1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkTemporalPathLineFilter.h
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 // .NAME vtkTemporalPathLineFilter - Generate a Polydata Pointset from any Dataset.
16 //
17 // .SECTION Description
18 // vtkTemporalPathLineFilter takes any dataset as input, it extracts the point
19 // locations of all cells over time to build up a polyline trail.
20 // The point number (index) is used as the 'key' if the points are randomly
21 // changing their respective order in the points list, then you should specify
22 // a scalar that represents the unique ID. This is intended to handle the output
23 // of a filter such as the TemporalStreamTracer.
24 //
25 // .SECTION See Also
26 // vtkTemporalStreamTracer
27 //
28 // .SECTION Thanks
29 // John Bidiscombe of
30 // CSCS - Swiss National Supercomputing Centre
31 // for creating and contributing this class.
33 #ifndef _vtkTemporalPathLineFilter_h
34 #define _vtkTemporalPathLineFilter_h
36 #include "vtkFiltersGeneralModule.h" // For export macro
37 #include "vtkPolyDataAlgorithm.h"
39 class vtkPoints;
40 class vtkCellArray;
41 class vtkMergePoints;
42 class vtkFloatArray;
44 //BTX
45 #include "vtkSmartPointer.h" // for memory safety
46 #include <set>        // Because we want to use it
47 class ParticleTrail;
48 class vtkTemporalPathLineFilterInternals;
49 typedef vtkSmartPointer<ParticleTrail> TrailPointer;
50 //ETX
52 class VTKFILTERSGENERAL_EXPORT vtkTemporalPathLineFilter : public vtkPolyDataAlgorithm
53 {
54 public:
55   // Description:
56   // Standard Type-Macro
57   static vtkTemporalPathLineFilter *New();
58   vtkTypeMacro(vtkTemporalPathLineFilter,vtkPolyDataAlgorithm);
59   void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
61   // Description:
62   // Set the number of particles to track as a ratio of the input
63   // example: setting MaskPoints to 10 will track every 10th point
64   vtkSetMacro(MaskPoints,int);
65   vtkGetMacro(MaskPoints,int);
67   // Description:
68   // If the Particles being traced animate for a long time, the
69   // trails or traces will become long and stringy. Setting
70   // the MaxTraceTimeLength will limit how much of the trace
71   // is displayed. Tracks longer then the Max will disappear
72   // and the trace will apppear like a snake of fixed length
73   // which progresses as the particle moves
74   vtkSetMacro(MaxTrackLength,unsigned int);
75   vtkGetMacro(MaxTrackLength,unsigned int);
77   // Description:
78   // Specify the name of a scalar array which will be used to fetch
79   // the index of each point. This is necessary only if the particles
80   // change position (Id order) on each time step. The Id can be used
81   // to identify particles at each step and hence track them properly.
82   // If this array is NULL, the global point ids are used.  If an Id
83   // array cannot otherwise be found, the point index is used as the ID.
84   vtkSetStringMacro(IdChannelArray);
85   vtkGetStringMacro(IdChannelArray);
87   // Description:
88   // If a particle disappears from one end of a simulation and reappears
89   // on the other side, the track left will be unrepresentative.
90   // Set a MaxStepDistance{x,y,z} which acts as a threshold above which
91   // if a step occurs larger than the value (for the dimension), the track will
92   // be dropped and restarted after the step. (ie the part before the wrap
93   // around will be dropped and the newer part kept).
94   vtkSetVector3Macro(MaxStepDistance,double);
95   vtkGetVector3Macro(MaxStepDistance,double);
97   // Description:
98   // When a particle 'disappears', the trail belonging to it is removed from
99   // the list. When this flag is enabled, dead trails will persist
100   // until the next time the list is cleared. Use carefully as it may cause
101   // excessive memory consumption if left on by mistake.
102   vtkSetMacro(KeepDeadTrails,int);
103   vtkGetMacro(KeepDeadTrails,int);
105   // Description:
106   // Flush will wipe any existing data so that traces can be restarted from
107   // whatever time step is next supplied.
108   void Flush();
110   // Description:
111   // Set a second input which is a selection. Particles with the same
112   // Id in the selection as the primary input will be chosen for pathlines
113   // Note that you must have the same IdChannelArray in the selection as the input
114   void SetSelectionConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput *algOutput);
116   // Description:
117   // Set a second input which is a selection. Particles with the same
118   // Id in the selection as the primary input will be chosen for pathlines
119   // Note that you must have the same IdChannelArray in the selection as the input
120   void SetSelectionData(vtkDataSet *input);
122 protected:
123    vtkTemporalPathLineFilter();
124   ~vtkTemporalPathLineFilter();
126   //
127   // Make sure the pipeline knows what type we expect as input
128   //
129   virtual int FillInputPortInformation (int port, vtkInformation* info);
130   virtual int FillOutputPortInformation(int port, vtkInformation* info);
132   // Description:
133   // The necessary parts of the standard pipeline update mechanism
134   virtual int RequestInformation (vtkInformation *,
135                                   vtkInformationVector **,
136                                   vtkInformationVector *);
137   //
138   virtual int RequestData(vtkInformation *request,
139                           vtkInformationVector** inputVector,
140                           vtkInformationVector* outputVector);
142 //BTX
143   TrailPointer GetTrail(vtkIdType i);
144   void IncrementTrail(
145     TrailPointer trail, vtkDataSet *input, vtkIdType i);
146 //ETX
147   // internal data variables
148   int           NumberOfTimeSteps;
149   int           MaskPoints;
150   unsigned int  MaxTrackLength;
151   unsigned int  LastTrackLength;
152   int           FirstTime;
153   char         *IdChannelArray;
154   double        MaxStepDistance[3];
155   double        LatestTime;
156   int           KeepDeadTrails;
157   int           UsingSelection;
158   //
159 //BTX
160   vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray>                       PolyLines;
161   vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray>                       Vertices;
162   vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints>                          LineCoordinates;
163   vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints>                          VertexCoordinates;
164   vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>                      TrailId;
165   vtkSmartPointer<vtkTemporalPathLineFilterInternals> Internals;
166   std::set<vtkIdType>                              SelectionIds;
167 //ETX
168   //
169 private:
170   vtkTemporalPathLineFilter(const vtkTemporalPathLineFilter&);  // Not implemented.
171   void operator=(const vtkTemporalPathLineFilter&);  // Not implemented.
172 };
174 #endif