1% Signature file for abstract syntax of Bobcat language.
3sig bobabsyn.
5kind texp type.  % basic type of all tiger expressions.
6kind tvar type.
7kind ttype type. % meta-level type of tiger types
8kind tdec type.
9kind tfieldexp, tfield type.
11% Based on "Modern Compiler Implementation in Java" page 103.
13type simplevar string -> tvar.  	% x
14type fieldvar tvar -> string -> tvar.	% x.y
15type subscriptvar tvar -> texp -> tvar.	% x[i+j]
17type varexp tvar -> texp.
18type nilexp, breakexp 	texp.
19type intexp	int -> texp.
20type stringexp	string -> texp.
21type callexp	tvar -> (list texp) -> texp.  %string changed to tvar (bob)
22type opexp	string -> texp -> texp -> texp.  % using strings.
23type dummyexp	texp.			% dummy expression (null)
24type recordexp	string -> (list tfieldexp) -> texp.
25type seqexp  (list texp) -> texp.
26type assignexp tvar -> texp -> texp.
27type ifexp texp -> texp -> texp -> texp.	% use dummy
28type whileexp texp -> texp -> texp.
29type forexp tdec -> texp -> texp -> texp.
30type arrayexp string -> texp -> texp -> texp.
31type fletexp (list tdec) -> texp -> texp.	 % foas version
33type namety string -> ttype.
34type recordty (list tfield) -> ttype.
35type arrayty string -> ttype.
36type dummytype ttype.
38type typedec string -> ttype -> tdec.
39type vardec string -> ttype -> texp -> tdec.
40type functiondec string -> (list tfield) -> ttype -> texp -> tdec.
41type classdec string -> (list tfield) -> (list tdec) -> tdec.
43% dependent types would be convenient.
45% higher-order version records arity and target type.
46% must implement Currying here
47type hfuncdec string -> int -> ttype -> (texp -> texp) -> tdec.
49type etpair texp -> ttype -> tfield.   % exp - type pair
50type eepair texp -> texp -> tfieldexp. % exp - exp pair
51type depair tdec -> texp -> texp.
53% Higher order abstract syntax version.
54% The extra "absterm" is necessary for Currying.
55% All declarations are for strings, which will be abstracted over.
56% Function declaration must include argument and return types.
57% letexp expects nameterms. fixptdec expects absterms.
58% The callexp form will be retained in abstract syntax - it will be
59% curried during interpretation/compilation.
62type letexp tdec -> texp -> texp.
63%type letexp tdec -> (string -> texp) -> texp.
64type fixptdec string -> (string -> texp) -> (list ttype) -> ttype -> tdec.
65type absterm (texp -> texp) -> texp.
66type nameterm (string -> texp) -> texp.
68% needed for allowing mutually recursive declarations:
69type decabs (string -> tdec) -> tdec.
70type declist (list tdec) -> tdec.   % type coersion
72type coercexp tdec -> texp.
74% meta-level predicates for reasoning with abstract syntax:
76type copyexp texp -> texp -> o.
77type copyty ttype -> ttype -> o.
78type copyvar tvar -> tvar -> o.    % don't really need to be this complicated
79type copystr string -> string -> o.
80type copydec tdec -> tdec -> o.
82type hastype texp -> ttype -> o.
83% etc ...
85% moved from kitty.sig 8/03
86type fixdec2 string -> texp -> (list ttype) -> ttype -> tdec.
87type let2 texp -> texp.
88type changelet (list string) -> tdec -> texp -> texp -> o.
89type changelet0 texp -> texp -> o.
92% simple let expression for testing
93type let0 texp -> (texp -> texp) -> texp.
94type lamexp (texp -> texp) -> texp.