1 /*=========================================================================
3 Program:   Visualization Toolkit
4 Module:    vtkTemporalStreamTracer.cxx
6 Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
7 All rights reserved.
8 See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
10 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
12 PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
14 =========================================================================*/
16 // Hide VTK_DEPRECATED_IN_9_0_0() warnings for this class.
19 #include "vtkTemporalStreamTracer.h"
21 #include "vtkAbstractParticleWriter.h"
22 #include "vtkCellArray.h"
23 #include "vtkCellData.h"
24 #include "vtkCompositeDataIterator.h"
25 #include "vtkCompositeDataPipeline.h"
26 #include "vtkDataSetAttributes.h"
27 #include "vtkDoubleArray.h"
28 #include "vtkExecutive.h"
29 #include "vtkFloatArray.h"
30 #include "vtkGenericCell.h"
31 #include "vtkIdList.h"
32 #include "vtkInformation.h"
33 #include "vtkInformationVector.h"
34 #include "vtkIntArray.h"
35 #include "vtkMath.h"
36 #include "vtkMultiBlockDataSet.h"
37 #include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
38 #include "vtkOutputWindow.h"
39 #include "vtkPointData.h"
40 #include "vtkPointSet.h"
41 #include "vtkPolyData.h"
42 #include "vtkPolyLine.h"
43 #include "vtkRungeKutta2.h"
44 #include "vtkRungeKutta4.h"
45 #include "vtkRungeKutta45.h"
46 #include "vtkSignedCharArray.h"
47 #include "vtkSmartPointer.h"
48 #include "vtkTemporalInterpolatedVelocityField.h"
49 #include <cassert>
51 #ifdef _WIN32
53 #else
55 #endif
58 // #include "vtkH5PartWriter.h"
59 #include "vtkXMLParticleWriter.h"
60 #endif
62 #include <algorithm>
63 #include <functional>
65 using namespace vtkTemporalStreamTracerNamespace;
67 // The 3D cell with the maximum number of points is VTK_LAGRANGE_HEXAHEDRON.
68 // We support up to 6th order hexahedra.
71 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
73 //#define JB_DEBUG__
74 #if defined JB_DEBUG__
75 #ifdef _WIN32
76 #define OUTPUTTEXT(a) vtkOutputWindowDisplayText(a);
77 #else
78 #endif
80 #undef vtkDebugMacro
81 #define vtkDebugMacro(a)                                                                           \
82   {                                                                                                \
83     vtkOStreamWrapper::EndlType endl;                                                              \
84     vtkOStreamWrapper::UseEndl(endl);                                                              \
85     vtkOStrStreamWrapper vtkmsg;                                                                   \
86     vtkmsg << "P(" << this->UpdatePieceId << "): " a << "\n";                                      \
87     OUTPUTTEXT(vtkmsg.str());                                                                      \
88     vtkmsg.rdbuf()->freeze(0);                                                                     \
89   }
91 #undef vtkErrorMacro
92 #define vtkErrorMacro(a) vtkDebugMacro(a)
94 #endif
95 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
96 vtkStandardNewMacro(vtkTemporalStreamTracer);
97 vtkCxxSetObjectMacro(vtkTemporalStreamTracer, ParticleWriter, vtkAbstractParticleWriter);
98 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vtkTemporalStreamTracer()99 vtkTemporalStreamTracer::vtkTemporalStreamTracer()
100 {
101   this->IntegrationDirection = FORWARD;
102   this->TimeStep = 0;
103   this->ActualTimeStep = 0;
104   this->NumberOfInputTimeSteps = 0;
105   this->ForceReinjectionEveryNSteps = 1;
106   this->ReinjectionFlag = false;
107   this->ReinjectionCounter = 0;
108   this->UpdatePieceId = 0;
109   this->UpdateNumPieces = 0;
110   this->AllFixedGeometry = 1;
111   this->StaticMesh = 1;
112   this->StaticSeeds = 1;
113   this->ComputeVorticity = true;
114   this->IgnorePipelineTime = 0;
115   this->ParticleWriter = nullptr;
116   this->ParticleFileName = nullptr;
117   this->EnableParticleWriting = false;
118   this->UniqueIdCounter = 0;
119   this->UniqueIdCounterMPI = 0;
120   this->InterpolationCount = 0;
121   //
122   this->NumberOfParticles = 0;
123   this->TimeStepResolution = 1.0;
124   this->TerminationTime = 0.0;
125   this->TerminationTimeUnit = TERMINATION_STEP_UNIT;
126   this->EarliestTime = -1E6;
127   // we are not actually using these for now
129   this->MaximumPropagation = 1.0;
131   this->IntegrationStepUnit = LENGTH_UNIT;
132   this->MinimumIntegrationStep = 1.0E-2;
133   this->MaximumIntegrationStep = 1.0;
134   this->InitialIntegrationStep = 0.5;
135   //
136   this->Interpolator = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTemporalInterpolatedVelocityField>::New();
137   //
138   this->SetNumberOfInputPorts(2);
141 #ifdef _WIN32
142   vtkDebugMacro(<< "Setting vtkH5PartWriter");
143   vtkH5PartWriter* writer = vtkH5PartWriter::New();
144 #else
145   vtkDebugMacro(<< "Setting vtkXMLParticleWriter");
146   vtkXMLParticleWriter* writer = vtkXMLParticleWriter::New();
147 #endif
148   this->SetParticleWriter(writer);
149   writer->Delete();
150 #endif
152   this->SetIntegratorType(RUNGE_KUTTA4);
153   this->RequestIndex = 0;
154   VTK_LEGACY_BODY(vtkTemporalStreamTracer::vtkTemporalStreamTracer, "VTK 9.0");
155 }
156 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
~vtkTemporalStreamTracer()157 vtkTemporalStreamTracer::~vtkTemporalStreamTracer()
158 {
159   this->SetParticleWriter(nullptr);
160   delete[] this->ParticleFileName;
161   this->ParticleFileName = nullptr;
162 }
163 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FillInputPortInformation(int port,vtkInformation * info)164 int vtkTemporalStreamTracer::FillInputPortInformation(int port, vtkInformation* info)
165 {
166   // port 0 must be a temporal collection of any type
167   // the executive should put a temporal collection in when
168   // we request multiple time steps.
169   if (port == 0)
170   {
171     info->Set(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_REQUIRED_DATA_TYPE(), "vtkDataObject");
172     info->Set(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_IS_REPEATABLE(), 1);
173     //    info->Set(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_IS_OPTIONAL(), 1);
174   }
175   else if (port == 1)
176   {
177     info->Set(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_REQUIRED_DATA_TYPE(), "vtkDataSet");
178     info->Set(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_IS_REPEATABLE(), 1);
179     //    info->Set(vtkAlgorithm::INPUT_IS_OPTIONAL(), 1);
180   }
181   return 1;
182 }
183 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AddSourceConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput * input)184 void vtkTemporalStreamTracer::AddSourceConnection(vtkAlgorithmOutput* input)
185 {
186   this->AddInputConnection(1, input);
187 }
188 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RemoveAllSources()189 void vtkTemporalStreamTracer::RemoveAllSources()
190 {
191   this->SetInputConnection(1, nullptr);
192 }
193 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ProcessRequest(vtkInformation * request,vtkInformationVector ** inputVector,vtkInformationVector * outputVector)194 vtkTypeBool vtkTemporalStreamTracer::ProcessRequest(
195   vtkInformation* request, vtkInformationVector** inputVector, vtkInformationVector* outputVector)
196 {
197   if (request->Has(vtkDemandDrivenPipeline::REQUEST_INFORMATION()))
198   {
199     return this->RequestInformation(request, inputVector, outputVector);
200   }
201   if (request->Has(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::REQUEST_UPDATE_EXTENT()))
202   {
203     return this->RequestUpdateExtent(request, inputVector, outputVector);
204   }
205   if (request->Has(vtkDemandDrivenPipeline::REQUEST_DATA()))
206   {
207     return this->RequestData(request, inputVector, outputVector);
208   }
209   return this->Superclass::ProcessRequest(request, inputVector, outputVector);
210 }
211 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RequestInformation(vtkInformation * vtkNotUsed (request),vtkInformationVector ** inputVector,vtkInformationVector * outputVector)212 int vtkTemporalStreamTracer::RequestInformation(vtkInformation* vtkNotUsed(request),
213   vtkInformationVector** inputVector, vtkInformationVector* outputVector)
214 {
215   vtkInformation* inInfo = inputVector[0]->GetInformationObject(0);
216   vtkInformation* outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0);
218   if (inInfo->Has(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::TIME_STEPS()))
219   {
220     this->NumberOfInputTimeSteps = inInfo->Length(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::TIME_STEPS());
221     vtkDebugMacro(<< "vtkTemporalStreamTracer "
222                      "inputVector TIME_STEPS "
223                   << this->NumberOfInputTimeSteps);
224     //
225     // Get list of input time step values
226     this->InputTimeValues.resize(this->NumberOfInputTimeSteps);
227     inInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::TIME_STEPS(), &this->InputTimeValues[0]);
228     if (this->NumberOfInputTimeSteps == 1)
229     {
230       vtkErrorMacro(<< "Not enough input time steps for particle integration");
231       return 0;
232     }
233     //
234     // We only output T-1 time steps
235     //
236     this->OutputTimeValues.resize(this->NumberOfInputTimeSteps - 1);
237     this->OutputTimeValues.clear();
238     this->OutputTimeValues.insert(this->OutputTimeValues.begin(), this->InputTimeValues.begin() + 1,
239       this->InputTimeValues.end());
240   }
241   else
242   {
243     vtkErrorMacro(<< "Input information has no TIME_STEPS set");
244     return 0;
245   }
247   outInfo->Set(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::TIME_STEPS(), &this->OutputTimeValues[0],
248     static_cast<int>(this->OutputTimeValues.size()));
250   return 1;
251 }
252 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
253 class WithinTolerance : public std::binary_function<double, double, bool>
254 {
255 public:
operator ()(first_argument_type a,second_argument_type b) const256   result_type operator()(first_argument_type a, second_argument_type b) const
257   {
258     bool result = (fabs(a - b) <= (a * 1E-6));
259     return (result_type)result;
260   }
261 };
262 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RequestUpdateExtent(vtkInformation * vtkNotUsed (request),vtkInformationVector ** inputVector,vtkInformationVector * outputVector)263 int vtkTemporalStreamTracer::RequestUpdateExtent(vtkInformation* vtkNotUsed(request),
264   vtkInformationVector** inputVector, vtkInformationVector* outputVector)
265 {
266   int numInputs = inputVector[0]->GetNumberOfInformationObjects();
267   vtkInformation* outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0);
269   //
270   // The output has requested a time value, what times must we ask from our input
271   //
272   if (this->IgnorePipelineTime ||
273     !outInfo->Has(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_TIME_STEP()))
274   {
275     double requestedTimeValue;
276     //
277     // ideally we want the output information to be requesting a time step,
278     // but since it isn't we must use the SetTimeStep value as a Time request
279     //
280     if (this->TimeStep < this->OutputTimeValues.size())
281     {
282       requestedTimeValue = this->OutputTimeValues[this->TimeStep];
283     }
284     else
285     {
286       requestedTimeValue = this->OutputTimeValues.back();
287     }
288     this->ActualTimeStep = this->TimeStep;
290     vtkDebugMacro(<< "SetTimeStep       : requestedTimeValue " << requestedTimeValue
291                   << " ActualTimeStep " << this->ActualTimeStep);
292     (void)requestedTimeValue; // silence unused variable warning
293   }
294   else
295   {
296     //
297     // Get the requested time step.
298     //
299     double requestedTimeValue = outInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_TIME_STEP());
300     this->ActualTimeStep =
301       std::find_if(this->OutputTimeValues.begin(), this->OutputTimeValues.end(),
302         std::bind(WithinTolerance(), std::placeholders::_1, requestedTimeValue)) -
303       this->OutputTimeValues.begin();
304     if (this->ActualTimeStep >= this->OutputTimeValues.size())
305     {
306       this->ActualTimeStep = 0;
307     }
308     vtkDebugMacro(<< "UPDATE_TIME_STEPS : requestedTimeValue " << requestedTimeValue
309                   << " ActualTimeStep " << this->ActualTimeStep);
310   }
312   if (this->ActualTimeStep < this->OutputTimeValues.size())
313   {
314     for (int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++)
315     {
316       vtkInformation* inInfo = inputVector[0]->GetInformationObject(i);
317       // our output timestep T is timestep T+1 in the source
318       // so output inputTimeSteps[T], inputTimeSteps[T+1]
319       inInfo->Set(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_TIME_STEP(),
320         this->InputTimeValues[this->ActualTimeStep + this->RequestIndex]);
321       vtkDebugMacro(<< "requested 1 time values : "
322                     << this->InputTimeValues[this->ActualTimeStep + this->RequestIndex]);
323     }
324   }
325   else
326   {
327     vtkDebugMacro(<< "UPDATE_TIME_STEPS : Error getting requested time step");
328     return 0;
329   }
331   return 1;
332 }
333 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
InitializeInterpolator()334 int vtkTemporalStreamTracer::InitializeInterpolator()
335 {
336   if (!this->InputDataT[0] || !this->InputDataT[1])
337   {
338     return 0;
339   }
340   //
341   // When Multiblock arrays are processed, some may be empty
342   // if the first is empty, we won't find the correct vector name
343   // so scan until we get one
344   //
345   vtkSmartPointer<vtkCompositeDataIterator> iterP;
346   iterP.TakeReference(this->InputDataT[0]->NewIterator());
347   iterP->GoToFirstItem();
348   char* vecname = nullptr;
349   while (!iterP->IsDoneWithTraversal())
350   {
351     vtkDataArray* vectors = this->GetInputArrayToProcess(0, iterP->GetCurrentDataObject());
352     if (vectors)
353     {
354       vecname = vectors->GetName();
355       break;
356     }
357     iterP->GoToNextItem();
358   }
359   if (!vecname)
360   {
361     vtkDebugMacro(<< "Couldn't find vector array " << vecname);
362     return VTK_ERROR;
363   }
365   vtkDebugMacro(<< "Interpolator using array " << vecname);
366   this->Interpolator->SelectVectors(vecname);
368   this->AllFixedGeometry = 1;
370   int numValidInputBlocks[2] = { 0, 0 };
371   int numTotalInputBlocks[2] = { 0, 0 };
372   this->DataReferenceT[0] = this->DataReferenceT[1] = nullptr;
373   for (int T = 0; T < 2; T++)
374   {
375     this->CachedBounds[T].clear();
376     int index = 0;
377     // iterate over all blocks of input and cache the bounds information
378     // and determine fixed/dynamic mesh status.
380     vtkSmartPointer<vtkCompositeDataIterator> anotherIterP;
381     anotherIterP.TakeReference(this->InputDataT[T]->NewIterator());
382     anotherIterP->GoToFirstItem();
383     while (!anotherIterP->IsDoneWithTraversal())
384     {
385       numTotalInputBlocks[T]++;
386       vtkDataSet* inp = vtkDataSet::SafeDownCast(anotherIterP->GetCurrentDataObject());
387       if (inp)
388       {
389         if (inp->GetNumberOfCells() == 0)
390         {
391           vtkDebugMacro("Skipping an empty dataset");
392         }
393         else if (!inp->GetPointData()->GetVectors(vecname) && inp->GetNumberOfPoints() > 0)
394         {
395           vtkDebugMacro("One of the input datasets has no velocity vector.");
396         }
397         else
398         {
399           // vtkDebugMacro("pass " << i << " Found dataset with " << inp->GetNumberOfCells() << "
400           // cells");
401           //
402           // store the bounding boxes of each local dataset for faster 'point-in-dataset' testing
403           //
404           bounds bbox;
405           inp->ComputeBounds();
406           inp->GetBounds(&bbox.b[0]);
407           this->CachedBounds[T].push_back(bbox);
408           bool static_dataset = (this->StaticMesh != 0);
409           this->AllFixedGeometry = this->AllFixedGeometry && static_dataset;
410           // add the dataset to the interpolator
411           this->Interpolator->SetDataSetAtTime(
412             index++, T, this->CurrentTimeSteps[T], inp, static_dataset);
413           if (!this->DataReferenceT[T])
414           {
415             this->DataReferenceT[T] = inp;
416           }
417           //
418           numValidInputBlocks[T]++;
419         }
420       }
421       anotherIterP->GoToNextItem();
422     }
423   }
424   if (numValidInputBlocks[0] == 0 || numValidInputBlocks[1] == 0)
425   {
426     vtkDebugMacro("Not enough inputs have been found. Can not execute."
427       << numValidInputBlocks[0] << " " << numValidInputBlocks[1]);
428     return VTK_ERROR;
429   }
430   if (numValidInputBlocks[0] != numValidInputBlocks[1])
431   {
432     vtkDebugMacro("The number of datasets is different between time steps "
433       << numValidInputBlocks[0] << " " << numValidInputBlocks[1]);
434     return VTK_ERROR;
435   }
436   //
437   vtkDebugMacro("Number of Valid input blocks is " << numValidInputBlocks[0] << " from "
438                                                    << numTotalInputBlocks[0]);
439   vtkDebugMacro("AllFixedGeometry " << this->AllFixedGeometry);
441   // force optimizations if StaticMesh is set.
442   if (this->StaticMesh)
443   {
444     vtkDebugMacro("Static Mesh optimizations Forced ON");
445     this->AllFixedGeometry = 1;
446   }
448   //
449   return VTK_OK;
450 }
SetTemporalInput(vtkDataObject * data,int i)451 int vtkTemporalStreamTracer::SetTemporalInput(vtkDataObject* data, int i)
452 {
453   // if not set, create a multiblock dataset to hold all input blocks
454   if (!this->InputDataT[i])
455   {
456     this->InputDataT[i] = vtkSmartPointer<vtkMultiBlockDataSet>::New();
457   }
458   // if simple dataset, add to our list, otherwise, add blocks
459   vtkDataSet* dsInput = vtkDataSet::SafeDownCast(data);
460   vtkMultiBlockDataSet* mbInput = vtkMultiBlockDataSet::SafeDownCast(data);
462   if (dsInput)
463   {
464     vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataSet> copy;
465     copy.TakeReference(dsInput->NewInstance());
466     copy->ShallowCopy(dsInput);
467     this->InputDataT[i]->SetBlock(this->InputDataT[i]->GetNumberOfBlocks(), copy);
468   }
469   else if (mbInput)
470   {
471     vtkSmartPointer<vtkCompositeDataIterator> iter;
472     iter.TakeReference(mbInput->NewIterator());
473     for (iter->InitTraversal(); !iter->IsDoneWithTraversal(); iter->GoToNextItem())
474     {
475       vtkDataSet* ds = vtkDataSet::SafeDownCast(iter->GetCurrentDataObject());
476       if (ds)
477       {
478         vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataSet> copy;
479         copy.TakeReference(ds->NewInstance());
480         copy->ShallowCopy(ds);
481         this->InputDataT[i]->SetBlock(this->InputDataT[i]->GetNumberOfBlocks(), copy);
482       }
483     }
484   }
485   else
486   {
487     vtkDebugMacro(
488       "This filter cannot handle inputs of type: " << (data ? data->GetClassName() : "(none)"));
489     return 0;
490   }
492   return 1;
493 }
495 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
InsideBounds(double point[])496 bool vtkTemporalStreamTracer::InsideBounds(double point[])
497 {
498   double delta[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
499   for (int t = 0; t < 2; ++t)
500   {
501     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (this->CachedBounds[t].size()); ++i)
502     {
503       if (vtkMath::PointIsWithinBounds(point, &((this->CachedBounds[t])[i].b[0]), delta))
504         return true;
505     }
506   }
507   return false;
508 }
509 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TestParticles(ParticleVector & candidates,ParticleVector & passed,int & count)510 void vtkTemporalStreamTracer::TestParticles(
511   ParticleVector& candidates, ParticleVector& passed, int& count)
512 {
513   int i = 0;
514   int div = static_cast<int>(candidates.size() / 10);
515   if (div == 0)
516   {
517     div = 1;
518   }
519   count = 0;
520   for (ParticleIterator it = candidates.begin(); it != candidates.end(); ++it, ++i)
521   {
522     ParticleInformation& info = (*it);
523     double* pos = &info.CurrentPosition.x[0];
524     // if outside bounds, reject instantly
525     if (this->InsideBounds(pos))
526     {
527       if (info.UniqueParticleId == 602)
528       {
529         vtkDebugMacro(<< "TestParticles got 602");
530       }
531       // since this is first test, avoid bad cache tests
532       this->Interpolator->ClearCache();
533       info.LocationState = this->Interpolator->TestPoint(pos);
534       if (info.LocationState == ID_OUTSIDE_ALL /*|| location==ID_OUTSIDE_T0*/)
535       {
536         // can't really use this particle.
537         vtkDebugMacro(<< "TestParticles rejected particle");
538       }
539       else
540       {
541         // get the cached ids and datasets from the TestPoint call
542         this->Interpolator->GetCachedCellIds(info.CachedCellId, info.CachedDataSetId);
543         passed.push_back(info);
544         count++;
545       }
546     }
547     if (i % div == 0)
548     {
549       //      vtkDebugMacro(<< "TestParticles " << i);
550     }
551   }
552 }
553 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AssignSeedsToProcessors(vtkDataSet * source,int sourceID,int ptId,ParticleVector & LocalSeedPoints,int & LocalAssignedCount)554 void vtkTemporalStreamTracer::AssignSeedsToProcessors(vtkDataSet* source, int sourceID, int ptId,
555   ParticleVector& LocalSeedPoints, int& LocalAssignedCount)
556 {
557   ParticleVector candidates;
558   //
559   // take points from the source object and create a particle list
560   //
561   vtkIdType numSeeds = source->GetNumberOfPoints();
562   candidates.resize(numSeeds);
563   //
564   for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < numSeeds; i++)
565   {
566     ParticleInformation& info = candidates[i];
567     memcpy(&(info.CurrentPosition.x[0]), source->GetPoint(i), sizeof(double) * 3);
568     info.CurrentPosition.x[3] = this->CurrentTimeSteps[0];
569     info.LocationState = 0;
570     info.CachedCellId[0] = -1;
571     info.CachedCellId[1] = -1;
572     info.CachedDataSetId[0] = 0;
573     info.CachedDataSetId[1] = 0;
574     info.SourceID = sourceID;
575     info.InjectedPointId = i + ptId;
576     info.InjectedStepId = this->ReinjectionCounter;
577     info.TimeStepAge = 0;
578     info.UniqueParticleId = -1;
579     info.rotation = 0.0;
580     info.angularVel = 0.0;
581     info.time = 0.0;
582     info.age = 0.0;
583     info.speed = 0.0;
584     info.ErrorCode = 0;
585   }
586   //
587   // Gather all Seeds to all processors for classification
588   //
590 #ifndef NDEBUG
591   int numTested = static_cast<int>(candidates.size());
592 #endif
593   this->TestParticles(candidates, LocalSeedPoints, LocalAssignedCount);
594   int TotalAssigned = LocalAssignedCount;
595   (void)TotalAssigned;
597   // Assign unique identifiers taking into account uneven distribution
598   // across processes and seeds which were rejected
599   this->AssignUniqueIds(LocalSeedPoints);
601 #ifndef NDEBUG
602   vtkDebugMacro(<< "Tested " << numTested << " LocallyAssigned " << LocalAssignedCount);
603   if (this->UpdatePieceId == 0)
604   {
605     vtkDebugMacro(<< "Total Assigned to all processes " << TotalAssigned);
606   }
607 #endif
608 }
609 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AssignUniqueIds(vtkTemporalStreamTracerNamespace::ParticleVector & LocalSeedPoints)610 void vtkTemporalStreamTracer::AssignUniqueIds(
611   vtkTemporalStreamTracerNamespace::ParticleVector& LocalSeedPoints)
612 {
613   vtkIdType ParticleCountOffset = 0;
614   vtkIdType numParticles = static_cast<vtkIdType>(LocalSeedPoints.size());
615   for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
616   {
617     LocalSeedPoints[i].UniqueParticleId = this->UniqueIdCounter + ParticleCountOffset + i;
618   }
619   this->UniqueIdCounter += numParticles;
620 }
621 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TransmitReceiveParticles(ParticleVector &,ParticleVector &,bool)622 void vtkTemporalStreamTracer::TransmitReceiveParticles(ParticleVector&, ParticleVector&, bool) {}
624 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UpdateParticleList(ParticleVector & candidates)625 void vtkTemporalStreamTracer::UpdateParticleList(ParticleVector& candidates)
626 {
627   int numSeedsNew = static_cast<int>(candidates.size());
628   //
629   for (int i = 0; i < numSeedsNew; i++)
630   {
631     // allocate a new particle on the list and get a reference to it
632     this->ParticleHistories.push_back(candidates[i]);
633   }
634   this->NumberOfParticles = static_cast<int>(ParticleHistories.size());
636   vtkDebugMacro(<< "UpdateParticleList completed with " << this->NumberOfParticles << " particles");
637 }
ProcessInput(vtkInformationVector ** inputVector)639 int vtkTemporalStreamTracer::ProcessInput(vtkInformationVector** inputVector)
640 {
641   assert(this->RequestIndex >= 0 && this->RequestIndex < 2);
642   int numInputs = inputVector[0]->GetNumberOfInformationObjects();
643   if (numInputs != 1)
644   {
645     if (numInputs == 0)
646     {
647       vtkErrorMacro(<< "No input found.");
648       return 0;
649     }
650     vtkWarningMacro(<< "Multiple inputs founds. Use only the first one.");
651   }
653   // inherited from streamtracer, make sure it is null
654   this->InputData = nullptr;
655   this->InputDataT[this->RequestIndex] = nullptr;
657   vtkInformation* inInfo = inputVector[0]->GetInformationObject(0);
658   if (inInfo)
659   {
660     vtkDataObject* input = inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT());
661     SetTemporalInput(input, this->RequestIndex);
662     //
663     // Get the timestep information for this instant
664     //
665     std::vector<double> timesteps;
666     if (inInfo->Has(vtkDataObject::DATA_TIME_STEP()))
667     {
668       timesteps.resize(1);
669       timesteps[0] = inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_TIME_STEP());
670     }
671     else
672     {
673       vtkErrorMacro(<< "No time step info");
674       return 1;
675     }
676     this->CurrentTimeSteps[this->RequestIndex] = timesteps[0] * this->TimeStepResolution;
677   }
678   return 1;
679 }
GenerateOutput(vtkInformationVector ** inputVector,vtkInformationVector * outputVector)681 int vtkTemporalStreamTracer::GenerateOutput(
682   vtkInformationVector** inputVector, vtkInformationVector* outputVector)
684 {
686   //
687   // Parallel/Piece information
688   //
689   vtkInformation* outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0);
691   this->UpdatePieceId = outInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_PIECE_NUMBER());
692   this->UpdateNumPieces = outInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_NUMBER_OF_PIECES());
694   //
695   // How many Seed point sources are connected?
696   // Copy the sources into a vector for later use
697   //
699   int numSources = inputVector[1]->GetNumberOfInformationObjects();
700   std::vector<vtkDataSet*> SeedSources;
701   for (int idx = 0; idx < numSources; ++idx)
702   {
703     vtkDataObject* dobj = nullptr;
704     vtkInformation* inInfo = inputVector[1]->GetInformationObject(idx);
705     if (inInfo)
706     {
707       dobj = inInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT());
708       SeedSources.push_back(vtkDataSet::SafeDownCast(dobj));
709     }
710   }
712   if (this->IntegrationDirection != FORWARD)
713   {
714     vtkErrorMacro(<< "We can only handle forward time particle tracking at the moment");
715     return 1;
716   }
718   //
719   // Add the datasets to an interpolator object
720   //
721   if (this->InitializeInterpolator() != VTK_OK)
722   {
723     if (this->InputDataT[0])
724       this->InputDataT[0] = nullptr;
725     if (this->InputDataT[1])
726       this->InputDataT[1] = nullptr;
727     vtkErrorMacro(<< "InitializeInterpolator failed");
728     return 1;
729   }
731   //
732   // Setup some variables
733   //
734   vtkSmartPointer<vtkInitialValueProblemSolver> integrator;
735   integrator.TakeReference(this->GetIntegrator()->NewInstance());
736   integrator->SetFunctionSet(this->Interpolator);
738   //
739   // Make sure the Particle Positions are initialized with Seed particles
740   //
741   this->ReinjectionFlag = false;
742   if (this->ForceReinjectionEveryNSteps > 0)
743   {
744     if ((this->ActualTimeStep % this->ForceReinjectionEveryNSteps) == 0)
745     {
746       this->ReinjectionFlag = true;
747     }
748   }
749   //
750   // If T=0 reset everything to allow us to setup stuff then start an animation
751   // with a clean slate
752   //
753   if (this->ActualTimeStep == 0) // XXX: what if I start from some other time?
754   {
755     this->LocalSeeds.clear();
756     this->ParticleHistories.clear();
757     this->EarliestTime = -1E6;
758     this->ReinjectionFlag = true;
759     this->ReinjectionCounter = 0;
760     this->UniqueIdCounter = 0;
761     this->UniqueIdCounterMPI = 0;
762   }
763   else if (this->CurrentTimeSteps[0] < this->EarliestTime)
764   {
765     //
766     // We don't want to go back in time, so just reuse whatever we have
767     //
768     vtkDebugMacro("skipping particle tracking because we have seen this timestep before");
769     outInfo->Set(vtkDataObject::DATA_TIME_STEP(), this->OutputTimeValues[this->ActualTimeStep]);
770     if (this->InputDataT[0])
771       this->InputDataT[0] = nullptr;
772     if (this->InputDataT[1])
773       this->InputDataT[1] = nullptr;
774     return 1;
775   }
776   this->EarliestTime = (this->CurrentTimeSteps[0] > this->EarliestTime) ? this->CurrentTimeSteps[0]
777                                                                         : this->EarliestTime;
778   //
779   //
780   //
781   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SeedSources.size(); i++)
782   {
783     if (SeedSources[i]->GetMTime() > this->ParticleInjectionTime)
784     {
785       //    this->ReinjectionFlag = 1;
786     }
787   }
789   //
790   // Lists for seed particles
791   //
792   ParticleVector candidates;
793   ParticleVector received;
794   //
796   if (this->ReinjectionFlag)
797   {
798     int seedPointId = 0;
799     if (this->StaticSeeds && this->AllFixedGeometry && this->LocalSeeds.empty())
800     {
801       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SeedSources.size(); i++)
802       {
803         this->AssignSeedsToProcessors(SeedSources[i], i, 0, this->LocalSeeds, seedPointId);
804       }
805     }
806     else
807     {
808       // wipe the list and reclassify for each injection
809       this->LocalSeeds.clear();
810       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SeedSources.size(); i++)
811       {
812         this->AssignSeedsToProcessors(SeedSources[i], i, 0, this->LocalSeeds, seedPointId);
813       }
814     }
815     this->ParticleInjectionTime.Modified();
817     // Now update our main list with the ones we are keeping
818     vtkDebugMacro(<< "Reinjection about to update candidates (" << this->LocalSeeds.size()
819                   << " particles)");
820     this->UpdateParticleList(this->LocalSeeds);
821     this->ReinjectionCounter += 1;
822   }
824   //
825   // setup all our output arrays
826   //
827   vtkDebugMacro(<< "About to allocate point arrays ");
828   vtkPolyData* output = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(outInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT()));
829   this->ParticleAge = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New();
830   this->ParticleIds = vtkSmartPointer<vtkIntArray>::New();
831   this->ParticleSourceIds = vtkSmartPointer<vtkSignedCharArray>::New();
832   this->InjectedPointIds = vtkSmartPointer<vtkIntArray>::New();
833   this->InjectedStepIds = vtkSmartPointer<vtkIntArray>::New();
834   this->ErrorCodeArray = vtkSmartPointer<vtkIntArray>::New();
835   this->ParticleVorticity = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New();
836   this->ParticleRotation = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New();
837   this->ParticleAngularVel = vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray>::New();
838   this->cellVectors = vtkSmartPointer<vtkDoubleArray>::New();
839   this->ParticleCells = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray>::New();
840   this->OutputCoordinates = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints>::New();
841   this->OutputPointData = output->GetPointData();
842   this->OutputPointData->Initialize();
843   this->InterpolationCount = 0;
844   vtkDebugMacro(<< "About to Interpolate allocate space");
845   this->OutputPointData->InterpolateAllocate(this->DataReferenceT[1]->GetPointData());
846   //
847   this->ParticleAge->SetName("ParticleAge");
848   this->ParticleIds->SetName("ParticleId");
849   this->ParticleSourceIds->SetName("ParticleSourceId");
850   this->InjectedPointIds->SetName("InjectedPointId");
851   this->InjectedStepIds->SetName("InjectionStepId");
852   this->ErrorCodeArray->SetName("ErrorCode");
854   if (this->ComputeVorticity)
855   {
856     this->cellVectors->SetNumberOfComponents(3);
857     this->cellVectors->Allocate(3 * VTK_CELL_SIZE);
858     this->ParticleVorticity->SetName("Vorticity");
859     this->ParticleRotation->SetName("Rotation");
860     this->ParticleAngularVel->SetName("AngularVelocity");
861   }
863   output->SetPoints(this->OutputCoordinates);
864   output->SetVerts(this->ParticleCells);
865   vtkDebugMacro(<< "Finished allocating point arrays ");
867   //
868   // Perform 2 passes
869   // Pass 0 : Integration of particles created by a source in this process
870   // or received at start from a source in another process.
871   //
872   // Pass 1 : Particles that were sent in mid integration from another process
873   // are added in and their integration continued here. In actual fact, the process
874   // should be repeated until all particles are finished, but the chances of
875   // a particle stepping inside and out again through a single domain
876   // in one time step are small (hopefully!)
878   vtkDebugMacro(<< "Clear MPI send list ");
879   this->MPISendList.clear();
881 #ifndef NDEBUG
882   int Number = static_cast<int>(this->ParticleHistories.size());
883 #endif
884   ParticleListIterator it_first = this->ParticleHistories.begin();
885   ParticleListIterator it_last = this->ParticleHistories.end();
886   ParticleListIterator it_next;
887 #define PASSES 2
888   for (int pass = 0; pass < PASSES; pass++)
889   {
890     vtkDebugMacro(<< "Begin Pass " << pass << " with " << Number << " Particles");
891     for (ParticleListIterator it = it_first; it != it_last;)
892     {
893       // Keep the 'next' iterator handy because if a particle is terminated
894       // or leaves the domain, the 'current' iterator will be deleted.
895       it_next = it;
896       it_next++;
897       //
898       // Shall we terminate this particle
899       //
900       double interval = (this->CurrentTimeSteps[1] - this->CurrentTimeSteps[0]);
901       bool terminated = false;
902       if (this->TerminationTime > 0)
903       {
904         if (this->TerminationTimeUnit == TERMINATION_TIME_UNIT &&
905           (it->age + interval) > this->TerminationTime)
906         {
907           terminated = true;
908         }
909         else if (this->TerminationTimeUnit == TERMINATION_STEP_UNIT &&
910           (it->TimeStepAge + 1) > this->TerminationTime)
911         {
912           terminated = true;
913         }
914       }
915       if (terminated)
916       {
917         this->ParticleHistories.erase(it);
918       }
919       else
920       {
921         this->IntegrateParticle(
922           it, this->CurrentTimeSteps[0], this->CurrentTimeSteps[1], integrator);
923       }
924       //
925       if (this->GetAbortExecute())
926       {
927         break;
928       }
929       it = it_next;
930     }
931     // Particles might have been deleted during the first pass as they move
932     // out of domain or age. Before adding any new particles that are sent
933     // to us, we must know the starting point ready for the second pass
934     bool list_valid = (!this->ParticleHistories.empty());
935     if (list_valid)
936     {
937       // point to one before the end
938       it_first = --this->ParticleHistories.end();
939     }
940     // Send and receive any particles which exited/entered the domain
941     if (this->UpdateNumPieces > 1 && pass < (PASSES - 1))
942     {
943       // the Particle lists will grow if any are received
944       // so we must be very careful with our iterators
945       vtkDebugMacro(<< "End of Pass " << pass << " with " << this->ParticleHistories.size() << " "
946                     << " about to Transmit/Receive " << this->MPISendList.size());
947       this->TransmitReceiveParticles(this->MPISendList, received, true);
948       // don't want the ones that we sent away
949       this->MPISendList.clear();
950       int assigned;
951       // classify all the ones we received
952       if (!received.empty())
953       {
954         this->TestParticles(received, candidates, assigned);
955         vtkDebugMacro(<< "received " << received.size() << " : assigned locally " << assigned);
956         received.clear();
957       }
958       // Now update our main list with the ones we are keeping
959       this->UpdateParticleList(candidates);
960       // free up unwanted memory
961 #ifndef NDEBUG
962       Number = static_cast<int>(candidates.size());
963 #endif
964       candidates.clear();
965     }
966     it_last = this->ParticleHistories.end();
967     if (list_valid)
968     {
969       // increment to point to first new entry
970       it_first++;
971     }
972     else
973     {
974       it_first = this->ParticleHistories.begin();
975     }
976   }
977   if (!this->MPISendList.empty())
978   {
979     // If a particle went out of domain on the second pass, it should be sent
980     // can it really pass right through a domain in one step?
981     // what about grazing the edge of rotating zone?
982     vtkDebugMacro(<< "MPISendList not empty " << this->MPISendList.size());
983     this->MPISendList.clear();
984   }
986   //
987   // We must only add these scalar arrays at the end because the
988   // existing scalars on the input get interpolated during iteration
989   // over the particles
990   //
991   this->OutputPointData->AddArray(this->ParticleIds);
992   this->OutputPointData->AddArray(this->ParticleSourceIds);
993   this->OutputPointData->AddArray(this->InjectedPointIds);
994   this->OutputPointData->AddArray(this->InjectedStepIds);
995   this->OutputPointData->AddArray(this->ErrorCodeArray);
996   this->OutputPointData->AddArray(this->ParticleAge);
997   if (this->ComputeVorticity)
998   {
999     this->OutputPointData->AddArray(this->ParticleVorticity);
1000     this->OutputPointData->AddArray(this->ParticleRotation);
1001     this->OutputPointData->AddArray(this->ParticleAngularVel);
1002   }
1004   if (this->InterpolationCount != this->OutputCoordinates->GetNumberOfPoints())
1005   {
1006     vtkErrorMacro(<< "Mismatch in point array/data counts");
1007   }
1008   //
1009   outInfo->Set(vtkDataObject::DATA_TIME_STEP(), this->OutputTimeValues[this->ActualTimeStep]);
1011   // save some locator building, by re-using them as time progresses
1012   this->Interpolator->AdvanceOneTimeStep();
1014   //
1015   // Let go of inputs
1016   //
1017   if (this->InputDataT[0])
1018     this->InputDataT[0] = nullptr;
1019   if (this->InputDataT[1])
1020     this->InputDataT[1] = nullptr;
1022   //
1023   // Write Particles out if necessary
1024   //
1025   // NB. We don't want our writer to trigger any updates,
1026   // so shallow copy the output
1027   if (this->ParticleWriter && this->EnableParticleWriting)
1028   {
1029     vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> polys = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData>::New();
1030     polys->ShallowCopy(output);
1031     int N = polys->GetNumberOfPoints();
1032     (void)N;
1033     this->ParticleWriter->SetFileName(this->ParticleFileName);
1034     this->ParticleWriter->SetTimeStep(this->ActualTimeStep);
1035     this->ParticleWriter->SetTimeValue(this->CurrentTimeSteps[1]);
1036     this->ParticleWriter->SetInputData(polys);
1037     this->ParticleWriter->Write();
1038     this->ParticleWriter->CloseFile();
1039     this->ParticleWriter->SetInputData(nullptr);
1040     vtkDebugMacro(<< "Written " << N);
1041   }
1042   return 1;
1043 }
RequestData(vtkInformation * request,vtkInformationVector ** inputVector,vtkInformationVector * outputVector)1045 int vtkTemporalStreamTracer::RequestData(
1046   vtkInformation* request, vtkInformationVector** inputVector, vtkInformationVector* outputVector)
1047 {
1048   //
1049   // Inputs information
1050   //
1051   bool result(true);
1052   if (RequestIndex < 2)
1053   {
1054     result = (this->ProcessInput(inputVector) == 1);
1055     if (result && RequestIndex == 1)
1056     {
1057       this->GenerateOutput(inputVector, outputVector);
1058     }
1059   }
1061   this->RequestIndex++;
1062   if (result && this->RequestIndex < 2)
1063   {
1064     request->Set(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::CONTINUE_EXECUTING(), 1);
1065   }
1066   else
1067   {
1068     request->Remove(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::CONTINUE_EXECUTING());
1069     this->RequestIndex = 0;
1070   }
1072   //  this->Interpolator->ShowCacheResults();
1073   //  vtkErrorMacro(<<"RequestData done");
1074   return 1;
1075 }
1076 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IntegrateParticle(ParticleListIterator & it,double currenttime,double targettime,vtkInitialValueProblemSolver * integrator)1077 void vtkTemporalStreamTracer::IntegrateParticle(ParticleListIterator& it, double currenttime,
1078   double targettime, vtkInitialValueProblemSolver* integrator)
1079 {
1080   double epsilon = (targettime - currenttime) / 100.0;
1081   double velocity[3], point1[4], point2[4] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
1082   double minStep = 0, maxStep = 0;
1083   double stepWanted, stepTaken = 0.0;
1084   substeps = 0;
1086   ParticleInformation& info = (*it);
1087   // Get the Initial point {x,y,z,t}
1088   memcpy(point1, &info.CurrentPosition, sizeof(Position));
1090   if (point1[3] < (currenttime - epsilon) || point1[3] > (targettime + epsilon))
1091   {
1092     vtkDebugMacro(<< "Bad particle time : expected (" << this->CurrentTimeSteps[0] << "-"
1093                   << this->CurrentTimeSteps[1] << ") got " << point1[3]);
1094   }
1096   IntervalInformation delT;
1097   delT.Unit = LENGTH_UNIT;
1098   delT.Interval = (targettime - currenttime) * this->InitialIntegrationStep;
1099   epsilon = delT.Interval * 1E-3;
1101   //
1102   // begin interpolation between available time values, if the particle has
1103   // a cached cell ID and dataset - try to use it,
1104   //
1105   this->Interpolator->SetCachedCellIds(info.CachedCellId, info.CachedDataSetId);
1107   bool particle_good = true;
1108   info.ErrorCode = 0;
1109   while (point1[3] < (targettime - epsilon))
1110   {
1111     //
1112     // Here beginneth the real work
1113     //
1114     double error = 0;
1116     // If, with the next step, propagation will be larger than
1117     // max, reduce it so that it is (approximately) equal to max.
1118     stepWanted = delT.Interval;
1119     if ((point1[3] + stepWanted) > targettime)
1120     {
1121       stepWanted = targettime - point1[3];
1122       maxStep = stepWanted;
1123     }
1124     this->LastUsedStepSize = stepWanted;
1126     // Calculate the next step using the integrator provided.
1127     // If the next point is out of bounds, send it to another process
1128     if (integrator->ComputeNextStep(point1, point2, point1[3], stepWanted, stepTaken, minStep,
1129           maxStep, this->MaximumError, error) != 0)
1130     {
1131       // if the particle is sent, remove it from the list
1132       info.ErrorCode = 1;
1133       if (this->SendParticleToAnotherProcess(info, point1, this->LastUsedStepSize))
1134       {
1135         this->ParticleHistories.erase(it);
1136         particle_good = false;
1137         break;
1138       }
1139       else
1140       {
1141         // particle was not sent, retry saved it, so copy info back
1142         substeps++;
1143         memcpy(point1, &info.CurrentPosition, sizeof(Position));
1144       }
1145     }
1146     else // success, increment position/time
1147     {
1148       substeps++;
1150       // increment the particle time
1151       point2[3] = point1[3] + stepTaken;
1152       info.age += stepTaken;
1154       // Point is valid. Insert it.
1155       memcpy(&info.CurrentPosition, point2, sizeof(Position));
1156       memcpy(point1, point2, sizeof(Position));
1157     }
1159     // If the solver is adaptive and the next time step (delT.Interval)
1160     // that the solver wants to use is smaller than minStep or larger
1161     // than maxStep, re-adjust it. This has to be done every step
1162     // because minStep and maxStep can change depending on the Cell
1163     // size (unless it is specified in time units)
1164     if (integrator->IsAdaptive())
1165     {
1166       // code removed. Put it back when this is stable
1167     }
1168   }
1169   if (particle_good)
1170   {
1171     // The integration succeeded, but check the computed final position
1172     // is actually inside the domain (the intermediate steps taken inside
1173     // the integrator were ok, but the final step may just pass out)
1174     // if it moves out, we can't interpolate scalars, so we must send it away
1175     info.LocationState = this->Interpolator->TestPoint(info.CurrentPosition.x);
1176     if (info.LocationState == ID_OUTSIDE_ALL)
1177     {
1178       info.ErrorCode = 2;
1179       // if the particle is sent, remove it from the list
1180       if (this->SendParticleToAnotherProcess(info, point1, this->LastUsedStepSize))
1181       {
1182         this->ParticleHistories.erase(it);
1183         particle_good = false;
1184       }
1185     }
1186   }
1188   //
1189   // Has this particle stagnated
1190   //
1191   if (particle_good)
1192   {
1193     this->Interpolator->GetLastGoodVelocity(velocity);
1194     info.speed = vtkMath::Norm(velocity);
1195     if (it->speed <= this->TerminalSpeed)
1196     {
1197       this->ParticleHistories.erase(it);
1198       particle_good = false;
1199     }
1200   }
1202   //
1203   // We got this far without error :
1204   // Insert the point into the output
1205   // Create any new scalars and interpolate existing ones
1206   // Cache cell ids and datasets
1207   //
1208   if (particle_good)
1209   {
1210     //
1211     // store the last Cell Ids and dataset indices for next time particle is updated
1212     //
1213     this->Interpolator->GetCachedCellIds(info.CachedCellId, info.CachedDataSetId);
1214     //
1215     info.TimeStepAge += 1;
1216     //
1217     // Now generate the output geometry and scalars
1218     //
1219     double* coord = &info.CurrentPosition.x[0];
1220     vtkIdType tempId = this->OutputCoordinates->InsertNextPoint(coord);
1221     // create the cell
1222     this->ParticleCells->InsertNextCell(1, &tempId);
1223     // set the easy scalars for this particle
1224     this->ParticleIds->InsertNextValue(info.UniqueParticleId);
1225     this->ParticleSourceIds->InsertNextValue(info.SourceID);
1226     this->InjectedPointIds->InsertNextValue(info.InjectedPointId);
1227     this->InjectedStepIds->InsertNextValue(info.InjectedStepId);
1228     this->ErrorCodeArray->InsertNextValue(info.ErrorCode);
1229     this->ParticleAge->InsertNextValue(info.age);
1230     //
1231     // Interpolate all existing point attributes
1232     // In principle we always integrate the particle until it reaches Time2
1233     // - so we don't need to do any interpolation of the scalars
1234     // between T0 and T1, just fetch the values
1235     // of the spatially interpolated scalars from T1.
1236     //
1237     if (info.LocationState == ID_OUTSIDE_T1)
1238     {
1239       this->Interpolator->InterpolatePoint(0, this->OutputPointData, tempId);
1240     }
1241     else
1242     {
1243       this->Interpolator->InterpolatePoint(1, this->OutputPointData, tempId);
1244     }
1245     this->InterpolationCount++;
1246     //
1247     // Compute vorticity
1248     //
1249     if (this->ComputeVorticity)
1250     {
1251       vtkGenericCell* cell;
1252       double pcoords[3], vorticity[3], weights[VTK_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_POINTS];
1253       double rotation, omega;
1254       // have to use T0 if particle is out at T1, otherwise use T1
1255       if (info.LocationState == ID_OUTSIDE_T1)
1256       {
1257         this->Interpolator->GetVorticityData(0, pcoords, weights, cell, this->cellVectors);
1258       }
1259       else
1260       {
1261         this->Interpolator->GetVorticityData(1, pcoords, weights, cell, this->cellVectors);
1262       }
1263       vtkStreamTracer::CalculateVorticity(cell, pcoords, cellVectors, vorticity);
1264       this->ParticleVorticity->InsertNextTuple(vorticity);
1265       // local rotation = vorticity . unit tangent ( i.e. velocity/speed )
1266       if (info.speed != 0.0)
1267       {
1268         omega = vtkMath::Dot(vorticity, velocity);
1269         omega /= info.speed;
1270         omega *= this->RotationScale;
1271       }
1272       else
1273       {
1274         omega = 0.0;
1275       }
1276       vtkIdType index = this->ParticleAngularVel->InsertNextValue(omega);
1277       if (index > 0)
1278       {
1279         rotation =
1280           info.rotation + (info.angularVel + omega) / 2 * (info.CurrentPosition.x[3] - info.time);
1281       }
1282       else
1283       {
1284         rotation = 0.0;
1285       }
1286       this->ParticleRotation->InsertNextValue(rotation);
1287       info.rotation = rotation;
1288       info.angularVel = omega;
1289       info.time = info.CurrentPosition.x[3];
1290     }
1291   }
1292   else
1293     this->Interpolator->ClearCache();
1295   double eps = (this->CurrentTimeSteps[1] - this->CurrentTimeSteps[0]) / 100;
1296   if (point1[3] < (this->CurrentTimeSteps[0] - eps) ||
1297     point1[3] > (this->CurrentTimeSteps[1] + eps))
1298   {
1299     vtkDebugMacro(<< "Unexpected time ending IntegrateParticle - expected ("
1300                   << this->CurrentTimeSteps[0] << "-" << this->CurrentTimeSteps[1] << ") got "
1301                   << point1[3]);
1302   }
1303 }
1304 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RetryWithPush(ParticleInformation & info,double velocity[3],double delT)1305 bool vtkTemporalStreamTracer::RetryWithPush(
1306   ParticleInformation& info, double velocity[3], double delT)
1307 {
1308   // try adding a one increment push to the particle to get over a rotating/moving boundary
1309   for (int v = 0; v < 3; v++)
1310     info.CurrentPosition.x[v] += velocity[v] * delT;
1311   info.CurrentPosition.x[3] += delT;
1312   info.LocationState = this->Interpolator->TestPoint(info.CurrentPosition.x);
1313   if (info.LocationState != ID_OUTSIDE_ALL)
1314   {
1315     // a push helped the particle get back into a dataset,
1316     info.age += delT;
1317     info.ErrorCode = 6;
1318     return true;
1319   }
1320   return false;
1321 }
1322 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SendParticleToAnotherProcess(ParticleInformation & info,double point1[4],double delT)1323 bool vtkTemporalStreamTracer::SendParticleToAnotherProcess(
1324   ParticleInformation& info, double point1[4], double delT)
1325 {
1326   //  return 1;
1327   double velocity[3];
1328   this->Interpolator->ClearCache();
1329   if (info.UniqueParticleId == 3)
1330   {
1331     vtkDebugMacro(<< "3 is about to be sent");
1332   }
1333   info.LocationState = this->Interpolator->TestPoint(point1);
1334   if (info.LocationState == ID_OUTSIDE_ALL)
1335   {
1336     // something is wrong, the particle has left the building completely
1337     // we can't get the last good velocity as it won't be valid
1338     // send the particle 'as is' and hope it lands in another process
1339     if (substeps > 0)
1340     {
1341       this->Interpolator->GetLastGoodVelocity(velocity);
1342     }
1343     else
1344     {
1345       velocity[0] = velocity[1] = velocity[2] = 0.0;
1346     }
1347     info.ErrorCode = 3;
1348   }
1349   else if (info.LocationState == ID_OUTSIDE_T0)
1350   {
1351     // the particle left the volume but can be tested at T2, so use the velocity at T2
1352     this->Interpolator->GetLastGoodVelocity(velocity);
1353     info.ErrorCode = 4;
1354   }
1355   else if (info.LocationState == ID_OUTSIDE_T1)
1356   {
1357     // the particle left the volume but can be tested at T1, so use the velocity at T1
1358     this->Interpolator->GetLastGoodVelocity(velocity);
1359     info.ErrorCode = 5;
1360   }
1361   else
1362   {
1363     // The test returned INSIDE_ALL, so test failed near start of integration,
1364     this->Interpolator->GetLastGoodVelocity(velocity);
1365   }
1366   if (this->RetryWithPush(info, velocity, delT))
1367     return false;
1368   this->AddParticleToMPISendList(info);
1369   return true;
1370 }
1371 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PrintSelf(ostream & os,vtkIndent indent)1372 void vtkTemporalStreamTracer::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
1373 {
1374   this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
1376   os << indent << "TimeStepResolution: " << this->TimeStepResolution << endl;
1377   os << indent << "ParticleWriter: " << this->ParticleWriter << endl;
1378   os << indent << "ParticleFileName: " << (this->ParticleFileName ? this->ParticleFileName : "None")
1379      << endl;
1380   os << indent << "TimeStep: " << this->TimeStep << endl;
1381   os << indent << "ForceReinjectionEveryNSteps: " << this->ForceReinjectionEveryNSteps << endl;
1382   os << indent << "EnableParticleWriting: " << this->EnableParticleWriting << endl;
1383   os << indent << "IgnorePipelineTime: " << this->IgnorePipelineTime << endl;
1384   os << indent << "StaticMesh: " << this->StaticMesh << endl;
1385   os << indent << "TerminationTime: " << this->TerminationTime << endl;
1386   os << indent << "TerminationTimeUnit: " << this->TerminationTimeUnit << endl;
1387   os << indent << "StaticSeeds: " << this->StaticSeeds << endl;
1388 }
1389 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ComputeDomainExitLocation(double pos[4],double p2[4],double intersection[4],vtkGenericCell * cell)1390 bool vtkTemporalStreamTracer::ComputeDomainExitLocation(
1391   double pos[4], double p2[4], double intersection[4], vtkGenericCell* cell)
1392 {
1393   double t, pcoords[3];
1394   int subId;
1395   if (cell->IntersectWithLine(pos, p2, 1E-3, t, intersection, pcoords, subId) == 0)
1396   {
1397     vtkDebugMacro(<< "No cell/domain exit was found");
1398     return false;
1399   }
1400   else
1401   {
1402     // We found an intersection on the edge of the cell.
1403     // Shift it by a small amount to ensure that it crosses over the edge
1404     // into the adjoining cell.
1405     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
1406       intersection[i] = pos[i] + (t + 0.01) * (p2[i] - pos[i]);
1407     // intersection stored, compute T for intersection
1408     intersection[3] = pos[3] + (t + 0.01) * (p2[3] - pos[3]);
1409     return true;
1410   }
1411 }
1412 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AddParticleToMPISendList(ParticleInformation & info)1413 void vtkTemporalStreamTracer::AddParticleToMPISendList(ParticleInformation& info)
1414 {
1415   double eps = (this->CurrentTimeSteps[1] - this->CurrentTimeSteps[0]) / 100;
1416   if (info.CurrentPosition.x[3] < (this->CurrentTimeSteps[0] - eps) ||
1417     info.CurrentPosition.x[3] > (this->CurrentTimeSteps[1] + eps))
1418   {
1419     vtkDebugMacro(<< "Unexpected time value in MPISendList - expected ("
1420                   << this->CurrentTimeSteps[0] << "-" << this->CurrentTimeSteps[1] << ") got "
1421                   << info.CurrentPosition.x[3]);
1422   }
1423 }
1424 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1425 /*
1426   // Now try to compute the trajectory exit location from the cell on the edge
1427   if (this->Interpolator->GetLastValidCellId(0)!=-1) {
1428     vtkDataSet *hitdata = this->Interpolator->GetLastDataSet(0);
1429     hitdata->GetCell(this->Interpolator->GetLastValidCellId(0), this->GenericCell);
1430     double intersection[4];
1431     if (this->ComputeDomainExitLocation(point1, point2, intersection, this->GenericCell))
1432     {
1433       vtkDebugMacro(<< "SendParticleToAnotherProcess : Sending Particle " << particleId << " Time "
1434   << intersection[3]); this->AddParticleToMPISendList(intersection, velocity); vtkIdType nextPoint =
1435   ParticleCoordinates->InsertNextPoint(point2);
1436       this->ParticleHistories[particleId].push_back(nextPoint);
1437       this->LiveParticleIds[particleId] = 0;
1438       return 1;
1439     }
1440     else {
1441       vtkDebugMacro(<< "Domain-Exit aborted : Domain Intersection failed" << particleId );
1442       this->LiveParticleIds[particleId] = 0;
1443       return 0;
1444     }
1445   }
1446   else {
1447     vtkDebugMacro(<< "Domain-Exit aborted : Couldn't copy cell from earlier test" << particleId );
1448     this->LiveParticleIds[particleId] = 0;
1449     return 0;
1450   }
1451 */