1 /*++
2 Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation
4 Module Name:
6     static_features.cpp
8 Abstract:
10     <abstract>
12 Author:
14     Leonardo de Moura (leonardo) 2008-05-16.
16 Revision History:
18 --*/
19 #include "ast/static_features.h"
20 #include "ast/ast_pp.h"
21 #include "ast/for_each_expr.h"
static_features(ast_manager & m)23 static_features::static_features(ast_manager & m):
24     m(m),
25     m_autil(m),
26     m_bvutil(m),
27     m_arrayutil(m),
28     m_fpautil(m),
29     m_sequtil(m),
30     m_bfid(m.get_basic_family_id()),
31     m_afid(m.mk_family_id("arith")),
32     m_lfid(m.mk_family_id("label")),
33     m_arrfid(m.mk_family_id("array")),
34     m_srfid(m.mk_family_id("specrels")),
35     m_label_sym("label"),
36     m_pattern_sym("pattern"),
37     m_expr_list_sym("expr-list") {
38     reset();
39 }
reset()41 void static_features::reset() {
42     m_already_visited                      .reset();
43     m_cnf                                  = true;
44     m_num_exprs                            = 0;
45     m_num_roots                            = 0;
46     m_max_depth                            = 0;
47     m_num_quantifiers                      = 0;
48     m_num_quantifiers_with_patterns        = 0;
49     m_num_quantifiers_with_multi_patterns  = 0;
50     m_num_clauses                          = 0;
51     m_num_bin_clauses                      = 0;
52     m_num_units                            = 0;
53     m_sum_clause_size                      = 0;
54     m_num_nested_formulas                  = 0;
55     m_num_bool_exprs                       = 0;
56     m_num_bool_constants                   = 0;
57     m_num_formula_trees                    = 0;
58     m_max_formula_depth                    = 0;
59     m_sum_formula_depth                    = 0;
60     m_num_or_and_trees                     = 0;
61     m_max_or_and_tree_depth                = 0;
62     m_sum_or_and_tree_depth                = 0;
63     m_num_ite_trees                        = 0;
64     m_max_ite_tree_depth                   = 0;
65     m_sum_ite_tree_depth                   = 0;
66     m_num_ors                              = 0;
67     m_num_ands                             = 0;
68     m_num_iffs                             = 0;
69     m_num_ite_formulas                     = 0;
70     m_num_ite_terms                        = 0;
71     m_num_sharing                          = 0;
72     m_num_interpreted_exprs                = 0;
73     m_num_uninterpreted_exprs              = 0;
74     m_num_interpreted_constants            = 0;
75     m_num_uninterpreted_constants          = 0;
76     m_num_uninterpreted_functions          = 0;
77     m_num_eqs                              = 0;
78     m_has_rational                         = false;
79     m_has_int                              = false;
80     m_has_real                             = false;
81     m_has_bv                               = false;
82     m_has_fpa                              = false;
83     m_has_sr                               = false;
84     m_has_str                              = false;
85     m_has_seq_non_str                      = false;
86     m_has_arrays                           = false;
87     m_has_ext_arrays                       = false;
88     m_arith_k_sum                          .reset();
89     m_num_arith_terms                      = 0;
90     m_num_arith_eqs                        = 0;
91     m_num_arith_ineqs                      = 0;
92     m_num_diff_terms                       = 0;
93     m_num_diff_eqs                         = 0;
94     m_num_diff_ineqs                       = 0;
95     m_num_simple_eqs                       = 0;
96     m_num_simple_ineqs                     = 0;
97     m_num_non_linear                       = 0;
98     m_num_apps                             .reset();
99     m_num_theory_terms                     .reset();
100     m_num_theory_atoms                     .reset();
101     m_num_theory_constants                 .reset();
102     m_num_theory_eqs                       .reset();
103     m_num_aliens                           = 0;
104     m_num_aliens_per_family                .reset();
105     m_num_theories                         = 0;
106     m_theories                             .reset();
107     m_max_stack_depth                      = 30;
108     flush_cache();
109 }
flush_cache()111 void static_features::flush_cache() {
112     m_expr2depth.reset();
113     m_expr2or_and_depth.reset();
114     m_expr2ite_depth.reset();
115     m_expr2formula_depth.reset();
116 }
is_diff_term(expr const * e,rational & r) const119 bool static_features::is_diff_term(expr const * e, rational & r) const {
120     // lhs can be 'x' or '(+ k x)'
121     if (!is_arith_expr(e)) {
122         r.reset();
123         return true;
124     }
125     if (is_numeral(e, r))
126         return true;
127     expr* a1 = nullptr, *a2 = nullptr;
128     return m_autil.is_add(e, a1, a2) && is_numeral(a1, r) && !is_arith_expr(a2) && !m.is_ite(a2);
129 }
is_diff_atom(expr const * e) const131 bool static_features::is_diff_atom(expr const * e) const {
132     if (!is_bool(e))
133         return false;
134     if (!m.is_eq(e) && !is_arith_expr(e))
135         return false;
136     SASSERT(to_app(e)->get_num_args() == 2);
137     expr * lhs = to_app(e)->get_arg(0);
138     expr * rhs = to_app(e)->get_arg(1);
139     if (!is_arith_expr(lhs) && !is_arith_expr(rhs) && !m.is_ite(lhs) && !m.is_ite(rhs))
140         return true;
141     if (!is_numeral(rhs))
142         return false;
143     // lhs can be 'x' or '(+ x (* -1 y))' or '(+ (* -1 x) y)'
144     if (!is_arith_expr(lhs) && !m.is_ite(lhs))
145         return true;
146     expr* arg1, *arg2;
147     if (!m_autil.is_add(lhs, arg1, arg2))
148         return false;
149     expr* m1, *m2;
150     if (!is_arith_expr(arg1) && m_autil.is_mul(arg2, m1, m2) &&  is_minus_one(m1) && !is_arith_expr(m2) && !m.is_ite(m2))
151         return true;
152     if (!is_arith_expr(arg2) && m_autil.is_mul(arg1, m1, m2) &&  is_minus_one(m1) && !is_arith_expr(m2) && !m.is_ite(m2))
153         return true;
154     return false;
156 }
is_gate(expr const * e) const158 bool static_features::is_gate(expr const * e) const {
159     if (is_basic_expr(e)) {
160         switch (to_app(e)->get_decl_kind()) {
161         case OP_ITE: case OP_AND: case OP_OR: case OP_XOR: case OP_IMPLIES:
162             return true;
163         case OP_EQ:
164             return m.is_bool(e);
165         }
166     }
167     return false;
168 }
update_core(expr * e)170 void static_features::update_core(expr * e) {
171     m_num_exprs++;
173     // even if a benchmark does not contain any theory interpreted function decls, we still have to install
174     // the theory if the benchmark contains constants or function applications of an interpreted sort.
175     sort * s      = e->get_sort();
176     if (!m.is_uninterp(s))
177         mark_theory(s->get_family_id());
179     bool _is_gate = is_gate(e);
180     bool _is_eq   = m.is_eq(e);
181     if (_is_gate) {
182         m_cnf = false;
183         m_num_nested_formulas++;
184         switch (to_app(e)->get_decl_kind()) {
185         case OP_ITE:
186             if (is_bool(e))
187                 m_num_ite_formulas++;
188             else {
189                 m_num_ite_terms++;
190                 // process then&else nodes
191                 for (unsigned i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
192                     expr * arg = to_app(e)->get_arg(i);
193                     acc_num(arg);
194                     // Must check whether arg is diff logic or not.
195                     // Otherwise, problem can be incorrectly tagged as diff logic.
196                     sort * arg_s = arg->get_sort();
197                     family_id fid_arg = arg_s->get_family_id();
198                     if (fid_arg == m_afid) {
199                         m_num_arith_terms++;
200                         rational k;
201                         TRACE("diff_term", tout << "diff_term: " << is_diff_term(arg, k) << "\n" << mk_pp(arg, m) << "\n";);
202                         if (is_diff_term(arg, k)) {
203                             m_num_diff_terms++;
204                             acc_num(k);
205                         }
206                     }
207                 }
208             }
209             break;
210         case OP_AND:
211             m_num_ands++;
212             break;
213         case OP_OR:
214             m_num_ors++;
215             break;
216         case OP_EQ:
217             m_num_iffs++;
218             break;
219         }
220     }
221     if (is_bool(e)) {
222         m_num_bool_exprs++;
223         if (is_app(e) && to_app(e)->get_num_args() == 0)
224             m_num_bool_constants++;
225     }
226     if (is_quantifier(e)) {
227         m_num_quantifiers++;
228         unsigned num_patterns = to_quantifier(e)->get_num_patterns();
229         if (num_patterns > 0) {
230             m_num_quantifiers_with_patterns++;
231             for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_patterns; i++) {
232                 expr * p = to_quantifier(e)->get_pattern(i);
233                 if (is_app(p) && to_app(p)->get_num_args() > 1) {
234                     m_num_quantifiers_with_multi_patterns++;
235                     break;
236                 }
237             }
238         }
239     }
240     bool _is_le_ge = m_autil.is_le(e) || m_autil.is_ge(e);
241     if (_is_le_ge) {
242         m_num_arith_ineqs++;
243         TRACE("diff_atom", tout << "diff_atom: " << is_diff_atom(e) << "\n" << mk_pp(e, m) << "\n";);
244         if (is_diff_atom(e))
245             m_num_diff_ineqs++;
246         if (!is_arith_expr(to_app(e)->get_arg(0)))
247             m_num_simple_ineqs++;
248         acc_num(to_app(e)->get_arg(1));
249     }
250     rational r;
251     if (is_numeral(e, r)) {
252         if (!r.is_int())
253             m_has_rational = true;
254     }
255     if (_is_eq) {
256         m_num_eqs++;
257         if (is_numeral(to_app(e)->get_arg(1))) {
258             acc_num(to_app(e)->get_arg(1));
259             m_num_arith_eqs++;
260             TRACE("diff_atom", tout << "diff_atom: " << is_diff_atom(e) << "\n" << mk_pp(e, m) << "\n";);
261             if (is_diff_atom(e))
262                 m_num_diff_eqs++;
263             if (!is_arith_expr(to_app(e)->get_arg(0)))
264                 m_num_simple_eqs++;
265         }
266         sort * s      = to_app(e)->get_arg(0)->get_sort();
267         if (!m.is_uninterp(s)) {
268             family_id fid = s->get_family_id();
269             if (fid != null_family_id && fid != m_bfid)
270                 inc_theory_eqs(fid);
271         }
272     }
273     if (!m_has_int && m_autil.is_int(e))
274         m_has_int  = true;
275     if (!m_has_real && m_autil.is_real(e))
276         m_has_real = true;
277     if (!m_has_bv && m_bvutil.is_bv(e))
278         m_has_bv = true;
279     if (!m_has_fpa && (m_fpautil.is_float(e) || m_fpautil.is_rm(e)))
280         m_has_fpa = true;
281     if (is_app(e) && to_app(e)->get_family_id() == m_srfid)
282         m_has_sr = true;
283     if (!m_has_arrays && m_arrayutil.is_array(e))
284         check_array(e->get_sort());
285     if (!m_has_ext_arrays && m_arrayutil.is_array(e) &&
286         !m_arrayutil.is_select(e) && !m_arrayutil.is_store(e))
287         m_has_ext_arrays = true;
288     if (!m_has_str && m_sequtil.str.is_string_term(e))
289         m_has_str = true;
290     if (!m_has_seq_non_str && m_sequtil.str.is_non_string_sequence(e))
291         m_has_seq_non_str = true;
292     if (is_app(e)) {
293         family_id fid = to_app(e)->get_family_id();
294         mark_theory(fid);
295         if (fid != null_family_id && fid != m_bfid) {
296             m_num_interpreted_exprs++;
297             if (is_bool(e))
298                 inc_theory_atoms(fid);
299             else
300                 inc_theory_terms(fid);
301             if (to_app(e)->get_num_args() == 0)
302                 m_num_interpreted_constants++;
303         }
304         if (fid == m_afid) {
305             switch (to_app(e)->get_decl_kind()) {
306             case OP_MUL:
307                 if (!is_numeral(to_app(e)->get_arg(0)) || to_app(e)->get_num_args() > 2) {
308                     m_num_non_linear++;
309                 }
310                 break;
311             case OP_DIV:
312             case OP_IDIV:
313             case OP_REM:
314             case OP_MOD:
315                 if (!is_numeral(to_app(e)->get_arg(1), r) || r.is_zero()) {
316                     m_num_uninterpreted_functions++;
317                     m_num_non_linear++;
318                 }
319                 break;
320             }
321         }
322         if (fid == null_family_id) {
323             m_num_uninterpreted_exprs++;
324             if (to_app(e)->get_num_args() == 0) {
325                 m_num_uninterpreted_constants++;
326                 sort * s      = e->get_sort();
327                 if (!m.is_uninterp(s)) {
328                     family_id fid = s->get_family_id();
329                     if (fid != null_family_id && fid != m_bfid)
330                         inc_theory_constants(fid);
331                 }
332             }
333         }
334         if (m_arrayutil.is_array(e)) {
335             TRACE("sf_array", tout << mk_ismt2_pp(e, m) << "\n";);
336             sort * ty = to_app(e)->get_decl()->get_range();
337             mark_theory(ty->get_family_id());
338             unsigned n = ty->get_num_parameters();
339             for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
340                 sort * ds = to_sort(ty->get_parameter(i).get_ast());
341                 update_core(ds);
342             }
343         }
344         func_decl * d = to_app(e)->get_decl();
345         inc_num_apps(d);
346         if (d->get_arity() > 0 && !is_marked(d)) {
347             mark(d);
348             if (fid == null_family_id)
349                 m_num_uninterpreted_functions++;
350         }
351         if (!_is_eq && !_is_gate) {
352             for (expr * arg : *to_app(e)) {
353                 sort * arg_s = arg->get_sort();
354                 if (!m.is_uninterp(arg_s)) {
355                     family_id fid_arg = arg_s->get_family_id();
356                     if (fid_arg != fid && fid_arg != null_family_id) {
357                         m_num_aliens++;
358                         inc_num_aliens(fid_arg);
359                         if (fid_arg == m_afid) {
360                             SASSERT(!_is_le_ge);
361                             m_num_arith_terms++;
362                             rational k;
363                             TRACE("diff_term", tout << "diff_term: " << is_diff_term(arg, k) << "\n" << mk_pp(arg, m) << "\n";);
364                             if (is_diff_term(arg, k)) {
365                                 m_num_diff_terms++;
366                                 acc_num(k);
367                             }
368                         }
369                     }
370                 }
371             }
372         }
373     }
374 }
check_array(sort * s)376 void static_features::check_array(sort* s) {
377     if (m_arrayutil.is_array(s)) {
378         m_has_arrays = true;
379         update_core(get_array_range(s));
380         for (unsigned i = get_array_arity(s); i-- > 0; )
381             update_core(get_array_domain(s, i));
382     }
383 }
update_core(sort * s)386 void static_features::update_core(sort * s) {
387     mark_theory(s->get_family_id());
388     if (!m_has_int && m_autil.is_int(s))
389         m_has_int = true;
390     if (!m_has_real && m_autil.is_real(s))
391         m_has_real = true;
392     if (!m_has_bv && m_bvutil.is_bv_sort(s))
393         m_has_bv = true;
394     if (!m_has_fpa && (m_fpautil.is_float(s) || m_fpautil.is_rm(s)))
395         m_has_fpa = true;
396     check_array(s);
397 }
process(expr * e,bool form_ctx,bool or_and_ctx,bool ite_ctx,unsigned stack_depth)399 void static_features::process(expr * e, bool form_ctx, bool or_and_ctx, bool ite_ctx, unsigned stack_depth) {
400     TRACE("static_features", tout << "processing\n" << mk_pp(e, m) << "\n";);
401     if (is_var(e))
402         return;
403     if (is_marked(e)) {
404         m_num_sharing++;
405         return;
406     }
408     if (stack_depth > m_max_stack_depth) {
409         ptr_vector<expr> todo;
410         todo.push_back(e);
411         for (unsigned i = 0; i < todo.size(); ++i) {
412             e = todo[i];
413             if (is_marked(e))
414                 continue;
415             if (is_basic_expr(e)) {
416                 mark(e);
417                 todo.append(to_app(e)->get_num_args(), to_app(e)->get_args());
418             }
419             else {
420                 process(e, form_ctx, or_and_ctx, ite_ctx, stack_depth - 10);
421             }
422         }
423         return;
424     }
426     mark(e);
428     update_core(e);
430     if (is_quantifier(e)) {
431         expr * body = to_quantifier(e)->get_expr();
432         process(body, false, false, false, stack_depth+1);
433         set_depth(e, get_depth(body)+1);
434         return;
435     }
437     bool form_ctx_new   = false;
438     bool or_and_ctx_new = false;
439     bool ite_ctx_new    = false;
441     if (is_basic_expr(e)) {
442         switch (to_app(e)->get_decl_kind()) {
443         case OP_ITE:
444             form_ctx_new = m.is_bool(e);
445             ite_ctx_new  = true;
446             break;
447         case OP_AND:
448         case OP_OR:
449             form_ctx_new   = true;
450             or_and_ctx_new = true;
451             break;
452         case OP_EQ:
453             form_ctx_new   = true;
454             break;
455         }
456     }
458     unsigned depth = 0;
459     unsigned form_depth = 0;
460     unsigned or_and_depth = 0;
461     unsigned ite_depth = 0;
463     for (expr* arg : *to_app(e)) {
464         m.is_not(arg, arg);
465         process(arg, form_ctx_new, or_and_ctx_new, ite_ctx_new, stack_depth+1);
466         depth        = std::max(depth, get_depth(arg));
467         if (form_ctx_new)
468             form_depth   = std::max(form_depth, get_form_depth(arg));
469         if (or_and_ctx_new)
470             or_and_depth = std::max(or_and_depth, get_or_and_depth(arg));
471         if (ite_ctx_new)
472             ite_depth    = std::max(ite_depth, get_ite_depth(arg));
473     }
475     depth++;
476     set_depth(e, depth);
477     if (depth > m_max_depth)
478         m_max_depth = depth;
480     if (form_ctx_new) {
481         form_depth++;
482         if (!form_ctx) {
483             m_num_formula_trees++;
484             m_sum_formula_depth += form_depth;
485             if (form_depth > m_max_formula_depth)
486                 m_max_formula_depth = form_depth;
487         }
488         set_form_depth(e, form_depth);
489     }
490     if (or_and_ctx_new) {
491         or_and_depth++;
492         if (!or_and_ctx) {
493             m_num_or_and_trees++;
494             m_sum_or_and_tree_depth += or_and_depth;
495             if (or_and_depth > m_max_or_and_tree_depth)
496                 m_max_or_and_tree_depth = or_and_depth;
497         }
498         set_or_and_depth(e, or_and_depth);
499     }
500     if (ite_ctx_new) {
501         ite_depth++;
502         if (!ite_ctx) {
503             m_num_ite_trees++;
504             m_sum_ite_tree_depth += ite_depth;
505             if (ite_depth >= m_max_ite_tree_depth)
506                 m_max_ite_tree_depth = ite_depth;
507         }
508         set_ite_depth(e, ite_depth);
509     }
510 }
process_root(expr * e)512 void static_features::process_root(expr * e) {
513     if (is_marked(e)) {
514         m_num_sharing++;
515         return;
516     }
517     m_num_roots++;
518     if (m.is_or(e)) {
519         mark(e);
520         m_num_clauses++;
521         m_num_bool_exprs++;
522         unsigned num_args  = to_app(e)->get_num_args();
523         m_sum_clause_size += num_args;
524         if (num_args == 2)
525             m_num_bin_clauses++;
526         unsigned depth = 0;
527         unsigned form_depth = 0;
528         unsigned or_and_depth = 0;
529         for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_args; i++) {
530             expr * arg = to_app(e)->get_arg(i);
531             if (m.is_not(arg))
532                 arg = to_app(arg)->get_arg(0);
533             process(arg, true, true, false, 0);
534             depth        = std::max(depth, get_depth(arg));
535             form_depth   = std::max(form_depth, get_form_depth(arg));
536             or_and_depth = std::max(or_and_depth, get_or_and_depth(arg));
537         }
538         depth++;
539         set_depth(e, depth);
540         if (depth > m_max_depth)
541             m_max_depth = depth;
542         form_depth++;
543         m_num_formula_trees++;
544         m_sum_formula_depth += form_depth;
545         if (form_depth > m_max_formula_depth)
546             m_max_formula_depth = form_depth;
547         set_form_depth(e, form_depth);
548         or_and_depth++;
549         m_num_or_and_trees++;
550         m_sum_or_and_tree_depth += or_and_depth;
551         if (or_and_depth > m_max_or_and_tree_depth)
552             m_max_or_and_tree_depth = or_and_depth;
553         set_or_and_depth(e, or_and_depth);
554         return;
555     }
556     if (!is_gate(e)) {
557         m_sum_clause_size++;
558         m_num_units++;
559         m_num_clauses++;
560     }
561     process(e, false, false, false, 0);
562 }
collect(unsigned num_formulas,expr * const * formulas)564 void static_features::collect(unsigned num_formulas, expr * const * formulas) {
565     for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_formulas; i++)
566         process_root(formulas[i]);
567 }
internal_family(symbol const & f_name) const569 bool static_features::internal_family(symbol const & f_name) const {
570     return f_name == m_label_sym || f_name == m_pattern_sym || f_name == m_expr_list_sym;
571 }
display_family_data(std::ostream & out,char const * prefix,unsigned_vector const & data) const573 void static_features::display_family_data(std::ostream & out, char const * prefix, unsigned_vector const & data) const {
574     for (unsigned fid = 0; fid < data.size(); fid++) {
575         symbol const & n = m.get_family_name(fid);
576         if (!internal_family(n))
577             out << prefix << "_" << n << " " << data[fid] << "\n";
578     }
579 }
has_uf() const581 bool static_features::has_uf() const {
582     return m_num_uninterpreted_functions > 0;
583 }
num_non_uf_theories() const585 unsigned static_features::num_non_uf_theories() const {
586     return m_num_theories;
587 }
num_theories() const589 unsigned static_features::num_theories() const {
590     return (num_non_uf_theories() + (has_uf() ? 1 : 0));
591 }
display_primitive(std::ostream & out) const593 void static_features::display_primitive(std::ostream & out) const {
594     out << "BEGIN_PRIMITIVE_STATIC_FEATURES" << "\n";
595     out << "CNF " << m_cnf << "\n";
596     out << "NUM_EXPRS " << m_num_exprs << "\n";
597     out << "NUM_ROOTS " << m_num_roots << "\n";
598     out << "MAX_DEPTH " << m_max_depth << "\n";
599     out << "NUM_QUANTIFIERS " << m_num_quantifiers << "\n";
600     out << "NUM_QUANTIFIERS_WITH_PATTERNS " << m_num_quantifiers_with_patterns << "\n";
601     out << "NUM_QUANTIFIERS_WITH_MULTI_PATTERNS " << m_num_quantifiers_with_multi_patterns << "\n";
602     out << "NUM_CLAUSES " << m_num_clauses << "\n";
603     out << "NUM_BIN_CLAUSES " << m_num_bin_clauses << "\n";
604     out << "NUM_UNITS " << m_num_units << "\n";
605     out << "SUM_CLAUSE_SIZE " << m_sum_clause_size << "\n";
606     out << "NUM_NESTED_FORMULAS " << m_num_nested_formulas << "\n";
607     out << "NUM_BOOL_EXPRS " << m_num_bool_exprs << "\n";
608     out << "NUM_BOOL_CONSTANTS " << m_num_bool_constants << "\n";
609     out << "NUM_FORMULA_TREES " << m_num_formula_trees << "\n";
610     out << "MAX_FORMULA_DEPTH " << m_max_formula_depth << "\n";
611     out << "SUM_FORMULA_DEPTH " << m_sum_formula_depth << "\n";
612     out << "NUM_OR_AND_TREES " << m_num_or_and_trees << "\n";
613     out << "MAX_OR_AND_TREE_DEPTH " << m_max_or_and_tree_depth << "\n";
614     out << "SUM_OR_AND_TREE_DEPTH " << m_sum_or_and_tree_depth << "\n";
615     out << "NUM_ITE_TREES " << m_num_ite_trees << "\n";
616     out << "MAX_ITE_TREE_DEPTH " << m_max_ite_tree_depth << "\n";
617     out << "SUM_ITE_TREE_DEPTH " << m_sum_ite_tree_depth << "\n";
618     out << "NUM_ORS " << m_num_ors << "\n";
619     out << "NUM_ANDS " << m_num_ands << "\n";
620     out << "NUM_IFFS " << m_num_iffs << "\n";
621     out << "NUM_ITE_FORMULAS " << m_num_ite_formulas << "\n";
622     out << "NUM_ITE_TERMS " << m_num_ite_terms << "\n";
623     out << "NUM_SHARING " << m_num_sharing << "\n";
624     out << "NUM_INTERPRETED_EXPRS " << m_num_interpreted_exprs << "\n";
625     out << "NUM_UNINTERPRETED_EXPRS " << m_num_uninterpreted_exprs << "\n";
626     out << "NUM_INTERPRETED_CONSTANTS " << m_num_interpreted_constants << "\n";
627     out << "NUM_UNINTERPRETED_CONSTANTS " << m_num_uninterpreted_constants << "\n";
628     out << "NUM_UNINTERPRETED_FUNCTIONS " << m_num_uninterpreted_functions << "\n";
629     out << "NUM_EQS " << m_num_eqs << "\n";
630     out << "HAS_RATIONAL " << m_has_rational << "\n";
631     out << "HAS_INT " << m_has_int << "\n";
632     out << "HAS_REAL " << m_has_real << "\n";
633     out << "ARITH_K_SUM " << m_arith_k_sum << "\n";
634     out << "NUM_ARITH_TERMS " << m_num_arith_terms << "\n";
635     out << "NUM_ARITH_EQS " << m_num_arith_eqs << "\n";
636     out << "NUM_ARITH_INEQS " << m_num_arith_ineqs << "\n";
637     out << "NUM_DIFF_TERMS " << m_num_diff_terms << "\n";
638     out << "NUM_DIFF_EQS " << m_num_diff_eqs << "\n";
639     out << "NUM_DIFF_INEQS " << m_num_diff_ineqs << "\n";
640     out << "NUM_SIMPLE_EQS " << m_num_simple_eqs << "\n";
641     out << "NUM_SIMPLE_INEQS " << m_num_simple_ineqs << "\n";
642     out << "NUM_NON_LINEAR " << m_num_non_linear << "\n";
643     out << "NUM_ALIENS " << m_num_aliens << "\n";
644     display_family_data(out, "NUM_TERMS", m_num_theory_terms);
645     display_family_data(out, "NUM_ATOMS", m_num_theory_atoms);
646     display_family_data(out, "NUM_CONSTANTS", m_num_theory_constants);
647     display_family_data(out, "NUM_EQS", m_num_theory_eqs);
648     display_family_data(out, "NUM_ALIENS", m_num_aliens_per_family);
649     out << "NUM_THEORIES " << num_theories() << "\n";
650     out << "END_PRIMITIVE_STATIC_FEATURES" << "\n";
651 }
display(std::ostream & out) const653 void static_features::display(std::ostream & out) const {
654     out << "BEGIN_STATIC_FEATURES" << "\n";
655     out << "CNF " << m_cnf << "\n";
656     out << "MAX_DEPTH " << m_max_depth << "\n";
657     out << "MAX_OR_AND_TREE_DEPTH " << m_max_or_and_tree_depth << "\n";
658     out << "MAX_ITE_TREE_DEPTH " << m_max_ite_tree_depth << "\n";
659     out << "HAS_INT " << m_has_int << "\n";
660     out << "HAS_REAL " << m_has_real << "\n";
661     out << "HAS_QUANTIFIERS " << (m_num_quantifiers > 0) << "\n";
662     out << "PERC_QUANTIFIERS_WITH_PATTERNS " << (m_num_quantifiers > 0 ? (double) m_num_quantifiers_with_patterns / (double) m_num_quantifiers : 0) << "\n";
663     out << "PERC_QUANTIFIERS_WITH_MULTI_PATTERNS " << (m_num_quantifiers > 0 ? (double) m_num_quantifiers_with_multi_patterns / (double) m_num_quantifiers : 0) << "\n";
664     out << "IS_NON_LINEAR " << (m_num_non_linear > 0) << "\n";
665     out << "THEORY_COMBINATION " << (num_theories() > 1) << "\n";
666     out << "AVG_CLAUSE_SIZE " << (m_num_clauses > 0 ? (double) m_sum_clause_size / (double) m_num_clauses : 0) << "\n";
667     out << "PERC_BOOL_CONSTANTS " << (m_num_uninterpreted_constants > 0 ? (double) m_num_bool_constants / (double) m_num_uninterpreted_constants : 0) << "\n";
668     out << "PERC_NESTED_FORMULAS " << (m_num_bool_exprs > 0 ? (double) m_num_nested_formulas / (double) m_num_bool_exprs : 0) << "\n";
669     out << "IS_DIFF " << (m_num_arith_eqs == m_num_diff_eqs && m_num_arith_ineqs == m_num_diff_ineqs && m_num_arith_terms == m_num_diff_terms) << "\n";
670     out << "INEQ_EQ_RATIO " << (m_num_arith_eqs > 0 ? (double) m_num_arith_ineqs / (double) m_num_arith_eqs : 0) << "\n";
671     out << "PERC_ARITH_EQS " << (m_num_eqs > 0 ? (double) m_num_arith_eqs / (double) m_num_eqs : 0) << "\n";
672     out << "PERC_DIFF_EQS " << (m_num_arith_eqs > 0 ? (double) m_num_diff_eqs / (double) m_num_arith_eqs : 0) << "\n";
673     out << "PERC_DIFF_INEQS " << (m_num_arith_ineqs > 0 ? (double) m_num_diff_ineqs / (double) m_num_arith_ineqs : 0) << "\n";
674     out << "PERC_SIMPLE_EQS " << (m_num_arith_eqs > 0 ? (double) m_num_simple_eqs / (double) m_num_arith_eqs : 0) << "\n";
675     out << "PERC_SIMPLE_INEQS " << (m_num_arith_ineqs > 0 ? (double) m_num_simple_ineqs / (double) m_num_arith_ineqs : 0) << "\n";
676     out << "PERC_ALIENS " << (m_num_exprs > 0 ? (double) m_num_aliens / (double) m_num_exprs : 0) << "\n";
677     out << "END_STATIC_FEATURES" << "\n";
678 }
get_feature_vector(vector<double> & result)680 void static_features::get_feature_vector(vector<double> & result) {
681 }