1 /// this module generate the clap App, which defines
2 /// launch arguments
4 /// declare the possible CLI arguments
clap_app() -> clap::App<'static, 'static>5 pub fn clap_app() -> clap::App<'static, 'static> {
6     let app = clap::App::new("broot")
7         .version(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"))
8         .author("dystroy <denys.seguret@gmail.com>")
9         .about(
10             "A tree explorer and a customizable launcher\n\
11             Complete documentation lives at https://dystroy.org/broot"
12         )
13         .setting(clap::AppSettings::ColoredHelp)
14         .arg(clap::Arg::with_name("ROOT").help("sets the root directory"))
15         // tree flags
16         .arg(
17             clap::Arg::with_name("dates")
18                 .short("d")
19                 .long("dates")
20                 .help("Show the last modified date of files and directories"),
21         )
22         .arg(
23             clap::Arg::with_name("no-dates")
24                 .short("D")
25                 .long("no-dates")
26                 .help("Don't show last modified date"),
27         )
28         .arg(
29             clap::Arg::with_name("only-folders")
30                 .short("f")
31                 .long("only-folders")
32                 .help("Only show folders"),
33         )
34         .arg(
35             clap::Arg::with_name("no-only-folders")
36                 .short("F")
37                 .long("no-only-folders")
38                 .help("Show folders and files alike"),
39         )
40         .arg(
41             clap::Arg::with_name("show-root-fs")
42                 .long("show-root-fs")
43                 .help("Show filesystem info on top"),
44         )
45         .arg(
46             clap::Arg::with_name("show-git-info")
47                 .short("g")
48                 .long("show-git-info")
49                 .help("Show git statuses on files and stats on repo"),
50         )
51         .arg(
52             clap::Arg::with_name("no-show-git-info")
53                 .short("G")
54                 .long("no-show-git-info")
55                 .help("Don't show git statuses on files"),
56         )
57         .arg(
58             clap::Arg::with_name("git-status")
59                 .long("git-status")
60                 .help("Only show files having an interesting git status, including hidden ones"),
61         )
62         .arg(
63             clap::Arg::with_name("hidden")
64                 .short("h")
65                 .long("hidden")
66                 .help("Show hidden files"),
67         )
68         .arg(
69             clap::Arg::with_name("no-hidden")
70                 .short("H")
71                 .long("no-hidden")
72                 .help("Don't show hidden files"),
73         )
74         .arg(
75             clap::Arg::with_name("show-gitignored")
76                 .short("i")
77                 .long("show-gitignored")
78                 .help("Show files which should be ignored according to git"),
79         )
80         .arg(
81             clap::Arg::with_name("no-show-gitignored")
82                 .short("I")
83                 .long("no-show-gitignored")
84                 .help("Don't show gitignored files"),
85         )
86         .arg(
87             clap::Arg::with_name("permissions")
88                 .short("p")
89                 .long("permissions")
90                 .help("Show permissions, with owner and group"),
91         )
92         .arg(
93             clap::Arg::with_name("no-permissions")
94                 .short("P")
95                 .long("no-permissions")
96                 .help("Don't show permissions"),
97         )
98         .arg(
99             clap::Arg::with_name("sizes")
100                 .short("s")
101                 .long("sizes")
102                 .help("Show the size of files and directories"),
103         )
104         .arg(
105             clap::Arg::with_name("no-sizes")
106                 .short("S")
107                 .long("no-sizes")
108                 .help("Don't show sizes"),
109         )
110         .arg(
111             clap::Arg::with_name("sort-by-count")
112                 .long("sort-by-count")
113                 .help("Sort by count (only show one level of the tree)"),
114         )
115         .arg(
116             clap::Arg::with_name("sort-by-date")
117                 .long("sort-by-date")
118                 .help("Sort by date (only show one level of the tree)"),
119         )
120         .arg(
121             clap::Arg::with_name("sort-by-size")
122                 .long("sort-by-size")
123                 .help("Sort by size (only show one level of the tree)"),
124         )
125         .arg(
126             clap::Arg::with_name("whale-spotting")
127                 .short("w")
128                 .long("whale-spotting")
129                 .help("Sort by size, show ignored and hidden files"),
130         )
131         .arg(
132             clap::Arg::with_name("no-sort")
133                 .long("no-sort")
134                 .help("Don't sort"),
135         )
136         .arg(
137             clap::Arg::with_name("trim-root")
138                 .short("t")
139                 .long("trim-root")
140                 .help("Trim the root too and don't show a scrollbar"),
141         )
142         .arg(
143             clap::Arg::with_name("no-trim-root")
144                 .short("T")
145                 .long("no-trim-root")
146                 .help("Don't trim the root level, show a scrollbar"),
147         )
148         // other options
149         .arg(
150             clap::Arg::with_name("cmd-export-path")
151                 .long("outcmd")
152                 .takes_value(true)
153                 .help("Where to write the produced cmd (if any)"),
154         )
155         .arg(
156             clap::Arg::with_name("commands")
157                 .short("c")
158                 .long("cmd")
159                 .takes_value(true)
160                 .help("Semicolon separated commands to execute"),
161         )
162         .arg(
163             clap::Arg::with_name("color")
164                 .long("color")
165                 .takes_value(true)
166                 .possible_values(&["yes", "no", "auto"])
167                 .default_value("auto")
168                 .help("Whether to have styles and colors (auto is default and usually OK)"),
169         )
170         .arg(
171             clap::Arg::with_name("conf")
172                 .long("conf")
173                 .takes_value(true)
174                 .help("Semicolon separated paths to specific config files"),
175         )
176         .arg(
177             clap::Arg::with_name("height")
178                 .long("height")
179                 .help("Height (if you don't want to fill the screen or for file export)")
180                 .takes_value(true),
181         )
182         .arg(
183             clap::Arg::with_name("file-export-path") // deprecated since broot 1.6
184                 .short("o")
185                 .long("out")
186                 .takes_value(true)
187                 .hidden(true)
188                 .help("Where to write the produced path (if any)"),
189         )
190         .arg(
191             clap::Arg::with_name("install")
192                 .long("install")
193                 .help("Install or reinstall the br shell function"),
194         )
195         .arg(
196             clap::Arg::with_name("set-install-state")
197                 .long("set-install-state")
198                 .takes_value(true)
199                 .value_name("state")
200                 .possible_values(&["undefined", "refused", "installed"])
201                 .help("Set the installation state (for use in install script)"),
202         )
203         .arg(
204             clap::Arg::with_name("print-shell-function")
205                 .long("print-shell-function")
206                 .takes_value(true)
207                 .value_name("shell")
208                 .help("Print to stdout the br function for a given shell"),
209         )
210         .setting(clap::AppSettings::DeriveDisplayOrder);
211     #[cfg(unix)]
212     let app = app
213         .arg(
214             clap::Arg::with_name("listen")
215             .long("listen")
216             .takes_value(true)
217             .help("Listen for commands")
218         )
219         .arg(
220             clap::Arg::with_name("get-root")
221             .long("get-root")
222             .help("Ask for the current root of the remote broot")
223         )
224         .arg(
225             clap::Arg::with_name("send")
226             .long("send")
227             .takes_value(true)
228             .help("send commands to a remote broot then quits")
229         );
230     app
231 }