1 // Copyright(C) 1999-2021 National Technology & Engineering Solutions
2 // of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with
3 // NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
4 //
5 // See packages/seacas/LICENSE for details
7 #include <cgns/Iocgns_Defines.h>
9 #include <Ioss_CodeTypes.h>
10 #include <Ioss_ParallelUtils.h>
11 #include <Ioss_SmartAssert.h>
12 #include <Ioss_Sort.h>
13 #include <Ioss_StructuredBlock.h>
14 #include <Ioss_Utils.h>
15 #include <cgns/Iocgns_DecompositionData.h>
16 #include <cgns/Iocgns_Utils.h>
17 #include <fmt/color.h>
18 #include <fmt/format.h>
19 #include <fmt/ostream.h>
20 #include <tokenize.h>
22 #include <vtk_cgns.h> // xxx(kitware)
24 #include VTK_CGNS(pcgnslib.h)
25 #else
26 #include VTK_CGNS(cgnslib.h)
27 #endif
29 #include <algorithm>
30 #include <cassert>
31 #include <iomanip>
32 #include <numeric>
34 namespace {
35   int rank = 0;
37   // ZOLTAN Callback functions...
39 #if !defined(NO_ZOLTAN_SUPPORT)
zoltan_num_dim(void * data,int * ierr)40   int zoltan_num_dim(void *data, int *ierr)
41   {
42     // Return dimensionality of coordinate data.
43     auto *zdata = (Iocgns::DecompositionDataBase *)(data);
45     *ierr = ZOLTAN_OK;
46     return zdata->spatial_dimension();
47   }
zoltan_num_obj(void * data,int * ierr)49   int zoltan_num_obj(void *data, int *ierr)
50   {
51     // Return number of objects (element count) on this processor...
52     auto *zdata = (Iocgns::DecompositionDataBase *)(data);
54     *ierr = ZOLTAN_OK;
55     return zdata->decomp_elem_count();
56   }
zoltan_obj_list(void * data,int ngid_ent,int,ZOLTAN_ID_PTR gids,ZOLTAN_ID_PTR lids,int wdim,float * wgts,int * ierr)58   void zoltan_obj_list(void *data, int ngid_ent, int /* nlid_ent */, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR gids,
59                        ZOLTAN_ID_PTR lids, int wdim, float *wgts, int *ierr)
60   {
61     // Return list of object IDs, both local and global.
62     auto *zdata = (Iocgns::DecompositionDataBase *)(data);
64     // At the time this is called, we don't have much information
65     // These routines are the ones that are developing that
66     // information...
67     size_t element_count  = zdata->decomp_elem_count();
68     size_t element_offset = zdata->decomp_elem_offset();
70     *ierr = ZOLTAN_OK;
72     if (lids != nullptr) {
73       std::iota(lids, lids + element_count, 0);
74     }
76     if (wdim != 0) {
77       std::fill(wgts, wgts + element_count, 1.0);
78     }
80     if (ngid_ent == 1) {
81       std::iota(gids, gids + element_count, element_offset);
82     }
83     else if (ngid_ent == 2) {
84       auto *global_ids = (int64_t *)gids;
85       std::iota(global_ids, global_ids + element_count, element_offset);
86     }
87     else {
88       *ierr = ZOLTAN_FATAL;
89     }
90   }
zoltan_geom(void * data,int,int,int,ZOLTAN_ID_PTR,ZOLTAN_ID_PTR,int,double * geom,int * ierr)92   void zoltan_geom(void *data, int /* ngid_ent */, int /* nlid_ent */, int /* nobj */,
93                    ZOLTAN_ID_PTR /* gids */, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR /* lids */, int /* ndim */, double *geom,
94                    int *ierr)
95   {
96     // Return coordinates for objects.
97     auto *zdata = (Iocgns::DecompositionDataBase *)(data);
99     std::copy(zdata->centroids().begin(), zdata->centroids().end(), &geom[0]);
101     *ierr = ZOLTAN_OK;
102   }
103 #endif
105   // These are used for structured parallel decomposition...
create_zone_data(int cgns_file_ptr,std::vector<Iocgns::StructuredZoneData * > & zones,MPI_Comm comm)106   void create_zone_data(int cgns_file_ptr, std::vector<Iocgns::StructuredZoneData *> &zones,
107                         MPI_Comm comm)
108   {
109     Ioss::ParallelUtils par_util(comm);
110     int                 myProcessor = par_util.parallel_rank(); // To make error macro work...
111     int                 base        = 1;
112     int                 num_zones   = 0;
114     CGCHECK(cg_nzones(cgns_file_ptr, base, &num_zones));
116     std::map<std::string, int> zone_name_map;
118     for (cgsize_t zone = 1; zone <= num_zones; zone++) {
119       cgsize_t size[9];
120       char     zone_name[CGNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
121       CGCHECK(cg_zone_read(cgns_file_ptr, base, zone, zone_name, size));
122       zone_name_map[zone_name] = zone;
124       SMART_ASSERT(size[0] - 1 == size[3])(size[0])(size[3]);
125       SMART_ASSERT(size[1] - 1 == size[4])(size[1])(size[4]);
126       SMART_ASSERT(size[2] - 1 == size[5])(size[2])(size[5]);
128       assert(size[6] == 0);
129       assert(size[7] == 0);
130       assert(size[8] == 0);
132       auto *zone_data = new Iocgns::StructuredZoneData(zone_name, zone, size[3], size[4], size[5]);
133       zones.push_back(zone_data);
135       // Handle zone-grid-connectivity...
136       int nconn = 0;
137       CGCHECK(cg_n1to1(cgns_file_ptr, base, zone, &nconn));
138       for (int i = 0; i < nconn; i++) {
139         char                    connectname[CGNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
140         char                    donorname[CGNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
141         std::array<cgsize_t, 6> range;
142         std::array<cgsize_t, 6> donor_range;
143         Ioss::IJK_t             transform;
145         CGCHECK(cg_1to1_read(cgns_file_ptr, base, zone, i + 1, connectname, donorname, range.data(),
146                              donor_range.data(), transform.data()));
148         // Get number of nodes shared with other "previous" zones...
149         // A "previous" zone will have a lower zone number this this zone...
150         int  donor_zone = -1;
151         auto donor_iter = zone_name_map.find(donorname);
152         if (donor_iter != zone_name_map.end()) {
153           donor_zone = (*donor_iter).second;
154         }
155         Ioss::IJK_t range_beg{{(int)range[0], (int)range[1], (int)range[2]}};
156         Ioss::IJK_t range_end{{(int)range[3], (int)range[4], (int)range[5]}};
157         Ioss::IJK_t donor_beg{{(int)donor_range[0], (int)donor_range[1], (int)donor_range[2]}};
158         Ioss::IJK_t donor_end{{(int)donor_range[3], (int)donor_range[4], (int)donor_range[5]}};
161         if (rank == 0) {
162           fmt::print(Ioss::DEBUG(), "Adding zgc {} to {} donor: {}\n", connectname, zone_name,
163                      donorname);
164         }
165 #endif
166         zone_data->m_zoneConnectivity.emplace_back(connectname, zone, donorname, donor_zone,
167                                                    transform, range_beg, range_end, donor_beg,
168                                                    donor_end);
169       }
170     }
172     // If there are any Structured blocks, need to iterate them and their 1-to-1 connections
173     // and update the donor_zone id for zones that had not yet been processed at the time of
174     // definition...
175     for (auto &zone : zones) {
176       for (auto &conn : zone->m_zoneConnectivity) {
177         if (conn.m_donorZone < 0) {
178           auto donor_iter = zone_name_map.find(conn.m_donorName);
179           assert(donor_iter != zone_name_map.end());
180           conn.m_donorZone = (*donor_iter).second;
181         }
182       }
183     }
184   }
185 } // namespace
187 namespace Iocgns {
188   template DecompositionData<int>::DecompositionData(const Ioss::PropertyManager &props,
189                                                      MPI_Comm                     communicator);
190   template DecompositionData<int64_t>::DecompositionData(const Ioss::PropertyManager &props,
191                                                          MPI_Comm                     communicator);
193   template <typename INT>
DecompositionData(const Ioss::PropertyManager & props,MPI_Comm communicator)194   DecompositionData<INT>::DecompositionData(const Ioss::PropertyManager &props,
195                                             MPI_Comm                     communicator)
196       : DecompositionDataBase(), m_decomposition(props, communicator)
197   {
198     rank = m_decomposition.m_processor;
200     if (props.exists("LOAD_BALANCE_THRESHOLD")) {
201       if (props.get("LOAD_BALANCE_THRESHOLD").get_type() == Ioss::Property::STRING) {
202         std::string lb_thresh  = props.get("LOAD_BALANCE_THRESHOLD").get_string();
203         m_loadBalanceThreshold = std::stod(lb_thresh);
204       }
205       else if (props.get("LOAD_BALANCE_THRESHOLD").get_type() == Ioss::Property::REAL) {
206         m_loadBalanceThreshold = props.get("LOAD_BALANCE_THRESHOLD").get_real();
207       }
208     }
209     if (props.exists("LINE_DECOMPOSITION")) {
210       m_lineDecomposition = props.get("LINE_DECOMPOSITION").get_string();
211     }
212   }
214   template <typename INT>
decompose_model(int filePtr,Ioss::MeshType mesh_type)215   void DecompositionData<INT>::decompose_model(int filePtr, Ioss::MeshType mesh_type)
216   {
217     if (mesh_type == Ioss::MeshType::UNSTRUCTURED) {
218       decompose_unstructured(filePtr);
219     }
220     else if (mesh_type == Ioss::MeshType::STRUCTURED) {
221       decompose_structured(filePtr);
222     }
224     else if (mesh_type == Ioss::MeshType::HYBRID) {
225       std::ostringstream errmsg;
226       fmt::print(errmsg, "ERROR: CGNS: The mesh type is HYBRID which is not supported for parallel "
227                          "decomposition yet.");
228       IOSS_ERROR(errmsg);
229     }
230 #endif
231     else {
232       std::ostringstream errmsg;
233       fmt::print(errmsg, "ERROR: CGNS: The mesh type is not Unstructured or Structured "
234                          "which are the only types currently supported");
235       IOSS_ERROR(errmsg);
236     }
237   }
decompose_structured(int filePtr)239   template <typename INT> void DecompositionData<INT>::decompose_structured(int filePtr)
240   {
241     m_decomposition.show_progress(__func__);
242     create_zone_data(filePtr, m_structuredZones, m_decomposition.m_comm);
243     if (m_structuredZones.empty()) {
244       return;
245     }
248     bool verbose = true;
249 #else
250     bool verbose = false;
251 #endif
253     // Determine whether user has specified "line decompositions" for any of the zones.
254     // The line decomposition is an ordinal which will not be split during the
255     // decomposition.
256     if (!m_lineDecomposition.empty()) {
257       // See if the ordinal is specified as "__ordinal_{ijk}" which is used for testing...
258       if (m_lineDecomposition.find("__ordinal_") == 0) {
259         auto         sub = m_lineDecomposition.substr(10);
260         unsigned int ord = 0;
261         for (size_t i = 0; i < sub.size(); i++) {
262           char ordinal = sub[i];
263           ord |= ordinal == 'i' ? Ordinal::I : ordinal == 'j' ? Ordinal::J : Ordinal::K;
264         }
265         for (auto zone : m_structuredZones) {
266           if (zone->is_active()) {
267             zone->m_lineOrdinal |= ord;
268           }
269         }
270       }
271       else {
272         Utils::set_line_decomposition(filePtr, m_lineDecomposition, m_structuredZones, rank,
273                                       verbose);
274       }
275     }
277     // Do the processor decomposition.
278     Utils::decompose_model(m_structuredZones, m_decomposition.m_processorCount, rank,
279                            m_loadBalanceThreshold, verbose);
281     Ioss::sort(m_structuredZones.begin(), m_structuredZones.end(),
282                [](Iocgns::StructuredZoneData *a, Iocgns::StructuredZoneData *b) {
283                  return a->m_zone < b->m_zone;
284                });
286     for (auto zone : m_structuredZones) {
287       if (zone->is_active()) {
288         zone->resolve_zgc_split_donor(m_structuredZones);
289       }
290     }
292     // Update and Output the processor assignments
293     for (auto &zone : m_structuredZones) {
294       if (zone->is_active()) {
295         zone->update_zgc_processor(m_structuredZones);
297         if (rank == 0) {
298           auto zone_node_count =
299               (zone->m_ordinal[0] + 1) * (zone->m_ordinal[1] + 1) * (zone->m_ordinal[2] + 1);
300           fmt::print(
301               Ioss::DEBUG(),
302               "Zone {}({}) assigned to processor {}, Adam zone = {}, Cells = {}, Nodes = {}\n",
303               zone->m_name, zone->m_zone, zone->m_proc, zone->m_adam->m_zone, zone->work(),
304               zone_node_count);
305           auto zgcs = zone->m_zoneConnectivity;
306 #if 0
307 	  // This should work, but doesn't...
308           fmt::print(Ioss::DEBUG(), "{}\n", fmt::join(zgcs, "\n"));
309 #else
310           for (auto &zgc : zgcs) {
311             fmt::print(Ioss::DEBUG(), "{}\n", zgc);
312           }
313 #endif
314         }
315 #endif
316       }
317     }
319     // Output the processor assignments in form similar to 'split' file
320     if (rank == 0) {
321       int z = 1;
322       fmt::print(
323           Ioss::OUTPUT(),
324           "     n    proc  parent    imin    imax    jmin    jmax    kmin    kmax          work\n");
325       auto tmp_zone(m_structuredZones);
326       Ioss::sort(tmp_zone.begin(), tmp_zone.end(),
327                  [](Iocgns::StructuredZoneData *a, Iocgns::StructuredZoneData *b) {
328                    return a->m_proc < b->m_proc;
329                  });
331       for (auto &zone : tmp_zone) {
332         if (zone->is_active()) {
333           fmt::print(Ioss::OUTPUT(), "{:6d}{:8d}{:8d}{:8d}{:8d}{:8d}{:8d}{:8d}{:8d}{:14L}\n", z++,
334                      zone->m_proc, zone->m_adam->m_zone, zone->m_offset[0] + 1,
335                      zone->m_ordinal[0] + zone->m_offset[0] + 1, zone->m_offset[1] + 1,
336                      zone->m_ordinal[1] + zone->m_offset[1] + 1, zone->m_offset[2] + 1,
337                      zone->m_ordinal[2] + zone->m_offset[2] + 1, zone->work());
338         }
339       }
340     }
342     for (auto &zone : m_structuredZones) {
343       if (!zone->is_active()) {
344         zone->m_proc = -1;
345       }
346     }
349     MPI_Barrier(m_decomposition.m_comm);
350     if (rank == 0) {
351       fmt::print(Ioss::DEBUG(), "{}",
352                  fmt::format(fg(fmt::color::green), "Returning from decomposition\n"));
353     }
354 #endif
355   }
decompose_unstructured(int filePtr)357   template <typename INT> void DecompositionData<INT>::decompose_unstructured(int filePtr)
358   {
359     m_decomposition.show_progress(__func__);
361     // Initial decomposition is linear where processor #p contains
362     // elements from (#p * #element/#proc) to (#p+1 * #element/#proc)
364     // ========================================================================
365     // Get the number of zones (element blocks) in the mesh...
366     int num_zones = 0;
367     int base      = 1; // Only single base supported so far.
369     {
370       int  cell_dimension = 0;
371       int  phys_dimension = 0;
372       char base_name[CGNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
373       CGCHECK2(cg_base_read(filePtr, base, base_name, &cell_dimension, &phys_dimension));
374       m_decomposition.m_spatialDimension = phys_dimension;
375     }
377     CGCHECK2(cg_nzones(filePtr, base, &num_zones));
378     m_zones.resize(num_zones + 1); // Use 1-based zones.
380     size_t global_cell_node_count = 0;
381     size_t global_element_count   = 0;
382     for (int zone = 1; zone <= num_zones; zone++) {
383       // All zones are "Unstructured" since this was checked prior to
384       // calling this function...
385       cgsize_t size[3];
386       char     zone_name[CGNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
387       CGCHECK2(cg_zone_read(filePtr, base, zone, zone_name, size));
389       INT total_block_nodes = size[0];
390       INT total_block_elem  = size[1];
392       m_zones[zone].m_nodeCount     = total_block_nodes;
393       m_zones[zone].m_nodeOffset    = global_cell_node_count;
394       m_zones[zone].m_name          = zone_name;
395       m_zones[zone].m_elementOffset = global_element_count;
396       global_cell_node_count += total_block_nodes;
397       global_element_count += total_block_elem;
398     }
400     if (global_element_count < (size_t)m_decomposition.m_processorCount) {
401       std::ostringstream errmsg;
402       fmt::print(errmsg,
403                  "ERROR: CGNS: Element Count ({}) is less than Processor Count ({}). No "
404                  "decomposition possible.",
405                  global_element_count, m_decomposition.m_processorCount);
406       IOSS_ERROR(errmsg);
407     }
409     // Generate element_dist/node_dist --  size m_decomposition.m_processorCount + 1
410     // processor p contains all elements/nodes from X_dist[p] .. X_dist[p+1]
411     m_decomposition.generate_entity_distributions(global_cell_node_count, global_element_count);
413     generate_adjacency_list(filePtr, m_decomposition);
415     // Get min and max node used on this processor...
416     auto min_max =
417         std::minmax_element(m_decomposition.m_adjacency.begin(), m_decomposition.m_adjacency.end());
418     INT min_node = *(min_max.first);
419     INT max_node = *(min_max.second);
420     generate_zone_shared_nodes(filePtr, min_node, max_node);
422     // Now iterate adjacency list and update any "zone_shared_node" nodes
423     // with their "sharee"
424     if (!m_zoneSharedMap.empty()) {
425       for (auto &node : m_decomposition.m_adjacency) {
426         auto alias = m_zoneSharedMap.find(node);
427         if (alias != m_zoneSharedMap.end()) {
428           node = (*alias).second;
429         }
430       }
431     }
434     if (rank == 0) {
435       fmt::print(Ioss::DEBUG(),
436                  "Processor {0} has {1} elements; offset = {2}\n"
437                  "Processor {0} has {3} nodes; offset = {4}.\n",
438                  m_decomposition.m_processor, decomp_elem_count(), decomp_elem_offset(),
439                  decomp_node_count(), decomp_node_offset());
440     }
441 #endif
443     if (m_decomposition.needs_centroids()) {
444       // Get my coordinate data using direct cgns calls
445       std::vector<double> x(decomp_node_count());
446       std::vector<double> y;
447       std::vector<double> z;
449       get_file_node_coordinates(filePtr, 0, x.data());
450       if (m_decomposition.m_spatialDimension > 1) {
451         y.resize(decomp_node_count());
452         get_file_node_coordinates(filePtr, 1, y.data());
453       }
454       if (m_decomposition.m_spatialDimension > 2) {
455         z.resize(decomp_node_count());
456         get_file_node_coordinates(filePtr, 2, z.data());
457       }
459       m_decomposition.calculate_element_centroids(x, y, z);
460     }
462 #if !defined(NO_ZOLTAN_SUPPORT)
463     float version = 0.0;
464     Zoltan_Initialize(0, nullptr, &version);
466     Zoltan zz(m_decomposition.m_comm);
468     // Register Zoltan Callback functions...
469     zz.Set_Num_Obj_Fn(zoltan_num_obj, this);
470     zz.Set_Obj_List_Fn(zoltan_obj_list, this);
471     zz.Set_Num_Geom_Fn(zoltan_num_dim, this);
472     zz.Set_Geom_Multi_Fn(zoltan_geom, this);
473 #endif
475     m_decomposition.decompose_model(
476 #if !defined(NO_ZOLTAN_SUPPORT)
477         zz,
478 #endif
479         m_elementBlocks);
481     if (!m_sideSets.empty()) {
482       // Create elemGTL map which is used for sidesets (also element sets)
483       build_global_to_local_elem_map();
484     }
486     get_sideset_data(filePtr);
488     // Have all the decomposition data needed
489     // Can now populate the Ioss metadata...
490   }
492   template <typename INT>
generate_zone_shared_nodes(int filePtr,INT min_node,INT max_node)493   void DecompositionData<INT>::generate_zone_shared_nodes(int filePtr, INT min_node, INT max_node)
494   {
495     // Begin of Zone-Shared node information
497     // Modify adjacency list based on shared nodes between zones...
498     // Need the map from "global" to "global-shared"
499     // * This is not necessarily nodes only on my processor since connectivity can include
500     //   nodes other than those I own.
501     // * Potentially large number of shared nodes; practically small(?)
503     // * Maintain hash map from old id to new (if any)
504     // * TODO: Make more scalable
506     int base = 1; // Only single base supported so far.
508     // Donor zone is always lower numbered, so zone 1 has no donor zone. Start at zone 2.
509     for (cgsize_t zone = 2; zone < (cgsize_t)m_zones.size(); zone++) {
511       // Determine number of "shared" nodes (shared with other zones)
512       int nconn = 0;
513       CGCHECK2(cg_nconns(filePtr, base, zone, &nconn));
514       for (int i = 0; i < nconn; i++) {
515         char                      connectname[CGNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
516         CGNS_ENUMT(GridLocation_t)         location;
517         CGNS_ENUMT(GridConnectivityType_t) connect_type;
518         CGNS_ENUMT(PointSetType_t)         ptset_type;
519         cgsize_t                  npnts = 0;
520         char                      donorname[CGNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
521         CGNS_ENUMT(ZoneType_t)             donor_zonetype;
522         CGNS_ENUMT(PointSetType_t)         donor_ptset_type;
523         CGNS_ENUMT(DataType_t)             donor_datatype;
524         cgsize_t                  ndata_donor;
526         CGCHECK2(cg_conn_info(filePtr, base, zone, i + 1, connectname, &location, &connect_type,
527                               &ptset_type, &npnts, donorname, &donor_zonetype, &donor_ptset_type,
528                               &donor_datatype, &ndata_donor));
530         if (connect_type != CGNS_ENUMV(Abutting1to1) || ptset_type != CGNS_ENUMV(PointList) ||
531             donor_ptset_type != CGNS_ENUMV(PointListDonor)) {
532           std::ostringstream errmsg;
533           fmt::print(errmsg,
534                      "ERROR: CGNS: Zone {} adjacency data is not correct type. Require "
535                      "Abutting1to1 and PointList. {}\t{}\t{}",
536                      zone, connect_type, ptset_type, donor_ptset_type);
537           IOSS_ERROR(errmsg);
538         }
540         // Verify data consistency...
541         if (npnts != ndata_donor) {
542           std::ostringstream errmsg;
543           fmt::print(errmsg,
544                      "ERROR: CGNS: Zone {} point count ({}) does not match donor point count ({}).",
545                      zone, npnts, ndata_donor);
546           IOSS_ERROR(errmsg);
547         }
549         // Get number of nodes shared with other "previous" zones...
550         // A "previous" zone will have a lower zone number this this zone...
551         std::string dz_name(donorname);
552         int         dz = 1;
553         for (; dz < zone; dz++) {
554           if (m_zones[dz].m_name == dz_name)
555             break;
556         }
558         if (dz != zone) {
560           if (m_decomposition.m_processor == 0) {
561             fmt::print(Ioss::DEBUG(), "Zone {} shares {} nodes with {}\n", zone, npnts, donorname);
562           }
563 #endif
564           // The 'ids' in 'points' and 'donors' will be zone-local 1-based.
565           CGNSIntVector points(npnts);
566           CGNSIntVector donors(npnts);
568           CGCHECK2(cg_conn_read(filePtr, base, zone, i + 1, points.data(), donor_datatype,
569                                 donors.data()));
571           for (int j = 0; j < npnts; j++) {
572             // Convert to 0-based global id by subtracting 1 and adding zone.m_nodeOffset
573             cgsize_t point = points[j] - 1 + m_zones[zone].m_nodeOffset;
574             cgsize_t donor = donors[j] - 1 + m_zones[dz].m_nodeOffset;
576             // See if 'donor' is mapped to a different node already
577             auto donor_map = m_zoneSharedMap.find(donor);
578             if (donor_map != m_zoneSharedMap.end()) {
579               donor = (*donor_map).second;
580             }
581             m_zoneSharedMap.insert({point, donor});
583             if (m_decomposition.m_processor == 0) {
584               fmt::print(Ioss::DEBUG(), "Inserted {} to {}\n", point, donor);
585             }
586 #endif
587           }
588         }
589       }
590     }
591     // Filter m_zoneSharedMap down to nodes on this processor...
592     // This processor contains global zone ids from `min_node` to `max_node`
593     // global zone ids are the first entry in m_zoneShardedMap.
594     for (auto it = m_zoneSharedMap.cbegin(); it != m_zoneSharedMap.cend(); /* no increment */) {
595       if ((*it).first < min_node || (*it).first > max_node) {
596         it = m_zoneSharedMap.erase(it);
597       }
598       else {
599         ++it;
600       }
601     }
602   }
604   template <typename INT>
generate_adjacency_list(int filePtr,Ioss::Decomposition<INT> & decomposition)605   void DecompositionData<INT>::generate_adjacency_list(int                       filePtr,
606                                                        Ioss::Decomposition<INT> &decomposition)
607   {
608     int base = 1; // Only single base supported so far.
610     // Range of elements currently handled by this processor [)
611     size_t p_start = decomp_elem_offset();
612     size_t p_end   = p_start + decomp_elem_count();
614     size_t sum    = 0; // Size of adjacency vector.
615     size_t offset = 0;
617     int num_zones        = 0;
618     INT zone_node_offset = 0;
620     CGCHECK2(cg_nzones(filePtr, base, &num_zones));
621     for (int zone = 1; zone <= num_zones; zone++) {
622       // ========================================================================
623       // Read the ZoneBC_t node to get list of SideBlocks to define on this zone
624       // The BC_t nodes in the ZoneBC_t give the element range for each SideBlock
625       // which can be matched up below with the Elements_t nodes to get contents
626       // of the SideBlocks.
627       auto zonebc =
628           Utils::parse_zonebc_sideblocks(filePtr, base, zone, m_decomposition.m_processor);
630       cgsize_t size[3];
631       char     zone_name[CGNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
632       CGCHECK2(cg_zone_read(filePtr, base, zone, zone_name, size));
634       INT total_elements = size[1];
635       // NOTE: A Zone will have a single set of nodes, but can have
636       //       multiple sections each with their own element type...
637       //       Keep treating sections as element blocks until we
638       //       have handled 'size[1]' number of elements; the remaining
639       //       sections are then the boundary faces (?)
640       int num_sections = 0;
641       CGCHECK2(cg_nsections(filePtr, base, zone, &num_sections));
643       size_t last_blk_location = 0;
644       for (int is = 1; is <= num_sections; is++) {
645         char             section_name[CGNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
646         CGNS_ENUMT(ElementType_t) e_type;
647         cgsize_t         el_start    = 0;
648         cgsize_t         el_end      = 0;
649         int              num_bndry   = 0;
650         int              parent_flag = 0;
652         // Get the type of elements in this section...
653         CGCHECK2(cg_section_read(filePtr, base, zone, is, section_name, &e_type, &el_start, &el_end,
654                                  &num_bndry, &parent_flag));
656         INT num_entity = el_end - el_start + 1;
658         if (parent_flag == 0 && total_elements > 0) {
659           total_elements -= num_entity;
661           // Range of elements in element block b [)
662           size_t b_start = offset; // offset is index of first element in this block...
663           offset += num_entity;
664           size_t b_end = offset;
666           int element_nodes;
667           CGCHECK2(cg_npe(e_type, &element_nodes));
669           if (b_start < p_end && p_start < b_end) {
670             // Some of this blocks elements are on this processor...
671             size_t overlap = std::min(b_end, p_end) - std::max(b_start, p_start);
672             sum += overlap * element_nodes;
673           }
675           Ioss::BlockDecompositionData block;
676           block.zone_          = zone;
677           block.section_       = is;
678           block.name_          = zone_name;
679           block.topologyType   = Utils::map_cgns_to_topology_type(e_type);
680           block.nodesPerEntity = element_nodes;
681           block.fileCount      = num_entity;
682           block.zoneNodeOffset = zone_node_offset;
684           last_blk_location = m_elementBlocks.size();
685           m_elementBlocks.push_back(block);
686         }
687         else {
688           // This is a boundary-condition -- sideset (?)
689           std::string bc_name(section_name);
690           std::string ss_name;
691           // Search zonebc (if it exists) for an entry such that the element ranges overlap.
692           if (!zonebc.empty()) {
693             size_t i = 0;
694             for (; i < zonebc.size(); i++) {
695               if (zonebc[i].range_beg >= el_start && zonebc[i].range_end <= el_end) {
696                 break;
697               }
698             }
699             if (i < zonebc.size()) {
700               ss_name = zonebc[i].name;
701             }
702           }
703           else {
704             ss_name = section_name;
705           }
707           Ioss::SetDecompositionData sset;
708           sset.zone_            = zone;
709           sset.section_         = is;
710           sset.name_            = bc_name;
711           sset.ss_name_         = ss_name;
712           sset.fileCount        = num_entity;
713           sset.topologyType     = Utils::map_cgns_to_topology_type(e_type);
714           sset.parentBlockIndex = last_blk_location;
715           m_sideSets.emplace_back(std::move(sset));
716         }
717       }
718       zone_node_offset += size[0];
719     }
720     int block_count = (int)m_elementBlocks.size();
722     // Get the global element block index list at this time also.
723     // The global element at index 'I' (0-based) is on block B
724     // if global_block_index[B] <= I && global_block_index[B+1] < I
725     // allocate and TODO: Fill
726     m_decomposition.m_fileBlockIndex.reserve(block_count + 1);
727     for (auto block : m_elementBlocks) {
728       m_decomposition.m_fileBlockIndex.push_back(block.file_count());
729     }
730     m_decomposition.m_fileBlockIndex.push_back(0);
731     Ioss::Utils::generate_index(m_decomposition.m_fileBlockIndex);
733     // Make sure 'sum' can fit in INT...
734     INT tmp_sum = (INT)sum;
735     if ((size_t)tmp_sum != sum) {
736       std::ostringstream errmsg;
737       fmt::print(
738           errmsg,
739           "ERROR: The decomposition of this mesh requires 64-bit integers, but is being\n"
740           "       run with 32-bit integer code. Please rerun with the property INTEGER_SIZE_API\n"
741           "       set to 8. The details of how to do this vary with the code that is being run.\n"
742           "       Contact gdsjaar@sandia.gov for more details.\n");
743       IOSS_ERROR(errmsg);
744     }
746     // Now, populate the vectors...
747     decomposition.m_pointer.reserve(decomp_elem_count() + 1);
748     decomposition.m_adjacency.reserve(sum);
749     offset = 0;
750     sum    = 0; // Size of adjacency vector.
752     for (auto &block : m_elementBlocks) {
753       // Range of elements in element block b [)
754       size_t b_start = offset; // offset is index of first element in this block...
755       offset += block.file_count();
756       size_t b_end = b_start + block.file_count();
758       ssize_t overlap      = std::min(b_end, p_end) - std::max(b_start, p_start);
759       overlap              = std::max(overlap, (ssize_t)0);
760       block.fileCount      = overlap;
761       size_t element_nodes = block.nodesPerEntity;
762       int    zone          = block.zone_;
763       int    section       = block.section_;
765       // Get the connectivity (raw) for this portion of elements...
766       CGNSIntVector connectivity(overlap * element_nodes);
767       INT           blk_start = std::max(b_start, p_start) - b_start + 1;
768       INT           blk_end   = blk_start + overlap - 1;
769       blk_start               = blk_start < 0 ? 0 : blk_start;
770       blk_end                 = blk_end < 0 ? 0 : blk_end;
772       if (rank == 0) {
773         fmt::print(Ioss::DEBUG(), "Processor {} has {} elements on element block {}\t({} to {})\n",
774                    m_decomposition.m_processor, overlap, block.name(), blk_start, blk_end);
775       }
776 #endif
777       block.fileSectionOffset = blk_start;
778       CGCHECK2(cgp_elements_read_data(filePtr, base, zone, section, blk_start, blk_end,
779                                       connectivity.data()));
780       size_t el          = 0;
781       INT    zone_offset = block.zoneNodeOffset;
783       for (ssize_t elem = 0; elem < overlap; elem++) {
784         decomposition.m_pointer.push_back(decomposition.m_adjacency.size());
785         for (size_t k = 0; k < element_nodes; k++) {
786           INT node = connectivity[el++] - 1 + zone_offset; // 0-based node
787           decomposition.m_adjacency.push_back(node);
788         }
789       }
790       sum += overlap * element_nodes;
791     }
792     decomposition.m_pointer.push_back(decomposition.m_adjacency.size());
793   }
get_sideset_data(int filePtr)795   template <typename INT> void DecompositionData<INT>::get_sideset_data(int filePtr)
796   {
797     int base = 1; // Only single base supported so far.
799     // NOTE: Not currently used; assume can read all on single processor...
800     // Calculate the max "buffer" size usable for storing sideset
801     // elemlists. This is basically the space used to store the file
802     // decomposition nodal coordinates. The "decomp_node_count()/2*2" is to
803     // equalize the decomp_node_count() among processors since some procs have 1
804     // more node than others. For small models, assume we can handle
805     // at least 10000 nodes.
806     //    size_t max_size = std::max(10000, (decomp_node_count() / 2) * 2 * 3 *sizeof(double) /
807     //    sizeof(cgsize_t));
809     bool subsetting = false;
811     if (subsetting) {
812       assert(1 == 0);
813     }
814     else {
815       for (auto &sset : m_sideSets) {
817         auto          topology       = Ioss::ElementTopology::factory(sset.topologyType, true);
818         int           nodes_per_face = topology->number_nodes();
819         CGNSIntVector nodes(nodes_per_face * sset.file_count());
821         // We get:
822         // *  num_to_get parent elements,
823         // *  num_to_get zeros (other parent element for face, but on boundary so 0)
824         // *  num_to_get face_on_element
825         // *  num_to_get zeros (face on other parent element)
826         CGNSIntVector parent(4 * sset.file_count());
828         CGCHECK2(cg_elements_read(filePtr, base, sset.zone(), sset.section(), nodes.data(),
829                                   parent.data()));
831         if (parent[0] == 0) {
832           // Get rid of 'parent' list -- not used.
833           Ioss::Utils::clear(parent);
835           // This model does not contain parent/face data; it only contains the
836           // face connectivity (nodes) data.  Need to construct parent/face data
837           // The faces in the list should all be boundaries of the block and should
838           // therefore, not be shared with another block or shared across processors.
839           // If we check the 'corner_node_cnt' nodes of the face and they are all
840           // on this processor, then assume the face is on this processor...
841           if (m_boundaryFaces[sset.zone()].empty()) {
842             // Need map of proc-zone-implicit element ids to global-zone-implicit ids
843             // so we can assign the correct element id to the faces.
844             auto             blk = m_elementBlocks[sset.zone() - 1];
845             std::vector<INT> file_data(blk.fileCount);
846             std::iota(file_data.begin(), file_data.end(), blk.fileSectionOffset);
847             std::vector<INT> zone_local_zone_global(blk.iossCount);
848             communicate_element_data(file_data.data(), zone_local_zone_global.data(), 1);
849             Ioss::Utils::clear(file_data);
851             std::vector<INT> connectivity(blk.ioss_count() * blk.nodesPerEntity);
852             get_block_connectivity(filePtr, connectivity.data(), sset.zone() - 1, true);
854             auto topo = Ioss::ElementTopology::factory(blk.topologyType, true);
855             // Should map the connectivity from cgns to ioss, but only use the lower order which is
856             // same.
857             Iocgns::Utils::generate_block_faces(topo, blk.ioss_count(), connectivity,
858                                                 m_boundaryFaces[sset.zone()],
859                                                 zone_local_zone_global);
860           }
862           // TODO: Should we filter down to just corner nodes?
863           // Now, iterate the face connectivity vector and see if
864           // there is a match in `m_boundaryFaces`
865           size_t offset           = 0;
866           auto & boundary         = m_boundaryFaces[sset.zone()];
867           int    num_corner_nodes = topology->number_corner_nodes();
868           SMART_ASSERT(num_corner_nodes == 3 || num_corner_nodes == 4)(num_corner_nodes);
870           for (size_t iface = 0; iface < sset.file_count(); iface++) {
871             std::array<size_t, 4> conn = {{0, 0, 0, 0}};
873             for (int i = 0; i < num_corner_nodes; i++) {
874               conn[i] = nodes[offset + i];
875             }
876             offset += nodes_per_face;
878             Ioss::Face face(conn);
879             // See if face is in m_boundaryFaces
880             // If not, then owned by another rank
881             // If so, then get parent element and element side.
882             auto it = boundary.find(face);
883             if (it != boundary.end()) {
884               sset.entitylist_map.push_back(iface);
885             }
886           }
887         }
888         else {
889           size_t zone_element_id_offset = m_zones[sset.zone()].m_elementOffset;
890           for (size_t i = 0; i < sset.file_count(); i++) {
891             cgsize_t elem = parent[i] + zone_element_id_offset;
892             // See if elem owned by this processor...
893             if (i_own_elem(elem)) {
894               // Save elem in this processors element list for this set.
895               // The saved data is this elements location in the global
896               // element list (parent) for this set.
897               sset.entitylist_map.push_back(i);
898             }
899           }
900         }
901       }
903       // Each processor knows how many of the sideset elems it owns;
904       // broadcast that information (the count) to the other
905       // processors. The first processor with non-zero elem count is
906       // the "root" for this sideset.
907       {
908         std::vector<int> has_elems_local(m_sideSets.size());
909         for (size_t i = 0; i < m_sideSets.size(); i++) {
910           has_elems_local[i] = m_sideSets[i].entitylist_map.empty() ? 0 : 1;
911         }
913         std::vector<int> has_elems(m_sideSets.size() * m_decomposition.m_processorCount);
914         MPI_Allgather(has_elems_local.data(), has_elems_local.size(), MPI_INT, has_elems.data(),
915                       has_elems_local.size(), MPI_INT, m_decomposition.m_comm);
917         for (size_t i = 0; i < m_sideSets.size(); i++) {
918           m_sideSets[i].hasEntities.resize(m_decomposition.m_processorCount);
919           m_sideSets[i].root_ = m_decomposition.m_processorCount;
920           for (int p = 0; p < m_decomposition.m_processorCount; p++) {
921             if (p < m_sideSets[i].root_ && has_elems[p * m_sideSets.size() + i] != 0) {
922               m_sideSets[i].root_ = p;
923             }
924             m_sideSets[i].hasEntities[p] = has_elems[p * m_sideSets.size() + i];
925           }
926           int color = m_sideSets[i].hasEntities[m_decomposition.m_processor] ? 1 : MPI_UNDEFINED;
927           MPI_Comm_split(m_decomposition.m_comm, color, m_decomposition.m_processor,
928                          &m_sideSets[i].setComm_);
929         }
930       }
931     }
932   }
934   template <typename INT>
get_file_node_coordinates(int filePtr,int direction,double * data)935   void DecompositionData<INT>::get_file_node_coordinates(int filePtr, int direction,
936                                                          double *data) const
937   {
938     int      base        = 1; // Only single base supported so far.
939     cgsize_t beg         = 0;
940     cgsize_t end         = 0;
941     cgsize_t offset      = 0;
942     cgsize_t node_count  = decomp_node_count();
943     cgsize_t node_offset = decomp_node_offset();
945     int num_zones = (int)m_zones.size() - 1;
946     for (int zone = 1; zone <= num_zones; zone++) {
947       end += m_zones[zone].m_nodeCount;
949       cgsize_t start  = std::max(node_offset, beg);
950       cgsize_t finish = std::min(end, node_offset + node_count);
951       cgsize_t count  = (finish > start) ? finish - start : 0;
953       // Now adjust start for 1-based node numbering and the start of this zone...
954       start  = start - beg + 1;
955       finish = finish - beg;
956       if (count == 0) {
957         start  = 0;
958         finish = 0;
959       }
961       if (rank == 0) {
962         fmt::print(
963             Ioss::DEBUG(),
964             "{}: reading {} nodes from zone {} starting at {} with an offset of {} ending at {}\n",
965             m_decomposition.m_processor, count, zone, start, offset, finish);
966       }
967 #endif
968       double *coords = nullptr;
969       if (count > 0) {
970         coords = &data[offset];
971       }
972       CGCHECK2(cgp_coord_read_data(filePtr, base, zone, direction + 1, &start, &finish, coords));
973       offset += count;
974       beg = end;
975     }
976   }
978   template <typename INT>
get_node_coordinates(int filePtr,double * ioss_data,const Ioss::Field & field)979   void DecompositionData<INT>::get_node_coordinates(int filePtr, double *ioss_data,
980                                                     const Ioss::Field &field) const
981   {
982     std::vector<double> tmp(decomp_node_count());
983     if (field.get_name() == "mesh_model_coordinates_x") {
984       get_file_node_coordinates(filePtr, 0, tmp.data());
985       communicate_node_data(tmp.data(), ioss_data, 1);
986     }
988     else if (field.get_name() == "mesh_model_coordinates_y") {
989       get_file_node_coordinates(filePtr, 1, tmp.data());
990       communicate_node_data(tmp.data(), ioss_data, 1);
991     }
993     else if (field.get_name() == "mesh_model_coordinates_z") {
994       get_file_node_coordinates(filePtr, 2, tmp.data());
995       communicate_node_data(tmp.data(), ioss_data, 1);
996     }
998     else if (field.get_name() == "mesh_model_coordinates") {
999       // Data required by upper classes store x0, y0, z0, ... xn,
1000       // yn, zn. Data stored in cgns file is x0, ..., xn, y0,
1001       // ..., yn, z0, ..., zn so we have to allocate some scratch
1002       // memory to read in the data and then map into supplied
1003       // 'data'
1005       std::vector<double> ioss_tmp(ioss_node_count());
1007       // This implementation trades off extra communication for
1008       // reduced memory overhead.
1009       // * This method uses 'ioss_node_count' extra memory; 3
1010       // reads; and 3 communicate_node_data calls.
1011       //
1012       // * Other method uses 6*ioss_node_count extra memory; 3 reads;
1013       // and 1 communicate_node_data call.
1014       //
1015       for (int d = 0; d < m_decomposition.m_spatialDimension; d++) {
1016         get_file_node_coordinates(filePtr, d, tmp.data());
1017         communicate_node_data(tmp.data(), ioss_tmp.data(), 1);
1019         size_t index = d;
1020         for (size_t i = 0; i < ioss_node_count(); i++) {
1021           ioss_data[index] = ioss_tmp[i];
1022           index += m_decomposition.m_spatialDimension;
1023         }
1024       }
1025     }
1026   }
1028   template <typename INT>
get_node_field(int filePtr,int step,int field_offset,double * ioss_data)1029   void DecompositionData<INT>::get_node_field(int filePtr, int step, int field_offset,
1030                                               double *ioss_data) const
1031   {
1032     std::vector<double> tmp(decomp_node_count());
1034     int      base        = 1; // Only single base supported so far.
1035     cgsize_t beg         = 0;
1036     cgsize_t end         = 0;
1037     cgsize_t offset      = 0;
1038     cgsize_t node_count  = decomp_node_count();
1039     cgsize_t node_offset = decomp_node_offset();
1041     int num_zones = (int)m_zones.size() - 1;
1042     for (int zone = 1; zone <= num_zones; zone++) {
1043       end += m_zones[zone].m_nodeCount;
1045       int solution_index = Utils::find_solution_index(filePtr, base, zone, step, CGNS_ENUMV(Vertex));
1047       cgsize_t start  = std::max(node_offset, beg);
1048       cgsize_t finish = std::min(end, node_offset + node_count);
1049       cgsize_t count  = (finish > start) ? finish - start : 0;
1051       // Now adjust start for 1-based node numbering and the start of this zone...
1052       start  = (count == 0) ? 0 : start - beg + 1;
1053       finish = (count == 0) ? 0 : finish - beg;
1055       double * data         = (count > 0) ? &tmp[offset] : nullptr;
1056       cgsize_t range_min[1] = {start};
1057       cgsize_t range_max[1] = {finish};
1059       CGCHECK2(cgp_field_read_data(filePtr, base, zone, solution_index, field_offset, range_min,
1060                                    range_max, data));
1062       offset += count;
1063       beg = end;
1064     }
1065     communicate_node_data(tmp.data(), ioss_data, 1);
1066   }
1068   template void DecompositionData<int>::get_sideset_element_side(
1069       int filePtr, const Ioss::SetDecompositionData &sset, int *data) const;
1070   template void DecompositionData<int64_t>::get_sideset_element_side(
1071       int filePtr, const Ioss::SetDecompositionData &sset, int64_t *data) const;
1072   template <typename INT>
get_sideset_element_side(int filePtr,const Ioss::SetDecompositionData & sset,INT * ioss_data)1073   void DecompositionData<INT>::get_sideset_element_side(int                               filePtr,
1074                                                         const Ioss::SetDecompositionData &sset,
1075                                                         INT *ioss_data) const
1076   {
1077     std::vector<INT> element_side;
1078     int              base = 1;
1080     auto          topology       = Ioss::ElementTopology::factory(sset.topologyType, true);
1081     int           nodes_per_face = topology->number_nodes();
1082     CGNSIntVector nodes(nodes_per_face * sset.file_count());
1084     CGNSIntVector parent(4 * sset.file_count());
1086     CGCHECK2(
1087         cg_elements_read(filePtr, base, sset.zone(), sset.section(), nodes.data(), parent.data()));
1089     if (parent[0] == 0) {
1090       // Get rid of 'parent' list -- not used.
1091       Ioss::Utils::clear(parent);
1093       // This model does not contain parent/face data; it only contains the
1094       // face connectivity (nodes) data.  Need to construct parent/face data
1095       // The faces in the list should all be boundaries of the block and should
1096       // therefore, not be shared with another block or shared across processors.
1097       // If we check the 'corner_node_cnt' nodes of the face and they are all
1098       // on this processor, then assume the face is on this processor...
1100       // TODO: Should we filter down to just corner nodes?
1101       CGNSIntVector face_nodes(sset.entitylist_map.size() * nodes_per_face);
1102       communicate_set_data(nodes.data(), face_nodes.data(), sset, nodes_per_face);
1104       // Now, iterate the face connectivity vector and find a match in `m_boundaryFaces`
1105       size_t offset = 0;
1106       size_t j      = 0;
1108       // NOTE: The boundary face generation doesn't filter proc-boundary faces,
1109       //       so all zones will have boundary faces generated in 'get_sideset_data`
1110       assert(!m_boundaryFaces[sset.zone()].empty());
1111       auto &boundary = m_boundaryFaces[sset.zone()];
1113       int num_corner_nodes = topology->number_corner_nodes();
1114       SMART_ASSERT(num_corner_nodes == 3 || num_corner_nodes == 4)(num_corner_nodes);
1116       for (size_t iface = 0; iface < sset.ioss_count(); iface++) {
1117         std::array<size_t, 4> conn = {{0, 0, 0, 0}};
1119         for (int i = 0; i < num_corner_nodes; i++) {
1120           conn[i] = face_nodes[offset + i];
1121         }
1122         offset += nodes_per_face;
1124         size_t     zone_element_id_offset = m_zones[sset.zone()].m_elementOffset;
1125         Ioss::Face face(conn);
1126         // See if face is in m_boundaryFaces
1127         // If not, error
1128         // If so, then get parent element and element side.
1129         auto it = boundary.find(face);
1130         if (it != boundary.end()) {
1131           cgsize_t fid = (*it).element[0];
1133           fmt::print(Ioss::DEBUG(), "Connectivity: {} {} {} {} maps to element {}, face {}\n",
1134                      conn[0], conn[1], conn[2], conn[3], fid / 10, fid % 10 + 1);
1135 #endif
1136           ioss_data[j++] = fid / 10 + zone_element_id_offset;
1137           ioss_data[j++] = fid % 10 + 1;
1138         }
1139         else {
1140           std::ostringstream errmsg;
1141           fmt::print(errmsg,
1142                      "ERROR: CGNS: Could not find face with connectivity {} {} {} {} on "
1143                      "sideblock {}.",
1144                      conn[0], conn[1], conn[2], conn[3], sset.name());
1145           IOSS_ERROR(errmsg);
1146         }
1147       }
1148     }
1149     else {
1150       // Get rid of 'nodes' list -- not used.
1151       Ioss::Utils::clear(nodes);
1153       // `parent` contains:
1154       // `num_to_get` parent elements, followed by --
1155       // `num_to_get` zeros (other parent element for face, but on boundary so 0)
1156       // `num_to_get` face_on_element
1157       // `num_to_get` zeros (face on other parent element)
1159       // Move from 'parent' to 'element_side' and interleave. element, side, element, side, ...
1160       element_side.reserve(sset.file_count() * 2);
1161       size_t zone_element_id_offset = m_zones[sset.zone()].m_elementOffset;
1162       for (size_t i = 0; i < sset.file_count(); i++) {
1163         element_side.push_back(parent[0 * sset.file_count() + i] + zone_element_id_offset);
1164         element_side.push_back(parent[2 * sset.file_count() + i]);
1165       }
1166       auto blk  = m_elementBlocks[sset.zone() - 1];
1167       auto topo = Ioss::ElementTopology::factory(blk.topologyType, true);
1168       Utils::map_cgns_face_to_ioss(topo, sset.file_count(), element_side.data());
1169       // The above was all on root processor for this side set, now need to send data to other
1170       // processors that own any of the elements in the sideset.
1171       communicate_set_data(element_side.data(), ioss_data, sset, 2);
1172     }
1173   }
1175 #ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP_THIS
1176   template void DecompositionData<int>::get_block_connectivity(int filePtr, int *data, int blk_seq,
1177                                                                bool raw_ids) const;
1178   template void DecompositionData<int64_t>::get_block_connectivity(int filePtr, int64_t *data,
1179                                                                    int blk_seq, bool raw_ids) const;
1180 #endif
1182   template <typename INT>
get_block_connectivity(int filePtr,INT * data,int blk_seq,bool raw_ids)1183   void DecompositionData<INT>::get_block_connectivity(int filePtr, INT *data, int blk_seq,
1184                                                       bool raw_ids) const
1185   {
1186     auto          blk = m_elementBlocks[blk_seq];
1187     CGNSIntVector file_conn(blk.file_count() * blk.nodesPerEntity);
1188     int           base = 1;
1189     CGCHECK2(cgp_elements_read_data(filePtr, base, blk.zone(), blk.section(), blk.fileSectionOffset,
1190                                     blk.fileSectionOffset + blk.file_count() - 1,
1191                                     file_conn.data()));
1193     if (!raw_ids) {
1194       // Map from zone-local node numbers to global implicit
1195       if (blk.zoneNodeOffset != 0) {
1196         for (auto &node : file_conn) {
1197           node += blk.zoneNodeOffset;
1198         }
1199       }
1201       if (!m_zoneSharedMap.empty()) {
1202         for (auto &node : file_conn) {
1203           ZoneSharedMap::const_iterator alias = m_zoneSharedMap.find(node - 1);
1204           if (alias != m_zoneSharedMap.end()) {
1205             node = (*alias).second + 1;
1206           }
1207         }
1208       }
1209     }
1211     communicate_block_data(file_conn.data(), data, blk, (size_t)blk.nodesPerEntity);
1212   }
1214 #ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP_THIS
1215   template void DecompositionData<int>::get_element_field(int filePtr, int solution_index,
1216                                                           int blk_seq, int field_index,
1217                                                           double *data) const;
1218   template void DecompositionData<int64_t>::get_element_field(int filePtr, int solution_index,
1219                                                               int blk_seq, int field_index,
1220                                                               double *data) const;
1221 #endif
1223   template <typename INT>
get_element_field(int filePtr,int solution_index,int blk_seq,int field_index,double * data)1224   void DecompositionData<INT>::get_element_field(int filePtr, int solution_index, int blk_seq,
1225                                                  int field_index, double *data) const
1226   {
1227     const auto          blk = m_elementBlocks[blk_seq];
1228     std::vector<double> cgns_data(blk.file_count());
1229     int                 base         = 1;
1230     cgsize_t            range_min[1] = {(cgsize_t)blk.fileSectionOffset};
1231     cgsize_t            range_max[1] = {(cgsize_t)(blk.fileSectionOffset + blk.file_count() - 1)};
1233     CGCHECK2(cgp_field_read_data(filePtr, base, blk.zone(), solution_index, field_index, range_min,
1234                                  range_max, cgns_data.data()));
1236     communicate_block_data(cgns_data.data(), data, blk, (size_t)1);
1237   }
~DecompositionDataBase()1239   DecompositionDataBase::~DecompositionDataBase()
1240   {
1241     for (auto &zone : m_structuredZones) {
1242       delete zone;
1243     }
1244   }
1246 #ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP_THIS
1247   template void DecompositionDataBase::communicate_node_data(int *file_data, int *ioss_data,
1248                                                              size_t comp_count) const;
1249   template void DecompositionDataBase::communicate_node_data(int64_t *file_data, int64_t *ioss_data,
1250                                                              size_t comp_count) const;
1251   template void DecompositionDataBase::communicate_node_data(double *file_data, double *ioss_data,
1252                                                              size_t comp_count) const;
1253 #endif
1255   template <typename T>
communicate_node_data(T * file_data,T * ioss_data,size_t comp_count)1256   void DecompositionDataBase::communicate_node_data(T *file_data, T *ioss_data,
1257                                                     size_t comp_count) const
1258   {
1259     if (int_size() == sizeof(int)) {
1260       const DecompositionData<int> *this32 = dynamic_cast<const DecompositionData<int> *>(this);
1261       Ioss::Utils::check_dynamic_cast(this32);
1262       this32->communicate_node_data(file_data, ioss_data, comp_count);
1263     }
1264     else {
1265       const DecompositionData<int64_t> *this64 =
1266           dynamic_cast<const DecompositionData<int64_t> *>(this);
1267       Ioss::Utils::check_dynamic_cast(this64);
1268       this64->communicate_node_data(file_data, ioss_data, comp_count);
1269     }
1270   }
1272 #ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP_THIS
1273   template void DecompositionDataBase::communicate_element_data(int *file_data, int *ioss_data,
1274                                                                 size_t comp_count) const;
1275   template void DecompositionDataBase::communicate_element_data(int64_t *file_data,
1276                                                                 int64_t *ioss_data,
1277                                                                 size_t   comp_count) const;
1278   template void DecompositionDataBase::communicate_element_data(double *file_data,
1279                                                                 double *ioss_data,
1280                                                                 size_t  comp_count) const;
1281 #endif
1283   template <typename T>
communicate_element_data(T * file_data,T * ioss_data,size_t comp_count)1284   void DecompositionDataBase::communicate_element_data(T *file_data, T *ioss_data,
1285                                                        size_t comp_count) const
1286   {
1287     if (int_size() == sizeof(int)) {
1288       const DecompositionData<int> *this32 = dynamic_cast<const DecompositionData<int> *>(this);
1289       Ioss::Utils::check_dynamic_cast(this32);
1290       this32->communicate_element_data(file_data, ioss_data, comp_count);
1291     }
1292     else {
1293       const DecompositionData<int64_t> *this64 =
1294           dynamic_cast<const DecompositionData<int64_t> *>(this);
1295       Ioss::Utils::check_dynamic_cast(this64);
1296       this64->communicate_element_data(file_data, ioss_data, comp_count);
1297     }
1298   }
get_node_entity_proc_data(void * entity_proc,const Ioss::MapContainer & node_map,bool do_map)1300   void DecompositionDataBase::get_node_entity_proc_data(void *                    entity_proc,
1301                                                         const Ioss::MapContainer &node_map,
1302                                                         bool                      do_map) const
1303   {
1304     if (int_size() == sizeof(int)) {
1305       const DecompositionData<int> *this32 = dynamic_cast<const DecompositionData<int> *>(this);
1306       Ioss::Utils::check_dynamic_cast(this32);
1307       this32->m_decomposition.get_node_entity_proc_data((int *)entity_proc, node_map, do_map);
1308     }
1309     else {
1310       const DecompositionData<int64_t> *this64 =
1311           dynamic_cast<const DecompositionData<int64_t> *>(this);
1312       Ioss::Utils::check_dynamic_cast(this64);
1313       this64->m_decomposition.get_node_entity_proc_data((int64_t *)entity_proc, node_map, do_map);
1314     }
1315   }
get_block_connectivity(int filePtr,void * data,int blk_seq,bool raw_ids)1317   void DecompositionDataBase::get_block_connectivity(int filePtr, void *data, int blk_seq,
1318                                                      bool raw_ids) const
1319   {
1320     if (int_size() == sizeof(int)) {
1321       const DecompositionData<int> *this32 = dynamic_cast<const DecompositionData<int> *>(this);
1322       Ioss::Utils::check_dynamic_cast(this32);
1323       this32->get_block_connectivity(filePtr, (int *)data, blk_seq, raw_ids);
1324     }
1325     else {
1326       const DecompositionData<int64_t> *this64 =
1327           dynamic_cast<const DecompositionData<int64_t> *>(this);
1328       Ioss::Utils::check_dynamic_cast(this64);
1329       this64->get_block_connectivity(filePtr, (int64_t *)data, blk_seq, raw_ids);
1330     }
1331   }
get_element_field(int filePtr,int solution_index,int blk_seq,int field_index,double * data)1333   void DecompositionDataBase::get_element_field(int filePtr, int solution_index, int blk_seq,
1334                                                 int field_index, double *data) const
1335   {
1336     if (int_size() == sizeof(int)) {
1337       const DecompositionData<int> *this32 = dynamic_cast<const DecompositionData<int> *>(this);
1338       Ioss::Utils::check_dynamic_cast(this32);
1339       this32->get_element_field(filePtr, solution_index, blk_seq, field_index, data);
1340     }
1341     else {
1342       const DecompositionData<int64_t> *this64 =
1343           dynamic_cast<const DecompositionData<int64_t> *>(this);
1344       Ioss::Utils::check_dynamic_cast(this64);
1345       this64->get_element_field(filePtr, solution_index, blk_seq, field_index, data);
1346     }
1347   }
get_node_field(int filePtr,int step,int field_index,double * data)1349   void DecompositionDataBase::get_node_field(int filePtr, int step, int field_index,
1350                                              double *data) const
1351   {
1352     if (int_size() == sizeof(int)) {
1353       const DecompositionData<int> *this32 = dynamic_cast<const DecompositionData<int> *>(this);
1354       Ioss::Utils::check_dynamic_cast(this32);
1355       this32->get_node_field(filePtr, step, field_index, data);
1356     }
1357     else {
1358       const DecompositionData<int64_t> *this64 =
1359           dynamic_cast<const DecompositionData<int64_t> *>(this);
1360       Ioss::Utils::check_dynamic_cast(this64);
1361       this64->get_node_field(filePtr, step, field_index, data);
1362     }
1363   }
get_sideset_element_side(int filePtr,const Ioss::SetDecompositionData & sset,void * data)1365   void DecompositionDataBase::get_sideset_element_side(int                               filePtr,
1366                                                        const Ioss::SetDecompositionData &sset,
1367                                                        void *                            data) const
1368   {
1369     if (int_size() == sizeof(int)) {
1370       const DecompositionData<int> *this32 = dynamic_cast<const DecompositionData<int> *>(this);
1371       Ioss::Utils::check_dynamic_cast(this32);
1372       this32->get_sideset_element_side(filePtr, sset, (int *)data);
1373     }
1374     else {
1375       const DecompositionData<int64_t> *this64 =
1376           dynamic_cast<const DecompositionData<int64_t> *>(this);
1377       Ioss::Utils::check_dynamic_cast(this64);
1378       this64->get_sideset_element_side(filePtr, sset, (int64_t *)data);
1379     }
1380   }
1381 } // namespace Iocgns