1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkTecplotReader.h
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
16 /*****************************************************************************
17 *
18 * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2009, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC
19 * Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
20 * LLNL-CODE-400124
21 * All rights reserved.
22 *
23 * This file was adapted from the ASCII Tecplot reader of VisIt. For  details,
24 * see https://visit.llnl.gov/.  The full copyright notice is contained in the
25 * file COPYRIGHT located at the root of the VisIt distribution or at
26 * http://www.llnl.gov/visit/copyright.html.
27 *
28 *****************************************************************************/
30 // .NAME vtkTecplotReader - A concrete class to read an ASCII Tecplot file.
31 //
32 // .SECTION Description
33 //  vtkTecplotReader parses an ASCII Tecplot file to get a vtkMultiBlockDataSet
34 //  object made up of several vtkDataSet objects, of which each is of type
35 //  either vtkStructuredGrid or vtkUnstructuredGrid. Each vtkDataSet object
36 //  maintains the geometry, topology, and some associated attributes describing
37 //  physical properties.
38 //
39 //  Tecplot treats 3D coordinates (only one or two coordinates might be
40 //  explicitly specified in a file) as varaibles too, whose names (e.g.,
41 //  'X' / 'x' / 'I', 'Y' / 'y' / 'J', 'Z' / 'z' / 'K') are provided in the
42 //  variables list (the 'VARIABLES' section). These names are then followed
43 //  in the list by those of other traditional variables or attributes (node-
44 //  based and / or cell-based data with the mode specified via token 'VAR
45 //  LOCATION', to be extracted to create vtkPointData and / or vtkCellData).
46 //  Each zone described afterwards (in the 'ZONE's section) provides the
47 //  specific values of the aforementioned variables (including 3D coordinates),
48 //  in the same order as indicated by the variable-names list, through either
49 //  POINT-packing (i.e., tuple-based storage) or BLOCK-packing (component-based
50 //  storage). In particular, the first / description line of  each zone tells
51 //  the type of all the  constituent cells as the connectivity / topology
52 //  information. In other words, the entire dataset is made up of multiple zones
53 //  (blocks), of which each maintains a set of cells of the same type ('BRICK',
54 //  'TRIANGLE', 'QUADRILATERAL', 'TETRAHEDRON', and 'POINT' in Tecplot terms).
55 //  In addition, the description line of each zone specifies the zone name,
56 //  dimensionality information (size of each dimension for a structured zone),
57 //  number of nodes, and number of cells. Information about the file format is
58 //  available at http://download.tecplot.com/360/dataformat.pdf.
59 //
60 // .SECTION Caveats
61 //  vtkTecplotReader is currently a simplified ASCII Tecplot reader and some
62 //  functionalities (e.g., extraction of sections 'GEOMETRY', 'TEXT', and 'DATA
63 //  SETAUXDATA', access to multiple time steps, in addition to the construction
64 //  of vtkRectilinearGrid and vtkImageData objects) are not supported.
65 //
66 // .SECTION Thanks
67 //  This class is a VTK implementation of VisIt's ASCII Tecplot reader.
68 //
69 // .SECTION See Also
70 //  vtkPoints vtkStructuredGrid vtkUnstructuredGrid vtkPointData vtkCellData
71 //  vtkDataSet vtkMultiBlockDataSet
73 #ifndef vtkTecplotReader_h
74 #define vtkTecplotReader_h
76 #include "vtkIOGeometryModule.h" // For export macro
77 #include "vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm.h"
79 //BTX
80 #include <vector> // STL Header; Required for vector
81 #include <string> // STL Header; Required for string
82 //ETX
84 class vtkPoints;
85 class vtkCellData;
86 class vtkPointData;
87 class vtkCallbackCommand;
88 class vtkUnstructuredGrid;
89 class vtkMultiBlockDataSet;
90 class vtkDataArraySelection;
91 class vtkTecplotReaderInternal;
93 class VTKIOGEOMETRY_EXPORT vtkTecplotReader : public vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm
94 {
95 public:
96   static vtkTecplotReader * New();
97   vtkTypeMacro( vtkTecplotReader, vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm );
98   void  PrintSelf( ostream & os, vtkIndent indent );
100   // Description:
101   // Get the number of all variables (including 3D coordinates).
102   vtkGetMacro( NumberOfVariables, int );
104   // Description:
105   // Specify a Tecplot ASCII file for data loading.
106   void  SetFileName( const char * fileName );
108   // Description:
109   // Get the Tecplot data title.
110   const char * GetDataTitle();
112   // Description:
113   // Get the number of blocks (i.e., zones in Tecplot terms).
114   int   GetNumberOfBlocks();
116   // Description:
117   // Get the name of a block specified by a zero-based index. NULL is returned
118   // for an invalid block index.
119   const char * GetBlockName( int blockIdx );
121   // Description:
122   // Get the number of standard data attributes (node-based and cell-based),
123   // excluding 3D coordinates.
124   int   GetNumberOfDataAttributes();
126   // Description:
127   // Get the name of a zero-based data attribute (not 3D coordinates). NULL is
128   // returned for an invalid attribute index.
129   const char * GetDataAttributeName( int attrIndx );
131   // Description:
132   // Get the type (0 for node-based and 1 for cell-based) of a specified data
133   // attribute (not 3D coordinates). -1 is returned for an invalid attribute
134   // name.
135   int   IsDataAttributeCellBased( const char * attrName );
137   // Description:
138   // Get the type (0 for node-based and 1 for cell-based) of a specified data
139   // attribute (not 3D coordinates). -1 is returned for an invalid attribute
140   // index.
141   int   IsDataAttributeCellBased( int attrIndx );
143   // Description:
144   // Get the number of all data attributes (point data and cell data).
145   int   GetNumberOfDataArrays();
147   // Description:
148   // Get the name of a data array specified by the zero-based index (arrayIdx).
149   const char * GetDataArrayName( int arrayIdx );
151   // Description:
152   // Get the status of a specific data array (0: un-selected; 1: selected).
153   int   GetDataArrayStatus( const char * arayName );
155   // Description:
156   // Set the status of a specific data array (0: de-select; 1: select) specified
157   // by the name.
158   void  SetDataArrayStatus( const char * arayName, int bChecked );
160 protected:
161   vtkTecplotReader();
162   ~vtkTecplotReader();
164   virtual int FillOutputPortInformation( int port, vtkInformation * info );
165   virtual int RequestInformation( vtkInformation * request,
166                                   vtkInformationVector ** inputVector,
167                                   vtkInformationVector  * outputVector );
168   virtual int RequestData
169           ( vtkInformation *, vtkInformationVector **, vtkInformationVector * );
171   // Description:
172   // A callback function registered with the selection observer.
173   static  void SelectionModifiedCallback
174           ( vtkObject *, unsigned long, void * tpReader, void * );
176   // Description:
177   // This function initializes the context. Note that the Tecplot file name
178   // must NOT be addressed (either specified or inited) in this function. It
179   // is addressed in constructor, destructor, and SetTecplotFile() only.
180   void    Init();
182   // Description:
183   // Get the data arrays list from the tecplot file header.
184   void    GetDataArraysList();
186   // Description:
187   // This function, the data loading engine, parses the Tecplot file to fill
188   // a vtkMultiBlockDataSet object.
189   void    ReadFile( vtkMultiBlockDataSet * multZone);
191   // Description:
192   // This function extracts each variable array from a block-packing (component-
193   // based) zone and collects the 3D point coordinates in addition to data
194   // attributes (node-based and / or cell-based). Note that Tecplot treats 3D
195   // coordinates as variables too, though three special ones.
196   void    GetArraysFromBlockPackingZone( int numNodes, int numCells,
197           vtkPoints * theNodes, vtkPointData * nodeData, vtkCellData * cellData );
199   // Description:
200   // This function extracts each variable array from a point-packing (tuple-
201   // based) zone and collects the 3D point coordbinates in addition to data
202   // attributes (node-based and / or cell-based). Note that Tecplot treats 3D
203   // coordinates as variables too, though three special ones. A point-packing
204   // zone does not contain any cell data at all, instead it is supposed to
205   // contain point data only, if any.
206   void    GetArraysFromPointPackingZone
207           ( int numNodes, vtkPoints * theNodes, vtkPointData * nodeData );
209   // Description:
210   // This function creates a vtkStructuredGrid object made up of a set of
211   // points and the associated attributes (node-based and / or cell-based)
212   // extracted from a block-packing (i.e., component-based) zone. This
213   // vtkStructuredGrid is then inserted, with a specified zone name, to a
214   // vtkMultiBlockDataSet object.
215   void    GetStructuredGridFromBlockPackingZone( int iDimSize, int jDimSize,
216           int kDimSize, int zoneIndx, const char * zoneName,
217           vtkMultiBlockDataSet * multZone );
219   // Description:
220   // This function creates a vtkStructuredGrid object made up of a set of
221   // points and the associated attributes (node-based and / or cell-based)
222   // extracted from a point-packing (i.e., tuple-based) zone. This
223   // vtkStructuredGrid is then inserted, with a specified zone name, to a
224   // vtkMultiBlockDataSet object.
225   void    GetStructuredGridFromPointPackingZone( int iDimSize, int jDimSize,
226           int kDimSize, int zoneIndx, const char * zoneName,
227           vtkMultiBlockDataSet * multZone );
229   // Description:
230   // This function creates a vtkUnstructuredGrid object made up of a set of
231   // points and the associated attributes (node-based and / or cell-based)
232   // extracted from a block-packing (i.e., component-based) zone. This
233   // vtkUnstructuredGrid is then inserted, with a specified zone name, to a
234   // vtkMultiBlockDataSet object.
235   void    GetUnstructuredGridFromBlockPackingZone( int numNodes, int numCells,
236           const char * cellType, int zoneIndx, const char * zoneName,
237           vtkMultiBlockDataSet * multZone );
239   // Description:
240   // This function creates a vtkUnstructuredGrid object made up of a set of
241   // points and the associated attributes (node-based and / or cell-based)
242   // extracted from a point-packing (i.e., tuple-based) zone. This
243   // vtkUnstructuredGrid is then inserted, with a specified zone name, to a
244   // vtkMultiBlockDataSet object.
245   void    GetUnstructuredGridFromPointPackingZone( int numNodes, int numCells,
246           const char * cellType,int zoneIndx, const char * zoneName,
247           vtkMultiBlockDataSet * multZone );
249   // Description:
250   // This function fills an allocated vtkUnstructuredGrid object with numberCells
251   // cells of type cellTypeStr to define the grid topology.
252   void    GetUnstructuredGridCells( int numberCells, const char * cellTypeStr,
253           vtkUnstructuredGrid * unstrctGrid );
255   int     NumberOfVariables;
256   char *  FileName;
257   vtkCallbackCommand       *        SelectionObserver;
258   vtkDataArraySelection    *        DataArraySelection;
259   vtkTecplotReaderInternal *        Internal;
261   //BTX
262   std::string                    DataTitle;
263   std::vector< int >             CellBased;
264   std::vector< std::string >  ZoneNames;
265   std::vector< std::string >  Variables;
266   //ETX
268 private:
270   vtkTecplotReader( const vtkTecplotReader & );  // Not implemented.
271   void operator = ( const vtkTecplotReader & );  // Not implemented.
272 };
274 #endif