1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkContour3DLinearGrid.cxx
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 #include "vtkContour3DLinearGrid.h"
17 #include "vtkUnstructuredGrid.h"
18 #include "vtkCellArray.h"
19 #include "vtkCellData.h"
20 #include "vtkContourValues.h"
21 #include "vtkTetra.h"
22 #include "vtkHexahedron.h"
23 #include "vtkWedge.h"
24 #include "vtkPyramid.h"
25 #include "vtkVoxel.h"
26 #include "vtkTriangle.h"
27 #include "vtkPointData.h"
28 #include "vtkPolyData.h"
29 #include "vtkFloatArray.h"
30 #include "vtkStaticPointLocator.h"
31 #include "vtkStaticEdgeLocatorTemplate.h"
32 #include "vtkArrayListTemplate.h" // For processing attribute data
33 #include "vtkStaticCellLinksTemplate.h"
34 #include "vtkGarbageCollector.h"
35 #include "vtkInformation.h"
36 #include "vtkInformationVector.h"
37 #include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
38 #include "vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.h"
39 #include "vtkSMPTools.h"
40 #include "vtkSMPThreadLocalObject.h"
42 #include <set>
44 vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkContour3DLinearGrid);
46 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 // Classes to support threaded execution. Note that there are different
48 // strategies implemented here: 1) a fast path that just produces output
49 // triangles and points, and 2) more general approach that supports point
50 // merging, field interpolation, and/or normal generation. There is also some
51 // cell-related machinery supporting faster contouring.
53 // Macros immediately below are just used to make code easier to
54 // read. Invokes functor _op _num times depending on serial (_seq==1) or
55 // parallel processing mode. The _REDUCE_ version is used to called functors
56 // with a Reduce() method).
57 #define EXECUTE_SMPFOR(_seq,_num,_op) \
58   if ( !_seq) \
59   {\
60     vtkSMPTools::For(0,_num,_op); \
61   }\
62   else \
63   {\
64   _op(0,_num);\
65   }
67 #define EXECUTE_REDUCED_SMPFOR(_seq,_num,_op) \
68   if ( !_seq) \
69   {\
70     vtkSMPTools::For(0,_num,_op); \
71   }\
72   else \
73   {\
74   _op.Initialize();\
75   _op(0,_num);\
76   _op.Reduce();\
77   }\
79 namespace {
81 //========================= CELL MACHINERY ====================================
83 // Implementation note: this filter currently handles 3D linear cells. It
84 // could be extended to handle other 3D cell types if the contouring
85 // operation can be expressed as transformation of scalar values from cell
86 // vertices to a case table of triangles.
88 // The maximum number of verts per cell
89 #define MAX_CELL_VERTS 8
91 // Base class to represent cells
92 struct BaseCell
93 {
94   unsigned char CellType;
95   unsigned char NumVerts;
96   unsigned char NumEdges;
97   unsigned short *Cases;
98   static unsigned char Mask[MAX_CELL_VERTS];
BaseCell__anon9cebd3fe0111::BaseCell100   BaseCell(int cellType) : CellType(cellType), NumVerts(0), NumEdges(0), Cases(nullptr) {}
~BaseCell__anon9cebd3fe0111::BaseCell101   virtual ~BaseCell() {}
103   // Set up the case table. This is done by accessing standard VTK cells and
104   // repackaging the case table for efficiency. The format of the case table
105   // is as follows: a linear array, organized into two parts: 1) offets into
106   // the second part, and 2) the cases. The first 2^NumVerts entries are the
107   // offsets which refer to the 2^NumVerts cases in the second part. Each
108   // case is represented by the number of edges, followed by pairs of
109   // vertices (v0,v1) for each edge. Note that groups of three contiguous
110   // edges form a triangle.
111   virtual void BuildCases() = 0;
112   void BuildCases(int numCases, int **edges, int **cases, unsigned short *caseArray);
113 };
114 // Used to generate case mask
115 unsigned char BaseCell::Mask[MAX_CELL_VERTS] = {1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128};
116 // Build repackaged case table and place into cases array.
BuildCases(int numCases,int ** edges,int ** cases,unsigned short * caseArray)117 void BaseCell::BuildCases(int numCases, int **edges, int **cases,
118                           unsigned short *caseArray)
119 {
120   int caseOffset = numCases;
121   for (int caseNum=0; caseNum < numCases; ++caseNum)
122   {
123     caseArray[caseNum] = caseOffset;
124     int *triCases = cases[caseNum];
126     // Count the number of edges
127     int count;
128     for (count=0; triCases[count] != (-1); ++count) {}
129     caseArray[caseOffset++] = count;
131     // Now populate the edges
132     int *edge;
133     for (count=0; triCases[count] != (-1); ++count)
134     {
135       edge = edges[triCases[count]];
136       caseArray[caseOffset++] = edge[0];
137       caseArray[caseOffset++] = edge[1];
138     }
139   }//for all cases
140 }
142 // Contour tetrahedral cell------------------------------------------------------
143 // Repackages case table for more efficient processing.
144 struct TetCell : public BaseCell
145 {
146   static unsigned short TetCases[152];
TetCell__anon9cebd3fe0111::TetCell148   TetCell() : BaseCell(VTK_TETRA)
149   {
150     this->NumVerts = 4;
151     this->NumEdges = 6;
152     this->BuildCases();
153     this->Cases = this->TetCases;
154   }
~TetCell__anon9cebd3fe0111::TetCell155   ~TetCell() override {}
156   void BuildCases() override;
157 };
158 // Dummy initialization filled in later at initialization. The lengtth of the
159 // array is determined from the equation length=(2*NumCases + 3*2*NumTris).
160 unsigned short TetCell::TetCases[152] = { 0 };
161 // Load and transform vtkTetra case table. The case tables are repackaged for
162 // efficiency (e.g., support the GetCase() method).
BuildCases()163 void TetCell::BuildCases()
164 {
165   int **edges = new int*[this->NumEdges];
166   int numCases = std::pow(2,this->NumVerts);
167   int **cases = new int*[numCases];
168   for ( int i=0; i<this->NumEdges; ++i)
169   {
170     edges[i] = vtkTetra::GetEdgeArray(i);
171   }
172   for ( int i=0; i < numCases; ++i)
173   {
174     cases[i] = vtkTetra::GetTriangleCases(i);
175   }
177   BaseCell::BuildCases(numCases, edges, cases, this->TetCases);
179   delete [] edges;
180   delete [] cases;
181 }
183 // Contour hexahedral cell------------------------------------------------------
184 struct HexCell : public BaseCell
185 {
186   static unsigned short HexCases[5432];
HexCell__anon9cebd3fe0111::HexCell188   HexCell() : BaseCell(VTK_HEXAHEDRON)
189   {
190     this->NumVerts = 8;
191     this->NumEdges = 12;
192     this->BuildCases();
193     this->Cases = this->HexCases;
194   }
~HexCell__anon9cebd3fe0111::HexCell195   ~HexCell() override {}
196   void BuildCases() override;
197 };
198 // Dummy initialization filled in later at instantiation
199 unsigned short HexCell::HexCases[5432] = { 0 };
200 // Load and transform marching cubes case table. The case tables are
201 // repackaged for efficiency (e.g., support the GetCase() method).
BuildCases()202 void HexCell::BuildCases()
203 {
204   int **edges = new int*[this->NumEdges];
205   int numCases = std::pow(2,this->NumVerts);
206   int **cases = new int*[numCases];
207   for ( int i=0; i<this->NumEdges; ++i)
208   {
209     edges[i] = vtkHexahedron::GetEdgeArray(i);
210   }
211   for ( int i=0; i < numCases; ++i)
212   {
213     cases[i] = vtkHexahedron::GetTriangleCases(i);
214   }
216   BaseCell::BuildCases(numCases, edges, cases, this->HexCases);
218   delete [] edges;
219   delete [] cases;
220 }
222 // Contour wedge cell ------------------------------------------------------
223 struct WedgeCell : public BaseCell
224 {
225   static unsigned short WedgeCases[968];
WedgeCell__anon9cebd3fe0111::WedgeCell227   WedgeCell() : BaseCell(VTK_WEDGE)
228   {
229     this->NumVerts = 6;
230     this->NumEdges = 9;
231     this->BuildCases();
232     this->Cases = this->WedgeCases;
233   }
~WedgeCell__anon9cebd3fe0111::WedgeCell234   ~WedgeCell() override {}
235   void BuildCases() override;
236 };
237 // Dummy initialization filled in later at instantiation
238 unsigned short WedgeCell::WedgeCases[968] = { 0 };
239 // Load and transform marching cubes case table. The case tables are
240 // repackaged for efficiency (e.g., support the GetCase() method).
BuildCases()241 void WedgeCell::BuildCases()
242 {
243   int **edges = new int*[this->NumEdges];
244   int numCases = std::pow(2,this->NumVerts);
245   int **cases = new int*[numCases];
246   for ( int i=0; i<this->NumEdges; ++i)
247   {
248     edges[i] = vtkWedge::GetEdgeArray(i);
249   }
250   for ( int i=0; i < numCases; ++i)
251   {
252     cases[i] = vtkWedge::GetTriangleCases(i);
253   }
255   BaseCell::BuildCases(numCases, edges, cases, this->WedgeCases);
257   delete [] edges;
258   delete [] cases;
259 }
261 // Contour pyramid cell------------------------------------------------------
262 struct PyrCell : public BaseCell
263 {
264   static unsigned short PyrCases[448];
PyrCell__anon9cebd3fe0111::PyrCell266   PyrCell() : BaseCell(VTK_PYRAMID)
267   {
268     this->NumVerts = 5;
269     this->NumEdges = 8;
270     this->BuildCases();
271     this->Cases = this->PyrCases;
272   }
~PyrCell__anon9cebd3fe0111::PyrCell273   ~PyrCell() override {}
274   void BuildCases() override;
275 };
276 // Dummy initialization filled in later at instantiation
277 unsigned short PyrCell::PyrCases[448] = { 0 };
278 // Load and transform marching cubes case table. The case tables are
279 // repackaged for efficiency (e.g., support the GetCase() method).
BuildCases()280 void PyrCell::BuildCases()
281 {
282   int **edges = new int*[this->NumEdges];
283   int numCases = std::pow(2,this->NumVerts);
284   int **cases = new int*[numCases];
285   for ( int i=0; i<this->NumEdges; ++i)
286   {
287     edges[i] = vtkPyramid::GetEdgeArray(i);
288   }
289   for ( int i=0; i < numCases; ++i)
290   {
291     cases[i] = vtkPyramid::GetTriangleCases(i);
292   }
294   BaseCell::BuildCases(numCases, edges, cases, this->PyrCases);
296   delete [] edges;
297   delete [] cases;
298 }
300 // Contour voxel cell------------------------------------------------------
301 struct VoxCell : public BaseCell
302 {
303   static unsigned short VoxCases[5432];
VoxCell__anon9cebd3fe0111::VoxCell305   VoxCell() : BaseCell(VTK_VOXEL)
306   {
307     this->NumVerts = 8;
308     this->NumEdges = 12;
309     this->BuildCases();
310     this->Cases = this->VoxCases;
311   }
~VoxCell__anon9cebd3fe0111::VoxCell312   ~VoxCell() override {};
313   void BuildCases() override;
314 };
315 // Dummy initialization filled in later at instantiation
316 unsigned short VoxCell::VoxCases[5432] = { 0 };
317 // Load and transform marching cubes case table. The case tables are
318 // repackaged for efficiency (e.g., support the GetCase() method). Note that
319 // the MC cases (vtkMarchingCubesTriangleCases) are specified for the
320 // hexahedron; voxels require a transformation to produce correct output.
BuildCases()321 void VoxCell::BuildCases()
322 {
323   // Map the voxel points consistent with the hex edges and cases, Basically
324   // the hex points (2,3,6,7) are ordered (3,2,7,6) on the voxel.
325   int **edges = new int*[this->NumEdges];
326   int voxEdges[12][2] = { {0,1}, {1,3}, {2,3}, {0,2}, {4,5}, {5,7},
327                           {6,7}, {4,6}, {0,4}, {1,5}, {2,6}, {3,7} };
329   for ( int i=0; i<this->NumEdges; ++i)
330   {
331     edges[i] = voxEdges[i];
332   }
334   // Build the voxel cases. Have to shuffle them around due to different
335   // vertex ordering.
336   unsigned int numCases = std::pow(2,this->NumVerts);
337   int **cases = new int*[numCases];
338   unsigned int hexCase, voxCase;
339   for ( hexCase=0; hexCase < numCases; ++hexCase)
340   {
341     voxCase  = ((hexCase & BaseCell::Mask[0]) ? 1 : 0) << 0;
342     voxCase |= ((hexCase & BaseCell::Mask[1]) ? 1 : 0) << 1;
343     voxCase |= ((hexCase & BaseCell::Mask[2]) ? 1 : 0) << 3;
344     voxCase |= ((hexCase & BaseCell::Mask[3]) ? 1 : 0) << 2;
345     voxCase |= ((hexCase & BaseCell::Mask[4]) ? 1 : 0) << 4;
346     voxCase |= ((hexCase & BaseCell::Mask[5]) ? 1 : 0) << 5;
347     voxCase |= ((hexCase & BaseCell::Mask[6]) ? 1 : 0) << 7;
348     voxCase |= ((hexCase & BaseCell::Mask[7]) ? 1 : 0) << 6;
349     cases[voxCase] = vtkHexahedron::GetTriangleCases(hexCase);
350   }
352   BaseCell::BuildCases(numCases, edges, cases, this->VoxCases);
354   delete [] edges;
355   delete [] cases;
356 }
358 // Contour empty cell. These cells are skipped.---------------------------------
359 struct EmptyCell : public BaseCell
360 {
361   static unsigned short EmptyCases[2];
EmptyCell__anon9cebd3fe0111::EmptyCell363   EmptyCell() : BaseCell(VTK_EMPTY_CELL)
364   {
365     this->NumVerts = 0;
366     this->NumEdges = 0;
367     this->Cases = this->EmptyCases;
368   }
~EmptyCell__anon9cebd3fe0111::EmptyCell369   ~EmptyCell() override {}
BuildCases__anon9cebd3fe0111::EmptyCell370   void BuildCases() override {}
371 };
372 // No triangles generated
373 unsigned short EmptyCell::EmptyCases[2] = { 0,0 };
376 // This is a general iterator which assumes that the unstructured grid has a
377 // mix of cells. Any cell that is not processed by this contouring algorithm
378 // (i.e., not one of tet, hex, pyr, wedge, voxel) is skipped.
379 struct CellIter
380 {
381   // Current active cell, and whether it is a copy (which controls
382   // the destruction process).
383   bool Copy;
384   BaseCell *Cell;
386   // The iteration state.
387   unsigned char NumVerts;
388   const unsigned short *Cases;
389   vtkIdType Incr;
391   // Refernces to unstructured grid for cell traversal.
392   vtkIdType NumCells;
393   const unsigned char *Types;
394   const vtkIdType *Conn;
395   const vtkIdType *Locs;
397   // All possible cell types. The iterator switches between them when
398   // processing. All unsupported cells are of type EmptyCell.
399   TetCell *Tet;
400   HexCell *Hex;
401   PyrCell *Pyr;
402   WedgeCell *Wedge;
403   VoxCell *Vox;
404   EmptyCell *Empty;
CellIter__anon9cebd3fe0111::CellIter406   CellIter() : Copy(true), Cell(nullptr), NumVerts(0), Cases(nullptr), Incr(0),
407                NumCells(0), Types(nullptr), Conn(nullptr), Locs(nullptr), Tet(nullptr),
408                Hex(nullptr), Pyr(nullptr), Wedge(nullptr), Vox(nullptr), Empty(nullptr)
409   {}
CellIter__anon9cebd3fe0111::CellIter411   CellIter(vtkIdType numCells, unsigned char *types, vtkIdType *conn, vtkIdType *locs) :
412     Copy(false), Cell(nullptr), NumVerts(0), Cases(nullptr), Incr(0),
413     NumCells(numCells), Types(types), Conn(conn), Locs(locs)
414   {
415     this->Tet = new TetCell;
416     this->Hex = new HexCell;
417     this->Pyr = new PyrCell;
418     this->Wedge = new WedgeCell;
419     this->Vox = new VoxCell;
420     this->Empty = new EmptyCell;
421   }
~CellIter__anon9cebd3fe0111::CellIter423   ~CellIter()
424   {
425     if ( ! this->Copy )
426     {
427       delete this->Tet;
428       delete this->Hex;
429       delete this->Pyr;
430       delete this->Wedge;
431       delete this->Vox;
432       delete this->Empty;
433     }
434   }
436   CellIter(const CellIter &) = default; //remove compiler warnings
438   // Shallow copy to avoid new/delete.
operator =__anon9cebd3fe0111::CellIter439   CellIter& operator=(const CellIter& cellIter)
440   {
441     this->Copy = true;
442     this->Cell = nullptr;
444     this->NumVerts = cellIter.NumVerts;
445     this->Cases = cellIter.Cases;
446     this->Incr = cellIter.Incr;
448     this->NumCells = cellIter.NumCells;
449     this->Types = cellIter.Types;
450     this->Conn = cellIter.Conn;
451     this->Locs = cellIter.Locs;
453     this->Tet = cellIter.Tet;
454     this->Hex = cellIter.Hex;
455     this->Pyr = cellIter.Pyr;
456     this->Wedge = cellIter.Wedge;
457     this->Vox = cellIter.Vox;
458     this->Empty = cellIter.Empty;
460     return *this;
461   }
463   // Decode the case table. (See previous documentation of case table
464   // organization.) Note that bounds/range chacking is not performed
465   // for efficiency.
GetCase__anon9cebd3fe0111::CellIter466   const unsigned short *GetCase(unsigned char caseNum)
467   {
468     return (this->Cases + this->Cases[caseNum]);
469   }
471   // Methods for caching traversal. Initialize() sets up the traversal
472   // process; Next() advances to the next cell. Note that the public data
473   // members representing the iteration state (NumVerts, Cases, Incr) are
474   // modified by these methods, and then subsequently read during iteration.
Initialize__anon9cebd3fe0111::CellIter475   const vtkIdType* Initialize(vtkIdType cellId)
476   {
477     this->Cell = this->GetCell(this->Types[cellId]);
478     this->NumVerts = this->Cell->NumVerts;
479     this->Cases = this->Cell->Cases;
481     if ( this->Cell->CellType != VTK_EMPTY_CELL )
482     {
483       this->Incr = this->NumVerts + 1;
484     }
485     else // Else have to update the increment differently
486     {
487       this->Incr = (cellId >= (this->NumCells-1) ? 0 :
488                     this->Locs[cellId+1] - this->Locs[cellId]);
489     }
491     return (this->Conn + this->Locs[cellId] + 1);
492   }
Next__anon9cebd3fe0111::CellIter494   vtkIdType Next(vtkIdType cellId)
495   {
496     // Guard against end of array condition; only update information if the
497     // cell type changes. Note however that empty cells may have to be
498     // treated specially.
499     if ( cellId >= (this->NumCells-1) ||
500          (this->Cell->CellType != VTK_EMPTY_CELL &&
501           this->Cell->CellType == this->Types[cellId+1]) )
502     {
503       return this->Incr;
504     }
506     // Need to look up new information as cell type has changed.
507     vtkIdType incr = this->Incr;
508     this->Cell = this->GetCell(this->Types[cellId+1]);
509     this->NumVerts = this->Cell->NumVerts;
510     this->Cases = this->Cell->Cases;
512     if ( this->Cell->CellType != VTK_EMPTY_CELL )
513     {
514       this->Incr = this->NumVerts + 1;
515     }
516     else // Else have to update the increment differently
517     {
518       this->Incr = this->Locs[cellId+2] - this->Locs[cellId+1];
519     }
521     return incr;
522   }
524   // Switch to the appropriate cell type.
GetCell__anon9cebd3fe0111::CellIter525   BaseCell *GetCell(int cellType)
526   {
527     switch ( cellType )
528     {
529       case VTK_TETRA:
530         return this->Tet;
531       case VTK_HEXAHEDRON:
532         return this->Hex;
533       case VTK_WEDGE:
534         return this->Wedge;
535       case VTK_PYRAMID:
536         return this->Pyr;
537       case VTK_VOXEL:
538         return this->Vox;
539      default:
540        return this->Empty;
541     }
542   }
543 };
546 //========================= FAST PATH =========================================
547 // Perform the contouring operation without merging coincident points.
548 template <typename TIP, typename TOP, typename TS>
549 struct ContourCells
550 {
551   typedef std::vector<TOP> LocalPtsType;
553   // Track local data on a per-thread basis. In the Reduce() method this
554   // information will be used to composite the data from each thread into a
555   // single vtkPolyData output.
556   struct LocalDataType
557   {
558     LocalPtsType LocalPts;
559     CellIter LocalCellIter;
LocalDataType__anon9cebd3fe0111::ContourCells::LocalDataType561     LocalDataType()
562     {
563       this->LocalPts.reserve(2048);
564     }
565   };
567   CellIter *Iter;
568   const TIP *InPts;
569   const TS *Scalars;
570   double  Value;
571   vtkPoints *NewPts;
572   vtkCellArray *NewPolys;
574   // Keep track of generated points and triangles on a per thread basis
575   vtkSMPThreadLocal<LocalDataType> LocalData;
577   // Results from the compositing Reduce() method
578   vtkIdType NumPts;
579   vtkIdType NumTris;
580   int NumThreadsUsed;
581   vtkIdType TotalPts; //the total points thus far (support multiple contours)
582   vtkIdType TotalTris; //the total triangles thus far (support multiple contours)
ContourCells__anon9cebd3fe0111::ContourCells584   ContourCells(TIP *inPts, CellIter *iter, TS *s, double value,
585                vtkPoints* outPts, vtkCellArray *tris, vtkIdType totalPts,
586                vtkIdType totalTris) :
587     Iter(iter), InPts(inPts), Scalars(s), Value(value), NewPts(outPts),
588     NewPolys(tris), NumPts(0), NumTris(0), NumThreadsUsed(0),
589     TotalPts(totalPts), TotalTris(totalTris)
590   {
591   }
593   // Set up the iteration process.
Initialize__anon9cebd3fe0111::ContourCells594   void Initialize()
595   {
596     typename ContourCells<TIP,TOP,TS>::LocalDataType& localData = this->LocalData.Local();
597     localData.LocalCellIter = *(this->Iter);
598   }
600   // operator() method extracts points from cells (points taken three at a
601   // time form a triangle)
operator ()__anon9cebd3fe0111::ContourCells602   void operator()(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdType endCellId)
603   {
604     typename ContourCells<TIP,TOP,TS>::LocalDataType& localData = this->LocalData.Local();
605     typename ContourCells<TIP,TOP,TS>::LocalPtsType& lPts = localData.LocalPts;
606     CellIter *cellIter = &localData.LocalCellIter;
607     const vtkIdType *c = cellIter->Initialize(cellId);
608     unsigned short isoCase, numEdges, i;
609     const unsigned short *edges;
610     double s[MAX_CELL_VERTS], value=this->Value, deltaScalar;
611     float t;
612     unsigned char v0, v1;
613     const TIP *x[MAX_CELL_VERTS];
615     for ( ; cellId < endCellId; ++cellId )
616     {
617       // Compute case by repeated masking of scalar value
618       for ( isoCase=0, i=0; i < cellIter->NumVerts; ++i )
619       {
620         s[i] = static_cast<double>(*(this->Scalars + c[i]));
621         isoCase |= ( s[i] >= value ? BaseCell::Mask[i] : 0 );
622       }
623       edges = cellIter->GetCase(isoCase);
625       if ( *edges > 0 )
626       {
627         numEdges = *edges++;
628         for ( i=0; i < cellIter->NumVerts; ++i )
629         {
630           x[i] = this->InPts + 3*c[i];
631         }
633         for (i=0; i<numEdges; ++i, edges+=2)
634         {
635           v0 = edges[0];
636           v1 = edges[1];
637           deltaScalar = s[v1] - s[v0];
638           t = (deltaScalar == 0.0 ? 0.0 : (value - s[v0]) / deltaScalar);
639           lPts.emplace_back(x[v0][0] + t*(x[v1][0] - x[v0][0]));
640           lPts.emplace_back(x[v0][1] + t*(x[v1][1] - x[v0][1]));
641           lPts.emplace_back(x[v0][2] + t*(x[v1][2] - x[v0][2]));
642         }//for all edges in this case
643       }//if contour passes through this cell
644       c += cellIter->Next(cellId); //move to the next cell
645     }//for all cells in this batch
646   }
648   // Composite results from each thread
Reduce__anon9cebd3fe0111::ContourCells649   void Reduce()
650   {
651     // Count the number of points. For fun keep track of the number of
652     // threads used.
653     vtkIdType numPts = 0;
654     this->NumThreadsUsed = 0;
655     typename vtkSMPThreadLocal<LocalDataType>::iterator ldItr;
656     typename vtkSMPThreadLocal<LocalDataType>::iterator ldEnd = this->LocalData.end();
657     for ( ldItr=this->LocalData.begin(); ldItr != ldEnd; ++ldItr )
658     {
659       numPts += static_cast<vtkIdType>(((*ldItr).LocalPts.size() / 3)); //x-y-z components
660       this->NumThreadsUsed++;
661     }
663     // (Re)Allocate space for output. Multiple contours require writing into
664     // the middle of arrays.
665     this->NumPts = numPts;
666     this->NumTris = numPts / 3;
667     this->NewPts->GetData()->WriteVoidPointer(0,3*(this->NumPts+this->TotalPts));
668     TOP *pts = static_cast<TOP*>(this->NewPts->GetVoidPointer(this->TotalPts*3));
669     this->NewPolys->WritePointer((this->NumTris+this->TotalTris),
670                                  4*(this->NumTris+this->TotalTris));
672     // Copy points output to VTK structures. Only point coordinates are
673     // copied for now; later we'll define the triangle topology.
674     typename LocalPtsType::iterator pItr, pEnd;
675     for ( ldItr=this->LocalData.begin(); ldItr != ldEnd; ++ldItr )
676     {
677       pEnd = (*ldItr).LocalPts.end();
678       for ( pItr = (*ldItr).LocalPts.begin(); pItr != pEnd; )
679       {
680         *pts++ = *pItr++;
681       }
682     }//For all threads
683   }//Reduce
684 };//ContourCells
687 // Fast path processing. Handles template dispatching and such.
688 template <typename TS>
ProcessFastPath(vtkIdType numTets,vtkPoints * inPts,CellIter * cellIter,TS * s,double isoValue,vtkPoints * outPts,vtkCellArray * tris,vtkTypeBool seqProcessing,int & numThreads,vtkIdType totalPts,vtkIdType totalTris)689 void ProcessFastPath(vtkIdType numTets, vtkPoints *inPts, CellIter *cellIter,
690                      TS *s, double isoValue, vtkPoints *outPts,
691                      vtkCellArray *tris, vtkTypeBool seqProcessing,
692                      int &numThreads, vtkIdType totalPts, vtkIdType totalTris)
693 {
694   double val = static_cast<double>(isoValue);
695   int inPtsType = inPts->GetDataType();
696   void *inPtsPtr = inPts->GetVoidPointer(0);
697   int outPtsType = outPts->GetDataType();
698   if ( inPtsType == VTK_FLOAT && outPtsType == VTK_FLOAT )
699   {
700     ContourCells<float,float,TS> contour((float*)inPtsPtr,cellIter,
701                                          (TS*)s,val,outPts,tris,totalPts,totalTris);
702     EXECUTE_REDUCED_SMPFOR(seqProcessing,numTets,contour);
703     numThreads = contour.NumThreadsUsed;
704   }
705   else if ( inPtsType == VTK_DOUBLE && outPtsType == VTK_DOUBLE )
706   {
707     ContourCells<double,double,TS> contour((double*)inPtsPtr,cellIter,
708                                           (TS*)s,val,outPts,tris,totalPts,totalTris);
709     EXECUTE_REDUCED_SMPFOR(seqProcessing,numTets,contour);
710     numThreads = contour.NumThreadsUsed;
711   }
712   else if ( inPtsType == VTK_FLOAT && outPtsType == VTK_DOUBLE )
713   {
714     ContourCells<float,double,TS> contour((float*)inPtsPtr,cellIter,
715                                          (TS*)s,val,outPts,tris,totalPts,totalTris);
716     EXECUTE_REDUCED_SMPFOR(seqProcessing,numTets,contour);
717     numThreads = contour.NumThreadsUsed;
718   }
719   else //if ( inPtsType == VTK_DOUBLE && outPtsType == VTK_FLOAT )
720   {
721     ContourCells<double,float,TS> contour((double*)inPtsPtr,cellIter,
722                                          (TS*)s,val,outPts,tris,totalPts,totalTris);
723     EXECUTE_REDUCED_SMPFOR(seqProcessing,numTets,contour);
724     numThreads = contour.NumThreadsUsed;
725   }
726 };
728 // Produce triangles for non-merged points-------------------------
729 struct ProduceTriangles
730 {
731   vtkIdType *Tris;
ProduceTriangles__anon9cebd3fe0111::ProduceTriangles733   ProduceTriangles(vtkIdType *tris) : Tris(tris)
734   {}
operator ()__anon9cebd3fe0111::ProduceTriangles736   void operator()(vtkIdType triId, vtkIdType endTriId)
737   {
738     vtkIdType *tris = this->Tris + 4*triId;
739     vtkIdType id = 3*triId;
740     for ( ; triId < endTriId; ++triId )
741     {
742       *tris++ = 3;
743       *tris++ = id++;
744       *tris++ = id++;
745       *tris++ = id++;
746     }
747   }
748 };
751 //========================= GENERAL PATH (POINT MERGING) =======================
752 // Use vtkStaticEdgeLocatorTemplate for edge-based point merging
753 template <typename IDType, typename TS>
754 struct ExtractEdges
755 {
756   typedef std::vector<EdgeTuple<IDType,float>> EdgeVectorType;
757   typedef std::vector<MergeTuple<IDType,float>> MergeVectorType;
759   // Track local data on a per-thread basis. In the Reduce() method this
760   // information will be used to composite the data from each thread.
761   struct LocalDataType
762   {
763     EdgeVectorType LocalEdges;
764     CellIter LocalCellIter;
LocalDataType__anon9cebd3fe0111::ExtractEdges::LocalDataType766     LocalDataType()
767     {
768       this->LocalEdges.reserve(2048);
769     }
770   };
772   CellIter *Iter;
773   const TS *Scalars;
774   double  Value;
775   MergeTuple<IDType,float> *Edges;
776   vtkCellArray *Tris;
777   vtkIdType NumTris;
778   int NumThreadsUsed;
779   vtkIdType TotalTris; //the total triangles thus far (support multiple contours)
781   // Keep track of generated points and triangles on a per thread basis
782   vtkSMPThreadLocal<LocalDataType> LocalData;
ExtractEdges__anon9cebd3fe0111::ExtractEdges784   ExtractEdges(CellIter *c, TS *s, double value, vtkCellArray *tris,
785                vtkIdType totalTris) :
786     Iter(c), Scalars(s), Value(value), Edges(nullptr), Tris(tris),
787     NumTris(0), NumThreadsUsed(0), TotalTris(totalTris)
788   {}
790   // Set up the iteration process
Initialize__anon9cebd3fe0111::ExtractEdges791   void Initialize()
792   {
793     typename ExtractEdges<IDType,TS>::LocalDataType& localData = this->LocalData.Local();
794     localData.LocalCellIter = *(this->Iter);
795   }
797   // operator() method extracts edges from cells (edges taken three at a
798   // time form a triangle)
operator ()__anon9cebd3fe0111::ExtractEdges799   void operator()(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdType endCellId)
800   {
801     typename ExtractEdges<IDType,TS>::LocalDataType& localData = this->LocalData.Local();
802     typename ExtractEdges<IDType,TS>::EdgeVectorType& lEdges = localData.LocalEdges;
803     CellIter *cellIter = &localData.LocalCellIter;
804     const vtkIdType *c = cellIter->Initialize(cellId); //connectivity array
805     unsigned short isoCase, numEdges, i;
806     const unsigned short *edges;
807     double s[MAX_CELL_VERTS], value=this->Value, deltaScalar;
808     float t;
809     unsigned char v0, v1;
811     for ( ; cellId < endCellId; ++cellId )
812     {
813       // Compute case by repeated masking of scalar value
814       for ( isoCase=0, i=0; i < cellIter->NumVerts; ++i )
815       {
816         s[i] = static_cast<double>(*(this->Scalars + c[i]));
817         isoCase |= ( s[i] >= value ? BaseCell::Mask[i] : 0 );
818       }
819       edges = cellIter->GetCase(isoCase);
821       if ( *edges > 0 )
822       {
823         numEdges = *edges++;
824         for (i=0; i<numEdges; ++i, edges+=2)
825         {
826           v0 = edges[0];
827           v1 = edges[1];
828           deltaScalar = s[v1] - s[v0];
829           t = (deltaScalar == 0.0 ? 0.0 : (value - s[v0]) / deltaScalar);
830           t = ( c[v0] < c[v1] ? t : (1.0-t) ); //edges (v0,v1) must have v0<v1
831           lEdges.emplace_back(c[v0],c[v1],t); //edge constructor may swap v0<->v1
832         }//for all edges in this case
833       }//if contour passes through this cell
834       c += cellIter->Next(cellId); //move to the next cell
835     }//for all cells in this batch
836   }
838   // Composite local thread data
Reduce__anon9cebd3fe0111::ExtractEdges839   void Reduce()
840   {
841     // Count the number of triangles, and number of threads used.
842     vtkIdType numTris = 0;
843     this->NumThreadsUsed = 0;
844     typename vtkSMPThreadLocal<LocalDataType>::iterator ldItr;
845     typename vtkSMPThreadLocal<LocalDataType>::iterator ldEnd = this->LocalData.end();
846     for ( ldItr=this->LocalData.begin(); ldItr != ldEnd; ++ldItr )
847     {
848       numTris += static_cast<vtkIdType>(((*ldItr).LocalEdges.size() / 3)); //three edges per triangle
849       this->NumThreadsUsed++;
850     }
852     // Allocate space for VTK triangle output. Take into account previous
853     // contours.
854     this->NumTris = numTris;
855     this->Tris->WritePointer((this->NumTris+this->TotalTris),
856                              4*(this->NumTris+this->TotalTris));
858     // Copy local edges to global edge array. Add in the originating edge id
859     // used later when merging.
860     EdgeVectorType emptyVector;
861     typename EdgeVectorType::iterator eItr, eEnd;
862     this->Edges = new MergeTuple<IDType,float>[3*this->NumTris]; //three edges per triangle
863     vtkIdType edgeNum=0;
864     for ( ldItr=this->LocalData.begin(); ldItr != ldEnd; ++ldItr )
865     {
866       eEnd = (*ldItr).LocalEdges.end();
867       for ( eItr = (*ldItr).LocalEdges.begin(); eItr != eEnd; ++eItr )
868       {
869         this->Edges[edgeNum].V0 = eItr->V0;
870         this->Edges[edgeNum].V1 = eItr->V1;
871         this->Edges[edgeNum].T = eItr->T;
872         this->Edges[edgeNum].EId = edgeNum;
873         edgeNum++;
874       }
875       (*ldItr).LocalEdges.swap(emptyVector); //frees memory
876     }//For all threads
877   }//Reduce
878 };//ExtractEdges
880 // This method generates the output isosurface triangle connectivity list.
881 template <typename IDType>
882 struct ProduceMergedTriangles
883 {
884   typedef MergeTuple<IDType,float> MergeTupleType;
886   const MergeTupleType *MergeArray;
887   const IDType *Offsets;
888   vtkIdType NumTris;
889   vtkIdType *Tris;
890   vtkIdType TotalPts;
ProduceMergedTriangles__anon9cebd3fe0111::ProduceMergedTriangles892   ProduceMergedTriangles(const MergeTupleType *merge, const IDType *offsets,
893                          vtkIdType numTris, vtkIdType *tris,
894                          vtkIdType totalPts, vtkIdType totalTris) :
895     MergeArray(merge), Offsets(offsets), NumTris(numTris), Tris(tris),
896     TotalPts(totalPts)
897   {
898     this->Tris = tris + 4*totalTris;
899   }
Initialize__anon9cebd3fe0111::ProduceMergedTriangles901   void Initialize()
902   {
903     ;//without this method Reduce() is not called
904   }
906   // Loop over all merged points and update the ids of the triangle
907   // connectivity.  Offsets point to the beginning of a group of equal edges:
908   // all edges in the group are updated to the current merged point id.
operator ()__anon9cebd3fe0111::ProduceMergedTriangles909   void operator()(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdType endPtId)
910   {
911     const MergeTupleType *mergeArray = this->MergeArray;
912     const IDType *offsets = this->Offsets;
913     IDType i, numPtsInGroup, eid, triId;
915     for ( ; ptId < endPtId; ++ptId )
916     {
917       numPtsInGroup = offsets[ptId+1] - offsets[ptId];
918       for ( i=0; i<numPtsInGroup; ++i )
919       {
920         eid = mergeArray[offsets[ptId]+i].EId;
921         triId = eid / 3;
922         *(this->Tris + 4*triId + eid-(3*triId) + 1) = ptId + this->TotalPts;
923       }//for this group of coincident edges
924     }//for all merged points
925   }
927   // Update the triangle connectivity (numPts for each triangle. This could
928   // be done in parallel but it's probably not faster.
Reduce__anon9cebd3fe0111::ProduceMergedTriangles929   void Reduce()
930   {
931     vtkIdType *tris = this->Tris;
932     for ( IDType triId=0; triId < this->NumTris; ++triId, tris+=4 )
933     {
934       *tris = 3;
935     }
936   }
937 };
939 // This method generates the output isosurface points. One point per
940 // merged edge is generated.
941 template <typename TIP, typename TOP, typename IDType>
942 struct ProduceMergedPoints
943 {
944   typedef MergeTuple<IDType,float> MergeTupleType;
946   const MergeTupleType *MergeArray;
947   const IDType *Offsets;
948   const TIP *InPts;
949   TOP *OutPts;
ProduceMergedPoints__anon9cebd3fe0111::ProduceMergedPoints951   ProduceMergedPoints(const MergeTupleType *merge, const IDType *offsets,
952                       TIP *inPts, TOP *outPts, vtkIdType totalPts) :
953     MergeArray(merge), Offsets(offsets), InPts(inPts)
954   {
955     this->OutPts = outPts + 3*totalPts;
956   }
operator ()__anon9cebd3fe0111::ProduceMergedPoints958   void operator()(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdType endPtId)
959   {
960     const MergeTupleType *mergeTuple;
961     IDType v0, v1;
962     const TIP *x0, *x1, *inPts=this->InPts;
963     TOP *x, *outPts=this->OutPts;
964     float t;
966     for ( ; ptId < endPtId; ++ptId )
967     {
968       mergeTuple = this->MergeArray + this->Offsets[ptId];
969       v0 = mergeTuple->V0;
970       v1 = mergeTuple->V1;
971       t = mergeTuple->T;
972       x0 = inPts + 3*v0;
973       x1 = inPts + 3*v1;
974       x = outPts + 3*ptId;
975       x[0] = x0[0] + t*(x1[0]-x0[0]);
976       x[1] = x0[1] + t*(x1[1]-x0[1]);
977       x[2] = x0[2] + t*(x1[2]-x0[2]);
978     }
979   }
980 };
982 // If requested, interpolate point data attributes. The merge tuple contains an
983 // interpolation value t for the merged edge.
984 template <typename TIds>
985 struct ProduceAttributes
986 {
987   const MergeTuple<TIds,float> *Edges; //all edges, sorted into groups of merged edges
988   const TIds *Offsets; //refer to single, unique, merged edge
989   ArrayList *Arrays; //carry list of attributes to interpolate
990   vtkIdType TotalPts; //total points / multiple contours computed previously
ProduceAttributes__anon9cebd3fe0111::ProduceAttributes992   ProduceAttributes(const MergeTuple<TIds,float> *mt, const TIds *offsets,
993                     ArrayList *arrays, vtkIdType totalPts) :
994     Edges(mt), Offsets(offsets), Arrays(arrays), TotalPts(totalPts)
995   {}
operator ()__anon9cebd3fe0111::ProduceAttributes997   void operator()(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdType endPtId)
998   {
999     const MergeTuple<TIds,float> *mergeTuple;
1000     TIds v0, v1;
1001     float t;
1003     for ( ; ptId < endPtId; ++ptId )
1004     {
1005       mergeTuple = this->Edges + this->Offsets[ptId];
1006       v0 = mergeTuple->V0;
1007       v1 = mergeTuple->V1;
1008       t = mergeTuple->T;
1009       this->Arrays->InterpolateEdge(v0,v1,t,ptId+this->TotalPts);
1010     }
1011   }
1012 };
1014 // Make the source code a little more readable
1015 #define EXTRACT_MERGED(VTK_type,_type)          \
1016   case VTK_type: \
1017     { \
1018     ExtractEdges<TIds,_type> extractEdges(cellIter,(_type*)s,isoValue,newPolys,totalTris); \
1019     EXECUTE_REDUCED_SMPFOR(seqProcessing,numTets,extractEdges); \
1020     numThreads = extractEdges.NumThreadsUsed; \
1021     numTris = extractEdges.NumTris; \
1022     tris = newPolys->GetPointer(); \
1023     mergeEdges = extractEdges.Edges; \
1024     } \
1025     break;
1027 // Wrapper to handle multiple template types for merged processing
1028 template <typename TIds>
ProcessMerged(vtkIdType numTets,vtkPoints * inPts,CellIter * cellIter,int sType,void * s,double isoValue,vtkPoints * outPts,vtkCellArray * newPolys,vtkTypeBool intAttr,vtkDataArray * inScalars,vtkPointData * inPD,vtkPointData * outPD,vtkTypeBool seqProcessing,int & numThreads,vtkIdType totalPts,vtkIdType totalTris)1029 int ProcessMerged(vtkIdType numTets, vtkPoints *inPts, CellIter *cellIter,
1030                   int sType, void *s, double isoValue, vtkPoints *outPts,
1031                   vtkCellArray *newPolys, vtkTypeBool intAttr, vtkDataArray *inScalars,
1032                   vtkPointData *inPD, vtkPointData *outPD, vtkTypeBool seqProcessing,
1033                   int &numThreads, vtkIdType totalPts, vtkIdType totalTris)
1034 {
1035   // Extract edges that the contour intersects. Templated on type of scalars.
1036   // List below the explicit choice of scalars that can be processed.
1037   vtkIdType numTris=0, *tris=nullptr;
1038   MergeTuple<TIds,float> *mergeEdges=nullptr; //may need reference counting
1039   switch ( sType )
1040   {
1041     EXTRACT_MERGED(VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR,unsigned char);
1043     EXTRACT_MERGED(VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT,unsigned short);
1045     EXTRACT_MERGED(VTK_UNSIGNED_INT,unsigned int);
1049     default:
1050       vtkGenericWarningMacro(<<"Scalar type not supported");
1051       return 0;
1052   };
1054   // Make sure data was produced
1055   if ( numTris <= 0 )
1056   {
1057     outPts->SetNumberOfPoints(0);
1058     delete [] mergeEdges;
1059     return 1;
1060   }
1062   // Merge coincident edges. The Offsets refer to the single unique edge
1063   // from the sorted group of duplicate edges.
1064   vtkIdType numPts;
1065   vtkStaticEdgeLocatorTemplate<TIds,float> loc;
1066   const TIds *offsets = loc.MergeEdges(3*numTris,mergeEdges,numPts);
1068   // Generate triangles.
1069   ProduceMergedTriangles<TIds> produceTris(mergeEdges,offsets,numTris,tris,
1070                                            totalPts,totalTris);
1071   EXECUTE_REDUCED_SMPFOR(seqProcessing,numPts,produceTris);
1073   // Generate points (one per unique edge)
1074   outPts->GetData()->WriteVoidPointer(0,3*(numPts+totalPts));
1075   int inPtsType = inPts->GetDataType();
1076   void *inPtsPtr = inPts->GetVoidPointer(0);
1077   int outPtsType = outPts->GetDataType();
1078   void *outPtsPtr = outPts->GetVoidPointer(0);
1080   // Only handle combinations of real types
1081   if ( inPtsType == VTK_FLOAT && outPtsType == VTK_FLOAT )
1082   {
1083     ProduceMergedPoints<float,float,TIds>
1084       producePts(mergeEdges, offsets, (float*)inPtsPtr, (float*)outPtsPtr, totalPts );
1085     EXECUTE_SMPFOR(seqProcessing,numPts,producePts);
1086   }
1087   else if ( inPtsType == VTK_DOUBLE && outPtsType == VTK_DOUBLE )
1088   {
1089     ProduceMergedPoints<double,double,TIds>
1090       producePts(mergeEdges, offsets, (double*)inPtsPtr, (double*)outPtsPtr, totalPts );
1091     EXECUTE_SMPFOR(seqProcessing,numPts,producePts);
1092   }
1093   else if ( inPtsType == VTK_FLOAT && outPtsType == VTK_DOUBLE )
1094   {
1095     ProduceMergedPoints<float,double,TIds>
1096       producePts(mergeEdges, offsets, (float*)inPtsPtr, (double*)outPtsPtr, totalPts );
1097     EXECUTE_SMPFOR(seqProcessing,numPts,producePts);
1098   }
1099   else //if ( inPtsType == VTK_DOUBLE && outPtsType == VTK_FLOAT )
1100   {
1101     ProduceMergedPoints<double,float,TIds>
1102       producePts(mergeEdges, offsets, (double*)inPtsPtr, (float*)outPtsPtr, totalPts );
1103     EXECUTE_SMPFOR(seqProcessing,numPts,producePts);
1104   }
1106   // Now process point data attributes if requested
1107   if ( intAttr )
1108   {
1109     ArrayList arrays;
1110     if ( totalPts <= 0 ) //first contour value generating output
1111     {
1112       outPD->InterpolateAllocate(inPD,numPts);
1113       outPD->RemoveArray(inScalars->GetName());
1114       arrays.ExcludeArray(inScalars);
1115       arrays.AddArrays(numPts,inPD,outPD);
1116     }
1117     else
1118     {
1119       arrays.Realloc(totalPts+numPts);
1120     }
1121     ProduceAttributes<TIds> interpolate(mergeEdges,offsets,&arrays,totalPts);
1122     EXECUTE_SMPFOR(seqProcessing,numPts,interpolate);
1123   }
1125   // Clean up
1126   delete [] mergeEdges;
1127   return 1;
1128 };
1129 #undef EXTRACT_MERGED
1131 // Functor for computing cell normals. Could easily be templated on output
1132 // point type but we are trying to control object size.
1133 struct ComputeCellNormals
1134 {
1135   vtkPoints *Points;
1136   vtkIdType *Tris;
1137   float *CellNormals;
ComputeCellNormals__anon9cebd3fe0111::ComputeCellNormals1139   ComputeCellNormals(vtkPoints *pts, vtkIdType *tris, float *cellNormals) :
1140     Points(pts), Tris(tris), CellNormals(cellNormals)
1141   {}
operator ()__anon9cebd3fe0111::ComputeCellNormals1143   void operator()(vtkIdType triId, vtkIdType endTriId)
1144   {
1145     vtkIdType *tri = this->Tris + 4*triId;
1146     tri++; //move the pointer to the begging of triangle connectivity
1147     float *n = this->CellNormals + 3*triId;
1148     double nd[3];
1150     for ( ; triId < endTriId; ++triId, tri+=4 )
1151     {
1152       vtkTriangle::ComputeNormal(this->Points, 3, tri, nd);
1153       *n++ = nd[0];
1154       *n++ = nd[1];
1155       *n++ = nd[2];
1156     }
1157   }
1158 };
1160 // Generate normals on output triangles
GenerateTriNormals(vtkTypeBool seqProcessing,vtkPoints * pts,vtkCellArray * tris)1161 vtkFloatArray *GenerateTriNormals(vtkTypeBool seqProcessing, vtkPoints *pts, vtkCellArray *tris)
1162 {
1163   vtkIdType numTris = tris->GetNumberOfCells();
1165   vtkFloatArray *cellNormals = vtkFloatArray::New();
1166   cellNormals->SetNumberOfComponents(3);
1167   cellNormals->SetNumberOfTuples(numTris);
1168   float *n = static_cast<float*>(cellNormals->GetVoidPointer(0));
1170   // Execute functor over all triangles
1171   ComputeCellNormals computeNormals(pts,tris->GetPointer(),n);
1172   EXECUTE_SMPFOR(seqProcessing, numTris, computeNormals);
1174   return cellNormals;
1175 }
1177 // Functor for averaging normals at each merged point.
1178 template <typename TId>
1179 struct AverageNormals
1180 {
1181   vtkStaticCellLinksTemplate<TId> *Links;
1182   const float *CellNormals;
1183   float *PointNormals;
AverageNormals__anon9cebd3fe0111::AverageNormals1185   AverageNormals(vtkStaticCellLinksTemplate<TId> *links, float *cellNormals, float *ptNormals) :
1186    Links(links), CellNormals(cellNormals), PointNormals(ptNormals)
1187   {}
operator ()__anon9cebd3fe0111::AverageNormals1189   void operator()(vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdType endPtId)
1190   {
1191     TId i, numTris;
1192     const TId *tris;
1193     const float *nc;
1194     float *n = this->PointNormals + 3*ptId;
1196     for ( ; ptId < endPtId; ++ptId, n+=3 )
1197     {
1198       numTris = this->Links->GetNumberOfCells(ptId);
1199       tris = this->Links->GetCells(ptId);
1200       n[0] = n[1] = n[2] = 0.0;
1201       for ( i=0; i < numTris; ++i)
1202       {
1203         nc = this->CellNormals + 3*tris[i];
1204         n[0] += nc[0];
1205         n[1] += nc[1];
1206         n[2] += nc[2];
1207       }
1208       vtkMath::Normalize(n);
1209     }
1210   }
1211 };
1213 // Generate normals on merged points. Average cell normals at each point.
1214 template <typename TId>
GeneratePointNormals(vtkTypeBool seqProcessing,vtkPoints * pts,vtkCellArray * tris,vtkFloatArray * cellNormals,vtkPointData * pd)1215 void GeneratePointNormals(vtkTypeBool seqProcessing, vtkPoints *pts, vtkCellArray *tris,
1216                           vtkFloatArray *cellNormals, vtkPointData *pd)
1217 {
1218   vtkIdType numPts = pts->GetNumberOfPoints();
1220   vtkFloatArray *ptNormals = vtkFloatArray::New();
1221   ptNormals->SetName("Normals");
1222   ptNormals->SetNumberOfComponents(3);
1223   ptNormals->SetNumberOfTuples(numPts);
1224   float *ptN = static_cast<float*>(ptNormals->GetVoidPointer(0));
1226   // Grab the computed triangle normals
1227   float *triN = static_cast<float*>(cellNormals->GetVoidPointer(0));
1229   // Build cell links
1230   vtkPolyData *dummy = vtkPolyData::New();
1231   dummy->SetPoints(pts);
1232   dummy->SetPolys(tris);
1233   vtkStaticCellLinksTemplate<TId> links;
1234   links.BuildLinks(dummy);
1236   // Process all points, averaging normals
1237   AverageNormals<TId> average(&links, triN, ptN);
1238   EXECUTE_SMPFOR(seqProcessing,numPts,average);
1240   // Clean up and get out
1241   dummy->Delete();
1242   pd->SetNormals(ptNormals);
1243   cellNormals->Delete();
1244   ptNormals->Delete();
1245 };
1247 }//anonymous namespace
1250 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1251 // Construct an instance of the class.
vtkContour3DLinearGrid()1252 vtkContour3DLinearGrid::vtkContour3DLinearGrid()
1253 {
1254   this->ContourValues = vtkContourValues::New();
1256   this->OutputPointsPrecision = DEFAULT_PRECISION;
1258   // By default process active point scalars
1259   this->SetInputArrayToProcess(0,0,0,vtkDataObject::FIELD_ASSOCIATION_POINTS,
1260                                vtkDataSetAttributes::SCALARS);
1262   this->MergePoints = false;
1263   this->InterpolateAttributes = false;
1264   this->ComputeNormals = false;
1265   this->SequentialProcessing = false;
1266   this->NumberOfThreadsUsed = 0;
1267   this->LargeIds = false;
1268 }
1270 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
~vtkContour3DLinearGrid()1271 vtkContour3DLinearGrid::~vtkContour3DLinearGrid()
1272 {
1273   this->ContourValues->Delete();
1274 }
1276 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1277 // Overload standard modified time function. If contour values are modified,
1278 // then this object is modified as well.
GetMTime()1279 vtkMTimeType vtkContour3DLinearGrid::GetMTime()
1280 {
1281   vtkMTimeType mTime=this->Superclass::GetMTime();
1282   vtkMTimeType time;
1284   if (this->ContourValues)
1285   {
1286     time = this->ContourValues->GetMTime();
1287     mTime = ( time > mTime ? time : mTime );
1288   }
1290   return mTime;
1291 }
1293 // Make code more readable
1294 #define EXTRACT_FAST_PATH(VTK_SCALAR_type,_type) \
1295   case VTK_SCALAR_type: \
1296   ProcessFastPath<_type>(numCells, inPts, cellIter, \
1297     (_type*)sPtr, value, outPts, newPolys, \
1298     this->SequentialProcessing,this->NumberOfThreadsUsed, \
1299     totalPts, totalTris); \
1300     break;
1302 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1303 // Specialized contouring filter to handle unstructured grids with 3D linear
1304 // cells (tetrahedras, hexes, wedges, pyradmids, voxels)
1305 //
1306 int vtkContour3DLinearGrid::
RequestData(vtkInformation *,vtkInformationVector ** inputVector,vtkInformationVector * outputVector)1307 RequestData(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector** inputVector,
1308             vtkInformationVector* outputVector)
1309 {
1310   // Get the input and output
1311   vtkInformation* inInfo = inputVector[0]->GetInformationObject(0);
1312   vtkInformation* outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0);
1313   vtkUnstructuredGrid *input =
1314     vtkUnstructuredGrid::SafeDownCast(inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT()));
1315   vtkPolyData *output =
1316     vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(outInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT()));
1317   if (!input || !output)
1318   {
1319     return 0;
1320   }
1322   // Make sure there is data to process
1323   vtkCellArray *cells = input->GetCells();
1324   vtkIdType numPts, numTris, numCells = cells->GetNumberOfCells();
1325   vtkDataArray *inScalars = this->GetInputArrayToProcess(0, inputVector);
1326   if (!inScalars)
1327   {
1328     return 1;
1329   }
1330   int sType = inScalars->GetDataType();
1331   void *sPtr = inScalars->GetVoidPointer(0);
1333   // Get the contour values.
1334   int numContours = this->ContourValues->GetNumberOfContours();
1335   double value, *values=this->ContourValues->GetValues();
1336   if ( numContours < 1 )
1337   {
1338     vtkDebugMacro(<<"No contour values defined");
1339     return 1;
1340   }
1342   // Check the input point type. Only real types are supported.
1343   vtkPoints *inPts = input->GetPoints();
1344   numPts = inPts->GetNumberOfPoints();
1345   int inPtsType = inPts->GetDataType();
1346   if ( (inPtsType != VTK_FLOAT && inPtsType != VTK_DOUBLE) )
1347   {
1348     vtkErrorMacro(<<"Input point type not supported");
1349     return 0;
1350   }
1352   // Create the output points. Only real types are supported.
1353   vtkPoints *outPts = vtkPoints::New();
1354   if ( this->OutputPointsPrecision == vtkAlgorithm::DEFAULT_PRECISION )
1355   {
1356     outPts->SetDataType(inPts->GetDataType());
1357   }
1358   else if(this->OutputPointsPrecision == vtkAlgorithm::SINGLE_PRECISION)
1359   {
1360     outPts->SetDataType(VTK_FLOAT);
1361   }
1362   else if(this->OutputPointsPrecision == vtkAlgorithm::DOUBLE_PRECISION)
1363   {
1364     outPts->SetDataType(VTK_DOUBLE);
1365   }
1367   // Output triangles go here.
1368   vtkCellArray *newPolys = vtkCellArray::New();
1370   // Process all contour values
1371   vtkIdType totalPts = 0;
1372   vtkIdType totalTris = 0;
1374   // Set up the cells for processing. A specialized iterator is used to traverse the cells.
1375   vtkIdType *conn = cells->GetPointer();
1376   unsigned char *cellTypes = static_cast<unsigned char*>(input->GetCellTypesArray()->GetVoidPointer(0));
1377   vtkIdType *locs = static_cast<vtkIdType*>(input->GetCellLocationsArray()->GetVoidPointer(0));
1378   CellIter *cellIter = new CellIter(numCells,cellTypes,conn,locs);
1380   // Now produce the output: fast path or general path
1381   int mergePoints = this->MergePoints | this->ComputeNormals | this->InterpolateAttributes;
1382   if ( ! mergePoints )
1383   {//fast path
1384     // Generate all of the points at once (for multiple contours) and then produce the triangles.
1385     for (int vidx = 0; vidx < numContours; vidx++)
1386     {
1387       value = values[vidx];
1388       switch ( sType ) //process these scalar types
1389       {
1390         EXTRACT_FAST_PATH(VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR,unsigned char);
1391         EXTRACT_FAST_PATH(VTK_CHAR,char);
1392         EXTRACT_FAST_PATH(VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT,unsigned short);
1393         EXTRACT_FAST_PATH(VTK_SHORT,short);
1394         EXTRACT_FAST_PATH(VTK_UNSIGNED_INT,unsigned int);
1395         EXTRACT_FAST_PATH(VTK_INT,int);
1396         EXTRACT_FAST_PATH(VTK_FLOAT,float);
1397         EXTRACT_FAST_PATH(VTK_DOUBLE,double);
1398         default:
1399           vtkGenericWarningMacro(<<"Scalar type not supported");
1400           return 0;
1401       };
1403       // Multiple contour values require accumulating points & triangles
1404       totalPts = outPts->GetNumberOfPoints();
1405       totalTris = newPolys->GetNumberOfCells();
1406     }//for all contours
1408     // From the points create the output triangles. In the fast path there
1409     // are three points for every triangle. Many points are typically
1410     // duplicates but point merging is a significant cost so ignored in the
1411     // fast path.
1412     numTris = newPolys->GetNumberOfCells();
1413     vtkIdType *tris = newPolys->GetPointer();
1414     ProduceTriangles produceTris(tris);
1415     EXECUTE_SMPFOR(this->SequentialProcessing,numTris,produceTris)
1416   }
1418   else //Need to merge points, and possibly perform attribute interpolation
1419        //and generate normals. Hence use the slower path.
1420   {
1421     vtkPointData *inPD = input->GetPointData();
1422     vtkPointData *outPD = output->GetPointData();
1424     // Determine the size/type of point and cell ids needed to index points
1425     // and cells. Using smaller ids results in a greatly reduced memory footprint
1426     // and faster processing.
1427     this->LargeIds = ( numPts >= VTK_INT_MAX || numCells >= VTK_INT_MAX ? true : false );
1429     // Generate all of the merged points and triangles at once (for multiple
1430     // contours) and then produce the normals if requested.
1431     for (int vidx = 0; vidx < numContours; vidx++)
1432     {
1433       value = values[vidx];
1434       if ( this->LargeIds == false )
1435       {
1436         if ( ! ProcessMerged<int>(numCells, inPts, cellIter, sType, sPtr, value,
1437                                   outPts, newPolys, this->InterpolateAttributes,
1438                                   inScalars, inPD, outPD, this->SequentialProcessing,
1439                                   this->NumberOfThreadsUsed, totalPts, totalTris) )
1440         {
1441           return 0;
1442         }
1443       }
1444       else
1445       {
1446         if ( ! ProcessMerged<vtkIdType>(numCells, inPts, cellIter, sType, sPtr, value,
1447                                         outPts, newPolys, this->InterpolateAttributes,
1448                                         inScalars, inPD, outPD, this->SequentialProcessing,
1449                                         this->NumberOfThreadsUsed, totalPts, totalTris) )
1450         {
1451           return 0;
1452         }
1453       }
1455       // Multiple contour values require accumulating points & triangles
1456       totalPts = outPts->GetNumberOfPoints();
1457       totalTris = newPolys->GetNumberOfCells();
1458     }//for all contour values
1460     // If requested, compute normals. Basically triangle normals are averaged
1461     // on each merged point. Requires building static CellLinks so it is a
1462     // relatively expensive operation. (This block of code is separate to
1463     // control .obj object bloat.)
1464     if ( this->ComputeNormals )
1465     {
1466       vtkFloatArray *triNormals =
1467         GenerateTriNormals(this->SequentialProcessing, outPts,newPolys);
1468       if ( this->LargeIds )
1469       {
1470         GeneratePointNormals<vtkIdType>(this->SequentialProcessing,
1471                                         outPts,newPolys,triNormals,outPD);
1472       }
1473       else
1474       {
1475         GeneratePointNormals<int>(this->SequentialProcessing,
1476                                   outPts,newPolys,triNormals,outPD);
1477       }
1478     }
1479   }// slower path requires point merging
1481   // Report the results of execution
1482   vtkDebugMacro(<<"Created: " << outPts->GetNumberOfPoints() << " points, "
1483                 << newPolys->GetNumberOfCells() << " triangles");
1485   // Clean up
1486   delete cellIter;
1487   output->SetPoints(outPts);
1488   outPts->Delete();
1489   output->SetPolys(newPolys);
1490   newPolys->Delete();
1492   return 1;
1493 }
1495 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SetOutputPointsPrecision(int precision)1496 void vtkContour3DLinearGrid::SetOutputPointsPrecision(int precision)
1497 {
1498   this->OutputPointsPrecision = precision;
1499   this->Modified();
1500 }
1502 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetOutputPointsPrecision() const1503 int vtkContour3DLinearGrid::GetOutputPointsPrecision() const
1504 {
1505   return this->OutputPointsPrecision;
1506 }
1508 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
FillInputPortInformation(int,vtkInformation * info)1509 int vtkContour3DLinearGrid::FillInputPortInformation(int, vtkInformation *info)
1510 {
1511   info->Set(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_REQUIRED_DATA_TYPE(), "vtkUnstructuredGrid");
1512   return 1;
1513 }
1515 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PrintSelf(ostream & os,vtkIndent indent)1516 void vtkContour3DLinearGrid::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
1517 {
1518   this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent);
1520   this->ContourValues->PrintSelf(os,indent.GetNextIndent());
1522   os << indent << "Precision of the output points: "
1523      << this->OutputPointsPrecision << "\n";
1525   os << indent << "Merge Points: "
1526      << (this->MergePoints ? "true\n" : "false\n");
1527   os << indent << "Interpolate Attributes: "
1528      << (this->InterpolateAttributes ? "true\n" : "false\n");
1529   os << indent << "Compute Normals: "
1530      << (this->ComputeNormals ? "true\n" : "false\n");
1532   os << indent << "Sequential Processing: "
1533      << (this->SequentialProcessing ? "true\n" : "false\n");
1534   os << indent << "Large Ids: "
1535      << (this->LargeIds ? "true\n" : "false\n");
1536 }
1538 #undef EXECUTE_SMPFOR
1540 #undef MAX_CELL_VERTS
1541 #undef EXTRACT_MERGED