1 /*++
2 Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation
4 Module Name:
6     grobner.cpp
8 Abstract:
10     <abstract>
12 Author:
14     Leonardo de Moura (leonardo) 2008-12-04.
16 Revision History:
18 --*/
19 #include "math/grobner/grobner.h"
20 #include "ast/ast_pp.h"
21 #include "ast/ast_ll_pp.h"
22 #include "util/ref_util.h"
24 // #define PROFILE_GB
grobner(ast_manager & m,v_dependency_manager & d)26 grobner::grobner(ast_manager & m, v_dependency_manager & d):
27     m_manager(m),
28     m_dep_manager(d),
29     m_util(m),
30     m_var_lt(m_var2weight),
31     m_monomial_lt(m_var_lt),
32     m_changed_leading_term(false),
33     m_unsat(nullptr) {
34 }
~grobner()36 grobner::~grobner() {
37     flush();
38 }
flush()40 void grobner::flush() {
41     dec_ref_map_keys(m_manager, m_var2weight);
42     del_equations(0);
43 }
del_equations(unsigned old_size)45 void grobner::del_equations(unsigned old_size) {
46     SASSERT(m_equations_to_delete.size() >= old_size);
47     equation_vector::iterator it  = m_equations_to_delete.begin();
48     equation_vector::iterator end = m_equations_to_delete.end();
49     it += old_size;
50     for (; it != end; ++it) {
51         equation * eq = *it;
52         if (eq)
53             del_equation(eq);
54     }
55     m_equations_to_delete.shrink(old_size);
56 }
del_equation(equation * eq)58 void grobner::del_equation(equation * eq) {
59     m_processed.erase(eq);
60     m_to_process.erase(eq);
61     SASSERT(m_equations_to_delete[eq->m_bidx] == eq);
62     m_equations_to_delete[eq->m_bidx] = 0;
63     del_monomials(eq->m_monomials);
64     dealloc(eq);
65 }
del_monomials(ptr_vector<monomial> & ms)67 void grobner::del_monomials(ptr_vector<monomial>& ms) {
68     for (auto& m : ms) {
69         del_monomial(m);
70     }
71     ms.reset();
72 }
del_monomial(monomial * m)74 void grobner::del_monomial(monomial * m) {
75     for (expr * v : m->m_vars) {
76         m_manager.dec_ref(v);
77     }
78     dealloc(m);
79 }
unfreeze_equations(unsigned old_size)81 void grobner::unfreeze_equations(unsigned old_size) {
82     SASSERT(m_equations_to_unfreeze.size() >= old_size);
83     equation_vector::iterator it  = m_equations_to_unfreeze.begin();
84     equation_vector::iterator end = m_equations_to_unfreeze.end();
85     it += old_size;
86     for (; it != end; ++it) {
87         equation * eq = *it;
88         m_to_process.insert(eq);
89     }
90     m_equations_to_unfreeze.shrink(old_size);
91 }
push_scope()93 void grobner::push_scope() {
94     m_scopes.push_back(scope());
95     scope & s = m_scopes.back();
96     s.m_equations_to_unfreeze_lim = m_equations_to_unfreeze.size();
97     s.m_equations_to_delete_lim   = m_equations_to_delete.size();
98 }
pop_scope(unsigned num_scopes)100 void grobner::pop_scope(unsigned num_scopes) {
101     SASSERT(num_scopes >= get_scope_level());
102     unsigned new_lvl = get_scope_level() - num_scopes;
103     scope & s        = m_scopes[new_lvl];
104     unfreeze_equations(s.m_equations_to_unfreeze_lim);
105     del_equations(s.m_equations_to_delete_lim);
106     m_scopes.shrink(new_lvl);
107 }
reset()109 void grobner::reset() {
110     flush();
111     m_processed.reset();
112     m_to_process.reset();
113     m_equations_to_unfreeze.reset();
114     m_equations_to_delete.reset();
115     m_unsat = nullptr;
116 }
display_var(std::ostream & out,expr * var) const118 void grobner::display_var(std::ostream & out, expr * var) const {
119     if (is_app(var) && to_app(var)->get_num_args() > 0)
120         out << mk_bounded_pp(var, m_manager);
121     else
122         out << mk_pp(var, m_manager);
123 }
display_vars(std::ostream & out,unsigned num_vars,expr * const * vars) const125 void grobner::display_vars(std::ostream & out, unsigned num_vars, expr * const * vars) const {
126     for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_vars; i++) {
127         display_var(out, vars[i]);
128         out << " ";
129     }
130 }
display_monomial(std::ostream & out,monomial const & m) const132 void grobner::display_monomial(std::ostream & out, monomial const & m) const {
133     if (!m.m_coeff.is_one() || m.m_vars.empty()) {
134         out << m.m_coeff;
135         if (!m.m_vars.empty())
136             out << "*";
137     }
139     if (!m.m_vars.empty()) {
140         ptr_vector<expr>::const_iterator it  = m.m_vars.begin();
141         ptr_vector<expr>::const_iterator end = m.m_vars.end();
142         unsigned power = 1;
143         expr *   prev  = *it;
144         it++;
145         for (; it != end; ++it) {
146             expr * curr = *it;
147             if (curr == prev) {
148                 power++;
149             }
150             else {
151                 display_var(out, prev);
152                 if (power > 1)
153                     out << "^" << power;
154                 power = 1;
155                 prev  = curr;
156                 out << "*";
157             }
158         }
159         display_var(out, prev);
160         if (power > 1)
161             out << "^" << power;
162     }
163 }
display_monomials(std::ostream & out,unsigned num_monomials,monomial * const * monomials) const165 void grobner::display_monomials(std::ostream & out, unsigned num_monomials, monomial * const * monomials) const {
166     bool first = true;
167     for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_monomials; i++) {
168         monomial const * m = monomials[i];
169         if (first)
170             first = false;
171         else
172             out << " + ";
173         display_monomial(out, *m);
174     }
175 }
display_equation(std::ostream & out,equation const & eq) const177 void grobner::display_equation(std::ostream & out, equation const & eq) const {
178     display_monomials(out, eq.m_monomials.size(), eq.m_monomials.data());
179     out << " = 0\n";
180 }
display_equations(std::ostream & out,equation_set const & v,char const * header) const182 void grobner::display_equations(std::ostream & out, equation_set const & v, char const * header) const {
183     if (!v.empty()) {
184         out << header << "\n";
185         for (equation const* eq : v)
186             display_equation(out, *eq);
187     }
188 }
display(std::ostream & out) const190 void grobner::display(std::ostream & out) const {
191     display_equations(out, m_processed, "processed:");
192     display_equations(out, m_to_process, "to process:");
193 }
set_weight(expr * n,int weight)195 void grobner::set_weight(expr * n, int weight) {
196     if (weight == 0)
197         return;
198     if (!m_var2weight.contains(n))
199         m_manager.inc_ref(n);
200     m_var2weight.insert(n, weight);
201 }
203 /**
204    \brief Update equation using the new variable order.
205    Return true if the leading term was modified.
206 */
update_order(equation * eq)207 bool grobner::update_order(equation * eq) {
208     if (eq->get_num_monomials() == 0)
209         return false;
210     monomial * first = eq->m_monomials[0];
211     for (monomial* m : eq->m_monomials) {
212         std::stable_sort(m->m_vars.begin(), m->m_vars.end(), m_var_lt);
213     }
214     std::stable_sort(eq->m_monomials.begin(), eq->m_monomials.end(), m_monomial_lt);
215     return eq->m_monomials[0] != first;
216 }
update_order(equation_set & s,bool processed)218 void grobner::update_order(equation_set & s, bool processed) {
219     ptr_buffer<equation> to_remove;
220     for (equation * eq : s) {
221         if (update_order(eq)) {
222             if (processed) {
223                 to_remove.push_back(eq);
224                 m_to_process.insert(eq);
225             }
226         }
227     }
228     for (equation* e : to_remove)
229         s.erase(e);
230 }
update_order()232 void grobner::update_order() {
233     update_order(m_to_process, false);
234     update_order(m_processed, true);
235 }
operator ()(expr * v1,expr * v2) const237 bool grobner::var_lt::operator()(expr * v1, expr * v2) const {
238     if (v1 == v2) return false;
239     int w1 = 0;
240     int w2 = 0;
241     m_var2weight.find(v1, w1);
242     m_var2weight.find(v2, w2);
243     return (w1 > w2) || (w1 == w2 && v1->get_id() < v2->get_id());
244 }
operator ()(monomial * m1,monomial * m2) const246 bool grobner::monomial_lt::operator()(monomial * m1, monomial * m2) const {
247     // Using graded lex order.
248     if (m1->get_degree() > m2->get_degree())
249         return true;
250     if (m1->get_degree() < m2->get_degree())
251         return false;
252     ptr_vector<expr>::iterator it1  = m1->m_vars.begin();
253     ptr_vector<expr>::iterator it2  = m2->m_vars.begin();
254     ptr_vector<expr>::iterator end1 = m1->m_vars.end();
255     for (; it1 != end1; ++it1, ++it2) {
256         expr * v1 = *it1;
257         expr * v2 = *it2;
258         if (v1 == v2)
259             continue;
260         if (m_var_lt(v1, v2))
261             return true;
262         if (v1 != v2)
263             return false;
264     }
265     return false;
266 }
add_var(monomial * m,expr * v)268 inline void grobner::add_var(monomial * m, expr * v) {
269     SASSERT(!m_util.is_numeral(v));
270      m_manager.inc_ref(v);
271      m->m_vars.push_back(v);
272 }
mk_monomial(rational const & coeff,unsigned num_vars,expr * const * vars)274 grobner::monomial * grobner::mk_monomial(rational const & coeff, unsigned num_vars, expr * const * vars) {
275     monomial * r = alloc(monomial);
276     r->m_coeff   = coeff;
277     for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_vars; i++)
278         add_var(r, vars[i]);
279     std::stable_sort(r->m_vars.begin(), r->m_vars.end(), m_var_lt);
280     return r;
281 }
mk_monomial(rational const & coeff,expr * m)283 grobner::monomial * grobner::mk_monomial(rational const & coeff, expr * m) {
284     monomial * r = alloc(monomial);
285     if (m_util.is_numeral(m, r->m_coeff)) {
286         r->m_coeff *= coeff;
287         return r;
288     }
289     if (m_util.is_mul(m)) {
290         expr * body = m;
291         SASSERT(!m_util.is_numeral(to_app(m)->get_arg(1))); // monomial is in normal form
292         if (m_util.is_numeral(to_app(m)->get_arg(0), r->m_coeff)) {
293             r->m_coeff *= coeff;
294             body        = to_app(m)->get_arg(1);
295         }
296         else {
297             r->m_coeff = coeff;
298         }
299         while (m_util.is_mul(body)) {
300             add_var(r, to_app(body)->get_arg(0));
301             body = to_app(body)->get_arg(1);
302         }
303         add_var(r, body);
304         std::stable_sort(r->m_vars.begin(), r->m_vars.end(), m_var_lt);
305     }
306     else {
307         r->m_coeff = coeff;
308         r->m_vars.push_back(m);
309         m_manager.inc_ref(m);
310     }
311     return r;
312 }
init_equation(equation * eq,v_dependency * d)314 void grobner::init_equation(equation * eq, v_dependency * d) {
315     eq->m_scope_lvl = get_scope_level();
316     unsigned bidx   = m_equations_to_delete.size();
317     eq->m_bidx      = bidx;
318     eq->m_dep       = d;
319     eq->m_lc        = true;
320     m_equations_to_delete.push_back(eq);
321     SASSERT(m_equations_to_delete[eq->m_bidx] == eq);
322 }
assert_eq_0(unsigned num_monomials,monomial * const * monomials,v_dependency * ex)324 void grobner::assert_eq_0(unsigned num_monomials, monomial * const * monomials, v_dependency * ex) {
325     ptr_vector<monomial> ms;
326     ms.append(num_monomials, monomials);
327     std::stable_sort(ms.begin(), ms.end(), m_monomial_lt);
328     merge_monomials(ms);
329     if (!ms.empty()) {
330         normalize_coeff(ms);
331         equation * eq       = alloc(equation);
332         eq->m_monomials.swap(ms);
333         init_equation(eq, ex);
334         m_to_process.insert(eq);
335     }
336 }
assert_eq_0(unsigned num_monomials,rational const * coeffs,expr * const * monomials,v_dependency * ex)338 void grobner::assert_eq_0(unsigned num_monomials, rational const * coeffs, expr * const * monomials, v_dependency * ex) {
339 #define MK_EQ(COEFF)                                    \
340     ptr_vector<monomial> ms;                            \
341     for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_monomials; i++)        \
342         ms.push_back(mk_monomial(COEFF, monomials[i])); \
343     std::stable_sort(ms.begin(), ms.end(), m_monomial_lt);     \
344     merge_monomials(ms);                                \
345     if (!ms.empty()) {                                  \
346         equation * eq       = alloc(equation);          \
347         normalize_coeff(ms);                            \
348         eq->m_monomials.swap(ms);                       \
349         init_equation(eq, ex);                          \
350         m_to_process.insert(eq);                        \
351     }
353     MK_EQ(coeffs[i]);
354 }
assert_eq_0(unsigned num_monomials,expr * const * monomials,v_dependency * ex)356 void grobner::assert_eq_0(unsigned num_monomials, expr * const * monomials, v_dependency * ex) {
357     rational one(1);
358     MK_EQ(one);
359 }
extract_monomials(expr * lhs,ptr_buffer<expr> & monomials)361 void grobner::extract_monomials(expr * lhs, ptr_buffer<expr> & monomials) {
362     while (m_util.is_add(lhs)) {
363         SASSERT(!m_util.is_add(to_app(lhs)->get_arg(0)));
364         monomials.push_back(to_app(lhs)->get_arg(0));
365         lhs = to_app(lhs)->get_arg(1);
366     }
367     monomials.push_back(lhs);
368 }
assert_eq(expr * eq,v_dependency * ex)370 void grobner::assert_eq(expr * eq, v_dependency * ex) {
371     SASSERT(m_manager.is_eq(eq));
372     expr * lhs = to_app(eq)->get_arg(0);
373     expr * rhs = to_app(eq)->get_arg(1);
374     SASSERT(m_util.is_numeral(rhs));
375     ptr_buffer<expr> monomials;
376     extract_monomials(lhs, monomials);
377     rational c;
378     bool is_int = false;
379     m_util.is_numeral(rhs, c, is_int);
380     expr_ref new_c(m_manager);
381     if (!c.is_zero()) {
382         c.neg();
383         new_c = m_util.mk_numeral(c, is_int);
384         monomials.push_back(new_c);
385     }
386     assert_eq_0(monomials.size(), monomials.data(), ex);
387 }
assert_monomial_tautology(expr * m)389 void grobner::assert_monomial_tautology(expr * m) {
390     equation * eq   = alloc(equation);
391     eq->m_monomials.push_back(mk_monomial(rational(1), m));
392     // create (quote m)
393     monomial * m1   = alloc(monomial);
394     m1->m_coeff     = rational(-1);
395     m_manager.inc_ref(m);
396     m1->m_vars.push_back(m);
397     eq->m_monomials.push_back(m1);
398     normalize_coeff(eq->m_monomials);
399     init_equation(eq, static_cast<v_dependency*>(nullptr));                                                          \
400     m_to_process.insert(eq);
401 }
403 /**
404    \brief Return true if the body of m1 and m2 are equal
405 */
is_eq_monomial_body(monomial const * m1,monomial const * m2)406 bool grobner::is_eq_monomial_body(monomial const * m1, monomial const * m2) {
407     if (m1->get_degree() != m2->get_degree())
408         return false;
409     ptr_vector<expr>::const_iterator it1  = m1->m_vars.begin();
410     ptr_vector<expr>::const_iterator it2  = m2->m_vars.begin();
411     ptr_vector<expr>::const_iterator end1 = m1->m_vars.end();
412     for (; it1 != end1; ++it1, ++it2) {
413         expr * v1 = *it1;
414         expr * v2 = *it2;
415         if (v1 != v2)
416             return false;
417     }
418     return true;
419 }
421 /**
422    \brief Merge monomials (* c1 m) (* c2 m).
424    \remark This method assumes the monomials are sorted.
425 */
merge_monomials(ptr_vector<monomial> & monomials)426 void grobner::merge_monomials(ptr_vector<monomial> & monomials) {
427     TRACE("grobner", tout << "before merging monomials:\n"; display_monomials(tout, monomials.size(), monomials.data()); tout << "\n";);
428     unsigned j  = 0;
429     unsigned sz = monomials.size();
430     if (sz == 0)
431         return;
432     SASSERT(&m_del_monomials != &monomials);
433     ptr_vector<monomial>& to_delete = m_del_monomials;
434     to_delete.reset();
435     m_manager.limit().inc(sz);
436     for (unsigned i = 1; i < sz; ++i) {
437         monomial * m1 = monomials[j];
438         monomial * m2 = monomials[i];
439         if (is_eq_monomial_body(m1, m2)) {
440             m1->m_coeff += m2->m_coeff;
441             to_delete.push_back(m2);
442         }
443         else {
444             if (m1->m_coeff.is_zero())
445                 to_delete.push_back(m1);
446             else
447                 j++;
448             monomials[j] = m2;
449         }
450     }
451     SASSERT(j < sz);
452     monomial * m1 = monomials[j];
453     if (m1->m_coeff.is_zero())
454         to_delete.push_back(m1);
455     else
456         j++;
457     monomials.shrink(j);
458     del_monomials(to_delete);
459     TRACE("grobner", tout << "after merging monomials:\n"; display_monomials(tout, monomials.size(), monomials.data()); tout << "\n";);
460 }
462 /**
463    \brief Divide the coefficients by the coefficient of the leading term.
464 */
normalize_coeff(ptr_vector<monomial> & monomials)465 void grobner::normalize_coeff(ptr_vector<monomial> & monomials) {
466     if (monomials.empty())
467         return;
468     rational c  = monomials[0]->m_coeff;
469     if (c.is_one())
470         return;
471     unsigned sz = monomials.size();
472     for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++)
473         monomials[i]->m_coeff /= c;
474 }
476 /**
477    \brief Simplify the given monomials
478 */
simplify(ptr_vector<monomial> & monomials)479 void grobner::simplify(ptr_vector<monomial> & monomials) {
480     std::stable_sort(monomials.begin(), monomials.end(), m_monomial_lt);
481     merge_monomials(monomials);
482     normalize_coeff(monomials);
483 }
485 /**
486    \brief Return true if the equation is of the form k = 0, where k is a numeral different from zero.
488    \remark This method assumes the equation is simplified.
489 */
is_inconsistent(equation * eq) const490 inline bool grobner::is_inconsistent(equation * eq) const {
491     SASSERT(!(eq->m_monomials.size() == 1 && eq->m_monomials[0]->get_degree() == 0) || !eq->m_monomials[0]->m_coeff.is_zero());
492     return eq->m_monomials.size() == 1 && eq->m_monomials[0]->get_degree() == 0;
493 }
495 /**
496    \brief Return true if the equation is of the form 0 = 0.
497 */
is_trivial(equation * eq) const498 inline bool grobner::is_trivial(equation * eq) const {
499     return eq->m_monomials.empty();
500 }
502 /**
503    \brief Sort monomials, and merge monomials with the same body.
504 */
simplify(equation * eq)505 void grobner::simplify(equation * eq) {
506     simplify(eq->m_monomials);
507     if (is_inconsistent(eq) && !m_unsat)
508         m_unsat = eq;
509 }
511 /**
512    \brief Return true if monomial m1 is (* c1 M) and m2 is (* c2 M M').
513    Store M' in rest.
515    \remark This method assumes the variables of m1 and m2 are sorted.
516 */
is_subset(monomial const * m1,monomial const * m2,ptr_vector<expr> & rest) const517 bool grobner::is_subset(monomial const * m1, monomial const * m2, ptr_vector<expr> & rest) const {
518     unsigned i1  = 0;
519     unsigned i2  = 0;
520     unsigned sz1 = m1->m_vars.size();
521     unsigned sz2 = m2->m_vars.size();
522     if (sz1 <= sz2) {
523         while (true) {
524             if (i1 >= sz1) {
525                 for (; i2 < sz2; i2++)
526                     rest.push_back(m2->m_vars[i2]);
527                 TRACE("grobner",
528                       tout << "monomail: "; display_monomial(tout, *m1); tout << " is a subset of ";
529                       display_monomial(tout, *m2); tout << "\n";
530                       tout << "rest: "; display_vars(tout, rest.size(), rest.data()); tout << "\n";);
531                 return true;
532             }
533             if (i2 >= sz2)
534                 break;
535             expr * var1 = m1->m_vars[i1];
536             expr * var2 = m2->m_vars[i2];
537             if (var1 == var2) {
538                 i1++;
539                 i2++;
540                 continue;
541             }
542             if (m_var_lt(var2, var1)) {
543                 i2++;
544                 rest.push_back(var2);
545                 continue;
546             }
547             SASSERT(m_var_lt(var1, var2));
548             break;
549         }
550     }
551     // is not subset
552     TRACE("grobner", tout << "monomail: "; display_monomial(tout, *m1); tout << " is not a subset of ";
553           display_monomial(tout, *m2); tout << "\n";);
554     return false;
555 }
557 /**
558    \brief Multiply the monomials of source starting at position start_idx by (coeff * vars), and store the resultant monomials
559    at result.
560 */
mul_append(unsigned start_idx,equation const * source,rational const & coeff,ptr_vector<expr> const & vars,ptr_vector<monomial> & result)561 void grobner::mul_append(unsigned start_idx, equation const * source, rational const & coeff, ptr_vector<expr> const & vars, ptr_vector<monomial> & result) {
562     unsigned sz = source->get_num_monomials();
563     for (unsigned i = start_idx; i < sz; i++) {
564         monomial const * m = source->get_monomial(i);
565         monomial * new_m   = alloc(monomial);
566         new_m->m_coeff     = m->m_coeff;
567         new_m->m_coeff    *= coeff;
568         new_m->m_vars.append(m->m_vars.size(), m->m_vars.data());
569         new_m->m_vars.append(vars.size(), vars.data());
570         for (expr* e : new_m->m_vars)
571             m_manager.inc_ref(e);
572         std::stable_sort(new_m->m_vars.begin(), new_m->m_vars.end(), m_var_lt);
573         result.push_back(new_m);
574     }
575 }
577 /**
578    \brief Copy the given monomial.
579 */
copy_monomial(monomial const * m)580 grobner::monomial * grobner::copy_monomial(monomial const * m) {
581     monomial * r = alloc(monomial);
582     r->m_coeff   = m->m_coeff;
583     for (expr* e : m->m_vars)
584         add_var(r, e);
585     return r;
586 }
588 /**
589    \brief Copy the given equation.
590 */
copy_equation(equation const * eq)591 grobner::equation * grobner::copy_equation(equation const * eq) {
592     equation * r   = alloc(equation);
593     unsigned sz    = eq->get_num_monomials();
594     for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++)
595         r->m_monomials.push_back(copy_monomial(eq->get_monomial(i)));
596     init_equation(r, eq->m_dep);
597     r->m_lc        = eq->m_lc;
598     return r;
599 }
601 /**
602    \brief Simplify the target equation using the source as a rewrite rule.
603    Return 0 if target was not simplified.
604    Return target if target was simplified but source->m_scope_lvl <= target->m_scope_lvl.
605    Return new_equation if source->m_scope_lvl > target->m_scope_lvl, moreover target is freezed, and new_equation contains the result.
606 */
simplify(equation const * source,equation * target)607 grobner::equation * grobner::simplify(equation const * source, equation * target) {
608     TRACE("grobner", tout << "simplifying: "; display_equation(tout, *target); tout << "using: "; display_equation(tout, *source););
609     if (source->get_num_monomials() == 0)
610         return nullptr;
611     m_stats.m_simplify++;
612     bool result = false;
613     bool simplified;
614     do {
615         simplified          = false;
616         unsigned i          = 0;
617         unsigned j          = 0;
618         unsigned sz         = target->m_monomials.size();
619         monomial const * LT = source->get_monomial(0);
620         ptr_vector<monomial> & new_monomials = m_tmp_monomials;
621         new_monomials.reset();
622         ptr_vector<expr>  & rest = m_tmp_vars1;
623         for (; i < sz; i++) {
624             monomial * curr = target->m_monomials[i];
625             rest.reset();
626             if (is_subset(LT, curr, rest)) {
627                 if (i == 0)
628                     m_changed_leading_term = true;
629                 if (source->m_scope_lvl > target->m_scope_lvl) {
630                     target = copy_equation(target);
631                     SASSERT(target->m_scope_lvl >= source->m_scope_lvl);
632                 }
633                 if (!result) {
634                     // first time that source is being applied.
635                     target->m_dep = m_dep_manager.mk_join(target->m_dep, source->m_dep);
636                 }
637                 simplified     = true;
638                 result         = true;
639                 rational coeff = curr->m_coeff;
640                 coeff         /= LT->m_coeff;
641                 coeff.neg();
642                 if (!rest.empty())
643                     target->m_lc = false;
644                 mul_append(1, source, coeff, rest, new_monomials);
645                 del_monomial(curr);
646                 target->m_monomials[i] = 0;
647             }
648             else {
649                 target->m_monomials[j] = curr;
650                 j++;
651             }
652         }
653         if (simplified) {
654             target->m_monomials.shrink(j);
655             target->m_monomials.append(new_monomials.size(), new_monomials.data());
656             simplify(target);
657         }
658     }
659     while (simplified && m_manager.inc());
660     TRACE("grobner", tout << "result: "; display_equation(tout, *target););
661     return result ? target : nullptr;
662 }
664 /**
665    \brief Simplify given equation using processed equalities.
666    Return 0, if the equation was not simplified.
667    Return eq, if the equation was simplified using destructive updates.
668    Return new_eq otherwise.
669 */
simplify_using_processed(equation * eq)670 grobner::equation * grobner::simplify_using_processed(equation * eq) {
671     bool result = false;
672     bool simplified;
673     TRACE("grobner", tout << "simplifying: "; display_equation(tout, *eq); tout << "using already processed equalities\n";);
674     do {
675         simplified = false;
676         for (equation const* p : m_processed) {
677             equation * new_eq  = simplify(p, eq);
678             if (new_eq) {
679                 result     = true;
680                 simplified = true;
681                 eq         = new_eq;
682             }
683             if (!m_manager.inc()) {
684                 return nullptr;
685             }
686         }
687     }
688     while (simplified);
689     TRACE("grobner", tout << "simplification result: "; display_equation(tout, *eq););
690     return result ? eq : nullptr;
691 }
693 /**
694    \brief Return true if eq1 is a better than e2, for being the next equation to be processed.
695 */
is_better_choice(equation * eq1,equation * eq2)696 bool grobner::is_better_choice(equation * eq1, equation * eq2) {
697     if (!eq2)
698         return true;
699     if (eq1->m_monomials.empty())
700         return true;
701     if (eq2->m_monomials.empty())
702         return false;
703     if (eq1->m_monomials[0]->get_degree() < eq2->m_monomials[0]->get_degree())
704         return true;
705     if (eq1->m_monomials[0]->get_degree() > eq2->m_monomials[0]->get_degree())
706         return false;
707     return eq1->m_monomials.size() < eq2->m_monomials.size();
708 }
710 /**
711    \brief Pick next unprocessed equation
712 */
pick_next()713 grobner::equation * grobner::pick_next() {
714     equation * r = nullptr;
715     ptr_buffer<equation> to_delete;
716     for (equation * curr : m_to_process) {
717         if (is_trivial(curr))
718             to_delete.push_back(curr);
719         else if (is_better_choice(curr, r))
720             r = curr;
721     }
722     for (equation * e : to_delete)
723         del_equation(e);
724     if (r)
725         m_to_process.erase(r);
726     TRACE("grobner", tout << "selected equation: "; if (!r) tout << "<null>\n"; else display_equation(tout, *r););
727     return r;
728 }
730 /**
731    \brief Use the given equation to simplify processed terms.
732 */
simplify_processed(equation * eq)733 bool grobner::simplify_processed(equation * eq) {
734     ptr_buffer<equation> to_insert;
735     ptr_buffer<equation> to_remove;
736     ptr_buffer<equation> to_delete;
737     equation_set::iterator it  = m_processed.begin();
738     equation_set::iterator end = m_processed.end();
739     for (; it != end && m_manager.inc(); ++it) {
740         equation * curr        = *it;
741         m_changed_leading_term = false;
742         // if the leading term is simplified, then the equation has to be moved to m_to_process
743         equation * new_curr    = simplify(eq, curr);
744         if (new_curr != nullptr) {
745             if (new_curr != curr) {
746                 m_equations_to_unfreeze.push_back(curr);
747                 to_remove.push_back(curr);
748                 if (m_changed_leading_term) {
749                     m_to_process.insert(new_curr);
750                     to_remove.push_back(curr);
751                 }
752                 else {
753                     to_insert.push_back(new_curr);
754                 }
755                 curr = new_curr;
756             }
757             else {
758                 if (m_changed_leading_term) {
759                     m_to_process.insert(curr);
760                     to_remove.push_back(curr);
761                 }
762             }
763         }
764         if (is_trivial(curr))
765             to_delete.push_back(curr);
766     }
767     for (equation* eq : to_insert)
768         m_processed.insert(eq);
769     for (equation* eq : to_remove)
770         m_processed.erase(eq);
771     for (equation* eq : to_delete)
772         del_equation(eq);
773     return m_manager.inc();
774 }
776 /**
777    \brief Use the given equation to simplify to-process terms.
778 */
simplify_to_process(equation * eq)779 void grobner::simplify_to_process(equation * eq) {
780     ptr_buffer<equation> to_insert;
781     ptr_buffer<equation> to_remove;
782     ptr_buffer<equation> to_delete;
783     for (equation* curr : m_to_process) {
784         equation * new_curr = simplify(eq, curr);
785         if (new_curr != nullptr && new_curr != curr) {
786             m_equations_to_unfreeze.push_back(curr);
787             to_insert.push_back(new_curr);
788             to_remove.push_back(curr);
789             curr = new_curr;
790         }
791         if (is_trivial(curr))
792             to_delete.push_back(curr);
793     }
794     for (equation* eq : to_insert)
795         m_to_process.insert(eq);
796     for (equation* eq : to_remove)
797         m_to_process.erase(eq);
798     for (equation* eq : to_delete)
799         del_equation(eq);
800 }
802 /**
803    \brief If m1 = (* c M M1) and m2 = (* d M M2) and M is non empty, then return true and store M1 in rest1 and M2 in rest2.
804 */
unify(monomial const * m1,monomial const * m2,ptr_vector<expr> & rest1,ptr_vector<expr> & rest2)805 bool grobner::unify(monomial const * m1, monomial const * m2, ptr_vector<expr> & rest1, ptr_vector<expr> & rest2) {
806     TRACE("grobner", tout << "unifying: "; display_monomial(tout, *m1); tout << " "; display_monomial(tout, *m2); tout << "\n";);
807     bool found_M = false;
808     unsigned i1  = 0;
809     unsigned i2  = 0;
810     unsigned sz1 = m1->m_vars.size();
811     unsigned sz2 = m2->m_vars.size();
812     while (true) {
813         if (i1 >= sz1) {
814             if (found_M) {
815                 for (; i2 < sz2; i2++)
816                     rest2.push_back(m2->m_vars[i2]);
817                 return true;
818             }
819             return false;
820         }
821         if (i2 >= sz2) {
822             if (found_M) {
823                 for (; i1 < sz1; i1++)
824                     rest1.push_back(m1->m_vars[i1]);
825                 return true;
826             }
827             return false;
828         }
829         expr * var1 = m1->m_vars[i1];
830         expr * var2 = m2->m_vars[i2];
831         if (var1 == var2) {
832             found_M = true;
833             i1++;
834             i2++;
835         }
836         else if (m_var_lt(var2, var1)) {
837             i2++;
838             rest2.push_back(var2);
839         }
840         else {
841             i1++;
842             rest1.push_back(var1);
843         }
844     }
845 }
847 /**
848    \brief Superpose the given two equations.
849 */
superpose(equation * eq1,equation * eq2)850 void grobner::superpose(equation * eq1, equation * eq2) {
851     if (eq1->m_monomials.empty() || eq2->m_monomials.empty())
852         return;
853     m_stats.m_superpose++;
854     ptr_vector<expr> & rest1 = m_tmp_vars1;
855     rest1.reset();
856     ptr_vector<expr> & rest2 = m_tmp_vars2;
857     rest2.reset();
858     if (unify(eq1->m_monomials[0], eq2->m_monomials[0], rest1, rest2)) {
859         TRACE("grobner", tout << "superposing:\n"; display_equation(tout, *eq1); display_equation(tout, *eq2);
860               tout << "rest1: "; display_vars(tout, rest1.size(), rest1.data()); tout << "\n";
861               tout << "rest2: "; display_vars(tout, rest2.size(), rest2.data()); tout << "\n";);
862         ptr_vector<monomial> & new_monomials = m_tmp_monomials;
863         new_monomials.reset();
864         mul_append(1, eq1, eq2->m_monomials[0]->m_coeff, rest2, new_monomials);
865         rational c = eq1->m_monomials[0]->m_coeff;
866         c.neg();
867         mul_append(1, eq2, c, rest1, new_monomials);
868         simplify(new_monomials);
869         TRACE("grobner", tout << "resulting monomials: "; display_monomials(tout, new_monomials.size(), new_monomials.data()); tout << "\n";);
870         if (new_monomials.empty())
871             return;
872         m_num_new_equations++;
873         equation * new_eq = alloc(equation);
874         new_eq->m_monomials.swap(new_monomials);
875         init_equation(new_eq, m_dep_manager.mk_join(eq1->m_dep, eq2->m_dep));
876         new_eq->m_lc = false;
877         m_to_process.insert(new_eq);
878     }
879 }
881 /**
882    \brief Superpose the given equations with the equations in m_processed.
883 */
superpose(equation * eq)884 void grobner::superpose(equation * eq) {
885     for (equation * curr : m_processed) {
886         superpose(eq, curr);
887     }
888 }
compute_basis_init()890 void grobner::compute_basis_init() {
891     m_stats.m_compute_basis++;
892     m_num_new_equations = 0;
893 }
compute_basis_step()895 bool grobner::compute_basis_step() {
896     equation * eq = pick_next();
897     if (!eq)
898         return true;
899     m_stats.m_num_processed++;
900 #ifdef PROFILE_GB
901     if (m_stats.m_num_processed % 100 == 0) {
902         verbose_stream() << "[grobner] " << m_processed.size() << " " << m_to_process.size() << "\n";
903     }
904 #endif
905     equation * new_eq = simplify_using_processed(eq);
906     if (new_eq != nullptr && eq != new_eq) {
907         // equation was updated using non destructive updates
908         m_equations_to_unfreeze.push_back(eq);
909         eq = new_eq;
910     }
911     if (!m_manager.inc()) return false;
912     if (!simplify_processed(eq)) return false;
913     superpose(eq);
914     m_processed.insert(eq);
915     simplify_to_process(eq);
916     TRACE("grobner", tout << "end of iteration:\n"; display(tout););
917     return false;
918 }
compute_basis(unsigned threshold)920 bool grobner::compute_basis(unsigned threshold) {
921     compute_basis_init();
922     while (m_num_new_equations < threshold && m_manager.inc()) {
923         if (compute_basis_step()) return true;
924     }
925     return false;
926 }
copy_to(equation_set const & s,ptr_vector<equation> & result) const928 void grobner::copy_to(equation_set const & s, ptr_vector<equation> & result) const {
929     for (equation * e : s)
930         result.push_back(e);
931 }
933 /**
934    \brief Copy the equations in m_processed and m_to_process to result.
936    \warning This equations can be deleted when compute_basis is invoked.
937 */
get_equations(ptr_vector<equation> & result) const938 void grobner::get_equations(ptr_vector<equation> & result) const {
939     copy_to(m_processed, result);
940     copy_to(m_to_process, result);
941 }