    Col [c].length = (Int) (pdest - &A [Col [c].start]) ;
3595 	}
3596     }
3598     /* === Prepare to defragment the rows =================================== */
3600     for (r = 0 ; r < n_row ; r++)
3601     {
3602 	if (ROW_IS_DEAD (r) || (Row [r].length == 0))
3603 	{
3604 	    /* This row is already dead, or is of zero length.  Cannot compact
3605 	     * a row of zero length, so kill it.  NOTE: in the current version,
3606 	     * there are no zero-length live rows.  Kill the row (for the first
3607 	     * time, or again) just to be safe. */
3608 	    KILL_ROW (r) ;
3609 	}
3610 	else
3611 	{
3612 	    /* save first column index in Row [r].shared2.first_column */
3613 	    psrc = &A [Row [r].start] ;
3614 	    Row [r].shared2.first_column = *psrc ;
3615 	    ASSERT (ROW_IS_ALIVE (r)) ;
3616 	    /* flag the start of the row with the one's complement of row */
3617 	    *psrc = ONES_COMPLEMENT (r) ;
3618 #ifndef NDEBUG
3619 	    debug_rows++ ;
3620 #endif
3621 	}
3622     }
3624     /* === Defragment the rows ============================================== */
3626     psrc = pdest ;
3627     while (psrc < pfree)
3628     {
3629 	/* find a negative number ... the start of a row */
3630 	if (*psrc++ < 0)
3631 	{
3632 	    psrc-- ;
3633 	    /* get the row index */
3634 	    r = ONES_COMPLEMENT (*psrc) ;
3635 	    ASSERT (r >= 0 && r < n_row) ;
3636 	    /* restore first column index */
3637 	    *psrc = Row [r].shared2.first_column ;
3638 	    ASSERT (ROW_IS_ALIVE (r)) ;
3640 	    /* move and compact the row */
3641 	    ASSERT (pdest <= psrc) ;
3642 	    Row [r].start = (Int) (pdest - &A [0]) ;
3643 	    length = Row [r].length ;
3644 	    for (j = 0 ; j < length ; j++)
3645 	    {
3646 		c = *psrc++ ;
3647 		if (COL_IS_ALIVE (c))
3648 		{
3649 		    *pdest++ = c ;
3650 		}
3651 	    }
3652 	    Row [r].length = (Int) (pdest - &A [Row [r].start]) ;
3653 #ifndef NDEBUG
3654 	    debug_rows-- ;
3655 #endif
3656 	}
3657     }
3659     /* ensure we found all the rows */
3660     ASSERT (debug_rows == 0) ;
3662     /* === Return the new value of pfree ==================================== */
3664     return ((Int) (pdest - &A [0])) ;
3665 }
3668 /* ========================================================================== */
3669 /* === clear_mark =========================================================== */
3670 /* ========================================================================== */
3672 /*
3673  *  Clears the Row [ ].shared2.mark array, and returns the new tag_mark.
3674  *  Return value is the new tag_mark.  Not user-callable.
3675  */
clear_mark(Int tag_mark,Int max_mark,Int n_row,CColamd_Row Row[])3677 PRIVATE Int clear_mark	/* return the new value for tag_mark */
3678 (
3679     /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
3681     Int tag_mark,	/* new value of tag_mark */
3682     Int max_mark,	/* max allowed value of tag_mark */
3684     Int n_row,		/* number of rows in A */
3685     CColamd_Row Row [ ]	/* Row [0 ... n_row-1].shared2.mark is set to zero */
3686 )
3687 {
3688     /* === Local variables ================================================== */
3690     Int r ;
3692     if (tag_mark <= 0 || tag_mark >= max_mark)
3693     {
3694 	for (r = 0 ; r < n_row ; r++)
3695 	{
3696 	    if (ROW_IS_ALIVE (r))
3697 	    {
3698 		Row [r].shared2.mark = 0 ;
3699 	    }
3700 	}
3701 	tag_mark = 1 ;
3702     }
3704     return (tag_mark) ;
3705 }
3708 /* ========================================================================== */
3709 /* === print_report ========================================================= */
3710 /* ========================================================================== */
3712 /* No printing occurs if NPRINT is defined at compile time. */
print_report(char * method,Int stats[CCOLAMD_STATS])3714 PRIVATE void print_report
3715 (
3716     char *method,
3717     Int stats [CCOLAMD_STATS]
3718 )
3719 {
3721     Int i1, i2, i3 ;
3723     SUITESPARSE_PRINTF (("\n%s version %d.%d, %s: ", method,
3726     if (!stats)
3727     {
3728     	SUITESPARSE_PRINTF (("No statistics available.\n")) ;
3729 	return ;
3730     }
3732     i1 = stats [CCOLAMD_INFO1] ;
3733     i2 = stats [CCOLAMD_INFO2] ;
3734     i3 = stats [CCOLAMD_INFO3] ;
3736     if (stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS] >= 0)
3737     {
3738     	SUITESPARSE_PRINTF(("OK.  ")) ;
3739     }
3740     else
3741     {
3742     	SUITESPARSE_PRINTF(("ERROR.  ")) ;
3743     }
3745     switch (stats [CCOLAMD_STATUS])
3746     {
3750             SUITESPARSE_PRINTF((
3751                     "Matrix has unsorted or duplicate row indices.\n")) ;
3753             SUITESPARSE_PRINTF((
3754                     "%s: duplicate or out-of-order row indices:    "ID"\n",
3755                     method, i3)) ;
3757             SUITESPARSE_PRINTF((
3758                     "%s: last seen duplicate or out-of-order row:  "ID"\n",
3759                     method, INDEX (i2))) ;
3761             SUITESPARSE_PRINTF((
3762                     "%s: last seen in column:                      "ID"",
3763                     method, INDEX (i1))) ;
3765 	    /* no break - fall through to next case instead */
3767 	case CCOLAMD_OK:
3769             SUITESPARSE_PRINTF(("\n")) ;
3771             SUITESPARSE_PRINTF((
3772                     "%s: number of dense or empty rows ignored:    "ID"\n",
3773                     method, stats [CCOLAMD_DENSE_ROW])) ;
3775             SUITESPARSE_PRINTF((
3776                     "%s: number of dense or empty columns ignored: "ID"\n",
3777                     method, stats [CCOLAMD_DENSE_COL])) ;
3779             SUITESPARSE_PRINTF((
3780                     "%s: number of garbage collections performed:  "ID"\n",
3781                     method, stats [CCOLAMD_DEFRAG_COUNT])) ;
3782 	    break ;
3784 	case CCOLAMD_ERROR_A_not_present:
3786             SUITESPARSE_PRINTF((
3787                     "Array A (row indices of matrix) not present.\n")) ;
3788 	    break ;
3790 	case CCOLAMD_ERROR_p_not_present:
3792             SUITESPARSE_PRINTF((
3793                     "Array p (column pointers for matrix) not present.\n")) ;
3794 	    break ;
3796 	case CCOLAMD_ERROR_nrow_negative:
3798             SUITESPARSE_PRINTF(("Invalid number of rows ("ID").\n", i1)) ;
3799 	    break ;
3801 	case CCOLAMD_ERROR_ncol_negative:
3803             SUITESPARSE_PRINTF(("Invalid number of columns ("ID").\n", i1)) ;
3804 	    break ;
3806 	case CCOLAMD_ERROR_nnz_negative:
3808             SUITESPARSE_PRINTF((
3809                     "Invalid number of nonzero entries ("ID").\n", i1)) ;
3810 	    break ;
3812 	case CCOLAMD_ERROR_p0_nonzero:
3814             SUITESPARSE_PRINTF((
3815                     "Invalid column pointer, p [0] = "ID", must be 0.\n", i1)) ;
3816 	    break ;
3818 	case CCOLAMD_ERROR_A_too_small:
3820             SUITESPARSE_PRINTF(("Array A too small.\n")) ;
3821             SUITESPARSE_PRINTF((
3822                     "        Need Alen >= "ID", but given only Alen = "ID".\n",
3823                     i1, i2)) ;
3824 	    break ;
3826 	case CCOLAMD_ERROR_col_length_negative:
3828             SUITESPARSE_PRINTF((
3829                     "Column "ID" has a negative number of entries ("ID").\n",
3830                     INDEX (i1), i2)) ;
3831 	    break ;
3833 	case CCOLAMD_ERROR_row_index_out_of_bounds:
3835             SUITESPARSE_PRINTF((
3836                     "Row index (row "ID") out of bounds ("ID" to "ID") in"
3837                     "column "ID".\n", INDEX (i2), INDEX (0), INDEX (i3-1),
3838                     INDEX (i1))) ;
3839 	    break ;
3841 	case CCOLAMD_ERROR_out_of_memory:
3843             SUITESPARSE_PRINTF(("Out of memory.\n")) ;
3844 	    break ;
3846 	case CCOLAMD_ERROR_invalid_cmember:
3848             SUITESPARSE_PRINTF(("cmember invalid\n")) ;
3849 	    break ;
3850     }
3851 }
3854 /* ========================================================================= */
3855 /* === "Expert" routines =================================================== */
3856 /* ========================================================================= */
3858 /* The following routines are visible outside this routine, but are not meant
3859  * to be called by the user.  They are meant for a future version of UMFPACK,
3860  * to replace UMFPACK internal routines with a similar name.
3861  */
3864 /* ========================================================================== */
3865 /* === CCOLAMD_apply_order ================================================== */
3866 /* ========================================================================== */
3868 /*
3869  * Apply post-ordering of supernodal elimination tree.
3870  */
CCOLAMD_apply_order(Int Front[],const Int Order[],Int Temp[],Int nn,Int nfr)3872 GLOBAL void CCOLAMD_apply_order
3873 (
3874     Int Front [ ],	    /* of size nn on input, size nfr on output */
3875     const Int Order [ ],    /* Order [i] = k, i in the range 0..nn-1,
3876 			     * and k in the range 0..nfr-1, means that node
3877 			     * i is the kth node in the postordered tree. */
3878     Int Temp [ ],	    /* workspace of size nfr */
3879     Int nn,		    /* nodes are numbered in the range 0..nn-1 */
3880     Int nfr		    /* the number of nodes actually in use */
3881 )
3882 {
3883     Int i, k ;
3884     for (i = 0 ; i < nn ; i++)
3885     {
3886 	k = Order [i] ;
3887 	ASSERT (k >= EMPTY && k < nfr) ;
3888 	if (k != EMPTY)
3889 	{
3890 	    Temp [k] = Front [i] ;
3891 	}
3892     }
3894     for (k = 0 ; k < nfr ; k++)
3895     {
3896 	Front [k] = Temp [k] ;
3897     }
3898 }
3901 /* ========================================================================== */
3902 /* === CCOLAMD_fsize ======================================================== */
3903 /* ========================================================================== */
3905 /* Determine the largest frontal matrix size for each subtree.
3906  * Only required to sort the children of each
3907  * node prior to postordering the column elimination tree. */
CCOLAMD_fsize(Int nn,Int Fsize[],Int Fnrows[],Int Fncols[],Int Parent[],Int Npiv[])3909 GLOBAL void CCOLAMD_fsize
3910 (
3911     Int nn,
3912     Int Fsize [ ],
3913     Int Fnrows [ ],
3914     Int Fncols [ ],
3915     Int Parent [ ],
3916     Int Npiv [ ]
3917 )
3918 {
3919     double dr, dc ;
3920     Int j, parent, frsize, r, c ;
3922     for (j = 0 ; j < nn ; j++)
3923     {
3924 	Fsize [j] = EMPTY ;
3925     }
3927     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3928     /* find max front size for tree rooted at node j, for each front j */
3929     /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3931     DEBUG1 (("\n\n========================================FRONTS:\n")) ;
3932     for (j = 0 ; j < nn ; j++)
3933     {
3934 	if (Npiv [j] > 0)
3935 	{
3936 	    /* this is a frontal matrix */
3937 	    parent = Parent [j] ;
3938 	    r = Fnrows [j] ;
3939 	    c = Fncols [j] ;
3940 	    /* avoid integer overflow */
3941 	    dr = (double) r ;
3942 	    dc = (double) c ;
3943 	    frsize = (INT_OVERFLOW (dr * dc)) ?  Int_MAX : (r * c) ;
3944 	    DEBUG1 ((""ID" : npiv "ID" size "ID" parent "ID" ",
3945 		j, Npiv [j], frsize, parent)) ;
3946 	    Fsize [j] = MAX (Fsize [j], frsize) ;
3947 	    DEBUG1 (("Fsize [j = "ID"] = "ID"\n", j, Fsize [j])) ;
3948 	    if (parent != EMPTY)
3949 	    {
3950 		/* find the maximum frontsize of self and children */
3951 		ASSERT (Npiv [parent] > 0) ;
3952 		ASSERT (parent > j) ;
3953 		Fsize [parent] = MAX (Fsize [parent], Fsize [j]) ;
3954 		DEBUG1 (("Fsize [parent = "ID"] = "ID"\n",
3955 		    parent, Fsize [parent]));
3956 	    }
3957 	}
3958     }
3959     DEBUG1 (("fsize done\n")) ;
3960 }
3963 /* ========================================================================= */
3964 /* === CCOLAMD_postorder =================================================== */
3965 /* ========================================================================= */
3967 /* Perform a postordering (via depth-first search) of an assembly tree. */
CCOLAMD_postorder(Int nn,Int Parent[],Int Nv[],Int Fsize[],Int Order[],Int Child[],Int Sibling[],Int Stack[],Int Front_cols[],Int cmember[])3969 GLOBAL void CCOLAMD_postorder
3970 (
3971     /* inputs, not modified on output: */
3972     Int nn,		/* nodes are in the range 0..nn-1 */
3973     Int Parent [ ],	/* Parent [j] is the parent of j, or EMPTY if root */
3974     Int Nv [ ],		/* Nv [j] > 0 number of pivots represented by node j,
3975 			 * or zero if j is not a node. */
3976     Int Fsize [ ],	/* Fsize [j]: size of node j */
3978     /* output, not defined on input: */
3979     Int Order [ ],	/* output post-order */
3981     /* workspaces of size nn: */
3982     Int Child [ ],
3983     Int Sibling [ ],
3984     Int Stack [ ],
3985     Int Front_cols [ ],
3987     /* input, not modified on output: */
3988     Int cmember [ ]
3989 )
3990 {
3991     Int i, j, k, parent, frsize, f, fprev, maxfrsize, bigfprev, bigf, fnext ;
3993     for (j = 0 ; j < nn ; j++)
3994     {
3995 	Child [j] = EMPTY ;
3996 	Sibling [j] = EMPTY ;
3997     }
3999     /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4000     /* place the children in link lists - bigger elements tend to be last */
4001     /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4003     for (j = nn-1 ; j >= 0 ; j--)
4004     {
4005 	if (Nv [j] > 0)
4006 	{
4007 	    /* this is an element */
4008 	    parent = Parent [j] ;
4009 	    if (parent != EMPTY)
4010 	    {
4011 		/* place the element in link list of the children its parent */
4012 		/* bigger elements will tend to be at the end of the list */
4013 		Sibling [j] = Child [parent] ;
4014 		if (CMEMBER (Front_cols[parent]) == CMEMBER (Front_cols[j]))
4015 		{
4016 		    Child [parent] = j ;
4017 		}
4018 	    }
4019 	}
4020     }
4022 #ifndef NDEBUG
4023     {
4024 	Int nels, ff, nchild ;
4025 	DEBUG1 (("\n\n================================ ccolamd_postorder:\n"));
4026 	nels = 0 ;
4027 	for (j = 0 ; j < nn ; j++)
4028 	{
4029 	    if (Nv [j] > 0)
4030 	    {
4031 		DEBUG1 ((""ID" :  nels "ID" npiv "ID" size "ID
4032 		    " parent "ID" maxfr "ID"\n", j, nels,
4033 		    Nv [j], Fsize [j], Parent [j], Fsize [j])) ;
4034 		/* this is an element */
4035 		/* dump the link list of children */
4036 		nchild = 0 ;
4037 		DEBUG1 (("    Children: ")) ;
4038 		for (ff = Child [j] ; ff != EMPTY ; ff = Sibling [ff])
4039 		{
4040 		    DEBUG1 ((ID" ", ff)) ;
4041 		    nchild++ ;
4042 		    ASSERT (nchild < nn) ;
4043 		}
4044 		DEBUG1 (("\n")) ;
4045 		parent = Parent [j] ;
4046 		nels++ ;
4047 	    }
4048 	}
4049     }
4050 #endif
4052     /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4053     /* place the largest child last in the list of children for each node */
4054     /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4056     for (i = 0 ; i < nn ; i++)
4057     {
4058 	if (Nv [i] > 0 && Child [i] != EMPTY)
4059 	{
4061 #ifndef NDEBUG
4062 	    Int nchild ;
4063 	    DEBUG1 (("Before partial sort, element "ID"\n", i)) ;
4064 	    nchild = 0 ;
4065 	    for (f = Child [i] ; f != EMPTY ; f = Sibling [f])
4066 	    {
4067 		DEBUG1 (("      f: "ID"  size: "ID"\n", f, Fsize [f])) ;
4068 		nchild++ ;
4069 	    }
4070 #endif
4072 	    /* find the biggest element in the child list */
4073 	    fprev = EMPTY ;
4074 	    maxfrsize = EMPTY ;
4075 	    bigfprev = EMPTY ;
4076 	    bigf = EMPTY ;
4077 	    for (f = Child [i] ; f != EMPTY ; f = Sibling [f])
4078 	    {
4079 		frsize = Fsize [f] ;
4080 		if (frsize >= maxfrsize)
4081 		{
4082 		    /* this is the biggest seen so far */
4083 		    maxfrsize = frsize ;
4084 		    bigfprev = fprev ;
4085 		    bigf = f ;
4086 		}
4087 		fprev = f ;
4088 	    }
4090 	    fnext = Sibling [bigf] ;
4092 	    DEBUG1 (("bigf "ID" maxfrsize "ID" bigfprev "ID" fnext "ID
4093 		" fprev " ID"\n", bigf, maxfrsize, bigfprev, fnext, fprev)) ;
4095 	    if (fnext != EMPTY)
4096 	    {
4097 		/* if fnext is EMPTY then bigf is already at the end of list */
4099 		if (bigfprev == EMPTY)
4100 		{
4101 		    /* delete bigf from the element of the list */
4102 		    Child [i] = fnext ;
4103 		}
4104 		else
4105 		{
4106 		    /* delete bigf from the middle of the list */
4107 		    Sibling [bigfprev] = fnext ;
4108 		}
4110 		/* put bigf at the end of the list */
4111 		Sibling [bigf] = EMPTY ;
4112 		Sibling [fprev] = bigf ;
4113 	    }
4115 #ifndef NDEBUG
4116 	    DEBUG1 (("After partial sort, element "ID"\n", i)) ;
4117 	    for (f = Child [i] ; f != EMPTY ; f = Sibling [f])
4118 	    {
4119 		DEBUG1 (("        "ID"  "ID"\n", f, Fsize [f])) ;
4120 		nchild-- ;
4121 	    }
4122 #endif
4123 	}
4124     }
4126     /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4127     /* postorder the assembly tree */
4128     /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4130     for (i = 0 ; i < nn ; i++)
4131     {
4132 	Order [i] = EMPTY ;
4133     }
4135     k = 0 ;
4137     for (i = 0 ; i < nn ; i++)
4138     {
4139 	if ((Parent [i] == EMPTY
4140 	    || (CMEMBER (Front_cols [Parent [i]]) != CMEMBER (Front_cols [i])))
4141 	    && Nv [i] > 0)
4142 	{
4143 	    DEBUG1 (("Root of assembly tree "ID"\n", i)) ;
4144 	    k = CCOLAMD_post_tree (i, k, Child, Sibling, Order, Stack) ;
4145 	}
4146     }
4147 }
4150 /* ========================================================================= */
4151 /* === CCOLAMD_post_tree =================================================== */
4152 /* ========================================================================= */
4154 /* Post-ordering of a supernodal column elimination tree.  */
CCOLAMD_post_tree(Int root,Int k,Int Child[],const Int Sibling[],Int Order[],Int Stack[])4156 GLOBAL Int CCOLAMD_post_tree
4157 (
4158     Int root,			/* root of the tree */
4159     Int k,			/* start numbering at k */
4160     Int Child [ ],		/* input argument of size nn, undefined on
4161 				 * output.  Child [i] is the head of a link
4162 				 * list of all nodes that are children of node
4163 				 * i in the tree. */
4164     const Int Sibling [ ],	/* input argument of size nn, not modified.
4165 				 * If f is a node in the link list of the
4166 				 * children of node i, then Sibling [f] is the
4167 				 * next child of node i.
4168 				 */
4169     Int Order [ ],		/* output order, of size nn.  Order [i] = k
4170 				 * if node i is the kth node of the reordered
4171 				 * tree. */
4172     Int Stack [ ]		/* workspace of size nn */
4173 )
4174 {
4175     Int f, head, h, i ;
4177 #if 0
4178     /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4179     /* recursive version (Stack [ ] is not used): */
4180     /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4182     /* this is simple, but can cause stack overflow if nn is large */
4183     i = root ;
4184     for (f = Child [i] ; f != EMPTY ; f = Sibling [f])
4185     {
4186 	k = CCOLAMD_post_tree (f, k, Child, Sibling, Order, Stack, nn) ;
4187     }
4188     Order [i] = k++ ;
4189     return (k) ;
4190 #endif
4192     /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4193     /* non-recursive version, using an explicit stack */
4194     /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
4196     /* push root on the stack */
4197     head = 0 ;
4198     Stack [0] = root ;
4200     while (head >= 0)
4201     {
4202 	/* get head of stack */
4203 	i = Stack [head] ;
4204 	DEBUG1 (("head of stack "ID" \n", i)) ;
4206 	if (Child [i] != EMPTY)
4207 	{
4208 	    /* the children of i are not yet ordered */
4209 	    /* push each child onto the stack in reverse order */
4210 	    /* so that small ones at the head of the list get popped first */
4211 	    /* and the biggest one at the end of the list gets popped last */
4212 	    for (f = Child [i] ; f != EMPTY ; f = Sibling [f])
4213 	    {
4214 		head++ ;
4215 	    }
4216 	    h = head ;
4217 	    for (f = Child [i] ; f != EMPTY ; f = Sibling [f])
4218 	    {
4219 		ASSERT (h > 0) ;
4220 		Stack [h--] = f ;
4221 		DEBUG1 (("push "ID" on stack\n", f)) ;
4222 	    }
4223 	    ASSERT (Stack [h] == i) ;
4225 	    /* delete child list so that i gets ordered next time we see it */
4226 	    Child [i] = EMPTY ;
4227 	}
4228 	else
4229 	{
4230 	    /* the children of i (if there were any) are already ordered */
4231 	    /* remove i from the stack and order it.  Front i is kth front */
4232 	    head-- ;
4233 	    DEBUG1 (("pop "ID" order "ID"\n", i, k)) ;
4234 	    Order [i] = k++ ;
4235 	}
4237 #ifndef NDEBUG
4238 	DEBUG1 (("\nStack:")) ;
4239 	for (h = head ; h >= 0 ; h--)
4240 	{
4241 	    Int j = Stack [h] ;
4242 	    DEBUG1 ((" "ID, j)) ;
4243 	}
4244 	DEBUG1 (("\n\n")) ;
4245 #endif
4247     }
4248     return (k) ;
4249 }
4253 /* ========================================================================== */
4254 /* === CCOLAMD debugging routines =========================================== */
4255 /* ========================================================================== */
4257 /* When debugging is disabled, the remainder of this file is ignored. */
4259 #ifndef NDEBUG
4262 /* ========================================================================== */
4263 /* === debug_structures ===================================================== */
4264 /* ========================================================================== */
4266 /*
4267  *  At this point, all empty rows and columns are dead.  All live columns
4268  *  are "clean" (containing no dead rows) and simplicial (no supercolumns
4269  *  yet).  Rows may contain dead columns, but all live rows contain at
4270  *  least one live column.
4271  */
debug_structures(Int n_row,Int n_col,CColamd_Row Row[],CColamd_Col Col[],Int A[],Int cmember[],Int cset_start[])4273 PRIVATE void debug_structures
4274 (
4275     /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
4277     Int n_row,
4278     Int n_col,
4279     CColamd_Row Row [ ],
4280     CColamd_Col Col [ ],
4281     Int A [ ],
4282     Int cmember [ ],
4283     Int cset_start [ ]
4284 )
4285 {
4286     /* === Local variables ================================================== */
4288     Int i ;
4289     Int c ;
4290     Int *cp ;
4291     Int *cp_end ;
4292     Int len ;
4293     Int score ;
4294     Int r ;
4295     Int *rp ;
4296     Int *rp_end ;
4297     Int deg ;
4298     Int cs ;
4300     /* === Check A, Row, and Col ============================================ */
4302     for (c = 0 ; c < n_col ; c++)
4303     {
4304 	if (COL_IS_ALIVE (c))
4305 	{
4306 	    len = Col [c].length ;
4307 	    score = Col [c].shared2.score ;
4308 	    DEBUG4 (("initial live col %5d %5d %5d\n", c, len, score)) ;
4309 	    ASSERT (len > 0) ;
4310 	    ASSERT (score >= 0) ;
4311 	    ASSERT (Col [c].shared1.thickness == 1) ;
4312 	    cp = &A [Col [c].start] ;
4313 	    cp_end = cp + len ;
4314 	    while (cp < cp_end)
4315 	    {
4316 		r = *cp++ ;
4317 		ASSERT (ROW_IS_ALIVE (r)) ;
4318 	    }
4319 	}
4320 	else
4321 	{
4322 	    i = Col [c].shared2.order ;
4323 	    cs = CMEMBER (c) ;
4324 	    ASSERT (i >= cset_start [cs] && i < cset_start [cs+1]) ;
4325 	}
4326     }
4328     for (r = 0 ; r < n_row ; r++)
4329     {
4330 	if (ROW_IS_ALIVE (r))
4331 	{
4332 	    i = 0 ;
4333 	    len = Row [r].length ;
4334 	    deg = Row [r].shared1.degree ;
4335 	    ASSERT (len > 0) ;
4336 	    ASSERT (deg > 0) ;
4337 	    rp = &A [Row [r].start] ;
4338 	    rp_end = rp + len ;
4339 	    while (rp < rp_end)
4340 	    {
4341 		c = *rp++ ;
4342 		if (COL_IS_ALIVE (c))
4343 		{
4344 		    i++ ;
4345 		}
4346 	    }
4347 	    ASSERT (i > 0) ;
4348 	}
4349     }
4350 }
4353 /* ========================================================================== */
4354 /* === debug_deg_lists ====================================================== */
4355 /* ========================================================================== */
4357 /*
4358  *  Prints the contents of the degree lists.  Counts the number of columns
4359  *  in the degree list and compares it to the total it should have.  Also
4360  *  checks the row degrees.
4361  */
debug_deg_lists(Int n_row,Int n_col,CColamd_Row Row[],CColamd_Col Col[],Int head[],Int min_score,Int should,Int max_deg)4363 PRIVATE void debug_deg_lists
4364 (
4365     /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
4367     Int n_row,
4368     Int n_col,
4369     CColamd_Row Row [ ],
4370     CColamd_Col Col [ ],
4371     Int head [ ],
4372     Int min_score,
4373     Int should,
4374     Int max_deg
4375 )
4377 {
4378     /* === Local variables ================================================== */
4380     Int deg ;
4381     Int col ;
4382     Int have ;
4383     Int row ;
4385     /* === Check the degree lists =========================================== */
4387     if (n_col > 10000 && ccolamd_debug <= 0)
4388     {
4389 	return ;
4390     }
4391     have = 0 ;
4392     DEBUG4 (("Degree lists: "ID"\n", min_score)) ;
4393     for (deg = 0 ; deg <= n_col ; deg++)
4394     {
4395 	col = head [deg] ;
4396 	if (col == EMPTY)
4397 	{
4398 	    continue ;
4399 	}
4400 	DEBUG4 (("%d:", deg)) ;
4401 	ASSERT (Col [col].shared3.prev == EMPTY) ;
4402 	while (col != EMPTY)
4403 	{
4404 	    DEBUG4 ((" "ID"", col)) ;
4405 	    have += Col [col].shared1.thickness ;
4406 	    ASSERT (COL_IS_ALIVE (col)) ;
4407 	    col = Col [col].shared4.degree_next ;
4408 	}
4409 	DEBUG4 (("\n")) ;
4410     }
4411     DEBUG4 (("should "ID" have "ID"\n", should, have)) ;
4412     ASSERT (should == have) ;
4414     /* === Check the row degrees ============================================ */
4416     if (n_row > 10000 && ccolamd_debug <= 0)
4417     {
4418 	return ;
4419     }
4420     for (row = 0 ; row < n_row ; row++)
4421     {
4422 	if (ROW_IS_ALIVE (row))
4423 	{
4424 	    ASSERT (Row [row].shared1.degree <= max_deg) ;
4425 	}
4426     }
4427 }
4430 /* ========================================================================== */
4431 /* === debug_mark =========================================================== */
4432 /* ========================================================================== */
4434 /*
4435  *  Ensures that the tag_mark is less that the maximum and also ensures that
4436  *  each entry in the mark array is less than the tag mark.
4437  */
debug_mark(Int n_row,CColamd_Row Row[],Int tag_mark,Int max_mark)4439 PRIVATE void debug_mark
4440 (
4441     /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
4443     Int n_row,
4444     CColamd_Row Row [ ],
4445     Int tag_mark,
4446     Int max_mark
4447 )
4448 {
4449     /* === Local variables ================================================== */
4451     Int r ;
4453     /* === Check the Row marks ============================================== */
4455     ASSERT (tag_mark > 0 && tag_mark <= max_mark) ;
4456     if (n_row > 10000 && ccolamd_debug <= 0)
4457     {
4458 	return ;
4459     }
4460     for (r = 0 ; r < n_row ; r++)
4461     {
4462 	ASSERT (Row [r].shared2.mark < tag_mark) ;
4463     }
4464 }
4467 /* ========================================================================== */
4468 /* === debug_matrix ========================================================= */
4469 /* ========================================================================== */
4471 /* Prints out the contents of the columns and the rows.  */
debug_matrix(Int n_row,Int n_col,CColamd_Row Row[],CColamd_Col Col[],Int A[])4473 PRIVATE void debug_matrix
4474 (
4475     /* === Parameters ======================================================= */
4477     Int n_row,
4478     Int n_col,
4479     CColamd_Row Row [ ],
4480     CColamd_Col Col [ ],
4481     Int A [ ]
4482 )
4483 {
4484     /* === Local variables ================================================== */
4486     Int r ;
4487     Int c ;
4488     Int *rp ;
4489     Int *rp_end ;
4490     Int *cp ;
4491     Int *cp_end ;
4493     /* === Dump the rows and columns of the matrix ========================== */
4495     if (ccolamd_debug < 3)
4496     {
4497 	return ;
4498     }
4499     DEBUG3 (("DUMP MATRIX:\n")) ;
4500     for (r = 0 ; r < n_row ; r++)
4501     {
4502 	DEBUG3 (("Row "ID" alive? "ID"\n", r, ROW_IS_ALIVE (r))) ;
4503 	if (ROW_IS_DEAD (r))
4504 	{
4505 	    continue ;
4506 	}
4508 	DEBUG3 (("start "ID" length "ID" degree "ID"\nthickness "ID"\n",
4509 		Row [r].start, Row [r].length, Row [r].shared1.degree,
4510 		Row [r].thickness)) ;
4512 	rp = &A [Row [r].start] ;
4513 	rp_end = rp + Row [r].length ;
4514 	while (rp < rp_end)
4515 	{
4516 	    c = *rp++ ;
4517 	    DEBUG4 (("	"ID" col "ID"\n", COL_IS_ALIVE (c), c)) ;
4518 	}
4519     }
4521     for (c = 0 ; c < n_col ; c++)
4522     {
4523 	DEBUG3 (("Col "ID" alive? "ID"\n", c, COL_IS_ALIVE (c))) ;
4524 	if (COL_IS_DEAD (c))
4525 	{
4526 	    continue ;
4527 	}
4528 	DEBUG3 (("start "ID" length "ID" shared1 "ID" shared2 "ID"\n",
4529 		Col [c].start, Col [c].length,
4530 		Col [c].shared1.thickness, Col [c].shared2.score)) ;
4531 	cp = &A [Col [c].start] ;
4532 	cp_end = cp + Col [c].length ;
4533 	while (cp < cp_end)
4534 	{
4535 	    r = *cp++ ;
4536 	    DEBUG4 (("	"ID" row "ID"\n", ROW_IS_ALIVE (r), r)) ;
4537 	}
4538     }
4539 }
4542 /* ========================================================================== */
4543 /* === dump_super =========================================================== */
4544 /* ========================================================================== */
dump_super(Int super_c,CColamd_Col Col[],Int n_col)4546 PRIVATE void dump_super
4547 (
4548     Int super_c,
4549     CColamd_Col Col [ ],
4550     Int n_col
4551 )
4552 {
4553     Int col, ncols ;
4555     DEBUG1 ((" =[ ")) ;
4556     ncols = 0 ;
4557     for (col = super_c ; col != EMPTY ; col = Col [col].nextcol)
4558     {
4559         DEBUG1 ((" "ID, col)) ;
4560         ASSERT (col >= 0 && col < n_col) ;
4561         if (col != super_c)
4562         {
4563             ASSERT (COL_IS_DEAD (col)) ;
4564         }
4565         if (Col [col].nextcol == EMPTY)
4566         {
4567             ASSERT (col == Col [super_c].lastcol) ;
4568         }
4569         ncols++ ;
4570         ASSERT (ncols <= Col [super_c].shared1.thickness) ;
4571     }
4572     ASSERT (ncols == Col [super_c].shared1.thickness) ;
4573     DEBUG1 (("]\n")) ;
4574 }
4577 /* ========================================================================== */
4578 /* === ccolamd_get_debug ==================================================== */
4579 /* ========================================================================== */
ccolamd_get_debug(char * method)4581 PRIVATE void ccolamd_get_debug
4582 (
4583     char *method
4584 )
4585 {
4586     FILE *debug_file ;
4587     ccolamd_debug = 0 ;		/* no debug printing */
4589     /* Read debug info from the debug file. */
4590     debug_file = fopen ("debug", "r") ;
4591     if (debug_file)
4592     {
4593 	(void) fscanf (debug_file, ""ID"", &ccolamd_debug) ;
4594 	(void) fclose (debug_file) ;
4595     }
4597     DEBUG0 ((":")) ;
4598     DEBUG1 (("%s: debug version, D = "ID" (THIS WILL BE SLOW!)\n",
4599     	method, ccolamd_debug)) ;
4600     DEBUG1 ((" Debug printing level: "ID"\n", ccolamd_debug)) ;
4601 }
4603 #endif