1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // GB_emult_01_phase2: C=A.*B, C<M>=A.*B, or C<!M>=A.*B
3 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 // SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, Timothy A. Davis, (c) 2017-2021, All Rights Reserved.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
8 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 // GB_emult_01_phase2 computes C=A.*B, C<M>=A.*B, or C<!M>=A.*B.  It is
11 // preceded first by GB_emult_01_phase0, which computes the list of vectors of
12 // C to compute (Ch) and their location in M, A, and B (C_to_[MAB]).  Next,
13 // GB_emult_01_phase1 counts the entries in each vector C(:,j) and computes Cp.
15 // GB_emult_01_phase2 computes the pattern and values of each vector of C(:,j),
16 // entirely in parallel.
18 // C, M, A, and B can be have any sparsity structure.  If M is sparse or
19 // hypersparse, and complemented, however, then it is not applied and not
20 // passed to this function.  It is applied later, as determined by
21 // GB_emult_sparsity.
23 // This function either frees Cp or transplants it into C, as C->p.  Either
24 // way, the caller must not free it.
26 #include "GB_ewise.h"
27 #include "GB_emult.h"
28 #include "GB_binop.h"
29 #include "GB_unused.h"
30 #ifndef GBCOMPACT
31 #include "GB_binop__include.h"
32 #endif
34 #define GB_FREE_ALL             \
35 {                               \
36     GB_phbix_free (C) ;       \
37 }
GB_emult_01_phase2(GrB_Matrix C,const GrB_Type ctype,const bool C_is_csc,const GrB_BinaryOp op,int64_t ** Cp_handle,size_t Cp_size,const int64_t Cnvec_nonempty,const GB_task_struct * restrict TaskList,const int C_ntasks,const int C_nthreads,const int64_t Cnvec,const int64_t * restrict Ch,size_t Ch_size,const int64_t * restrict C_to_M,const int64_t * restrict C_to_A,const int64_t * restrict C_to_B,const int C_sparsity,const int ewise_method,const GrB_Matrix M,const bool Mask_struct,const bool Mask_comp,const GrB_Matrix A,const GrB_Matrix B,GB_Context Context)39 GrB_Info GB_emult_01_phase2             // C=A.*B or C<M>=A.*B
40 (
41     GrB_Matrix C,           // output matrix, static header
42     const GrB_Type ctype,   // type of output matrix C
43     const bool C_is_csc,    // format of output matrix C
44     const GrB_BinaryOp op,  // op to perform C = op (A,B)
45     // from phase1:
46     int64_t **Cp_handle,    // vector pointers for C
47     size_t Cp_size,
48     const int64_t Cnvec_nonempty,       // # of non-empty vectors in C
49     // tasks from phase1a:
50     const GB_task_struct *restrict TaskList, // array of structs
51     const int C_ntasks,                         // # of tasks
52     const int C_nthreads,                       // # of threads to use
53     // analysis from phase0:
54     const int64_t Cnvec,
55     const int64_t *restrict Ch,
56     size_t Ch_size,
57     const int64_t *restrict C_to_M,
58     const int64_t *restrict C_to_A,
59     const int64_t *restrict C_to_B,
60     const int C_sparsity,
61     // from GB_emult_sparsity:
62     const int ewise_method,
63     // original input:
64     const GrB_Matrix M,             // optional mask, may be NULL
65     const bool Mask_struct,         // if true, use the only structure of M
66     const bool Mask_comp,           // if true, use !M
67     const GrB_Matrix A,
68     const GrB_Matrix B,
69     GB_Context Context
70 )
71 {
73     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
74     // check inputs
75     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
77     ASSERT (C != NULL && C->static_header) ;
79     ASSERT_BINARYOP_OK (op, "op for emult phase2", GB0) ;
80     ASSERT_MATRIX_OK (A, "A for emult phase2", GB0) ;
81     ASSERT (!GB_ZOMBIES (A)) ;
82     ASSERT (!GB_JUMBLED (A)) ;
83     ASSERT (!GB_PENDING (A)) ;
85     ASSERT_MATRIX_OK (B, "B for emult phase2", GB0) ;
86     ASSERT (!GB_ZOMBIES (B)) ;
87     ASSERT (!GB_JUMBLED (B)) ;
88     ASSERT (!GB_PENDING (B)) ;
90     ASSERT_MATRIX_OK_OR_NULL (M, "M for emult phase2", GB0) ;
91     ASSERT (!GB_ZOMBIES (M)) ;
92     ASSERT (!GB_JUMBLED (M)) ;
93     ASSERT (!GB_PENDING (M)) ;
95     ASSERT (A->vdim == B->vdim) ;
97     ASSERT (Cp_handle != NULL) ;
98     int64_t *restrict Cp = (*Cp_handle) ;
100     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
101     // get the opcode
102     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
104     bool C_is_hyper = (C_sparsity == GxB_HYPERSPARSE) ;
105     bool C_is_sparse_or_hyper = (C_sparsity == GxB_SPARSE) || C_is_hyper ;
106     ASSERT (C_is_sparse_or_hyper == (Cp != NULL)) ;
107     ASSERT (C_is_hyper == (Ch != NULL)) ;
109     GB_Opcode opcode = op->opcode ;
110     bool op_is_positional = GB_OPCODE_IS_POSITIONAL (opcode) ;
111     bool op_is_first  = (opcode == GB_FIRST_opcode) ;
112     bool op_is_second = (opcode == GB_SECOND_opcode) ;
113     bool op_is_pair   = (opcode == GB_PAIR_opcode) ;
115     ASSERT (GB_Type_compatible (ctype, op->ztype)) ;
116     ASSERT (GB_IMPLIES (!(op_is_second || op_is_pair || op_is_positional),
117             GB_Type_compatible (A->type, op->xtype))) ;
118     ASSERT (GB_IMPLIES (!(op_is_first || op_is_pair || op_is_positional),
119             GB_Type_compatible (B->type, op->ytype))) ;
121     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
122     // allocate the output matrix C
123     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
125     int64_t cnz = (C_is_sparse_or_hyper) ? Cp [Cnvec] : (A->vlen*A->vdim) ;
127     // allocate the result C (but do not allocate C->p or C->h)
128     GrB_Info info = GB_new_bix (&C, true, // any sparsity, static header
129         ctype, A->vlen, A->vdim, GB_Ap_null, C_is_csc,
130         C_sparsity, true, A->hyper_switch, Cnvec, cnz, true, Context) ;
131     if (info != GrB_SUCCESS)
132     {
133         // out of memory; caller must free C_to_M, C_to_A, C_to_B
134         // Ch must not be freed since Ch is always shallow
135         GB_FREE (Cp_handle, Cp_size) ;
136         return (info) ;
137     }
139     // transplant Cp into C as the vector pointers, from GB_emult_01_phase1
140     if (C_is_sparse_or_hyper)
141     {
142         C->nvec_nonempty = Cnvec_nonempty ;
143         C->p = (int64_t *) Cp ; C->p_size = Cp_size ;
144         (*Cp_handle) = NULL ;
145     }
147     // add Ch as the hypersparse list for C, from GB_emult_01_phase0
148     if (C_is_hyper)
149     {
150         // C->h is currently shallow; a copy is made at the end
151         C->h = (int64_t *) Ch ; C->h_size = Ch_size ;
152         C->h_shallow = true ;
153         C->nvec = Cnvec ;
154     }
156     // Cp has been transplanted into C; so it is not freed here
157     ASSERT ((*Cp_handle) == NULL) ;
158     C->magic = GB_MAGIC ;
159     GB_Type_code ccode = ctype->code ;
161     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
162     // check if the values of A and/or B are ignored
163     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
165     // With C = ewisemult (A,B), only the intersection of A and B is used.
166     // If op is SECOND or PAIR, the values of A are never accessed.
167     // If op is FIRST  or PAIR, the values of B are never accessed.
168     // If op is PAIR, the values of A and B are never accessed.
169     // Contrast with ewiseadd.
171     // A is passed as x, and B as y, in z = op(x,y)
172     bool A_is_pattern = op_is_second || op_is_pair || op_is_positional ;
173     bool B_is_pattern = op_is_first  || op_is_pair || op_is_positional ;
175     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
176     // using a built-in binary operator (except for positional operators)
177     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
179     bool done = false ;
181     #ifndef GBCOMPACT
183         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
184         // define the worker for the switch factory
185         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
187         #define GB_AemultB_01(mult,xname) GB (_AemultB_01_ ## mult ## xname)
189         #define GB_BINOP_WORKER(mult,xname)                                 \
190         {                                                                   \
191             info = GB_AemultB_01(mult,xname) (C, C_sparsity, ewise_method,  \
192                 M, Mask_struct, Mask_comp,                                  \
193                 A, B, C_to_M, C_to_A, C_to_B,                               \
194                 TaskList, C_ntasks, C_nthreads, Context) ;                  \
195             done = (info != GrB_NO_VALUE) ;                                 \
196         }                                                                   \
197         break ;
199         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
200         // launch the switch factory
201         //----------------------------------------------------------------------
203         GB_Type_code xcode, ycode, zcode ;
204         if (!op_is_positional &&
205             GB_binop_builtin (A->type, A_is_pattern, B->type, B_is_pattern,
206             op, false, &opcode, &xcode, &ycode, &zcode) && ccode == zcode)
207         {
208             #include "GB_binop_factory.c"
209         }
211     #endif
213     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
214     // generic worker
215     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
217     if (!done)
218     {
219         GB_BURBLE_MATRIX (C, "(generic emult: %s) ", op->name) ;
220         GB_ewise_generic (C, op, TaskList, C_ntasks, C_nthreads,
221             C_to_M, C_to_A, C_to_B, C_sparsity, ewise_method, NULL,
222             NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0,
223             M, Mask_struct, Mask_comp, A, B, Context) ;
224     }
226     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
227     // construct the final C->h
228     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
230     GB_OK (GB_hypermatrix_prune (C, Context)) ;
232     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
233     // return result
234     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
236     ASSERT_MATRIX_OK (C, "C output for emult phase2", GB0) ;
237     return (GrB_SUCCESS) ;
238 }