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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


Sample_RunH A D07-Nov-19952 KiB7643

final_rptH A D07-Nov-199512.4 KiB219207

last_xspreadH A D07-Nov-199511.3 KiB174173

prog_rptH A D07-Nov-19957.6 KiB128124

sc.changesH A D07-Nov-199523.3 KiB634577

sc.readmeH A D07-Nov-19954.2 KiB9975

sc.vms_notesH A D07-Nov-19954.2 KiB136110

xspread.auxH A D07-Nov-19951.5 KiB2120

xspread.texH A D07-Nov-199583.5 KiB2,1341,745

xspread.tocH A D07-Nov-1995981 2019

xspread_prog.ascH A D07-Nov-19957.8 KiB170128


1This is a much modified version of the public domain spread sheet sc,
2posted several years ago by Mark Weiser as vc, originally by James Gosling.
4CHANGES lists the changes since 6.1 to 6.21.
5	Sc6.16 was released to comp.sources.misc and four sets of patches
6	bring Sc6.16->6.17->6.18->6.19->6.21.
8Current maintainer: nstar!sawmill!prslnk!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
10When you get it built, try "sc tutorial.sc" for a simple introduction
11to the basic commands.
13To print a quick reference card, type the command:
14	scqref | [your_printer_commmand]
16If you have the command 'file' that uses /etc/magic add the line:
1738	string		Spreadsheet	sc file
19Psc formats ascii files for use in the spreadsheet.  If you don't have
20getopts, there is a public domain version by Henry Spencer hidden away in
21the VMS_NOTES file.
23I have modified the Makefile to make it easy for you to call the
24program what you want.  Just change "name=sc" and "NAME=SC" to
25"name=myfavoritename" and "NAME=MYFAVORITENAME" and try "make
28Similarly, you can make the documentation with "make myfavoritename.man".
29"make install" will make and install the code in EXDIR.  The
30installation steps and documentation all key off of the name.  The
31makefile even changes the name in the nroffable man page.  If you don't
32have nroff, you will have to change sc.man yourself.
34This release has been tested against a Sequent S81 running DYNIX 3.0.17
35(BSD 4.2):cc, atscc, gcc, AT&T SysV 3.2.2:cc, gcc, ESIX SysV 3.2 Rev D:cc, gcc.
36Just check the Makefile for the system flags.   I have heard
37reports of lots of other machines that work. If you have problems with
38lex.c, and don't care about arrow keys, define SIMPLE (-DSIMPLE in the
39makefile).  SIMPLE causes the arrow keys to not be used.
41If you have problems with your yacc saying: too many terminals ...127...
42Find a different yacc: bison, Berkeley yacc, Pd yacc, etc. AT&T's Sys V
43yacc has small, fixed sized tables. SCO will allow dynamic yacc tables
44when given the correct flags.
46Guidelines for Hackers:
48If you want to send changes you have made to SC, please feel free to do
49so.  If they work :-) and seem worthwhile, I'll put them in.
51a) Please refrain from wholesale "style" or "cleanup" changes.  It is easy
52	to add your changes but it makes it hard to merge in the next guy's
53	stuff if he used the release as a base.  Suggestions are welcome.
55b) Leave my $Revision:  identifiers alone-they help me track what you used
56	as a base.  If you check the code into rcs, delete the "$"s on the
57	Revison lines before you do.
58c) Please abide by the style in the code when you make your changes.  It is easy
59 	to break things trying to make them look "right".
60d) If you do string functions, please, PLEASE pay attention to null pointers,
61	use scxmalloc, scxrealloc, and scxfree; and scxfree those arguments.
62e) Please don't forget to document your changes in both help.c and sc.doc.
63f) WHEN sending diffs: please use diff -c (context diff, and possibly
64	more than three lines on each side), I get a lot of code and
65	things move.
66g) Please send an explanation of what your code does and how to use/test it.
70Starting 4/4/90: (I will be maintaining Sc for a while at least,
71	Robert Bond has been very busy lately)
741) (FTP) jpd@usl.edu James Dugal
75	pc.usl.edu	in the pub/unix directory
772) (UUCP) marc@dumbcat.sf.ca.us (Marco S Hyman)
78    dumbcat Any ACU 9600 14157850194 "" \d\r in:--in: nuucp word: guest
79    dumbcat Any ACU 2400 14157850194 "" \d\r in:-BREAK-in: nuucp word: guest
80    dumbcat Any ACU 1200 14157850194 "" \d\r in:-BREAK-in:-BREAK-in: nuucp word: guest
81  Note: dumbcat speaks 9600 at V.32 -- sorry, this is not a Telebit modem.
82  (Grab dumbcat!~/INDEX for a complete list)
843) Sc6.16 was posted in comp.sources.misc, about Jun 4 1991, Volume 20, Issues
85	035-041. There were then 4 patches: Sc6.16->Sc6.17, Sc6.17->Sc6.18,
86	Sc6.18->Sc6.19, and Sc6.19->Sc6.21.
884) (FTP) Paul A Vixie <uunet!decwrl!vixie>
89	gatekeeper.dec.com	in /pub/misc/sc-6.21.tar.Z
91Sc is not a product of ProsLink, Inc.  It is supplied as is with no
92warranty, express or implied, as a service to Usenet readers.  It is not
93copyrighted, either.  Have at it.
95					Jeff Buhrt
96					ProsLink, Inc.
97					nstar!sawmill!prslnk!buhrt