3 /// print a markdown template, with other arguments taking `$0` to `$9` places in the template.
4 ///
5 /// Example:
6 ///
7 /// ```
8 /// use lazy_static::lazy_static;
9 /// use minimad::mad_inline;
10 /// use termimad::*;
11 ///
12 /// let skin = MadSkin::default();
13 /// mad_print_inline!(
14 /// 	&skin,
15 /// 	"**$0 formula:** *$1*", // the markdown template, interpreted once
16 /// 	"Disk",  // fills $0
17 /// 	"2*π*r", // fills $1. Note that the stars don't mess the markdown
18 /// );
19 /// ```
20 #[macro_export]
21 macro_rules! mad_print_inline {
22     ($skin: expr, $md: literal $(, $value: expr )* $(,)? ) => {
23         $skin.print_composite(mad_inline!($md $(, $value)*));
24     };
25 }
27 /// write a markdown template, with other arguments taking `$0` to `$9` places in the template.
28 ///
29 /// Example:
30 ///
31 /// ```
32 /// use lazy_static::lazy_static;
33 /// use minimad::mad_inline;
34 /// use termimad::*;
35 ///
36 /// let skin = MadSkin::default();
37 /// mad_write_inline!(
38 /// 	&mut std::io::stdout(),
39 /// 	&skin,
40 /// 	"**$0 formula:** *$1*", // the markdown template, interpreted once
41 /// 	"Disk",  // fills $0
42 /// 	"2*π*r", // fills $1. Note that the stars don't mess the markdown
43 /// ).unwrap();
44 /// ```
45 #[macro_export]
46 macro_rules! mad_write_inline {
47     ($w: expr, $skin: expr, $md: literal $(, $value: expr )* $(,)? ) => {{
48         use std::io::Write;
49         $skin.write_composite($w, mad_inline!($md $(, $value)*))
50     }};
51 }