1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkQtTreeRingLabelMapper.h
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
16   Copyright 2008 Sandia Corporation.
17   Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
18   the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
20 /**
21  * @class   vtkQtTreeRingLabelMapper
22  * @brief   draw text labels on a tree map
23  *
24  *
25  * vtkQtTreeRingLabelMapper is a mapper that renders text on a tree map.
26  * A tree map is a vtkTree with an associated 4-tuple array
27  * used for storing the boundary rectangle for each vertex in the tree.
28  * The user must specify the array name used for storing the rectangles.
29  *
30  * The mapper iterates through the tree and attempts and renders a label
31  * inside the vertex's rectangle as long as the following conditions hold:
32  * 1. The vertex level is within the range of levels specified for labeling.
33  * 2. The label can fully fit inside its box.
34  * 3. The label does not overlap an ancestor's label.
35  *
36  * @sa
37  * vtkLabeledDataMapper
38  *
39  * @par Thanks:
40  * Thanks to Jason Shepherd from
41  * Sandia National Laboratories for help in developing this class.
42 */
44 #ifndef vtkQtTreeRingLabelMapper_h
45 #define vtkQtTreeRingLabelMapper_h
47 #include "vtkRenderingQtModule.h" // For export macro
48 #include "vtkLabeledDataMapper.h"
50 class QImage;
52 class vtkQImageToImageSource;
53 class vtkCoordinate;
54 class vtkDoubleArray;
55 class vtkPlaneSource;
56 class vtkPolyDataMapper2D;
57 class vtkRenderer;
58 class vtkStringArray;
59 class vtkTexture;
60 class vtkTextureMapToPlane;
61 class vtkTree;
62 class vtkUnicodeStringArray;
64 class VTKRENDERINGQT_EXPORT vtkQtTreeRingLabelMapper : public vtkLabeledDataMapper
65 {
66 public:
67   static vtkQtTreeRingLabelMapper *New();
68   vtkTypeMacro(vtkQtTreeRingLabelMapper,vtkLabeledDataMapper);
69   void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
71   //@{
72   /**
73    * Draw the text to the screen at each input point.
74    */
75   void RenderOpaqueGeometry(vtkViewport* viewport, vtkActor2D* actor) override;
76   void RenderOverlay(vtkViewport *viewport, vtkActor2D *actor) override;
77   //@}
79   /**
80    * The input to this filter.
81    */
82   virtual vtkTree *GetInputTree();
84   /**
85    * The name of the 4-tuple array used for
86    */
87   virtual void SetSectorsArrayName(const char* name);
89   //@{
90   /**
91    * Set/Get the text property. Note that multiple type text properties
92    * (set with a second integer parameter) are not currently supported,
93    * but are provided to avoid compiler warnings.
94    */
95   void SetLabelTextProperty(vtkTextProperty *p) override;
GetLabelTextProperty()96   vtkTextProperty* GetLabelTextProperty() override
97     { return this->LabelTextProperty; }
SetLabelTextProperty(vtkTextProperty * p,int type)98   void SetLabelTextProperty(vtkTextProperty *p, int type) override
99     { this->Superclass::SetLabelTextProperty(p, type); }
GetLabelTextProperty(int type)100   vtkTextProperty* GetLabelTextProperty(int type) override
101     { return this->Superclass::GetLabelTextProperty(type); }
102   //@}
104   //@{
105   /**
106    * Set/Get the name of the text rotation array.
107    */
108   vtkSetStringMacro(TextRotationArrayName);
109   vtkGetStringMacro(TextRotationArrayName);
110   //@}
112   /**
113    * Return the object's MTime. This is overridden to include
114    * the timestamp of its internal class.
115    */
116   vtkMTimeType GetMTime() override;
SetRenderer(vtkRenderer * ren)118   void SetRenderer(vtkRenderer* ren)
119   {
120       if (this->Renderer != ren)
121       {
122         this->Renderer = ren;
123         this->Modified();
124       }
125   }
GetRenderer()126   vtkRenderer* GetRenderer() { return this->Renderer; }
128 protected:
129   vtkQtTreeRingLabelMapper();
130   ~vtkQtTreeRingLabelMapper() override;
131   void LabelTree(vtkTree *tree, vtkDataArray *sectorInfo,
132                  vtkDataArray *numericData, vtkStringArray *stringData, vtkUnicodeStringArray *uStringData,
133                  int activeComp, int numComps, vtkViewport* viewport);
134   void GetVertexLabel(vtkIdType vertex, vtkDataArray *numericData,
135                       vtkStringArray *stringData,
136                       vtkUnicodeStringArray *uStringData,
137                       int activeComp, int numComps,
138                       char *string, size_t stringSize);
140   //Returns true if the center of the sector is in the window
141   // along with the pixel dimensions (width, height)  of the sector
142   bool PointInWindow(double *sinfo, double *newDim, double *textPosDC, vtkViewport *viewport);
144   vtkViewport *CurrentViewPort;
145   vtkCoordinate *VCoord;
146   vtkQImageToImageSource* QtImageSource;
147   vtkPlaneSource* PlaneSource;
148   vtkRenderer* Renderer;
149   vtkTextProperty *LabelTextProperty;
150   vtkTexture* LabelTexture;
151   vtkTextureMapToPlane* TextureMapToPlane;
152   char* TextRotationArrayName;
153   vtkPolyDataMapper2D* polyDataMapper;
154   QImage* QtImage;
155   int WindowSize[2];
157 private:
158   vtkQtTreeRingLabelMapper(const vtkQtTreeRingLabelMapper&) = delete;
159   void operator=(const vtkQtTreeRingLabelMapper&) = delete;
160 };
163 #endif