1 #include <config.h>
2 #include <curses.h>
3 #include <math.h>
4 #include "sc.h"
6 #ifdef HAVE_X11_X_H
7 #include <X11/Xlib.h>
8 #include <X11/Xutil.h>
9 #include "scXstuff.h"
10 #endif /* HAVE_X11_X_H */
12 static double	cash_flow PROTO((double, double *, int, int, int, int));
13 static double	dorlirr PROTO((int, int, int, int));
14 static void	populate_power PROTO((double, double *, int));
15 static void	set_step PROTO((int, int, int, int, int *, int *));
16 static int	valid_nrange PROTO((int, int, int, int, int));
18 extern int	cellerror;	/* interp.c: is there an error in this cell */
20 #ifndef HAVE_RINT
21 /**     round-to-even, also known as ``banker's rounding''.
22 	With round-to-even, a number exactly halfway between two values is
23 	rounded to whichever is even; e.g. rnd(0.5)=0, rnd(1.5)=2,
24 	rnd(2.5)=2, rnd(3.5)=4.  This is the default rounding mode for
25 	IEEE floating point, for good reason: it has better numeric
26 	properties.  For example, if X+Y is an integer,
27 	then X+Y = rnd(X)+rnd(Y) with round-to-even,
28 	but not always with sc's rounding (which is
29 	round-to-positive-infinity).  I ran into this problem when trying to
30 	split interest in an account to two people fairly.
31 **/
32 double
rint(d)33 rint(d)
34 double d;
35 {
36 	/* as sent */
37 	double fl = floor(d),  fr = d - fl;
39 	return ((fr < 0.5) || ((fr == 0.5) && (fl == floor(fl/2) * 2)))
40 	        ? fl : ceil(d);
41 }
42 #endif
45 /*
46  * pow10 calculates the power function of base 10
47  */
48 #ifndef HAVE_POW10
49 double
pow10(p)50 pow10(p)
51    double p;
52 {
53    double q;
55    p = floor(p);
56    if (p >= 0) {
57       for (q = 1; p > 0; --p)
58          q = q * 10;
59    }
60    else {
61       p = -p;
62       for (q = 1; p > 0; --p)
63          q = q / 10;
64    }
65    return q;
66 }
67 #endif /* linux */
69 /***
70  function scerror() used to be a macro, but the X call is more complicated than
71  the curses version was
72 ***/
73 void
scerror(errstring)74 scerror(errstring)
75 char *errstring;
76 {
78 #ifdef PSC
79    fprintf(stderr, errstring);
80 #else
81 # ifdef HAVE_X11_X_H
82   if (using_X)
83   {
84 	clearlines(1, 1);
85 	XBell(dpy, 100);
86 	/*fprintf(stderr,"\007");*/
87 	XDrawImageString(dpy, mainwin, maingc,
88 		   textcol(0), textrow(1),
89 		   errstring, strlen(errstring));
90 	XFlush(dpy);
91 	seenerr = 1;
92   } else
93 # endif /* HAVE_X11_X_H */
94   {	move(1,0); clrtoeol();  printw("%s", errstring);
95   } /* HAVE_X11_X_H, end curses */
96 #endif
97 }
100 /* =============================================== */
101 /* This function displays the input data or message*/
102 /* at the first line of the spread sheet screen    */
103 /* for approximately one second.                   */
104 /* =============================================== */
106 void
message(x)107 message(x)
108 char *x;        /* string for display */
109 {
110 #ifdef PSC
111    fprintf(stderr, x);
112 #else
113 # ifdef HAVE_X11_X_H
114    if (using_X)
115    {
116 	clearlines(0,0);
117 	XDrawImageString(dpy, mainwin, maingc,
118 		    textcol(0), textrow(0),
119 		    x, strlen(x));
120 	XFlush(dpy);      /* force it onto the screen */
121 	sleep(1);         /* delay 1 second */
122 	clearlines(0,0);
123    } else
124 # endif /* HAVE_X11_X_H */
125    {	move(1,0); clrtoeol();  printw("%s", x);
126    } /* HAVE_X11_X_H, end curses */
127 #endif
128 } /* end of message */
131 #ifndef PSC
132 /*
133  * DOIRR -- calculates the "internal-rate-of-return" for a cash flow
134  * over equal length intervals, designated in the range.  I.e.
135  * the rate-of-return which would yield a cash flow with these properties,
136  * common in bond-returns.  E.g. -103.4 9.13 9.13 109.13  might be
137  * the cell contents for a bond which costs 103.4, returns 9 1/8% on
138  * par value 100, and then returns the principal and last payment
139  * all at once.
140  *
141  * Formula:
142  *	based on solving for "r" in:
143  *		  t
144  *		Sum	CF(j) / (1+r)^j
145  * 		  j = 0
146  */
147 double
doirr(minr,minc,maxr,maxc)148 doirr(minr, minc, maxr, maxc)
149 int minr, minc, maxr, maxc;
150 {
151 	static double 	ret = 0;
152 /*	int	cinc = 0, rinc = 0;*/
153 	double	dorlirr();
155 	/* first check validity of all entries,
156 	 * as well as validity of the range
157 	 */
158 	if (minr != maxr && minc != maxc) {
159 		/* range is wrong shape, the formula needs changing */
160 		scerror(" range specified to @doirr");
161 		cellerror = CELLERROR;
162 		return ret;
163 	}
164 	/* must be at least 2 numbers in the cash flow. */
165 	if (!valid_nrange(minr, minc, maxr, maxc, 2))
166 	{
167 		/* formula may be fine, range values may be changed */
168 		cellerror = CELLINVALID;
169 		return ret;
170 	}
172 	/* now run the irr approximation */
173 	return dorlirr(minr, minc, maxr, maxc);
174 }
177 /* calculate @irr() over range, approximating the rate, using exponential
178  * doubling to find an upper bound for a guess, then narrowing in using
179  * binary search.
180  */
181 static double
dorlirr(minr,minc,maxr,maxc)182 dorlirr(minr, minc, maxr, maxc)
183 int	minr, minc, maxr, maxc;
184 {
185 	double 	guess = 1.0;
186 	double	err = 0.0001;
187 	double	rate = guess;
188 	double	*rate_pow;
189 	int	growing = 1;		/* finding upper bound for rate */
190 	int	npow;
191 	double	fabs();
192 	double	oval = -123456.0;	/* arbitrary number */
193 	double	val, cash_flow();
195 	/* rate power table */
196 	npow = (maxr-minr+1) *(maxc-minc+1) + 1;
197 	rate_pow = (double *)scxmalloc(sizeof(double)*npow);
198 	/* repeatedly guess */
199 	for (;;)
200 	{
201 		populate_power(rate, rate_pow, npow);
202 		val = cash_flow(rate, rate_pow, minr, minc, maxr, maxc);
203 		if (fabs(val) <= err)
204 			break;
205 		if (fabs(val - oval) <= err || fabs(rate) <= err) {
206 			/* not converging, no rate */
207 			cellerror = CELLERROR;
208 			break;
209 		}
210 		oval = val;
211 		/* adjust guess */
212 		if (val > 0.0 && growing) {
213 			/* still trying to find an upper bound */
214 			rate += guess;
215 			guess *= 2;
216 		}
217 		else  {
218 			/* bin search */
219 			guess *= 0.5;
220 			if (val > 0.0) {
221 				/* grow rate */
222 				rate += guess;
223 			}
224 			else {
225 				/* diminish rate */
226 				growing = 0;
227 				rate -= guess;
228 			}
229 		}
230 	}
232 	scxfree((char *)rate_pow);
233 	return rate;
234 }
236 /*
237  * valid numeric range?
238  * emptyok:  -1 -- all range must be numeric
239  *            # -- skip non-numeric or missing, must be at least #
240  *		  numerics present
241  * any cellerror values will cause invalid range.
242  */
243 static int
valid_nrange(minr,minc,maxr,maxc,emptyok)244 valid_nrange(minr, minc, maxr, maxc, emptyok)
245 int	minr, minc, maxr, maxc;
246 int	emptyok;			/* accept empty or non-n cells */
247 {
248 	register struct ent	*p;
249 	int	cinc, rinc;
250 	int	numerics = 0;
252 	set_step(minr, minc, maxr, maxc, &rinc, &cinc);
253 	for (; minr <= maxr && minc <= maxc; minr += rinc, minc += cinc) {
254 		p = *ATBL(tbl, minr, minc);
255 		if (p) {
256 			/* error */
257 			if (p->cellerror)
258 				return 0;
259 			/* valid number? */
260 			if (p->flags & is_valid)
261 				numerics++;
262 			/* !ok to be empty */
263 			else if (emptyok == -1)
264 				return 0;
265 		}
266 		else if (emptyok == -1)
267 			return 0;
268 	}
269 	return numerics >= emptyok;
270 }
272 /* for one-dim matrices, sets steps to traverse. */
273 static void
set_step(minr,minc,maxr,maxc,rincp,cincp)274 set_step(minr, minc, maxr, maxc, rincp, cincp)
275 int	minr, minc, maxr, maxc;
276 int	*cincp, *rincp;
277 {
278 	*cincp = *rincp = 0;
279 	/* establish steps */
280 	if (minr == maxr)
281 		*cincp = 1;
282 	else
283 		*rincp = 1;
284 }
287 static void
populate_power(rate,rate_pow,npow)288 populate_power(rate, rate_pow, npow)
289 double	rate, *rate_pow;
290 int	npow;
291 {
292 	double	c = 1.0;
293 	while (--npow >= 0) {
294 		*rate_pow++ = c;
295 		c *= rate;
296 	}
297 }
300 static double
cash_flow(rate,rate_pow,minr,minc,maxr,maxc)301 cash_flow(rate, rate_pow, minr, minc, maxr, maxc)
302 double	rate;
303 double	*rate_pow;
304 int	minr, minc, maxr, maxc;
305 {
306 	int	rinc, cinc;
307 	struct ent	*p;
308 	double ret;
310 	ret = 0.0;
311 	set_step(minr, minc, maxr, maxc, &rinc, &cinc);
312 	for (; minr <= maxr && minc <= maxc; minr += rinc, minc += cinc)
313 		/* skip empties and labels. */
314 		if ((p = *ATBL(tbl, minr, minc)) && (p->flags&is_valid))
315 			ret += (*ATBL(tbl, minr, minc))->v / *rate_pow++;
316 	return (ret);
317 }
318 #endif /* PSC */