1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkSparseArray.h
6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
7   Copyright 2008 Sandia Corporation.
8   Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
9   the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
12   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
13   All rights reserved.
14   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
16      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
17      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
18      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
20 =========================================================================*/
22 /**
23  * @class   vtkSparseArray
24  * @brief   Sparse, independent coordinate storage for N-way arrays.
25  *
26  *
27  * vtkSparseArray is a concrete vtkArray implementation that stores values using
28  * sparse independent coordinate storage.  This means that the array stores the
29  * complete set of coordinates and the value for each non-null value in the array.
30  * While this approach requires slightly more storage than other sparse storage
31  * schemes (such as Compressed-Row or Compressed-Column), it is easier and more
32  * efficient to work with when implementing algorithms, and it generalizes well
33  * for arbitrary numbers of dimensions.
34  *
35  * In addition to the value retrieval and update methods provided by vtkTypedArray,
36  * vtkSparseArray provides methods to:
37  *
38  * Get and set a special 'null' value that will be returned when retrieving values
39  * for undefined coordinates.
40  *
41  * Clear the contents of the array so that every set of coordinates is undefined.
42  *
43  * Sort the array contents so that value coordinates can be visited in a specific order.
44  *
45  * Retrieve pointers to the value- and coordinate-storage memory blocks.
46  *
47  * Reserve storage for a specific number of non-null values, for efficiency when the
48  * number of non-null values is known in advance.
49  *
50  * Recompute the array extents so that they bound the largest set of non-nullptr values
51  * along each dimension.
52  *
53  * Specify arbitrary array extents.
54  *
55  * Add values to the array in amortized-constant time.
56  *
57  * Validate that the array does not contain duplicate coordinates.
58  *
59  * @sa
60  * vtkArray, vtkTypedArray, vtkDenseArray
61  *
62  * @par Thanks:
63  * Developed by Timothy M. Shead (tshead@sandia.gov) at Sandia National Laboratories.
64  */
66 #ifndef vtkSparseArray_h
67 #define vtkSparseArray_h
69 #include "vtkArrayCoordinates.h"
70 #include "vtkArraySort.h"
71 #include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
72 #include "vtkTypedArray.h"
74 template <typename T>
75 class vtkSparseArray : public vtkTypedArray<T>
76 {
77 public:
78   vtkTemplateTypeMacro(vtkSparseArray<T>, vtkTypedArray<T>);
79   static vtkSparseArray<T>* New();
80   void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
82   typedef typename vtkArray::CoordinateT CoordinateT;
83   typedef typename vtkArray::DimensionT DimensionT;
84   typedef typename vtkArray::SizeT SizeT;
86   // vtkArray API
87   bool IsDense() override;
88   const vtkArrayExtents& GetExtents() override;
89   SizeT GetNonNullSize() override;
90   void GetCoordinatesN(const SizeT n, vtkArrayCoordinates& coordinates) override;
91   vtkArray* DeepCopy() override;
93   // vtkTypedArray API
94   const T& GetValue(CoordinateT i) override;
95   const T& GetValue(CoordinateT i, CoordinateT j) override;
96   const T& GetValue(CoordinateT i, CoordinateT j, CoordinateT k) override;
97   const T& GetValue(const vtkArrayCoordinates& coordinates) override;
98   const T& GetValueN(const SizeT n) override;
99   void SetValue(CoordinateT i, const T& value) override;
100   void SetValue(CoordinateT i, CoordinateT j, const T& value) override;
101   void SetValue(CoordinateT i, CoordinateT j, CoordinateT k, const T& value) override;
102   void SetValue(const vtkArrayCoordinates& coordinates, const T& value) override;
103   void SetValueN(const SizeT n, const T& value) override;
105   // vtkSparseArray API
107   /**
108    * Set the value that will be returned by GetValue() for nullptr areas of the array.
109    */
110   void SetNullValue(const T& value);
112   /**
113    * Returns the value that will be returned by GetValue() for nullptr areas of the array.
114    */
115   const T& GetNullValue();
117   /**
118    * Remove all non-null elements from the array, leaving the number of dimensions, the
119    * extent of each dimension, and the label for each dimension unchanged.
120    */
121   void Clear();
123   /**
124    * Sorts array values so that their coordinates appear in some well-defined order.
125    * The supplied vtkArraySort object controls which dimensions are sorted, and in what
126    * order, and should contain one-or-more sort dimensions, up to the number of dimensions
127    * stored in the array.
128    */
129   void Sort(const vtkArraySort& sort);
131   /**
132    * Returns the set of unique coordinates along the given dimension.
133    */
134   std::vector<CoordinateT> GetUniqueCoordinates(DimensionT dimension);
136   /**
137    * Return a read-only reference to the underlying coordinate storage.  Coordinates
138    * for each dimension are stored contiguously as a one-dimensional array.  The ordering
139    * of coordinates within the array depends on the order in which values were added to
140    * the array.
141    */
142   const CoordinateT* GetCoordinateStorage(DimensionT dimension) const;
144   /**
145    * Return a mutable reference to the underlying coordinate storage.  Coordinates
146    * for each dimension are stored contiguously as a one-dimensional array.  The ordering
147    * of coordinates within the array depends on the order in which values were added to
148    * the array, and any subsequent sorting.  Use at your own risk!
149    */
150   CoordinateT* GetCoordinateStorage(DimensionT dimension);
152   /**
153    * Return a read-only reference to the underlying value storage.  Values are stored
154    * contiguously, but in arbitrary order.  Use GetCoordinateStorage() if you need to
155    * get the corresponding coordinates for a value.
156    */
157   const T* GetValueStorage() const;
159   /**
160    * Return a mutable reference to the underlying value storage.  Values are stored
161    * contiguously, but in arbitrary order.  Use GetCoordinateStorage() if you need to
162    * get the corresponding coordinates for a value.  Use at your own risk!
163    */
164   T* GetValueStorage();
166   /**
167    * Reserve storage for a specific number of values.  This is useful for reading external
168    * data using GetCoordinateStorage() and GetValueStorage(), when the total
169    * number of non-nullptr values in the array can be determined in advance.  Note that after
170    * calling ReserveStorage(), all coordinates and values will be undefined, so you must
171    * ensure that every set of coordinates and values is overwritten.  It is the caller's
172    * responsibility to ensure that duplicate coordinates are not inserted into the array.
173    */
174   void ReserveStorage(const SizeT value_count);
176   /**
177    * Update the array extents to match its contents, so that the extent along each dimension
178    * matches the maximum index value along that dimension.
179    */
180   void SetExtentsFromContents();
181   /**
182    * Specify arbitrary array extents, without altering the contents of the array.  Note
183    * that the extents must be as-large-or-larger-than the extents of the actual values
184    * stored in the array.  The number of dimensions in the supplied extents must match the
185    * number of dimensions currently stored in the array.
186    */
187   void SetExtents(const vtkArrayExtents& extents);
189   ///@{
190   /**
191    * Adds a new non-null element to the array.  Does not test to see if an element with
192    * matching coordinates already exists.  Useful for providing fast initialization of the
193    * array as long as the caller is prepared to guarantee that no duplicate coordinates are
194    * ever used.
195    */
196   inline void AddValue(CoordinateT i, const T& value);
197   inline void AddValue(CoordinateT i, CoordinateT j, const T& value);
198   inline void AddValue(CoordinateT i, CoordinateT j, CoordinateT k, const T& value);
199   void AddValue(const vtkArrayCoordinates& coordinates, const T& value);
200   ///@}
202   /**
203    * Validate the contents of the array, returning false if there are any problems.
204    * Potential problems include duplicate coordinates, which can be introduced into the
205    * array either through AddValue() or direct access to coordinates storage; and coordinates
206    * out-of-bounds given the current array extents.
208    * Note that Validate() is a heavyweight O(N log N) operation that is intended for
209    * temporary use during debugging.
210    */
211   bool Validate();
213 protected:
214   vtkSparseArray();
215   ~vtkSparseArray() override;
217 private:
218   vtkSparseArray(const vtkSparseArray&) = delete;
219   void operator=(const vtkSparseArray&) = delete;
221   void InternalResize(const vtkArrayExtents& extents) override;
222   void InternalSetDimensionLabel(DimensionT i, const vtkStdString& label) override;
223   vtkStdString InternalGetDimensionLabel(DimensionT i) override;
225   typedef vtkSparseArray<T> ThisT;
227   /**
228    * Stores the current array extents (size along each dimension)
229    */
230   vtkArrayExtents Extents;
232   /**
233    * Stores a label for each array dimension
234    */
235   std::vector<vtkStdString> DimensionLabels;
237   /**
238    * Stores the coordinates of each non-null element within the array,
239    * using one contiguous array to store the coordinates for each dimension.
240    */
241   std::vector<std::vector<CoordinateT>> Coordinates;
243   /**
244    * Stores the value of each non-null element within the array
245    */
246   std::vector<T> Values;
248   ///@{
249   /**
250    * Stores the value that will be returned when accessing nullptr areas
251    * of the array.
252    */
253   T NullValue;
254   ///@}
255 };
257 #include "vtkSparseArray.txx"
259 #endif
260 // VTK-HeaderTest-Exclude: vtkSparseArray.h