1 /*++
2 Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation
4 Module Name:
6     linear_equation.cpp
8 Abstract:
10     Basic infrastructure for managing linear equations of the form:
12     a_1 * x_1 + ... + a_n * x_n = 0
14 Author:
16     Leonardo de Moura (leonardo) 2011-06-28
18 Revision History:
20 --*/
21 #include "tactic/arith/linear_equation.h"
23 /**
24    \brief Return the position of variable x_i in the linear equation.
25    Return UINT_MAX, if the variable is not in the linear_equation.
26 */
pos(unsigned x_i) const27 unsigned linear_equation::pos(unsigned x_i) const {
28     int low  = 0;
29     int high = m_size - 1;
30     while (true) {
31         int mid   = low + ((high - low) / 2);
32         var x_mid = m_xs[mid];
33         if (x_i > x_mid) {
34             low = mid + 1;
35             if (low > high)
36                 return UINT_MAX;
37         }
38         else if (x_i < x_mid) {
39             high = mid - 1;
40             if (low > high)
41                 return UINT_MAX;
42         }
43         else {
44             return mid;
45         }
46     }
47 }
display(std::ostream & out,linear_equation const & eq) const49 void linear_equation_manager::display(std::ostream & out, linear_equation const & eq) const {
50     unsigned sz = eq.m_size;
51     for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
52         if (i > 0)
53             out << " + ";
54         out << m.to_string(eq.m_as[i]) << "*x" << eq.m_xs[i];
55     }
56     out << " = 0";
57 }
mk(unsigned sz,mpq * as,var * xs,bool normalized)59 linear_equation * linear_equation_manager::mk(unsigned sz, mpq * as, var * xs, bool normalized) {
60     SASSERT(sz > 1);
62     // compute lcm of the denominators
63     mpz l;
64     mpz r;
65     m.set(l, as[0].denominator());
66     for (unsigned i = 1; i < sz; i++) {
67         m.set(r, as[i].denominator());
68         m.lcm(r, l, l);
69     }
71     TRACE("linear_equation_mk", tout << "lcm: " << m.to_string(l) << "\n";);
73     // copy l * as to m_int_buffer.
74     m_int_buffer.reset();
75     for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
76         TRACE("linear_equation_mk", tout << "before as[" << i << "]: " << m.to_string(as[i]) << "\n";);
77         m.mul(l, as[i], as[i]);
78         TRACE("linear_equation_mk", tout << "after as[" << i << "]: " << m.to_string(as[i]) << "\n";);
79         SASSERT(m.is_int(as[i]));
80         m_int_buffer.push_back(as[i].numerator());
81     }
83     linear_equation * new_eq = mk(sz, m_int_buffer.data(), xs, normalized);
85     m.del(r);
86     m.del(l);
88     return new_eq;
89 }
mk_core(unsigned sz,mpz * as,var * xs)91 linear_equation * linear_equation_manager::mk_core(unsigned sz, mpz * as, var * xs) {
92     SASSERT(sz > 0);
93     DEBUG_CODE({
94         for (unsigned i = 1; i < sz; i++) {
95             SASSERT(xs[i-1] < xs[i]);
96         }
97     });
99     TRACE("linear_equation_bug", for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++) tout << m.to_string(as[i]) << "*x" << xs[i] << " "; tout << "\n";);
101     mpz g;
102     m.set(g, as[0]);
103     for (unsigned i = 1; i < sz; i++) {
104         if (m.is_one(g))
105             break;
106         if (m.is_neg(as[i])) {
107             m.neg(as[i]);
108             m.gcd(g, as[i], g);
109             m.neg(as[i]);
110         }
111         else {
112             m.gcd(g, as[i], g);
113         }
114     }
115     if (!m.is_one(g)) {
116         for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
117             m.div(as[i], g, as[i]);
118         }
119     }
121     TRACE("linear_equation_bug",
122           tout << "g: " << m.to_string(g) << "\n";
123           for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++) tout << m.to_string(as[i]) << "*x" << xs[i] << " "; tout << "\n";);
125     m.del(g);
127     unsigned obj_sz          = linear_equation::get_obj_size(sz);
128     void * mem               = m_allocator.allocate(obj_sz);
129     linear_equation * new_eq = new (mem) linear_equation();
130     mpz * new_as             = reinterpret_cast<mpz*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(new_eq) + sizeof(linear_equation));
131     double * new_app_as      = reinterpret_cast<double*>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(new_as) + sz * sizeof(mpz));
132     var * new_xs             = reinterpret_cast<var *>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(new_app_as) + sz * sizeof(double));
133     for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
134         new (new_as + i) mpz();
135         m.set(new_as[i], as[i]);
136         new_app_as[i] = m.get_double(as[i]);
137         var x_i   = xs[i];
138         new_xs[i] = x_i;
139     }
140     new_eq->m_size        = sz;
141     new_eq->m_as          = new_as;
142     new_eq->m_approx_as   = new_app_as;
143     new_eq->m_xs          = new_xs;
144     return new_eq;
145 }
mk(unsigned sz,mpz * as,var * xs,bool normalized)147 linear_equation * linear_equation_manager::mk(unsigned sz, mpz * as, var * xs, bool normalized) {
148     if (!normalized) {
149         for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
150             var x = xs[i];
151             m_mark.reserve(x+1, false);
152             m_val_buffer.reserve(x+1);
154             if (m_mark[x]) {
155                 m.add(m_val_buffer[x], as[i], m_val_buffer[x]);
156             }
157             else {
158                 m.set(m_val_buffer[x], as[i]);
159                 m_mark[x] = true;
160             }
161         }
163         unsigned j = 0;
164         for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
165             var x = xs[i];
166             if (m_mark[x]) {
167                 if (!m.is_zero(m_val_buffer[x])) {
168                     xs[j] = xs[i];
169                     m.set(as[j], m_val_buffer[x]);
170                     j++;
171                 }
172                 m_mark[x] = false;
173             }
174         }
175         sz = j;
176         if (sz <= 1)
177             return nullptr;
178     }
179     else {
180         DEBUG_CODE({
181             for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
182                 var x = xs[i];
183                 m_mark.reserve(x+1, false);
184                 SASSERT(!m_mark[x]);
185                 m_mark[x] = true;
186             }
187             for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
188                 var x = xs[i];
189                 m_mark[x] = false;
190             }
191         });
192     }
194     for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
195         var x = xs[i];
196         m_val_buffer.reserve(x+1);
197         m.swap(m_val_buffer[x], as[i]);
198     }
199     std::sort(xs, xs+sz);
200     for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
201         var x = xs[i];
202         m.swap(as[i], m_val_buffer[x]);
203     }
205     return mk_core(sz, as, xs);
206 }
mk(mpz const & b1,linear_equation const & eq1,mpz const & b2,linear_equation const & eq2)208 linear_equation * linear_equation_manager::mk(mpz const & b1, linear_equation const & eq1, mpz const & b2, linear_equation const & eq2) {
209     SASSERT(!m.is_zero(b1));
210     SASSERT(!m.is_zero(b2));
211     mpz tmp, new_a;
212     m_int_buffer.reset();
213     m_var_buffer.reset();
214     unsigned sz1 = eq1.size();
215     unsigned sz2 = eq2.size();
216     unsigned i1  = 0;
217     unsigned i2  = 0;
218     while (true) {
219         if (i1 == sz1) {
220             // copy remaining entries from eq2
221             while (i2 < sz2) {
222                 m_int_buffer.push_back(eq2.a(i2));
223                 m.mul(m_int_buffer.back(), b2, m_int_buffer.back());
224                 m_var_buffer.push_back(eq2.x(i2));
225                 i2++;
226             }
227             break;
228         }
229         if (i2 == sz2) {
230             // copy remaining entries from eq1
231             while (i1 < sz1) {
232                 m_int_buffer.push_back(eq1.a(i1));
233                 m.mul(m_int_buffer.back(), b1, m_int_buffer.back());
234                 m_var_buffer.push_back(eq1.x(i1));
235                 i1++;
236             }
237             break;
238         }
239         var x1 = eq1.x(i1);
240         var x2 = eq2.x(i2);
241         if (x1 < x2) {
242             m_int_buffer.push_back(eq1.a(i1));
243             m.mul(m_int_buffer.back(), b1, m_int_buffer.back());
244             m_var_buffer.push_back(eq1.x(i1));
245             i1++;
246         }
247         else if (x1 > x2) {
248             m_int_buffer.push_back(eq2.a(i2));
249             m.mul(m_int_buffer.back(), b2, m_int_buffer.back());
250             m_var_buffer.push_back(eq2.x(i2));
251             i2++;
252         }
253         else {
254             m.mul(eq1.a(i1), b1, tmp);
255             m.addmul(tmp, b2, eq2.a(i2), new_a);
256             if (!m.is_zero(new_a)) {
257                 m_int_buffer.push_back(new_a);
258                 m_var_buffer.push_back(eq1.x(i1));
259             }
260             i1++;
261             i2++;
262         }
263     }
264     m.del(tmp);
265     m.del(new_a);
266     SASSERT(m_int_buffer.size() == m_var_buffer.size());
267     if (m_int_buffer.empty())
268         return nullptr;
269     return mk_core(m_int_buffer.size(), m_int_buffer.data(), m_var_buffer.data());
270 }
del(linear_equation * eq)272 void linear_equation_manager::del(linear_equation * eq) {
273     for (unsigned i = 0; i < eq->m_size; i++) {
274         m.del(eq->m_as[i]);
275     }
276     unsigned obj_sz = linear_equation::get_obj_size(eq->m_size);
277     m_allocator.deallocate(obj_sz, eq);
278 }