1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkSelectEnclosedPoints.cxx
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 #include "vtkSelectEnclosedPoints.h"
17 #include "vtkDataSet.h"
18 #include "vtkIdList.h"
19 #include "vtkIdTypeArray.h"
20 #include "vtkInformation.h"
21 #include "vtkInformationVector.h"
22 #include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
23 #include "vtkPointData.h"
24 #include "vtkCellData.h"
25 #include "vtkPolyData.h"
26 #include "vtkUnsignedCharArray.h"
27 #include "vtkExecutive.h"
28 #include "vtkFeatureEdges.h"
29 #include "vtkStaticCellLocator.h"
30 #include "vtkGenericCell.h"
31 #include "vtkMath.h"
32 #include "vtkGarbageCollector.h"
33 #include "vtkSMPTools.h"
34 #include "vtkSMPThreadLocal.h"
35 #include "vtkSMPThreadLocalObject.h"
36 #include "vtkRandomPool.h"
38 vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkSelectEnclosedPoints);
40 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 // Classes support threading. Each point can be processed separately, so the
42 // in/out containment check is threaded.
43 namespace {
45 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 // The threaded core of the algorithm. Thread on point type.
47 struct SelectInOutCheck
48 {
49   vtkIdType NumPts;
50   vtkDataSet *DataSet;
51   vtkPolyData *Surface;
52   double Bounds[6];
53   double Length;
54   double Tolerance;
55   vtkStaticCellLocator *Locator;
56   unsigned char *Hits;
57   vtkSelectEnclosedPoints *Selector;
58   vtkTypeBool InsideOut;
59   vtkRandomPool *Sequence;
60   vtkSMPThreadLocal<vtkIntersectionCounter> Counter;
62   // Don't want to allocate working arrays on every thread invocation. Thread local
63   // storage eliminates lots of new/delete.
64   vtkSMPThreadLocalObject<vtkIdList> CellIds;
65   vtkSMPThreadLocalObject<vtkGenericCell> Cell;
SelectInOutCheck__anonacd90eac0111::SelectInOutCheck67   SelectInOutCheck(vtkIdType numPts, vtkDataSet *ds, vtkPolyData *surface, double bds[6], double tol,
68                    vtkStaticCellLocator *loc, unsigned char *hits, vtkSelectEnclosedPoints *sel,
69                    vtkTypeBool io) : NumPts(numPts), DataSet(ds), Surface(surface), Tolerance(tol),
70                                Locator(loc), Hits(hits), Selector(sel), InsideOut(io)
71   {
72     this->Bounds[0] = bds[0];
73     this->Bounds[1] = bds[1];
74     this->Bounds[2] = bds[2];
75     this->Bounds[3] = bds[3];
76     this->Bounds[4] = bds[4];
77     this->Bounds[5] = bds[5];
78     this->Length = sqrt( (bds[1]-bds[0])*(bds[1]-bds[0]) + (bds[3]-bds[2])*(bds[3]-bds[2]) +
79                          (bds[5]-bds[4])*(bds[5]-bds[4]) );
81     // Precompute a sufficiently large enough random sequence
82     this->Sequence = vtkRandomPool::New();
83     this->Sequence->SetSize((numPts > 1500 ? numPts : 1500));
84     this->Sequence->GeneratePool();
85   }
~SelectInOutCheck__anonacd90eac0111::SelectInOutCheck87   ~SelectInOutCheck()
88   {
89     this->Sequence->Delete();
90   }
Initialize__anonacd90eac0111::SelectInOutCheck92   void Initialize()
93   {
94     vtkIdList*& cellIds = this->CellIds.Local();
95     cellIds->Allocate(512);
96     vtkIntersectionCounter& counter = this->Counter.Local();
97     counter.SetTolerance(this->Tolerance);
98   }
operator ()__anonacd90eac0111::SelectInOutCheck100   void operator() (vtkIdType ptId, vtkIdType endPtId)
101   {
102     double x[3];
103     unsigned char *hits = this->Hits + ptId;
104     vtkGenericCell*& cell = this->Cell.Local();
105     vtkIdList*& cellIds = this->CellIds.Local();
106     vtkIntersectionCounter& counter = this->Counter.Local();
108     for ( ; ptId < endPtId; ++ptId )
109     {
110       this->DataSet->GetPoint(ptId, x);
112       if ( this->Selector->IsInsideSurface(x, this->Surface, this->Bounds, this->Length,
113                                            this->Tolerance, this->Locator, cellIds, cell,
114                                            counter, this->Sequence, ptId) )
115       {
116         *hits++ = (this->InsideOut ? 0 : 1);
117       }
118       else
119       {
120         *hits++ = (this->InsideOut ? 1 : 0);
121       }
122     }
123   }
Reduce__anonacd90eac0111::SelectInOutCheck125   void Reduce()
126   {
127   }
Execute__anonacd90eac0111::SelectInOutCheck129   static void Execute(vtkIdType numPts, vtkDataSet *ds, vtkPolyData *surface,
130                       double bds[6], double tol, vtkStaticCellLocator *loc,
131                       unsigned char *hits, vtkSelectEnclosedPoints *sel)
132   {
133     SelectInOutCheck inOut(numPts, ds, surface, bds, tol, loc, hits, sel,
134                            sel->GetInsideOut());
135     vtkSMPTools::For(0, numPts, inOut);
136   }
137 }; //SelectInOutCheck
139 } //anonymous namespace
142 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
143 // Construct object.
vtkSelectEnclosedPoints()144 vtkSelectEnclosedPoints::vtkSelectEnclosedPoints()
145 {
146   this->SetNumberOfInputPorts(2);
148   this->CheckSurface = false;
149   this->InsideOut = 0;
150   this->Tolerance = 0.0001;
152   this->InsideOutsideArray = nullptr;
154   // These are needed to support backward compatibility
155   this->CellLocator = vtkStaticCellLocator::New();
156   this->CellIds = vtkIdList::New();
157   this->Cell = vtkGenericCell::New();
158 }
160 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
~vtkSelectEnclosedPoints()161 vtkSelectEnclosedPoints::~vtkSelectEnclosedPoints()
162 {
163   if ( this->InsideOutsideArray )
164   {
165     this->InsideOutsideArray->Delete();
166   }
168   if ( this->CellLocator )
169   {
170     vtkAbstractCellLocator *loc = this->CellLocator;
171     this->CellLocator = nullptr;
172     loc->Delete();
173   }
175   this->CellIds->Delete();
176   this->Cell->Delete();
177 }
179 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RequestData(vtkInformation * vtkNotUsed (request),vtkInformationVector ** inputVector,vtkInformationVector * outputVector)180 int vtkSelectEnclosedPoints::RequestData(
181   vtkInformation *vtkNotUsed(request),
182   vtkInformationVector **inputVector,
183   vtkInformationVector *outputVector)
184 {
185   // get the info objects
186   vtkInformation *inInfo = inputVector[0]->GetInformationObject(0);
187   vtkInformation *in2Info = inputVector[1]->GetInformationObject(0);
188   vtkInformation *outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0);
190   // get the two inputs and output
191   vtkDataSet *input = vtkDataSet::SafeDownCast(
192     inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT()));
193   vtkPolyData *surface = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(
194     in2Info->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT()));
195   vtkDataSet *output = vtkDataSet::SafeDownCast(
196     outInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT()));
198   vtkDebugMacro("Selecting enclosed points");
200   // If requested, check that the surface is closed
201   if ( this->CheckSurface && ! this->IsSurfaceClosed(surface) )
202   {
203     return 0;
204   }
206   // Initiailize search structures
207   this->Initialize(surface);
209   // Create array to mark inside/outside
210   if ( this->InsideOutsideArray )
211   {
212     this->InsideOutsideArray->Delete();
213   }
214   this->InsideOutsideArray = vtkUnsignedCharArray::New();
215   vtkUnsignedCharArray *hits = this->InsideOutsideArray;
216   hits->SetName("SelectedPointsArray");
218   // Loop over all input points determining inside/outside
219   vtkIdType numPts = input->GetNumberOfPoints();
220   hits->SetNumberOfValues(numPts);
221   unsigned char *hitsPtr = static_cast<unsigned char *>(hits->GetVoidPointer(0));
223   // Process the points in parallel
224   SelectInOutCheck::Execute(numPts, input, surface, this->Bounds, this->Tolerance,
225                             this->CellLocator, hitsPtr, this);
227   // Copy all the input geometry and data to the output.
228   output->CopyStructure(input);
229   output->GetPointData()->PassData(input->GetPointData());
230   output->GetCellData()->PassData(input->GetCellData());
232   // Add the new scalars array to the output.
233   hits->SetName("SelectedPoints");
234   output->GetPointData()->SetScalars(hits);
236   // release memory
237   this->Complete();
239   return 1;
240 }
242 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
243 int vtkSelectEnclosedPoints::
IsSurfaceClosed(vtkPolyData * surface)244 IsSurfaceClosed(vtkPolyData *surface)
245 {
246   vtkPolyData *checker = vtkPolyData::New();
247   checker->CopyStructure(surface);
249   vtkFeatureEdges *features = vtkFeatureEdges::New();
250   features->SetInputData(checker);
251   features->BoundaryEdgesOn();
252   features->NonManifoldEdgesOn();
253   features->ManifoldEdgesOff();
254   features->FeatureEdgesOff();
255   features->Update();
257   vtkIdType numCells = features->GetOutput()->GetNumberOfCells();
258   features->Delete();
259   checker->Delete();
261   if ( numCells > 0 )
262   {
263     return 0;
264   }
265   else
266   {
267     return 1;
268   }
269 }
271 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Initialize(vtkPolyData * surface)272 void vtkSelectEnclosedPoints::Initialize(vtkPolyData *surface)
273 {
274   if ( ! this->CellLocator )
275   {
276     this->CellLocator = vtkStaticCellLocator::New();
277   }
279   this->Surface = surface;
280   surface->GetBounds(this->Bounds);
281   this->Length = surface->GetLength();
283   // Set up structures for acceleration ray casting
284   this->CellLocator->SetDataSet(surface);
285   this->CellLocator->BuildLocator();
286 }
288 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
IsInside(vtkIdType inputPtId)289 int vtkSelectEnclosedPoints::IsInside(vtkIdType inputPtId)
290 {
291   if ( !this->InsideOutsideArray ||
292        this->InsideOutsideArray->GetValue(inputPtId) == 0 )
293   {
294     return 0;
295   }
296   else
297   {
298     return 1;
299   }
300 }
302 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
IsInsideSurface(double x,double y,double z)303 int vtkSelectEnclosedPoints::IsInsideSurface(double x, double y, double z)
304 {
305   double xyz[3];
306   xyz[0] = x;
307   xyz[1] = y;
308   xyz[2] = z;
309   return this->IsInsideSurface(xyz);
310 }
312 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
313 // This is done to preserve backward compatibility. However it is not thread
314 // safe due to the use of the data member CellIds and Cell.
IsInsideSurface(double x[3])315 int vtkSelectEnclosedPoints::IsInsideSurface(double x[3])
316 {
317   vtkIntersectionCounter counter(this->Tolerance, this->Length);
319   return this->IsInsideSurface(x, this->Surface, this->Bounds, this->Length,
320                                this->Tolerance, this->CellLocator, this->CellIds,
321                                this->Cell, counter);
322 }
324 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
325 // General method uses ray casting to determine in/out. Since this is a
326 // numerically delicate operation, we use a crude "statistical" method (based
327 // on voting) to provide a better answer. Plus there is a process to merge
328 // nearly conincident points along the intersection rays.
329 //
330 // This is a static method so it can be used by other filters; hence the
331 // many parameters used.
332 //
333 // Provision for reproducible threaded random number generation is made by
334 // supporting the precomputation of a random sequence (see vtkRandomPool).
335 //
336 #define VTK_MAX_ITER 10    //Maximum iterations for ray-firing
337 #define VTK_VOTE_THRESHOLD 2   //Vote margin for test
339 int vtkSelectEnclosedPoints::
IsInsideSurface(double x[3],vtkPolyData * surface,double bds[6],double length,double tolerance,vtkAbstractCellLocator * locator,vtkIdList * cellIds,vtkGenericCell * genCell,vtkIntersectionCounter & counter,vtkRandomPool * seq,vtkIdType seqIdx)340 IsInsideSurface(double x[3], vtkPolyData *surface, double bds[6],
341                 double length,  double tolerance,
342                 vtkAbstractCellLocator *locator, vtkIdList *cellIds,
343                 vtkGenericCell *genCell, vtkIntersectionCounter &counter,
344                 vtkRandomPool* seq, vtkIdType seqIdx)
345 {
346   // do a quick inside bounds check against the surface bounds
347   if ( x[0] < bds[0] || x[0] > bds[1] ||
348        x[1] < bds[2] || x[1] > bds[3] ||
349        x[2] < bds[4] || x[2] > bds[5])
350   {
351     return 0;
352   }
354   // Shortly we are going to start firing rays. It's important that the rays
355   // are long enough to go from the test point all the way through the
356   // enclosing surface. So compute a vector from the test point to the center
357   // of the surface, and then add in the length (diagonal of bounding box) of
358   // the surface.
359   double offset[3], totalLength;
360   offset[0] = x[0] - ((bds[0]+bds[1]) / 2.0);
361   offset[1] = x[1] - ((bds[2]+bds[3]) / 2.0);
362   offset[2] = x[2] - ((bds[4]+bds[5]) / 2.0);
363   totalLength = length + vtkMath::Norm(offset);
365   //  Perform in/out by shooting random rays. Multiple rays are fired
366   //  to improve accuracy of the result.
367   //
368   //  The variable iterNumber counts the number of rays fired and is
369   //  limited by the defined variable VTK_MAX_ITER.
370   //
371   //  The variable deltaVotes keeps track of the number of votes for
372   //  "in" versus "out" of the surface.  When deltaVotes > 0, more votes
373   //  have counted for "in" than "out".  When deltaVotes < 0, more votes
374   //  have counted for "out" than "in".  When the delta_vote exceeds or
375   //  equals the defined variable VTK_VOTE_THRESHOLD, then the
376   //  appropriate "in" or "out" status is returned.
377   //
378   double rayMag, ray[3], xray[3], t, pcoords[3], xint[3];
379   int i, numInts, iterNumber, deltaVotes, subId;
380   vtkIdType idx, numCells;
381   double tol = tolerance * length;
383   for (deltaVotes = 0, iterNumber = 1;
384        (iterNumber < VTK_MAX_ITER) && (abs(deltaVotes) < VTK_VOTE_THRESHOLD);
385        iterNumber++)
386   {
387     //  Define a random ray to fire.
388     rayMag = 0.0;
389     while ( rayMag == 0.0 )
390     {
391       if ( seq == nullptr ) //in serial mode
392       {
393         ray[0] = vtkMath::Random(-1.0,1.0);
394         ray[1] = vtkMath::Random(-1.0,1.0);
395         ray[2] = vtkMath::Random(-1.0,1.0);
396       }
397       else //threading, have to scale sequence -1<=x<=1
398       {
399         ray[0] = 2.0 *(0.5 - seq->GetValue(seqIdx++));
400         ray[1] = 2.0 *(0.5 - seq->GetValue(seqIdx++));
401         ray[2] = 2.0 *(0.5 - seq->GetValue(seqIdx++));
402       }
403       rayMag = vtkMath::Norm(ray);
404     }
406     // The ray must be appropriately sized wrt the bounding box. (It has to
407     // go all the way through the bounding box. Remember though that an
408     // "inside bounds" check was done previously so diagonal length should
409     // be long enough.)
410     for (i=0; i<3; i++)
411     {
412       xray[i] = x[i] + 2.0*totalLength*(ray[i]/rayMag);
413     }
415     // Retrieve the candidate cells from the locator to limit the
416     // intersections to be attempted.
417     locator->FindCellsAlongLine(x,xray,tol,cellIds);
418     numCells = cellIds->GetNumberOfIds();
420     counter.Reset();
421     for ( idx=0; idx < numCells; idx++ )
422     {
423       surface->GetCell(cellIds->GetId(idx), genCell);
424       if ( genCell->IntersectWithLine(x, xray, tol, t, xint, pcoords, subId) )
425       {
426         counter.AddIntersection(t);
427       }
428     } //for all candidate cells along this ray
430     numInts = counter.CountIntersections();
432     if ( (numInts % 2) == 0) //if outside
433     {
434       --deltaVotes;
435     }
436       else //if inside
437     {
438       ++deltaVotes;
439     }
440   } //try another ray
442   //   If the number of votes is positive, the point is inside
443   //
444   return ( deltaVotes < 0 ? 0 : 1 );
445 }
447 #undef VTK_MAX_ITER
451 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
452 // Specify the second enclosing surface input via a connection
453 void vtkSelectEnclosedPoints::
SetSurfaceConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput * algOutput)454 SetSurfaceConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput* algOutput)
455 {
456   this->SetInputConnection(1, algOutput);
457 }
459 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
460 // Specify the second enclosing surface input data
SetSurfaceData(vtkPolyData * pd)461 void vtkSelectEnclosedPoints::SetSurfaceData(vtkPolyData *pd)
462 {
463   this->SetInputData(1, pd);
464 }
466 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
467 // Return the enclosing surface
GetSurface()468 vtkPolyData *vtkSelectEnclosedPoints::GetSurface()
469 {
470   return vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(
471     this->GetExecutive()->GetInputData(1, 0));
472 }
474 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GetSurface(vtkInformationVector * sourceInfo)475 vtkPolyData* vtkSelectEnclosedPoints::GetSurface(vtkInformationVector *sourceInfo)
476 {
477   vtkInformation *info = sourceInfo->GetInformationObject(1);
478   if (!info)
479   {
480     return nullptr;
481   }
482   return vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(info->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT()));
483 }
485 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
FillInputPortInformation(int port,vtkInformation * info)486 int vtkSelectEnclosedPoints::FillInputPortInformation(int port, vtkInformation *info)
487 {
488   if (port == 0)
489   {
490     info->Set(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_REQUIRED_DATA_TYPE(), "vtkDataSet");
491   }
492   else if (port == 1)
493   {
494     info->Set(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_IS_REPEATABLE(), 0);
495     info->Set(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_IS_OPTIONAL(), 0);
496     info->Set(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_REQUIRED_DATA_TYPE(), "vtkPolyData");
497   }
499   return 1;
500 }
502 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Complete()503 void vtkSelectEnclosedPoints::Complete()
504 {
505   this->CellLocator->FreeSearchStructure();
506 }
508 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector * collector)509 void vtkSelectEnclosedPoints::ReportReferences(vtkGarbageCollector* collector)
510 {
511   this->Superclass::ReportReferences(collector);
512   // These filters share our input and are therefore involved in a
513   // reference loop.
514   vtkGarbageCollectorReport(collector, this->CellLocator, "CellLocator");
515 }
517 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PrintSelf(ostream & os,vtkIndent indent)518 void vtkSelectEnclosedPoints::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
519 {
520   this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os,indent);
522   os << indent << "Check Surface: "
523      << (this->CheckSurface ? "On\n" : "Off\n");
525   os << indent << "Inside Out: "
526      << (this->InsideOut ? "On\n" : "Off\n");
528   os << indent << "Tolerance: " << this->Tolerance << "\n";
529 }