1 /*****************************************************************************/
2 /*                                    XDMF                                   */
3 /*                       eXtensible Data Model and Format                    */
4 /*                                                                           */
5 /*  Id : XdmfGrid.hpp                                                        */
6 /*                                                                           */
7 /*  Author:                                                                  */
8 /*     Kenneth Leiter                                                        */
9 /*     kenneth.leiter@arl.army.mil                                           */
10 /*     US Army Research Laboratory                                           */
11 /*     Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD                                           */
12 /*                                                                           */
13 /*     Copyright @ 2011 US Army Research Laboratory                          */
14 /*     All Rights Reserved                                                   */
15 /*     See Copyright.txt for details                                         */
16 /*                                                                           */
17 /*     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without            */
18 /*     even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS               */
19 /*     FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice             */
20 /*     for more information.                                                 */
21 /*                                                                           */
22 /*****************************************************************************/
24 #ifndef XDMFGRID_HPP_
25 #define XDMFGRID_HPP_
27 // Forward Declarations
28 class XdmfAttribute;
29 class XdmfGeometry;
30 class XdmfMap;
31 class XdmfSet;
32 class XdmfTime;
33 class XdmfTopology;
35 // Includes
36 #include "Xdmf.hpp"
37 #include "XdmfItem.hpp"
39 /**
40  * @brief A mesh containing elements, points, and fields attached to
41  * the mesh.
42  *
43  * XdmfGrid represents a mesh. It is required to contain two other
44  * Xdmf data structures, an XdmfGeometry that stores point locations
45  * and an XdmfTopology that store connectivity
46  * information. XdmfAttributes can be inserted into the XdmfGrid to
47  * specify fields centered on various parts of the mesh.  XdmfSets can
48  * be inserted into XdmfGrids to specify collections of mesh elements.
49  *
50  * XdmfGrid is an abstract base class. There are several
51  * implementations for representing both structured and unstructured
52  * grids.
53  */
54 class XDMF_EXPORT XdmfGrid : public virtual XdmfItem {
56 public:
58   virtual ~XdmfGrid() = 0;
60   LOKI_DEFINE_VISITABLE(XdmfGrid, XdmfItem)
61   XDMF_CHILDREN(XdmfGrid, XdmfAttribute, Attribute, Name)
62   XDMF_CHILDREN(XdmfGrid, XdmfSet, Set, Name)
63   XDMF_CHILDREN(XdmfGrid, XdmfMap, Map, Name)
64   static const std::string ItemTag;
66   /**
67    * Get the geometry associated with this grid.
68    *
69    * Example of use:
70    *
71    * C++
72    *
73    * @dontinclude ExampleXdmfGrid.cpp
74    * @skipline //#initialization
75    * @until //#initialization
76    * @skipline //#getGeometry
77    * @until //#getGeometry
78    *
79    * Python
80    *
81    * @dontinclude XdmfExampleGrid.py
82    * @skipline #//initialization
83    * @until #//initialization
84    * @skipline #//getGeometry
85    * @until #//getGeometry
86    *
87    * @return    The geometry associated with this grid.
88    */
89   shared_ptr<const XdmfGeometry> getGeometry() const;
91   std::map<std::string, std::string> getItemProperties() const;
93   virtual std::string getItemTag() const;
95   /**
96    * Get the name of the grid.
97    *
98    * Example of use:
99    *
100    * C++
101    *
102    * @dontinclude ExampleXdmfGrid.cpp
103    * @skipline //#initialization
104    * @until //#initialization
105    * @skipline //#setName
106    * @until //#setName
107    * @skipline //#getName
108    * @until //#getName
109    *
110    * Python
111    *
112    * @dontinclude XdmfExampleGrid.py
113    * @skipline #//initialization
114    * @until #//initialization
115    * @skipline #//setName
116    * @until #//setName
117    * @skipline #//getName
118    * @until #//getName
119    *
120    * @return    The name of the grid.
121    */
122   std::string getName() const;
124   /**
125    * Get the time associated with this grid.
126    *
127    * Example of use:
128    *
129    * C++
130    *
131    * @dontinclude ExampleXdmfGrid.cpp
132    * @skipline //#initialization
133    * @until //#initialization
134    * @skipline //#setTime
135    * @until //#setTime
136    * @skipline //#getTime
137    * @until //#getTime
138    *
139    * Python
140    *
141    * @dontinclude XdmfExampleGrid.py
142    * @skipline #//initialization
143    * @until #//initialization
144    * @skipline #//setTime
145    * @until #//setTime
146    * @skipline #//getTime
147    * @until #//getTime
148    *
149    * @return    Pointer to the XdmfTime attached to this grid. If no
150    *            XdmfTime is attached, return a NULL pointer.
151    */
152   shared_ptr<XdmfTime> getTime();
154   /**
155    * Get the time associated with this grid (const version).
156    *
157    * Example of use:
158    *
159    * C++
160    *
161    * @dontinclude ExampleXdmfGrid.cpp
162    * @skipline //#initialization
163    * @until //#initialization
164    * @skipline //#setTime
165    * @until //#setTime
166    * @skipline //#getTimeconst
167    * @until //#getTimeconst
168    *
169    * Python: Python doesn't have a constant version
170    *
171    * @return    Pointer to the XdmfTime attached to this grid. If no
172    *            XdmfTime is attached, return a NULL pointer.
173    */
174   shared_ptr<const XdmfTime> getTime() const;
176   /**
177    * Get the topology associated with this grid.
178    *
179    * Example of use:
180    *
181    * C++
182    *
183    * @dontinclude ExampleXdmfGrid.cpp
184    * @skipline //#initialization
185    * @until //#initialization
186    * @skipline //#getTopology
187    * @until //#getTopology
188    *
189    * Python
190    *
191    * @dontinclude XdmfExampleGrid.py
192    * @skipline #//initialization
193    * @until #//initialization
194    * @skipline #//getTopology
195    * @until #//getTopology
196    *
197    * @return    The topology associated with this grid.
198    */
199   shared_ptr<const XdmfTopology> getTopology() const;
201   using XdmfItem::insert;
203   /**
204    * Set the name of the grid.
205    *
206    * Example of use:
207    *
208    * C++
209    *
210    * @dontinclude ExampleXdmfGrid.cpp
211    * @skipline //#initialization
212    * @until //#initialization
213    * @skipline //#setName
214    * @until //#setName
215    *
216    * Python
217    *
218    * @dontinclude XdmfExampleGrid.py
219    * @skipline #//initialization
220    * @until #//initialization
221    * @skipline #//setName
222    * @until #//setName
223    *
224    * @param     name    Name of the grid to set.
225    */
226   void setName(const std::string & name);
228   /**
229    * Set the time associated with this grid.
230    *
231    * Example of use:
232    *
233    * C++
234    *
235    * @dontinclude ExampleXdmfGrid.cpp
236    * @skipline //#initialization
237    * @until //#initialization
238    * @skipline //#setTime
239    * @until //#setTime
240    *
241    * Python
242    *
243    * @dontinclude XdmfExampleGrid.py
244    * @skipline #//initialization
245    * @until #//initialization
246    * @skipline #//setTime
247    * @until #//setTime
248    *
249    * @param     time    An XdmfTime to associate with this grid.
250    */
251   void setTime(const shared_ptr<XdmfTime> time);
253   virtual void traverse(const shared_ptr<XdmfBaseVisitor> visitor);
255 protected:
257   XdmfGrid(const shared_ptr<XdmfGeometry> geometry,
258            const shared_ptr<XdmfTopology> topology,
259            const std::string & name = "Grid");
261   virtual void
262   populateItem(const std::map<std::string, std::string> & itemProperties,
263                const std::vector<shared_ptr<XdmfItem> > & childItems,
264                const XdmfCoreReader * const reader);
266   shared_ptr<XdmfGeometry> mGeometry;
267   shared_ptr<XdmfTopology> mTopology;
269 private:
271   XdmfGrid(const XdmfGrid &);  // Not implemented.
272   void operator=(const XdmfGrid &);  // Not implemented.
274   std::string mName;
275   shared_ptr<XdmfTime> mTime;
277 };
279 #endif /* XDMFGRID_HPP_ */