1 /* lrslib.h (vertex enumeration using lexicographic reverse search) */
3 #define TITLE "lrslib "
4 #define VERSION "v.4.2c, 2010.4.26"
5 #define AUTHOR "\n*Copyright (C) 1995,2010, David Avis   avis@cs.mcgill.ca "
7 /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10    (at your option) any later version.
12    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15    GNU General Public License for more details.
17    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
20  */
21 /*Ver 4.2*  library version                                      */
22 /******************************************************************************/
23 /*  See http://cgm.cs.mcgill.ca/~avis/C/lrs.html for usage instructions         */
24 /******************************************************************************/
25 /*  Selection of arithmetic package  */
26 /*************************************/
27 #ifdef LONG
28 #define ARITH "lrslong.h"    /* lrs long integer arithmetic package */
29 #else
30 #ifdef GMP
31 #define ARITH "lrsgmp.h"     /* lrs wrapper for gmp multiple precsion arithmetic    */
32 #else
33 #define ARITH "lrsmp.h"      /* lrs multiple precsion arithmetic    */
34 #define MP
35 #endif
36 #endif
38 #include ARITH
40 #ifdef SIGNALS
41 #include <signal.h>
42 #include <unistd.h>
43 #define errcheck(s,e) if ((long)(e)==-1L){  perror(s);exit(1);}
44 #endif
46 #ifdef TIMES
47 void ptimes ();
48 double get_time();
49 #endif
52 #define CALLOC(n,s) xcalloc(n,s,__LINE__,__FILE__)
54 /* make this include file includable in a C++ file
55    Note that lrsgmp.h should not be inside an extern "C" {} block
56 */
57 #ifdef __cplusplus
58 extern "C" {
59 #endif
62 /*************/
63 /* typedefs  */
64 /*************/
67 /******************************************************************************/
68 /*                   Indexing after initialization                            */
69 /*               Basis                                    Cobasis             */
70 /*   ---------------------------------------    ----------------------------- */
71 /*  |  i  |0|1| .... |lastdv|lastdv+1|...|m|   | j  | 0 | 1 | ... |d-1|  d  | */
72 /*  |-----|+|+|++++++|++++++|--------|---|-|   |----|---|---|-----|---|+++++| */
73 /*  |B[i] |0|1| .... |lastdv|lastdv+1|...|m|   |C[j]|m+1|m+2| ... |m+d|m+d+1| */
74 /*   -----|+|+|++++++|++++++|????????|???|?|    ----|???|???|-----|???|+++++| */
75 /*                                                                            */
76 /* Row[i] is row location for B[i]         Col[j] is column location for C[j] */
77 /*  -----------------------------              -----------------------------  */
78 /* |   i   |0|1| ..........|m-1|m|            | j    | 0 | 1 | ... |d-1| d  | */
79 /* |-------|+|-|-----------|---|-|            |------|---|---|---  |---|++++| */
80 /* |Row[i] |0|1|...........|m-1|m|            |Col[j]| 1 | 2 | ... | d |  0 | */
81 /* --------|+|*|***********|***|*|             ------|***|***|*****|***|++++| */
82 /*                                                                            */
83 /*  + = remains invariant   * = indices may be permuted ? = swapped by pivot  */
84 /*                                                                            */
85 /*  m = number of input rows   n= number of input columns                     */
86 /*  input dimension inputd = n-1 (H-rep) or n (V-rep)                         */
87 /*  lastdv = inputd-nredundcol  (each redundant column removes a dec. var)    */
88 /*  working dimension d=lastdv-nlinearity (an input linearity removes a slack) */
89 /*  obj function in row 0, index 0=B[0]  col 0 has index m+d+1=C[d]           */
90 /*  H-rep: b-vector in col 0, A matrix in columns 1..n-1                      */
91 /*  V-rep: col 0 all zero, b-vector in col 1, A matrix in columns 1..n        */
92 /******************************************************************************/
94 typedef struct lrs_dic_struct	/* dynamic dictionary data */
95   {
96     lrs_mp_matrix A;
97     long m;			/* A has m+1 rows, row 0 is cost row            */
98     long m_A;           	/* =m or m-d if nonnegative flag set            */
99     long d;			/* A has d+1 columns, col 0 is b-vector         */
100     long d_orig;		/* value of d as A was allocated  (E.G.)        */
101     long lexflag;		/* true if lexmin basis for this vertex         */
102     long depth;			/* depth of basis/vertex in reverse search tree */
103     long i, j;			/* last pivot row and column pivot indices      */
104     lrs_mp det;                 /* current determinant of basis                 */
105     lrs_mp objnum;		/* objective numerator value                    */
106     lrs_mp objden;		/* objective denominator value                  */
107     long *B, *Row;		/* basis, row location indices                  */
108     long *C, *Col;		/* cobasis, column location indices             */
109     struct lrs_dic_struct *prev, *next;
110   }
111 lrs_dic;
113 typedef struct lrs_dat		/* global problem data   */
114   {
115     lrs_mp_vector Gcd;		/* Gcd of each row of numerators               */
116     lrs_mp_vector Lcm;		/* Lcm for each row of input denominators      */
118     lrs_mp sumdet;		/* sum of determinants                          */
119     lrs_mp Nvolume;		/* volume numerator                             */
120     lrs_mp Dvolume;		/* volume denominator                           */
121     lrs_mp boundn;		/* objective bound numerator                    */
122     lrs_mp boundd;		/* objective bound denominator                  */
123     long unbounded;		/* lp unbounded */
124     char fname[100];		/* input file name from line 1 of input         */
126     long *inequality;		/* indices of inequalities corr. to cobasic ind */
127     /* initially holds order used to find starting  */
128     /* basis, default: m,m-1,...,2,1                */
129     long *facet;		/* cobasic indices for restart in needed        */
130     long *redundcol;		/* holds columns which are redundant            */
131     long *linearity;		/* holds cobasic indices of input linearities   */
132     long *minratio;		/* used for lexicographic ratio test            */
133     long *temparray;		/* for sorting indices, dimensioned to d        */
134     long *isave, *jsave;	/* arrays for estimator, malloc'ed at start     */
135     long inputd;		/* input dimension: n-1 for H-rep, n for V-rep  */
137     long m;      		/* number of rows in input file                 */
138     long n;			/* number of columns in input file              */
139     long lastdv;		/* index of last dec. variable after preproc    */
140     /* given by inputd-nredundcol                   */
141     long count[10];		/* count[0]=rays [1]=verts. [2]=base [3]=pivots */
142                                 /* count[4]=integer vertices                    */
143     long deepest;		/* max depth ever reached in search             */
144     long nredundcol;		/* number of redundant columns                  */
145     long nlinearity;		/* number of input linearities                  */
146     long totalnodes;		/* count total number of tree nodes evaluated   */
147     long runs;			/* probes for estimate function                 */
148     long seed;			/* seed for random number generator             */
149     double cest[10];		/* ests: 0=rays,1=vert,2=bases,3=vol,4=int vert */
150 /**** flags  **********                         */
151     long allbases;		/* TRUE if all bases should be printed          */
152     long bound;                 /* TRUE if upper/lower bound on objective given */
153     long debug;
154     long dualdeg;		/* TRUE if start dictionary is dual degenerate  */
155     long etrace;		/* turn off debug at basis # strace             */
156     long frequency;		/* frequency to print cobasis indices           */
157     long geometric;		/* TRUE if incident vertex prints after each ray */
158     long getvolume;		/* do volume calculation                        */
159     long givenstart;		/* TRUE if a starting cobasis is given          */
160     long homogeneous;		/* TRUE if all entries in column one are zero   */
161     long hull;			/* do convex hull computation if TRUE           */
162     long incidence;             /* print all tight inequalities (vertices/rays) */
163     long lponly;		/* true if only lp solution wanted              */
164     long maxdepth;		/* max depth to search to in treee              */
165     long maximize;		/* flag for LP maximization                     */
166     long maxoutput;     	/* if positive, maximum number of output lines  */
167     long minimize;		/* flag for LP minimization                     */
168     long mindepth;		/* do not backtrack above mindepth              */
169     long nash;                  /* TRUE for computing nash equilibria           */
170     long nonnegative;		/* TRUE if last d constraints are nonnegativity */
171     long polytope;		/* TRUE for facet computation of a polytope     */
172     long printcobasis;		/* TRUE if all cobasis should be printed        */
173     long printslack;		/* TRUE if indices of slack inequal. printed    */
174     long truncate;              /* TRUE: truncate tree when moving from opt vert*/
175     long verbose;               /* FALSE for minimalist output                  */
176     long restart;		/* TRUE if restarting from some cobasis         */
177     long strace;		/* turn on  debug at basis # strace             */
178     long voronoi;		/* compute voronoi vertices by transformation   */
180     /* Variables for saving/restoring cobasis,  db */
182     long id;			/* numbered sequentially */
183     char *name;			/* passed by user */
185     long saved_count[3];	/* How often to print out current cobasis */
186     long *saved_C;
187     lrs_mp saved_det;
188     long saved_depth;
189     long saved_d;
191     long saved_flag;		/* There is something in the saved cobasis */
193     /* Variables for cacheing dictionaries, db */
194     lrs_dic *Qhead, *Qtail;
196   }
197 lrs_dat, lrs_dat_p;
199 /*********************/
200 /*global variables   */
201 /*********************/
202 #define MAX_LRS_GLOBALS 100L
203 #define MAXIMIZE 1L         /* maximize the lp  */
204 #define MINIMIZE 0L         /* maximize the lp  */
205 #define GE 1L               /* constraint is >= */
206 #define EQ 0L               /* constraint is linearity */
209 extern FILE *lrs_cfp;			/* output file for checkpoint information       */
211 extern unsigned long dict_count, dict_limit, cache_tries, cache_misses;
212 extern lrs_dic *PBnew;    /* we will save Bob's dictionary in getabasis */
215 /*******************************/
216 /* functions  for external use */
217 /*******************************/
218 long lrs_main (int argc, char *argv[]);    /* lrs driver, argv[1]=input file, [argc-1]=output file */
219 long redund_main (int argc, char *argv[]); /* redund driver, argv[1]=input file, [2]=output file */
221 lrs_dat *lrs_alloc_dat (const char *name);	/* allocate for lrs_dat structure "name"       */
222 lrs_dic *lrs_alloc_dic (lrs_dat * Q);	/* allocate for lrs_dic structure corr. to Q   */
224 void lrs_estimate (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q);	/* get estimates only                          */
226 long lrs_read_dat (lrs_dat * Q, int argc, char *argv[]);	/* read header and set up lrs_dat               */
227 long lrs_read_dic (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q);	/* read input and set up problem and lrs_dic    */
229 long lrs_checkbound (lrs_dic *P, lrs_dat * Q);  /* TRUE if current objective value exceeds specified bound */
231 long lrs_getfirstbasis (lrs_dic ** P_p, lrs_dat * Q, lrs_mp_matrix * Lin,long no_output);
232 	  /* gets first basis, FALSE if none,P may get changed if lin. space Lin found */
233           /* no_output is TRUE supresses output headers   */
235 								   /* P may get changed if lin. space Lin found    */
236 void lrs_getinput(lrs_dic *P,lrs_dat *Q,long *num,long *den, long m, long d);
237           /* reads input matrix b A in lrs/cdd format */
238 long lrs_getnextbasis (lrs_dic ** dict_p, lrs_dat * Q, long prune);	/* gets next lrs tree basis, FALSE if none      */
239 								   /* backtrack if prune is TRUE                   */
241 long lrs_getsolution (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q, lrs_mp_vector output, long col);
242 long lrs_getray (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q, long col, long comment, lrs_mp_vector output);
243 long lrs_getvertex (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q, lrs_mp_vector output);
245 void lrs_close (char *name);	/* close lrs lib program "name"                 */
246 long lrs_init (char *name);	/* initialize lrslib and arithmetic package for prog "name" */
247 long lrs_init_quiet (FILE* in, FILE* out);	/* initialize lrslib and arithmetic package for prog "name" */
250 void lrs_lpoutput(lrs_dic * P,lrs_dat * Q, lrs_mp_vector output); /* print LP primal and dual solutions */
251 void lrs_printcobasis (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q, long col);	/* print cobasis for column col(verted or ray)  */
252 void lrs_printoutput (lrs_dat * Q, lrs_mp_vector output);	/* print output array                           */
253 void lrs_printrow (char name[], lrs_dat * Q, lrs_mp_vector output, long rowd);
254 								   /*print row of A matrix in output[0..rowd]      */
255 void lrs_printsol (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q, long col, long comment);	/* print out solution from col, comment=        */
256 								   /* 0=normal,-1=geometric ray,1..inputd=linearity */
257 void lrs_printtotals (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q);	/* print final totals for lrs                   */
258 long lrs_set_digits (long dec_digits );                 /* set lrsmp digits to equiv. of decimal dec_digits */
259 long lrs_solvelp (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q, long maximize);	/* solve primal feas LP:TRUE bounded else FALSE */
262 /*******************************/
263 /* functions  for internal use */
264 /*******************************/
265 /* basic dictionary functions  */
266 /*******************************/
268 long getabasis (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q, long order[]);	/* Try to find a starting basis                   */
269 void getnextoutput (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q, long i, long col, lrs_mp out);	/* get A[B[i][col] and copy to out */
270 long ismin (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q, long r, long s);	/* test if A[r][s] is a min ratio for col s       */
271 long lexmin (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q, long col);	/* test A to see if current basis is lexmin       */
272 void pivot (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q, long bas, long cob);	/* Qpivot routine for array A                     */
273 long primalfeasible (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q);		/* Do dual pivots to get primal feasibility       */
274 long ratio (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q, long col);	/* find lex min. ratio                            */
275 long removecobasicindex (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q, long k);	/* remove C[k] from problem                       */
276 long restartpivots (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q);	/* restart problem from given cobasis             */
277 long reverse (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q, long *r, long s);	/* TRUE if B[*r] C[s] is a reverse lex-pos pivot  */
278 long selectpivot (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q, long *r, long *s);	/* select pivot indices using lexicographic rule  */
279 long dan_selectpivot (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q, long *r, long *s);	/* select pivot indices using dantzig-lex rule    */
280 void update (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q, long *i, long *j);	/* update the B,C, LOC arrays after a pivot       */
281 void updatevolume (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q);	/* rescale determinant and update the volume      */
283 /*******************************/
284 /* other functions using P,Q   */
285 /*******************************/
287 long lrs_degenerate (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q);		/* TRUE if the dictionary is primal degenerate    */
289 void print_basis (FILE * fp, lrs_dat * Q);
290 void printA (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q);		/* raw print of dictionary, bases for debugging   */
291 void pimat (lrs_dic * P, long r, long s, lrs_mp Nt, char name[]);	/* print the row r col s of A                     */
293 long readfacets (lrs_dat * Q, long facet[]);	/* read and check facet list                      */
294 long readlinearity (lrs_dat * Q);	/* read and check linearity list                  */
295 void rescaledet (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q, lrs_mp Vnum, lrs_mp Vden);	/* rescale determinant to get its volume */
296 void rescalevolume (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q, lrs_mp Vnum, lrs_mp Vden);	/* adjust volume for dimension          */
298 /***************************************************/
299 /* Routines for redundancy checking                */
300 /***************************************************/
303 long checkredund (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q);	/* solve primal lp to check redund of obj fun.    */
304 							     /* returns TRUE if redundant, else FALSE          */
306 long checkcobasic (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q, long index);	/* TRUE if index is cobasic and nondegenerate     */
307 					  /* FALSE if basic, or degen. cobasic, where it will get pivoted out  */
309 long checkindex (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q, long index);		/* index=0 non-red.,1 red., 2 input linearity     */
310 							     /* NOTE: row is returned all zero if redundant!!  */
312 /***************************************************/
313 /* Routines for caching and restoring dictionaries */
314 /***************************************************/
316 void lrs_free_dic ( lrs_dic *P, lrs_dat *Q);
317 void lrs_free_dat ( lrs_dat *Q);
318 void cache_dict (lrs_dic ** D_p, lrs_dat * global, long i, long j);
319 long check_cache (lrs_dic ** D_p, lrs_dat * global, long *i_p, long *j_p);
320 void copy_dict (lrs_dat * global, lrs_dic * dest, lrs_dic * src);
321 void pushQ (lrs_dat * global, long m, long d, long m_A);
323 void save_basis (lrs_dic * D, lrs_dat * Q);
324 lrs_dic *alloc_memory (lrs_dat * Q);
325 lrs_dic * lrs_getdic(lrs_dat *Q);
326 lrs_dic *new_lrs_dic (long m, long d, long m_A);
327 lrs_dic *resize (lrs_dic * P, lrs_dat * Q);
330 /*******************************/
331 /* signals handling            */
332 /*******************************/
334 void checkpoint ();
335 void die_gracefully ();
336 void setup_signals ();
337 void timecheck ();
339 /*******************************/
340 /* utilities                   */
341 /*******************************/
342 void lprat (const char *name, long Num, long Den);   /* Print Num/Den without reducing  */
343 long lreadrat (long *Num, long *Den);   /* read a rational string and convert to long integers            */
344 void reorder (long a[], long range);	/* reorder array in increasing order with one misplaced element   */
345 void reorder1 (long a[], long b[], long newone, long range);
346 			  /* reorder array a in increasing order with misplaced element newone */
347 			  /* elements of b go along for the ride */
349 /***************************/
350 /* lp_solve like functions */
351 /***************************/
352 long lrs_solve_lp(lrs_dic *P, lrs_dat *Q);                 /* solve lp only for given dictionary */
354 void lrs_set_row(lrs_dic *P, lrs_dat *Q, long row, long num[], long den[], long ineq);
355                                       /* load row i of dictionary from num[]/den[] ineq=GE       */
356 void lrs_set_row_mp(lrs_dic *P, lrs_dat *Q, long row, lrs_mp_vector num, lrs_mp_vector den, long ineq);
357                                       /* same as lrs_set_row except num/den is lrs_mp type       */
359 void lrs_set_obj(lrs_dic *P, lrs_dat *Q, long num[], long den[], long max);
360                   /* set up objective function with coeffs num[]/den[] max=MAXIMIZE or MINIMIZE  */
361 void lrs_set_obj_mp(lrs_dic *P, lrs_dat *Q, lrs_mp_vector num, lrs_mp_vector den, long max);
362                                               /* same as lrs_set_obj but num/den has lrs_mp type */
366 /* end of  lrslib.h (vertex enumeration using lexicographic reverse search) */
367 #ifdef __cplusplus
368 }
369 #endif