1 /*=========================================================================
3   Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4   Module:    vtkStaticCellLocator.cxx
6   Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7   All rights reserved.
8   See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10      This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
11      the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
12      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
15 #include "vtkStaticCellLocator.h"
17 #include "vtkBoundingBox.h"
18 #include "vtkBox.h"
19 #include "vtkCellArray.h"
20 #include "vtkDoubleArray.h"
21 #include "vtkGenericCell.h"
22 #include "vtkIdList.h"
23 #include "vtkIntArray.h"
24 #include "vtkMath.h"
25 #include "vtkMergePoints.h"
26 #include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
27 #include "vtkPlane.h"
28 #include "vtkPoints.h"
29 #include "vtkPolyData.h"
30 #include "vtkSMPThreadLocal.h"
31 #include "vtkSMPThreadLocalObject.h"
32 #include "vtkSMPTools.h"
34 #include <functional>
35 #include <queue>
36 #include <vector>
38 vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkStaticCellLocator);
40 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 // Helper classes to support efficient computing, and threaded execution.
42 //
43 // Note that are two key classes: the vtkCellBinner and the vtkCellProcessor.
44 // the Binner is used to perform binning operations are cells are placed into
45 // the uniformally subdivided bin space. The Processor is a templated class
46 // (templated over ID type to reduce memory and speed sorting when the cell
47 // ids are small).
48 //
49 // The algorithm is multipass. First, the overall bounds of the data is
50 // determined, and then the space is subdivided into uniform bins. Next each
51 // cell is visited, it's bounds are obtained. and the ijk footprint into the
52 // binning is obtained. The footprint implicitly indicates the number of bins
53 // the cell touches (i.e., the number of cell fragment tuples
54 // (cellId,binId)), and this number is stored in an array. Once all cells
55 // have been visited (in parallel), a prefix sum is executed on the counts to
56 // determine the total number of fragments. Next another (parallel) pass is
57 // made over each cell and the fragments are placed into a tuple array (using
58 // the count offsets), which is then (parallel) sorted on binIds. This
59 // produces contiguous runs of cellIds for each bin. Finally, integral
60 // offsets are created that for each cell point at the beginning of each
61 // run.
62 //
63 // This algorithm is implemented into two parts as mentioned previously. The
64 // Binner is non templated and simply deals with cell bounds and eventually
65 // computes the number of cell fragments. Depending on the size of the
66 // fragment count, a templated class of either int or vtkIdType is
67 // created. Different types are used because of 1) significant reduction in
68 // memory and 2) significant speed up in the parallel sort.
70 //========================= CELL LOCATOR MACHINERY ====================================
72 // PIMPLd class which wraps binning functionality.
73 struct vtkCellBinner
74 {
75   vtkStaticCellLocator* Locator; // locater
76   vtkIdType NumCells;            // the number of cells to bin
77   vtkIdType NumBins;
78   vtkIdType NumFragments; // total number of (cellId,binId) tuples
80   // These are internal data members used for performance reasons
81   vtkDataSet* DataSet;
82   int Divisions[3];
83   double Bounds[6];
84   double* CellBounds;
85   vtkIdType* Counts;
86   double H[3];
87   double hX, hY, hZ;
88   double fX, fY, fZ, bX, bY, bZ;
89   vtkIdType xD, yD, zD, xyD;
90   double binTol;
92   // Construction
vtkCellBinnervtkCellBinner93   vtkCellBinner(vtkStaticCellLocator* loc, vtkIdType numCells, vtkIdType numBins)
94   {
95     this->Locator = loc;
96     this->NumCells = numCells;
97     this->NumBins = numBins;
98     this->NumFragments = 0;
99     this->DataSet = loc->GetDataSet();
100     loc->GetDivisions(this->Divisions);
102     // Allocate data. Note that these arrays are deleted elsewhere
103     this->CellBounds = new double[numCells * 6];
104     this->Counts = new vtkIdType[numCells + 1]; // one extra holds total count
106     // This is done to cause non-thread safe initialization to occur due to
107     // side effects from GetCellBounds().
108     this->DataSet->GetCellBounds(0, this->CellBounds);
110     // Setup internal data members for more efficient processing.
111     this->hX = this->H[0] = loc->H[0];
112     this->hY = this->H[1] = loc->H[1];
113     this->hZ = this->H[2] = loc->H[2];
114     this->fX = 1.0 / loc->H[0];
115     this->fY = 1.0 / loc->H[1];
116     this->fZ = 1.0 / loc->H[2];
117     this->bX = this->Bounds[0] = loc->Bounds[0];
118     this->Bounds[1] = loc->Bounds[1];
119     this->bY = this->Bounds[2] = loc->Bounds[2];
120     this->Bounds[3] = loc->Bounds[3];
121     this->bZ = this->Bounds[4] = loc->Bounds[4];
122     this->Bounds[5] = loc->Bounds[5];
123     this->xD = this->Divisions[0];
124     this->yD = this->Divisions[1];
125     this->zD = this->Divisions[2];
126     this->xyD = this->Divisions[0] * this->Divisions[1];
128     this->binTol = loc->GetUseDiagonalLengthTolerance()
129       ? loc->GetTolerance() * sqrt(this->hX * this->hX + this->hY * this->hY + this->hZ * this->hZ)
130       : loc->GetTolerance();
131   }
~vtkCellBinnervtkCellBinner133   ~vtkCellBinner()
134   {
135     delete[] this->CellBounds;
136     delete[] this->Counts;
137   }
GetBinIndicesvtkCellBinner139   void GetBinIndices(const double* x, int ijk[3]) const
140   {
141     // Compute point index. Make sure it lies within range of locator.
142     ijk[0] = static_cast<int>(((x[0] - bX) * fX));
143     ijk[1] = static_cast<int>(((x[1] - bY) * fY));
144     ijk[2] = static_cast<int>(((x[2] - bZ) * fZ));
146     ijk[0] = (ijk[0] < 0 ? 0 : (ijk[0] >= xD ? xD - 1 : ijk[0]));
147     ijk[1] = (ijk[1] < 0 ? 0 : (ijk[1] >= yD ? yD - 1 : ijk[1]));
148     ijk[2] = (ijk[2] < 0 ? 0 : (ijk[2] >= zD ? zD - 1 : ijk[2]));
149   }
GetBinIndicesvtkCellBinner151   void GetBinIndices(vtkIdType binId, int ijk[3]) const
152   {
153     ijk[0] = binId % xD;
154     vtkIdType tmp = binId / xD;
155     ijk[1] = tmp % yD;
156     ijk[2] = tmp / yD;
157   }
159   // Given a point x, determine which bin it is in. Note that points
160   // are clamped to lie inside of the locator.
GetBinIndexvtkCellBinner161   vtkIdType GetBinIndex(const double* x) const
162   {
163     int ijk[3];
164     this->GetBinIndices(x, ijk);
165     return ijk[0] + ijk[1] * xD + ijk[2] * xyD;
166   }
GetBinIndexvtkCellBinner168   vtkIdType GetBinIndex(int ijk[3]) const { return ijk[0] + ijk[1] * xD + ijk[2] * xyD; }
170   // These are helper functions
CountBinsvtkCellBinner171   vtkIdType CountBins(const int ijkMin[3], const int ijkMax[3])
172   {
173     // Ensure all temporary values are vtkIdType:
174     vtkIdType result = ijkMax[0] - ijkMin[0] + 1;
175     result *= ijkMax[1] - ijkMin[1] + 1;
176     result *= ijkMax[2] - ijkMin[2] + 1;
178     return result;
179   }
InitializevtkCellBinner181   void Initialize() {}
operator ()vtkCellBinner183   void operator()(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdType endCellId)
184   {
185     double* bds = this->CellBounds + cellId * 6;
186     vtkIdType* counts = this->Counts + cellId;
187     double xmin[3], xmax[3];
188     int ijkMin[3], ijkMax[3];
190     for (; cellId < endCellId; ++cellId, bds += 6)
191     {
192       this->DataSet->GetCellBounds(cellId, bds);
193       double tol = this->binTol;
194       xmin[0] = bds[0] - tol;
195       xmin[1] = bds[2] - tol;
196       xmin[2] = bds[4] - tol;
197       xmax[0] = bds[1] + tol;
198       xmax[1] = bds[3] + tol;
199       xmax[2] = bds[5] + tol;
201       this->GetBinIndices(xmin, ijkMin);
202       this->GetBinIndices(xmax, ijkMax);
204       *counts++ = this->CountBins(ijkMin, ijkMax);
205     }
206   }
ReducevtkCellBinner208   void Reduce()
209   {
210     // Perform prefix sum
211     vtkIdType* counts = this->Counts;
212     vtkIdType numBins, total = 0, numCells = this->NumCells;
213     for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < numCells; ++i)
214     {
215       numBins = *counts;
216       *counts++ = total;
217       total += numBins;
218     }
219     this->NumFragments = total;
220   }
222 }; // vtkCellBinner
224 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
225 // The following tuple is what is sorted in the map. Note that it is templated
226 // because depending on the number of points / buckets to process we may want
227 // to use vtkIdType. Otherwise for performance reasons it's best to use an int
228 // (or other integral type). Typically sort() is 25-30% faster on smaller
229 // integral types, plus it takes a heck less memory (when vtkIdType is 64-bit
230 // and int is 32-bit).
231 template <typename TId>
232 struct CellFragments
233 {
234   TId CellId; // originating cell id
235   TId BinId;  // i-j-k index into bin space
237   // Operator< used to support the subsequent sort operation.
operator <CellFragments238   bool operator<(const CellFragments& tuple) const { return BinId < tuple.BinId; }
239 };
241 // Perform locator operations like FindCell. Uses templated subclasses
242 // to reduce memory and enhance speed.
243 struct vtkCellProcessor
244 {
245   vtkCellBinner* Binner;
246   vtkDataSet* DataSet;
247   double* CellBounds;
248   vtkIdType* Counts;
249   vtkIdType NumFragments;
250   vtkIdType NumCells;
251   vtkIdType NumBins;
252   int BatchSize;
253   int NumBatches;
254   vtkIdType xD, xyD;
vtkCellProcessorvtkCellProcessor256   vtkCellProcessor(vtkCellBinner* cb)
257     : Binner(cb)
258   {
259     this->DataSet = cb->DataSet;
260     this->CellBounds = cb->CellBounds;
261     this->Counts = cb->Counts;
262     this->NumCells = cb->NumCells;
263     this->NumFragments = cb->NumFragments;
264     this->NumBins = cb->NumBins;
265     this->BatchSize = 10000; // building the offset array
266     this->NumBatches =
267       static_cast<int>(ceil(static_cast<double>(this->NumFragments) / this->BatchSize));
269     xD = cb->xD; // for speeding up computation
270     xyD = cb->xyD;
271   }
273   virtual ~vtkCellProcessor() = default;
275   // Satisfy cell locator API
276   virtual vtkIdType FindCell(
277     const double pos[3], vtkGenericCell* cell, double pcoords[3], double* weights) = 0;
278   virtual void FindCellsWithinBounds(double* bbox, vtkIdList* cells) = 0;
279   virtual void FindCellsAlongLine(
280     const double p1[3], const double p2[3], double tol, vtkIdList* cells) = 0;
281   virtual void FindCellsAlongPlane(
282     const double o[3], const double n[3], double tolerance, vtkIdList* cells) = 0;
283   virtual int IntersectWithLine(const double a0[3], const double a1[3], double tol, double& t,
284     double x[3], double pcoords[3], int& subId, vtkIdType& cellId, vtkGenericCell* cell) = 0;
285   virtual vtkIdType FindClosestPointWithinRadius(const double x[3], double radius,
286     double closestPoint[3], vtkGenericCell* cell, vtkIdType& cellId, int& subId, double& dist2,
287     int& inside) = 0;
289   // Convenience for computing
290   virtual int IsEmpty(vtkIdType binId) = 0;
291 };
293 namespace
294 { // anonymous to wrap non-public stuff
296 // Typed subclass
297 template <typename T>
298 struct CellProcessor : public vtkCellProcessor
299 {
300   // Type dependent members
301   CellFragments<T>* Map; // the map to be sorted
302   T* Offsets;            // offsets for each bin into the map
CellProcessor__anond231c8eb0111::CellProcessor304   CellProcessor(vtkCellBinner* cb)
305     : vtkCellProcessor(cb)
306   {
307     // Prepare to sort
308     // one extra to simplify traversal
309     this->Map = new CellFragments<T>[this->NumFragments + 1];
310     this->Map[this->NumFragments].BinId = this->NumBins;
311     this->Offsets = new T[this->NumBins + 1];
312     this->Offsets[this->NumBins] = this->NumFragments;
313   }
~CellProcessor__anond231c8eb0111::CellProcessor315   ~CellProcessor() override
316   {
317     delete[] this->Map;
318     delete[] this->Offsets;
319   }
321   // The number of cell ids in a bin is determined by computing the
322   // difference between the offsets into the sorted cell fragments array.
GetNumberOfIds__anond231c8eb0111::CellProcessor323   T GetNumberOfIds(vtkIdType binNum) { return (this->Offsets[binNum + 1] - this->Offsets[binNum]); }
325   // Given a bin number, return the cells ids in that bin.
GetIds__anond231c8eb0111::CellProcessor326   const CellFragments<T>* GetIds(vtkIdType binNum) { return this->Map + this->Offsets[binNum]; }
ComputeBinBounds__anond231c8eb0111::CellProcessor328   void ComputeBinBounds(int i, int j, int k, double binBounds[6])
329   {
330     double* bds = this->Binner->Bounds;
331     double* h = this->Binner->H;
332     binBounds[0] = bds[0] + i * h[0];
333     binBounds[1] = binBounds[0] + h[0];
334     binBounds[2] = bds[2] + j * h[1];
335     binBounds[3] = binBounds[2] + h[1];
336     binBounds[4] = bds[4] + k * h[2];
337     binBounds[5] = binBounds[4] + h[2];
338   }
IsInBinBounds__anond231c8eb0111::CellProcessor340   int IsInBinBounds(double binBounds[6], double x[3], double binTol = 0.0)
341   {
342     if ((binBounds[0] - binTol) <= x[0] && x[0] <= (binBounds[1] + binTol) &&
343       (binBounds[2] - binTol) <= x[1] && x[1] <= (binBounds[3] + binTol) &&
344       (binBounds[4] - binTol) <= x[2] && x[2] <= (binBounds[5] + binTol))
345     {
346       return 1;
347     }
348     else
349     {
350       return 0;
351     }
352   }
354   // Methods to satisfy vtkCellProcessor virtual API
355   vtkIdType FindCell(
356     const double pos[3], vtkGenericCell* cell, double pcoords[3], double* weights) override;
357   void FindCellsWithinBounds(double* bbox, vtkIdList* cells) override;
358   void FindCellsAlongLine(
359     const double p1[3], const double p2[3], double tol, vtkIdList* cells) override;
360   void FindCellsAlongPlane(
361     const double o[3], const double n[3], double tolerance, vtkIdList* cells) override;
362   int IntersectWithLine(const double a0[3], const double a1[3], double tol, double& t, double x[3],
363     double pcoords[3], int& subId, vtkIdType& cellId, vtkGenericCell* cell) override;
364   vtkIdType FindClosestPointWithinRadius(const double x[3], double radius, double closestPoint[3],
365     vtkGenericCell* cell, vtkIdType& cellId, int& subId, double& dist2, int& inside) override;
IsEmpty__anond231c8eb0111::CellProcessor366   int IsEmpty(vtkIdType binId) override
367   {
368     return (this->GetNumberOfIds(static_cast<T>(binId)) > 0 ? 0 : 1);
369   }
371   // This functor is used to perform the final cell binning
Initialize__anond231c8eb0111::CellProcessor372   void Initialize() {}
operator ()__anond231c8eb0111::CellProcessor374   void operator()(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdType endCellId)
375   {
376     const double* bds = this->CellBounds + cellId * 6;
377     CellFragments<T>* t = this->Map + *(this->Counts + cellId);
378     double xmin[3], xmax[3];
379     int ijkMin[3], ijkMax[3];
380     int i, j, k;
381     vtkIdType binId;
383     for (; cellId < endCellId; ++cellId, bds += 6)
384     {
385       double tol = this->Binner->binTol;
386       xmin[0] = bds[0] - tol;
387       xmin[1] = bds[2] - tol;
388       xmin[2] = bds[4] - tol;
389       xmax[0] = bds[1] + tol;
390       xmax[1] = bds[3] + tol;
391       xmax[2] = bds[5] + tol;
393       this->Binner->GetBinIndices(xmin, ijkMin);
394       this->Binner->GetBinIndices(xmax, ijkMax);
396       for (k = ijkMin[2]; k <= ijkMax[2]; ++k)
397       {
398         for (j = ijkMin[1]; j <= ijkMax[1]; ++j)
399         {
400           for (i = ijkMin[0]; i <= ijkMax[0]; ++i)
401           {
402             binId = i + j * xD + k * xyD;
403             t->CellId = cellId;
404             t->BinId = binId;
405             t++;
406           }
407         }
408       }
409     }
410   }
Reduce__anond231c8eb0111::CellProcessor412   void Reduce() {}
413 }; // CellProcessor
415 // This functor class creates offsets for each cell into the sorted tuple
416 // array. The offsets enable random access to cells.
417 template <typename TId>
418 struct MapOffsets
419 {
420   CellProcessor<TId>* Processor;
421   CellFragments<TId>* Map;
422   TId* Offsets;
423   vtkIdType NumCells;
424   int NumBins;
425   vtkIdType NumFragments;
426   int BatchSize;
MapOffsets__anond231c8eb0111::MapOffsets428   MapOffsets(CellProcessor<TId>* p)
429     : Processor(p)
430   {
431     this->Map = p->Map;
432     this->Offsets = p->Offsets;
433     this->NumCells = p->NumCells;
434     this->NumBins = p->NumBins;
435     this->NumFragments = p->NumFragments;
436     this->BatchSize = p->BatchSize;
437   }
439   // Traverse sorted points (i.e., tuples) and update bin offsets.
operator ()__anond231c8eb0111::MapOffsets440   void operator()(vtkIdType batch, vtkIdType batchEnd)
441   {
442     TId* offsets = this->Offsets;
443     const CellFragments<TId>* curPt = this->Map + batch * this->BatchSize;
444     const CellFragments<TId>* endBatchPt = this->Map + batchEnd * this->BatchSize;
445     const CellFragments<TId>* endPt = this->Map + this->NumFragments;
446     const CellFragments<TId>* prevPt;
447     endBatchPt = (endBatchPt > endPt ? endPt : endBatchPt);
449     // Special case at the very beginning of the mapped points array.  If
450     // the first point is in bin# N, then all bins up and including
451     // N must refer to the first point.
452     if (curPt == this->Map)
453     {
454       prevPt = this->Map;
455       std::fill_n(offsets, curPt->BinId + 1, 0); // point to the first points
456     } // at the very beginning of the map (sorted points array)
458     // We are entering this functor somewhere in the interior of the
459     // mapped points array. All we need to do is point to the entry
460     // position because we are interested only in prevPt->BinId.
461     else
462     {
463       prevPt = curPt;
464     } // else in the middle of a batch
466     // Okay we have a starting point for a bin run. Now we can begin
467     // filling in the offsets in this batch. A previous thread should
468     // have/will have completed the previous and subsequent runs outside
469     // of the [batch,batchEnd) range
470     for (curPt = prevPt; curPt < endBatchPt;)
471     {
472       for (; curPt->BinId == prevPt->BinId && curPt <= endBatchPt; ++curPt)
473       {
474         ; // advance
475       }
476       // Fill in any gaps in the offset array
477       std::fill_n(offsets + prevPt->BinId + 1, curPt->BinId - prevPt->BinId, curPt - this->Map);
478       prevPt = curPt;
479     } // for all batches in this range
480   }   // operator()
482 }; // MapOffsets
484 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
485 template <typename T>
FindCell(const double pos[3],vtkGenericCell * cell,double pcoords[3],double * weights)486 vtkIdType CellProcessor<T>::FindCell(
487   const double pos[3], vtkGenericCell* cell, double pcoords[3], double* weights)
488 {
489   vtkIdType binId = this->Binner->GetBinIndex(pos);
490   T numIds = this->GetNumberOfIds(binId);
492   // Only thread the evaluation if enough cells need to be processed
493   if (numIds < 1)
494   {
495     return -1;
496   }
497   // Run through serially. A parallel implementation is possible but does
498   // not seem to be much faster.
499   else
500   {
501     const CellFragments<T>* cellIds = this->GetIds(binId);
502     double tol = this->Binner->binTol;
503     double dist2, *bounds, delta[3] = { tol, tol, tol };
504     int subId;
505     vtkIdType cellId;
507     for (int j = 0; j < numIds; j++)
508     {
509       cellId = cellIds[j].CellId;
510       bounds = this->CellBounds + 6 * cellId;
512       if (vtkMath::PointIsWithinBounds(pos, bounds, delta))
513       {
514         this->DataSet->GetCell(cellId, cell);
515         if (cell->EvaluatePosition(pos, nullptr, subId, pcoords, dist2, weights) == 1)
516         {
517           return cellId;
518         }
519       } // in bounding box
520     }   // for cells in this bin
522     return -1; // nothing found
523   }            // serial
524 }
526 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
527 template <typename T>
FindCellsWithinBounds(double * bbox,vtkIdList * cells)528 void CellProcessor<T>::FindCellsWithinBounds(double* bbox, vtkIdList* cells)
529 {
530   vtkIdType binNum, numIds, jOffset, kOffset;
531   int i, j, k, ii, ijkMin[3], ijkMax[3];
532   double pMin[3], pMax[3];
533   const CellFragments<T>* ids;
535   cells->Reset();
537   // Get the locator locations for the two extreme corners of the bounding box
538   pMin[0] = bbox[0];
539   pMin[1] = bbox[2];
540   pMin[2] = bbox[4];
541   pMax[0] = bbox[1];
542   pMax[1] = bbox[3];
543   pMax[2] = bbox[5];
545   this->Binner->GetBinIndices(pMin, ijkMin);
546   this->Binner->GetBinIndices(pMax, ijkMax);
548   // Loop over the block of bins and add cells that have not yet been visited.
549   for (k = ijkMin[2]; k <= ijkMax[2]; ++k)
550   {
551     kOffset = k * this->xyD;
552     for (j = ijkMin[1]; j <= ijkMax[1]; ++j)
553     {
554       jOffset = j * this->xD;
555       for (i = ijkMin[0]; i <= ijkMax[0]; ++i)
556       {
557         binNum = i + jOffset + kOffset;
559         if ((numIds = this->GetNumberOfIds(binNum)) > 0)
560         {
561           ids = this->GetIds(binNum);
562           for (ii = 0; ii < numIds; ii++)
563           {
564             // Could use query mechanism to speed up at some point
565             cells->InsertUniqueId(ids[ii].CellId);
566           } // for all points in bucket
567         }   // if points in bucket
568       }     // i-footprint
569     }       // j-footprint
570   }         // k-footprint
571 }
573 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
574 // This code traverses the cell locator by following the intersection ray. All
575 // cells in intersected bins are placed into the output cellId vtkIdList. See
576 // the IntersectWithLine method for more information on voxel traversal.
577 template <typename T>
FindCellsAlongLine(const double a0[3],const double a1[3],double vtkNotUsed (tol),vtkIdList * cells)578 void CellProcessor<T>::FindCellsAlongLine(
579   const double a0[3], const double a1[3], double vtkNotUsed(tol), vtkIdList* cells)
580 {
581   // Initialize the list of cells
582   cells->Reset();
584   // Make sure the bounding box of the locator is hit. Also, determine the
585   // entry and exit points into and out of the locator. This is used to
586   // determine the bins where the ray starts and ends.
587   double* bounds = this->Binner->Bounds;
588   double t0, t1, x0[3], x1[3], rayDir[3];
589   int plane0, plane1;
590   vtkMath::Subtract(a1, a0, rayDir);
592   if (vtkBox::IntersectWithLine(bounds, a0, a1, t0, t1, x0, x1, plane0, plane1) == 0)
593   {
594     return; // No intersections possible, line is outside the locator
595   }
597   // Okay process line
598   int* ndivs = this->Binner->Divisions;
599   vtkIdType prod = ndivs[0] * ndivs[1];
600   double* h = this->Binner->H;
601   T i, numCellsInBin;
602   int ijk[3], ijkEnd[3];
603   vtkIdType idx, cId;
604   double hitCellBoundsPosition[3], tHitCell;
605   double step[3], next[3], tMax[3], tDelta[3];
606   double binBounds[6];
608   // Initialize intersection query array if necessary. This is done
609   // locally to ensure thread safety.
610   std::vector<unsigned char> cellHasBeenVisited(this->NumCells, 0);
612   // Get the i-j-k point of intersection and bin index. This is
613   // clamped to the boundary of the locator. Also get the exit bin
614   // of the line.
615   this->Binner->GetBinIndices(x0, ijk);
616   this->Binner->GetBinIndices(x1, ijkEnd);
617   idx = ijk[0] + ijk[1] * ndivs[0] + ijk[2] * prod;
619   // Set up some traversal parameters for traversing through bins
620   step[0] = (rayDir[0] >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
621   step[1] = (rayDir[1] >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
622   step[2] = (rayDir[2] >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
624   // If the ray is going in the negative direction, then the next voxel boundary
625   // is on the "-" direction so we stay in the current voxel.
626   next[0] = bounds[0] + h[0] * (rayDir[0] >= 0.0 ? (ijk[0] + step[0]) : ijk[0]);
627   next[1] = bounds[2] + h[1] * (rayDir[1] >= 0.0 ? (ijk[1] + step[1]) : ijk[1]);
628   next[2] = bounds[4] + h[2] * (rayDir[2] >= 0.0 ? (ijk[2] + step[2]) : ijk[2]);
630   tMax[0] = (rayDir[0] != 0.0) ? (next[0] - x0[0]) / rayDir[0] : VTK_FLOAT_MAX;
631   tMax[1] = (rayDir[1] != 0.0) ? (next[1] - x0[1]) / rayDir[1] : VTK_FLOAT_MAX;
632   tMax[2] = (rayDir[2] != 0.0) ? (next[2] - x0[2]) / rayDir[2] : VTK_FLOAT_MAX;
634   tDelta[0] = (rayDir[0] != 0.0) ? (h[0] / rayDir[0]) * step[0] : VTK_FLOAT_MAX;
635   tDelta[1] = (rayDir[1] != 0.0) ? (h[1] / rayDir[1]) * step[1] : VTK_FLOAT_MAX;
636   tDelta[2] = (rayDir[2] != 0.0) ? (h[2] / rayDir[2]) * step[2] : VTK_FLOAT_MAX;
638   // Start walking through the bins, continue until traversed the entire
639   // locator. Note that termination of the while(1) loop occurs when the ray
640   // passes out of the locator via the break command.
641   while (true)
642   {
643     if ((numCellsInBin = this->GetNumberOfIds(idx)) > 0) // there are some cell here
644     {
645       const CellFragments<T>* cellIds = this->GetIds(idx);
646       this->ComputeBinBounds(ijk[0], ijk[1], ijk[2], binBounds);
647       for (i = 0; i < numCellsInBin; i++)
648       {
649         cId = cellIds[i].CellId;
650         if (cellHasBeenVisited[cId] == 0)
651         {
652           cellHasBeenVisited[cId] = 1;
654           // check whether we intersect the cell bounds
655           int hitCellBounds = vtkBox::IntersectBox(this->CellBounds + (6 * cId), a0, rayDir,
656             hitCellBoundsPosition, tHitCell, this->Binner->binTol);
658           if (hitCellBounds)
659           {
660             // Note because of cellHasBeenVisited[], we know this cId is unique
661             cells->InsertNextId(cId);
662           } // if (hitCellBounds)
663         }   // if (!cellHasBeenVisited[cId])
664       }     // over all cells in bin
665     }       // if cells in bin
667     // See if the traversal is complete (reached the end of the line).
668     if (ijk[0] == ijkEnd[0] && ijk[1] == ijkEnd[1] && ijk[2] == ijkEnd[2])
669     {
670       break;
671     }
673     // Advance to the next voxel
674     if (tMax[0] < tMax[1])
675     {
676       if (tMax[0] < tMax[2])
677       {
678         ijk[0] += static_cast<int>(step[0]);
679         tMax[0] += tDelta[0];
680       }
681       else
682       {
683         ijk[2] += static_cast<int>(step[2]);
684         tMax[2] += tDelta[2];
685       }
686     }
687     else
688     {
689       if (tMax[1] < tMax[2])
690       {
691         ijk[1] += static_cast<int>(step[1]);
692         tMax[1] += tDelta[1];
693       }
694       else
695       {
696         ijk[2] += static_cast<int>(step[2]);
697         tMax[2] += tDelta[2];
698       }
699     }
701     // If exiting the locator, we are done
702     if (ijk[0] < 0 || ijk[0] >= ndivs[0] || ijk[1] < 0 || ijk[1] >= ndivs[1] || ijk[2] < 0 ||
703       ijk[2] >= ndivs[2])
704     {
705       break;
706     }
707     else
708     {
709       idx = ijk[0] + ijk[1] * ndivs[0] + ijk[2] * prod;
710     }
711   } // while still in locator
712 }
714 // This functor identifies candidate cells as to whether they may intersect
715 // a specified plane. Locator bins are culled first, and if they intersect
716 // the plane, then the cell bounding boxes are used.
717 template <typename TId>
718 struct CellPlaneCandidates
719 {
720   CellProcessor<TId>* Processor;
721   const vtkCellBinner* Binner;
722   double Origin[3];
723   double Normal[3];
724   unsigned char* CellVisited;
725   double BinOffsetX, BinOffsetY, BinOffsetZ;
726   double BinRadius;
CellPlaneCandidates__anond231c8eb0111::CellPlaneCandidates728   CellPlaneCandidates(CellProcessor<TId>* p, const vtkCellBinner* b, const double* o,
729     const double* n, unsigned char* visited)
730     : Processor(p)
731     , Binner(b)
732     , CellVisited(visited)
733   {
734     this->Origin[0] = o[0];
735     this->Origin[1] = o[1];
736     this->Origin[2] = o[2];
738     this->Normal[0] = n[0];
739     this->Normal[1] = n[1];
740     this->Normal[2] = n[2];
741     vtkMath::Normalize(this->Normal);
743     // Offset from the bin origin to the bin center
744     this->BinOffsetX = this->Binner->hX / 2.0;
745     this->BinOffsetY = this->Binner->hY / 2.0;
746     this->BinOffsetZ = this->Binner->hZ / 2.0;
748     // The BinRadius is used to cull bins quickly. It's a variant of a sphere
749     // tree test (with the center of a sphere corrsponding to the center of a
750     // bin). Note that the plane orientation affects the radius: the end
751     // result is that a smaller sphere radius can typically be used (as
752     // compared to using the 0.5*(diagonal length) of a bin). This radius
753     // needs only to be computed once since the relative orientation of each
754     // bin to the plane is unchanged during processing. The bin radius is
755     // simply the maximum distance that one of the eight bin corner points is
756     // away from a plane passing through the center of the bin.
757     double x[3], d, dMax = 0.0;
758     x[0] = -this->BinOffsetX;
759     x[1] = -this->BinOffsetY;
760     x[2] = -this->BinOffsetZ;
761     d = vtkMath::Dot(x, this->Normal); // simplified because plane passes through origin
762     dMax = (d > dMax ? d : dMax);
764     x[0] = this->BinOffsetX;
765     x[1] = -this->BinOffsetY;
766     x[2] = -this->BinOffsetZ;
767     d = vtkMath::Dot(x, this->Normal);
768     dMax = (d > dMax ? d : dMax);
770     x[0] = -this->BinOffsetX;
771     x[1] = this->BinOffsetY;
772     x[2] = -this->BinOffsetZ;
773     d = vtkMath::Dot(x, this->Normal);
774     dMax = (d > dMax ? d : dMax);
776     x[0] = this->BinOffsetX;
777     x[1] = this->BinOffsetY;
778     x[2] = -this->BinOffsetZ;
779     d = vtkMath::Dot(x, this->Normal);
780     dMax = (d > dMax ? d : dMax);
782     x[0] = -this->BinOffsetX;
783     x[1] = -this->BinOffsetY;
784     x[2] = this->BinOffsetZ;
785     d = vtkMath::Dot(x, this->Normal);
786     dMax = (d > dMax ? d : dMax);
788     x[0] = this->BinOffsetX;
789     x[1] = -this->BinOffsetY;
790     x[2] = this->BinOffsetZ;
791     d = vtkMath::Dot(x, this->Normal);
792     dMax = (d > dMax ? d : dMax);
794     x[0] = -this->BinOffsetX;
795     x[1] = this->BinOffsetY;
796     x[2] = this->BinOffsetZ;
797     d = vtkMath::Dot(x, this->Normal);
798     dMax = (d > dMax ? d : dMax);
800     x[0] = this->BinOffsetX;
801     x[1] = this->BinOffsetY;
802     x[2] = this->BinOffsetZ;
803     d = vtkMath::Dot(x, this->Normal);
804     dMax = (d > dMax ? d : dMax);
806     this->BinRadius = dMax;
807   }
809   // Operate on slabs (e.g., z-slab) of bins. The algorithm works by checking
810   // whether the current bin is intersected by the plane; if it is, then the
811   // cell bounding box is evaluated as well. Note a potential data race
812   // situation exists since a cell may be marked simultaneously (using the
813   // same value). Since the same value will always be written this has never
814   // been found to be an issue, although it is a potential problem.
operator ()__anond231c8eb0111::CellPlaneCandidates815   void operator()(vtkIdType k, vtkIdType kEnd)
816   {
817     double *o = this->Origin, *n = this->Normal;
818     double center[3], d, *bounds;
819     vtkIdType i, j, iEnd = this->Binner->Divisions[0], jEnd = this->Binner->Divisions[1];
821     // Over all z slabs
822     for (; k < kEnd; ++k)
823     {
824       center[2] = this->Binner->Bounds[4] + k * this->Binner->hZ + this->BinOffsetZ;
825       for (j = 0; j < jEnd; ++j)
826       {
827         center[1] = this->Binner->Bounds[2] + j * this->Binner->hY + this->BinOffsetY;
828         for (i = 0; i < iEnd; ++i)
829         {
830           center[0] = this->Binner->Bounds[0] + i * this->Binner->hX + this->BinOffsetX;
832           // Now see if the bin could be intersected by the plane. It's a pseudo
833           // sphere tree operation.
834           d = vtkPlane::DistanceToPlane(center, n, o);
835           if (d <= this->BinRadius)
836           {
837             vtkIdType cId, ii, numCellsInBin;
838             vtkIdType bin = i + j * this->Binner->xD + k * this->Binner->xyD;
839             if ((numCellsInBin = this->Processor->GetNumberOfIds(bin)) >
840               0) // there are some cell here
841             {
842               const CellFragments<TId>* cellIds = this->Processor->GetIds(bin);
843               for (ii = 0; ii < numCellsInBin; ii++)
844               {
845                 cId = cellIds[ii].CellId;
846                 if (!this->CellVisited[cId])
847                 {
848                   bounds = this->Processor->CellBounds + (6 * cId);
849                   this->CellVisited[cId] = (vtkBox::IntersectWithPlane(bounds, o, n) ? 2 : 1);
850                 }
851               }
852             }
853           } // if bin intersects
854         }   // i
855       }     // j
856     }       // k
857   }         // operator()
858 };
860 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
861 // This code evaluates cells in intersecting bins and places them in the
862 // output list.
863 template <typename T>
FindCellsAlongPlane(const double o[3],const double n[3],double vtkNotUsed (tol),vtkIdList * cells)864 void CellProcessor<T>::FindCellsAlongPlane(
865   const double o[3], const double n[3], double vtkNotUsed(tol), vtkIdList* cells)
866 {
867   // Initialize the list of cells
868   cells->Reset();
870   // Make sure that the bounding box of the locator is intersected.
871   double* bounds = this->Binner->Bounds;
872   double origin[3];
873   origin[0] = o[0];
874   origin[1] = o[1];
875   origin[2] = o[2];
876   double normal[3];
877   normal[0] = n[0];
878   normal[1] = n[1];
879   normal[2] = n[2];
880   if (vtkBox::IntersectWithPlane(bounds, origin, normal) == 0)
881   {
882     return;
883   }
885   // Okay now evaluate which bins intersect the plane, and then the cells in
886   // the bins. We do this in parallel and mark the cells. Later the marked
887   // cells will be added (in serial) to the output list. cellHasBeenVisited
888   // has three states: 0(not visited), 1(visited but not intersecting),
889   // 2(visited and potential intersection candidate).
890   std::vector<unsigned char> cellHasBeenVisited(this->NumCells, 0);
892   // For now we will parallelize over z-slabs of bins.
893   CellPlaneCandidates<T> cellCandidates(this, this->Binner, o, n, cellHasBeenVisited.data());
894   vtkSMPTools::For(0, this->Binner->Divisions[2], cellCandidates);
896   // Populate the output list.
897   for (vtkIdType cellId = 0; cellId < this->NumCells; ++cellId)
898   {
899     if (cellHasBeenVisited[cellId] >= 2) // candidate
900     {
901       cells->InsertNextId(cellId);
902     }
903   }
904 }
906 //
907 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
908 // Calculate the distance between the point x and the specified bounds
909 //
910 // WARNING!!!!! Be very careful altering this routine.  Simple changes to this
911 // routine can make it 25% slower!!!!
912 // Return closest point (if any) AND the cell on which this closest point lies
Distance2ToBounds(const double x[3],double bounds[6])913 double Distance2ToBounds(const double x[3], double bounds[6])
914 {
915   double distance;
916   double deltas[3];
918   // Are we within the bounds?
919   if (x[0] >= bounds[0] && x[0] <= bounds[1] && x[1] >= bounds[2] && x[1] <= bounds[3] &&
920     x[2] >= bounds[4] && x[2] <= bounds[5])
921   {
922     return 0.0;
923   }
925   deltas[0] = deltas[1] = deltas[2] = 0.0;
927   // dx
928   //
929   if (x[0] < bounds[0])
930   {
931     deltas[0] = bounds[0] - x[0];
932   }
933   else if (x[0] > bounds[1])
934   {
935     deltas[0] = x[0] - bounds[1];
936   }
938   // dy
939   //
940   if (x[1] < bounds[2])
941   {
942     deltas[1] = bounds[2] - x[1];
943   }
944   else if (x[1] > bounds[3])
945   {
946     deltas[1] = x[1] - bounds[3];
947   }
949   // dz
950   //
951   if (x[2] < bounds[4])
952   {
953     deltas[2] = bounds[4] - x[2];
954   }
955   else if (x[2] > bounds[5])
956   {
957     deltas[2] = x[2] - bounds[5];
958   }
960   distance = vtkMath::Dot(deltas, deltas);
961   return distance;
962 }
964 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
965 // Return closest point (if any) AND the cell on which this closest point lies
966 template <typename T>
FindClosestPointWithinRadius(const double x[3],double radius,double closestPoint[3],vtkGenericCell * cell,vtkIdType & closestCellId,int & closestSubId,double & minDist2,int & inside)967 vtkIdType CellProcessor<T>::FindClosestPointWithinRadius(const double x[3], double radius,
968   double closestPoint[3], vtkGenericCell* cell, vtkIdType& closestCellId, int& closestSubId,
969   double& minDist2, int& inside)
970 {
971   std::vector<bool> binHasBeenQueued(this->NumBins, false);
972   std::vector<bool> cellHasBeenVisited(this->NumCells, false);
973   std::vector<double> weights(6);
974   double pcoords[3], point[3], bds[6];
975   double distance2ToCellBounds, dist2;
976   int subId;
977   int ijk[3];
978   vtkIdType retVal = 0;
980   using node = std::pair<double, vtkIdType>;
981   std::priority_queue<node, std::vector<node>, std::greater<node>> queue;
983   // first get ijk containing point
984   vtkIdType binId = this->Binner->GetBinIndex(x);
985   queue.push(std::make_pair(0.0, binId));
986   binHasBeenQueued[binId] = true;
988   // distance to closest point
989   minDist2 = radius * radius;
991   // Process the queue of candidate bins until the candidate bins are
992   // further away than the current closest point.
993   while (!queue.empty())
994   {
995     binId = queue.top().second;
996     double binDist2 = queue.top().first;
997     queue.pop();
999     // stop if bounding box is further away than current closest point
1000     if (binDist2 > minDist2)
1001     {
1002       break;
1003     }
1005     // compute distance to cells in bin, if any
1006     T numIds = this->GetNumberOfIds(binId);
1007     if (numIds >= 1)
1008     {
1009       const CellFragments<T>* cellIds = this->GetIds(binId);
1010       double* bounds;
1011       vtkIdType cellId;
1013       for (int j = 0; j < numIds; j++)
1014       {
1015         cellId = cellIds[j].CellId;
1017         // skip if cell was already visited
1018         if (cellHasBeenVisited[cellId])
1019         {
1020           continue;
1021         }
1022         cellHasBeenVisited[cellId] = true;
1024         // compute distance to cell bounding box
1025         bounds = this->CellBounds + 6 * cellId;
1026         distance2ToCellBounds = Distance2ToBounds(x, bounds);
1028         // compute distance to cell only if distance to bounding box smaller than minDist2
1029         if (distance2ToCellBounds < minDist2)
1030         {
1031           this->DataSet->GetCell(cellId, cell);
1033           // make sure we have enough storage space for the weights
1034           unsigned nPoints = static_cast<unsigned>(cell->GetPointIds()->GetNumberOfIds());
1035           if (nPoints > weights.size())
1036           {
1037             weights.resize(2 * nPoints);
1038           }
1040           // evaluate the position to find the closest point
1041           // stat==(-1) is numerical error; stat==0 means outside;
1042           // stat=1 means inside. However, for real world performance,
1043           // we sometime select stat==0 cells if the distance is close
1044           // enough
1045           int stat = cell->EvaluatePosition(x, point, subId, pcoords, dist2, weights.data());
1047           if (stat != -1 && dist2 < minDist2)
1048           {
1049             retVal = 1;
1050             inside = stat;
1051             minDist2 = dist2;
1052             closestCellId = cellId;
1053             closestSubId = subId;
1054             closestPoint[0] = point[0];
1055             closestPoint[1] = point[1];
1056             closestPoint[2] = point[2];
1057           }
1058         }
1059       }
1060     }
1062     // Expand the search: queue neighbors if they are not already processed. (TODO: this
1063     // is pretty inefficient with sparse locators, since bins are revisited repeatedly.)
1064     this->Binner->GetBinIndices(binId, ijk);
1065     int ijkLo[3] = { std::max(ijk[0] - 1, 0), std::max(ijk[1] - 1, 0), std::max(ijk[2] - 1, 0) };
1066     int ijkHi[3] = { std::min(ijk[0] + 1, this->Binner->Divisions[0] - 1),
1067       std::min(ijk[1] + 1, this->Binner->Divisions[1] - 1),
1068       std::min(ijk[2] + 1, this->Binner->Divisions[2] - 1) };
1070     for (ijk[0] = ijkLo[0]; ijk[0] <= ijkHi[0]; ++ijk[0])
1071     {
1072       for (ijk[1] = ijkLo[1]; ijk[1] <= ijkHi[1]; ++ijk[1])
1073       {
1074         for (ijk[2] = ijkLo[2]; ijk[2] <= ijkHi[2]; ++ijk[2])
1075         {
1076           binId = this->Binner->GetBinIndex(ijk);
1077           if (!binHasBeenQueued[binId])
1078           {
1079             binHasBeenQueued[binId] = true;
1081             // get bin bounding box
1082             bds[0] = this->Binner->Bounds[0] + ijk[0] * this->Binner->hX;
1083             bds[2] = this->Binner->Bounds[2] + ijk[1] * this->Binner->hY;
1084             bds[4] = this->Binner->Bounds[4] + ijk[2] * this->Binner->hZ;
1085             bds[1] = bds[0] + this->Binner->hX;
1086             bds[3] = bds[2] + this->Binner->hY;
1087             bds[5] = bds[4] + this->Binner->hZ;
1089             // compute distance to box
1090             distance2ToCellBounds = Distance2ToBounds(x, bds);
1092             // add to queue
1093             queue.push(std::make_pair(distance2ToCellBounds, binId));
1094           }
1095         }
1096       }
1097     }
1098   }
1099   return retVal;
1100 }
1102 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1103 // This code traverses the cell locator by following the intersection ray. As
1104 // each bin is intersected, the cells contained in the bin are
1105 // intersected. The cell with the smallest parametric coordinate t is
1106 // returned (assuming 0<=t<=1). Otherwise no intersection is returned. See
1107 // for reference: A Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm for Ray Tracing by John
1108 // Amanatides & Andrew Woo. Also see the code repository which inspired some
1109 // of this code:
1110 // https://github.com/francisengelmann/fast_voxel_traversal/blob/master/main.cpp.
1111 template <typename T>
IntersectWithLine(const double a0[3],const double a1[3],double tol,double & t,double x[3],double pcoords[3],int & subId,vtkIdType & cellId,vtkGenericCell * cell)1112 int CellProcessor<T>::IntersectWithLine(const double a0[3], const double a1[3], double tol,
1113   double& t, double x[3], double pcoords[3], int& subId, vtkIdType& cellId, vtkGenericCell* cell)
1114 {
1115   cellId = (-1);
1116   subId = 0;
1118   double* bounds = this->Binner->Bounds;
1119   double t0, t1, x0[3], x1[3], rayDir[3];
1120   int plane0, plane1;
1121   vtkMath::Subtract(a1, a0, rayDir);
1123   // Make sure the bounding box of the locator is hit.
1124   if (vtkBox::IntersectWithLine(bounds, a0, a1, t0, t1, x0, x1, plane0, plane1) == 0)
1125   {
1126     return 0;
1127   }
1129   int* ndivs = this->Binner->Divisions;
1130   vtkIdType prod = ndivs[0] * ndivs[1];
1131   double* h = this->Binner->H;
1132   T i, numCellsInBin;
1133   double tMin = VTK_FLOAT_MAX;
1134   int ijk[3], ijkEnd[3];
1135   vtkIdType idx, cId, bestCellId = (-1);
1136   double hitCellBoundsPosition[3], tHitCell;
1137   double step[3], next[3], tMax[3], tDelta[3];
1138   double binBounds[6], binTol = this->Binner->binTol;
1140   // Initialize intersection query array if necessary. This is done
1141   // locally to ensure thread safety.
1142   std::vector<unsigned char> cellHasBeenVisited(this->NumCells, 0);
1144   // Get the i-j-k point of intersection and bin index for the entry and exit
1145   // from the locator. This is clamped to the boundary of the locator.
1146   this->Binner->GetBinIndices(x0, ijk);
1147   this->Binner->GetBinIndices(x1, ijkEnd);
1148   idx = ijk[0] + ijk[1] * ndivs[0] + ijk[2] * prod;
1150   // Set up some traversal parameters for traversing through bins
1151   step[0] = (rayDir[0] >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
1152   step[1] = (rayDir[1] >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
1153   step[2] = (rayDir[2] >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
1155   // If the ray is going in the negative direction, then the next voxel boundary
1156   // is on the "-" direction so we stay in the current voxel.
1157   next[0] = bounds[0] + h[0] * (rayDir[0] >= 0.0 ? (ijk[0] + step[0]) : ijk[0]);
1158   next[1] = bounds[2] + h[1] * (rayDir[1] >= 0.0 ? (ijk[1] + step[1]) : ijk[1]);
1159   next[2] = bounds[4] + h[2] * (rayDir[2] >= 0.0 ? (ijk[2] + step[2]) : ijk[2]);
1161   tMax[0] = (rayDir[0] != 0.0) ? (next[0] - x0[0]) / rayDir[0] : VTK_FLOAT_MAX;
1162   tMax[1] = (rayDir[1] != 0.0) ? (next[1] - x0[1]) / rayDir[1] : VTK_FLOAT_MAX;
1163   tMax[2] = (rayDir[2] != 0.0) ? (next[2] - x0[2]) / rayDir[2] : VTK_FLOAT_MAX;
1165   tDelta[0] = (rayDir[0] != 0.0) ? (h[0] / rayDir[0]) * step[0] : VTK_FLOAT_MAX;
1166   tDelta[1] = (rayDir[1] != 0.0) ? (h[1] / rayDir[1]) * step[1] : VTK_FLOAT_MAX;
1167   tDelta[2] = (rayDir[2] != 0.0) ? (h[2] / rayDir[2]) * step[2] : VTK_FLOAT_MAX;
1169   // Start walking through the bins, find the best cell of
1170   // intersection. Note that the ray may not penetrate all of the way
1171   // through the locator so may terminate when (t > 1.0).
1172   for (bestCellId = (-1); bestCellId < 0;)
1173   {
1174     if ((numCellsInBin = this->GetNumberOfIds(idx)) > 0) // there are some cell here
1175     {
1176       const CellFragments<T>* cellIds = this->GetIds(idx);
1177       this->ComputeBinBounds(ijk[0], ijk[1], ijk[2], binBounds);
1178       for (i = 0; i < numCellsInBin; i++)
1179       {
1180         cId = cellIds[i].CellId;
1181         if (cellHasBeenVisited[cId] == 0)
1182         {
1183           cellHasBeenVisited[cId] = 1;
1185           // check whether we intersect the cell bounds
1186           int hitCellBounds = vtkBox::IntersectBox(
1187             this->CellBounds + (6 * cId), a0, rayDir, hitCellBoundsPosition, tHitCell);
1189           if (hitCellBounds)
1190           {
1191             // now, do the expensive GetCell call and the expensive
1192             // intersect with line call
1193             this->DataSet->GetCell(cId, cell);
1194             if (cell->IntersectWithLine(a0, a1, tol, t, x, pcoords, subId) && t < tMin)
1195             {
1196               // Make sure that intersection occurs within this bin or else spurious cell
1197               // intersections can occur behind this bin which are not the correct answer.
1198               if (!this->IsInBinBounds(binBounds, x, binTol))
1199               {
1200                 cellHasBeenVisited[cId] = 0; // mark the cell non-visited
1201               }
1202               else
1203               {
1204                 tMin = t;
1205                 bestCellId = cId;
1206               }
1207             } // if intersection
1208           }   // if (hitCellBounds)
1209         }     // if (!cellHasBeenVisited[cId])
1210       }       // over all cells in bin
1211     }         // if cells in bin
1213     // Exit before end of ray, saves a few cycles
1214     if (bestCellId >= 0 || (ijk[0] == ijkEnd[0] && ijk[1] == ijkEnd[1] && ijk[2] == ijkEnd[2]))
1215     {
1216       break;
1217     }
1219     // Advance to next voxel
1220     if (tMax[0] < tMax[1])
1221     {
1222       if (tMax[0] < tMax[2])
1223       {
1224         ijk[0] += static_cast<int>(step[0]);
1225         tMax[0] += tDelta[0];
1226       }
1227       else
1228       {
1229         ijk[2] += static_cast<int>(step[2]);
1230         tMax[2] += tDelta[2];
1231       }
1232     }
1233     else
1234     {
1235       if (tMax[1] < tMax[2])
1236       {
1237         ijk[1] += static_cast<int>(step[1]);
1238         tMax[1] += tDelta[1];
1239       }
1240       else
1241       {
1242         ijk[2] += static_cast<int>(step[2]);
1243         tMax[2] += tDelta[2];
1244       }
1245     }
1247     // If exiting the locator, we are done
1248     if (ijk[0] < 0 || ijk[0] >= ndivs[0] || ijk[1] < 0 || ijk[1] >= ndivs[1] || ijk[2] < 0 ||
1249       ijk[2] >= ndivs[2])
1250     {
1251       break;
1252     }
1253     else
1254     {
1255       idx = ijk[0] + ijk[1] * ndivs[0] + ijk[2] * prod;
1256     }
1258   } // for looking for valid intersected cell
1260   // If a cell has been intersected, recover the information and return.
1261   // This information could be cached....
1262   if (bestCellId >= 0)
1263   {
1264     this->DataSet->GetCell(bestCellId, cell);
1265     cell->IntersectWithLine(a0, a1, tol, t, x, pcoords, subId);
1267     // store the best cell id in the return "parameter"
1268     cellId = bestCellId;
1269     return 1;
1270   }
1272   return 0;
1273 }
1275 } // anonymous namespace
1277 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1278 // Here is the VTK class proper.
1280 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vtkStaticCellLocator()1281 vtkStaticCellLocator::vtkStaticCellLocator()
1282 {
1283   this->CacheCellBounds = 1; // always cached
1285   this->Binner = nullptr;
1286   this->Processor = nullptr;
1288   this->NumberOfCellsPerNode = 10;
1289   this->Divisions[0] = this->Divisions[1] = this->Divisions[2] = 100;
1290   this->H[0] = this->H[1] = this->H[2] = 0.0;
1291   for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
1292   {
1293     this->Bounds[i] = 0;
1294   }
1296   this->MaxNumberOfBuckets = VTK_INT_MAX;
1297   this->LargeIds = false;
1298 }
1300 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
~vtkStaticCellLocator()1301 vtkStaticCellLocator::~vtkStaticCellLocator()
1302 {
1303   this->FreeSearchStructure();
1304 }
1306 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FreeSearchStructure()1307 void vtkStaticCellLocator::FreeSearchStructure()
1308 {
1309   if (this->Binner)
1310   {
1311     delete this->Binner;
1312     this->Binner = nullptr;
1313   }
1314   if (this->Processor)
1315   {
1316     delete this->Processor;
1317     this->Processor = nullptr;
1318   }
1319 }
1321 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FindCell(double pos[3],double,vtkGenericCell * cell,double pcoords[3],double * weights)1322 vtkIdType vtkStaticCellLocator::FindCell(
1323   double pos[3], double, vtkGenericCell* cell, double pcoords[3], double* weights)
1324 {
1325   this->BuildLocator();
1326   if (!this->Processor)
1327   {
1328     return -1;
1329   }
1330   return this->Processor->FindCell(pos, cell, pcoords, weights);
1331 }
1333 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FindClosestPoint(const double x[3],double closestPoint[3],vtkGenericCell * cell,vtkIdType & cellId,int & subId,double & dist2)1334 void vtkStaticCellLocator::FindClosestPoint(const double x[3], double closestPoint[3],
1335   vtkGenericCell* cell, vtkIdType& cellId, int& subId, double& dist2)
1336 {
1337   int inside;
1338   double radius = vtkMath::Inf();
1339   double point[3] = { x[0], x[1], x[2] };
1340   this->FindClosestPointWithinRadius(
1341     point, radius, closestPoint, cell, cellId, subId, dist2, inside);
1342 }
1344 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FindClosestPointWithinRadius(double x[3],double radius,double closestPoint[3],vtkGenericCell * cell,vtkIdType & cellId,int & subId,double & dist2,int & inside)1345 vtkIdType vtkStaticCellLocator::FindClosestPointWithinRadius(double x[3], double radius,
1346   double closestPoint[3], vtkGenericCell* cell, vtkIdType& cellId, int& subId, double& dist2,
1347   int& inside)
1348 {
1349   this->BuildLocator();
1350   if (!this->Processor)
1351   {
1352     return 0;
1353   }
1354   return this->Processor->FindClosestPointWithinRadius(
1355     x, radius, closestPoint, cell, cellId, subId, dist2, inside);
1356 }
1358 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FindCellsWithinBounds(double * bbox,vtkIdList * cells)1359 void vtkStaticCellLocator::FindCellsWithinBounds(double* bbox, vtkIdList* cells)
1360 {
1361   this->BuildLocator();
1362   if (!this->Processor)
1363   {
1364     return;
1365   }
1366   return this->Processor->FindCellsWithinBounds(bbox, cells);
1367 }
1369 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FindCellsAlongLine(const double p1[3],const double p2[3],double tol,vtkIdList * cells)1370 void vtkStaticCellLocator::FindCellsAlongLine(
1371   const double p1[3], const double p2[3], double tol, vtkIdList* cells)
1372 {
1373   this->BuildLocator();
1374   if (!this->Processor)
1375   {
1376     return;
1377   }
1378   return this->Processor->FindCellsAlongLine(p1, p2, tol, cells);
1379 }
1381 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FindCellsAlongPlane(const double o[3],const double n[3],double tol,vtkIdList * cells)1382 void vtkStaticCellLocator::FindCellsAlongPlane(
1383   const double o[3], const double n[3], double tol, vtkIdList* cells)
1384 {
1385   this->BuildLocator();
1386   if (!this->Processor)
1387   {
1388     return;
1389   }
1390   return this->Processor->FindCellsAlongPlane(o, n, tol, cells);
1391 }
1393 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IntersectWithLine(const double p1[3],const double p2[3],double tol,double & t,double x[3],double pcoords[3],int & subId,vtkIdType & cellId,vtkGenericCell * cell)1394 int vtkStaticCellLocator::IntersectWithLine(const double p1[3], const double p2[3], double tol,
1395   double& t, double x[3], double pcoords[3], int& subId, vtkIdType& cellId, vtkGenericCell* cell)
1396 {
1397   this->BuildLocator();
1398   if (!this->Processor)
1399   {
1400     return 0;
1401   }
1402   return this->Processor->IntersectWithLine(p1, p2, tol, t, x, pcoords, subId, cellId, cell);
1403 }
1405 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BuildLocator()1406 void vtkStaticCellLocator::BuildLocator()
1407 {
1408   vtkDebugMacro(<< "Building static cell locator");
1410   // Do we need to build?
1411   if ((this->Binner != nullptr) && (this->BuildTime > this->MTime) &&
1412     (this->BuildTime > this->DataSet->GetMTime()))
1413   {
1414     return;
1415   }
1417   vtkIdType numCells;
1418   if (!this->DataSet || (numCells = this->DataSet->GetNumberOfCells()) < 1)
1419   {
1420     vtkErrorMacro(<< "No cells to build");
1421     return;
1422   }
1424   // Prepare
1425   if (this->Binner)
1426   {
1427     this->FreeSearchStructure();
1428   }
1430   // The bounding box can be slow
1431   int i, ndivs[3];
1432   const double* bounds = this->DataSet->GetBounds();
1433   vtkIdType numBins = static_cast<vtkIdType>(
1434     static_cast<double>(numCells) / static_cast<double>(this->NumberOfCellsPerNode));
1435   numBins = (numBins > this->MaxNumberOfBuckets ? this->MaxNumberOfBuckets : numBins);
1437   vtkBoundingBox bbox(bounds);
1438   if (this->Automatic)
1439   {
1440     bbox.ComputeDivisions(numBins, this->Bounds, ndivs);
1441   }
1442   else
1443   {
1444     bbox.Inflate(); // make sure non-zero volume
1445     bbox.GetBounds(this->Bounds);
1446     for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1447     {
1448       ndivs[i] = (this->Divisions[i] < 1 ? 1 : this->Divisions[i]);
1449     }
1450   }
1452   this->Divisions[0] = ndivs[0];
1453   this->Divisions[1] = ndivs[1];
1454   this->Divisions[2] = ndivs[2];
1455   numBins = static_cast<vtkIdType>(ndivs[0]) * static_cast<vtkIdType>(ndivs[1]) *
1456     static_cast<vtkIdType>(ndivs[2]);
1458   // Compute bin/bucket widths
1459   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1460   {
1461     this->H[i] = (this->Bounds[2 * i + 1] - this->Bounds[2 * i]) / this->Divisions[i];
1462   }
1464   // Actually do the hard work of creating the locator. Clear out old stuff.
1465   delete this->Binner;
1466   delete this->Processor;
1467   this->Binner = new vtkCellBinner(this, numCells, numBins);
1468   vtkSMPTools::For(0, numCells, *(this->Binner));
1470   // Create sorted cell fragments tuples of (cellId,binId). Depending
1471   // on problem size, different types are used.
1472   vtkIdType numFragments = this->Binner->NumFragments;
1473   if (numFragments >= VTK_INT_MAX)
1474   {
1475     this->LargeIds = true;
1476     CellProcessor<vtkIdType>* processor = new CellProcessor<vtkIdType>(this->Binner);
1477     vtkSMPTools::For(0, numCells, *processor);
1478     vtkSMPTools::Sort(processor->Map, processor->Map + numFragments);
1479     MapOffsets<vtkIdType> mapOffsets(processor);
1480     vtkSMPTools::For(0, processor->NumBatches, mapOffsets);
1481     this->Processor = processor;
1482   }
1483   else
1484   {
1485     this->LargeIds = false;
1486     CellProcessor<int>* processor = new CellProcessor<int>(this->Binner);
1487     vtkSMPTools::For(0, numCells, *processor);
1488     vtkSMPTools::Sort(processor->Map, processor->Map + numFragments);
1489     MapOffsets<int> mapOffsets(processor);
1490     vtkSMPTools::For(0, processor->NumBatches, mapOffsets);
1491     this->Processor = processor;
1492   }
1494   this->BuildTime.Modified();
1495 }
1497 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1498 // Produce a polygonal representation of the locator. Each bin which contains
1499 // a potential cell candidate contributes to the representation. Note that
1500 // since the locator has only a single level, the level method parameter is
1501 // ignored.
GenerateRepresentation(int vtkNotUsed (level),vtkPolyData * pd)1502 void vtkStaticCellLocator::GenerateRepresentation(int vtkNotUsed(level), vtkPolyData* pd)
1503 {
1504   // Make sure locator has been built successfully
1505   this->BuildLocator();
1506   if (!this->Processor)
1507   {
1508     return;
1509   }
1511   vtkPoints* pts = vtkPoints::New();
1512   pts->SetDataTypeToFloat();
1513   vtkCellArray* polys = vtkCellArray::New();
1514   pd->SetPoints(pts);
1515   pd->SetPolys(polys);
1517   int* dims = this->Divisions;
1518   int i, j, k;
1519   vtkIdType idx, kOffset, jOffset, kSlice = dims[0] * dims[1], pIds[8];
1520   double* s = this->H;
1521   double x[3], xT[3], origin[3];
1522   origin[0] = this->Bounds[0];
1523   origin[1] = this->Bounds[2];
1524   origin[2] = this->Bounds[4];
1526   // A locator is used to avoid duplicate points
1527   vtkMergePoints* locator = vtkMergePoints::New();
1528   locator->InitPointInsertion(pts, this->Bounds, dims[0] * dims[1] * dims[2]);
1530   for (k = 0; k < dims[2]; k++)
1531   {
1532     x[2] = origin[2] + k * s[2];
1533     kOffset = k * kSlice;
1534     for (j = 0; j < dims[1]; j++)
1535     {
1536       x[1] = origin[1] + j * s[1];
1537       jOffset = j * dims[0];
1538       for (i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++)
1539       {
1540         x[0] = origin[0] + i * s[0];
1541         idx = i + jOffset + kOffset;
1543         // Check to see if bin contains anything
1544         // If so, insert up to eight points and six quad faces (depending on
1545         // local topology).
1546         if (!this->Processor->IsEmpty(idx))
1547         {
1548           // Points in (i-j-k) order. A locator is used to avoid duplicate points.
1549           locator->InsertUniquePoint(x, pIds[0]);
1550           xT[0] = x[0] + s[0];
1551           xT[1] = x[1];
1552           xT[2] = x[2];
1553           locator->InsertUniquePoint(xT, pIds[1]);
1554           xT[0] = x[0];
1555           xT[1] = x[1] + s[1];
1556           xT[2] = x[2];
1557           locator->InsertUniquePoint(xT, pIds[2]);
1558           xT[0] = x[0] + s[0];
1559           xT[1] = x[1] + s[1];
1560           xT[2] = x[2];
1561           locator->InsertUniquePoint(xT, pIds[3]);
1562           xT[0] = x[0];
1563           xT[1] = x[1];
1564           xT[2] = x[2] + s[2];
1565           locator->InsertUniquePoint(xT, pIds[4]);
1566           xT[0] = x[0] + s[0];
1567           xT[1] = x[1];
1568           xT[2] = x[2] + s[2];
1569           locator->InsertUniquePoint(xT, pIds[5]);
1570           xT[0] = x[0];
1571           xT[1] = x[1] + s[1];
1572           xT[2] = x[2] + s[2];
1573           locator->InsertUniquePoint(xT, pIds[6]);
1574           xT[0] = x[0] + s[0];
1575           xT[1] = x[1] + s[1];
1576           xT[2] = x[2] + s[2];
1577           locator->InsertUniquePoint(xT, pIds[7]);
1579           // Loop over all bins. Any bin containing cell candidates may
1580           // generate output. Faces are output if they are on the boundary of
1581           // the locator or if the bin neighbor contains no cells (i.e., there
1582           // are no face neighbors). This prevents duplicate faces.
1584           //  -x bin boundary face
1585           if (i == 0 || this->Processor->IsEmpty(idx - 1))
1586           {
1587             polys->InsertNextCell(4);
1588             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[0]);
1589             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[4]);
1590             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[6]);
1591             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[2]);
1592           }
1594           // +x boundary face
1595           if (i == (dims[0] - 1) || this->Processor->IsEmpty(idx + 1))
1596           {
1597             polys->InsertNextCell(4);
1598             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[1]);
1599             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[3]);
1600             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[7]);
1601             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[5]);
1602           }
1604           // -y boundary face
1605           if (j == 0 || this->Processor->IsEmpty(idx - dims[0]))
1606           {
1607             polys->InsertNextCell(4);
1608             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[0]);
1609             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[1]);
1610             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[5]);
1611             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[4]);
1612           }
1614           // +y boundary face
1615           if (j == (dims[1] - 1) || this->Processor->IsEmpty(idx + dims[0]))
1616           {
1617             polys->InsertNextCell(4);
1618             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[2]);
1619             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[6]);
1620             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[7]);
1621             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[3]);
1622           }
1624           // -z boundary face
1625           if (k == 0 || this->Processor->IsEmpty(idx - kSlice))
1626           {
1627             polys->InsertNextCell(4);
1628             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[0]);
1629             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[2]);
1630             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[3]);
1631             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[1]);
1632           }
1634           // +z boundary face
1635           if (k == (dims[2] - 1) || this->Processor->IsEmpty(idx + kSlice))
1636           {
1637             polys->InsertNextCell(4);
1638             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[4]);
1639             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[5]);
1640             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[7]);
1641             polys->InsertCellPoint(pIds[6]);
1642           }
1643         } // if not empty
1644       }   // x
1645     }     // y
1646   }       // z
1648   // Clean up
1649   locator->Delete();
1650   polys->Delete();
1651   pts->Delete();
1652 }
1654 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PrintSelf(ostream & os,vtkIndent indent)1655 void vtkStaticCellLocator::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
1656 {
1657   // Cell bounds are always cached
1658   this->CacheCellBounds = 1;
1659   this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
1661   os << indent << "Max Number Of Buckets: " << this->MaxNumberOfBuckets << "\n";
1663   os << indent << "Large IDs: " << this->LargeIds << "\n";
1664 }