1 /*
2  * Amanda, The Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver
3  * Copyright (c) 1991-1998 University of Maryland at College Park
4  * Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Zmanda, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
5  * All Rights Reserved.
6  *
7  * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
8  * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
9  * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
10  * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
11  * documentation, and that the name of U.M. not be used in advertising or
12  * publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
13  * written prior permission.  U.M. makes no representations about the
14  * suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
15  * without express or implied warranty.
16  *
23  *
24  * Authors: the Amanda Development Team.  Its members are listed in a
25  * file named AUTHORS, in the root directory of this distribution.
26  */
27 /*
28  * $Id: driver.c 6512 2007-05-24 17:00:24Z ian $
29  *
30  * controlling process for the Amanda backup system
31  */
33 /*
34  * XXX possibly modify tape queue to be cognizant of how much room is left on
35  *     tape.  Probably not effective though, should do this in planner.
36  */
38 #include "amanda.h"
39 #include "find.h"
40 #include "clock.h"
41 #include "conffile.h"
42 #include "diskfile.h"
43 #include "event.h"
44 #include "holding.h"
45 #include "infofile.h"
46 #include "logfile.h"
47 #include "fsusage.h"
48 #include "driverio.h"
49 #include "server_util.h"
50 #include "timestamp.h"
52 #define driver_debug(i, ...) do {	\
53 	if ((i) <= debug_driver) {	\
54 	    dbprintf(__VA_ARGS__);	\
55 	}				\
56 } while (0)
58 #define hold_debug(i, ...) do {		\
59 	if ((i) <= debug_holding) {	\
60 	    dbprintf(__VA_ARGS__);	\
61 	}				\
62 } while (0)
64 static disklist_t waitq;	// dle waiting estimate result
65 static disklist_t runq;		// dle waiting to be dumped to holding disk
66 static disklist_t directq;	// dle waiting to be dumped directly to tape
67 static disklist_t tapeq;	// dle on holding disk waiting to be written
68 				//   to tape
69 static disklist_t roomq;	// dle waiting for more space on holding disk
70 static int pending_aborts;
71 static int degraded_mode;
72 static off_t reserved_space;
73 static off_t total_disksize;
74 static char *dumper_program;
75 static char *chunker_program;
76 static int  inparallel;
77 static int nodump = 0;
78 static off_t tape_length = (off_t)0;
79 static int current_tape = 0;
80 static int conf_max_dle_by_volume;
81 static int conf_taperalgo;
82 static int conf_taper_parallel_write;
83 static int conf_runtapes;
84 static time_t sleep_time;
85 static int idle_reason;
86 static char *driver_timestamp;
87 static char *hd_driver_timestamp;
88 static am_host_t *flushhost = NULL;
89 static int need_degraded=0;
90 static holdalloc_t *holdalloc;
91 static int num_holdalloc;
92 static event_handle_t *dumpers_ev_time = NULL;
93 static event_handle_t *flush_ev_read = NULL;
94 static event_handle_t *schedule_ev_read = NULL;
95 static int   conf_flush_threshold_dumped;
96 static int   conf_flush_threshold_scheduled;
97 static int   conf_taperflush;
98 static off_t flush_threshold_dumped;
99 static off_t flush_threshold_scheduled;
100 static off_t taperflush;
101 static int   schedule_done;			// 1 if we don't wait for a
102 						//   schedule from the planner
103 static int   force_flush;			// All dump are terminated, we
104 						// must now respect taper_flush
105 static int taper_nb_scan_volume = 0;
106 static int nb_sent_new_tape = 0;
107 static int taper_started = 0;
108 static taper_t *last_started_taper = NULL;
109 static taper_t *taper_sent_first_write = NULL;	// *-WRITE sent on new taper but no (NO-)NEW-TAPE received
111 static int wait_children(int count);
112 static void wait_for_children(void);
113 static void allocate_bandwidth(netif_t *ip, unsigned long kps);
114 static int assign_holdingdisk(assignedhd_t **holdp, disk_t *diskp);
115 static void adjust_diskspace(disk_t *diskp, cmd_t cmd);
116 static void delete_diskspace(disk_t *diskp);
117 static assignedhd_t **build_diskspace(char *destname);
118 static int client_constrained(disk_t *dp);
119 static void deallocate_bandwidth(netif_t *ip, unsigned long kps);
120 static void dump_schedule(disklist_t *qp, char *str);
121 static assignedhd_t **find_diskspace(off_t size, int *cur_idle,
122 					assignedhd_t *preferred);
123 static unsigned long free_kps(netif_t *ip);
124 static off_t free_space(void);
125 static void dumper_chunker_result(disk_t *dp);
126 static void dumper_taper_result(disk_t *dp);
127 static void file_taper_result(disk_t *dp);
128 static void handle_dumper_result(void *);
129 static void handle_chunker_result(void *);
130 static void handle_dumpers_time(void *);
131 static void handle_taper_result(void *);
133 static void holdingdisk_state(char *time_str);
134 static taper_t *idle_taper(void);
135 static taper_t *taper_from_name(char *name);
136 static void interface_state(char *time_str);
137 static int queue_length(disklist_t q);
138 static void read_flush(void *cookie);
139 static void read_schedule(void *cookie);
140 static void short_dump_state(void);
141 static void startaflush(void);
142 static void start_degraded_mode(disklist_t *queuep);
143 static void start_some_dumps(disklist_t *rq);
144 static void continue_port_dumps(void);
145 static void update_failed_dump(disk_t *);
146 static int no_taper_flushing(void);
147 static int active_dumper(void);
149 typedef enum {
150     TAPE_ACTION_NO_ACTION         = 0,
151     TAPE_ACTION_SCAN              = (1 << 0),
152     TAPE_ACTION_NEW_TAPE          = (1 << 1),
153     TAPE_ACTION_NO_NEW_TAPE       = (1 << 2),
154     TAPE_ACTION_START_A_FLUSH     = (1 << 3),
155     TAPE_ACTION_START_A_FLUSH_FIT = (1 << 4),
156     TAPE_ACTION_MOVE              = (1 << 5)
157 } TapeAction;
159 static TapeAction tape_action(taper_t *taper, char **why_no_new_tape);
161 static const char *idle_strings[] = {
162 #define NOT_IDLE		0
163     T_("not-idle"),
164 #define IDLE_NO_DUMPERS		1
165     T_("no-dumpers"),
166 #define IDLE_START_WAIT		2
167     T_("start-wait"),
168 #define IDLE_NO_HOLD		3
169     T_("no-hold"),
171     T_("client-constrained"),
172 #define IDLE_NO_BANDWIDTH	5
173     T_("no-bandwidth"),
174 #define IDLE_NO_DISKSPACE	6
175     T_("no-diskspace")
176 };
178 int
main(int argc,char ** argv)179 main(
180     int		argc,
181     char **	argv)
182 {
183     disklist_t origq;
184     disk_t *diskp;
185     int dsk;
186     dumper_t *dumper;
187     char *newdir = NULL;
188     struct fs_usage fsusage;
189     holdingdisk_t *hdp;
190     identlist_t    il;
191     unsigned long reserve = 100;
192     char *conf_diskfile;
193     char *taper_program;
194     char *conf_tapetype;
195     tapetype_t *tape;
196     char *line;
197     char hostname[1025];
198     intmax_t kb_avail;
199     config_overrides_t *cfg_ovr = NULL;
200     char *cfg_opt = NULL;
201     holdalloc_t *ha, *ha_last;
202     find_result_t *holding_files;
203     disklist_t holding_disklist = { NULL, NULL };
204     int no_taper = FALSE;
205     int from_client = FALSE;
207     if (argc > 1 && argv && argv[1] && g_str_equal(argv[1], "--version")) {
208 	printf("driver-%s\n", VERSION);
209 	return (0);
210     }
212     /*
213      * Configure program for internationalization:
214      *   1) Only set the message locale for now.
215      *   2) Set textdomain for all amanda related programs to "amanda"
216      *      We don't want to be forced to support dozens of message catalogs.
217      */
218     setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, "C");
219     textdomain("amanda");
221     safe_fd(-1, 0);
223     setvbuf(stdout, (char *)NULL, (int)_IOLBF, 0);
224     setvbuf(stderr, (char *)NULL, (int)_IOLBF, 0);
226     set_pname("driver");
228     dbopen(DBG_SUBDIR_SERVER);
230     atexit(wait_for_children);
232     /* Don't die when child closes pipe */
233     signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
235     add_amanda_log_handler(amanda_log_stderr);
236     add_amanda_log_handler(amanda_log_trace_log);
238     startclock();
240     cfg_ovr = extract_commandline_config_overrides(&argc, &argv);
242     if (argc > 1)
243 	cfg_opt = argv[1];
244     set_config_overrides(cfg_ovr);
245     config_init(CONFIG_INIT_EXPLICIT_NAME | CONFIG_INIT_USE_CWD, cfg_opt);
247     conf_diskfile = config_dir_relative(getconf_str(CNF_DISKFILE));
248     read_diskfile(conf_diskfile, &origq);
249     disable_skip_disk(&origq);
250     amfree(conf_diskfile);
252     if (config_errors(NULL) >= CFGERR_WARNINGS) {
253 	config_print_errors();
254 	if (config_errors(NULL) >= CFGERR_ERRORS) {
255 	    g_critical(_("errors processing config file"));
256 	}
257     }
259     log_add(L_INFO, "%s pid %ld", get_pname(), (long)getpid());
260     g_printf(_("%s: pid %ld executable %s version %s\n"),
261 	   get_pname(), (long) getpid(), argv[0], VERSION);
263     if(argc > 2) {
264         if(strcmp(argv[2], "nodump") == 0) {
265             nodump = 1;
266 	    argv++;
267 	    argc--;
268         }
269     }
271     if (argc > 2) {
272 	if (strcmp(argv[2], "--no-taper") == 0) {
273 	    no_taper = TRUE;
274 	    argv++;
275 	    argc--;
276 	}
277     }
279     if (argc > 2) {
280 	if (strcmp(argv[2], "--from-client") == 0) {
281 	    from_client = TRUE;
282 	    from_client = from_client;
283 	    argv++;
284 	    argc--;
285 	}
286     }
288     safe_cd(); /* do this *after* config_init */
290     check_running_as(RUNNING_AS_DUMPUSER);
292     dbrename(get_config_name(), DBG_SUBDIR_SERVER);
294     /* load DLEs from the holding disk, in case there's anything to flush there */
295     search_holding_disk(&holding_files, &holding_disklist);
296     /* note that the dumps are added to the global disklist, so we need not consult
297      * holding_files or holding_disklist after this */
299     amfree(driver_timestamp);
300     /* read timestamp from stdin */
301     while ((line = agets(stdin)) != NULL) {
302 	if (line[0] != '\0')
303 	    break;
304 	amfree(line);
305     }
306     if ( line == NULL ) {
307       error(_("Did not get DATE line from planner"));
308       /*NOTREACHED*/
309     }
310     driver_timestamp = alloc(15);
311     strncpy(driver_timestamp, &line[5], 14);
312     driver_timestamp[14] = '\0';
313     amfree(line);
314     log_add(L_START,_("date %s"), driver_timestamp);
316     gethostname(hostname, SIZEOF(hostname));
317     log_add(L_STATS,_("hostname %s"), hostname);
319     /* check that we don't do many dump in a day and usetimestamps is off */
320     if(strlen(driver_timestamp) == 8) {
321 	if (!nodump) {
322 	    char *conf_logdir = config_dir_relative(getconf_str(CNF_LOGDIR));
323 	    char *logfile    = vstralloc(conf_logdir, "/log.",
324 					 driver_timestamp, ".0", NULL);
325 	    char *oldlogfile = vstralloc(conf_logdir, "/oldlog/log.",
326 					 driver_timestamp, ".0", NULL);
327 	    if(access(logfile, F_OK) == 0 || access(oldlogfile, F_OK) == 0) {
328 		log_add(L_WARNING, _("WARNING: This is not the first amdump run today. Enable the usetimestamps option in the configuration file if you want to run amdump more than once per calendar day."));
329 	    }
330 	    amfree(oldlogfile);
331 	    amfree(logfile);
332 	}
333 	hd_driver_timestamp = get_timestamp_from_time(0);
334     }
335     else {
336 	hd_driver_timestamp = stralloc(driver_timestamp);
337     }
339     taper_program = vstralloc(amlibexecdir, "/", "taper", NULL);
340     dumper_program = vstralloc(amlibexecdir, "/", "dumper", NULL);
341     chunker_program = vstralloc(amlibexecdir, "/", "chunker", NULL);
343     conf_taperalgo = getconf_taperalgo(CNF_TAPERALGO);
344     conf_taper_parallel_write = getconf_int(CNF_TAPER_PARALLEL_WRITE);
345     conf_tapetype = getconf_str(CNF_TAPETYPE);
346     conf_runtapes = getconf_int(CNF_RUNTAPES);
347     conf_max_dle_by_volume = getconf_int(CNF_MAX_DLE_BY_VOLUME);
348     if (conf_taper_parallel_write > conf_runtapes) {
349 	conf_taper_parallel_write = conf_runtapes;
350     }
351     tape = lookup_tapetype(conf_tapetype);
352     tape_length = tapetype_get_length(tape);
353     g_printf("driver: tape size %lld\n", (long long)tape_length);
354     conf_flush_threshold_dumped = getconf_int(CNF_FLUSH_THRESHOLD_DUMPED);
355     conf_flush_threshold_scheduled = getconf_int(CNF_FLUSH_THRESHOLD_SCHEDULED);
356     conf_taperflush = getconf_int(CNF_TAPERFLUSH);
357     flush_threshold_dumped = (conf_flush_threshold_dumped * tape_length) / 100;
358     flush_threshold_scheduled = (conf_flush_threshold_scheduled * tape_length) / 100;
359     taperflush = (conf_taperflush *tape_length) / 100;
361     driver_debug(1, _("flush-threshold-dumped: %lld\n"), (long long)flush_threshold_dumped);
362     driver_debug(1, _("flush-threshold-scheduled: %lld\n"), (long long)flush_threshold_scheduled);
363     driver_debug(1, _("taperflush: %lld\n"), (long long)taperflush);
365     /* set up any configuration-dependent variables */
367     inparallel	= getconf_int(CNF_INPARALLEL);
369     reserve = (unsigned long)getconf_int(CNF_RESERVE);
371     total_disksize = (off_t)0;
372     ha_last = NULL;
373     num_holdalloc = 0;
374     for (il = getconf_identlist(CNF_HOLDINGDISK), dsk = 0;
375 	 il != NULL;
376 	 il = il->next, dsk++) {
377 	hdp = lookup_holdingdisk(il->data);
378 	ha = alloc(SIZEOF(holdalloc_t));
379 	num_holdalloc++;
381 	/* link the list in the same order as getconf_holdingdisks's results */
382 	ha->next = NULL;
383 	if (ha_last == NULL)
384 	    holdalloc = ha;
385 	else
386 	    ha_last->next = ha;
387 	ha_last = ha;
389 	ha->hdisk = hdp;
390 	ha->allocated_dumpers = 0;
391 	ha->allocated_space = (off_t)0;
392 	ha->disksize = holdingdisk_get_disksize(hdp);
394 	/* get disk size */
395 	if(get_fs_usage(holdingdisk_get_diskdir(hdp), NULL, &fsusage) == -1
396 	   || access(holdingdisk_get_diskdir(hdp), W_OK) == -1) {
397 	    log_add(L_WARNING, _("WARNING: ignoring holding disk %s: %s\n"),
398 		    holdingdisk_get_diskdir(hdp), strerror(errno));
399 	    ha->disksize = 0L;
400 	    continue;
401 	}
403 	/* do the division first to avoid potential integer overflow */
404 	if (fsusage.fsu_bavail_top_bit_set)
405 	    kb_avail = 0;
406 	else
407 	    kb_avail = fsusage.fsu_bavail / 1024 * fsusage.fsu_blocksize;
409 	if(ha->disksize > (off_t)0) {
410 	    if(ha->disksize > kb_avail) {
411 		log_add(L_WARNING,
412 			_("WARNING: %s: %lld KB requested, "
413 			"but only %lld KB available."),
414 			holdingdisk_get_diskdir(hdp),
415 			(long long)ha->disksize,
416 			(long long)kb_avail);
417 			ha->disksize = kb_avail;
418 	    }
419 	}
420 	/* ha->disksize is negative; use all but that amount */
421 	else if(kb_avail < -ha->disksize) {
422 	    log_add(L_WARNING,
423 		    _("WARNING: %s: not %lld KB free."),
424 		    holdingdisk_get_diskdir(hdp),
425 		    (long long)-ha->disksize);
426 	    ha->disksize = (off_t)0;
427 	    continue;
428 	}
429 	else
430 	    ha->disksize += kb_avail;
432 	g_printf(_("driver: adding holding disk %d dir %s size %lld chunksize %lld\n"),
433 	       dsk, holdingdisk_get_diskdir(hdp),
434 	       (long long)ha->disksize,
435 	       (long long)(holdingdisk_get_chunksize(hdp)));
437 	newdir = newvstralloc(newdir,
438 			      holdingdisk_get_diskdir(hdp), "/", hd_driver_timestamp,
439 			      NULL);
440 	if(!mkholdingdir(newdir)) {
441 	    ha->disksize = (off_t)0;
442 	}
443 	total_disksize += ha->disksize;
444     }
446     reserved_space = total_disksize * (off_t)(reserve / 100);
448     g_printf(_("reserving %lld out of %lld for degraded-mode dumps\n"),
449 	   (long long)reserved_space, (long long)free_space());
451     amfree(newdir);
453     if(inparallel > MAX_DUMPERS) inparallel = MAX_DUMPERS;
455     /* taper takes a while to get going, so start it up right away */
457     init_driverio();
458     startup_tape_process(taper_program, conf_taper_parallel_write, no_taper);
460     /* fire up the dumpers now while we are waiting */
461     if(!nodump) startup_dump_processes(dumper_program, inparallel, driver_timestamp);
463     /*
464      * Read schedule from stdin.  Usually, this is a pipe from planner,
465      * so the effect is that we wait here for the planner to
466      * finish, but meanwhile the taper is rewinding the tape, reading
467      * the label, checking it, writing a new label and all that jazz
468      * in parallel with the planner.
469      */
471     runq.head = NULL;
472     runq.tail = NULL;
473     directq.head = NULL;
474     directq.tail = NULL;
475     waitq = origq;
476     tapeq.head = NULL;
477     tapeq.tail = NULL;
478     roomq.head = NULL;
479     roomq.tail = NULL;
480     taper_nb_wait_reply = 0;
482     need_degraded = 0;
483     if (no_taper || conf_runtapes <= 0) {
484 	taper_started = 1; /* we'll pretend the taper started and failed immediately */
485 	need_degraded = 1;
486     } else {
487 	tapetable[0].state = TAPER_STATE_INIT;
488 	taper_nb_wait_reply++;
489 	taper_nb_scan_volume++;
490 	taper_ev_read = event_register(taper_fd, EV_READFD,
491 				       handle_taper_result, NULL);
492         taper_cmd(START_TAPER, NULL, tapetable[0].name, 0, driver_timestamp);
493     }
495     flush_ev_read = event_register((event_id_t)0, EV_READFD, read_flush, NULL);
497     log_add(L_STATS, _("startup time %s"), walltime_str(curclock()));
499     g_printf(_("driver: start time %s inparallel %d bandwidth %lu diskspace %lld "), walltime_str(curclock()), inparallel,
500 	   free_kps(NULL), (long long)free_space());
501     g_printf(_(" dir %s datestamp %s driver: drain-ends tapeq %s big-dumpers %s\n"),
502 	   "OBSOLETE", driver_timestamp, taperalgo2str(conf_taperalgo),
503 	   getconf_str(CNF_DUMPORDER));
504     fflush(stdout);
506     schedule_done = nodump;
507     force_flush = 0;
509     short_dump_state();
510     event_loop(0);
512     force_flush = 1;
514     /* mv runq to directq */
515     while (!empty(runq)) {
516 	diskp = dequeue_disk(&runq);
517 	headqueue_disk(&directq, diskp);
518     }
520     run_server_global_scripts(EXECUTE_ON_POST_BACKUP, get_config_name());
522     /* log error for any remaining dumps */
523     while(!empty(directq)) {
524 	diskp = dequeue_disk(&directq);
526 	if (diskp->orig_holdingdisk == HOLD_REQUIRED) {
527 	    char *qname = quote_string(diskp->name);
528 	    log_add(L_FAIL, "%s %s %s %d [%s]",
529 		diskp->host->hostname, qname, sched(diskp)->datestamp,
530 		sched(diskp)->level,
531 		_("can't dump required holdingdisk"));
532 	    amfree(qname);
533 	}
534 	else if (current_tape >= conf_runtapes) {
535 	    char *qname = quote_string(diskp->name);
536 	    log_add(L_FAIL, "%s %s %s %d [%d tapes filled; runtapes=%d does not allow additional tapes]",
537 		diskp->host->hostname, qname, sched(diskp)->datestamp,
538 		sched(diskp)->level,
539                 current_tape, conf_runtapes);
540 	    amfree(qname);
541 	}
542 	else if (!degraded_mode) {
543 	    char *qname = quote_string(diskp->name);
544 	    log_add(L_FAIL, "%s %s %s %d [%s]",
545 		diskp->host->hostname, qname, sched(diskp)->datestamp,
546 		sched(diskp)->level,
547 		_("can't dump in non degraded mode"));
548 	    amfree(qname);
549 	}
550 	else {
551 	    char *qname = quote_string(diskp->name);
552 	    log_add(L_FAIL, "%s %s %s %d [%s]",
553 		diskp->host->hostname, qname, sched(diskp)->datestamp,
554 		sched(diskp)->level,
555 		num_holdalloc == 0 ?
556 		    _("can't do degraded dump without holding disk") :
557 		diskp->orig_holdingdisk != HOLD_NEVER ?
558 		    _("out of holding space in degraded mode") :
559 	 	    _("can't dump 'holdingdisk never' dle in degraded mode"));
560 	    amfree(qname);
561 	}
562     }
564     short_dump_state();				/* for amstatus */
566     g_printf(_("driver: QUITTING time %s telling children to quit\n"),
567            walltime_str(curclock()));
568     fflush(stdout);
570     if(!nodump) {
571 	for(dumper = dmptable; dumper < dmptable + inparallel; dumper++) {
572 	    if(dumper->fd >= 0)
573 		dumper_cmd(dumper, QUIT, NULL, NULL);
574 	}
575     }
577     if(taper_fd >= 0) {
578 	taper_cmd(QUIT, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL);
579     }
581     /* wait for all to die */
582     wait_children(600);
584     /* cleanup */
585     holding_cleanup(NULL, NULL);
587     amfree(newdir);
589     check_unfree_serial();
590     g_printf(_("driver: FINISHED time %s\n"), walltime_str(curclock()));
591     fflush(stdout);
592     log_add(L_FINISH,_("date %s time %s"), driver_timestamp, walltime_str(curclock()));
593     log_add(L_INFO, "pid-done %ld", (long)getpid());
594     amfree(driver_timestamp);
596     amfree(dumper_program);
597     amfree(taper_program);
599     dbclose();
601     return 0;
602 }
604 /* sleep up to count seconds, and wait for terminating child process */
605 /* if sleep is negative, this function will not timeout              */
606 /* exit once all child process are finished or the timout expired    */
607 /* return 0 if no more children to wait                              */
608 /* return 1 if some children are still alive                         */
609 static int
wait_children(int count)610 wait_children(int count)
611 {
612     pid_t     pid;
613     amwait_t  retstat;
614     char     *who;
615     char     *what;
616     int       code=0;
617     dumper_t *dumper;
618     int       wait_errno;
620     do {
621 	do {
622 	    pid = waitpid((pid_t)-1, &retstat, WNOHANG);
623 	    wait_errno = errno;
624 	    if (pid > 0) {
625 		what = NULL;
626 		if (! WIFEXITED(retstat)) {
627 		    what = _("signal");
628 		    code = WTERMSIG(retstat);
629 		} else if (WEXITSTATUS(retstat) != 0) {
630 		    what = _("code");
631 		    code = WEXITSTATUS(retstat);
632 		}
633 		who = NULL;
634 		for (dumper = dmptable; dumper < dmptable + inparallel;
635 		     dumper++) {
636 		    if (pid == dumper->pid) {
637 			who = stralloc(dumper->name);
638 			dumper->pid = -1;
639 			break;
640 		    }
641 		    if (dumper->chunker && pid == dumper->chunker->pid) {
642 			who = stralloc(dumper->chunker->name);
643 			dumper->chunker->pid = -1;
644 			break;
645 		    }
646 		}
647 		if (who == NULL && pid == taper_pid) {
648 		    who = stralloc("taper");
649 		    taper_pid = -1;
650 		}
651 		if(what != NULL && who == NULL) {
652 		    who = stralloc("unknown");
653 		}
654 		if(who && what) {
655 		    log_add(L_WARNING, _("%s pid %u exited with %s %d\n"), who,
656 			    (unsigned)pid, what, code);
657 		    g_printf(_("driver: %s pid %u exited with %s %d\n"), who,
658 			   (unsigned)pid, what, code);
659 		}
660 		amfree(who);
661 	    }
662 	} while (pid > 0 || wait_errno == EINTR);
663 	if (errno != ECHILD)
664 	    sleep(1);
665 	if (count > 0)
666 	    count--;
667     } while ((errno != ECHILD) && (count != 0));
668     return (errno != ECHILD);
669 }
671 static void
kill_children(int signal)672 kill_children(int signal)
673 {
674     dumper_t *dumper;
676     if(!nodump) {
677         for(dumper = dmptable; dumper < dmptable + inparallel; dumper++) {
678 	    if (!dumper->down && dumper->pid > 1) {
679 		g_printf(_("driver: sending signal %d to %s pid %u\n"), signal,
680 		       dumper->name, (unsigned)dumper->pid);
681 		if (kill(dumper->pid, signal) == -1 && errno == ESRCH) {
682 		    if (dumper->chunker)
683 			dumper->chunker->pid = 0;
684 		}
685 		if (dumper->chunker && dumper->chunker->pid > 1) {
686 		    g_printf(_("driver: sending signal %d to %s pid %u\n"), signal,
687 			   dumper->chunker->name,
688 			   (unsigned)dumper->chunker->pid);
689 		    if (kill(dumper->chunker->pid, signal) == -1 &&
690 			errno == ESRCH)
691 			dumper->chunker->pid = 0;
692 		}
693 	    }
694         }
695     }
697     if(taper_pid > 1) {
698 	g_printf(_("driver: sending signal %d to %s pid %u\n"), signal,
699 	       "taper", (unsigned)taper_pid);
700 	if (kill(taper_pid, signal) == -1 && errno == ESRCH)
701 	    taper_pid = 0;
702     }
703 }
705 static void
wait_for_children(void)706 wait_for_children(void)
707 {
708     dumper_t *dumper;
710     if(!nodump) {
711 	for(dumper = dmptable; dumper < dmptable + inparallel; dumper++) {
712 	    if (dumper->pid > 1 && dumper->fd >= 0) {
713 		dumper_cmd(dumper, QUIT, NULL, NULL);
714 		if (dumper->chunker && dumper->chunker->pid > 1 &&
715 		    dumper->chunker->fd >= 0)
716 		    chunker_cmd(dumper->chunker, QUIT, NULL, NULL);
717 	    }
718 	}
719     }
721     if(taper_pid > 1 && taper_fd > 0) {
722 	taper_cmd(QUIT, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL);
723     }
725     if(wait_children(60) == 0)
726 	return;
728     kill_children(SIGHUP);
729     if(wait_children(60) == 0)
730 	return;
732     kill_children(SIGKILL);
733     if(wait_children(-1) == 0)
734 	return;
736 }
738 static void startaflush_tape(taper_t *taper, gboolean *state_changed);
740 static void
startaflush(void)741 startaflush(void)
742 {
743     taper_t *taper;
744     gboolean state_changed = FALSE;
746     for(taper = tapetable; taper <= tapetable+conf_taper_parallel_write;
747 	taper++) {
748 	if (!(taper->state & TAPER_STATE_DONE) &&
749 	    taper->state & TAPER_STATE_WAIT_FOR_TAPE) {
750 	    startaflush_tape(taper, &state_changed);
751 	}
752     }
753     for(taper = tapetable; taper <= tapetable+conf_taper_parallel_write;
754 	taper++) {
755 	if (!(taper->state & TAPER_STATE_DONE) &&
756 	    taper->state & TAPER_STATE_TAPE_REQUESTED) {
757 	    startaflush_tape(taper, &state_changed);
758 	}
759     }
760     for(taper = tapetable; taper <= tapetable+conf_taper_parallel_write;
761 	taper++) {
762 	if (!(taper->state & TAPER_STATE_DONE) &&
763 	    taper->state & TAPER_STATE_INIT) {
764 	    startaflush_tape(taper, &state_changed);
765 	}
766     }
767     for(taper = tapetable; taper <= tapetable+conf_taper_parallel_write;
768 	taper++) {
769 	if (!(taper->state & TAPER_STATE_DONE) &&
770 	    taper->state & TAPER_STATE_IDLE) {
771 	    startaflush_tape(taper, &state_changed);
772 	}
773     }
774     if (state_changed) {
775 	short_dump_state();
776     }
777 }
779 static void
startaflush_tape(taper_t * taper,gboolean * state_changed)780 startaflush_tape(
781     taper_t  *taper,
782     gboolean *state_changed)
783 {
784     disk_t *dp = NULL;
785     disk_t *fit = NULL;
786     char *datestamp;
787     off_t extra_tapes_size = 0;
788     off_t taper_left;
789     char *qname;
790     TapeAction result_tape_action;
791     char *why_no_new_tape = NULL;
792     taper_t *taper1;
794     result_tape_action = tape_action(taper, &why_no_new_tape);
795     if (result_tape_action & TAPE_ACTION_SCAN) {
796 	taper->state &= ~TAPER_STATE_TAPE_REQUESTED;
797 	taper->state |= TAPER_STATE_WAIT_FOR_TAPE;
798 	taper_nb_scan_volume++;
799 	taper_cmd(START_SCAN, taper->disk, NULL, 0, NULL);
800     } else if (result_tape_action & TAPE_ACTION_NEW_TAPE) {
801 	taper->state &= ~TAPER_STATE_WAIT_FOR_TAPE;
802 	taper->state |= TAPER_STATE_WAIT_NEW_TAPE;
803 	nb_sent_new_tape++;
804 	taper_cmd(NEW_TAPE, taper->disk, NULL, 0, NULL);
805     } else if (result_tape_action & TAPE_ACTION_NO_NEW_TAPE) {
806 	taper->state &= ~TAPER_STATE_WAIT_FOR_TAPE;
807 	taper_cmd(NO_NEW_TAPE, taper->disk, why_no_new_tape, 0, NULL);
808 	taper->state |= TAPER_STATE_DONE;
809 	start_degraded_mode(&runq);
810 	*state_changed = TRUE;
811     } else if (result_tape_action & TAPE_ACTION_MOVE) {
812 	taper_t *taper1 = idle_taper();
813 	if (taper1) {
814 	    taper->state &= ~TAPER_STATE_TAPE_REQUESTED;
815 	    taper->state &= ~TAPER_STATE_WAIT_FOR_TAPE;
816 	    taper_cmd(TAKE_SCRIBE_FROM, taper->disk, taper1->name, 0 , NULL);
817 	    taper->state |= (taper1->state & TAPER_STATE_TAPE_STARTED);
818 	    taper->left = taper1->left;
819 	    taper->nb_dle++;
820 	    taper1->state = TAPER_STATE_DEFAULT;
821 	    if (last_started_taper == taper1) {
822 		last_started_taper = taper;
823 	    }
824 	    *state_changed = TRUE;
825 	}
826     }
828     if (!degraded_mode &&
829         taper->state & TAPER_STATE_IDLE &&
830 	!empty(tapeq) &&
831 	(result_tape_action & TAPE_ACTION_START_A_FLUSH ||
832 	 result_tape_action & TAPE_ACTION_START_A_FLUSH_FIT)) {
834 	int taperalgo = conf_taperalgo;
835 	if (result_tape_action & TAPE_ACTION_START_A_FLUSH_FIT) {
836 	    if (taperalgo == ALGO_FIRST)
837 		taperalgo = ALGO_FIRSTFIT;
838 	    else if (taperalgo == ALGO_LARGEST)
839 		taperalgo = ALGO_LARGESTFIT;
840 	    else if (taperalgo == ALGO_SMALLEST)
841 		taperalgo = ALGO_SMALLESTFIT;
842 	    else if (taperalgo == ALGO_LAST)
843 		taperalgo = ALGO_LASTFIT;
844 	}
846 	extra_tapes_size = tape_length * (off_t)(conf_runtapes - current_tape);
847 	for (taper1 = tapetable; taper1 < tapetable + conf_taper_parallel_write;
848                                  taper1++) {
849 	    if (taper1->state & TAPER_STATE_TAPE_STARTED) {
850 		extra_tapes_size += taper1->left;
851 	    }
852 	    dp = taper1->disk;
853 	    if (dp) {
854 		extra_tapes_size -= (sched(dp)->act_size - taper1->written);
855 	    }
856 	}
858 	if (taper->state & TAPER_STATE_TAPE_STARTED) {
859 	    taper_left = taper->left;
860 	} else {
861 	    taper_left = tape_length;
862 	}
863 	dp = NULL;
864 	datestamp = sched(tapeq.head)->datestamp;
865 	switch(taperalgo) {
866 	case ALGO_FIRST:
867 		dp = dequeue_disk(&tapeq);
868 		break;
869 	case ALGO_FIRSTFIT:
870 		fit = tapeq.head;
871 		while (fit != NULL) {
872 		    if (sched(fit)->act_size <=
873 		             (fit->splitsize ? extra_tapes_size : taper_left) &&
874 			     strcmp(sched(fit)->datestamp, datestamp) <= 0) {
875 			dp = fit;
876 			fit = NULL;
877 		    }
878 		    else {
879 			fit = fit->next;
880 		    }
881 		}
882 		if(dp) remove_disk(&tapeq, dp);
883 		break;
884 	case ALGO_LARGEST:
885 		fit = dp = tapeq.head;
886 		while (fit != NULL) {
887 		    if(sched(fit)->act_size > sched(dp)->act_size &&
888 		       strcmp(sched(fit)->datestamp, datestamp) <= 0) {
889 			dp = fit;
890 		    }
891 		    fit = fit->next;
892 		}
893 		if(dp) remove_disk(&tapeq, dp);
894 		break;
896 		fit = tapeq.head;
897 		while (fit != NULL) {
898 		    if(sched(fit)->act_size <=
899 		       (fit->splitsize ? extra_tapes_size : taper_left) &&
900 		       (!dp || sched(fit)->act_size > sched(dp)->act_size) &&
901 		       strcmp(sched(fit)->datestamp, datestamp) <= 0) {
902 			dp = fit;
903 		    }
904 		    fit = fit->next;
905 		}
906 		if(dp) remove_disk(&tapeq, dp);
907 		break;
908 	case ALGO_SMALLEST:
909 		fit = dp = tapeq.head;
910 		while (fit != NULL) {
911 		    if (sched(fit)->act_size < sched(dp)->act_size &&
912 			strcmp(sched(fit)->datestamp, datestamp) <= 0) {
913 			dp = fit;
914 		    }
915 	            fit = fit->next;
916 		}
917 		if(dp) remove_disk(&tapeq, dp);
918 		break;
920 		fit = dp = tapeq.head;
921 		while (fit != NULL) {
922 		    if (sched(fit)->act_size <=
923 			(fit->splitsize ? extra_tapes_size : taper_left) &&
924 			(!dp || sched(fit)->act_size < sched(dp)->act_size) &&
925 			strcmp(sched(fit)->datestamp, datestamp) <= 0) {
926 			dp = fit;
927 		    }
928 	            fit = fit->next;
929 		}
930 		if(dp) remove_disk(&tapeq, dp);
931 		break;
932 	case ALGO_LAST:
933 		dp = tapeq.tail;
934 		remove_disk(&tapeq, dp);
935 		break;
936 	case ALGO_LASTFIT:
937 		fit = tapeq.tail;
938 		while (fit != NULL) {
939 		    if (sched(fit)->act_size <=
940 			(fit->splitsize ? extra_tapes_size : taper_left) &&
941 			(!dp || sched(fit)->act_size < sched(dp)->act_size) &&
942 			strcmp(sched(fit)->datestamp, datestamp) <= 0) {
943 			dp = fit;
944 		    }
945 	            fit = fit->prev;
946 		}
947 		if(dp) remove_disk(&tapeq, dp);
948 		break;
949 	}
950 	if (!dp) {
951 	    if (!(result_tape_action & TAPE_ACTION_START_A_FLUSH_FIT)) {
952 		if(conf_taperalgo != ALGO_SMALLEST)  {
953 		    g_fprintf(stderr,
954 			_("driver: startaflush: Using SMALLEST because nothing fit\n"));
955 		}
957 		fit = dp = tapeq.head;
958 		while (fit != NULL) {
959 		    if (sched(fit)->act_size < sched(dp)->act_size &&
960 			strcmp(sched(fit)->datestamp, datestamp) <= 0) {
961 			dp = fit;
962 		    }
963 	            fit = fit->next;
964 		}
965 		if(dp) remove_disk(&tapeq, dp);
966 	    }
967 	}
968 	if (dp) {
969 	    taper->disk = dp;
970 	    taper->dumper = NULL;
971 	    amfree(taper->input_error);
972 	    amfree(taper->tape_error);
973 	    taper->result = LAST_TOK;
974 	    taper->sendresult = 0;
975 	    amfree(taper->first_label);
976 	    taper->written = 0;
977 	    taper->state &= ~TAPER_STATE_IDLE;
978 	    taper->state |= TAPER_STATE_FILE_TO_TAPE;
979 	    taper->dumper = NULL;
980 	    qname = quote_string(dp->name);
981 	    if (taper_nb_wait_reply == 0) {
982 		taper_ev_read = event_register(taper_fd, EV_READFD,
983 					       handle_taper_result, NULL);
984 	    }
985 	    taper_nb_wait_reply++;
986 	    taper->nb_dle++;
987 	    if (!(taper->state & TAPER_STATE_TAPE_STARTED)) {
988 		assert(taper_sent_first_write == NULL);
989 		taper_sent_first_write = taper;
990 		taper->nb_dle = 1;
991 		taper->left = tape_length;
992 	    }
993 	    sched(dp)->taper = taper;
994 	    taper_cmd(FILE_WRITE, dp, sched(dp)->destname, sched(dp)->level,
995 		      sched(dp)->datestamp);
996 	    g_fprintf(stderr,_("driver: startaflush: %s %s %s %lld %lld\n"),
997 		    taperalgo2str(taperalgo), dp->host->hostname, qname,
998 		    (long long)sched(taper->disk)->act_size,
999 		    (long long)taper->left);
1000 	    amfree(qname);
1001 	    *state_changed = TRUE;
1002 	}
1003     }
1004 }
1006 static int
client_constrained(disk_t * dp)1007 client_constrained(
1008     disk_t *	dp)
1009 {
1010     disk_t *dp2;
1012     /* first, check if host is too busy */
1014     if(dp->host->inprogress >= dp->host->maxdumps) {
1015 	return 1;
1016     }
1018     /* next, check conflict with other dumps on same spindle */
1020     if(dp->spindle == -1) {	/* but spindle -1 never conflicts by def. */
1021 	return 0;
1022     }
1024     for(dp2 = dp->host->disks; dp2 != NULL; dp2 = dp2->hostnext)
1025 	if(dp2->inprogress && dp2->spindle == dp->spindle) {
1026 	    return 1;
1027 	}
1029     return 0;
1030 }
1032 static void
allow_dump_dle(disk_t * diskp,taper_t * taper,char dumptype,disklist_t * rq,const time_t now,int dumper_to_holding,int * cur_idle,disk_t ** delayed_diskp,disk_t ** diskp_accept,assignedhd_t *** holdp_accept,off_t extra_tapes_size)1033 allow_dump_dle(
1034     disk_t         *diskp,
1035     taper_t        *taper,
1036     char            dumptype,
1037     disklist_t     *rq,
1038     const time_t    now,
1039     int             dumper_to_holding,
1040     int            *cur_idle,
1041     disk_t        **delayed_diskp,
1042     disk_t        **diskp_accept,
1043     assignedhd_t ***holdp_accept,
1044     off_t           extra_tapes_size)
1045 {
1046     assignedhd_t **holdp=NULL;
1048     if (diskp->host->start_t > now) {
1049 	*cur_idle = max(*cur_idle, IDLE_START_WAIT);
1050 	if (*delayed_diskp == NULL || sleep_time > diskp->host->start_t) {
1051 	    *delayed_diskp = diskp;
1052 	    sleep_time = diskp->host->start_t;
1053 	}
1054     } else if(diskp->start_t > now) {
1055 	*cur_idle = max(*cur_idle, IDLE_START_WAIT);
1056 	if (*delayed_diskp == NULL || sleep_time > diskp->start_t) {
1057 	    *delayed_diskp = diskp;
1058 	    sleep_time = diskp->start_t;
1059 	}
1060     } else if (diskp->host->netif->curusage > 0 &&
1061 	       sched(diskp)->est_kps > free_kps(diskp->host->netif)) {
1062 	*cur_idle = max(*cur_idle, IDLE_NO_BANDWIDTH);
1063     } else if (!taper && sched(diskp)->no_space) {
1064 	*cur_idle = max(*cur_idle, IDLE_NO_DISKSPACE);
1065     } else if (!taper && diskp->to_holdingdisk == HOLD_NEVER) {
1066 	*cur_idle = max(*cur_idle, IDLE_NO_HOLD);
1067     } else if (extra_tapes_size && sched(diskp)->est_size > extra_tapes_size) {
1068 	*cur_idle = max(*cur_idle, IDLE_NO_DISKSPACE);
1069 	/* no tape space */
1070     } else if (!taper && (holdp =
1071 	find_diskspace(sched(diskp)->est_size, cur_idle, NULL)) == NULL) {
1072 	*cur_idle = max(*cur_idle, IDLE_NO_DISKSPACE);
1073 	if (empty(tapeq) && dumper_to_holding == 0 && rq != &directq && no_taper_flushing()) {
1074 	    remove_disk(rq, diskp);
1075 	    if (diskp->to_holdingdisk == HOLD_REQUIRED) {
1076 		char *qname = quote_string(diskp->name);
1077 		log_add(L_FAIL, "%s %s %s %d [%s]",
1078 			diskp->host->hostname, qname, sched(diskp)->datestamp,
1079 			sched(diskp)->level,
1080 			_("can't dump required holdingdisk when no holdingdisk space available "));
1081 		amfree(qname);
1082 	    } else {
1083 		enqueue_disk(&directq, diskp);
1084 		diskp->to_holdingdisk = HOLD_NEVER;
1085 	    }
1086 	    if (empty(*rq) && active_dumper() == 0) { force_flush = 1;}
1087 	}
1088     } else if (client_constrained(diskp)) {
1089 	free_assignedhd(holdp);
1090 	*cur_idle = max(*cur_idle, IDLE_CLIENT_CONSTRAINED);
1091     } else {
1093 	/* disk fits, dump it */
1094 	int accept = !*diskp_accept;
1095 	if(!accept) {
1096 	    switch(dumptype) {
1097 	      case 's': accept = (sched(diskp)->est_size < sched(*diskp_accept)->est_size);
1098 			break;
1099 	      case 'S': accept = (sched(diskp)->est_size > sched(*diskp_accept)->est_size);
1100 			break;
1101 	      case 't': accept = (sched(diskp)->est_time < sched(*diskp_accept)->est_time);
1102 			break;
1103 	      case 'T': accept = (sched(diskp)->est_time > sched(*diskp_accept)->est_time);
1104 			break;
1105 	      case 'b': accept = (sched(diskp)->est_kps < sched(*diskp_accept)->est_kps);
1106 			break;
1107 	      case 'B': accept = (sched(diskp)->est_kps > sched(*diskp_accept)->est_kps);
1108 			break;
1109 	      default:  log_add(L_WARNING, _("Unknown dumporder character \'%c\', using 's'.\n"),
1110 				dumptype);
1111 			accept = (sched(diskp)->est_size < sched(*diskp_accept)->est_size);
1112 			break;
1113 	    }
1114 	}
1115 	if(accept) {
1116 	    if( !*diskp_accept || !degraded_mode || diskp->priority >= (*diskp_accept)->priority) {
1117 		if(*holdp_accept) free_assignedhd(*holdp_accept);
1118 		*diskp_accept = diskp;
1119 		*holdp_accept = holdp;
1120 	    }
1121 	    else {
1122 		free_assignedhd(holdp);
1123 	    }
1124 	}
1125 	else {
1126 	    free_assignedhd(holdp);
1127 	}
1128     }
1129 }
1131 static void
start_some_dumps(disklist_t * rq)1132 start_some_dumps(
1133     disklist_t *rq)
1134 {
1135     const time_t now = time(NULL);
1136     int cur_idle;
1137     disk_t *diskp, *delayed_diskp, *diskp_accept, *diskp_next;
1138     disk_t *dp;
1139     assignedhd_t **holdp=NULL, **holdp_accept;
1140     cmd_t cmd;
1141     int result_argc;
1142     char **result_argv;
1143     chunker_t *chunker;
1144     dumper_t *dumper;
1145     taper_t  *taper;
1146     char dumptype;
1147     char *dumporder;
1148     int  dumper_to_holding = 0;
1149     gboolean state_changed = FALSE;
1151     /* don't start any actual dumps until the taper is started */
1152     if (!taper_started) return;
1154     idle_reason = IDLE_NO_DUMPERS;
1155     sleep_time = 0;
1157     if(dumpers_ev_time != NULL) {
1158 	event_release(dumpers_ev_time);
1159 	dumpers_ev_time = NULL;
1160     }
1162     for(dumper = dmptable; dumper < (dmptable+inparallel); dumper++) {
1163 	if (dumper->busy && dumper->dp->to_holdingdisk != HOLD_NEVER) {
1164 	    dumper_to_holding++;
1165 	}
1166     }
1167     for (dumper = dmptable; dumper < dmptable+inparallel; dumper++) {
1168 	gboolean directq_is_empty;
1170 	if( dumper->busy || dumper->down) {
1171 	    continue;
1172 	}
1174 	if (dumper->ev_read != NULL) {
1175 	    event_release(dumper->ev_read);
1176 	    dumper->ev_read = NULL;
1177 	}
1179 	/*
1180 	 * A potential problem with starting from the bottom of the dump time
1181 	 * distribution is that a slave host will have both one of the shortest
1182 	 * and one of the longest disks, so starting its shortest disk first will
1183 	 * tie up the host and eliminate its longest disk from consideration the
1184 	 * first pass through.  This could cause a big delay in starting that long
1185 	 * disk, which could drag out the whole night's dumps.
1186 	 *
1187 	 * While starting from the top of the dump time distribution solves the
1188 	 * above problem, this turns out to be a bad idea, because the big dumps
1189 	 * will almost certainly pack the holding disk completely, leaving no
1190 	 * room for even one small dump to start.  This ends up shutting out the
1191 	 * small-end dumpers completely (they stay idle).
1192 	 *
1193 	 * The introduction of multiple simultaneous dumps to one host alleviates
1194 	 * the biggest&smallest dumps problem: both can be started at the
1195 	 * beginning.
1196 	 */
1198 	diskp_accept = NULL;
1199 	holdp_accept = NULL;
1200 	delayed_diskp = NULL;
1202 	cur_idle = NOT_IDLE;
1204 	dumporder = getconf_str(CNF_DUMPORDER);
1205 	if(strlen(dumporder) > (size_t)(dumper-dmptable)) {
1206 	    dumptype = dumporder[dumper-dmptable];
1207 	}
1208 	else {
1209 	    if(dumper-dmptable < 3)
1210 		dumptype = 't';
1211 	    else
1212 		dumptype = 'T';
1213 	}
1215 	diskp = NULL;
1216 	taper = NULL;
1217 	directq_is_empty = empty(directq);
1218 	if (!empty(directq)) {
1219 	    taper = idle_taper();
1220 	    if (taper) {
1221 		TapeAction result_tape_action;
1222 		char *why_no_new_tape = NULL;
1223 		result_tape_action = tape_action(taper, &why_no_new_tape);
1224 		if (result_tape_action & TAPE_ACTION_START_A_FLUSH ||
1225 		    result_tape_action & TAPE_ACTION_START_A_FLUSH_FIT) {
1226 		    off_t extra_tapes_size = 0;
1227 		    taper_t *taper1;
1229 		    if (result_tape_action & TAPE_ACTION_START_A_FLUSH_FIT) {
1230 			extra_tapes_size = tape_length *
1231 					  (off_t)(conf_runtapes - current_tape);
1232 			for (taper1 = tapetable;
1233 			     taper1 < tapetable + conf_taper_parallel_write;
1234 			     taper1++) {
1235 			    if (taper1->state & TAPER_STATE_TAPE_STARTED) {
1236 				extra_tapes_size += taper1->left;
1237 			    }
1238 			    dp = taper1->disk;
1239 			    if (dp) {
1240 				extra_tapes_size -= (sched(dp)->est_size -
1241 						    taper1->written);
1242 			    }
1243 			}
1244 		    }
1246 		    for (diskp = directq.head; diskp != NULL;
1247 					       diskp = diskp_next) {
1248 			diskp_next = diskp->next;
1249 		        allow_dump_dle(diskp, taper, dumptype, &directq, now,
1250 				       dumper_to_holding, &cur_idle,
1251 				       &delayed_diskp, &diskp_accept,
1252 				       &holdp_accept, extra_tapes_size);
1253 		    }
1254 		    if (diskp_accept) {
1255 			diskp = diskp_accept;
1256 			holdp = holdp_accept;
1257 		    } else {
1258 			taper = NULL;
1259 		    }
1260 		} else {
1261 		    taper = NULL;
1262 		}
1263 	    }
1264 	}
1266 	if (diskp == NULL) {
1267 	    for(diskp = rq->head; diskp != NULL; diskp = diskp_next) {
1268 		diskp_next = diskp->next;
1269 		assert(diskp->host != NULL && sched(diskp) != NULL);
1271 		allow_dump_dle(diskp, NULL, dumptype, rq, now,
1272 			       dumper_to_holding, &cur_idle, &delayed_diskp,
1273 			       &diskp_accept, &holdp_accept, 0);
1274 	    }
1275 	    diskp = diskp_accept;
1276 	    holdp = holdp_accept;
1277 	}
1279 	/* Redo with same dumper if a diskp was moved to directq */
1280 	if (diskp == NULL && directq_is_empty && !empty(directq)) {
1281 	    dumper--;
1282 	    continue;
1283 	}
1285 	idle_reason = max(idle_reason, cur_idle);
1286 	if (diskp == NULL && idle_reason == IDLE_NO_DISKSPACE) {
1287 	    /* continue flush waiting for new tape */
1288 	    startaflush();
1289 	}
1291 	/*
1292 	 * If we have no disk at this point, and there are disks that
1293 	 * are delayed, then schedule a time event to call this dumper
1294 	 * with the disk with the shortest delay.
1295 	 */
1296 	if (diskp == NULL && delayed_diskp != NULL) {
1297 	    assert(sleep_time > now);
1298 	    sleep_time -= now;
1299 	    dumpers_ev_time = event_register((event_id_t)sleep_time, EV_TIME,
1300 		handle_dumpers_time, &runq);
1301 	    return;
1302 	} else if (diskp != NULL && taper == NULL) {
1303 	    sched(diskp)->act_size = (off_t)0;
1304 	    allocate_bandwidth(diskp->host->netif, sched(diskp)->est_kps);
1305 	    sched(diskp)->activehd = assign_holdingdisk(holdp, diskp);
1306 	    amfree(holdp);
1307 	    sched(diskp)->destname = newstralloc(sched(diskp)->destname,
1308 						 sched(diskp)->holdp[0]->destname);
1309 	    diskp->host->inprogress++;	/* host is now busy */
1310 	    diskp->inprogress = 1;
1311 	    sched(diskp)->dumper = dumper;
1312 	    sched(diskp)->timestamp = now;
1313 	    amfree(diskp->dataport_list);
1315 	    dumper->busy = 1;		/* dumper is now busy */
1316 	    dumper->dp = diskp;		/* link disk to dumper */
1317 	    remove_disk(rq, diskp);		/* take it off the run queue */
1319 	    sched(diskp)->origsize = (off_t)-1;
1320 	    sched(diskp)->dumpsize = (off_t)-1;
1321 	    sched(diskp)->dumptime = (time_t)0;
1322 	    sched(diskp)->tapetime = (time_t)0;
1323 	    chunker = dumper->chunker = &chktable[dumper - dmptable];
1324 	    chunker->result = LAST_TOK;
1325 	    dumper->result = LAST_TOK;
1326 	    startup_chunk_process(chunker,chunker_program);
1327 	    chunker_cmd(chunker, START, NULL, driver_timestamp);
1328 	    chunker->dumper = dumper;
1329 	    chunker_cmd(chunker, PORT_WRITE, diskp, NULL);
1330 	    cmd = getresult(chunker->fd, 1, &result_argc, &result_argv);
1331 	    if(cmd != PORT) {
1332 		assignedhd_t **h=NULL;
1333 		int activehd;
1334 		char *qname = quote_string(diskp->name);
1336 		g_printf(_("driver: did not get PORT from %s for %s:%s\n"),
1337 		       chunker->name, diskp->host->hostname, qname);
1338 		amfree(qname);
1339 		fflush(stdout);
1341 		deallocate_bandwidth(diskp->host->netif, sched(diskp)->est_kps);
1342 		h = sched(diskp)->holdp;
1343 		activehd = sched(diskp)->activehd;
1344 		h[activehd]->used = 0;
1345 		h[activehd]->disk->allocated_dumpers--;
1346 		adjust_diskspace(diskp, DONE);
1347 		delete_diskspace(diskp);
1348 		diskp->host->inprogress--;
1349 		diskp->inprogress = 0;
1350 		sched(diskp)->dumper = NULL;
1351 		dumper->busy = 0;
1352 		dumper->dp = NULL;
1353 		sched(diskp)->dump_attempted++;
1354 		free_serial_dp(diskp);
1355 		if(sched(diskp)->dump_attempted < 2)
1356 		    enqueue_disk(rq, diskp);
1357 	    }
1358 	    else {
1359 		dumper->ev_read = event_register((event_id_t)dumper->fd, EV_READFD,
1360 						 handle_dumper_result, dumper);
1361 		chunker->ev_read = event_register((event_id_t)chunker->fd, EV_READFD,
1362 						   handle_chunker_result, chunker);
1363 		dumper->output_port = atoi(result_argv[1]);
1364 		amfree(diskp->dataport_list);
1365 		diskp->dataport_list = stralloc(result_argv[2]);
1367 		if (diskp->host->pre_script == 0) {
1368 		    run_server_host_scripts(EXECUTE_ON_PRE_HOST_BACKUP,
1369 					    get_config_name(), diskp->host);
1370 		    diskp->host->pre_script = 1;
1371 		}
1372 		run_server_dle_scripts(EXECUTE_ON_PRE_DLE_BACKUP,
1373 				   get_config_name(), diskp,
1374 				   sched(diskp)->level);
1375 		dumper_cmd(dumper, PORT_DUMP, diskp, NULL);
1376 	    }
1377 	    diskp->host->start_t = now + 5;
1378 	    if (empty(*rq) && active_dumper() == 0) { force_flush = 1;}
1380 	    if (result_argv)
1381 		g_strfreev(result_argv);
1382 	    short_dump_state();
1383 	} else if (diskp != NULL && taper != NULL) { /* dump to tape */
1384 	    sched(diskp)->act_size = (off_t)0;
1385 	    allocate_bandwidth(diskp->host->netif, sched(diskp)->est_kps);
1386 	    diskp->host->inprogress++;	/* host is now busy */
1387 	    diskp->inprogress = 1;
1388 	    sched(diskp)->dumper = dumper;
1389 	    sched(diskp)->taper = taper;
1390 	    sched(diskp)->timestamp = now;
1391 	    dumper->chunker = NULL;
1392 	    amfree(diskp->dataport_list);
1394 	    dumper->busy = 1;		/* dumper is now busy */
1395 	    dumper->dp = diskp;		/* link disk to dumper */
1396 	    remove_disk(&directq, diskp);  /* take it off the direct queue */
1398 	    sched(diskp)->origsize = (off_t)-1;
1399 	    sched(diskp)->dumpsize = (off_t)-1;
1400 	    sched(diskp)->dumptime = (time_t)0;
1401 	    sched(diskp)->tapetime = (time_t)0;
1402 	    dumper->result = LAST_TOK;
1403 	    taper->result = LAST_TOK;
1404 	    taper->input_error = NULL;
1405 	    taper->tape_error = NULL;
1406 	    taper->disk = diskp;
1407 	    taper->first_label = NULL;
1408 	    taper->written = 0;
1409 	    taper->dumper = dumper;
1410 	    taper->state |= TAPER_STATE_DUMP_TO_TAPE;
1411 	    taper->state &= ~TAPER_STATE_IDLE;
1412 	    taper->nb_dle++;
1413 	    if (!(taper->state & TAPER_STATE_TAPE_STARTED)) {
1414 		assert(taper_sent_first_write == NULL);
1415 		taper_sent_first_write = taper;
1416 		taper->nb_dle = 1;
1417 		taper->left = tape_length;
1418 	    }
1419 	    if (taper_nb_wait_reply == 0) {
1420 		taper_ev_read = event_register(taper_fd, EV_READFD,
1421 					       handle_taper_result, NULL);
1422 	    }
1424 	    taper_nb_wait_reply++;
1425 	    taper_cmd(PORT_WRITE, diskp, NULL, sched(diskp)->level,
1426 		      sched(diskp)->datestamp);
1427 	    taper->ready = FALSE;
1428 	    diskp->host->start_t = now + 5;
1430 	    state_changed = TRUE;
1431 	}
1432     }
1433     if (state_changed) {
1434 	short_dump_state();
1435     }
1436 }
1438 /*
1439  * This gets called when a dumper is delayed for some reason.  It may
1440  * be because a disk has a delayed start, or amanda is constrained
1441  * by network or disk limits.
1442  */
1444 static void
handle_dumpers_time(void * cookie)1445 handle_dumpers_time(
1446     void *	cookie)
1447 {
1448     disklist_t *runq = cookie;
1449     event_release(dumpers_ev_time);
1450     dumpers_ev_time = NULL;
1451     start_some_dumps(runq);
1452 }
1454 static void
dump_schedule(disklist_t * qp,char * str)1455 dump_schedule(
1456     disklist_t *qp,
1457     char *	str)
1458 {
1459     disk_t *dp;
1460     char *qname;
1462     g_printf(_("dump of driver schedule %s:\n--------\n"), str);
1464     for(dp = qp->head; dp != NULL; dp = dp->next) {
1465         qname = quote_string(dp->name);
1466 	g_printf("  %-20s %-25s lv %d t %5lu s %lld p %d\n",
1467 	       dp->host->hostname, qname, sched(dp)->level,
1468 	       sched(dp)->est_time,
1469 	       (long long)sched(dp)->est_size, sched(dp)->priority);
1470         amfree(qname);
1471     }
1472     g_printf("--------\n");
1473 }
1475 static void
start_degraded_mode(disklist_t * queuep)1476 start_degraded_mode(
1477     /*@keep@*/ disklist_t *queuep)
1478 {
1479     disk_t *dp;
1480     disklist_t newq;
1481     off_t est_full_size;
1482     char *qname;
1483     taper_t *taper;
1485     if (need_degraded == 0) {
1486 	for(taper = tapetable;
1487 	    taper < tapetable+conf_taper_parallel_write;
1488 	    taper++) {
1489 	    if (!(taper->state & TAPER_STATE_DONE))
1490 		return;
1491 	}
1492 	need_degraded = 1;
1493     }
1495     if (!schedule_done || degraded_mode) {
1496 	return;
1497     }
1499     if (need_degraded == 0) {
1500 	for(taper = tapetable;
1501 	    taper < tapetable+conf_taper_parallel_write;
1502 	    taper++) {
1503 	    if (!(taper->state & TAPER_STATE_DONE))
1504 		return;
1505 	}
1506 	need_degraded = 1;
1507     }
1509     newq.head = newq.tail = 0;
1511     dump_schedule(queuep, _("before start degraded mode"));
1513     est_full_size = (off_t)0;
1514     while(!empty(*queuep)) {
1515 	dp = dequeue_disk(queuep);
1517 	qname = quote_string(dp->name);
1518 	if(sched(dp)->level != 0)
1519 	    /* go ahead and do the disk as-is */
1520 	    enqueue_disk(&newq, dp);
1521 	else {
1522 	    if (reserved_space + est_full_size + sched(dp)->est_size
1523 		<= total_disksize) {
1524 		enqueue_disk(&newq, dp);
1525 		est_full_size += sched(dp)->est_size;
1526 	    }
1527 	    else if(sched(dp)->degr_level != -1) {
1528 		sched(dp)->level = sched(dp)->degr_level;
1529 		sched(dp)->dumpdate = sched(dp)->degr_dumpdate;
1530 		sched(dp)->est_nsize = sched(dp)->degr_nsize;
1531 		sched(dp)->est_csize = sched(dp)->degr_csize;
1532 		sched(dp)->est_time = sched(dp)->degr_time;
1533 		sched(dp)->est_kps  = sched(dp)->degr_kps;
1534 		enqueue_disk(&newq, dp);
1535 	    }
1536 	    else {
1537 		log_add(L_FAIL, "%s %s %s %d [%s]",
1538 		        dp->host->hostname, qname, sched(dp)->datestamp,
1539 			sched(dp)->level, sched(dp)->degr_mesg);
1540 	    }
1541 	}
1542         amfree(qname);
1543     }
1545     /*@i@*/ *queuep = newq;
1546     degraded_mode = 1;
1548     dump_schedule(queuep, _("after start degraded mode"));
1549 }
1552 static void
continue_port_dumps(void)1553 continue_port_dumps(void)
1554 {
1555     disk_t *dp, *ndp;
1556     assignedhd_t **h;
1557     int active_dumpers=0, busy_dumpers=0, i;
1558     dumper_t *dumper;
1560     /* First we try to grant diskspace to some dumps waiting for it. */
1561     for( dp = roomq.head; dp; dp = ndp ) {
1562 	ndp = dp->next;
1563 	/* find last holdingdisk used by this dump */
1564 	for( i = 0, h = sched(dp)->holdp; h[i+1]; i++ ) {
1565 	    (void)h; /* Quiet lint */
1566 	}
1567 	/* find more space */
1568 	h = find_diskspace( sched(dp)->est_size - sched(dp)->act_size,
1569 			    &active_dumpers, h[i] );
1570 	if( h ) {
1571 	    for(dumper = dmptable; dumper < dmptable + inparallel &&
1572 				   dumper->dp != dp; dumper++) {
1573 		(void)dp; /* Quiet lint */
1574 	    }
1575 	    assert( dumper < dmptable + inparallel );
1576 	    sched(dp)->activehd = assign_holdingdisk( h, dp );
1577 	    chunker_cmd( dumper->chunker, CONTINUE, dp, NULL );
1578 	    amfree(h);
1579 	    remove_disk( &roomq, dp );
1580 	}
1581     }
1583     /* So for some disks there is less holding diskspace available than
1584      * was asked for. Possible reasons are
1585      * a) diskspace has been allocated for other dumps which are
1586      *    still running or already being written to tape
1587      * b) all other dumps have been suspended due to lack of diskspace
1588      * Case a) is not a problem. We just wait for the diskspace to
1589      * be freed by moving the current disk to a queue.
1590      * If case b) occurs, we have a deadlock situation. We select
1591      * a dump from the queue to be aborted and abort it. It will
1592      * be retried directly to tape.
1593      */
1594     for(dp=NULL, dumper = dmptable; dumper < (dmptable+inparallel); dumper++) {
1595 	if( dumper->busy ) {
1596 	    busy_dumpers++;
1597 	    if( !find_disk(&roomq, dumper->dp) ) {
1598 		if (dumper->chunker) {
1599 		    active_dumpers++;
1600 		}
1601 	    } else if( !dp ||
1602 		       sched(dp)->est_size > sched(dumper->dp)->est_size ) {
1603 		dp = dumper->dp;
1604 	    }
1605 	}
1606     }
1607     if((dp != NULL) && (active_dumpers == 0) && (busy_dumpers > 0) &&
1608         ((no_taper_flushing() && empty(tapeq)) || degraded_mode) &&
1609 	pending_aborts == 0 ) { /* case b */
1610 	sched(dp)->no_space = 1;
1611 	/* At this time, dp points to the dump with the smallest est_size.
1612 	 * We abort that dump, hopefully not wasting too much time retrying it.
1613 	 */
1614 	remove_disk( &roomq, dp );
1615 	chunker_cmd(sched(dp)->dumper->chunker, ABORT, NULL, _("Not enough holding disk space"));
1616 	dumper_cmd( sched(dp)->dumper, ABORT, NULL, _("Not enough holding disk space"));
1617 	pending_aborts++;
1618     }
1619 }
1622 static void
handle_taper_result(void * cookie G_GNUC_UNUSED)1623 handle_taper_result(
1624 	void *cookie G_GNUC_UNUSED)
1625 {
1626     disk_t *dp = NULL;
1627     dumper_t *dumper;
1628     cmd_t cmd;
1629     int result_argc;
1630     char **result_argv;
1631     char *qname, *q;
1632     char *s;
1633     taper_t *taper = NULL;
1634     taper_t *taper1;
1635     int      i;
1636     off_t    partsize;
1638     assert(cookie == NULL);
1640     do {
1642 	short_dump_state();
1643 	taper = NULL;
1645 	cmd = getresult(taper_fd, 1, &result_argc, &result_argv);
1647 	switch(cmd) {
1649 	case TAPER_OK:
1650 	    if(result_argc != 3) {
1651 		error(_("error: [taper FAILED result_argc != 3: %d"), result_argc);
1652 		/*NOTREACHED*/
1653 	    }
1655 	    taper = NULL;
1656 	    taper_started = 1;
1657 	    for (i=0; i < conf_taper_parallel_write; i++) {
1658 		if (strcmp(tapetable[i].name, result_argv[1]) == 0) {
1659 		    taper= &tapetable[i];
1660 		}
1661 	    }
1662 	    assert(taper != NULL);
1663 	    taper->left = 0;
1664 	    taper->nb_dle = 0;
1665 	    taper->state &= ~TAPER_STATE_INIT;
1666 	    taper->state |= TAPER_STATE_RESERVATION;
1667 	    taper->state |= TAPER_STATE_IDLE;
1668 	    if (g_str_equal(result_argv[2], "ALLOW-TAKE-SCRIBE-FROM")) {
1669 		taper->allow_take_scribe_from = TRUE;
1670 	    } else {
1671 		taper->allow_take_scribe_from = FALSE;
1672 	    }
1673 	    amfree(taper->first_label);
1674 	    taper_nb_wait_reply--;
1675 	    taper_nb_scan_volume--;
1676 	    last_started_taper = taper;
1677 	    if (taper_nb_wait_reply == 0) {
1678 		event_release(taper_ev_read);
1679 		taper_ev_read = NULL;
1680 	    }
1681 	    start_some_dumps(&runq);
1682 	    startaflush();
1683 	    break;
1685 	case FAILED:	/* FAILED <handle> INPUT-* TAPE-* <input err mesg> <tape err mesg> */
1686 	    if(result_argc != 6) {
1687 		error(_("error: [taper FAILED result_argc != 6: %d"), result_argc);
1688 		/*NOTREACHED*/
1689 	    }
1691 	    dp = serial2disk(result_argv[1]);
1692 	    taper = sched(dp)->taper;
1693 	    assert(dp == taper->disk);
1694 	    if (!taper->dumper)
1695 		free_serial(result_argv[1]);
1697 	    qname = quote_string(dp->name);
1698 	    g_printf(_("driver: finished-cmd time %s taper wrote %s:%s\n"),
1699 		   walltime_str(curclock()), dp->host->hostname, qname);
1700 	    fflush(stdout);
1702 	    taper->result = cmd;
1703 	    if (taper->dumper && !dp->dataport_list) {
1704 		taper->dumper->result = FAILED;
1705 	    }
1708 	    if (strcmp(result_argv[2], "INPUT-ERROR") == 0) {
1709 		taper->input_error = newstralloc(taper->input_error, result_argv[4]);
1710 		amfree(qname);
1711 		break;
1712 	    } else if (strcmp(result_argv[2], "INPUT-GOOD") != 0) {
1713 		taper->tape_error = newstralloc(taper->tape_error,
1714 					       _("Taper protocol error"));
1715 		log_add(L_FAIL, _("%s %s %s %d [%s]"),
1716 		        dp->host->hostname, qname, sched(dp)->datestamp,
1717 		        sched(dp)->level, taper->tape_error);
1718 		amfree(qname);
1719 		break;
1720 	    }
1721 	    if (strcmp(result_argv[3], "TAPE-ERROR") == 0 ||
1722 		strcmp(result_argv[3], "TAPE-CONFIG") == 0) {
1723 		taper->state &= ~TAPER_STATE_TAPE_STARTED;
1724 		taper->tape_error = newstralloc(taper->tape_error, result_argv[5]);
1725 		amfree(qname);
1726 		break;
1727 	    } else if (strcmp(result_argv[3], "TAPE-GOOD") != 0) {
1728 		taper->state &= ~TAPER_STATE_TAPE_STARTED;
1729 		taper->tape_error = newstralloc(taper->tape_error,
1730 					       _("Taper protocol error"));
1731 		log_add(L_FAIL, _("%s %s %s %d [%s]"),
1732 		        dp->host->hostname, qname, sched(dp)->datestamp,
1733 		        sched(dp)->level, taper->tape_error);
1734 		amfree(qname);
1735 		break;
1736 	    }
1738 	    amfree(qname);
1740 	    break;
1742 	case READY:	/* READY <handle> */
1743 	    dp = serial2disk(result_argv[1]);
1744 	    taper = sched(dp)->taper;
1745 	    taper->ready = TRUE;
1747 	    assert(dp == taper->disk);
1749 	    if (taper->dumper &&
1750 		taper->dumper->result != LAST_TOK) {
1751 		if( taper->dumper->result == DONE) {
1752 		    taper_cmd(DONE, dp, NULL, 0, NULL);
1753 		} else {
1754 		    taper_cmd(FAILED, dp, NULL, 0, NULL);
1755 		}
1756 	    }
1757 	    break;
1759 	case PARTIAL:	/* PARTIAL <handle> INPUT-* TAPE-* <stat mess> <input err mesg> <tape err mesg>*/
1760 	case DONE:	/* DONE <handle> INPUT-GOOD TAPE-GOOD <stat mess> <input err mesg> <tape err mesg> */
1761 	    if(result_argc != 7) {
1762 		error(_("error: [taper PARTIAL result_argc != 7: %d"), result_argc);
1763 		/*NOTREACHED*/
1764 	    }
1766 	    dp = serial2disk(result_argv[1]);
1767 	    taper = sched(dp)->taper;
1768 	    assert(dp == taper->disk);
1769             if (!taper->dumper)
1770                 free_serial(result_argv[1]);
1772 	    qname = quote_string(dp->name);
1773 	    g_printf(_("driver: finished-cmd time %s taper wrote %s:%s\n"),
1774 		   walltime_str(curclock()), dp->host->hostname, qname);
1775 	    fflush(stdout);
1777 	    if (strcmp(result_argv[2], "INPUT-ERROR") == 0) {
1778 		taper->input_error = newstralloc(taper->input_error, result_argv[5]);
1779 		taper->result = FAILED;
1780 		amfree(qname);
1781 		break;
1782 	    } else if (strcmp(result_argv[2], "INPUT-GOOD") != 0) {
1783 		taper->tape_error = newstralloc(taper->tape_error,
1784 					       _("Taper protocol error"));
1785 		taper->result = FAILED;
1786 		log_add(L_FAIL, _("%s %s %s %d [%s]"),
1787 		        dp->host->hostname, qname, sched(dp)->datestamp,
1788 		        sched(dp)->level, taper->tape_error);
1789 		amfree(qname);
1790 		break;
1791 	    }
1792 	    if (strcmp(result_argv[3], "TAPE-ERROR") == 0 ||
1793 		strcmp(result_argv[3], "TAPE-CONFIG") == 0) {
1794 		taper->state &= ~TAPER_STATE_TAPE_STARTED;
1795 		taper->tape_error = newstralloc(taper->tape_error, result_argv[6]);
1796 		taper->result = FAILED;
1797 		amfree(qname);
1798 		break;
1799 	    } else if (strcmp(result_argv[3], "TAPE-GOOD") != 0) {
1800 		taper->state &= ~TAPER_STATE_TAPE_STARTED;
1801 		taper->tape_error = newstralloc(taper->tape_error,
1802 					       _("Taper protocol error"));
1803 		taper->result = FAILED;
1804 		log_add(L_FAIL, _("%s %s %s %d [%s]"),
1805 		        dp->host->hostname, qname, sched(dp)->datestamp,
1806 		        sched(dp)->level, taper->tape_error);
1807 		amfree(qname);
1808 		break;
1809 	    }
1811 	    s = strstr(result_argv[4], " kb ");
1812 	    if (s) {
1813 		s += 4;
1814 		sched(dp)->dumpsize = OFF_T_ATOI(s);
1815 	    } else {
1816 		s = strstr(result_argv[4], " bytes ");
1817 		if (s) {
1818 		    s += 7;
1819 		    sched(dp)->dumpsize = OFF_T_ATOI(s)/1024;
1820 		}
1821 	    }
1823 	    taper->result = cmd;
1824 	    amfree(qname);
1826 	    break;
1828         case PARTDONE:  /* PARTDONE <handle> <label> <fileno> <kbytes> <stat> */
1829 	    dp = serial2disk(result_argv[1]);
1830 	    taper = sched(dp)->taper;
1831 	    assert(dp == taper->disk);
1832             if (result_argc != 6) {
1833                 error(_("error [taper PARTDONE result_argc != 6: %d]"),
1834                       result_argc);
1835 		/*NOTREACHED*/
1836             }
1837 	    if (!taper->first_label) {
1838 		amfree(taper->first_label);
1839 		taper->first_label = stralloc(result_argv[2]);
1840 		taper->first_fileno = OFF_T_ATOI(result_argv[3]);
1841 	    }
1842 	    taper->written += OFF_T_ATOI(result_argv[4]);
1843 	    if (taper->written > sched(taper->disk)->act_size)
1844 		sched(taper->disk)->act_size = taper->written;
1846 	    partsize = 0;
1847 	    s = strstr(result_argv[5], " kb ");
1848 	    if (s) {
1849 		s += 4;
1850 		partsize = OFF_T_ATOI(s);
1851 	    } else {
1852 		s = strstr(result_argv[5], " bytes ");
1853 		if (s) {
1854 		    s += 7;
1855 		    partsize = OFF_T_ATOI(s)/1024;
1856 		}
1857 	    }
1858 	    taper->left -= partsize;
1860             break;
1862         case REQUEST_NEW_TAPE:  /* REQUEST-NEW-TAPE <handle> */
1863             if (result_argc != 2) {
1864                 error(_("error [taper REQUEST_NEW_TAPE result_argc != 2: %d]"),
1865                       result_argc);
1866 		/*NOTREACHED*/
1867             }
1869 	    dp = serial2disk(result_argv[1]);
1870 	    taper = sched(dp)->taper;
1871 	    taper->left = 0;
1872 	    if (taper->state & TAPER_STATE_DONE) {
1873 		taper_cmd(NO_NEW_TAPE, taper->disk, "taper found no tape", 0, NULL);
1874 	    } else {
1875 		taper->state &= ~TAPER_STATE_TAPE_STARTED;
1876 		taper->state |= TAPER_STATE_TAPE_REQUESTED;
1878 		start_some_dumps(&runq);
1879 		startaflush();
1880 	    }
1881 	    break;
1883 	case NEW_TAPE: /* NEW-TAPE <handle> <label> */
1884             if (result_argc != 3) {
1885                 error(_("error [taper NEW_TAPE result_argc != 3: %d]"),
1886                       result_argc);
1887 		/*NOTREACHED*/
1888             }
1890 	    nb_sent_new_tape--;
1891 	    taper_nb_scan_volume--;
1892 	    dp = serial2disk(result_argv[1]);
1893 	    taper = sched(dp)->taper;
1894             /* Update our tape counter and reset taper->left */
1895 	    current_tape++;
1896 	    taper->nb_dle = 1;
1897 	    taper->left = tape_length;
1898 	    taper->state &= ~TAPER_STATE_WAIT_NEW_TAPE;
1899 	    taper->state |= TAPER_STATE_TAPE_STARTED;
1900 	    last_started_taper = NULL;
1901 	    if (taper_sent_first_write == taper) {
1902 		taper_sent_first_write = NULL;
1903 	    }
1905 	    /* start a new worker */
1906 	    for (i = 0; i < conf_taper_parallel_write ; i++) {
1907 		taper1 = &tapetable[i];
1908 		if (need_degraded == 0 &&
1909 		    taper1->state == TAPER_STATE_DEFAULT) {
1910 		    taper1->state = TAPER_STATE_INIT;
1911 		    if (taper_nb_wait_reply == 0) {
1912 			taper_ev_read = event_register(taper_fd, EV_READFD,
1913 						handle_taper_result, NULL);
1914 		    }
1915 		    taper_nb_wait_reply++;
1916 		    taper_nb_scan_volume++;
1917 		    taper_cmd(START_TAPER, NULL, taper1->name, 0,
1918 			      driver_timestamp);
1919 		    break;
1920 		}
1921 	    }
1922 	    break;
1924 	case NO_NEW_TAPE:  /* NO-NEW-TAPE <handle> */
1925             if (result_argc != 2) {
1926                 error(_("error [taper NO_NEW_TAPE result_argc != 2: %d]"),
1927                       result_argc);
1928 		/*NOTREACHED*/
1929             }
1930 	    nb_sent_new_tape--;
1931 	    taper_nb_scan_volume--;
1932 	    dp = serial2disk(result_argv[1]);
1933 	    taper = sched(dp)->taper;
1934 	    taper->state |= TAPER_STATE_DONE;
1935 	    last_started_taper = NULL;
1936 	    if (taper_sent_first_write == taper) {
1937 		taper_sent_first_write = NULL;
1938 	    }
1939 	    start_degraded_mode(&runq);
1940 	    break;
1942 	case DUMPER_STATUS:  /* DUMPER-STATUS <handle> */
1943             if (result_argc != 2) {
1944                 error(_("error [taper DUMPER_STATUS result_argc != 2: %d]"),
1945                       result_argc);
1946 		/*NOTREACHED*/
1947             }
1948             dp = serial2disk(result_argv[1]);
1949 	    taper = sched(dp)->taper;
1950 	    if (taper->dumper->result == LAST_TOK) {
1951 		taper->sendresult = 1;
1952 	    } else {
1953 		if( taper->dumper->result == DONE) {
1954 		    taper_cmd(DONE, dp, NULL, 0, NULL);
1955 		} else {
1956 		    taper_cmd(FAILED, dp, NULL, 0, NULL);
1957 		}
1958 	    }
1959 	    break;
1961         case TAPE_ERROR: /* TAPE-ERROR <name> <err mess> */
1962 	    taper_started = 1;
1963 	    if (strcmp(result_argv[1], "SETUP") == 0) {
1964 		taper_nb_wait_reply = 0;
1965 		taper_nb_scan_volume = 0;
1966 		need_degraded = 1;
1967 	    } else {
1968 		taper = taper_from_name(result_argv[1]);
1969 		taper->state = TAPER_STATE_DONE;
1970 		fflush(stdout);
1971 		q = quote_string(result_argv[2]);
1972 		log_add(L_WARNING, _("Taper error: %s"), q);
1973 		amfree(q);
1974 		if (taper) {
1975 		    taper->tape_error = newstralloc(taper->tape_error,
1976 						    result_argv[2]);
1977 		}
1979 		taper_nb_wait_reply--;
1980 		taper_nb_scan_volume--;
1981 	    }
1982 	    if (taper_nb_wait_reply == 0) {
1983 		need_degraded = 1;
1984 		event_release(taper_ev_read);
1985 		taper_ev_read = NULL;
1986 	    }
1987 	    start_degraded_mode(&runq);
1988 	    start_some_dumps(&runq);
1989 	    break;
1991 	case PORT: /* PORT <name> <handle> <port> <dataport_list> */
1992             dp = serial2disk(result_argv[2]);
1993 	    taper = sched(dp)->taper;
1994 	    dumper = sched(dp)->dumper;
1995 	    dumper->output_port = atoi(result_argv[3]);
1996 	    amfree(dp->dataport_list);
1997 	    dp->dataport_list = stralloc(result_argv[4]);
1999 	    amfree(taper->input_error);
2000 	    amfree(taper->tape_error);
2001 	    amfree(taper->first_label);
2002 	    taper->written = 0;
2003 	    taper->state |= TAPER_STATE_DUMP_TO_TAPE;
2005 	    if (dp->host->pre_script == 0) {
2006 		run_server_host_scripts(EXECUTE_ON_PRE_HOST_BACKUP,
2007 					get_config_name(), dp->host);
2008 		dp->host->pre_script = 1;
2009 	    }
2010 	    run_server_dle_scripts(EXECUTE_ON_PRE_DLE_BACKUP,
2011 			       get_config_name(), dp,
2012 			       sched(dp)->level);
2013 	    /* tell the dumper to dump to a port */
2014 	    dumper_cmd(dumper, PORT_DUMP, dp, NULL);
2015 	    dp->host->start_t = time(NULL) + 5;
2016 	    amfree(dp->dataport_list);
2018 	    taper->state |= TAPER_STATE_DUMP_TO_TAPE;
2020 	    dumper->ev_read = event_register(dumper->fd, EV_READFD,
2021 					     handle_dumper_result, dumper);
2022 	    break;
2024         case BOGUS:
2025             log_add(L_WARNING, _("Taper protocol error"));
2026             /*
2027              * Since we received a taper error, we can't send anything more
2028              * to the taper.  Go into degraded mode to try to get everthing
2029              * onto disk.  Later, these dumps can be flushed to a new tape.
2030              * The tape queue is zapped so that it appears empty in future
2031              * checks. If there are dumps waiting for diskspace to be freed,
2032              * cancel one.
2033              */
2034 	    taper_started = 1;
2035             if(!nodump) {
2036                 log_add(L_WARNING,
2037                         _("going into degraded mode because of taper component error."));
2038 	    }
2040 	    for (taper = tapetable;
2041 		 taper < tapetable + conf_taper_parallel_write;
2042                  taper++) {
2043 		if (taper && taper->disk) {
2044 		    taper->tape_error = newstralloc(taper->tape_error,"BOGUS");
2045 		    taper->result = cmd;
2046 		    if (taper->dumper) {
2047 			if (taper->dumper->result != LAST_TOK) {
2048 			    // Dumper already returned it's result
2049 			    dumper_taper_result(taper->disk);
2050 			}
2051 		    } else {
2052 			file_taper_result(taper->disk);
2053 		    }
2054 		}
2055 	    }
2056 	    taper = NULL;
2058             if(taper_ev_read != NULL) {
2059                 event_release(taper_ev_read);
2060                 taper_ev_read = NULL;
2061 		taper_nb_wait_reply = 0;
2062             }
2063 	    need_degraded = 1;
2064 	    start_degraded_mode(&runq);
2065             tapeq.head = tapeq.tail = NULL;
2066             aclose(taper_fd);
2068             break;
2070 	default:
2071             error(_("driver received unexpected token (%s) from taper"),
2072                   cmdstr[cmd]);
2073 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
2074 	}
2076 	g_strfreev(result_argv);
2078 	if (taper && taper->disk && taper->result != LAST_TOK) {
2079 	    if (taper->nb_dle >= conf_max_dle_by_volume) {
2080 		taper_cmd(CLOSE_VOLUME, dp, NULL, 0, NULL);
2081 		taper->state &= ~TAPER_STATE_TAPE_STARTED;
2082 	    }
2083 	    if(taper->dumper) {
2084 		if (taper->dumper->result != LAST_TOK) {
2085 		    // Dumper already returned it's result
2086 		    dumper_taper_result(taper->disk);
2087 		}
2088 	    } else {
2089 		file_taper_result(taper->disk);
2090 	    }
2091 	}
2093     } while(areads_dataready(taper_fd));
2094     start_some_dumps(&runq);
2095     startaflush();
2096 }
2099 static void
file_taper_result(disk_t * dp)2100 file_taper_result(
2101     disk_t *dp)
2102 {
2103     taper_t *taper;
2104     char *qname = quote_string(dp->name);
2106     taper = sched(dp)->taper;
2107     if (taper->result == DONE) {
2108 	update_info_taper(dp, taper->first_label, taper->first_fileno,
2109 			  sched(dp)->level);
2110     }
2112     sched(dp)->taper_attempted += 1;
2114     if (taper->input_error) {
2115 	g_printf("driver: taper failed %s %s: %s\n",
2116 		   dp->host->hostname, qname, taper->input_error);
2117 	if (strcmp(sched(dp)->datestamp, driver_timestamp) == 0) {
2118 	    if(sched(dp)->taper_attempted >= 2) {
2119 		log_add(L_FAIL, _("%s %s %s %d [too many taper retries after holding disk error: %s]"),
2120 		    dp->host->hostname, qname, sched(dp)->datestamp,
2121 		    sched(dp)->level, taper->input_error);
2122 		g_printf("driver: taper failed %s %s, too many taper retry after holding disk error\n",
2123 		   dp->host->hostname, qname);
2124 		amfree(sched(dp)->destname);
2125 		amfree(sched(dp)->dumpdate);
2126 		amfree(sched(dp)->degr_dumpdate);
2127 		amfree(sched(dp)->degr_mesg);
2128 		amfree(sched(dp)->datestamp);
2129 		amfree(dp->up);
2130 	    } else {
2131 		log_add(L_INFO, _("%s %s %s %d [Will retry dump because of holding disk error: %s]"),
2132 			dp->host->hostname, qname, sched(dp)->datestamp,
2133 			sched(dp)->level, taper->input_error);
2134 		g_printf("driver: taper will retry %s %s because of holding disk error\n",
2135 			dp->host->hostname, qname);
2136 		if (dp->to_holdingdisk != HOLD_REQUIRED) {
2137 		    dp->to_holdingdisk = HOLD_NEVER;
2138 		    sched(dp)->dump_attempted -= 1;
2139 		    headqueue_disk(&directq, dp);
2140 		} else {
2141 		    amfree(sched(dp)->destname);
2142 		    amfree(sched(dp)->dumpdate);
2143 		    amfree(sched(dp)->degr_dumpdate);
2144 		    amfree(sched(dp)->degr_mesg);
2145 		    amfree(sched(dp)->datestamp);
2146 		    amfree(dp->up);
2147 		}
2148 	    }
2149 	} else {
2150 	    amfree(sched(dp)->destname);
2151 	    amfree(sched(dp)->dumpdate);
2152 	    amfree(sched(dp)->degr_dumpdate);
2153 	    amfree(sched(dp)->degr_mesg);
2154 	    amfree(sched(dp)->datestamp);
2155 	    amfree(dp->up);
2156 	}
2157     } else if (taper->tape_error) {
2158 	g_printf("driver: taper failed %s %s with tape error: %s\n",
2159 		   dp->host->hostname, qname, taper->tape_error);
2160 	if(sched(dp)->taper_attempted >= 2) {
2161 	    log_add(L_FAIL, _("%s %s %s %d [too many taper retries]"),
2162 		    dp->host->hostname, qname, sched(dp)->datestamp,
2163 		    sched(dp)->level);
2164 	    g_printf("driver: taper failed %s %s, too many taper retry\n",
2165 		   dp->host->hostname, qname);
2166 	    amfree(sched(dp)->destname);
2167 	    amfree(sched(dp)->dumpdate);
2168 	    amfree(sched(dp)->degr_dumpdate);
2169 	    amfree(sched(dp)->degr_mesg);
2170 	    amfree(sched(dp)->datestamp);
2171 	    amfree(dp->up);
2172 	} else {
2173 	    g_printf("driver: taper will retry %s %s\n",
2174 		   dp->host->hostname, qname);
2175 	    /* Re-insert into taper queue. */
2176 	    headqueue_disk(&tapeq, dp);
2177 	}
2178     } else if (taper->result != DONE) {
2179 	g_printf("driver: taper failed %s %s without error\n",
2180 		   dp->host->hostname, qname);
2181     } else {
2182 	delete_diskspace(dp);
2183 	amfree(sched(dp)->destname);
2184 	amfree(sched(dp)->dumpdate);
2185 	amfree(sched(dp)->degr_dumpdate);
2186 	amfree(sched(dp)->degr_mesg);
2187 	amfree(sched(dp)->datestamp);
2188 	amfree(dp->up);
2189     }
2191     amfree(qname);
2193     taper->state &= ~TAPER_STATE_FILE_TO_TAPE;
2194     taper->state |= TAPER_STATE_IDLE;
2195     amfree(taper->input_error);
2196     amfree(taper->tape_error);
2197     taper->disk = NULL;
2198     taper_nb_wait_reply--;
2199     if (taper_nb_wait_reply == 0) {
2200 	event_release(taper_ev_read);
2201 	taper_ev_read = NULL;
2202     }
2204     /* continue with those dumps waiting for diskspace */
2205     continue_port_dumps();
2206     start_some_dumps(&runq);
2207     startaflush();
2208 }
2210 static void
dumper_taper_result(disk_t * dp)2211 dumper_taper_result(
2212     disk_t *dp)
2213 {
2214     dumper_t *dumper;
2215     taper_t  *taper;
2216     char *qname;
2218     dumper = sched(dp)->dumper;
2219     taper  = sched(dp)->taper;
2221     free_serial_dp(dp);
2222     if(dumper->result == DONE && taper->result == DONE) {
2223 	update_info_dumper(dp, sched(dp)->origsize,
2224 			   sched(dp)->dumpsize, sched(dp)->dumptime);
2225 	update_info_taper(dp, taper->first_label, taper->first_fileno,
2226 			  sched(dp)->level);
2227 	qname = quote_string(dp->name); /*quote to take care of spaces*/
2229 	log_add(L_STATS, _("estimate %s %s %s %d [sec %ld nkb %lld ckb %lld kps %lu]"),
2230 		dp->host->hostname, qname, sched(dp)->datestamp,
2231 		sched(dp)->level,
2232 		sched(dp)->est_time, (long long)sched(dp)->est_nsize,
2233 		(long long)sched(dp)->est_csize,
2234 		sched(dp)->est_kps);
2235 	amfree(qname);
2236     } else {
2237 	update_failed_dump(dp);
2238     }
2240     sched(dp)->dump_attempted += 1;
2241     sched(dp)->taper_attempted += 1;
2243     if((dumper->result != DONE || taper->result != DONE) &&
2244 	sched(dp)->dump_attempted <= 1 &&
2245 	sched(dp)->taper_attempted <= 1) {
2246 	enqueue_disk(&directq, dp);
2247     }
2249     if(dumper->ev_read != NULL) {
2250 	event_release(dumper->ev_read);
2251 	dumper->ev_read = NULL;
2252     }
2253     taper_nb_wait_reply--;
2254     if (taper_nb_wait_reply == 0 && taper_ev_read != NULL) {
2255 	event_release(taper_ev_read);
2256 	taper_ev_read = NULL;
2257     }
2258     taper->state &= ~TAPER_STATE_DUMP_TO_TAPE;
2259     taper->state |= TAPER_STATE_IDLE;
2260     amfree(taper->input_error);
2261     amfree(taper->tape_error);
2262     dumper->busy = 0;
2263     dp->host->inprogress -= 1;
2264     dp->inprogress = 0;
2265     deallocate_bandwidth(dp->host->netif, sched(dp)->est_kps);
2266     taper->dumper = NULL;
2267     taper->disk = NULL;
2268     sched(dp)->dumper = NULL;
2269     sched(dp)->taper = NULL;
2270     start_some_dumps(&runq);
2271 }
2274 static taper_t *
idle_taper(void)2275 idle_taper(void)
2276 {
2277     taper_t *taper;
2279     /* Use an already started taper first */
2280     for (taper = tapetable; taper < tapetable + conf_taper_parallel_write;
2281 			    taper++) {
2282 	if ((taper->state & TAPER_STATE_IDLE) &&
2283 	    (taper->state & TAPER_STATE_TAPE_STARTED) &&
2284 	    !(taper->state & TAPER_STATE_DONE) &&
2285 	    !(taper->state & TAPER_STATE_FILE_TO_TAPE) &&
2286 	    !(taper->state & TAPER_STATE_DUMP_TO_TAPE))
2287 	    return taper;
2288     }
2289     for (taper = tapetable; taper < tapetable + conf_taper_parallel_write;
2290 			    taper++) {
2291 	if ((taper->state & TAPER_STATE_IDLE) &&
2292 	    (taper->state & TAPER_STATE_RESERVATION) &&
2293 	    !(taper->state & TAPER_STATE_DONE) &&
2294 	    !(taper->state & TAPER_STATE_FILE_TO_TAPE) &&
2295 	    !(taper->state & TAPER_STATE_DUMP_TO_TAPE))
2296 	    return taper;
2297     }
2298     return NULL;
2299 }
2301 static taper_t *
taper_from_name(char * name)2302 taper_from_name(
2303     char *name)
2304 {
2305     taper_t *taper;
2307     for (taper = tapetable; taper < tapetable+conf_taper_parallel_write;
2308 			    taper++)
2309 	if (strcmp(taper->name, name) == 0) return taper;
2311     return NULL;
2312 }
2314 static void
dumper_chunker_result(disk_t * dp)2315 dumper_chunker_result(
2316     disk_t *	dp)
2317 {
2318     dumper_t *dumper;
2319     chunker_t *chunker;
2320     assignedhd_t **h=NULL;
2321     int activehd, i;
2322     off_t dummy;
2323     off_t size;
2324     int is_partial;
2325     char *qname;
2327     dumper = sched(dp)->dumper;
2328     chunker = dumper->chunker;
2330     free_serial_dp(dp);
2332     h = sched(dp)->holdp;
2333     activehd = sched(dp)->activehd;
2335     if(dumper->result == DONE && chunker->result == DONE) {
2336 	update_info_dumper(dp, sched(dp)->origsize,
2337 			   sched(dp)->dumpsize, sched(dp)->dumptime);
2338 	qname = quote_string(dp->name);/*quote to take care of spaces*/
2340 	log_add(L_STATS, _("estimate %s %s %s %d [sec %ld nkb %lld ckb %lld kps %lu]"),
2341 		dp->host->hostname, qname, sched(dp)->datestamp,
2342 		sched(dp)->level,
2343 		sched(dp)->est_time, (long long)sched(dp)->est_nsize,
2344                 (long long)sched(dp)->est_csize,
2345 		sched(dp)->est_kps);
2346 	amfree(qname);
2347     } else {
2348 	update_failed_dump(dp);
2349     }
2351     deallocate_bandwidth(dp->host->netif, sched(dp)->est_kps);
2353     is_partial = dumper->result != DONE || chunker->result != DONE;
2354     rename_tmp_holding(sched(dp)->destname, !is_partial);
2355     holding_set_origsize(sched(dp)->destname, sched(dp)->origsize);
2357     dummy = (off_t)0;
2358     for( i = 0, h = sched(dp)->holdp; i < activehd; i++ ) {
2359 	dummy += h[i]->used;
2360     }
2362     size = holding_file_size(sched(dp)->destname, 0);
2363     h[activehd]->used = size - dummy;
2364     h[activehd]->disk->allocated_dumpers--;
2365     adjust_diskspace(dp, DONE);
2367     sched(dp)->dump_attempted += 1;
2369     if((dumper->result != DONE || chunker->result != DONE) &&
2370        sched(dp)->dump_attempted <= 1) {
2371 	delete_diskspace(dp);
2372 	if (sched(dp)->no_space) {
2373 	    enqueue_disk(&directq, dp);
2374 	} else {
2375 	    enqueue_disk(&runq, dp);
2376 	}
2377     }
2378     else if(size > (off_t)DISK_BLOCK_KB) {
2379 	enqueue_disk(&tapeq, dp);
2380     }
2381     else {
2382 	delete_diskspace(dp);
2383     }
2385     dumper->busy = 0;
2386     dp->host->inprogress -= 1;
2387     dp->inprogress = 0;
2389     waitpid(chunker->pid, NULL, 0 );
2390     aclose(chunker->fd);
2391     chunker->fd = -1;
2392     chunker->down = 1;
2394     dp = NULL;
2395     if (chunker->result == ABORT_FINISHED)
2396 	pending_aborts--;
2397     continue_port_dumps();
2398     /*
2399      * Wakeup any dumpers that are sleeping because of network
2400      * or disk constraints.
2401      */
2402     start_some_dumps(&runq);
2403     startaflush();
2404 }
2407 static void
handle_dumper_result(void * cookie)2408 handle_dumper_result(
2409 	void * cookie)
2410 {
2411     /* uses global pending_aborts */
2412     dumper_t *dumper = cookie;
2413     taper_t  *taper;
2414     disk_t *dp, *sdp, *dp1;
2415     cmd_t cmd;
2416     int result_argc;
2417     char *qname;
2418     char **result_argv;
2420     assert(dumper != NULL);
2421     dp = dumper->dp;
2422     assert(dp != NULL);
2423     assert(sched(dp) != NULL);
2424     do {
2426 	short_dump_state();
2428 	cmd = getresult(dumper->fd, 1, &result_argc, &result_argv);
2430 	if(cmd != BOGUS) {
2431 	    /* result_argv[1] always contains the serial number */
2432 	    sdp = serial2disk(result_argv[1]);
2433 	    if (sdp != dp) {
2434 		error(_("Invalid serial number %s"), result_argv[1]);
2435                 g_assert_not_reached();
2436 	    }
2437 	}
2439 	qname = quote_string(dp->name);
2440 	switch(cmd) {
2442 	case DONE: /* DONE <handle> <origsize> <dumpsize> <dumptime> <errstr> */
2443 	    if(result_argc != 6) {
2444 		error(_("error [dumper DONE result_argc != 6: %d]"), result_argc);
2445 		/*NOTREACHED*/
2446 	    }
2448 	    sched(dp)->origsize = OFF_T_ATOI(result_argv[2]);
2449 	    sched(dp)->dumptime = TIME_T_ATOI(result_argv[4]);
2451 	    g_printf(_("driver: finished-cmd time %s %s dumped %s:%s\n"),
2452 		   walltime_str(curclock()), dumper->name,
2453 		   dp->host->hostname, qname);
2454 	    fflush(stdout);
2456 	    dumper->result = cmd;
2458 	    break;
2460 	case TRYAGAIN: /* TRY-AGAIN <handle> <errstr> */
2461 	    /*
2462 	     * Requeue this disk, and fall through to the FAILED
2463 	     * case for cleanup.
2464 	     */
2465 	    if(sched(dp)->dump_attempted) {
2466 		char *qname = quote_string(dp->name);
2467 		char *qerr = quote_string(result_argv[2]);
2468 		log_add(L_FAIL, _("%s %s %s %d [too many dumper retry: %s]"),
2469 	    	    dp->host->hostname, qname, sched(dp)->datestamp,
2470 		    sched(dp)->level, qerr);
2471 		g_printf(_("driver: dump failed %s %s %s, too many dumper retry: %s\n"),
2472 		        result_argv[1], dp->host->hostname, qname, qerr);
2473 		amfree(qname);
2474 		amfree(qerr);
2475 	    }
2476 	    /* FALLTHROUGH */
2477 	case FAILED: /* FAILED <handle> <errstr> */
2478 	    /*free_serial(result_argv[1]);*/
2479 	    dumper->result = cmd;
2480 	    break;
2482 	case ABORT_FINISHED: /* ABORT-FINISHED <handle> */
2483 	    /*
2484 	     * We sent an ABORT from the NO-ROOM case because this dump
2485 	     * wasn't going to fit onto the holding disk.  We now need to
2486 	     * clean up the remains of this image, and try to finish
2487 	     * other dumps that are waiting on disk space.
2488 	     */
2489 	    assert(pending_aborts);
2490 	    /*free_serial(result_argv[1]);*/
2491 	    dumper->result = cmd;
2492 	    break;
2494 	case BOGUS:
2495 	    /* either EOF or garbage from dumper.  Turn it off */
2496 	    log_add(L_WARNING, _("%s pid %ld is messed up, ignoring it.\n"),
2497 		    dumper->name, (long)dumper->pid);
2498 	    if (dumper->ev_read) {
2499 		event_release(dumper->ev_read);
2500 		dumper->ev_read = NULL;
2501 	    }
2502 	    aclose(dumper->fd);
2503 	    dumper->busy = 0;
2504 	    dumper->down = 1;	/* mark it down so it isn't used again */
2506             /* if it was dumping something, zap it and try again */
2507             if(sched(dp)->dump_attempted) {
2508 	    	log_add(L_FAIL, _("%s %s %s %d [%s died]"),
2509 	    		dp->host->hostname, qname, sched(dp)->datestamp,
2510 	    		sched(dp)->level, dumper->name);
2511             } else {
2512 	    	log_add(L_WARNING, _("%s died while dumping %s:%s lev %d."),
2513 	    		dumper->name, dp->host->hostname, qname,
2514 	    		sched(dp)->level);
2515             }
2516 	    dumper->result = cmd;
2517 	    break;
2519 	default:
2520 	    assert(0);
2521 	}
2522         amfree(qname);
2523 	g_strfreev(result_argv);
2525 	if (cmd != BOGUS) {
2526 	    int last_dump = 1;
2527 	    dumper_t *dumper;
2529 	    run_server_dle_scripts(EXECUTE_ON_POST_DLE_BACKUP,
2530 			       get_config_name(), dp, sched(dp)->level);
2531 	    /* check dump not yet started */
2532 	    for (dp1=runq.head; dp1 != NULL; dp1 = dp1->next) {
2533 		if (dp1->host == dp->host)
2534 		    last_dump = 0;
2535 	    }
2536 	    /* check direct to tape dump */
2537 	    for (dp1=directq.head; dp1 != NULL; dp1 = dp1->next) {
2538 		if (dp1->host == dp->host)
2539 		    last_dump = 0;
2540 	    }
2541 	    /* check dumping dle */
2542 	    for (dumper = dmptable; dumper < dmptable + inparallel; dumper++) {
2543 		if (dumper->busy && dumper->dp != dp &&
2544 		    dumper->dp->host == dp->host)
2545 		 last_dump = 0;
2546 	    }
2547 	    if (last_dump && dp->host->post_script == 0) {
2548 		if (dp->host->post_script == 0) {
2549 		    run_server_host_scripts(EXECUTE_ON_POST_HOST_BACKUP,
2550 					    get_config_name(), dp->host);
2551 		    dp->host->post_script = 1;
2552 		}
2553 	    }
2554 	}
2556 	taper = sched(dp)->taper;
2557 	/* send the dumper result to the chunker */
2558 	if (dumper->chunker) {
2559 	    if (dumper->chunker->down == 0 && dumper->chunker->fd != -1 &&
2560 		dumper->chunker->result == LAST_TOK) {
2561 		if (cmd == DONE) {
2562 		    chunker_cmd(dumper->chunker, DONE, dp, NULL);
2563 		}
2564 		else {
2565 		    chunker_cmd(dumper->chunker, FAILED, dp, NULL);
2566 		}
2567 	    }
2568 	    if( dumper->result != LAST_TOK &&
2569 	 	dumper->chunker->result != LAST_TOK)
2570 		dumper_chunker_result(dp);
2571 	} else {
2572 	    if (taper->ready) { /* send the dumper result to the taper */
2573 		if (cmd == DONE) {
2574 		    taper_cmd(DONE, dp, NULL, 0, NULL);
2575 		} else {
2576 		    taper_cmd(FAILED, dp, NULL, 0, NULL);
2577 		}
2578 		taper->sendresult = 0;
2579 	    }
2580 	    if (taper->dumper && taper->result != LAST_TOK) {
2581 		dumper_taper_result(dp);
2582 	    }
2583 	}
2584     } while(areads_dataready(dumper->fd));
2585 }
2588 static void
handle_chunker_result(void * cookie)2589 handle_chunker_result(
2590     void *	cookie)
2591 {
2592     chunker_t *chunker = cookie;
2593     assignedhd_t **h=NULL;
2594     dumper_t *dumper;
2595     disk_t *dp, *sdp;
2596     cmd_t cmd;
2597     int result_argc;
2598     char **result_argv;
2599     int dummy;
2600     int activehd = -1;
2601     char *qname;
2603     assert(chunker != NULL);
2604     dumper = chunker->dumper;
2605     assert(dumper != NULL);
2606     dp = dumper->dp;
2607     assert(dp != NULL);
2608     assert(sched(dp) != NULL);
2609     assert(sched(dp)->destname != NULL);
2610     assert(dp != NULL && sched(dp) != NULL && sched(dp)->destname);
2612     if(sched(dp)->holdp) {
2613 	h = sched(dp)->holdp;
2614 	activehd = sched(dp)->activehd;
2615     }
2617     do {
2618 	short_dump_state();
2620 	cmd = getresult(chunker->fd, 1, &result_argc, &result_argv);
2622 	if(cmd != BOGUS) {
2623 	    /* result_argv[1] always contains the serial number */
2624 	    sdp = serial2disk(result_argv[1]);
2625 	    if (sdp != dp) {
2626 		error(_("Invalid serial number %s"), result_argv[1]);
2627                 g_assert_not_reached();
2628 	    }
2629 	}
2631 	switch(cmd) {
2633 	case PARTIAL: /* PARTIAL <handle> <dumpsize> <errstr> */
2634 	case DONE: /* DONE <handle> <dumpsize> <errstr> */
2635 	    if(result_argc != 4) {
2636 		error(_("error [chunker %s result_argc != 4: %d]"), cmdstr[cmd],
2637 		      result_argc);
2638 	        /*NOTREACHED*/
2639 	    }
2640 	    /*free_serial(result_argv[1]);*/
2642 	    sched(dp)->dumpsize = (off_t)atof(result_argv[2]);
2644 	    qname = quote_string(dp->name);
2645 	    g_printf(_("driver: finished-cmd time %s %s chunked %s:%s\n"),
2646 		   walltime_str(curclock()), chunker->name,
2647 		   dp->host->hostname, qname);
2648 	    fflush(stdout);
2649             amfree(qname);
2651 	    event_release(chunker->ev_read);
2653 	    chunker->result = cmd;
2655 	    break;
2657 	case TRYAGAIN: /* TRY-AGAIN <handle> <errstr> */
2658 	    event_release(chunker->ev_read);
2660 	    chunker->result = cmd;
2662 	    break;
2663 	case FAILED: /* FAILED <handle> <errstr> */
2664 	    /*free_serial(result_argv[1]);*/
2666 	    event_release(chunker->ev_read);
2668 	    chunker->result = cmd;
2670 	    break;
2672 	case NO_ROOM: /* NO-ROOM <handle> <missing_size> */
2673 	    if (!h || activehd < 0) { /* should never happen */
2674 		error(_("!h || activehd < 0"));
2675 		/*NOTREACHED*/
2676 	    }
2677 	    h[activehd]->used -= OFF_T_ATOI(result_argv[2]);
2678 	    h[activehd]->reserved -= OFF_T_ATOI(result_argv[2]);
2679 	    h[activehd]->disk->allocated_space -= OFF_T_ATOI(result_argv[2]);
2680 	    h[activehd]->disk->disksize -= OFF_T_ATOI(result_argv[2]);
2681 	    break;
2683 	case RQ_MORE_DISK: /* RQ-MORE-DISK <handle> */
2684 	    if (!h || activehd < 0) { /* should never happen */
2685 		error(_("!h || activehd < 0"));
2686 		/*NOTREACHED*/
2687 	    }
2688 	    h[activehd]->disk->allocated_dumpers--;
2689 	    h[activehd]->used = h[activehd]->reserved;
2690 	    if( h[++activehd] ) { /* There's still some allocated space left.
2691 				   * Tell the dumper about it. */
2692 		sched(dp)->activehd++;
2693 		chunker_cmd( chunker, CONTINUE, dp, NULL );
2694 	    } else { /* !h[++activehd] - must allocate more space */
2695 		sched(dp)->act_size = sched(dp)->est_size; /* not quite true */
2696 		sched(dp)->est_size = (sched(dp)->act_size/(off_t)20) * (off_t)21; /* +5% */
2697 		sched(dp)->est_size = am_round(sched(dp)->est_size, (off_t)DISK_BLOCK_KB);
2698 		if (sched(dp)->est_size < sched(dp)->act_size + 2*DISK_BLOCK_KB)
2699 		    sched(dp)->est_size += 2 * DISK_BLOCK_KB;
2700 		h = find_diskspace( sched(dp)->est_size - sched(dp)->act_size,
2701 				    &dummy,
2702 				    h[activehd-1] );
2703 		if( !h ) {
2704 		    /* No diskspace available. The reason for this will be
2705 		     * determined in continue_port_dumps(). */
2706 		    enqueue_disk( &roomq, dp );
2707 		    continue_port_dumps();
2708 		    /* continue flush waiting for new tape */
2709 		    startaflush();
2710 		} else {
2711 		    /* OK, allocate space for disk and have chunker continue */
2712 		    sched(dp)->activehd = assign_holdingdisk( h, dp );
2713 		    chunker_cmd( chunker, CONTINUE, dp, NULL );
2714 		    amfree(h);
2715 		}
2716 	    }
2717 	    break;
2719 	case ABORT_FINISHED: /* ABORT-FINISHED <handle> */
2720 	    /*
2721 	     * We sent an ABORT from the NO-ROOM case because this dump
2722 	     * wasn't going to fit onto the holding disk.  We now need to
2723 	     * clean up the remains of this image, and try to finish
2724 	     * other dumps that are waiting on disk space.
2725 	     */
2726 	    /*assert(pending_aborts);*/
2728 	    /*free_serial(result_argv[1]);*/
2730 	    event_release(chunker->ev_read);
2732 	    chunker->result = cmd;
2734 	    break;
2736 	case BOGUS:
2737 	    /* either EOF or garbage from chunker.  Turn it off */
2738 	    log_add(L_WARNING, _("%s pid %ld is messed up, ignoring it.\n"),
2739 		    chunker->name, (long)chunker->pid);
2741             /* if it was dumping something, zap it and try again */
2742             g_assert(h && activehd >= 0);
2743             qname = quote_string(dp->name);
2744             if(sched(dp)->dump_attempted) {
2745                 log_add(L_FAIL, _("%s %s %s %d [%s died]"),
2746                         dp->host->hostname, qname, sched(dp)->datestamp,
2747                         sched(dp)->level, chunker->name);
2748             } else {
2749                 log_add(L_WARNING, _("%s died while dumping %s:%s lev %d."),
2750                         chunker->name, dp->host->hostname, qname,
2751                         sched(dp)->level);
2752             }
2753             amfree(qname);
2754             dp = NULL;
2756 	    event_release(chunker->ev_read);
2758 	    chunker->result = cmd;
2760 	    break;
2762 	default:
2763 	    assert(0);
2764 	}
2765 	g_strfreev(result_argv);
2767 	if(chunker->result != LAST_TOK && chunker->dumper->result != LAST_TOK)
2768 	    dumper_chunker_result(dp);
2770     } while(areads_dataready(chunker->fd));
2771 }
2774 static void
read_flush(void * cookie)2775 read_flush(
2776     void *	cookie)
2777 {
2778     sched_t *sp;
2779     disk_t *dp;
2780     int line;
2781     char *hostname, *diskname, *datestamp;
2782     int level;
2783     char *destname;
2784     disk_t *dp1;
2785     char *inpline = NULL;
2786     char *command;
2787     char *s;
2788     int ch;
2789     char *qname = NULL;
2790     char *qdestname = NULL;
2791     char *conf_infofile;
2793     (void)cookie;	/* Quiet unused parameter warning */
2795     event_release(flush_ev_read);
2796     flush_ev_read = NULL;
2798     /* read schedule from stdin */
2799     conf_infofile = config_dir_relative(getconf_str(CNF_INFOFILE));
2800     if (open_infofile(conf_infofile)) {
2801 	error(_("could not open info db \"%s\""), conf_infofile);
2802 	/*NOTREACHED*/
2803     }
2804     amfree(conf_infofile);
2806     for(line = 0; (inpline = agets(stdin)) != NULL; free(inpline)) {
2807 	dumpfile_t file;
2809 	line++;
2810 	if (inpline[0] == '\0')
2811 	    continue;
2813 	s = inpline;
2814 	ch = *s++;
2816 	skip_whitespace(s, ch);                 /* find the command */
2817 	if(ch == '\0') {
2818 	    error(_("flush line %d: syntax error (no command)"), line);
2819 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
2820 	}
2821 	command = s - 1;
2822 	skip_non_whitespace(s, ch);
2823 	s[-1] = '\0';
2825 	if(strcmp(command,"ENDFLUSH") == 0) {
2826 	    break;
2827 	}
2829 	if(strcmp(command,"FLUSH") != 0) {
2830 	    error(_("flush line %d: syntax error (%s != FLUSH)"), line, command);
2831 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
2832 	}
2834 	skip_whitespace(s, ch);			/* find the hostname */
2835 	if(ch == '\0') {
2836 	    error(_("flush line %d: syntax error (no hostname)"), line);
2837 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
2838 	}
2839 	hostname = s - 1;
2840 	skip_non_whitespace(s, ch);
2841 	s[-1] = '\0';
2843 	skip_whitespace(s, ch);			/* find the diskname */
2844 	if(ch == '\0') {
2845 	    error(_("flush line %d: syntax error (no diskname)"), line);
2846 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
2847 	}
2848 	qname = s - 1;
2849 	skip_quoted_string(s, ch);
2850 	s[-1] = '\0';				/* terminate the disk name */
2851 	diskname = unquote_string(qname);
2853 	skip_whitespace(s, ch);			/* find the datestamp */
2854 	if(ch == '\0') {
2855 	    error(_("flush line %d: syntax error (no datestamp)"), line);
2856 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
2857 	}
2858 	datestamp = s - 1;
2859 	skip_non_whitespace(s, ch);
2860 	s[-1] = '\0';
2862 	skip_whitespace(s, ch);			/* find the level number */
2863 	if(ch == '\0' || sscanf(s - 1, "%d", &level) != 1) {
2864 	    error(_("flush line %d: syntax error (bad level)"), line);
2865 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
2866 	}
2867 	skip_integer(s, ch);
2869 	skip_whitespace(s, ch);			/* find the filename */
2870 	if(ch == '\0') {
2871 	    error(_("flush line %d: syntax error (no filename)"), line);
2872 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
2873 	}
2874 	qdestname = s - 1;
2875 	skip_quoted_string(s, ch);
2876 	s[-1] = '\0';
2877 	destname = unquote_string(qdestname);
2879 	if (!holding_file_get_dumpfile(destname, &file)) {
2880 	    continue;
2881 	}
2883 	if( file.type != F_DUMPFILE) {
2884 	    if( file.type != F_CONT_DUMPFILE )
2885 		log_add(L_INFO, _("%s: ignoring cruft file."), destname);
2886 	    amfree(diskname);
2887 	    amfree(destname);
2888 	    dumpfile_free_data(&file);
2889 	    continue;
2890 	}
2892 	if(strcmp(hostname, file.name) != 0 ||
2893 	   strcmp(diskname, file.disk) != 0 ||
2894 	   strcmp(datestamp, file.datestamp) != 0) {
2895 	    log_add(L_INFO, _("disk %s:%s not consistent with file %s"),
2896 		    hostname, diskname, destname);
2897 	    amfree(diskname);
2898 	    amfree(destname);
2899 	    dumpfile_free_data(&file);
2900 	    continue;
2901 	}
2902 	amfree(diskname);
2904 	dp = lookup_disk(file.name, file.disk);
2906 	if (dp == NULL) {
2907 	    log_add(L_INFO, _("%s: disk %s:%s not in database, skipping it."),
2908 		    destname, file.name, file.disk);
2909 	    amfree(destname);
2910 	    dumpfile_free_data(&file);
2911 	    continue;
2912 	}
2914 	if (file.dumplevel < 0 || file.dumplevel > 399) {
2915 	    log_add(L_INFO, _("%s: ignoring file with bogus dump level %d."),
2916 		    destname, file.dumplevel);
2917 	    amfree(destname);
2918 	    dumpfile_free_data(&file);
2919 	    continue;
2920 	}
2922 	if (holding_file_size(destname,1) <= 0) {
2923 	    log_add(L_INFO, "%s: removing file with no data.", destname);
2924 	    holding_file_unlink(destname);
2925 	    amfree(destname);
2926 	    dumpfile_free_data(&file);
2927 	    continue;
2928 	}
2930 	dp1 = (disk_t *)alloc(SIZEOF(disk_t));
2931 	*dp1 = *dp;
2932 	dp1->next = dp1->prev = NULL;
2934 	/* add it to the flushhost list */
2935 	if(!flushhost) {
2936 	    flushhost = alloc(SIZEOF(am_host_t));
2937 	    flushhost->next = NULL;
2938 	    flushhost->hostname = stralloc("FLUSHHOST");
2939 	    flushhost->up = NULL;
2940 	    flushhost->features = NULL;
2941 	}
2942 	dp1->hostnext = flushhost->disks;
2943 	flushhost->disks = dp1;
2945 	sp = (sched_t *) alloc(SIZEOF(sched_t));
2946 	sp->destname = destname;
2947 	sp->level = file.dumplevel;
2948 	sp->dumpdate = NULL;
2949 	sp->degr_dumpdate = NULL;
2950 	sp->degr_mesg = NULL;
2951 	sp->datestamp = stralloc(file.datestamp);
2952 	sp->est_nsize = (off_t)0;
2953 	sp->est_csize = (off_t)0;
2954 	sp->est_time = 0;
2955 	sp->est_kps = 10;
2956 	sp->origsize = file.orig_size;
2957 	sp->priority = 0;
2958 	sp->degr_level = -1;
2959 	sp->dump_attempted = 0;
2960 	sp->taper_attempted = 0;
2961 	sp->act_size = holding_file_size(destname, 0);
2962 	sp->holdp = build_diskspace(destname);
2963 	if(sp->holdp == NULL) continue;
2964 	sp->dumper = NULL;
2965 	sp->taper = NULL;
2966 	sp->timestamp = (time_t)0;
2968 	dp1->up = (char *)sp;
2970 	enqueue_disk(&tapeq, dp1);
2971 	dumpfile_free_data(&file);
2972     }
2973     amfree(inpline);
2974     close_infofile();
2976     startaflush();
2977     if (!nodump) {
2978 	schedule_ev_read = event_register((event_id_t)0, EV_READFD,
2979 					  read_schedule, NULL);
2980     } else {
2981 	force_flush = 1;
2982     }
2983 }
2985 static void
read_schedule(void * cookie)2986 read_schedule(
2987     void *	cookie)
2988 {
2989     sched_t *sp;
2990     disk_t *dp;
2991     int level, line, priority;
2992     char *dumpdate, *degr_dumpdate, *degr_mesg;
2993     int degr_level;
2994     time_t time, degr_time;
2995     time_t *time_p = &time;
2996     time_t *degr_time_p = &degr_time;
2997     off_t nsize, csize, degr_nsize, degr_csize;
2998     unsigned long kps, degr_kps;
2999     char *hostname, *features, *diskname, *datestamp, *inpline = NULL;
3000     char *command;
3001     char *s;
3002     int ch;
3003     off_t flush_size = (off_t)0;
3004     char *qname = NULL;
3005     long long time_;
3006     long long nsize_;
3007     long long csize_;
3008     long long degr_nsize_;
3009     long long degr_csize_;
3010     GPtrArray *errarray;
3012     (void)cookie;	/* Quiet unused parameter warning */
3014     event_release(schedule_ev_read);
3015     schedule_ev_read = NULL;
3017     /* read schedule from stdin */
3019     for(line = 0; (inpline = agets(stdin)) != NULL; free(inpline)) {
3020 	if (inpline[0] == '\0')
3021 	    continue;
3022 	line++;
3024 	s = inpline;
3025 	ch = *s++;
3027 	skip_whitespace(s, ch);			/* find the command */
3028 	if(ch == '\0') {
3029 	    error(_("schedule line %d: syntax error (no command)"), line);
3030 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
3031 	}
3032 	command = s - 1;
3033 	skip_non_whitespace(s, ch);
3034 	s[-1] = '\0';
3036 	if(strcmp(command,"DUMP") != 0) {
3037 	    error(_("schedule line %d: syntax error (%s != DUMP)"), line, command);
3038 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
3039 	}
3041 	skip_whitespace(s, ch);			/* find the host name */
3042 	if(ch == '\0') {
3043 	    error(_("schedule line %d: syntax error (no host name)"), line);
3044 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
3045 	}
3046 	hostname = s - 1;
3047 	skip_non_whitespace(s, ch);
3048 	s[-1] = '\0';
3050 	skip_whitespace(s, ch);			/* find the feature list */
3051 	if(ch == '\0') {
3052 	    error(_("schedule line %d: syntax error (no feature list)"), line);
3053 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
3054 	}
3055 	features = s - 1;
3056 	skip_non_whitespace(s, ch);
3057 	s[-1] = '\0';
3059 	skip_whitespace(s, ch);			/* find the disk name */
3060 	if(ch == '\0') {
3061 	    error(_("schedule line %d: syntax error (no disk name)"), line);
3062 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
3063 	}
3064 	qname = s - 1;
3065 	skip_quoted_string(s, ch);
3066 	s[-1] = '\0';				/* terminate the disk name */
3067 	diskname = unquote_string(qname);
3069 	skip_whitespace(s, ch);			/* find the datestamp */
3070 	if(ch == '\0') {
3071 	    error(_("schedule line %d: syntax error (no datestamp)"), line);
3072 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
3073 	}
3074 	datestamp = s - 1;
3075 	skip_non_whitespace(s, ch);
3076 	s[-1] = '\0';
3078 	skip_whitespace(s, ch);			/* find the priority number */
3079 	if(ch == '\0' || sscanf(s - 1, "%d", &priority) != 1) {
3080 	    error(_("schedule line %d: syntax error (bad priority)"), line);
3081 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
3082 	}
3083 	skip_integer(s, ch);
3085 	skip_whitespace(s, ch);			/* find the level number */
3086 	if(ch == '\0' || sscanf(s - 1, "%d", &level) != 1) {
3087 	    error(_("schedule line %d: syntax error (bad level)"), line);
3088 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
3089 	}
3090 	skip_integer(s, ch);
3092 	skip_whitespace(s, ch);			/* find the dump date */
3093 	if(ch == '\0') {
3094 	    error(_("schedule line %d: syntax error (bad dump date)"), line);
3095 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
3096 	}
3097 	dumpdate = s - 1;
3098 	skip_non_whitespace(s, ch);
3099 	s[-1] = '\0';
3101 	skip_whitespace(s, ch);			/* find the native size */
3102 	nsize_ = (off_t)0;
3103 	if(ch == '\0' || sscanf(s - 1, "%lld", &nsize_) != 1) {
3104 	    error(_("schedule line %d: syntax error (bad nsize)"), line);
3105 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
3106 	}
3107 	nsize = (off_t)nsize_;
3108 	skip_integer(s, ch);
3110 	skip_whitespace(s, ch);			/* find the compressed size */
3111 	csize_ = (off_t)0;
3112 	if(ch == '\0' || sscanf(s - 1, "%lld", &csize_) != 1) {
3113 	    error(_("schedule line %d: syntax error (bad csize)"), line);
3114 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
3115 	}
3116 	csize = (off_t)csize_;
3117 	skip_integer(s, ch);
3119 	skip_whitespace(s, ch);			/* find the time number */
3120 	if(ch == '\0' || sscanf(s - 1, "%lld", &time_) != 1) {
3121 	    error(_("schedule line %d: syntax error (bad estimated time)"), line);
3122 	    /*NOTREACHED*/
3123 	}
3124 	*time_p = (time_t)time_;
3125 	skip_integer(s, ch);
3127 	skip_whitespace(s, ch);			/* find the kps number */
3128 	if(ch == '\0' || sscanf(s - 1, "%lu", &kps) != 1) {
3129 	    error(_("schedule line %d: syntax error (bad kps)"), line);
3130 	    continue;
3131 	}
3132 	skip_integer(s, ch);
3134 	degr_dumpdate = NULL;			/* flag if degr fields found */
3135 	skip_whitespace(s, ch);			/* find the degr level number */
3136 	degr_mesg = NULL;
3137 	if (ch == '"') {
3138 	    qname = s - 1;
3139 	    skip_quoted_string(s, ch);
3140 	    s[-1] = '\0';			/* terminate degr mesg */
3141 	    degr_mesg = unquote_string(qname);
3142 	    degr_level = -1;
3143 	    degr_nsize = (off_t)0;
3144 	    degr_csize = (off_t)0;
3145 	    degr_time = (time_t)0;
3146 	    degr_kps = 0;
3147 	} else if (ch != '\0') {
3148 	    if(sscanf(s - 1, "%d", &degr_level) != 1) {
3149 		error(_("schedule line %d: syntax error (bad degr level)"), line);
3150 		/*NOTREACHED*/
3151 	    }
3152 	    skip_integer(s, ch);
3154 	    skip_whitespace(s, ch);		/* find the degr dump date */
3155 	    if(ch == '\0') {
3156 		error(_("schedule line %d: syntax error (bad degr dump date)"), line);
3157 		/*NOTREACHED*/
3158 	    }
3159 	    degr_dumpdate = s - 1;
3160 	    skip_non_whitespace(s, ch);
3161 	    s[-1] = '\0';
3163 	    skip_whitespace(s, ch);		/* find the degr native size */
3164 	    degr_nsize_ = (off_t)0;
3165 	    if(ch == '\0'  || sscanf(s - 1, "%lld", &degr_nsize_) != 1) {
3166 		error(_("schedule line %d: syntax error (bad degr nsize)"), line);
3167 		/*NOTREACHED*/
3168 	    }
3169 	    degr_nsize = (off_t)degr_nsize_;
3170 	    skip_integer(s, ch);
3172 	    skip_whitespace(s, ch);		/* find the degr compressed size */
3173 	    degr_csize_ = (off_t)0;
3174 	    if(ch == '\0'  || sscanf(s - 1, "%lld", &degr_csize_) != 1) {
3175 		error(_("schedule line %d: syntax error (bad degr csize)"), line);
3176 		/*NOTREACHED*/
3177 	    }
3178 	    degr_csize = (off_t)degr_csize_;
3179 	    skip_integer(s, ch);
3181 	    skip_whitespace(s, ch);		/* find the degr time number */
3182 	    if(ch == '\0' || sscanf(s - 1, "%lld", &time_) != 1) {
3183 		error(_("schedule line %d: syntax error (bad degr estimated time)"), line);
3184 		/*NOTREACHED*/
3185 	    }
3186 	    *degr_time_p = (time_t)time_;
3187 	    skip_integer(s, ch);
3189 	    skip_whitespace(s, ch);		/* find the degr kps number */
3190 	    if(ch == '\0' || sscanf(s - 1, "%lu", &degr_kps) != 1) {
3191 		error(_("schedule line %d: syntax error (bad degr kps)"), line);
3192 		/*NOTREACHED*/
3193 	    }
3194 	    skip_integer(s, ch);
3195 	} else {
3196 	    error(_("schedule line %d: no degraded estimate or message"), line);
3197 	}
3199 	dp = lookup_disk(hostname, diskname);
3200 	if(dp == NULL) {
3201 	    log_add(L_WARNING,
3202 		    _("schedule line %d: %s:'%s' not in disklist, ignored"),
3203 		    line, hostname, qname);
3204 	    amfree(diskname);
3205 	    continue;
3206 	}
3208 	sp = (sched_t *) alloc(SIZEOF(sched_t));
3209 	/*@ignore@*/
3210 	sp->level = level;
3211 	sp->dumpdate = stralloc(dumpdate);
3212 	sp->est_nsize = DISK_BLOCK_KB + nsize; /* include header */
3213 	sp->est_csize = DISK_BLOCK_KB + csize; /* include header */
3214 	/* round estimate to next multiple of DISK_BLOCK_KB */
3215 	sp->est_csize = am_round(sp->est_csize, DISK_BLOCK_KB);
3216 	sp->est_size = sp->est_csize;
3217 	sp->est_time = time;
3218 	sp->est_kps = kps;
3219 	sp->priority = priority;
3220 	sp->datestamp = stralloc(datestamp);
3222 	if(degr_dumpdate) {
3223 	    sp->degr_level = degr_level;
3224 	    sp->degr_dumpdate = stralloc(degr_dumpdate);
3225 	    sp->degr_nsize = DISK_BLOCK_KB + degr_nsize;
3226 	    sp->degr_csize = DISK_BLOCK_KB + degr_csize;
3227 	    /* round estimate to next multiple of DISK_BLOCK_KB */
3228 	    sp->degr_csize = am_round(sp->degr_csize, DISK_BLOCK_KB);
3229 	    sp->degr_time = degr_time;
3230 	    sp->degr_kps = degr_kps;
3231 	    sp->degr_mesg = NULL;
3232 	} else {
3233 	    sp->degr_level = -1;
3234 	    sp->degr_dumpdate = NULL;
3235 	    sp->degr_mesg = degr_mesg;
3236 	}
3237 	/*@end@*/
3239 	sp->dump_attempted = 0;
3240 	sp->taper_attempted = 0;
3241 	sp->act_size = 0;
3242 	sp->holdp = NULL;
3243 	sp->activehd = -1;
3244 	sp->dumper = NULL;
3245 	sp->taper = NULL;
3246 	sp->timestamp = (time_t)0;
3247 	sp->destname = NULL;
3248 	sp->no_space = 0;
3250 	dp->up = (char *) sp;
3251 	if(dp->host->features == NULL) {
3252 	    dp->host->features = am_string_to_feature(features);
3253 	    if (!dp->host->features) {
3254 		log_add(L_WARNING,
3255 		    _("Invalid feature string from client '%s'"),
3256 		    features);
3257 		dp->host->features = am_set_default_feature_set();
3258 	    }
3259 	}
3260 	remove_disk(&waitq, dp);
3262 	errarray = validate_optionstr(dp);
3263 	if (errarray->len > 0) {
3264 	    guint i;
3265 	    for (i=0; i < errarray->len; i++) {
3266 		log_add(L_FAIL, _("%s %s %s 0 [%s]"),
3267 			dp->host->hostname, qname,
3268 			sp->datestamp,
3269 			(char *)g_ptr_array_index(errarray, i));
3270 	    }
3271 	    amfree(qname);
3272 	} else {
3274 	    if (dp->data_path == DATA_PATH_DIRECTTCP &&
3275 		dp->to_holdingdisk == HOLD_AUTO) {
3276 		dp->to_holdingdisk = HOLD_NEVER;
3277 	    }
3279 	    if (dp->to_holdingdisk == HOLD_NEVER) {
3280 		enqueue_disk(&directq, dp);
3281 	    } else {
3282 		enqueue_disk(&runq, dp);
3283 	    }
3284 	    flush_size += sp->act_size;
3285 	}
3286 	amfree(diskname);
3287     }
3288     g_printf(_("driver: flush size %lld\n"), (long long)flush_size);
3289     amfree(inpline);
3290     if(line == 0)
3291 	log_add(L_WARNING, _("WARNING: got empty schedule from planner"));
3292     schedule_done = 1;
3293     start_degraded_mode(&runq);
3294     run_server_global_scripts(EXECUTE_ON_PRE_BACKUP, get_config_name());
3295     if (empty(runq)) force_flush = 1;
3296     start_some_dumps(&runq);
3297     startaflush();
3298 }
3300 static unsigned long
free_kps(netif_t * ip)3301 free_kps(
3302     netif_t *ip)
3303 {
3304     unsigned long res;
3306     if (ip == NULL) {
3307 	netif_t *p;
3308 	unsigned long maxusage=0;
3309 	unsigned long curusage=0;
3310 	for(p = disklist_netifs(); p != NULL; p = p->next) {
3311 	    maxusage += interface_get_maxusage(p->config);
3312 	    curusage += p->curusage;
3313 	}
3314 	if (maxusage >= curusage)
3315 	    res = maxusage - curusage;
3316 	else
3317 	    res = 0;
3318 #ifndef __lint
3319     } else {
3320 	if ((unsigned long)interface_get_maxusage(ip->config) >= ip->curusage)
3321 	    res = interface_get_maxusage(ip->config) - ip->curusage;
3322 	else
3323 	    res = 0;
3324 #endif
3325     }
3327     return res;
3328 }
3330 static void
interface_state(char * time_str)3331 interface_state(
3332     char *time_str)
3333 {
3334     netif_t *ip;
3336     g_printf(_("driver: interface-state time %s"), time_str);
3338     for(ip = disklist_netifs(); ip != NULL; ip = ip->next) {
3339 	g_printf(_(" if %s: free %lu"), interface_name(ip->config), free_kps(ip));
3340     }
3341     g_printf("\n");
3342 }
3344 static void
allocate_bandwidth(netif_t * ip,unsigned long kps)3345 allocate_bandwidth(
3346     netif_t *		ip,
3347     unsigned long	kps)
3348 {
3349     ip->curusage += kps;
3350 }
3352 static void
deallocate_bandwidth(netif_t * ip,unsigned long kps)3353 deallocate_bandwidth(
3354     netif_t *		ip,
3355     unsigned long	kps)
3356 {
3357     assert(kps <= ip->curusage);
3358     ip->curusage -= kps;
3359 }
3361 /* ------------ */
3362 static off_t
free_space(void)3363 free_space(void)
3364 {
3365     holdalloc_t *ha;
3366     off_t total_free;
3367     off_t diff;
3369     total_free = (off_t)0;
3370     for(ha = holdalloc; ha != NULL; ha = ha->next) {
3371 	diff = ha->disksize - ha->allocated_space;
3372 	if(diff > (off_t)0)
3373 	    total_free += diff;
3374     }
3375     return total_free;
3376 }
3378 /*
3379  * We return an array of pointers to assignedhd_t. The array contains at
3380  * most one entry per holding disk. The list of pointers is terminated by
3381  * a NULL pointer. Each entry contains a pointer to a holdingdisk and
3382  * how much diskspace to use on that disk. Later on, assign_holdingdisk
3383  * will allocate the given amount of space.
3384  * If there is not enough room on the holdingdisks, NULL is returned.
3385  */
3387 static assignedhd_t **
find_diskspace(off_t size,int * cur_idle,assignedhd_t * pref)3388 find_diskspace(
3389     off_t		size,
3390     int *		cur_idle,
3391     assignedhd_t *	pref)
3392 {
3393     assignedhd_t **result = NULL;
3394     holdalloc_t *ha, *minp;
3395     int i=0;
3396     int j, minj;
3397     char *used;
3398     off_t halloc, dalloc, hfree, dfree;
3400     (void)cur_idle;	/* Quiet unused parameter warning */
3402     if (holdalloc == NULL) {
3403 	/* no holding disk in use */
3404 	return NULL;
3405     }
3407     if (size < 2*DISK_BLOCK_KB)
3408 	size = 2*DISK_BLOCK_KB;
3409     size = am_round(size, (off_t)DISK_BLOCK_KB);
3411     hold_debug(1, _("find_diskspace: want %lld K\n"),
3412 		   (long long)size);
3414     used = alloc(SIZEOF(*used) * num_holdalloc);/*disks used during this run*/
3415     memset( used, 0, (size_t)num_holdalloc );
3416     result = alloc(SIZEOF(assignedhd_t *) * (num_holdalloc + 1));
3417     result[0] = NULL;
3419     while( i < num_holdalloc && size > (off_t)0 ) {
3420 	/* find the holdingdisk with the fewest active dumpers and among
3421 	 * those the one with the biggest free space
3422 	 */
3423 	minp = NULL; minj = -1;
3424 	for(j = 0, ha = holdalloc; ha != NULL; ha = ha->next, j++ ) {
3425 	    if( pref && pref->disk == ha && !used[j] &&
3426 		ha->allocated_space <= ha->disksize - (off_t)DISK_BLOCK_KB) {
3427 		minp = ha;
3428 		minj = j;
3429 		break;
3430 	    }
3431 	    else if( ha->allocated_space <= ha->disksize - (off_t)(2*DISK_BLOCK_KB) &&
3432 		!used[j] &&
3433 		(!minp ||
3434 		 ha->allocated_dumpers < minp->allocated_dumpers ||
3435 		 (ha->allocated_dumpers == minp->allocated_dumpers &&
3436 		  ha->disksize-ha->allocated_space > minp->disksize-minp->allocated_space)) ) {
3437 		minp = ha;
3438 		minj = j;
3439 	    }
3440 	}
3442 	pref = NULL;
3443 	if( !minp ) { break; } /* all holding disks are full */
3444 	used[minj] = 1;
3446 	/* hfree = free space on the disk */
3447 	hfree = minp->disksize - minp->allocated_space;
3449 	/* dfree = free space for data, remove 1 header for each chunksize */
3450 	dfree = hfree - (((hfree-(off_t)1)/holdingdisk_get_chunksize(minp->hdisk))+(off_t)1) * (off_t)DISK_BLOCK_KB;
3452 	/* dalloc = space I can allocate for data */
3453 	dalloc = ( dfree < size ) ? dfree : size;
3455 	/* halloc = space to allocate, including 1 header for each chunksize */
3456 	halloc = dalloc + (((dalloc-(off_t)1)/holdingdisk_get_chunksize(minp->hdisk))+(off_t)1) * (off_t)DISK_BLOCK_KB;
3458 	hold_debug(1, _("find_diskspace: find diskspace: size %lld hf %lld df %lld da %lld ha %lld\n"),
3459 		       (long long)size,
3460 		       (long long)hfree,
3461 		       (long long)dfree,
3462 		       (long long)dalloc,
3463 		       (long long)halloc);
3464 	size -= dalloc;
3465 	result[i] = alloc(SIZEOF(assignedhd_t));
3466 	result[i]->disk = minp;
3467 	result[i]->reserved = halloc;
3468 	result[i]->used = (off_t)0;
3469 	result[i]->destname = NULL;
3470 	result[i+1] = NULL;
3471 	i++;
3472     }
3473     amfree(used);
3475     if(size != (off_t)0) { /* not enough space available */
3476 	g_printf(_("find diskspace: not enough diskspace. Left with %lld K\n"), (long long)size);
3477 	fflush(stdout);
3478 	free_assignedhd(result);
3479 	result = NULL;
3480     }
3482     if (debug_holding > 1) {
3483 	for( i = 0; result && result[i]; i++ ) {
3484 	    hold_debug(1, _("find_diskspace: find diskspace: selected %s free %lld reserved %lld dumpers %d\n"),
3485 			   holdingdisk_get_diskdir(result[i]->disk->hdisk),
3486 			   (long long)(result[i]->disk->disksize -
3487 			     result[i]->disk->allocated_space),
3488 			   (long long)result[i]->reserved,
3489 			   result[i]->disk->allocated_dumpers);
3490 	}
3491     }
3493     return result;
3494 }
3496 static int
assign_holdingdisk(assignedhd_t ** holdp,disk_t * diskp)3497 assign_holdingdisk(
3498     assignedhd_t **	holdp,
3499     disk_t *		diskp)
3500 {
3501     int i, j, c, l=0;
3502     off_t size;
3503     char *sfn = sanitise_filename(diskp->name);
3504     char lvl[64];
3505     assignedhd_t **new_holdp;
3506     char *qname;
3508     g_snprintf( lvl, SIZEOF(lvl), "%d", sched(diskp)->level );
3510     size = am_round(sched(diskp)->est_size - sched(diskp)->act_size,
3511 		    (off_t)DISK_BLOCK_KB);
3513     for( c = 0; holdp[c]; c++ )
3514 	(void)c; /* count number of disks */
3516     /* allocate memory for sched(diskp)->holdp */
3517     for(j = 0; sched(diskp)->holdp && sched(diskp)->holdp[j]; j++)
3518 	(void)j;	/* Quiet lint */
3519     new_holdp = (assignedhd_t **)alloc(SIZEOF(assignedhd_t*)*(j+c+1));
3520     if (sched(diskp)->holdp) {
3521 	memcpy(new_holdp, sched(diskp)->holdp, j * SIZEOF(*new_holdp));
3522 	amfree(sched(diskp)->holdp);
3523     }
3524     sched(diskp)->holdp = new_holdp;
3525     new_holdp = NULL;
3527     i = 0;
3528     if( j > 0 ) { /* This is a request for additional diskspace. See if we can
3529 		   * merge assignedhd_t's */
3530 	l=j;
3531 	if( sched(diskp)->holdp[j-1]->disk == holdp[0]->disk ) { /* Yes! */
3532 	    sched(diskp)->holdp[j-1]->reserved += holdp[0]->reserved;
3533 	    holdp[0]->disk->allocated_space += holdp[0]->reserved;
3534 	    size = (holdp[0]->reserved>size) ? (off_t)0 : size-holdp[0]->reserved;
3535 	    qname = quote_string(diskp->name);
3536 	    hold_debug(1, _("assign_holdingdisk: merging holding disk %s to disk %s:%s, add %lld for reserved %lld, left %lld\n"),
3537 			   holdingdisk_get_diskdir(
3538 					       sched(diskp)->holdp[j-1]->disk->hdisk),
3539 			   diskp->host->hostname, qname,
3540 			   (long long)holdp[0]->reserved,
3541 			   (long long)sched(diskp)->holdp[j-1]->reserved,
3542 			   (long long)size);
3543 	    i++;
3544 	    amfree(qname);
3545 	    amfree(holdp[0]);
3546 	    l=j-1;
3547 	}
3548     }
3550     /* copy assignedhd_s to sched(diskp), adjust allocated_space */
3551     for( ; holdp[i]; i++ ) {
3552 	holdp[i]->destname = newvstralloc( holdp[i]->destname,
3553 					   holdingdisk_get_diskdir(holdp[i]->disk->hdisk), "/",
3554 					   hd_driver_timestamp, "/",
3555 					   diskp->host->hostname, ".",
3556 					   sfn, ".",
3557 					   lvl, NULL );
3558 	sched(diskp)->holdp[j++] = holdp[i];
3559 	holdp[i]->disk->allocated_space += holdp[i]->reserved;
3560 	size = (holdp[i]->reserved > size) ? (off_t)0 :
3561 		  (size - holdp[i]->reserved);
3562 	qname = quote_string(diskp->name);
3563 	hold_debug(1,
3564 		   _("assign_holdingdisk: %d assigning holding disk %s to disk %s:%s, reserved %lld, left %lld\n"),
3565 		    i, holdingdisk_get_diskdir(holdp[i]->disk->hdisk),
3566 		    diskp->host->hostname, qname,
3567 		    (long long)holdp[i]->reserved,
3568 		    (long long)size);
3569 	amfree(qname);
3570 	holdp[i] = NULL; /* so it doesn't get free()d... */
3571     }
3572     sched(diskp)->holdp[j] = NULL;
3573     amfree(sfn);
3575     return l;
3576 }
3578 static void
adjust_diskspace(disk_t * diskp,cmd_t cmd)3579 adjust_diskspace(
3580     disk_t *	diskp,
3581     cmd_t	cmd)
3582 {
3583     assignedhd_t **holdp;
3584     off_t total = (off_t)0;
3585     off_t diff;
3586     int i;
3587     char *qname, *hqname, *qdest;
3589     (void)cmd;	/* Quiet unused parameter warning */
3591     qname = quote_string(diskp->name);
3592     qdest = quote_string(sched(diskp)->destname);
3593     hold_debug(1, _("adjust_diskspace: %s:%s %s\n"),
3594 		   diskp->host->hostname, qname, qdest);
3596     holdp = sched(diskp)->holdp;
3598     assert(holdp != NULL);
3600     for( i = 0; holdp[i]; i++ ) { /* for each allocated disk */
3601 	diff = holdp[i]->used - holdp[i]->reserved;
3602 	total += holdp[i]->used;
3603 	holdp[i]->disk->allocated_space += diff;
3604 	hqname = quote_string(holdingdisk_name(holdp[i]->disk->hdisk));
3605 	hold_debug(1, _("adjust_diskspace: hdisk %s done, reserved %lld used %lld diff %lld alloc %lld dumpers %d\n"),
3606 		       holdingdisk_name(holdp[i]->disk->hdisk),
3607 		       (long long)holdp[i]->reserved,
3608 		       (long long)holdp[i]->used,
3609 		       (long long)diff,
3610 		       (long long)holdp[i]->disk->allocated_space,
3611 		       holdp[i]->disk->allocated_dumpers );
3612 	holdp[i]->reserved += diff;
3613 	amfree(hqname);
3614     }
3616     sched(diskp)->act_size = total;
3618     hold_debug(1, _("adjust_diskspace: after: disk %s:%s used %lld\n"),
3619 		   diskp->host->hostname, qname,
3620 		   (long long)sched(diskp)->act_size);
3621     amfree(qdest);
3622     amfree(qname);
3623 }
3625 static void
delete_diskspace(disk_t * diskp)3626 delete_diskspace(
3627     disk_t *diskp)
3628 {
3629     assignedhd_t **holdp;
3630     int i;
3632     holdp = sched(diskp)->holdp;
3634     assert(holdp != NULL);
3636     for( i = 0; holdp[i]; i++ ) { /* for each disk */
3637 	/* find all files of this dump on that disk, and subtract their
3638 	 * reserved sizes from the disk's allocated space
3639 	 */
3640 	holdp[i]->disk->allocated_space -= holdp[i]->used;
3641     }
3643     holding_file_unlink(holdp[0]->destname);	/* no need for the entire list,
3644 						 * because holding_file_unlink
3645 						 * will walk through all files
3646 						 * using cont_filename */
3647     free_assignedhd(sched(diskp)->holdp);
3648     sched(diskp)->holdp = NULL;
3649     sched(diskp)->act_size = (off_t)0;
3650 }
3652 static assignedhd_t **
build_diskspace(char * destname)3653 build_diskspace(
3654     char *	destname)
3655 {
3656     int i, j;
3657     int fd;
3658     size_t buflen;
3659     char buffer[DISK_BLOCK_BYTES];
3660     dumpfile_t file;
3661     assignedhd_t **result;
3662     holdalloc_t *ha;
3663     off_t *used;
3664     char dirname[1000], *ch;
3665     struct stat finfo;
3666     char *filename = destname;
3668     memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
3669     used = alloc(SIZEOF(off_t) * num_holdalloc);
3670     for(i=0;i<num_holdalloc;i++)
3671 	used[i] = (off_t)0;
3672     result = alloc(SIZEOF(assignedhd_t *) * (num_holdalloc + 1));
3673     result[0] = NULL;
3674     while(filename != NULL && filename[0] != '\0') {
3675 	strncpy(dirname, filename, 999);
3676 	dirname[999]='\0';
3677 	ch = strrchr(dirname,'/');
3678 	if (ch) {
3679 	    *ch = '\0';
3680 	    ch = strrchr(dirname,'/');
3681 	    if (ch) {
3682 		*ch = '\0';
3683 	    }
3684 	}
3686 	if (!ch) {
3687 	    g_fprintf(stderr,_("build_diskspace: bogus filename '%s'\n"), filename);
3688 	    amfree(used);
3689 	    amfree(result);
3690 	    return NULL;
3691 	}
3693 	for(j = 0, ha = holdalloc; ha != NULL; ha = ha->next, j++ ) {
3694 	    if(strcmp(dirname, holdingdisk_get_diskdir(ha->hdisk))==0) {
3695 		break;
3696 	    }
3697 	}
3698 	if (!ha || j >= num_holdalloc) {
3699 	    fprintf(stderr,_("build_diskspace: holding disk file '%s' is not in a holding disk directory.\n"), filename);
3700 	    amfree(used);
3701 	    amfree(result);
3702 	    return NULL;
3703 	}
3704 	if(stat(filename, &finfo) == -1) {
3705 	    g_fprintf(stderr, _("build_diskspace: can't stat %s: %s\n"),
3706 		      filename, strerror(errno));
3707 	    amfree(used);
3708 	    amfree(result);
3709 	    return NULL;
3710 	}
3711 	used[j] += ((off_t)finfo.st_size+(off_t)1023)/(off_t)1024;
3712 	if((fd = open(filename,O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
3713 	    g_fprintf(stderr,_("build_diskspace: open of %s failed: %s\n"),
3714 		    filename, strerror(errno));
3715 	    amfree(used);
3716 	    amfree(result);
3717 	    return NULL;
3718 	}
3719 	if ((buflen = full_read(fd, buffer, SIZEOF(buffer))) > 0) {;
3720 		parse_file_header(buffer, &file, buflen);
3721 	}
3722 	close(fd);
3723 	filename = file.cont_filename;
3724     }
3726     for(j = 0, i=0, ha = holdalloc; ha != NULL; ha = ha->next, j++ ) {
3727 	if(used[j] != (off_t)0) {
3728 	    result[i] = alloc(SIZEOF(assignedhd_t));
3729 	    result[i]->disk = ha;
3730 	    result[i]->reserved = used[j];
3731 	    result[i]->used = used[j];
3732 	    result[i]->destname = stralloc(destname);
3733 	    result[i+1] = NULL;
3734 	    i++;
3735 	}
3736     }
3738     amfree(used);
3739     return result;
3740 }
3742 static void
holdingdisk_state(char * time_str)3743 holdingdisk_state(
3744     char *	time_str)
3745 {
3746     holdalloc_t *ha;
3747     int dsk;
3748     off_t diff;
3750     g_printf(_("driver: hdisk-state time %s"), time_str);
3752     for(ha = holdalloc, dsk = 0; ha != NULL; ha = ha->next, dsk++) {
3753 	diff = ha->disksize - ha->allocated_space;
3754 	g_printf(_(" hdisk %d: free %lld dumpers %d"), dsk,
3755 	       (long long)diff, ha->allocated_dumpers);
3756     }
3757     g_printf("\n");
3758 }
3760 static void
update_failed_dump(disk_t * dp)3761 update_failed_dump(
3762     disk_t *	dp)
3763 {
3764     time_t save_timestamp = sched(dp)->timestamp;
3765     /* setting timestamp to 0 removes the current level from the
3766      * database, so that we ensure that it will not be bumped to the
3767      * next level on the next run.  If we didn't do this, dumpdates or
3768      * gnutar-lists might have been updated already, and a bumped
3769      * incremental might be created.  */
3770     sched(dp)->timestamp = 0;
3771     update_info_dumper(dp, (off_t)-1, (off_t)-1, (time_t)-1);
3772     sched(dp)->timestamp = save_timestamp;
3773 }
3775 /* ------------------- */
3777 static int
queue_length(disklist_t q)3778 queue_length(
3779     disklist_t	q)
3780 {
3781     disk_t *p;
3782     int len;
3784     for(len = 0, p = q.head; p != NULL; len++, p = p->next)
3785 	(void)len;	/* Quiet lint */
3786     return len;
3787 }
3789 static void
short_dump_state(void)3790 short_dump_state(void)
3791 {
3792     int i, nidle;
3793     char *wall_time;
3795     wall_time = walltime_str(curclock());
3797     g_printf(_("driver: state time %s "), wall_time);
3798     g_printf(_("free kps: %lu space: %lld taper: "),
3799 	   free_kps(NULL),
3800 	   (long long)free_space());
3801     if(degraded_mode) g_printf(_("DOWN"));
3802     else {
3803 	taper_t *taper;
3804 	int writing = 0;
3805 	for(taper = tapetable; taper < tapetable+conf_taper_parallel_write;
3806 			       taper++) {
3807 	    if (taper->state & TAPER_STATE_DUMP_TO_TAPE ||
3808 		taper->state & TAPER_STATE_FILE_TO_TAPE)
3809 		writing = 1;
3810 	}
3811 	if(writing)
3812 	    g_printf(_("writing"));
3813 	else
3814 	    g_printf(_("idle"));
3815     }
3816     nidle = 0;
3817     for(i = 0; i < inparallel; i++) if(!dmptable[i].busy) nidle++;
3818     g_printf(_(" idle-dumpers: %d"), nidle);
3819     g_printf(_(" qlen tapeq: %d"), queue_length(tapeq));
3820     g_printf(_(" runq: %d"), queue_length(runq));
3821     g_printf(_(" directq: %d"), queue_length(directq));
3822     g_printf(_(" roomq: %d"), queue_length(roomq));
3823     g_printf(_(" wakeup: %d"), (int)sleep_time);
3824     g_printf(_(" driver-idle: %s\n"), _(idle_strings[idle_reason]));
3825     interface_state(wall_time);
3826     holdingdisk_state(wall_time);
3827     fflush(stdout);
3828 }
3830 static TapeAction
tape_action(taper_t * taper,char ** why_no_new_tape)3831 tape_action(
3832     taper_t  *taper,
3833     char    **why_no_new_tape)
3834 {
3835     TapeAction result = TAPE_ACTION_NO_ACTION;
3836     dumper_t *dumper;
3837     taper_t  *taper1;
3838     disk_t   *dp;
3839     off_t dumpers_size;		/* dumper size to holding disk */
3840     off_t runq_size;
3841     off_t directq_size;
3842     off_t tapeq_size;
3843     off_t sched_size;
3844     off_t dump_to_disk_size;
3845     int   dump_to_disk_terminated;
3846     int   nb_taper_active = nb_sent_new_tape;
3847     int   nb_taper_flushing = 0;
3848     int   nb_taper_waiting = 0;
3849     int   nb_init = 0;
3850     int   dle_free = 0;		/* number of dle that fit on started tape */
3851     int   new_dle = 0;		/* number of dle that doesn't fit on started tape */
3852     off_t new_data = 0;		/* size of dle that doesn't fit on started tape */
3853     off_t data_free = 0;	/* space available on started tape */
3854     gboolean taperflush_criteria;
3855     gboolean flush_criteria;
3857     driver_debug(2, "tape_action: ENTER %p %s\n", taper, taper->name);
3858     dumpers_size = 0;
3859     for(dumper = dmptable; dumper < (dmptable+inparallel); dumper++) {
3860 	if (dumper->busy && !sched(dumper->dp)->taper)
3861 	    dumpers_size += sched(dumper->dp)->est_size;
3862     }
3863     driver_debug(2, _("dumpers_size: %lld\n"), (long long)dumpers_size);
3865     runq_size = 0;
3866     for(dp = runq.head; dp != NULL; dp = dp->next) {
3867 	runq_size += sched(dp)->est_size;
3868     }
3869     driver_debug(2, _("runq_size: %lld\n"), (long long)runq_size);
3871     directq_size = 0;
3872     for(dp = directq.head; dp != NULL; dp = dp->next) {
3873 	directq_size += sched(dp)->est_size;
3874     }
3875     driver_debug(2, _("directq_size: %lld\n"), (long long)directq_size);
3877     tapeq_size = directq_size;
3878     for(dp = tapeq.head; dp != NULL; dp = dp->next) {
3879 	tapeq_size += sched(dp)->act_size;
3880     }
3882     for (taper1 = tapetable; taper1 < tapetable+conf_taper_parallel_write;
3883 	 taper1++) {
3884 	if (taper1->state & TAPER_STATE_FILE_TO_TAPE ||
3885 	    taper1->state & TAPER_STATE_DUMP_TO_TAPE) {
3886 	    nb_taper_flushing++;
3887 	}
3888 	if (taper1->state & TAPER_STATE_TAPE_STARTED &&
3889 	    taper1->state & TAPER_STATE_IDLE) {
3890 	    nb_taper_waiting++;
3891 	}
3892 	if (taper1->state & TAPER_STATE_RESERVATION &&
3893 	    taper1->state & TAPER_STATE_IDLE &&
3894 	    taper1->nb_dle == 0) {
3895 	    nb_init++;
3896 	}
3897     }
3899     /* Add what is currently written to tape and in the go. */
3900     new_data = 0;
3901     data_free = 0;
3902     for (taper1 = tapetable; taper1 < tapetable+conf_taper_parallel_write;
3903 	 taper1++) {
3904 	if (taper1->state & TAPER_STATE_TAPE_STARTED) {
3905 	    dle_free += (conf_max_dle_by_volume - taper1->nb_dle);
3906 	}
3907 	if (taper1->disk) {
3908 	    off_t data_to_go;
3909 	    off_t t_size;
3910 	    if (taper1->dumper) {
3911 		t_size = sched(taper1->disk)->est_size;
3912 	    } else {
3913 		t_size = sched(taper1->disk)->act_size;
3914 	    }
3915 	    data_to_go =  t_size - taper1->written;
3916 	    if (data_to_go > taper1->left) {
3917 		if (taper1->state & TAPER_STATE_TAPE_STARTED) {
3918 		    dle_free -= (conf_max_dle_by_volume - taper1->nb_dle) + 1;
3919 		    new_data += data_to_go - taper1->left;
3920 		} else {
3921 		    dle_free -= 2;
3922 		    new_data += data_to_go;
3923 		}
3924 	    } else {
3925 		if (!(taper1->state & TAPER_STATE_TAPE_STARTED)) {
3926 		    dle_free--;
3927 		    new_data += data_to_go;
3928 		} else {
3929 		    data_free += taper1->left - data_to_go;
3930 		}
3931 	    }
3932 	} else {
3933 	    data_free += taper1->left;
3934 	}
3935     }
3937     if (dle_free < 0) dle_free = 0;
3938     new_dle = queue_length(tapeq) + queue_length(directq) - dle_free;
3939     driver_debug(2, _("dle_free: %d\n"), dle_free);
3940     driver_debug(2, _("new_dle: %d\n"), new_dle);
3941     if (new_dle > 0) {
3942 	if (taperflush == 0 &&
3943 	    flush_threshold_dumped == 0 &&
3944 	    flush_threshold_scheduled == 0) {
3945 	    /* shortcut, will trigger taperflush_criteria and/or flush_criteria */
3946 	    new_data += 1;
3947 	} else {
3948 	    /* sum the size of the first new-dle in tapeq */
3949 	    /* they should be the reverse taperalgo       */
3950 	    for (dp = tapeq.head;
3951 		 dp != NULL && new_dle > 0;
3952 		 dp = dp->next, new_dle--) {
3953 		new_data += sched(dp)->act_size;
3954 	    }
3955 	}
3956     }
3957     driver_debug(2, _("new_data: %lld\n"), (long long)new_data);
3958     driver_debug(2, _("data_free: %lld\n"), (long long)data_free);
3959 ;
3960     driver_debug(2, _("tapeq_size: %lld\n"), (long long)tapeq_size);
3962     sched_size = runq_size + tapeq_size + dumpers_size;
3963     driver_debug(2, _("sched_size: %lld\n"), (long long)sched_size);
3965     dump_to_disk_size = dumpers_size + runq_size + directq_size;
3966     driver_debug(2, _("dump_to_disk_size: %lld\n"), (long long)dump_to_disk_size);
3968     dump_to_disk_terminated = schedule_done && dump_to_disk_size == 0;
3970     for (taper1 = tapetable; taper1 < tapetable + conf_taper_parallel_write;
3971 			     taper1++) {
3972 	if (taper1->state & TAPER_STATE_TAPE_STARTED) {
3973 	    nb_taper_active++;
3974 	}
3975     }
3977     taperflush_criteria = (taperflush < tapeq_size &&
3978 			   (new_dle > 0 || new_data > 0 || force_flush == 1 || dump_to_disk_terminated));
3979     flush_criteria = (flush_threshold_dumped < tapeq_size &&
3980 		      flush_threshold_scheduled < sched_size &&
3981 		      (new_dle > 0 || new_data > 0)) ||
3982 		     taperflush_criteria;
3984     driver_debug(2, "taperflush %lld\n", (long long)taperflush);
3985     driver_debug(2, "flush_threshold_dumped %lld\n", (long long)flush_threshold_dumped);
3986     driver_debug(2, "flush_threshold_scheduled %lld\n", (long long)flush_threshold_scheduled);
3987     driver_debug(2, "force_flush %d\n", force_flush);
3988     driver_debug(2, "dump_to_disk_terminated %d\n", dump_to_disk_terminated);
3989     driver_debug(2, "queue_length(runq) %d\n", queue_length(runq));
3990     driver_debug(2, "queue_length(directq) %d\n", queue_length(directq));
3991     driver_debug(2, "queue_length(tapeq) %d\n", queue_length(tapeq));
3992     driver_debug(2, "taperflush_criteria %d\n", taperflush_criteria);
3993     driver_debug(2, "flush_criteria %d\n", flush_criteria);
3994     driver_debug(2, "current_tape %d\n", current_tape);
3995     driver_debug(2, "conf_runtapes %d\n", conf_runtapes);
3996     driver_debug(2, "taper_nb_scan_volume %d\n", taper_nb_scan_volume);
3997     driver_debug(2, "taper_sent_first_write %p\n", taper_sent_first_write);
3998     driver_debug(2, "nb_taper_active %d\n", nb_taper_active);
4000     // Changing conditionals can produce a driver hang, take care.
4001     //
4002     // when to start writting to a new tape
4003     if (taper->state & TAPER_STATE_TAPE_REQUESTED) {
4004 	driver_debug(2, "tape_action: TAPER_STATE_TAPE_REQUESTED\n");
4005 	if (current_tape >= conf_runtapes && taper_nb_scan_volume == 0 &&
4006 	    nb_taper_active == 0 && taper_sent_first_write == NULL) {
4007 	    *why_no_new_tape = g_strdup_printf(_("%d tapes filled; runtapes=%d "
4008 		"does not allow additional tapes"), current_tape, conf_runtapes);
4009 	    driver_debug(2, "tape_action: TAPER_STATE_TAPE_REQUESTED return TAPE_ACTION_NO_NEW_TAPE\n");
4010 	    result |= TAPE_ACTION_NO_NEW_TAPE;
4011 	} else if (nb_init > 0) {
4012 	    driver_debug(2, "tape_action: TAPER_STATE_TAPE_REQUESTED return TAPE_ACTION_MOVE (nb_init > 0)\n");
4013 	    result |= TAPE_ACTION_MOVE;
4014 	} else if (current_tape < conf_runtapes &&
4015 		   taper_nb_scan_volume == 0 &&
4016 		   (taper_sent_first_write == taper ||
4017 		    flush_criteria ||
4018 		    !taper->allow_take_scribe_from ||
4019 		    nb_taper_active == 0)) {
4020 	    driver_debug(2, "tape_action: TAPER_STATE_TAPE_REQUESTED return TAPE_ACTION_SCAN\n");
4021 	    result |= TAPE_ACTION_SCAN;
4022 	} else if (nb_taper_waiting && taper->allow_take_scribe_from) {
4023 	    driver_debug(2, "tape_action: TAPER_STATE_TAPE_REQUESTED return TAPE_ACTION_MOVE\n");
4024 	    result |= TAPE_ACTION_MOVE;
4025 	}
4026     } else if (taper->state & TAPER_STATE_WAIT_FOR_TAPE) {
4027 	driver_debug(2, "tape_action: TAPER_STATE_WAIT_FOR_TAPE\n");
4028         if (((taper->state & TAPER_STATE_DUMP_TO_TAPE) ||	// for dump to tape
4029 	     !empty(directq) ||					// if a dle is waiting for a dump to tape
4030              !empty(roomq) ||					// holding disk constraint
4031              idle_reason == IDLE_NO_DISKSPACE ||		// holding disk constraint
4032 	     taper_sent_first_write == taper ||
4033 	     flush_criteria					// flush criteria
4034 	    )) {
4035 	    driver_debug(2, "tape_action: TAPER_STATE_WAIT_FOR_TAPE return TAPE_ACTION_NEW_TAPE\n");
4036 	    result |= TAPE_ACTION_NEW_TAPE;
4037     // when to stop using new tape
4038 	} else if ((taperflush >= tapeq_size &&			// taperflush criteria
4039 	           (force_flush == 1 ||				//  if force_flush
4040 	            dump_to_disk_terminated))			//  or all dump to disk
4041 	          ) {
4042 	    if (nb_taper_active <= 0) {
4043 		if (current_tape >= conf_runtapes) {
4044 		    *why_no_new_tape = g_strdup_printf(_("%d tapes filled; runtapes=%d "
4045 		      "does not allow additional tapes"), current_tape, conf_runtapes);
4046 		    driver_debug(2, "tape_action: TAPER_STATE_WAIT_FOR_TAPE return TAPE_ACTION_NO_NEW_TAPE\n");
4047 		    result |= TAPE_ACTION_NO_NEW_TAPE;
4048 		} else if (dumpers_size <= 0) {
4049 		    *why_no_new_tape = _("taperflush criteria not met");
4050 		    driver_debug(2, "tape_action: TAPER_STATE_WAIT_FOR_TAPE return TAPE_ACTION_NO_NEW_TAPE\n");
4051 		    result |= TAPE_ACTION_NO_NEW_TAPE;
4052 		}
4053 	    }
4054 	}
4055     }
4057     // when to start a flush
4058     if (taper->state & TAPER_STATE_IDLE) {
4059 	driver_debug(2, "tape_action: TAPER_STATE_IDLE\n");
4060 	if (!degraded_mode &&
4061 	    ((taper->state & TAPER_STATE_TAPE_STARTED) ||
4062 	     ((!empty(directq) ||
4063 	       (!empty(tapeq) &&
4064 	        (!empty(roomq) ||					// holding disk constraint
4065                  idle_reason == IDLE_NO_DISKSPACE ||			// holding disk constraint
4066 	         flush_criteria))) &&					// flush
4067 	      (current_tape < conf_runtapes &&
4068 	       taper_nb_scan_volume == 0 &&
4069 	       taper_sent_first_write == NULL &&
4070 	       ((new_dle > 0 || new_data > 0) &&
4071 		(flush_criteria ||
4072 		 nb_taper_active == 0)))))) {
4074 	    if (nb_taper_flushing == 0) {
4075 		driver_debug(2, "tape_action: TAPER_STATE_IDLE return TAPE_ACTION_START_A_FLUSH\n");
4076 		result |= TAPE_ACTION_START_A_FLUSH;
4077 	    } else {
4078 		driver_debug(2, "tape_action: TAPER_STATE_IDLE return TAPE_ACTION_START_A_FLUSH_FIT\n");
4080 	    }
4081 	} else {
4082 	    driver_debug(2, "tape_action: TAPER_STATE_IDLE return TAPE_ACTION_NO_ACTION\n");
4083 	}
4084     }
4085     return result;
4086 }
4088 static int
no_taper_flushing(void)4089 no_taper_flushing(void)
4090 {
4091     taper_t *taper;
4093     for (taper = tapetable; taper < tapetable + conf_taper_parallel_write;
4094 	 taper++) {
4095 	if (taper->state & TAPER_STATE_FILE_TO_TAPE)
4096 	    return 0;
4097     }
4098     return 1;
4099 }
4101 static int
active_dumper(void)4102 active_dumper(void)
4103 {
4104     int i, nidle=0;
4106     for(i = 0; i < inparallel; i++) if(!dmptable[i].busy) nidle++;
4107     return inparallel - nidle;
4108 }
4109 #if 0
4110 static void
4111 dump_state(
4112     const char *str)
4113 {
4114     int i;
4115     disk_t *dp;
4116     char *qname;
4118     g_printf("================\n");
4119     g_printf(_("driver state at time %s: %s\n"), walltime_str(curclock()), str);
4120     g_printf(_("free kps: %lu, space: %lld\n"),
4121     	   free_kps(NULL),
4122     	   (long long)free_space());
4123     if(degraded_mode) g_printf(_("taper: DOWN\n"));
4124     else if(taper->status == TAPER_IDLE) g_printf(_("taper: idle\n"));
4125     else g_printf(_("taper: writing %s:%s.%d est size %lld\n"),
4126 		taper->disk->host->hostname, taper->disk->name,
4127 		sched(taper->disk)->level,
4128 		(long long)sched(taper->disk)->est_size);
4129     for(i = 0; i < inparallel; i++) {
4130 	dp = dmptable[i].dp;
4131 	if(!dmptable[i].busy)
4132 	  g_printf(_("%s: idle\n"), dmptable[i].name);
4133 	else
4134 	  qname = quote_string(dp->name);
4135 	  g_printf(_("%s: dumping %s:%s.%d est kps %d size %lld time %lu\n"),
4136 		dmptable[i].name, dp->host->hostname, qname, sched(dp)->level,
4137 		sched(dp)->est_kps, (long long)sched(dp)->est_size, sched(dp)->est_time);
4138           amfree(qname);
4139     }
4140     dump_queue("TAPE", tapeq, 5, stdout);
4141     dump_queue("ROOM", roomq, 5, stdout);
4142     dump_queue("RUN ", runq, 5, stdout);
4143     g_printf("================\n");
4144     fflush(stdout);
4145 }
4146 #endif