2 /*++
3 Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation
5 --*/
7 /*
8   Simple MAXSAT solver on top of the Z3 API.
9 */
10 #include<stdio.h>
11 #include<stdlib.h>
12 #include<memory.h>
13 #include<z3.h>
15 /**
16    \defgroup maxsat_ex MaxSAT/MaxSMT examples
17 */
18 /**@{*/
20 /**
21    \brief Exit gracefully in case of error.
22 */
error(char * msg)23 void error(char * msg)
24 {
25     fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg);
26     exit(1);
27 }
29 /**
30    \brief Create a logical context.
31    Enable model construction only.
32 */
mk_context()33 Z3_context mk_context()
34 {
35     Z3_config  cfg;
36     Z3_context ctx;
37     cfg = Z3_mk_config();
38     Z3_set_param_value(cfg, "MODEL", "true");
39     ctx = Z3_mk_context(cfg);
40     Z3_del_config(cfg);
41     return ctx;
42 }
44 /**
45    \brief Create a variable using the given name and type.
46 */
mk_var(Z3_context ctx,const char * name,Z3_sort ty)47 Z3_ast mk_var(Z3_context ctx, const char * name, Z3_sort ty)
48 {
49     Z3_symbol   s  = Z3_mk_string_symbol(ctx, name);
50     return Z3_mk_const(ctx, s, ty);
51 }
53 /**
54    \brief Create a boolean variable using the given name.
55 */
mk_bool_var(Z3_context ctx,const char * name)56 Z3_ast mk_bool_var(Z3_context ctx, const char * name)
57 {
58     Z3_sort ty = Z3_mk_bool_sort(ctx);
59     return mk_var(ctx, name, ty);
60 }
62 /**
63    \brief Create a fresh boolean variable.
64 */
mk_fresh_bool_var(Z3_context ctx)65 Z3_ast mk_fresh_bool_var(Z3_context ctx)
66 {
67     return Z3_mk_fresh_const(ctx, "k", Z3_mk_bool_sort(ctx));
68 }
70 /**
71    \brief Create an array with \c num_vars fresh boolean variables.
72 */
mk_fresh_bool_var_array(Z3_context ctx,unsigned num_vars)73 Z3_ast * mk_fresh_bool_var_array(Z3_context ctx, unsigned num_vars)
74 {
75     Z3_ast * result = (Z3_ast *) malloc(sizeof(Z3_ast) * num_vars);
76     unsigned i;
77     for (i = 0; i < num_vars; i++) {
78         result[i] = mk_fresh_bool_var(ctx);
79     }
80     return result;
81 }
83 /**
84    \brief Delete array of boolean variables.
85 */
del_bool_var_array(Z3_ast * arr)86 void del_bool_var_array(Z3_ast * arr)
87 {
88     free(arr);
89 }
91 /**
92    \brief Create a binary OR.
93 */
mk_binary_or(Z3_context ctx,Z3_ast in_1,Z3_ast in_2)94 Z3_ast mk_binary_or(Z3_context ctx, Z3_ast in_1, Z3_ast in_2)
95 {
96     Z3_ast args[2] = { in_1, in_2 };
97     return Z3_mk_or(ctx, 2, args);
98 }
100 /**
101    \brief Create a ternary OR.
102 */
mk_ternary_or(Z3_context ctx,Z3_ast in_1,Z3_ast in_2,Z3_ast in_3)103 Z3_ast mk_ternary_or(Z3_context ctx, Z3_ast in_1, Z3_ast in_2, Z3_ast in_3)
104 {
105     Z3_ast args[3] = { in_1, in_2, in_3 };
106     return Z3_mk_or(ctx, 3, args);
107 }
109 /**
110    \brief Create a binary AND.
111 */
mk_binary_and(Z3_context ctx,Z3_ast in_1,Z3_ast in_2)112 Z3_ast mk_binary_and(Z3_context ctx, Z3_ast in_1, Z3_ast in_2)
113 {
114     Z3_ast args[2] = { in_1, in_2 };
115     return Z3_mk_and(ctx, 2, args);
116 }
120 /**
121    \brief Free the given array of cnstrs that was allocated using get_hard_constraints or get_soft_constraints.
122 */
free_cnstr_array(Z3_ast * cnstrs)123 void free_cnstr_array(Z3_ast * cnstrs)
124 {
125     free(cnstrs);
126 }
128 /**
129    \brief Assert hard constraints stored in the given array.
130 */
assert_hard_constraints(Z3_context ctx,Z3_solver s,unsigned num_cnstrs,Z3_ast * cnstrs)131 void assert_hard_constraints(Z3_context ctx, Z3_solver s, unsigned num_cnstrs, Z3_ast * cnstrs)
132 {
133     unsigned i;
134     for (i = 0; i < num_cnstrs; i++) {
135         Z3_solver_assert(ctx, s, cnstrs[i]);
136     }
137 }
139 /**
140    \brief Assert soft constraints stored in the given array.
141    This function will assert each soft-constraint C_i as (C_i or k_i) where k_i is a fresh boolean variable.
142    It will also return an array containing these fresh variables.
143 */
assert_soft_constraints(Z3_context ctx,Z3_solver s,unsigned num_cnstrs,Z3_ast * cnstrs)144 Z3_ast * assert_soft_constraints(Z3_context ctx, Z3_solver s, unsigned num_cnstrs, Z3_ast * cnstrs)
145 {
146     unsigned i;
147     Z3_ast * aux_vars;
148     aux_vars = mk_fresh_bool_var_array(ctx, num_cnstrs);
149     for (i = 0; i < num_cnstrs; i++) {
150         Z3_ast assumption = cnstrs[i];
151         Z3_solver_assert(ctx, s, mk_binary_or(ctx, assumption, aux_vars[i]));
152     }
153     return aux_vars;
154 }
156 /**
157    \brief Create a full adder with inputs \c in_1, \c in_2 and \c cin.
158    The output of the full adder is stored in \c out, and the carry in \c c_out.
159 */
mk_full_adder(Z3_context ctx,Z3_ast in_1,Z3_ast in_2,Z3_ast cin,Z3_ast * out,Z3_ast * cout)160 void mk_full_adder(Z3_context ctx, Z3_ast in_1, Z3_ast in_2, Z3_ast cin, Z3_ast * out, Z3_ast * cout)
161 {
162     *cout = mk_ternary_or(ctx, mk_binary_and(ctx, in_1, in_2), mk_binary_and(ctx, in_1, cin), mk_binary_and(ctx, in_2, cin));
163     *out  = Z3_mk_xor(ctx, Z3_mk_xor(ctx, in_1, in_2), cin);
164 }
166 /**
167    \brief Create an adder for inputs of size \c num_bits.
168    The arguments \c in1 and \c in2 are arrays of bits of size \c num_bits.
170    \remark \c result must be an array of size \c num_bits + 1.
171 */
mk_adder(Z3_context ctx,unsigned num_bits,Z3_ast * in_1,Z3_ast * in_2,Z3_ast * result)172 void mk_adder(Z3_context ctx, unsigned num_bits, Z3_ast * in_1, Z3_ast * in_2, Z3_ast * result)
173 {
174     Z3_ast cin, cout, out;
175     unsigned i;
176     cin = Z3_mk_false(ctx);
177     for (i = 0; i < num_bits; i++) {
178         mk_full_adder(ctx, in_1[i], in_2[i], cin, &out, &cout);
179         result[i] = out;
180         cin = cout;
181     }
182     result[num_bits] = cout;
183 }
185 /**
186    \brief Given \c num_ins "numbers" of size \c num_bits stored in \c in.
187    Create floor(num_ins/2) adder circuits. Each circuit is adding two consecutive "numbers".
188    The numbers are stored one after the next in the array \c in.
189    That is, the array \c in has size num_bits * num_ins.
190    Return an array of bits containing \c ceil(num_ins/2) numbers of size \c (num_bits + 1).
191    If num_ins/2 is not an integer, then the last "number" in the output, is the last "number" in \c in with an appended "zero".
192 */
mk_adder_pairs(Z3_context ctx,unsigned num_bits,unsigned num_ins,Z3_ast * in,unsigned * out_num_ins,Z3_ast * out)193 void mk_adder_pairs(Z3_context ctx, unsigned num_bits, unsigned num_ins, Z3_ast * in, unsigned * out_num_ins, Z3_ast * out)
194 {
195     unsigned out_num_bits = num_bits + 1;
196     unsigned i            = 0;
197     Z3_ast * _in          = in;
198     Z3_ast * _out         = out;
199     *out_num_ins  = (num_ins % 2 == 0) ? (num_ins / 2) : (num_ins / 2) + 1;
200     for (i = 0; i < num_ins / 2; i++) {
201         mk_adder(ctx, num_bits, _in, _in + num_bits, _out);
202         _in  += num_bits;
203         _in  += num_bits;
204         _out += out_num_bits;
205     }
206     if (num_ins % 2 != 0) {
207         for (i = 0; i < num_bits; i++) {
208             _out[i] = _in[i];
209         }
210         _out[num_bits] = Z3_mk_false(ctx);
211     }
212 }
214 /**
215    \brief Create a counter circuit to count the number of "ones" in lits.
216    The function returns an array of bits (i.e. boolean expressions) containing the output of the circuit.
217    The size of the array is stored in out_sz.
218 */
mk_counter_circuit(Z3_context ctx,unsigned n,Z3_ast * lits,unsigned * out_sz)219 Z3_ast * mk_counter_circuit(Z3_context ctx, unsigned n, Z3_ast * lits, unsigned * out_sz)
220 {
221     unsigned num_ins  = n;
222     unsigned num_bits = 1;
223     Z3_ast * aux_1;
224     Z3_ast * aux_2;
225     if (n == 0)
226         return 0;
227     aux_1    = (Z3_ast *) malloc(sizeof(Z3_ast) * (n + 1));
228     aux_2    = (Z3_ast *) malloc(sizeof(Z3_ast) * (n + 1));
229     memcpy(aux_1, lits, sizeof(Z3_ast) * n);
230     while (num_ins > 1) {
231         unsigned new_num_ins;
232         Z3_ast * tmp;
233         mk_adder_pairs(ctx, num_bits, num_ins, aux_1, &new_num_ins, aux_2);
234         num_ins = new_num_ins;
235         num_bits++;
236 #ifdef MAXSAT_DEBUG
237         {
238             unsigned i;
239             printf("num_bits: %d, num_ins: %d \n", num_bits, num_ins);
240             for (i = 0; i < num_ins * num_bits; i++) {
241                 printf("bit %d:\n%s\n", i, Z3_ast_to_string(ctx, aux_2[i]));
242             }
243             printf("-----------\n");
244         }
245 #endif
246         tmp   = aux_1;
247         aux_1 = aux_2;
248         aux_2 = tmp;
249     }
250     *out_sz = num_bits;
251     free(aux_2);
252     return aux_1;
253 }
255 /**
256    \brief Return the \c idx bit of \c val.
257 */
get_bit(unsigned val,unsigned idx)258 int get_bit(unsigned val, unsigned idx)
259 {
260     unsigned mask = 1 << (idx & 31);
261     return (val & mask) != 0;
262 }
264 /**
265    \brief Given an integer val encoded in n bits (boolean variables), assert the constraint that val <= k.
266 */
assert_le_k(Z3_context ctx,Z3_solver s,unsigned n,Z3_ast * val,unsigned k)267 void assert_le_k(Z3_context ctx, Z3_solver s, unsigned n, Z3_ast * val, unsigned k)
268 {
269     Z3_ast i1, i2, not_val, out;
270     unsigned idx;
271     not_val = Z3_mk_not(ctx, val[0]);
272     if (get_bit(k, 0))
273         out = Z3_mk_true(ctx);
274     else
275         out = not_val;
276     for (idx = 1; idx < n; idx++) {
277         not_val = Z3_mk_not(ctx, val[idx]);
278         if (get_bit(k, idx)) {
279             i1 = not_val;
280             i2 = out;
281         }
282         else {
283             i1 = Z3_mk_false(ctx);
284             i2 = Z3_mk_false(ctx);
285         }
286         out = mk_ternary_or(ctx, i1, i2, mk_binary_and(ctx, not_val, out));
287     }
288     // printf("at-most-k:\n%s\n", Z3_ast_to_string(ctx, out));
289     Z3_solver_assert(ctx, s, out);
290 }
292 /**
293    \brief Assert that at most \c k literals in \c lits can be true,
294    where \c n is the number of literals in lits.
296    We use a simple encoding using an adder (counter).
297    An interesting exercise consists in implementing more sophisticated encodings.
298 */
assert_at_most_k(Z3_context ctx,Z3_solver s,unsigned n,Z3_ast * lits,unsigned k)299 void assert_at_most_k(Z3_context ctx, Z3_solver s, unsigned n, Z3_ast * lits, unsigned k)
300 {
301     Z3_ast * counter_bits;
302     unsigned counter_bits_sz;
303     if (k >= n || n <= 1)
304         return; /* nothing to be done */
305     counter_bits = mk_counter_circuit(ctx, n, lits, &counter_bits_sz);
306     assert_le_k(ctx, s, counter_bits_sz, counter_bits, k);
307     del_bool_var_array(counter_bits);
308 }
310 /**
311    \brief Assert that at most one literal in \c lits can be true,
312    where \c n is the number of literals in lits.
313 */
assert_at_most_one(Z3_context ctx,Z3_solver s,unsigned n,Z3_ast * lits)314 void assert_at_most_one(Z3_context ctx, Z3_solver s, unsigned n, Z3_ast * lits)
315 {
316     assert_at_most_k(ctx, s, n, lits, 1);
317 }
mk_solver(Z3_context ctx)320 Z3_solver mk_solver(Z3_context ctx)
321 {
322     Z3_solver r = Z3_mk_solver(ctx);
323     Z3_solver_inc_ref(ctx, r);
324     return r;
325 }
327 /**
328    \brief Small test for the at-most-one constraint.
329 */
tst_at_most_one()330 void tst_at_most_one()
331 {
332     Z3_context ctx = mk_context();
333     Z3_solver s    = mk_solver(ctx);
334     Z3_ast k1      = mk_bool_var(ctx, "k1");
335     Z3_ast k2      = mk_bool_var(ctx, "k2");
336     Z3_ast k3      = mk_bool_var(ctx, "k3");
337     Z3_ast k4      = mk_bool_var(ctx, "k4");
338     Z3_ast k5      = mk_bool_var(ctx, "k5");
339     Z3_ast k6      = mk_bool_var(ctx, "k6");
340     Z3_ast args1[5] = { k1, k2, k3, k4, k5 };
341     Z3_ast args2[3] = { k4, k5, k6 };
342     Z3_model m      = 0;
343     Z3_lbool result;
344     printf("testing at-most-one constraint\n");
345     assert_at_most_one(ctx, s, 5, args1);
346     assert_at_most_one(ctx, s, 3, args2);
347     printf("it must be sat...\n");
348     result = Z3_solver_check(ctx, s);
349     if (result != Z3_L_TRUE)
350         error("BUG");
351     m = Z3_solver_get_model(ctx, s);
352     Z3_model_inc_ref(ctx, m);
353     printf("model:\n%s\n", Z3_model_to_string(ctx, m));
354     Z3_model_dec_ref(ctx, m);
355     Z3_solver_assert(ctx, s, mk_binary_or(ctx, k2, k3));
356     Z3_solver_assert(ctx, s, mk_binary_or(ctx, k1, k6));
357     printf("it must be sat...\n");
358     result = Z3_solver_check(ctx, s);
359     if (result != Z3_L_TRUE)
360         error("BUG");
361     m = Z3_solver_get_model(ctx, s);
362     Z3_model_inc_ref(ctx, m);
363     printf("model:\n%s\n", Z3_model_to_string(ctx, m));
364     Z3_solver_assert(ctx, s, mk_binary_or(ctx, k4, k5));
365     printf("it must be unsat...\n");
366     result = Z3_solver_check(ctx, s);
367     if (result != Z3_L_FALSE)
368         error("BUG");
369     Z3_model_dec_ref(ctx, m);
370     Z3_solver_dec_ref(ctx, s);
371     Z3_del_context(ctx);
372 }
374 /**
375    \brief Return the number of soft-constraints that were disable by the given model.
376    A soft-constraint was disabled if the associated auxiliary variable was assigned to true.
377 */
get_num_disabled_soft_constraints(Z3_context ctx,Z3_model m,unsigned num_soft_cnstrs,Z3_ast * aux_vars)378 unsigned get_num_disabled_soft_constraints(Z3_context ctx, Z3_model m, unsigned num_soft_cnstrs, Z3_ast * aux_vars)
379 {
380     unsigned i;
381     unsigned num_disabled = 0;
382     Z3_ast t = Z3_mk_true(ctx);
383     for (i = 0; i < num_soft_cnstrs; i++) {
384         Z3_ast val;
385         if (Z3_model_eval(ctx, m, aux_vars[i], 1, &val) == true) {
386             // printf("%s", Z3_ast_to_string(ctx, aux_vars[i]));
387             // printf(" -> %s\n", Z3_ast_to_string(ctx, val));
388             if (Z3_is_eq_ast(ctx, val, t)) {
389                 num_disabled++;
390             }
391         }
392     }
393     return num_disabled;
394 }
396 /**
397    \brief Naive maxsat procedure based on linear search and at-most-k
398    constraint.  Return the number of soft-constraints that can be
399    satisfied.  Return -1 if the hard-constraints cannot be
400    satisfied. That is, the formula cannot be satisfied even if all
401    soft-constraints are ignored.
403    Exercise: use binary search to implement MaxSAT.
404    Hint: you will need to use an answer literal to retract the at-most-k constraint.
405 */
naive_maxsat(Z3_context ctx,Z3_solver s,unsigned num_hard_cnstrs,Z3_ast * hard_cnstrs,unsigned num_soft_cnstrs,Z3_ast * soft_cnstrs)406 int naive_maxsat(Z3_context ctx, Z3_solver s, unsigned num_hard_cnstrs, Z3_ast * hard_cnstrs, unsigned num_soft_cnstrs, Z3_ast * soft_cnstrs)
407 {
408     Z3_ast * aux_vars;
409     Z3_lbool is_sat;
410     unsigned k;
411     assert_hard_constraints(ctx, s, num_hard_cnstrs, hard_cnstrs);
412     printf("checking whether hard constraints are satisfiable...\n");
413     is_sat = Z3_solver_check(ctx, s);
414     if (is_sat == Z3_L_FALSE) {
415         // It is not possible to make the formula satisfiable even when ignoring all soft constraints.
416         return -1;
417     }
418     if (num_soft_cnstrs == 0)
419         return 0; // nothing to be done...
420     aux_vars = assert_soft_constraints(ctx, s, num_soft_cnstrs, soft_cnstrs);
421     // Perform linear search.
422     k = num_soft_cnstrs - 1;
423     for (;;) {
424         Z3_model m;
425         unsigned num_disabled;
426         // at most k soft-constraints can be ignored.
427         printf("checking whether at-most %d soft-constraints can be ignored.\n", k);
428         assert_at_most_k(ctx, s, num_soft_cnstrs, aux_vars, k);
429         is_sat = Z3_solver_check(ctx, s);
430         if (is_sat == Z3_L_FALSE) {
431             printf("unsat\n");
432             return num_soft_cnstrs - k - 1;
433         }
434     m = Z3_solver_get_model(ctx, s);
435         Z3_model_inc_ref(ctx, m);
436         num_disabled = get_num_disabled_soft_constraints(ctx, m, num_soft_cnstrs, aux_vars);
437         Z3_model_dec_ref(ctx, m);
438         if (num_disabled > k) {
439             error("BUG");
440         }
441         printf("sat\n");
442         k = num_disabled;
443         if (k == 0) {
444             // it was possible to satisfy all soft-constraints.
445             return num_soft_cnstrs;
446         }
447         k--;
448     }
449 }
451 /**
452   \brief Implement one step of the Fu&Malik algorithm.
453   See fu_malik_maxsat function for more details.
455   Input:    soft constraints + aux-vars (aka answer literals)
456   Output:   done/not-done  when not done return updated set of soft-constraints and aux-vars.
457   - if SAT --> terminates
458   - if UNSAT
459      * compute unsat core
460      * add blocking variable to soft-constraints in the core
461          - replace soft-constraint with the one with the blocking variable
462          - we should also add an aux-var
463          - replace aux-var with a new one
464      * add at-most-one constraint with blocking
465 */
fu_malik_maxsat_step(Z3_context ctx,Z3_solver s,unsigned num_soft_cnstrs,Z3_ast * soft_cnstrs,Z3_ast * aux_vars)466 int fu_malik_maxsat_step(Z3_context ctx, Z3_solver s, unsigned num_soft_cnstrs, Z3_ast * soft_cnstrs, Z3_ast * aux_vars)
467 {
468     // create assumptions
469     Z3_ast * assumptions = (Z3_ast*) malloc(sizeof(Z3_ast) * num_soft_cnstrs);
470     Z3_lbool is_sat;
471     Z3_ast_vector core;
472     unsigned core_size;
473     unsigned i = 0;
474     unsigned k = 0;
475     Z3_ast * block_vars;
476     for (i = 0; i < num_soft_cnstrs; i++) {
477         // Recall that we asserted (soft_cnstrs[i] \/ aux_vars[i])
478         // So using (NOT aux_vars[i]) as an assumption we are actually forcing the soft_cnstrs[i] to be considered.
479         assumptions[i] = Z3_mk_not(ctx, aux_vars[i]);
480     }
482     is_sat = Z3_solver_check_assumptions(ctx, s, num_soft_cnstrs, assumptions);
483     if (is_sat != Z3_L_FALSE) {
484         return 1; // done
485     }
486     else {
487         core = Z3_solver_get_unsat_core(ctx, s);
488         Z3_ast_vector_inc_ref(ctx, core);
489 	core_size = Z3_ast_vector_size(ctx, core);
490         block_vars = (Z3_ast*) malloc(sizeof(Z3_ast) * core_size);
491         k = 0;
492         // update soft-constraints and aux_vars
493         for (i = 0; i < num_soft_cnstrs; i++) {
494             unsigned j;
495             // check whether assumption[i] is in the core or not
496             for (j = 0; j < core_size; j++) {
497               if (assumptions[i] == Z3_ast_vector_get(ctx, core, j))
498                     break;
499             }
500             if (j < core_size) {
501                 // assumption[i] is in the unsat core... so soft_cnstrs[i] is in the unsat core
502                 Z3_ast block_var   = mk_fresh_bool_var(ctx);
503                 Z3_ast new_aux_var = mk_fresh_bool_var(ctx);
504                 soft_cnstrs[i]     = mk_binary_or(ctx, soft_cnstrs[i], block_var);
505                 aux_vars[i]        = new_aux_var;
506                 block_vars[k]      = block_var;
507                 k++;
508                 // Add new constraint containing the block variable.
509                 // Note that we are using the new auxiliary variable to be able to use it as an assumption.
510                 Z3_solver_assert(ctx, s, mk_binary_or(ctx, soft_cnstrs[i], new_aux_var));
511             }
512         }
513         assert_at_most_one(ctx, s, k, block_vars);
514         Z3_ast_vector_dec_ref(ctx, core);
515         return 0; // not done.
516     }
517 }
519 /**
520    \brief Fu & Malik procedure for MaxSAT. This procedure is based on
521    unsat core extraction and the at-most-one constraint.
523    Return the number of soft-constraints that can be
524    satisfied.  Return -1 if the hard-constraints cannot be
525    satisfied. That is, the formula cannot be satisfied even if all
526    soft-constraints are ignored.
528    For more information on the Fu & Malik procedure:
530    Z. Fu and S. Malik, On solving the partial MAX-SAT problem, in International
531    Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing, 2006.
532 */
fu_malik_maxsat(Z3_context ctx,Z3_solver s,unsigned num_hard_cnstrs,Z3_ast * hard_cnstrs,unsigned num_soft_cnstrs,Z3_ast * soft_cnstrs)533 int fu_malik_maxsat(Z3_context ctx, Z3_solver s, unsigned num_hard_cnstrs, Z3_ast * hard_cnstrs, unsigned num_soft_cnstrs, Z3_ast * soft_cnstrs)
534 {
535     Z3_ast * aux_vars;
536     Z3_lbool is_sat;
537     unsigned k;
538     assert_hard_constraints(ctx, s, num_hard_cnstrs, hard_cnstrs);
539     printf("checking whether hard constraints are satisfiable...\n");
540     is_sat = Z3_solver_check(ctx, s);
541     if (is_sat == Z3_L_FALSE) {
542         // It is not possible to make the formula satisfiable even when ignoring all soft constraints.
543         return -1;
544     }
545     if (num_soft_cnstrs == 0)
546         return 0; // nothing to be done...
547     /*
548       Fu&Malik algorithm is based on UNSAT-core extraction.
549       We accomplish that using auxiliary variables (aka answer literals).
550     */
551     aux_vars = assert_soft_constraints(ctx, s, num_soft_cnstrs, soft_cnstrs);
552     k = 0;
553     for (;;) {
554         printf("iteration %d\n", k);
555         if (fu_malik_maxsat_step(ctx, s, num_soft_cnstrs, soft_cnstrs, aux_vars)) {
556             return num_soft_cnstrs - k;
557         }
558         k++;
559     }
560 }
562 #define NAIVE_MAXSAT 0
563 #define FU_MALIK_MAXSAT 1
565 /**
566   \brief Finds the maximal number of assumptions that can be satisfied.
567   An assumption is any formula preceded with the :assumption keyword.
568   "Hard" constraints can be supported by using the :formula keyword.
570   Input: file in SMT-LIB format, and MaxSAT algorithm to be used: 0 - Naive, 1 - Fu&Malik's algo.
571   Output: the maximum number of assumptions that can be satisfied.
572 */
smtlib_maxsat(char * file_name,int approach)573 int smtlib_maxsat(char * file_name, int approach)
574 {
575     Z3_context ctx;
576     Z3_solver s;
577     unsigned i;
578     Z3_optimize opt;
579     unsigned num_hard_cnstrs, num_soft_cnstrs;
580     Z3_ast * hard_cnstrs, * soft_cnstrs;
581     Z3_ast_vector  hard, objs;
582     Z3_app soft;
583     unsigned result = 0;
584     ctx = mk_context();
585     s = mk_solver(ctx);
586     opt = Z3_mk_optimize(ctx);
587     Z3_optimize_inc_ref(ctx, opt);
588     Z3_optimize_from_file(ctx, opt, file_name);
589     hard = Z3_optimize_get_assertions(ctx, opt);
590     Z3_ast_vector_inc_ref(ctx, hard);
591     num_hard_cnstrs = Z3_ast_vector_size(ctx, hard);
592     hard_cnstrs = (Z3_ast *) malloc(sizeof(Z3_ast) * (num_hard_cnstrs));
593     for (i = 0; i < num_hard_cnstrs; i++) {
594         hard_cnstrs[i] = Z3_ast_vector_get(ctx, hard, i);
595     }
596     objs = Z3_optimize_get_objectives(ctx, opt);
597     Z3_ast_vector_inc_ref(ctx, objs);
599     // soft constraints are stored in a single objective which is a sum
600     // of if-then-else expressions.
601     soft = Z3_to_app(ctx, Z3_ast_vector_get(ctx, objs, 0));
602     num_soft_cnstrs = Z3_get_app_num_args(ctx, soft);
603     soft_cnstrs = (Z3_ast *) malloc(sizeof(Z3_ast) * (num_soft_cnstrs));
604     for (i = 0; i < num_soft_cnstrs; ++i) {
605         soft_cnstrs[i] = Z3_get_app_arg(ctx, Z3_to_app(ctx, Z3_get_app_arg(ctx, soft, i)), 0);
606     }
608     switch (approach) {
609     case NAIVE_MAXSAT:
610         result = naive_maxsat(ctx, s, num_hard_cnstrs, hard_cnstrs, num_soft_cnstrs, soft_cnstrs);
611         break;
612     case FU_MALIK_MAXSAT:
613         result = fu_malik_maxsat(ctx, s, num_hard_cnstrs, hard_cnstrs, num_soft_cnstrs, soft_cnstrs);
614         break;
615     default:
616         /* Exercise: implement your own MaxSAT algorithm.*/
617         error("Not implemented yet.");
618         break;
619     }
620     free_cnstr_array(hard_cnstrs);
621     free_cnstr_array(soft_cnstrs);
622     Z3_solver_dec_ref(ctx, s);
623     Z3_optimize_dec_ref(ctx, opt);
624     return result;
625 }
main(int argc,char * argv[])627 int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
628 #if 1
629     int r;
630     if (argc != 2) {
631         error("usage: maxsat [filename.smt].");
632     }
633     r = smtlib_maxsat(argv[1], FU_MALIK_MAXSAT);
634     printf("result: %d\n", r);
635 #else
636     tst_at_most_one();
637 #endif
638     return 0;
639 }
641 /**@}*/