1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    TestImageDataToStructuredGridFilter.cxx
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 #include "vtkUniformGrid.h"
16 #include "vtkStructuredGrid.h"
17 #include "vtkCell.h"
18 #include "vtkMath.h"
19 #include "vtkPointData.h"
20 #include "vtkCellData.h"
21 #include "vtkDataArray.h"
22 #include "vtkDoubleArray.h"
23 #include "vtkImageToStructuredGrid.h"
25 #include <cmath>
26 #include <limits>
27 #include <string>
28 #include <cstring>
30 // Description:
31 // Performs safe division a/b which also checks for underflow & overflow
SafeDivision(const double a,const double b)32 double SafeDivision( const double a, const double b )
33 {
34   // Catch overflow
35   if( (b < 1) && (a > ( b*std::numeric_limits<double>::max() ) ) )
36     {
37     return std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
38     }
40   // Catch underflow
41   if( (a == static_cast<double>(0.0)) ||
42       ( (b > 1) && (a < b*std::numeric_limits<double>::max() ) ) )
43     {
44     return( static_cast<double>( 0.0 ) );
45     }
47   return( a/b );
48 }
50 // Description:
51 // Checks if two given floating numbers are equivalent.
52 // This algorithm is based on Knuth, The of Computer Programming (vol II).
FloatNumberEquals(double a,double b,double TOL)53 bool FloatNumberEquals( double a, double b, double TOL )
54 {
55   double adiff = std::abs( a-b );
56   double d1    = SafeDivision( adiff,std::abs(a) );
57   double d2    = SafeDivision( adiff,std::abs(b) );
58   if( (d1 <= TOL) || (d2 <= TOL) )
59     {
60     return true;
61     }
62   return false;
63 }
65 // Description:
66 // Checks if the given two points a & b are equal
ArePointsEqual(double a[3],double b[3],double TOL=1e-9)67 bool ArePointsEqual( double a[3], double b[3], double TOL=1e-9 )
68 {
69   for( int i=0; i < 3; ++i )
70     {
71      if( !FloatNumberEquals( a[i], b[i], TOL ) )
72        {
73        return false;
74        }
75     }
76   return true;
77 }
79 // Description:
80 // Constructs a uniform grid instance with the given spacing & dimensions
81 // at the user-supplied origin.
GetGrid(double * origin,double * spacing,int * ndim)82 vtkUniformGrid* GetGrid( double *origin, double *spacing, int *ndim )
83 {
84   vtkUniformGrid *grd = vtkUniformGrid::New();
85   grd->Initialize();
86   grd->SetOrigin( origin );
87   grd->SetSpacing( spacing );
88   grd->SetDimensions( ndim );
90   vtkDoubleArray* pntData = vtkDoubleArray::New();
91   pntData->SetName( "XYZ-NODE" );
92   pntData->SetNumberOfComponents( 1 );
93   pntData->SetNumberOfTuples( grd->GetNumberOfPoints() );
95   double node[3];
96   for( int pntIdx=0; pntIdx < grd->GetNumberOfPoints(); ++pntIdx )
97     {
98     grd->GetPoint( pntIdx, node );
99     pntData->SetValue(pntIdx, (node[0]+node[1]+node[2]) );
100     } // END for all points
101   grd->GetPointData()->AddArray( pntData );
102   pntData->Delete();
105   vtkDoubleArray* xyz = vtkDoubleArray::New( );
106   xyz->SetName( "XYZ-CELL" );
107   xyz->SetNumberOfComponents( 1 );
108   xyz->SetNumberOfTuples( grd->GetNumberOfCells() );
110   for( int cellIdx=0; cellIdx < grd->GetNumberOfCells(); ++cellIdx )
111     {
112     vtkCell* myCell = grd->GetCell( cellIdx);
114     vtkPoints *cellPoints = myCell->GetPoints();
116     double xyzCenter[3];
117     xyzCenter[0] = 0.0;
118     xyzCenter[1] = 0.0;
119     xyzCenter[2] = 0.0;
121     for( int cp=0; cp < cellPoints->GetNumberOfPoints(); ++cp )
122       {
123       double pnt[3];
124       cellPoints->GetPoint( cp, pnt );
125       xyzCenter[0] += pnt[0];
126       xyzCenter[1] += pnt[1];
127       xyzCenter[2] += pnt[2];
128       } // END for all cell points
130     xyzCenter[0] = xyzCenter[0] / (cellPoints->GetNumberOfPoints());
131     xyzCenter[1] = xyzCenter[1] / (cellPoints->GetNumberOfPoints());
132     xyzCenter[2] = xyzCenter[2] / (cellPoints->GetNumberOfPoints());
134     double f = xyzCenter[0]*xyzCenter[0] +
135         xyzCenter[1]*xyzCenter[1] + xyzCenter[2]*xyzCenter[2];
136     xyz->SetTuple1(cellIdx,f);
137     } // END for all cells
139   grd->GetCellData()->AddArray(xyz);
140   xyz->Delete();
141   return grd;
142 }
144 // Description
145 // Checks if the given image data-set is equivalent to the structured grid
146 // data-set.
DataSetsEqual(vtkImageData * img,vtkStructuredGrid * sg)147 bool DataSetsEqual( vtkImageData* img, vtkStructuredGrid* sg )
148 {
149   // 0. Check dimensions
150   int imgdim[3]; int sgdim[3];
151   img->GetDimensions( imgdim );
152   sg->GetDimensions( sgdim );
153   for( int i=0; i < 3; ++i )
154     {
155     if( imgdim[i] != sgdim[i] )
156       {
157       return false;
158       }
159     }
161   // 1. Check Number of elements
162   if( img->GetNumberOfCells() != sg->GetNumberOfCells() )
163     {
164     return false;
165     }
167   // 2. Check Number of points
168   if( img->GetNumberOfPoints() != sg->GetNumberOfPoints() )
169     {
170     return false;
171     }
173   // 3. Check Point equality
174   double pnt1[3]; double pnt2[3];
175   for( int pntIdx=0; pntIdx < img->GetNumberOfPoints(); ++pntIdx )
176     {
177     img->GetPoint( pntIdx, pnt1 );
178     sg->GetPoint( pntIdx,pnt2 );
179     if( !ArePointsEqual( pnt1, pnt2 ) )
180       {
181       return false;
182       }
183     }
185   // 4. Check Point data equality
186   if( img->GetPointData()->GetNumberOfArrays() !=
187       sg->GetPointData()->GetNumberOfArrays() )
188       {
189       return false;
190       }
191   int dataArrayIdx = 0;
192   for(;dataArrayIdx<img->GetPointData()->GetNumberOfArrays();++dataArrayIdx )
193     {
194     vtkDataArray* array1 = img->GetPointData()->GetArray( dataArrayIdx );
195     vtkDataArray* array2 = sg->GetPointData()->GetArray( dataArrayIdx );
196     if( array1->GetNumberOfComponents() != array2->GetNumberOfComponents() )
197       {
198       return false;
199       }
200     if( array1->GetNumberOfTuples() != array2->GetNumberOfTuples() )
201       {
202       return false;
203       }
204     if( std::strcmp( array1->GetName(), array2->GetName() ) != 0 )
205       {
206       return false;
207       }
208     } // END for all point arrays
210   // 5. Check Cell data equality
211   if( img->GetCellData()->GetNumberOfArrays() !=
212       sg->GetCellData()->GetNumberOfArrays() )
213       {
214       return false;
215       }
217   dataArrayIdx = 0;
218   for(;dataArrayIdx<img->GetCellData()->GetNumberOfArrays();++dataArrayIdx)
219     {
220     vtkDataArray* array1 = img->GetCellData()->GetArray( dataArrayIdx );
221     vtkDataArray* array2 = sg->GetCellData()->GetArray( dataArrayIdx );
222     if( array1->GetNumberOfComponents() != array2->GetNumberOfComponents() )
223       {
224       return false;
225       }
226     if( array1->GetNumberOfTuples() != array2->GetNumberOfTuples() )
227       {
228       return false;
229       }
230     if( std::strcmp( array1->GetName(), array2->GetName() ) != 0 )
231       {
232       return false;
233       }
234     } // END for all cell arrays
236   return true;
237 }
TestImageDataToStructuredGrid(int,char * [])239 int TestImageDataToStructuredGrid(int,char *[])
240 {
241   int rval = 0;
243   double origin[3]     = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
244   double spacing[3]    = {0.5,0.2,0.0};
245   int    ndim[3]       = {10, 10, 1};
246   vtkUniformGrid* img1 = GetGrid( origin, spacing, ndim );
248   vtkImageToStructuredGrid* myFilter = vtkImageToStructuredGrid::New( );
249   myFilter->SetInputData( img1 );
250   img1->Delete();
251   myFilter->Update();
252   vtkStructuredGrid* sg1 = myFilter->GetOutput();
254   if( !DataSetsEqual( img1, sg1 ) )
255     {
256     rval = 1;
257     }
259   myFilter->Delete();
260   return( rval );
261 }