1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkPointLoad.cxx
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 #include "vtkPointLoad.h"
17 #include "vtkFloatArray.h"
18 #include "vtkImageData.h"
19 #include "vtkMath.h"
20 #include "vtkInformation.h"
21 #include "vtkInformationVector.h"
22 #include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
23 #include "vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.h"
24 #include "vtkPointData.h"
26 vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkPointLoad);
28 // Construct with ModelBounds=(-1,1,-1,1,-1,1), SampleDimensions=(50,50,50),
29 // and LoadValue = 1.
vtkPointLoad()30 vtkPointLoad::vtkPointLoad()
31 {
32   this->LoadValue = 1.0;
34   this->ModelBounds[0] = -1.0;
35   this->ModelBounds[1] = 1.0;
36   this->ModelBounds[2] = -1.0;
37   this->ModelBounds[3] = 1.0;
38   this->ModelBounds[4] = -1.0;
39   this->ModelBounds[5] = 1.0;
41   this->SampleDimensions[0] = 50;
42   this->SampleDimensions[1] = 50;
43   this->SampleDimensions[2] = 50;
45   this->PoissonsRatio = 0.3;
47   this->SetNumberOfInputPorts(0);
48 }
50 // Specify the dimensions of the volume. A stress tensor will be computed for
51 // each point in the volume.
SetSampleDimensions(int i,int j,int k)52 void vtkPointLoad::SetSampleDimensions(int i, int j, int k)
53 {
54   int dim[3];
56   dim[0] = i;
57   dim[1] = j;
58   dim[2] = k;
60   this->SetSampleDimensions(dim);
61 }
63 // Specify the dimensions of the volume. A stress tensor will be computed for
64 // each point in the volume.
SetSampleDimensions(int dim[3])65 void vtkPointLoad::SetSampleDimensions(int dim[3])
66 {
67   vtkDebugMacro(<< " setting SampleDimensions to (" << dim[0] << "," << dim[1] << "," << dim[2] << ")");
69   if ( dim[0] != this->SampleDimensions[0] ||
70        dim[1] != this->SampleDimensions[1] ||
71        dim[2] != this->SampleDimensions[2] )
72     {
73     for ( int i=0; i<3; i++)
74       {
75       this->SampleDimensions[i] = (dim[i] > 0 ? dim[i] : 1);
76       }
77     this->Modified();
78     }
79 }
RequestInformation(vtkInformation * vtkNotUsed (request),vtkInformationVector ** vtkNotUsed (inputVector),vtkInformationVector * outputVector)81 int vtkPointLoad::RequestInformation (
82   vtkInformation * vtkNotUsed(request),
83   vtkInformationVector ** vtkNotUsed( inputVector ),
84   vtkInformationVector *outputVector)
85 {
86   // get the info objects
87   vtkInformation* outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0);
89   // use model bounds
90   double origin[3];
91   origin[0] = this->ModelBounds[0];
92   origin[1] = this->ModelBounds[2];
93   origin[2] = this->ModelBounds[4];
94   outInfo->Set(vtkDataObject::ORIGIN(), origin, 3);
96   // Set volume origin and data spacing
97   int i;
98   double spacing[3];
99   for (i=0; i<3; i++)
100     {
101     spacing[i] = (this->ModelBounds[2*i+1] - this->ModelBounds[2*i])
102       / (this->SampleDimensions[i] - 1);
103     if ( spacing[i] <= 0.0 )
104       {
105       spacing[i] = 1.0;
106       }
107     }
108   outInfo->Set(vtkDataObject::SPACING(),spacing,3);
110   int wExt[6];
111   wExt[0] = 0; wExt[2] = 0; wExt[4] = 0;
112   wExt[1] = this->SampleDimensions[0] - 1;
113   wExt[3] = this->SampleDimensions[1] - 1;
114   wExt[5] = this->SampleDimensions[2] - 1;
116   outInfo->Set(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::WHOLE_EXTENT(), wExt, 6);
117   vtkDataObject::SetPointDataActiveScalarInfo(outInfo, VTK_FLOAT, 1);
118   return 1;
119 }
121 //
122 // Generate tensors and scalars for point load on semi-infinite domain.
123 //
ExecuteDataWithInformation(vtkDataObject * outp,vtkInformation * outInfo)124 void vtkPointLoad::ExecuteDataWithInformation(vtkDataObject *outp, vtkInformation* outInfo)
125 {
126   int i, j, k;
127   vtkFloatArray *newTensors;
128   double tensor[9];
129   vtkIdType numPts;
130   double P, twoPi, xP[3], rho, rho2, rho3, rho5, nu;
131   double x, x2, y, y2, z, z2, rhoPlusz2, zPlus2rho, txy, txz, tyz;
132   double sx, sy, sz, seff;
133   vtkImageData *output = this->AllocateOutputData(outp, outInfo);
134   vtkFloatArray *newScalars =
135     vtkFloatArray::SafeDownCast(output->GetPointData()->GetScalars());
136   double *spacing, *origin;
138   vtkDebugMacro(<< "Computing point load stress tensors");
140   //
141   // Initialize self; create output objects
142   //
143   numPts = this->SampleDimensions[0] * this->SampleDimensions[1]
144            * this->SampleDimensions[2];
145   spacing = output->GetSpacing();
146   origin = output->GetOrigin();
147   newTensors = vtkFloatArray::New();
148   newTensors->SetNumberOfComponents(9);
149   newTensors->Allocate(9*numPts);
151   //
152   // Compute the location of the load
153   //
154   xP[0] = (this->ModelBounds[0] + this->ModelBounds[1]) / 2.0; //in center
155   xP[1] = (this->ModelBounds[2] + this->ModelBounds[3]) / 2.0;
156   xP[2] = this->ModelBounds[5]; // at top of box
157   //
158   // Traverse all points evaluating implicit function at each point. Note that
159   // points are evaluated in local coordinate system of applied force.
160   //
161   twoPi = 2.0*vtkMath::Pi();
162   P = -this->LoadValue;
163   int pointCount = 0;
164   for (k=0; k<this->SampleDimensions[2]; k++)
165     {
166     z = xP[2] - (origin[2] + k*spacing[2]);
167     for (j=0; j<this->SampleDimensions[1]; j++)
168       {
169       y = xP[1] - (origin[1] + j*spacing[1]);
170       for (i=0; i<this->SampleDimensions[0]; i++)
171         {
172         x = (origin[0] + i*spacing[0]) - xP[0];
173         rho = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);//in local coordinates
174         if ( rho < 1.0e-10 )
175           {
176           vtkWarningMacro(<<"Attempting to set singularity, resetting");
177           tensor[0] = VTK_FLOAT_MAX; // Component(0,0)
178           tensor[4] = VTK_FLOAT_MAX; // Component(1,1);
179           tensor[8] = VTK_FLOAT_MAX; // Component(2,2);
180           tensor[3] = 0.0; // Component(0,1);
181           tensor[6] = 0.0; // Component(0,2);
182           tensor[1] = 0.0; // Component(1,0);
183           tensor[7] = 0.0; // Component(1,2);
184           tensor[2] = 0.0; // Component(2,0);
185           tensor[5] = 0.0; // Component(2,1);
186           newTensors->InsertNextTuple(tensor);
187           double val = VTK_FLOAT_MAX;
188           newScalars->InsertTuple(pointCount,&val);
189           pointCount++;
190           continue;
191           }
193         rho2 = rho*rho;
194         rho3 = rho2*rho;
195         rho5 = rho2*rho3;
196         nu = (1.0 - 2.0*this->PoissonsRatio);
197         x2 = x*x;
198         y2 = y*y;
199         z2 = z*z;
200         rhoPlusz2 = (rho + z) * (rho + z);
201         zPlus2rho = (2.0*rho + z);
203         // normal stresses
204         sx = P/(twoPi*rho2) * (3.0*z*x2/rho3 - nu*(z/rho - rho/(rho+z) +
205                                x2*(zPlus2rho)/(rho*rhoPlusz2)));
206         sy = P/(twoPi*rho2) * (3.0*z*y2/rho3 - nu*(z/rho - rho/(rho+z) +
207                                y2*(zPlus2rho)/(rho*rhoPlusz2)));
208         sz = 3.0*P*z2*z/(twoPi*rho5);
210         //shear stresses - negative signs are coordinate transformations
211         //that is, equations (in text) are in different coordinate system
212         //than volume is in.
213         txy = -(P/(twoPi*rho2) * (3.0*x*y*z/rho3 -
214                                 nu*x*y*(zPlus2rho)/(rho*rhoPlusz2)));
215         txz = -(3.0*P*x*z2/(twoPi*rho5));
216         tyz = 3.0*P*y*z2/(twoPi*rho5);
218         tensor[0] = sx;  // Component(0,0);
219         tensor[4] = sy;  // Component(1,1);
220         tensor[8] = sz;  // Component(2,2);
221         tensor[3] = txy; // Component(0,1);  real symmetric matrix
222         tensor[1] = txy; // Component(1,0);
223         tensor[6] = txz; // Component(0,2);
224         tensor[2] = txz; // Component(2,0);
225         tensor[7] = tyz; // Component(1,2);
226         tensor[5] = tyz; // Component(2,1);
227         newTensors->InsertNextTuple(tensor);
229         seff = 0.333333* sqrt ((sx-sy)*(sx-sy) + (sy-sz)*(sy-sz) +
230                                (sz-sx)*(sz-sx) + 6.0*txy*txy + 6.0*tyz*tyz +
231                                6.0*txz*txz);
232         newScalars->InsertTuple(pointCount,&seff);
233         pointCount++;
234         }
235       }
236     }
237   //
238   // Update self and free memory
239   //
240   output->GetPointData()->SetTensors(newTensors);
241   newTensors->Delete();
242 }
PrintSelf(ostream & os,vtkIndent indent)245 void vtkPointLoad::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
246 {
247   this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent);
249   os << indent << "Load Value: " << this->LoadValue << "\n";
250   os << indent << "Sample Dimensions: (" << this->SampleDimensions[0] << ", "
251                << this->SampleDimensions[1] << ", "
252                << this->SampleDimensions[2] << ")\n";
253   os << indent << "ModelBounds: \n";
254   os << indent << "  Xmin,Xmax: (" << this->ModelBounds[0] << ", " << this->ModelBounds[1] << ")\n";
255   os << indent << "  Ymin,Ymax: (" << this->ModelBounds[2] << ", " << this->ModelBounds[3] << ")\n";
256   os << indent << "  Zmin,Zmax: (" << this->ModelBounds[4] << ", " << this->ModelBounds[5] << ")\n";
257   os << indent << "Poisson's Ratio: " << this->PoissonsRatio << "\n";
258 }